Details of Friday' Catastrophe. (Continued from Page 1.) There has been little change of design in wedding- rings in many yeWs. The custom of giving a wedding ring is symbolic of the linking of a life companionship, and the ring likewise should last through life. So is it not fitting that you should use more than ordinary care in its selection? What slight changes of style place are displayed at our store, you to feel absolutely secure. ClilltOn, Jeweler and optician. North Platte, ( DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern Untvoralt 'J' V Office over McDonald State Bank The .Phllathea Club Will meet with Mrs. W. E. Shuman Friday evening, Juno 9th. Rev. Geo. William 0f the Presby torlan church went to Bcllovuc last night t attend an alumni banquet. Several nutemobiles loaded with good roads boosters, will go to Gothenburg Wednesday forenoon and act as an es eort to the rood roads special which it duo to reach here about five o'c'ock. For Sale Five room modern house, 1J lots; alpe household furniture. 904 East Fifth St. F. II. Woedjcate ami daughters Goklle and Sylvia were in town yesterday shopping and renewing acquaintances. He stated that crop" are fine eut his way with the exception of wheat, the dry spell having damaged that to some extent . While crops are doing nicely, a good rain will be needed by the end of the week to keep them In good shape. The hot sun of the past few days, together with the wind, is rapidly extracting the moisture. A score or more of youag men held a stag picnic at the Dick grove Sunday, going out about ten in the forenoon and returning at six in the evening. With ample stores of provender and the exer cise of halo fellowship well met, the hours passed very pleasantly. Ex-sWIfT Miller of the Uble country was greeting acquaintances in town yesterday. He says crops are looking fine up his way and that land is going skyward Mt from the high winds but the glowing prospects of a railroad through that sec tie. Jtrife Crimen, Attorneys Roach and Wilcox ami Reporter Cary went to McPhereen county Sunday to attend a ki4m of court and from there go to X,ogM cuwty where couit will be held Wednesday. Attorney W. V, Hoag- land expeef to attend court In Logan county T(i(tdy, The work of enrolllna teachers who eame te town Monday to attend the junior normal, kopt the Hujierintendontl busier than the ticket vender at a circus, and by noon C7 had enrolled. The junior normal work proper was be gun at 1:30 yesterday afternoon. The faculty ia ult present and it is thought that the attendance will be some larger than last year. Supt. Ebright, who went to Wollfleet Saturday to assist in tho organization of a rural high school, stated that a union of three districts wus effected, DIsts. 22, 23, and 80, that dlrcctoro mot and organized, and decided to vote bonds for tho erection of, n six or eight room school building to cost between eight and nine thousand dollars, and will bo known as the Wellfleot rural high school of Lincoln county. District -10, which at flrat had intended Joining in tho union, voted agulnst the proposition. It la planned that Wellflect is to have two rooms in this school and they are Voting two thousand dollars for that purpose. ' Wwk Will Seen Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Tills, ami you'll quickly enjoy their fine results... Constipation and indigestion vanish and fine appetite returns. They rtgtttoU stomach, liver and bowels and fntpttri mw strength and ewerey to tho wba&a iHUffl Tr iUmw Ontv or, ( wbb vrn. in turn, umy scents at Mm Drug Co. and design that have taken in aquality which enables Nebraaka. Dr. A. J . Amos loft at noon yesterday for Tripp county, South Dakoto, whore ho expcctsjto invest in a tract of Innd. lie will be absent about two weeks. Wanted Party to put up nlfnlfa by tho ton. Titos. Doomttlb, Phone D, 75, Mr, and Mrs. ,E. A. Park, of Denver, formerly of this city, passed through to Chicago yesterday morning where they go to attend the Congdon-Park wedding. Mrs. F. W. Miller goes to Omaha Thursday far a Bhort visit prior to taking up a residence in Fremont. She will go to the latter place the latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herrod returned Friday night from'tholr western trip. They will remain In town for a brief time, not having fully decided where they will locate. Lost On the street Saturday a child's locket and chain. Finder please notifr C. V. Turpie. At a congregational meeting of the Baptist church Sunday Rev. R. B. Favoright was appointed a delegate to the Baptls: alliance, which will be held at Philadelphia noxt week. Mr. Faver Ight will leave for that city next Sun day night More than Ave million people in America wear diamonds. There is a reason diamonds make a safe Invest ment. Our diamonds .are the best the market affords and oar prices are the lowest Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Miss Geruldino Bare, who has been visiting relatives in Philadelphia and Huntingdon, Pa., for three months, will arrive home Friday. Enroute home she is visiting in Chicago and will uttend the Congdon-Park wedding. Mrs. R. U. Langfonl and daughter Alice left yesterday for a month's visit with friends at Ivmilngton, Ontario, Canada. Thin is Mrs. Langford's old home and sho has not visited there oinco Bho came to North Platte thirty one years ago. The city council will meet in regular seiuion this evoning. It is expected that tho ordinance granting a franchise to tho telophono company will come up for consideration. The company asks ror a long-time franchise but not an exclusive one, and if this franchise is granted the company expects to ex pend about forty thousand dollars In improving the local plant. Lost btuurdhy afternoon on streets botweeu Nowton's store and Mrs. Langford's boarding house a gold Miolt buckle. Finder return to Dr..H. C, Brock's ofllce and receive reward. What would a show be without girls- Just Ilka a bath without water, nothing to it. Engaged oapeclully to actually portray the exacting characters of tho the Western cow girl, Indian maiden and tho othor female representations appearing In King of tho Cowpunchors, Tho management has spared neither time or expense, to engage his Ideal of what the part called for. If you want to see the handsomest woman in America, den't miss "King of theCowpunchera." Thursday, Juno 8th. A Clumiug Wewan Is ons who, Is lovoly of face, form, mind und temper. But Its hard for a woman to bo charming without health. Awoak, sickly woman will be nervous and irrit able. Constipation and kidney poisons tliow in pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complexion. But Lkctrlc Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. Thoy regulate Stomach, Liver and KIdnays, purify tho blaod; glvo dtwitltr nAHIII. Iivlorlit mtikit imim 1 BHV vetvoiy sain, jovo.y compiexloa Rt perfect health. Try them. 60 cents Jat 8 Ue Drug Ci s i, velvety skin, lovoly complextoa By last night the debris of thc wrecked cars had been mostly cleared away. Twa special agents, Messrs. Mc- Clements and Mcggesen, Supt. Mc Keown and Asst. Supt. Roth and Mas ter Mechanic Niland from Cheyenne were on the scene investigating and as sisting in clearing away the wreck. - Funeral Service. The funeral services of Engineer Warren Kelly were held Sunday after noon from tho Lutheran church, Rev. C. B, Harman officiating. The services were largely attended by relatives and friends from in and outof the city. Tho floral tributes were beautiful and clab orate. The B. of L. E. turned out in a body and held tho grand services of this fraternity ever the remains of-their deceased brother. Many hands wero willing to help and many hearts were bleeding in sympathy in this cudden and crushing sorrow. Tho stricken widow feels tho blessings of these min istrations and designed comforts by which she was helped and for the help and kindness of the brotherhood during tbe breavernent and funeral and for the prayers and privileges of the church in the appropriate words and hymns of the service. Near relatives of the family In at tendance at tho funeral were; 0. N; Kelly of Omaha, father of deceased, hi brothers William and Harry of Sterling Mrs. Franzen of Suther land, Benj. Franzen of Wheat? land, Wyo. H. Frnnznn and family "of York, Neb., Mrs. Frontmananddaugh. ter of York, Neb., and a larger number of friends from Sutherland, Pax ton and other points in the state. Kaftiniav nfr.nrnnnn t.lin rmnfilna nt Theodore Thompson wero laid at rest m tno Nortlirjatteceinotery, services for tho dead being conducted by Hov. Charles Harman of the Lutheran church. Tho deceased was a member of tho A. O. U. W. lodge of this city, and that organization attended tho services in u body, as also many of the menus aim ieuow rauroau men at tended to pay a last tribute of respect to the departed. The body of tho Fireman Smith, the third victim, was taken to the home of his mother at Sallna, Kan., for inter ment, accompanied by a committee of members of the B. of L. F. and E. composed of Frank and Glenn Moore, H. 0. Bergstrom, Herman Sluder, Chas. Green and Paul Mettin. FINDING OP TUB INQUIRY BOARD. We, the . undersigned, a beard of Inquiry, convened at North Platte this ara day or June, mi, lor the purpose of Investigating the explosion of the boiler of engine 354 at a point abou'( one aad .one-half miles east of Bird wood station, 9:35 a. m., June 2d, while running as a second section of train No. 10. After carefully inspecting all parts of tho engine, and hoaring all evidence given by all persons connected with tho train, and thoso handling the engine at the terminal before delivery to the road crew, find: 'mat tno cause ot tno explosion was that Engineer S. W. Kelly permitted watcij to get below crown sheet of fire dox, causing crown sneet ana slue sheets to becomo overheated to such an extetn they could not withstand the strain. This accident caused the death of Silas W. Kelly, fireman Ralph Smith, head brakeman Theadoro Thompson, and an unknown tresspasser riding be tween cars near head end of train. Signed; W. C. McKeown, Suporln tendent; A, J. Wharf, Assistant Sup erintendent; Wm. Niland, Assistant Superintendent; D. W, Baker, Retired Stockman; b W. Mahl, Assistant to Director of Maintenance and Operation; T. C. Patterson, Mayor City of North Platte. A corner's jury was empanelled, com posed of G. S. Huffman, W. R. Ma loney, E. W. Crane, Frank Buchanan and Wm. Harpor, and an inquisition of witnossos and experts began Monday morning at 9 o'clock, to determino if possible, whether there vns any srim lnal liability to be attached to unyono, but nothing positive or tungible was hrouirht Out. Thn Rfl.mlnn Wll noon. An adjournment was then taken until 2 o'clock, one othor witness examined und adjournment taken until Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock when expert testimony of tho. state boiler inspector was dven. Theroal cause of the explosion no one eSKVtelL Al.t t !-... I 1 l'i, wiu iuiiiuuu men iiuvc uxjjruaacu pmua ib)o theories, but after nil it is only conjecture and supposition. It is known positively that water was taken at Paxton, about thirty miles from where the explosion occurred, and if thu wnter in the boiler wns low it muHt have been duo to a dofect or deception of tho water guage,sas Engineer Kelly was known to bo exceptionally careful. sober and reliable, and was regarded as ono of tho best young engineers on the road. more is ono medicine that every ramiiy should be provided with and especially during tho summer months; viz: Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain te bo needed. It costs but a ntiartur. tCas yau affenl to be without It? For Bate uy all dealers. Satisfaction on This monogram on the radiator stands lor all you can ask -in a motor car. . fhalfflers "30" $1600. Maimers "Forty" $2800. Including Bosch Mag neto, Prest-O-Lite tank, gas lamps. Why Not Be ja Season? Now ia the time to writo HAIL and TORNADO Insurance. Wo cannot pick up a paper but we see tho report oijthe terriDie damages that wlndstorma'are doing all over tho country, and tho farmers -of tills community onlv too well know the damago that hail can do. Roe me at once and let mo nrotoet you from the unavoidable risks. C. F. Templk. Geo. Payne is building fences and making other improvements on his land. ' Olo Fladlbo has complotcd the re pairs on two houses for J. II. Mc- Wllllams. Mrs. Joo Schwalgcr And sister, Miss Anna McLano, have returned from a visit at Hastings. Mrs. Jcsso Thompson and John Oveal and wlfoof Ringgold wero buy ing supplies hero yesterday. Mrs. Milldred Larrott, of Gothen burg, was tho guest Sunday of hor friend Miss Gertrude Baker, returnlnir homo yesterday, A. F. Fink Is now nicely located In his now quartors two doors north of his former location. Mr. Fink is carrying a vory largo stock of harness and saddlery goods. Tho Catholic choir wll) enjoy a moonlight plcnlo at tho Halliiran grovo this oveuing, and hayracks will be at tho church at 0:30 to convey tho members there Tho Children's day program, given Sunday evening in tho Christian church, was much enjoyed by the many who attonded, An oiferlng for tho foreign missions was taken and 636.00 realized thereby. Editor Kelly and wlfo wont to Om aha Sunday to attend tho state edit orial association meet which con vened thero yesterday. Great pre parations havo boon matlu to enter tain thomilll pushers and they cer tainly will luivo a swell time. Alice IUrge, who Is to -graduate from the University of Lincoln noxt weok, has boon awarded the degree' of Sigma XI. This Is a society for tho encouragement of original Inves tigation In science, puro and applied, and Is only given to ono slxth of tho graduating okiss whose scholarship rank is highest. Geo. T. Pattorson, son of our townsman, T. LV Pattorson, who has silent tho past threo years "as Captain in tho army in tho Philippine Islands, has Just received his appointment as major, and Is at present making a toullof Europe, which will Include tho coronation of King Georgo at London, and expects to reach Amer ica about Sopt 1st. Hail Insurance. ThlB is the time to take out hail in surance. Don't wlt until your crops are destroyed but let us write you u policy In tho old reliablo St. Paul, None better nor cheaper. Bhatt & Goodman, Agents Col, Walter L. Stoll, the well known und brilliant crlminnl lawyer who gained world-wido publicity, ns prose cuting attorney in tho sensational Tom Horn case, who was convicted apd hanged for tho murder of Wlllio Nichel, son of a Laramie county, Wyoming, sheepman, died suddenly of heart fail ure at his homo in In Cheyenno Friday, Stoll also defended u number of cattle mon In 1892, who were arrested by fed- t- - ....... uii wiu vuiuui ttivu JeNnsofl eejinty Invasion against alleged the Road ': And You got real satisfaction when on the rond in n CKalmer's Car not merely the absence of motor troubles, freedom from mechan ical unnoynnces, but satisfaction with yourself and in your stand ing: wlthjther motorists. "When you pass n follow traveler in the open country, ho un consciously! says to himself or his companion, "There goes a Chalmers;'" and with the expression goes tho confidence and confidence and admiration involuntary given to something standard. When you drive up to your club or your ofllce, whother it bo on crowded Broadway or thu quiet sldo street of tho small city or country town, tho Chalmers trade mark on tho radiator "stands for all you can ask in a motor car." That monogram and what is behind it gives to the car, and through thenar to tho ownor or passenger, tho "class" which only goes with known quality, definite standing, reputation. This reputation has been established, not by trying to mako many cars, but by making good cars; not by getting customers, but by keeping them. A trreat factory, and n greater organization stand behind every Chalmers car and every Chalmers owner. This organization offers to owners Chalmers service, which, liko the car it-elf, is the best the motorist can buy.- Tho testimony and experionco of 15,000 users tell you just how good aro Chalmers cars and tho real mean ing of Chalmors service. MINOR HINMAN, Dealer, v North Platte, Nebraska. Chalmers "30" Pony Tonneau, $1700. Including Bosch magneto Prest-O-Lite tank, gns lamps, three oil lamps, horn and tools. Best grade mohair top, $100 additional. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of Klrat Natlontl Hank A preliminary meeting for Jho pur pose of making arrangamcnts for the construction of a road from North Platte to Maxwell was held last Friday at the ElkB rooms in this city, and ar rangements were made for a general public meeting to be held in the court houso noxt Monday evening, June 12th, at 8 o'clock. The proposed road begins at tho extreme east of Fourth stret, which is about a mile cast of the city limits, then proceeds in a northeast erly direction to the bank of the North Platte river. Here it is proposed to put in a pormancnt bridge. The road would then follow down the bank of river about a mlio until it reached the section line running east and west. This section lino would bo followed until tho right of way of tho Union Paciflc Railroad is reached, and would then continue along tho outside of this right of way to Maxwell. This would cut out tho big curve in tho Union Pacific and tho road would undoubtedly be shorter than the distance 'by rail to Maxwell. Tho last legislature passed a law which provided that tho state should furnish ono hnf the cost of the construction of bridges across ctreams wider than 175 feot, and the promoters of tho North Platte to Maxwell road propose to apply to the state for one- half of the cost of the bridgo. The object In securing the road is to make tho county sent more accessible to peo ple from Maxwell and In tho eastern part of the county. It would save eight miles In the trip from North Platte to Maxwell and would savo a correspond ing distance to other people living northeast or southeast of North Platte. Whooping cough i not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It haa been used in many epidemics of. this disease with perfect success. For sale by all dealer;. KKPOItT or THE CONDITION OK.TIIE McDonald State Bank, of North I'latto; Ohartor .No. 617 Incorporated. In the State of Nohraska. at tho close of business Juno iHt, 1011. HESOUKOKS. Loan ml (llDcouutij.... fWI.U'l.M uTuraraiiK scurru anil unsocurod .Tt..... 2.13,03 Bonds, securltlos. Judg ments, claim, etc. ... 15.500.00 Ranking house, furnl- turo and fixtures 15.000.00 tsuu irwm nam i Binio and prlvatobankx wi.437,83 Clink and IUmiw of ex- cliaiiao I.Tnu.17 Currency ao.noi) Hold COln I.33O.0U bllvor, nlckolnaiid conU. 3,774.tH- lt7.1ttt.00 Total II.W.3I3.1S . I.1A1IIMTIE3 Capital atock paid In.... $00,ono.00 Surplus fund............. 2.000.00 Undivided proOUnot... 13.518 BJ Individual uepoalta ub Ject to check 207,183,00 Dmiiaiid certificates of deposit 5,511.07 Tlmo certllicatesof do ixjslt 0.0M.aj Caiblohi check out standing 3,576.11 rjun to natn'l. atatu and prlvato hanks 27.lSl.4Si Xifl.S3I.5B Total f 152.845. is 8tiwSiN vlf?kB.(1ou;lty.0., Lincoln, as. I. W, II. MclJonuld. Oaahlor of tho abovo named bank, do hereby swonr that tho above Btatoment la a correct and true copy of tho report mado to thoStato Hanklne Hoard. ... . Y-j Mcdonald. Cashier. Attcatt pius Director, o . ... . J- " McDonald, Director, dar cTJuM fgn,?worntob'OMe U Mh Mycdmnte Wif UWlc- all the Time. Ray Majorovitch of Sutherland was in the city yesterday and says thero has been plenty of moisture up his way, in fact so much rainfall that corn plowing has been delayed. Tho fourth semi-annual meeting of the State Health Association which con venes in Omaha Juno 12-13, gives prom ise of being ono of the most interest ing in tho history of the organization. A number of North Plntte men are on the program for addresses. Among those who will attend from heroC are Rev. Geo. Williams, J. F. McAbeo, nod Dr. Quiglcy, president of the as sociation. Wins Fight for Life. It was aloof and bloody battle for life that was waged by James B. Mershon, of Nowark, N. J., of which he writes: "I had lost much bloocTfrom lung hem orages, and was vory weak and run down. For eight months I was unable to work. Death seemed close at my heels, when I began, threo weeks ag", to use Dr. King's New Discovery. But is has helped mo greatly. It is doing all that you claimed." For weak, sore lungs, obstinate, coughs, stubborn colds, hoarseness, la grippe, asthama, hay fever or any throat or lung trouble its supreme. 60 cents & $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Stone Drug Co. Take a Peek it Miss Rose Bud. Isn't she pretty in her graduating gown? Renlly you are, Miss R. Bud, and we want you to call as you are and Have Us Photograph ) You Every girl in your clnss wants u pic ture, aji d don't forget Tom, he is ding for your phofo. G. W. ANDERSON Photographer Save Your Suits. Wouldn't vnn lik fectly good last spring's suit again? And wouldn't you wear it if you could shorten tho jacket to conform to tho present style If you haven't the time lll?tlh or if y?,V don t know how, just send it to us. Wn L" r deal of this kind of workThispriS w.w..,..,. j,, ujrumjr, pressing and ndding new collars and cuffs. X few such chances will i ..... itniuuvu yuur om suit bo that you will actually enjoy The French Diy Cleaning and PreBe ng l'lace. A. SIGEU The Littl. Taifor. 228 E3. 6th St. HidhelBa