The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 06, 1911, Image 2

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LItA L. DARE, Publisher.
If ono may Judge by tho size of tho
claims presented in tho various conn
tlos for ehecp killed by dogs, wo are'
rapidly losing tho best of our sheep
In Kentucky, and tho dogs are show
Ing an almost human discrimination
in mutton, says tho Loulsvlllo Coup
ler-Jouranl. Bhoop killed by dogs aro
valued at anywhero from 0 to $13
aploco. From this it appears that tho
dogs must bo given to killing Cots
wolds and Southdowns In full fleece.
In ono western Kentucky county i(
has bech discovered that. sheep aro
very generally listed for taxation at
4 a head. In tho samo county the
claims allowed for bucks, owes and
lambs klllod by dogs range from 8 to
912. If tho assessor's roport is to bo
bollovcd, thcro must bo a tremendous,
lot of scrub sheep in that county to
pull down tho avcrago to $1 a hcadj
and tho dogs must cxorclso mighty
good judgment in avoiding tho "scala
wags" when they go forth on a alnugh
terlng expedition. Tho dpgs aro show,
ing a marked preferenco for high
class mutton that presently, it Is to
bo apprehended, thoro will bo no
blooded sheep left in that particular
county, Doad sheep seem to bo moro
vnluablo than llvo ones, and It is dif
ficult to account for such a situation
uuleBs it bo that Kentucky dogs aro
progressing extraordinarily in acumen
and In fastidiousness. Under such
circumstances It might be woll to
ralso tho dog tax or to import a
consldorablo numborot canines that
aro not so allflred smart
To tho long list of , recipes for at
taining old ago must 'now bo addod ft
now one, highly rccommendedod by
a man not with a Teutonic, but with
a Celtic, namo. He is cnthutastlo
about sauerkraut, which ho maintains
will enablo any man or woman to llvo
a contury or more. It will conduce
not only to longovlty, but to happl
uess. It is both nutritious and appe
tizing. It feeds tho body And stimu
lates the mind. It 1b cheap, At least
that is what its sponsor claims as the
result of his personal dally experience
with sauerkraut for about CO years.
II does not say how often one ought
to ent sauerkraut in order to become
a centenarian, but sjnee he advocates
two meals a day for the average pep
eons, he would probably not recom
mend eating sauerkraut between
A wise. Connecticut hen rode on the
pilot of an engine as far as a point
known as Plymouth Rock which was
her own kind of a henand laid an
egg on the pilot in payment of her
fare. There is really no occasion to
go, fishing when stories like this can
be picked up at one's back door.
One ot the writers who sell stories
to the magazines complains that he
gets only 35 for a story 6,000 words
long, Well, it he isn't a cripple he can
turely find a job as ditch digger or
a farm laborer somowhere, provided
money is all he wants.
The harem Bklrt for women Is not
enough, it seems. The Scottish High
landers la New York were recently
incorporated with the avowed object
of encouraging tho wearing of kilts
on the public streets.
A Chicago doctor thlnka that every
one should have Tils vermiform appen
dix removed. Who will be the first
legislator to Introduce a bill making
the .removal of vermiform appendices
comp&hwry? ,
The rejWt is persistent that tho
queea of England doesn't like Ameri
cans. There, are a whole, lot of Ameri
cans toadying around royalty that we
do not care, much for either. Tho
queen la probably justified.
We are advised that in eating grape
fruit it is well to use a range-finder
and then deploy the spoon so that
the juice does not hit tho pyo. It Is
bound to hit tho oyo of somebody olao
at tho table, howover.
A manufacturing, company In Now
Jersey has had a young man arrested,
jor flirting witn lta girl employes.
Ills case will perhaps come under tho
head of forming a combination In re
straint ot trade.
A St. Louis sword awallowcr trlod
the othor day to swallow a tork. and
It is going to be difficult for him to
recover. The sword-swallower never
.should fool with pointed tools,
Ten thousand alarm clocks were re
cently shipped from this country to
China, and a Philadelphia paper nrlntH
a joke about the waking up of the
Hermit Kingdom.
A western railroad Is going to put
soda fountains on Its summer trains
This will, without doubt, add to its
Azzlcal valuation.
Many Crop Failures Attributable
to Faulty Leveling.
Machinery Necessary for Proper
Preparation of Land Is Simple and
Inexpensive Should Always
Be In Order.
Dy J. If. BQU1IIE3, Now Mexico Agri
cultural College.)
Moro crop failures on Irrigated
lunds may bo traced to faulty level
ing than to any other causo under
tho control 'of tho farmer. Poorly
lovoled lands aro cxpcnslvo to irri
gate, both with regard .to tho amount
of water and tho amount of labor re
quired; and In addition, tho plants In
tho different parts of tho Hold aro so
unequally watered that unsatisfactory
crops aro tho result. Tho machlnory
necessary for leveling on tho small
farm is slmplo mid Inexpensive, and
should bo kept In order that all
sparu time of mon and teams can bo
used to the best advantage. On tho
Bmnll farm all that is necessary is a
small scraper, a plow, and a plank
In lovollng, tho first thing to do Is
to decldo Just how tho land can bo put
into shapo by moving tho least
amount ot dirt. A good way to begin
Is to set stakes" to represont borders,
and boo how thoy may bo located in
order to obtain tho host results. If
Is not necessary that an entire field
should bo level, but only that tho soil
within a border bo so; and each bord
er may drop lower or rlso higher than
tho ono adjoining, without any sorlous
inconvonlonco In either seeding or har
vesting. Dordcra should not bo spaced
too wldo. Forty-fivo to sixty feet will
bo a' good width If tho Hold Is at all
sloping; and It Is not boot to niako
them moro, than 100 feet apart, oven
when tho land Is level,
Locate each border doflnltoly, and
mark It by throwing up n couplo of
furrows, or in any other way that is
convenient. Then beginning tho high
end of tho field, work- out tho first
border, taking nil excess dirt from
tho high places and spreading It
wncro needed in tho low places. In
snndy soils tho borders should not bo
moro than 200 or 300 feet in length,
but on clay soils no limit ncod bo
set for tho length. For tho location
of tho borders, especially if thoy aro
long, It Is almost necessary that a
level bo used. Thcso may bo pur
chased for about $18 to $20. Perma
nent borders should be built at tho
time of leveling. These should be
Just high enough to control the
movement of water, and should be
wide enough to prevent any danger
of their being dragged down by ma
chinery or washed down by tho run
ning water. A convenient and very
satisfactory way to build such bor
ders is to drag up the dirt with a
ncraper and deposit It along the lines
of the border; where it should bo
smoothed Into the desired shape.
If the borders are built with h
broad base and slowly sloping sides,
crops can be grown along the sides
and top without any difficulty. The
base of such borders should not be
less than eight to ton feet wldo. After
all borders and tho chocks or cross
borders are comploto, it Is best to
go oyer each section ot the field and
true up all slight Inequalities that
may have been missed in the first
lovollng. Here again tho level is ot
great value, as It points out thoso er
rors much moro closely than tho best
trained eye. It there la free and
Abundant supply of water, and tho
field will not noed It for eorao time, it
is woll to glvo it a trial irrigation:
making a noto of all tho points that
are either low or high, and correct
ing these as soon as tho soil is dry.
Ono thing that must bo borne in
mind is that where auy largo amount
of earth Is hauled Into a low place,
the levol ot tho land will bo destroyed
by this soil settling after tho first few
irrigations, unlesB allowance is mado
for this and a slight oxcobb ot soli 1b
moved in, This Is hard to catlmato,
and for this reason it is well that tho
field bo not seeded to a permanent
crop, like alfalfa, tho first year aftor
any decided leveling. The small grains
are perhaps the best crops to try on
nowly leveled flolds. Thoy do not oc
cupy tho soil for a great length ot
time, and can stand an excess of
water in any place that happens to
bo low, porhaps, bettor than a ma
Jorlty of tho crops grown In this re
glon, Then, too, tho aurfneo is loft
In an cxcellont condition for correct
ing slight inequalltlen in lovel that
may yet remain, Whon thoso cor
reotlons aro mado, tho soil should bo
ready to put in alfalfa or any othor
crop that will bo on tho Irtnd for
years with o fear of drowning out
tho lower levels. Groat advantago in
operation results from tho uso ot woll
built boxes and gates tor tho turn
outa and othor control of water. A
subsequent bullotln will treat of
thoso more fully.
Raise More Market Poultry,
It has beeu aakod will tho fancy
eventually bo driven to tho wall by
the progress mado In growing market
poultry? Certainly not. Wo noed
fancies real fancies. Wo want mou
to create breeds and to perfect tho
old ones, Dut tho speculator and
huckster is fast cooing htn finish.
The man with a string of breeds is
not a fancier. He is a speculator. It
would be next to impossible for htm
to give each of thcaa breeds his best
attention, To thoroughly know
breed, and to get out ot It all that Is
good In it would require an ordinary
Frequently Low-Lying Groves Are
Less Fruitful Than Those Plant
ed on Higher Levels.
Every fruit grower, whether a prac
tical or thcorotical man, should rea
lize from tho very beginning that to
succeed in fruit growing ho must
work hard with both head and hands.
In the planting of nn orchard thcro
aro many features to bo considered,
alt of which nro equally Important in
tbo success of fruit growing site, nlr,
drainage, soli, plan, selection of vari
eties, selection, eourco and caro of
trees, time of planting, cultivation, Ir
rigation, pruning, spraying and amudg
Ing. Whntovor the size of tho or
chard there aro several polnto which
should bo considered beforo tho trees
aro planted, writes Fabian Garcia in
tho Denver Flold and Farm. Tho first
of these is tho stto or location, and
this Is of much importance.
Whonevor posslblo tho orchardlst
should select a gently sloping stto, as
such. a locality provides good nlr
drulragc. This, whllo not genernlly
consmcroa, is very important in or
charding. Cold nlr is heavier lhan
warm air, and for this reason it will
settlo In tho lower places, which are
most likoly to bo tho frosty ones.
Frequently tho low-lying orchnrds nro
less fruitful than thoso planted on tho
sloping or higher levels. In all other
Irrigated districts, tho land must' be
ns level as posslblo In order to facili
tate Irrigation, and for thlB reason it
is nlmost Imposstblo fo sccuro an Ideal
slta so far as air drainage is con
cerned. Porhnpo tho best fruit bolts, consld'
orlng them frpm .tho nlr drainage
proposition, Ho on tho first levol ot
our mesa lands'. It enough water
could bo devetoped on these high lands
tho damage caused by tho spring
frosts' would bo largely mitigated. Old
tlmo fruit growers and many writers
lay groat stress upon tho soli and one
would think from their descriptions
concerning thoso requirements of the
different fruits that thoro would bo no
hopo of success unless a soil of exact
ly such nnd such chnractor could be
found. It Is true that whflo moat
fruits aro partial to certain kinds ot
soils, most of them will do well on
many kinds, provided it is deop
enough nnd caro is taken of tho trees.
By proper attention to tlllngo and
utilizing tho many different methods
of changing tho character of tho soil,
ono need not bo discouraged if it la
not typical in ovory way for this oi
that fruit. Ot course better succest
nt less oxpenuo and labor may bo had
it tho soil is adapted to tho fruit
planted, Oftentimes the greatest sue
cess dopends more upon tho individual
who cares for tho trocs than upon the
soil in which they are grown. Some
men succeed in poor soil wlillo othors
tall or havo poor results on good soil
A very largo percentage of tho young
trees which dlo perish principally on
account of not having had propel
Charcoal and Chickens.
Charcoal Is necessary for fowls tt
keep1 their digestion In good condition
and It should always be kept where
they can got at It. Charcoul, unlesi
the slcknesn Is severe', will cure almoal
all tho ailments to which chickens art
subject. In buying charcoal, gel
the coarse-ground kind. Whoro pow
dered charcoal la used, it should b
mixed with tho mash. Sometlmei
chlckenu overeat; the charcoal pre
vents trouble from this cause. South
ern Farm Advocate.
Soil for Flowers.
Flowers should .havo a friable, von
fertllo boII in which to grow. Thoj
ofton mnko n brave display in rathei
poor soil, but thoy appreciate good
Do not feed corn to tho breeding
ewes; It is too heating.
Pigs that nre carelessly weaned arc
likely to bo glvon qulto a setback,
Tho sheepfold should bo llbcrallj
bedded and the bedding should be
changed often.
For horses nt hard or fast work in
tho Bummer tlmo, clover hay may
provo too laxative.
In order that bows may use oati
to tho best advantago they should by
all means bo ground.
If tho sllngo has boon properly put
in, thoro 1b no, reason why it should
noi Keep uirougn ino summer,
After pigs nro weaned, ono of tht
most common cnuseB of runts Is the
feeding ot a straight corn diet,
Peas should bo woll podded before
hogs aro turned In, nnd after that
stago they may bo hogged oft with
For stallions, brood marcs, .young
horses, and horses at light work, good
quullty clover or alfalfa hay can not
bo excelled.
Silage Is vory nearly as cheap ns
paBturo and In composition Is prac
tlcally tho same, pound for pound, as
timothy pasture.
Peas alono make a valuable pasture
for hogs, although tho hogs should
not bo turned In on tho crop as soon
as either cattle or sheep.
Corn sllago 1b an excellent feed for
steers on account ot Its succulence
and pnlat ability, nnd becauso ot Jts
comparatlvo rlchneBB In carbohydrates
and fat.
In proventlng and treating all din
capes of young pigs, It is well, In add!
tlon to giving feed ot the best quality,
to allow plenty ot exerclso, sunshine,
and puro air.
To check scouring in the pigs It Is
recommeudcvl to give the sow two or
three teaspoonfuls ot tincturo of
opium or place a tew drops on tho
pigs' tongues.
Crow Heads Puzzle the Officials
1 pretty kottlo of fish. Tho oftlces
of tho county clerks In Indiana nro
being filled to overflowing with tho
heads of dead crows, and tho result Is
not pleasing to tho sense-of smell, to
say tho lenBt. Camo about this way:
At tho Inst session of tho legislature
tho farmers of tho state succeeded in
having a law enacted which placed a
bounty ot ten cents upon tbo head of
every crow. Tho farmers argued that
tho crown destroyed much of thefr
crops by eating tho seeds after they
wcro scattered on tho ground and
wcro a nuisance in goncrai. Every
body thought It would bo a good
schomo to abolish the pest by killing
off a largo number of the prolific
crows, And bo it camo to pass that
the law wob onacted and 'moat every
body thought tho question was solved
at onco and for all tlmo.
Dut It wann't. Tho county clerks
aro tho sufferers nnd complalnanto
now. Tho farmer boys spend their
Chinese Queues
CHICAGO. Prices of coiffures nro
duo for a slump and "milady of
tlio boulovards may Boon bo prome
nading down Michigan avenue bo-
decked In tho very latest of lato im
ported puffs which but rocontly form
ed tho most conspicuous part of tho
hirsute adornment of tho Celestials of
South Clark BtrecL
It may seom strango that tho most
fashionable of Chicago's smart sot
will bo nblo to purchaso real "Import
ed" puffs, curls, braids, switches and
rats which wcro once tho queues of
Chicago chop suoy waiters and Chin
ese laundrymen, but tho fact remains
Indisputable, for according to the edict
recently passed in China 00 per cent,
of all tho Celestials In tho United
States have divorced themselves from
ono of tho moat typically distinguish
ing features of tho race tho queue.
Following a similar movo in tho
Chinatown of Now York. San Francis
co and other cities, the Chinese of
Chicago the other day kept tho barbers
busy with tho shears and by night
thoro wero few loft along South Clark
street who could boast of tho "pig
tails." which wero tholr prldo of other
dnys. Hp Lung, mayor of Chicago's
Chinatown, and tho leaders ot the
Wife Rifles Pockets! Then Beat Her
(N SUMrtin
rtn pickih'
Leo ot tbo superior court, In tho
course ot a separation suit brought
by Elizabeth T. England against her
husband, John E. England, stated that
a man is justified in chastising his
spouse if Bhe rifles his pockets.
The Englnnds havo been married
about flvo yoars, and recently thero
has boon troublo in tho household.
MrB. England wanted Boparato sup
port from hor husband when sbo came
into court Sho told on the wltnesB
stand that they had three children
and had boen living happily enough
until a short tlmo ago.
Ono night, sho related, Mr. England
arrived at his homo on Warren stroot
about 3 a. m and proceeded to curl
up on the floor. Mrs. England ad
mitted that sho thought ho was asleep
and started to go through his pockets
Aero Landing and Lake on Roof
NEW YORK. Now York within a
year Is to have ono of tho most re
markable buildings on earth. It Is
designed to replaco Madison Square
Garden, nnd not tho least of Its fea
tures will bo a landing stago for fly
ing machines. A $2,000,000 structuro
is to bo reared on tho slto of tho old
Drewstor carriage factory on tho west
dido ot Droadway botween Forty-seventh
and Forty-ElgWh streets, It will
bo used mainly (or exhibition pur
poses and various trades In tho sport
ing line.
The Droadway project Is backed by
Interests identified with the Schlltz
Drowlng company of Milwaukee, rep
resented in Now York by John Oh
mels, roBtaurantour, and OBcar
Schmidt. The building wllj be erected
by the AtlaB Development company,
which in January ot last year took a
long lease on the Drewster site from
tho Sutphln estate.
The now building is to be adapted
particularly to tho needs ot the au
tomobile, motor boat and aviation In
dustries and their allied trades. With
"off rainy dnys" hunting crows. Thoy
aro bringing them to tho county scats
by hundreds. Tho heads aro strung
llko so many beads or pearls, and oft-
on tho strings measure four or flvo
feet in length. In communities whero
tho crows nro plentiful and that
seems to bo all over Indiana tho gun
ners can bag enough crows in a day
to realize a good compensation for
their work.
Hero is whero tho rub comes in.
Tho county clerk, who receives nnd
pays for tho crow heads must keep
them until his books, stock and ofllco
materials aro audited by tho county
commissioners, which Is onco a year.
Now what Is tho county cleric going
to do with tho hundreds and hundreds
of crow heads brought to hln ofllco,?
Surely ho cannot put thorn away In
tho eafo with other valuables. Neither
can he throw them away, for In that
event ho would havo, to Btand tho
bounty monoy from his own pocket.
Tbo result is that his ofllco1 smells to
high heaven, and oven tho salo of
marriago licenses has suffered a
And that la tho reason tho county
clerks of Indiana havo signed a round
robin and forwarded it to Governor
Marshall, praying him to offor a solu
tion, or at least appoint a commission
for that end.
for Milady's Wig
famous Moy family, Moy Tong Geo
and Moy Tong Hoy, all bowed with
good graco beforo the power of tho
Tho hair Is being shipped by tho
Chinese to London whoro largo Eng
lish hnlr dealers will convert It into
coiffures ot the latest fashions and
ot varlduB shades, and then ship "real
Imported" puffs back to American soil.
Tho monoy which the Chinese in
thlB country will rocelvo for the hair
Is to bo Bent back to China.
Some tlmo ago an edict was passed
to tho effect that all citizens or for
mer citizens ot China might cut off
tholr queues or retain them as they
caw fit It was formerly ono of tho
strictest laws ot tho country that
every citizen must wear a queue, and
thoso without thorn wero not allowed
to roturn to tho empire on pain ot
sovero punishment.
in search of (a watch and ring which
sho claimed belong to her. Dut Mr.
England woko up and gavo hor a slap
In the face. - '
Sho tried to go through his pockets
again and testified that, ho gavo her
a kick In tho back. Under cross-examination
Mrs. England told that she
had struck hor husband with a shoo.
After listening to considerable ot
this testimony, Judgo Leo stated In
his opinion this couple ought to be
brought together and become rCcon
clled. Ho brought out tho fact that
t.ho woman only wanted separate sup
port and probably would become
reconciled to her huBband somq time,
and thought tho present n good timo.
Judge Leo conferred with Lawyer
Thomas F. Coonoy, who represented
Mrs. England, and Lawyer Arthur
Cushlng, representing Mr. England,
and thoy agreed to do what thoy could
to effect a reconciliation.
"Dut you must toll your client." ad
monished Judge Lee, with a smile, in
addressing Lawyer Coo'ney, "that sho
must not go through hor husband's
pockets again. A man la justified In
slapping his wife if sho goes through
his pockets."
this end In view, certain unusual
structural features havo been planned,
Buch ns a starting and landing track
on tho roof for flying machines, a
lake CO by 12G feet, also on tho roof,
for tho display of motor boats, and an
enormouB freight find passenger ele
vator, 25 by 62, capablo of carrying on
aeroplane, a 60-foot motor boat or
about 400 persons at ono trip.
Tho basemont, which will havo a
very high celling, will contain a reo
taurant seating 0,000 or 7,000 persona
and run on tho plan of tho famous
rathskellers of Berlin and Munich.
Tbo roof will bo used as an open air
garden in tho summer. Tho lake is to
bo utilized as a skating rluk in tha
HE HAD $400.00 IN CASH IN 1003?
NOW WORTH $8,000.00.
My parents wero originally Cana
dians from Essex County, Ontario. 1
was born In Monroo County, Michigan,
from which place I moved to Red Lake
FoIIb, Minnesota, whero I farmed for
22 years. I sold my farm thero In tho
summer of 1003 and In September of
that year camtf to Canada with my
wlfo and eight children. I had about
$400 In cash, team ot horses, a cow, a
few sheep and some chickens. I took
up a quarter section of land near Jack
FiBh Lake, Mcota P. O., and later on
purchased for 2,000.00 an adjoining
quarter section. I havo now 48 head
of cattle, a numbor of horses, good
buildings and consider my holding is
worth nt least 8,000.00. My children
havo raised from 300 to 500 worth
of garden truck each year since wo
havo been hero. I havo never had a
poor crop nnd havo never hod one
frosted. My wheat has averaged from
25 to 30 bushels por ncro with one or
two years considerably mor . My
data havo always yielded well up to 60
bushels por acre and onco or twlco as
high as 85. My cattlo havo never beori
stabled in winter, and do not need It.
I consider that thlB country offers bet
ter opportunities for Bottlers than any
whero I havo ovor boen. I am sure
that almost any person can como hore
and buy land at say 15.00 por acre
and pay for It in ono crop. My ex
perience is that if a man farms his
land In tho right way ho is not likely
to havo his crop frosted.
Most pt tho sottlers In my district
are Americana and Canadians and I
know lots of them who enmo hero with
little or no capital who aro now do
ing well, but I do not know of any who
havo left through disappointment, or
becoming discouraged, have returned
to their former homes.
Thero nro many whoso experience
is similar to that of Mr. Jublnvlllo.
Securo Canadian Government litera
ture from nearest Canadian Govern
ment Agent, and seo for yourself.
"When a Wlfo Is Cruel."
Tho husband rushed Into tho room
whero his wife wns sitting.
"My dear," said he, excitedly.
"Guess what I Intelligence has Just
reached me "
Tho wlfo gavo ft Jump at this point,
rushed to her husband, and, kissing:
him fervently, interrupted with:
"Well, thank heavon, Hnrryt"
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
DASTORIA.n. safe and nurn rmmlv inr
Ipiants and children, and see that it
Dears tbo ov . ,
In Uso For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Costoria
Wanted an Officer.
The sheriff was snoozing away in
his scat in tho coach, when he heard
somo one call out: "Is thero an ofllcer
In tho coach from Now Castle?"
"Yes," replied tho sheriff vory em
phatically. "Loan me your corkscrew, pleaBe,
sir," calmly continued tho drummer.
Tho greatest cause of worry on
Ironing day can be removed by using;
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to tho iron. Sold everywhere, 16 oz.
tor 10c.
If no God, whenco duty? Thero re
mains no othor sourco than blind, bru
tal, tyracnouB force. Duty never is
sues from that Mazzlni.
If constipation Is present, the liver
sluggish, tako Garfield Tea; it is mild Id
action and never loses its potency.
Hardly nnything caij make such &
fool ot a man as side whiskers for
him to bo proud of.
Lewis' Single Binder, extra duality to
bacco, costs moro than other 5e cigars.
Don't let your money burn n. hole
In some other fellow's pocket
When the digestive
system needs toning and
strengthening take the
Bitters promptly.
It does the work.
Try a bottle today.
ft1,""' U'etnlTPeurBCliroiiloUlrBrs,Jon uunim.
?r 5?iihm Bily?pU" ior. Ue Amateur itrict-
u.e.i Thimjisin's Ey Watit.
jf i .'..Y VI Jiipr,inrot Ulcere, In
ini'V'tt iVr'f e2 ,I'"'yl Clrers.Whll V, Hw.ll
Inc.MUk L(r.lreTorHirpi,l!.U..r.v. rMliit.l,
f -til lot. J.v.AlJ.KN.Uapt