I" t THE SEMI-WEEKLY TBIBUME IRA L. BARE, Publisher. TERMS, $1.26 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA EVENTS OF THE DAY HELD TO A . FEW LINES. DAY'S EVENTS BOILED DOWN Personal, Polltlevl, ForelQn and Other Intelligence Interesting to the General Reader Washington. Tho Joint resolution admitting Ari zona and New Mexico to immediate statehood, but withholding tho ap proval of tho constitutions of both tin til tho pcdplo havo voted pn tho pro posed - amendment, passed tho houso by a viva voco vote. No roll call wan demanded on tho final vote. Information as to what steps had been taken for tho criminal prosecu tion of IbCofllcers of tho Standard Oil company under tho recent deci sion of tho supremo court was do manded of tho nttorncy general bx tho eenate which adopted, without debate, r resolution of inquiry offered by Senator Pomorono. Sonator Fryo, nftor forty-ono yearn of continuous service In congress, loft Washington for his home In Maine locauRo of his falling health. With his usual optimism, tho vonorablo senator said: "I nm going back to tho .Maine air, and u good vest will put mo right ngaln in short order." Bon ator Fryo, somo tlmo ago, resigned as president pro tempore of tho senate. Secretary Wilson, of tho depart mont of . agriculture, declinod an In vitation to bo tho guest of tho Ak-Sar-Dcn on Mondny, Juno 12, tho date on whioh the various official of tho bureau of unlmal Industry of tho de partment will hold their annual con vention in Omaha. Dr. Molvln accopt cd tho invitation, but tho secretary cinld that ho would bo unable to visit Omaha at that time. A board of admirals, was appointed to dlscharga tho disagreeable- annual duty of selecting a number of naval officers to bo retired in order to causo a propor flow for promotion. ThlB year tho board must causo fifteen va cancies In addition to the five that iiavo occurred In the usual courso during the last year. The Hat will he made uppf.flye captains,- four com ' manders, four lieutenant commanders and two lieutenants. s ' 1 ' General. , The first of tho postal savings bank bonds will be Issued soon. Bids for tho $50,000,000 of 3 per rent Panama bonds aro coming in lively. Foreign diplomats at Mexico City (ifrte taken steps to safeguard rem Bents. , ' President Taft denied tho nppltca Hon for pardon on behalf of Bankers Walsh and Moreo. Secretory MaoVoagh is accused of reversing tho order imposing n 20 per cont duty on creosoto, Rivalry for tho governorship of dif ferent Mexican states glvos signs of causing possible strife. According to tho Curneglo endow went fund for international peace tho world will bo educated in interna tional law as to how tho law may bo extended, The Prussian diet passed the sec ond reading of the government's bill lornllzlng cremation, William Carren, former manager of a St. Louis theater, pleaded guilty to charges of embezzling $22,000 of the theater'H funds and was aontencod to five years In tho penitentiary. An, amendment by Senator Root to the reciprocity agreemeut was op posed, as llkoly to bo fatal, Insurrectos are keeping up the fight, apparently not knowing that armistice has been declared, La Follette declares tho Lorlmer case must o pusuea out or. tno son' xte at all hazards. The Reformed church. Is not to be hasty In effecting a union with Prcs bytorlun denomination, The general synod of tho Reformed church or the United States elected r. James I. Good of Dayton, O., presi dent. Miss Knthcrlno Elklns, her mother and brother, Stephen B. Elklns, woro passengora on tho Knlsorln Augusta (Victoria on routo for Europe. Thoy were accompanied to tho Bhlp by "Bit ly" Hltt of Illinois, MIbs Elklns laughed morrlly when asked If sho will bo engaged to young Hltt. Tho Oregon-Washington ttallroad & Navigation .company, a subsidiary of tho Union Pacltlc railroad, has Bold to Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and Baring Ilrothorn & Co. $2G,00Q,OQ0 first and refunding mortgngo 4 per cont cold bonds unconditionally guaranteed by Ihe Union Pacillo company, The minority of the senate com mltteo on privileges and elections op poeee any change Jn elections. Martin Skow, a patient at tho state Inna no asylum at Lincoln, Nob., Btran gled Charles Brookman, a fellow in mate. Attorney . General WIckersham brought suit at New York for tho dls solution of the alleged lumber trust. French Minister of War Bortoaux was killed and Premier Monls Injured when, an aeroplany crashed Into crowd near Paris, Hermpslllo, Mexico, was evacuated by the federals without a battle. FROM MANY POINTS Moxlcnn rebels effected tho capturo of many towns In tho state of Slna Ion. Andrew Carnegie and falmly snfled for their summer vacation In Scot land. Two resolutions wero offered In tho sonnto to reinvestigate tho Lorlmer election. A reign of riot and pillage followed tho capturo of tho town of Pachuca by Mexican rebels. Tho Christian Herald has forward el $4,000 more for tho relief of Chi ncso famlno sufferers. It Is said reciprocity has inndo Taft popular in tho cities, but farmers aro yelling "bloody murder," Theodore Roosevelt was criticized by John W. Foster for his recent ut tcrances on arbitration. Tho intcrstnto commerce commis sion was instructed to tako Jurisdic tion over railroads In Alaska, Tho houso voted favorably on tho resolution for admission, of Arizona nnd New Mexico to statehood. Tho Gideons, a rollgtoUs organiza tion, last Sunday placed 1,400 frco bibles In the hotels of Omaha. . Tho birth rato In Now York City for tho first three months oLtho yenr was 28.11 per l;000, tho largost on rec ord. Thoro was a demonstration at Mex ico City bocnuso of tho delay of Presi dent Diaz In tendering his resigna tion. Miss Grace Dexter Bryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan, will bo married June 7th to Richard Har- greaves, of Lincoln. ' Tho Texas railroad commission has fllod forfeiture of charter Buit ngalnBt tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail, way, alleging bankruptcy. ' Louis D. Brandols, who was Invited to conduct tho inquiry by a houso commltto Into tho affairs of the post offico department, declined to servo. ino countess uzocnnyi, lormeriy Miss Gladys Vanderbllt, has given $50,000 to tho city's poor In Budapest In return for, tho city's agreement not to lay streoticar tracks In front of hor palaco. Tho annual meeting of tho trans Mississippi commercial congress sot for September next, will bo held In Kansas City, lnstoad of Oklahoma City. Announcement was mude that tho Iowa City high school has won tho in terscholaBtlo chamnlonshln of tho United States Incidentally taking tho John Jacob Astor cup. Annlo Parros, nlnoteen years old, was suffocated and a property loss estimated at $300,000 was sustained by flro caused by tho explosion of gas In a dairy lunch room nt Pittsburg. President Taft has slgnod a procla mation establishing tho Colorado na tions! park in Mesa county, Colo. Anthony Howard Hunklo, well known -for his Interest in muclslans, died at Hot Springs, Vn. One thousand dclogates attended the fourth national" convention of tho United Presbyterian men's movomont In tho First Presbyterian church at Pittsburg. At Washington Miss Zelda M. Strik er, an orphnn, aged 18, and strikingly beautiful, wna married to Sadaoko FuJ lta, steward on tho United Stntoa ship Dolphin and old onoilgh to be her fathor, Tho romance began In 1000, whon tho bride was a little girl. J, M. Prtrks. former ilnnnclnl secre tary of tho Los AnaelcB Iron Workers' Union, and Bnrt J, Connors, a former Alaskan Ironworker, were -arrested nt Lou Angolofl 011 a charge of. placing dynamite undor the, halt ofs records, which was wrecked ficro last Sep tember. . ' Tho results bf exhaustive inquiry Into tho stool trulii made by tho bureau of corporations wilt not bo available to the houso commltteo in vestlgatlng the United States Steel corporation unless Presldont Taft so directs, Lleutonnnt Colonel BoVorly W. Dunn, Inventor of dunnlto, has resign od from the army because President Taft declined to grant him retirement to continue his work with explosives. Efforts woro mado tq avert a Btrlke of tho firemen on tho Southern rail way at a conferenco at. Washington sotween officials of .the railway and 1'eprosentntlves of the .nineteen local organizations of the brotherhood of locomotive flremon. Tho geographical survoy has issued a bulletin giving dorlvnttons of names of American cltlos. Chicago, sayu tho bulletin, is OJlbwa Indian "She-Kng-Ong,"- signifying "wild onion place," from a root form implying "a bad smoll." Presldont Taft has signod tho ' pro clamation establishing the Harney Na tlonnl forost In South Dakota. It em braces 583,820 acres formerly con tained In tho Blaok Hills forost and 58,727 acres takon from tho public domain. Pergonal, Tho contompt charges agalnBt Com pors, Morrison and Mitchell may bo revived, Viscount -Mqrloy moved tho second roadlng of the veto bill In the house of lords. Tho announcement of tho nccesslon of a now omperor of Abyssinia was premature, Tho Nebraska delegation voted as a unit tor tho admission of Arizona and Now Mexico. It Is said friends ,ot Presldont Taft aro figuring, on Sonator Cummins as his running mate in 1012, Portforlo Diaz resigned aa president of Mexico, and his rouunclatlon was accepted by congress. Assistant Secretary of tho Troasury Curtis assumes all blame for tho rul ing on free entry of creosoto. In a speech at London, Premier Lnurler expressed amazement at the oxpressed fear of, Canadian annexation, I MUST GET BUSy ATTORNEY OF DOUGLAS COUNTY IS SHIRKING DUTY. "EITHER ACT OR CET'" Mut Get Busy or Be Replaced by a Man Who Will Request to Don ahue la BUt a Subterfuge. t' Governor Aldrlch sent a stinging letter tg County Attorney English of Douglas county in which ho states that that official's sidetracking of tho recen communication aont out by him in regard ta the enforcement of tho Alberts disorderly houso net doos not meet with tho executive's' approval. Ho furthor nays unreservedly that unless proceedings aro Instituted nt f onco ho will tako stops to fdrnlsh Douglas county with an attorney who wilt not hesitate to conform with his Wishes In tho matter. Tho letter goes to Attornoy Eng lish In reply to ono rocolvod by Gov ernor Aldrlch in which tho Omaha man said Jig had rororrod tho Btato oxi'cutlvo's communication to Chlof of Police Donnhuo with a request for Information of tho cxlotenco of housos of lll-fama In tho stato's motropolls. In his lottor Govornor Aldrlch says: "I observo that you nay in your let for that you havo transmitted to tho chief of pollco of your city n copy of your lottcr to mo und upon rccelnpt of Information you will tako such stops as tho ovldcnco Justlflos. "Permit mo to say, Mr. English, that I am calling on you as county attorney in nnd for Douglas county to onforco this one of tho Htatutes of tho stato. It It had boon tho duty of tho chief or pollco I would havo ball ed upon him nnd not upon you," "I do not bollovn.ln French diplom acy. If I did, I would bo tolerant of evasions, subterfuges and equivoca tions nnd In short, 'nnythlng to ovndo a plain performance of duty. Chlof Donahuo Is In no Way undor and by virtue of provisions of UiIb stntuto connected officially with your office Govornor Aldrlch thon says that tho statute Is not hard to enforco nnd ho quotes from Its provisions to illus trate to tho county offlcial that his duty In tho case" is clear, "So whon you rofor this mntlor to tho Investigation of Chlof Donahue I must plulnly say that you nro cor talnlynot acting In good faith, and do not Intend to enforco tho law If you possibly can ovado It. I havo doclded to seo to It that this law Is enforced and I Bhnll tiso nil tlio moans at my command' to seo that It Is done. If It is nocossnry for mo to get a now county nttornoy In Douglas coun ty to enforce thU law, I shall tako tho necessary stops to do bo ahd will not hesitate to assumo this responsi bility. This measure Is ono of tho most Important to good govornmont and to society that has over been placed upon tho statute books of this stato. It la indisputable that thesp assignation houses nro tho headquar ters of murderers, criminals, thugs and thloves. When It Is necessary to hold public mootings to proyido for tho safety of life it soems to mo that no official should for an instant hosl tato to lend his most Energetic aid In the performance of his duUfgu Miiruers aro too common and holdups too froquent to conduct tho enforcement of this statuto along dip. lomatlc lines for tbo purpose of' evad ing a plain dutyk You and you alone are callod upon to do your duty In enforcing tho provisions of tho stat uto In question, I shall hold you and you nlono responsible for its enforce ment. Now It's up toi you to say, Yes' or 'No." " Omahan Is Elected, Dana Van Duson, of Omaha, was elected edltor-in-chlot of tho State Unlvorslty Cornhuskor for noxt year. Van Duson's election was unanimous, ho having for tho last year been managing editor. The State Guard. Adjutant General Phelpa wont to Osceola to muster in n new company of the stnteiftuard. Tho company will bo knownSiis, Compnny 11, It has .been recruited by R. O. Allon, former ly of tho rogular army. Tho com pany will become a part of the first regiment." Y. M. C. A. Camp. Plans havo been laid for tho annual boya' camp of tho Y. M. C. )A. nt King's lake, Valley, Nob., commencing Tuesday, Juno 13, and continuing for n period of ton duys. Tho camp has boon named Camp Stephens In honor of Superintendent W. L. Stophons, who hue boon on the boys' work com mlttoo for a Iftngor period of continu ous service than any othor man on the board of directors. 'Sportsmen's Association, Tho 30th annual moot of tho No braska State Sportsmon's association came to a closo nftor ono of the most successful three days' shoot over held in tho history of the organization. Whedon Gets Judgment. Tho district court Jury which tried tho ense of Churles 0. Whedon ugalnst tho Citizens' Railway company and tho Lincoln Traction company, re turned a vordlct In favor of tho plain tiff nnd asBosslng tho amount of his recovery at $1,809.00. 8H0RT6N LIFE TERMt. Some Interesting Figures on the Pen itentiary. Tho last report of ponltentlnry con ditions show that thero aro 420 pris oners n't that institution, of which number 20 are under sentences vary ing from 10 to 40 years, whllo the rest aro sent thero tor periods rang, lng frorq six months to ten years. Tho figures show that there nre of that number 321 whites, 08 negroes, 0 Indians, and 1 Korean. Two whlto and two negro women are Included in the number. During the last two years four wero received at tho In stitution under tho death penalty, whllo six convicted of first degree murder have been Bent up for life,' as well ns three who havo been con victed of second dogroo murdor. Dur ing tho btohnium, which closed under Warden Sntltb, thero wero 31 prison ers received, who had been guilty of murdor. . Of this number 12 camo from Douglas. County. Thirty-six men Wero also brought in to servo time for attempts to kill. Whllo in chargo of tho penitentiary, Warden Smith, nftor examining the records, found a llfo sontenco in the light of the past has meant only about seven or eight years, and that tho longest term served by any mnn sen tenced for the remainder of his years was only 15 years, This, desplto the fact that many havo been sent to tho Institution for life and mnny moro for periods of from 20 to 35 years. Tho penitentiary is almost self- sustaining, ns tho books show. Tho maintenance cost for tho last blcn- nlum was' $130,000, of which $38,000 was for salarlos and wages, $G5,000 for clothing, food and medicine nnd .$27,000 for coal. Tho earnings nro put down at 1137,000, tho principal items being: From contractors, $04, 000; farm products, $27,500; electric current for other state buildings, $10, 000; gato recoipts, $2,500. J Brokers Slow to Buy. State Treasurer George has ox- ponded nil of tho $600,000 received for tho salo of bonus of othor states with tho exception of $133,000. Ho paid out the monoy for bonds issued by Nebraska counties nnd cities. He has JUst completed tho purchase of $14,000 of Arapahoo refunding bonds and $8,000 of bonds issued by the tajvn of Franklin for.eloctrlc light. Tho bond broker who Bought tho Cal ifornia statu bonds declined to accept $25,000 of the lssuo because tho bonds wo.ro stamped not negotiable, bo that tho total salo of bonds of other states aggregates only $000,000. Tho total amount offered for salo was $4,000, 000. Negotiations for tho salo of the balanco of that amount aro progress ing very Blowly, brokers offering terms which tho stato board of edu cational lands and funds rofuscs to accopt. Cups to Guard Officers. Adjutant General Phelps has re ceived nnd will present two bronze cups to officers of tho Nebraska na tional guard , for oxcellcnco in marks, manshlp. Ono cup goes to Captain Ivor S. Johnson, of Stanton, Company B, First regiment, and tho other to Captain Chris L. Andorson, of Nori folk, Company D, First regiment The State Fair. Secretary Mellor, of tho stato board of agriculture, is of tbo opinion that If the other departments of the stnto fair show up as well as the speed department, the noxt fair will bo a record-breaker. In tho early closing races 233 horses havo boon named, whllo tho highest number, over boforo onterod was 187. V Session Laws Early. Secretary of Stato Walt Bays that tho Gcsalon laws will be printed and ready for distribution by Juno 15. The" copy on the laws wna started to tho printer ns soon as thoy wore deposit cd in the offlco of tho secretary of Btato. ' Douglas County Appeals. Tho county commissioners of Doug las county have appoaled to tho at tornoy general from a ruling of State Auditor Barton holding that the Stato Is not liable for tho board of prison ers botween tho time of tho bringing in of a verdict by a Jury and tho time fjf sontenco by a district Judge. Douglas county has claims amounting to $3,000 hinging on this. Attornoy Gonernl Martin, following a decision of Former Attornoy Gonoral Norrls Brown, holds that the Btnte Is not llnblo until prisoners aro Bcntoncad. To Close Houses of Lewdness.. Govornor Aldrlch has on his own Initiative started n movement to closo nil houses of lowdnoss and assigna tion housos In Nebraska. Tho laBt legislature passed an act which la now In force' authorizing tho closing of all such houses on relation of a courfty nttornoy or any citizen. Tho govornor has notified tho county at torneys of Douglas, Otoe, Platte, Hall nnd Dodgo counties to, Institute pro ceedings against such places, He says It dovolvos upon tho county at tornoy to enforco tho law. Guaranty Deposit Law, fStato banks which aro Instructed tftKroport their avorago deposits for Pjiorlod of six mouths bo that tho amount of their assessment undor tho guaranty of doposlt law may bo mado have In many instances applied to Secretary Royso for further Informa tion. Mr. Royso has replied that nothing must bo deducted from tho doposlts oxcopt deposits otherwise so curod and to Include In deposits tho amount due from 'othor banks, also tlmo, and demand certificates of do poslt cortlflcd and cashier's checks. LOB MY QUIT RUMOR THAT HE WILL RESIGN HIS SENATE SEAT. STORK IS NOT CONFIRMED Senate Devotes a Whole pay to Dls cuuten of .Illinois Senator's . , . Case. Washington. m tho cloak rooms of the senate Frldny there was much discussion of a persistent rumor that Senator Lorlmer might resign before tho new Inquiry Is actually author ized, to protect his friends from tho attacks of thoso seeking to unseat him. Neither his colleague Sonator Cullom, nor any - of tho members of tho Illinois delegation In the house, would tfamlt'lhey had any knowledgo of such nn intention on the part of Mr. Lorlmor. After devoting practically tho wholo session to tho discussion of tho pro posed reinvestigation of tbo election of Sonator Lorlmer, tho senate ad journed without' action, dotermlned to procec ngaln with the question at Its next sitting Monday. Senator La Follotto concluded his fourdny speech and announced that yhon tho voting stage Is reached he will so chango his resolution as to provide that the senate shall elect an Investigating commltteo, of. flvo from among the now senators. Senator Borah supported the La Follette pro position, and Senators Balloy and Dllllnghnm opposed It. Mr. La Follette said ho hnd been In fluenced to lntroduco his resolution for special commltteo on Inquiry fol lowing tho Illinois Investigation. Now investigators had been provided" for because he believed that tho question should go to a committee riot handi capped by a previous decision. Tho noxt Investigating; committee, ho folt, must havo tho confidence of the people, which he did not believe tho old stnndlng committee on privi leges and elections would have. The public, ho said, would consider tho old commltteo packed from tho beginning, oven as has bcert charged In connec tion with tho Illinois Juries in prose cutions growing out of tho case Mr. La Follotto said It he were a member of tho " old commltteo he would not consent to servo on tho new one, bocauso ho would not feel capable of, an Impartial Verdict. Mr. Bailey said that all the demo cratic sonators desired n now investi gation, ho himself favoring It, be cause of tho discovery of new evt dence. Ho said tho public sontiment against Mr. Lorlmer was not well In formed, bocnuso It had been shaped by ifowspaper expression rather than ... ' A Dy rcauing 01 xno leaiiiuon. Saying there had been no Investlga- tlon by a special commltteo on an election caso since tbo creation of tho commltteo on privileges and elections In 1871, Chairman Dillingham, of that committee, expressed confidence that If tho Investigation should be placed In its hnnds It would present such a report as would command the respect of tho senate and of the. country. Sonator Borah advocated a special commltteo In tho Interest of disinter ostcdness. Congress May Control Levees. Washington. Tho Mississippi river commission Is empowered and direct ed In u resolution introduced by Rep resentative Brousard, of LotiBlana, to investigate tho report aB to the advls ability .of congress taking chargo of tho lovee system of the Mississippi river to old and Improve navigation of tho river and to prevent inundation of tho Mississippi valley. Breaks All Heat Records. Toledo, O. Heat records hero for the last 30 years wero broken Friday when the mercury roached 03 do grees. Raised Bank Notes In West. Washington. Ono dollar United States silver certificates mado over into $20 nntlonnl bank notes have boon found circulating In somo west ern states. Tho latest specimens wero found In Helena, Mont. Chief of Police Suspended, San Francisco, Cnl. Chlof of Po llco Symour was susponded by tho board of pollco commissioners, pond ing trial on charges of conduct unbe coming nn officer, Captain of Detec tives E. R. Wall wn3 appointed act ing chief. Herbert Anstead la Dead. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Herbert An stead, a well-known woodworker of Lincoln, Neb., dlod suddenly at the Erwln hotel at Canton, N. Y noar here Friday night, Anstead came to Canton about two weeks ago to sottlo up tho affairs of his father. DIAZ SKIPS OUT. Takes a Vessel at Vera Cruz and Sail? South. Mexico City, Mox. Private tele grams rocelved hero Friday report tho arrival of Gonernl Diaz at Vera Cruz at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon. Ac cording to thoso advices, ha boarded tho Yplrangn, nig Hamburg-American boat, at night. Tho Yplrnn'ga Is due to sail south to Coutzacoa Saturday, Sho will return, to Vera Cruz apd sail for Europo Wednesday, NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. New N6tos of Interest frorrt Various Sections. A strangor appeared In Ptattsmouth and worked oft somo worthless checks, making hla getaway beforo tho fraud was detected, Chatting with his wire whllo wait ing for brookfrtst, Smith Ilillinrd of Platte Center passed Instantly from apparently perfect health to his death from apoplexy. Tho Great Westorn Sugar Boot com pany nnd other beet growers In the vicinity of McCook "shipped in a largo company of Japanese to work in tho beet , fields about McCook, whero About a thousand acres of sugar beats have been planted. Recently the Unltod States govern ment advertised extensively for man ufacturers to bid on a certain style mattress; every mattress maker In tho country had an opportunity td' place his bid and most did, but It bos . Just been nwnrded to tho L. G. Doup. company of Omaha. This Is a regu lar yearly occurrence and It mrikes tho sixth year that this firm has of fered tho lowost bid and secured tho contract. Tho Commerotal clubs of nil towns "on tho South Platto lino of tho Union Pacific railway west of David City held a meeting nt Osceola for tho pur peso of taking up the matter of se curing better train service. Thoro was n large amount of discussion, and much tlmo was takon up with tho subjoct nnd with preparing n perma nent organization of tho business in terests of tho South Platto country. Officers wero elected. Owsloy Wilson, tho well known Lin coln pntent lawyer who died recently, was ono of the most famous hunters In the Colorado mountains when lio was a young mam For years ho was In chargo of hunting parties and spent his tlmo shooting doer and oth or wild gamo for tho Deuvor market. Mr. Wilson sottled in Lincoln 10 years ago, and,, studied law. Ho has been a practitioner for 1G years, specializ ing Jn tho patent branch of tho pro fession. He lias handled a number of cases for Nebraska Inventors. Secretary Royso of the state bank ing boaAl has Issued a lettor In reply to inquiries from state banks ns to What itema should bo Included when making up reports of average dally deposits. This ropprt is required from tho banks for tho six months ondlng Juno 1, so that tho amount of the guaranty tax to bo levied against each bank may be computed and cor tlflcd In time to mako tho first levy July 1, the latter date being that set by the legislature. ' The epidemic of smallpox which has been raging In, Lincoln and the sub urbs during the entire winter and spring Is gradually falling off, accord ing to tho health officer. Thoro ore still a considerable number of cases but the officers, think they see a grad ual falling off. For some tlmo moro pooplo havo been released frdm quar antine and from tho pest houso than thero has been now cases developed. ' Lano Fremont, an Omaha Indian, comraltttcd suicide Just inside tho Burt county lino. Sheriff Phlpps, Coroner Gllkerson and County Attor ney "Clark wero called to tho sceie of tho tragedy, about two miles northwest- of Decatur. Fremont, who waa a well-educated Iwllan, having been a studont at Carlisle had bcon going at n rapid pace of late. Doputy Food Commissioner W. R. Jackson has lssuod warning in the form of a bulletin Uiat ho will prose cuto any person who Bells bag eggs and to this he adds that dealers who desire to avoid the penalty must can dle all eggs purchased. The penalty Is a flno of from $50 to $500. Tho bulletin Is tho beginning of a cam paign which Food Commissioner Jack son Intends to wage against bad eggs and people who sell thoin or offer them for salo,' Ho assorts that it is unlawful for the' fanner, merchant or other dealer to sell or offer for salo bad eggs. - ( Thb late generous rain In Nebras ka was bndly neodod In some sec tions. James Short of Calgary, Canuada, a member of a law firm and solicitor to tho crown and a lot of other things, proposes to sue the state of Nebraska regardless af tho consent of either branch of tho legislature of this state. His grievance1 is that tho county of Keith or the stato of Nebraska, owes him $100 attorney's fees. Sheriff. Eu gene Beal of Keith county, has tried to Intercede with the state of Nebras ka to keep Its credit good Jn for eign countries, but thus far ho baa failed to collect tho mopey which Mr. Short says he Is short. An old man named Hnjek of Buffa lo county, aged 70 years, was so badly Injured in a runaway at Rockvllle, 14 miles Kouth of Loup City, that ho died soon after. He had his skull frac tured, loft log broken and was other wlso bruised about tho body so that death was only a matterj of n few hours. He was at Rockvlllo helping a son build n houso and was nt tho yards after a load of lumbor when tho team became frlghtoned and ran o-way with the above results. Mathew Gering as attornoy for Mrs. O. E. Wanderholm filed in the dis trict court of Cass county a petition for damages for $15,000 against S. M. Sndlo, n flremun of tho Burlington road and tho Burlington itself, for tho killing of O. E, Wanderholm on January 24, this year. Mr; Wander holm, who was nt that time the en gineer of tbo pumping station of tho Plnttsmotuh Wator company, was go ing to his wprk, and on account' of a blizzard he had to faco, was unable to hear the approach of a train run ning late at a htgh rato of speed, waa struck and killed,