The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1911, Image 2

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IRA. L. DAUB), Publlsbor,
Embracing a Condensation of Events
In Which Readers Generally Art
More or Less Concerned.
Washington. )
To enable John Hays Hammond to
carry out his commission ns Hpeclnl
ambassador ot tho United States nt
tho coronation of King George, Judgo
Ilarnard Thomas, of tho district court,
ordered the postponement until No
vembcr of further proceedings In tho
case of .lohn O. Bully ngnlnst Mrs.
Tho proposed treaty of arbitration
by tho United States and Great Bri
tain, upon which rests tho hope of tho
English-speaking peoples for n per
manent peaco between tho two na
tions and which probably will bo a
model for peaco pacts with other na
tions, has reached tho stago whero it
is to bo presented to tho lJrltlsh gov
ernment for approval.
Governor Shafroth, of Colorado, Is
in Washington to protest to tho presi
dent and the wnr department against
tho abolition ot tho department of tho
Colorado, with headquarters in Den
ver. Even should tho heads of tho
department bo maintained nt Denver
tinder the now scheme ot organization
It would moan an offlco forco ot only
seven men, It was explained,
The monetary commission has ex
pended between June 5, 1001), and
March 31, 1911, $207,130, according to
figures submitted to congress by
Secretary of tho Treasury Mao-
Veagli In reoponso to a houso rcsolu
tlon. Fornor Senator Teller and For
mor Representative Bonyngo of Coi Pon nominate iy tno k d coBr08
h if. Blonnl district convention to succeed
creation havo
$15,562 each.'
drawn in salaries
Seventy-sovon mail bags filled with
Invitations to tho public to bid for
Uncle Sam's now bonds left Washing
ton. Every one ot the 23,000 national
banks, state banks nnd trust compnn
ies ot which the treasury has 'record
will, receive ono of the official clrcu
lars and bidding sltpB. The man who
wants' to lend $100, $C00, $5,000 or
more to tho 'government at 3 per cent
interest can learn all the particulars
by dropping around to see his banker.
People of modest means are ablo to
buy Panama canal bonds'.
Hermofllllo, Mexico, was evacuated
by the federals without a battlo.
It Ib 'given out officially tlmt Diaz
will resign before tho end of the
The houso ways and means commit
tee in Htlll debating tho question of
free wool.
Foreign diplomats at Moxlco City
have taken steps to safeguard resi
President Taft sent tho report of
the tariff board on paper-muking to
the senate.
legalizing cremation
Earnings of express compnnles aro
being scrutinized by tho interstate
commerce commission.
The Pennsylvania forest Arcs, check
cd last week by rain, have begun to
burn with renewed vigor,
Tho Jail sentences of Gompers,
Mitchell and Morrison was declared
by the supreme court to be Illegal,
Attorney General Wiokershnm
brought suit at New York for the dls
solution ot the alleged lumber trust,
The general synod of the Roformed
church ot the United States elected
r, JamoB I, Good of pnytoti, Q,, presl
President Taft formally nominatod
to the senate Henry L, Stlmson, of
New York, to bo Becrotnry of war, nnd
C, S. Mllllngton. of Herkimer, to bo
assistant treasurer ot the United
States at Now York.
President Taft withdrew from all
lorras of disposition 2,550 acres ,ot
land in Wyoming to bo reserved for
examination and classification with
respect to tholr coal vallio,
A resolution urging Phllpplno nou
trallty on tho ground that tho peoplo
ot tho islands are being exploited by
non-resident grabbers, was Introduced
In the houso,
Tho navy department made public
the names ot tho lucky 88 out ot n
class of IRC midshipmen who grndu
ated from tho naval ncadomy in 1009,
who, after two years' Ken service
have managed to pass tho oxamlna
tloHB that will entitle thorn to com'
missions as ensigns.
Thomas Davis was oxocuted In the
Nebraska penitentiary for murder.
Prof, Hebberd of tho mathematical
department of tho Nowton (Mass.)
Technical High school makes his pu
nils figure basqball batting and field
log averages to teach them inathoniat
The recall provision of tho Arizona
constitution, to which President Taft
objects, was discussed in the houso
it Washington.
Cqloa! Henry O. Solxas, a widely
r known financier anu a director in
many prominent industrial corpora
tlon. committed suiclder l Now
Mexican robels effected tho capture
of many towns In tho state ot Stna-
A rolen of riot and pillage followed
.tho capture of the town of Pachucn
by Mexican robols.
Secretary MacVoagh has asked bids
on an Issue of fifty million dollar
Panama canal bonds.
Excesses on tho part of Irresponsi
ble Mexican rebels are expected with
tho declaration ot peace.
It Is said reciprocity has mado Taft
popular In tho cities, but farmers aro
yelling "bloody murder."
If peaco falls In Mexico the Invest
ment of tho capital city nnd Chihua
hua will start Immediately.
An nmondmont by Senator Root to
tho reciprocity agreement was op
posed as likely to be fatal. '
Assuranco wdb given that tne
Standard OH company will obey tho
mandato of tho supremo court.
Thero was cenoroUs criticism, niong
fvlth prnlso, of tho supromfi court do
minion In ihn Btnndnrd Oil case.
Tnim n. Vnx of Olcnwood. Ia
Wftg burned t0 ,oath nH wan at-
tempting to klndlo a flro with koro-
Henry U Stlmson of New York was
confirmed by tho senate to bo secre
tary of war to succeed Jacob M. Dick
inson. Ernost Heblob of Philadelphia,
killed himself rather than yield to tho
insistence of hi friends that ho Join
a labor union. '
Tho BUDromo court decision in the
8tandnrd Oil case generally had boon
discounted nt Paris and It did not af
fect tho bourse.
Tho resolution for tho federal in
come tnx amendment wnB concurred
in by, tho sonato. It has already
passed the house.
Every ono that baa money can get
n chance to bid for tho new Panama
bonds. They draw 3 por cent Interost.
Congressman Longworth snys that
at birth a man haB hla cholco betwcun
a bald head nnd brnlns. HIb own
choice, ho says, is apparent.
MrB. Olivo ApporBon, ot Kokomo,
InU., wlfo of Elmer Appornon, automg
bllo manufacturer, dorannded $200,
000 alimony in her suit for divorce.
Tho Wisconsin houso passed tno
James woman . BUffrngo bill, wmcn
contains n clause calling for stato
referendum, boforo It goes Into effect.
W. R. Greene of Audubon, la., has
boon nominated by tho Ninth congrcs
Former Congressman Walter I. Smith.
At Sydnoy, N. S. W Bill Lang won
his light with Jack Lostor, Tommy
Burns' protege, in tho jslxth round.
Lester broke ono of his wrists and
was practicnlly dofenselosB.
Daniel O'Rollly, former assistant
district attorney nnd Inter attorney
for Evelyn Thaw in her sensational
suits, pleaded not guilty to a charge
of revolving stolon property.
Announcement was made by the In
corporators of tho national McKinloy
birthplace association that JoBoph G.
Butloy, Jr., Youngstown, O., was
elocted president.
Four and one-half hours will bo cut
from tho Chicago-Son Francisco time
of tho Union Pacific-Southern Pacific
overland limited enabling tno train to
mako this trip lu G8 hours instead ot
72ft as horotoforo.
An olght-uny noropiano moot sur
passing lii value ot award, in varloty
ot features and in numbor ot entrants
any moot yet given In tho United
States will bo hold In Grant Park,
Chicago, beginning on August 1.
At Wilmington, Dol., to provo that
tho now $2,000,000 offlco building of
tho pupont Powder company Is lire
proof, tires will bo stnrtoa sitnuiia-
uoously in several rooms nnd no at-
Only 88 of tho ICS raombora of tho
naval academy's clas ot 100D passed
tholr recent final examinations nftor
tho customary two years' crulso and
will bo commissioned onalgns in tho
navy Juno 5.
Postmaster General Hitchcock nn
nounced tho designation ot forty-aoven
additional postal savings banks, mak
ing a total ot 170 slnco January 3.
At Cambridge Mass., Mayor Barry
haa mado arrnngomonts with tho Har
vard Athletic association to allow the
fifty pupils In tho local schools with
tho best grades tree admission to
Harvard's bascbull Karnes.
After eight years in nn Arctla ice
pack, a mossage dispatched by balloon
from tho headquarters of tho Baldwin
Zoiglor oxpcdltlou lu Franz Josof land
In 1002 is now In tho hands ot tho
orlglnnl Bonder, Evelyn Brlggs Bald
Railroads oporntlng In central pns-i
scnger association territory, including
tho states ot Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and
Michigan, uro permitted, by an order
issued by tho lntorstnto commorcu
commission, to exact higher passen
ger faros for interstate than for intra-
stato buslnoBs whoro stato legisla
tures or etato commissions hnvo es
tablished a two-con t-a-mllo rnto.
Democrats ot tho houso had qulto
a sot-to over tno ruiea commutoo's
Tho contempt charges against Gom
pers, Morrison anu Mitcneu may no
London Is tilling up with visitors tor
tho coronation fosttvltlos.
Hot weather 1b causing congress to
couslder taking nn adjournment.
Vico Prosidont Corral says tho res
ignation of Diaz will bring no lasting
peaco to Mexico.
Tim Wnnhlncton Times thinks Nor
rls Brown will havo a hard fight to
retain hla sent in the sonnto.
Mr. Brynn cays tho Btandard oil de
cision is likely to rqvlyo tho wholo
trifst Question,
Emperor Menollk's grnlidson, Prince
Lidjl Jenssu bus been proclaimed Em
peror of Abyssinia,
Object of Railroad In Putting Up
Values. Other Matters at the
State Capital.
In its report to tho Stato Board of
Assessment the Northwestern rail
road has boosted Its values of prop
erty situated in cities, villages and
towns. Tho roportn filed by tho board
doal with property to bo assessed un
der the tcrmlnnl or local tax law, all
of which is subject to valuation for
tho purposes of local taxation. Tho
local boards valuo tho property for
purposos of local taxation, whilo tho
Btato board values It for purposes of
etato taxation.
Tho terminal or local railroad tax
law was originated in Nebraska by H.
T. Clarke, Jr., who 1b now a member
of tho stato railway commission.
When he Introduced a bill for tho lo
cal taxation of railroad property he
was u member of tho house ot repre
sentatives and lived In Omaha. The
pc'oplo of Omaha wero very desirous
of such a law becausa In Omaha there
Is situated largo and vuluablo termi
nals which had thorotoforo cscapod
local taxation becauso they woro
taxed for state purposes.
Soon after tho terminal tax law
went Into effect tho Northwestorn
Railroad company began to report the
valuo of Its property far beyond tho
values, placed upon It by assessors.
Now another Jump is mado by the re
ports of tho compnny, in many cases
tho incrcaso bolng from one-third to
ono-half tho fomor value. When this
Increase was first commenced by tho
rnllroad pompany It attracted n great
denl ot attention and was combatted
by other railroad companlos in an In
direct way. Now that somo of tho
company's property is reported to the
Btato board at doublo tho formor
valuo, tho suspicion 1b aroused that
the company had more foresight than
other ralload companies in preparing
for tho time when tho stato railway
commission will plnco n valuo on all
of tho physical property of railroad
companloa in this state.
Tho Btato board of asscsamont did
little or nothing when tho Northwest
orn road first bogan to report in
creased values for tho purposes of lo
cal nssossmont, but now that railroad
ratea may bo based on physical valu
ation tho board may tnko notice It is
generally understood that any rnllroad
company la willing to pay Increased
taxes If It can gain tho privilege ot
charging rates in accordance with
property values.
Verdict Cut Down.
A verdict for $25,000 for tho loss
ot n llfo in a railroad accident, has
boon cut to $15,000 by Judgo Frost of
tho district court. The Judgment was
in favor of Lizzlo L. Wright, admin
istratrix of tho estate of Otto Wright,
tho latter having beon an engineer In
tho omployo of tho Rock Island road,
Hp was killed in a wreck nnd tho
widow brought Bult for $25,000. Sho
was given n vordlct for tho full
amount and tho company filed a mo
tion for a now trial. Judgo Frost
ruled that if a remittitur for $10,000
should bo filed, within ten days, tho
motion would bo overruled; other wlso
It would bo sustained.
Charged With Taking Fish.
Chief Gnmo Warden Miller has or
dered tho arrost of Herman Lease
ot Norfolk for, stealing fish, Tho real
charge la taking fish unlawfully from
public waters.
Two Officers Go to Texas.
Lieutenant Colonel W. Edmund
Baehr of tho First regiment, Nebraska
National Guard, of Omaha, and Cap
tain Roy E. Olmstead, commundor of
Company A, First reglmont, of York,
hnvo been assigned by Adjutant Gen-
ornl Pholna tr nttnnil thn nrmv mn,
nouvors nt San Antonio, Tox., for two
weeks. Tho two officers are to re
port for duty at San Antonio on
May 27.
State Pays for Permit.
Tho Btato ot Nebraska rofusod to
pay for a building pormlt or to tako
ono out lu Omaha a year ngo when
tho now building nt tho school for tho
deaf was built. The engineering de
partment of Omaha ralsod consider
able ot a rumpus about tho matter but
tho state stood pat ana roiusea to
tako out a permit. Last wook, how
ever, a permit was takeu out In tho
city of Lincoln for n coment garage
to bo constructed on tho grounds of
ot the exocutlvo mansion to houso
the governor's new automobile, and
tho stnto paid 50 cents fee for this
Senior "Sneak Day."
Tho senior class ot tho stato uni
versity colobratod tho annual senior
"Sneak Day" and Jojrnoyod to Mil-
ford, tho usual plnco for holding tho
colobratlon, Only tho chancellor and
members ot tho faculty woro advised
as to tho day set apart, except tho se
niors thomsolvoB. Various forms ot
outdoor entertainment had boon
planned by tho- committee In chargo,
such as bnsebnil, races and other
evonts. Besidos tho sports, tho se
niors visited tho Old Soldiers' Homo
at Mlltord.
Board Prepares to Enforce Guaranty
Secretary E. Royse, of the state
banking board haB sent out blanks
asking state banks to report to him
tho averago amount of dally doposlts
for six months ending May 31, ex
clusive of public moneys, so that ho
may compute tho amount of tho as
sessment to bo levied against each
bank for tho depositors' guaranty
fund. This Is to remain in tho banks
but is subject to paymeht on demand
of tho banking board. Hero is tho
Lincoln, Nob., May 15, 1911. To
tho Cashier: I enclose herewith two
blank forma upon which to mako a
Btatomont of tho average daily de
posits of your bank for tho six
months ondlng May 31, 1011, exclusive
of public monoy otherwise secured.
Soo section -15 of tho banking act.
Thcso statements must bo signed nnd
sworn to by tho president, vico presi
dent or cashier, and both forwarded
to this offlco not later than Juno 2,
1911, ono of which will, bo returned
showing tho amount of the assessment
levlod against your bank, which
amount shall bo net apart, kept and,
maintained In tho bank to tho credit
of a fund or uccount designated as
u "Depositors Guaranty Fund,' pay
ablo to tho stato banking board on
demand. Sco section 40 of tho bank
ing act.
Whoro a bank does not have a suffi
cient amount of not earnings to moot
Its assessment tho shareholders must
bo assessed In proportion to their
stock holdings, as tho capital or sur
plus Bhould not bo reduced for that
With noticed to the banks of tho
amount of this assessment will bo
sent blanks upon which to mako a
report of their condition, no required
by soctlon 15 of tho banking act.
Upon receipt nnd examination there
of by tho stato banking board, certi
ficates provided for In said section
will bo Issued to such banks as tho
board Is satisfied meet the require
ments of tho depositors guaranty law.
Certificates will bo withheld in all
cubcs whero tho condition of tho bank
Is such as to imperil tho integrity of
tho guaranty fund. Banka must bo
solvent beyond question beforo given
a certificate. Very respectfully,
Socretary Stato Banking Board.
Rock Island Engineers Appear.
Chief Engineor J. B. Berry, of tho
Rock Island railroad, accompanied by
Assistant C. Sattloy, appeared boforo
tho stnto railway commission n fow
dnys ago to try to lnduco tho commis
sion to lncrcaBo tho valuation of tho
physical proporty of tho Rock Island
in Nebraska from $10,723,372 to $13,-
131,180, tho latter bolng tho vnluation
as found by tho compnny and tho
formor being tho valuation as deter
mined by tho physical valuation de
partment of the railway commission.
Lincoln Traction Company.
Tho assessment schedule of tho Lin
coln Traction company has boon filed
In tho ofllco of County Assessor Mil
ler nnd Is tho first return from any ot
tho big corporations. Tho company
places a total valuation on Its propor
ty ot $1,465,297.52, which is $589,352.48;
lesa than that fixed by tho board ot
equalization last year. Tho total for
1910 was $2,044,050.
Grants Application.
Tho Btato railway commission has
granted the application of tho Chicago
& Northwestorn rallrond to withdraw
Its rulo under which tho road absorbs
Bwltching chargos on non-competltlvo
First in the Race.
Judgo Francis Hamor, ot Kearney,
is the first formal entry in tho Judicial
handicap to bo determined by party
in tho August primary ballot as a can
didate for Judgo ot tho Bupremo court
on tho ropubltcan ticket.
Death of Judge Pond.
Judgo S. P. Pound, n Nebraska pio
neer and a lending member ot tho Ne
braska bar, dlod at his homo horo. Ho
wbb 78 yeare old.
Charges Embezzlement.
Fred A. Corbln, postmaster at Rey
nolds, appeared before United Stutes
CommtsBlonor Mnrlay to answer to a
chargo ot embezzling monoy ordoru
amounting to $2,604. Ho gavo bond
for $2,500 and was bound over to tho
federal grand Jury.
Requisition by the Governor.
Governor Aldrlch has issued a re
quisition for tho return of Goorgo
Wallace to Holt county on tho chargo
ot obtaining $400 on a forged check.
Wallace Is reported to bo in Donvor.
W. A. Slzer on Board.
W. A. SIzor, son of Postmaster Ed-
ward SIzor, ot this city, and for many
yonra a rosldont ot Lincoln, has been
nppolntcd a membor ot tho Wyoming
Btato board of Immigration by Gov
ernor unrey pi uuu state.
Bookkeeper Consults Governor.
T, IS. Stewart, who was bookkeeper
ot tho stato school for tho fooblo
minded youth at Beatrice undor tho
Roo administration and who is al
leged to havo been responsible tor tho
shortngo ot $1,300 which occurred
thdro, visited Governor Aldrich, After
a consultation It was announced thnt
tho bookkeeper would pay tho abort-
ag0 in full aa indicntod by tho report
of tho Btato accountant on tho books
of that Institution. Stownrt eays he
does not know how tho Bhortago on
his books occurred.
Accident Occurs When Machine
Plunges Into Group Gathered to
, Witness the Start.
Paris. Franco paid a terribio toll
Sunday for Its magnfllcont endeavor
to attain supremacy of tho air when
a monoplane, tho driver of which had
lost control, plunged into a group of
members of tho cabinet, who had
gathered to witness tho start of the,
race from Paris to Madrid, killing the
minister of ,wnr and injuring the
prlmo minister, his son nnd a well
known sportsman.
Tho dead:
Henri Maurice Bcrtcaux, minister
of war.
Tho Injured:
Antolno Emmanuel Ernest Monls,
promler and minister of the interior,
Antoino Monls, son ot the promler.
Henri Detusch do la Mourthc, the
aged patrno of aeronautics, nutomo
blllng and other sports.
A largo number of tho other por-
sons of noto had narrow escapes from
Tho accident occurred on tho avia
tion field at Issy les Mollneux, whero
200,000 persons had gathered to see
tho start of tho race.
Mr. Train was piloting tho mono
piano. With him in .tho car was M,
Bounler, a passenger. Neither ot
thcso men was injured. Tho machine
wnB wrecked,
Mlnistor of War Berteaux was hor
ribly mnngled. Tho swiftly rovolv-
ing propeller cut oil his left arm,
which was found ton feet away from
tho spot whoro he was struck, tho
back ot his headwas crushed in, his
throat gashed and the wholo ot his
left sldo cut nnd lncoratcd.
Premlor Monls was burled benenth
tho wrockago of tho monoplane. Ho
was taken out as quickly as posslblo
and examined by military surgeons,
who found ho had sustained com
pound fractures of two boneB, his
face badly contused nnd thero wero
bruises on tho breast and. abdomen.
M. Deutsch nnd M. MonlB woro not
seriously hurt.
Among thofio who had narrow os-
capes from Injury was M. Leptno, tho
prefect of police
M. Berteaux's body was placed In a
closod automobile and escorted from
tho Held by a squadron of dragoons
with swords at salute, whilo tens of
thousands ot persons stood uncover
ed. An Intlmato friond of tho family
communicated tho news of M. Ber
teaux's death to his wife.
Document Slgneed Pledges Cessation
of Hostilities.
Juarez, Mox. Officially doeslgnated
representatives ot tho Mexican gov-
comment and the revolutionists at. 10
o'clock Sunday night Blgned a peaco
ngrcomont nt the customs house here
Intended to end the hostilities that
hav been waged in Mexico for tho
last six months.
Though covering only the principal
points ngotiated thus far, tho agree
ment practically records tho conces
sion by tho government of thoso do
mnnds which stnrtod on ovomber 20
Inst bv nn armed revolution in Mexico.
Telegrams' announcing tho signing ot
tho agreement were dispatched
throughout Mexico to revolutionary
and federal leaders alike.
Squaw Man Shot on Prlarle.
Lander, Wyo. Word was received
hero that Lee Reagan, n squawman,
Jiving on tho Shoshono Indian reserva
tion, had been shot and klllu by his
companion, Cal O'Neal, another
squnwmnn. Tho two men had loft
Fort Washahklo to round up somo cat
Killed a Chinese Banker.
Laredo, Mex. At the end of n rope
which hud beon tied around hla neck,
Dr. J. M, Llm, a Chinese banker, wn$
dragged nround tho plnza In Torreon,
Mex., until his body was a mass of
broken bones and bleeding wounds.
Nebraska Banker Dies Abroad.
Redonda, Cal, James Forbes, vico
president ot tho National Bank ot
Anoka, Neb., who camo hero for hlB
I health, died Sunday night. Mr,
Forbes, who was 71 years old, Is sur
vived by a widow und five children.
Good Roada Congress.
Birmingham, Ala. Dolegatos from
18 states aro gathering hero for tho
fourth National Good Roads congress
which wU convene .Tuesday. Presl
dent Arthur. C. Jackson, of Chicago,
was ono of tho first to arrlvo.
Weather Bureau Investigation,
Washington. Complaints by npple
growers In the west that tho wenther
bureau's forecasts cannot bo depend
ed upon nnd that disastrous results
to crops havo followed erroneous pre
dictions form tho basis of tho decision
reached by the house commission on
expenditures on tho Agricultural do
partment ot Investigate tlio weather
bureau. Tho committee also will look
Into charges mado by James Barry,
former chief ot the cllmatological dl
vision of tho weather bureau, agalust
Its management.
Mews Notas of Interest from Various
Stanton will havo a colobratlon on
tho 4th of July. 1 , '
. A now high school building for Sut
ton. 1b under consideration.
John Schultz wants $50,000 from tho
Burlington railroad for tho loss of
his young son.
"Ia accordance with tho repent voto
Lincoln Will now bo "wet," to tho ex
tent of 25 ealoons. . ,
Wnndrnw Wllsnn rnnfoftRM nt Pnrt-
land ho will not run away from presi
dential lightning.
Tho supremo court sustained tho
contempt of court aontfenco of Presi
dent Wilson of tho wirele38 telegraph
Tho Wdmen's Christian association
of Omaha aro making a canvass for
$50,000 to liquidAte tho Indebtedness
on their building. '
Tho Commercial club of Lincoln.
during a trip through the western
section of tho state, was given tho
glad hand all along the line.
Near Hooper, Marvin A. Papo, a
boy, fell from a tree receiving Injuries
that resulted in his death,
A Fremont dispatch says that O. W.
E. Dorsey, former congressman from
mai district, is seriously ill nt Bait
Lake, Utah, whoro ho 1b now living.
At a Bpeclal election hold In Millard
tho proposition to voto bonds in tho
aum of $10,000 for a water plant car-
rlod by a largo majority.
Fielding Toalson, n farmer living
near Columbus, la dead from heart
dlseaso Induced by digging the gravo
of a relative. Toalson returned homo
exhausted, but apparently In good
health. A few hours later his mother
found him dead in bed.
Gamo Warden Loaso has ordered
tho arrest of Herman Lease of Nor
folk for taking llsh unlawfully from
public waters. Lease was employed
to transfer flBh from bolow tho dam
at Norfolk to a point above. It Is
said that ho kept somo of tho llsh
thus seined.
Printod copies of tho amotidedgnmo
laws of this stato have been received
by Game Warden Miller and will bo
distributed by him free of cost on ap
plication. The last legislature put
the "universal license" Into, effect and
thero aro other Important changes in
tho law.
MrB. Joe Moss, of Amherst, Is dead
and her little daughter lies dangerous
ly ill with her leg broken in' two
places and three other peoplo aro
more or less seriously Injured, tho re
sult of nn automobile wreck at Am
herst when a machine became unman
ageable and ran down hill.
Dr. C. P. Fall nnd Carl Shaffor, or
Beatrice, aro planning tho construc
tion of a large dam on tho Bluo river
a tnllQ and a halt from Hong In Gago
county, and expect to develop water
powor for tho purpose of generating
electric current for use In Beatrice
and elsewhero In the vicinity.
Tho county commissioners ot Rich
ardson county have let tho contract
for building a macadamized road 112
roda long In Ohio township to Charles
Helneman, for 2,794. Tho work will
bo under the-supervision of h govern
ment expert. This will bo tho first
permanent roadwork undertaken la
tho county. A similar road was built
several years ago across, tho river bot.
torn east of Auburn and proved to bo
a big success.
The horse stolen by tho men who
two weoks ngo mado an attempt to rob
I tho bank at Ragan has been returned
to its owner, having appeared at tho
barn of Charles Long In Holdredge,
without harness or buggy, which have
not yet been found. It la thought tho
vehicle is somewhero in tho city, as
It is much moro likely that the ban-
fitB would leave the rig In town than
In tho country districts. Tho appear
anco of tho horso hero naturally
leads to the theory that tho would-bo
robers drove hero and, abaandonlngr
me narso ana ouggy, go out, ot town.
by train.
Tho Columbus Journal, oqe of tho
oldest papers In Nebraska, has been
sold to the Tribune of the same city.
Merrick county peoplo aro enthusi
astic for good roads and aro contrib
uting liberally to this end.
Tho Omaha and Denver Good Roads
association was formally organized
at tho big road convention held in
Holdrege. Fifty-three ofllclal dele
gates representing thirty towns woro
present and thero wore 'moro than a
hundred unofficial representatives or
towns nnd villages' in the convention
also. Kearney county alono sent 3T
auto loads of peoplo.
Rov. Dennis Brooks Lake, an old
tlmo circuit rider of tho Methodist
church, died at his homo in Auburn,,
aged 07 years. Ho has preached in
almost every school houso in Nomaha.
and surrounding counties during tho
last 35 years. As a rulo ho has been
assigned country nnd village charges
and these were the ones he liked best.
His permanent hovao haa been on n.
farm five miles north of Auburn, al
though much of tho tlmo his assign
ments required him to reside in dif
ferent places In tho surrounding coun-
In lirio with tho other improvements.
Broken Bow is this spring placing
$8,000 worth of water main exten
sions. Secretary Royso, of tho state bank
ing board, has construed the, section
of tho bank guaranty law relating to
bonds for employes of banks as di
rectors only and not mandatory, Ho
has received lottera from many bank
ers Indicating that surety bond com
pauieB havo stated that employes
must furnish bonds. Whonover bonds,
aro written they must bo filed with
tho secretary ot tho stato bunking: