'If . y 1 J i . ' B. P. 0. E. AttcntiflB. Tho second dance of Sorlcs No. 1 will bo given Wednesday night, May 24th. ENTKUTAINMENT C( JOM. Notice is Warrant HeMers. North Platte, Neb., May 2, 1911. To holdors of City Warrants I nm prepared to pay all General Fund Warrants up to Register Nn. 170 on presentation. F. L. Mooney, City Treas. a ABHOURceneRt. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for county treasurer, sunject to tne decision or the remihllcnn nrimnrv Aiifruat 15th. I will appreciate the support of republicans on that day Frank Murray. No. WITH THE DUTCH COLLARS which are so much in vogue this year no woman's outfit is complete without several pieces of neck adornment. Antici pating the popularity of this style in advance, we bought heavily in beautiful "Lavallicrs" which make an ordinary neck look beautiful and a pretty one even more so. This is one of the handsomest pieces of jewelry ever worn and we have set a price that will leave us without one in stock. Decision Expected Soon. It la expected that a decision in the waterworks case will be handled down within tho next few days. Thls.exnecta- tlon Is based on tho iacttnat the Denver water case and the North Platte water case were heard on tho samo day, and the decision In tho former was handed down last Frinay. It is therefore likely that the Norm riatte case will loiiow the Denver decision closely. Clinton, weler and optician, Lutheran Announcements. Tho aid socioty will meet tomorrow afternoon instead of Thursday at the parsanage. The annual election of officers. A goodlattendance is desired. The Missionary Society monthly meeting on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Parish House. Regular services next Sunday in the morning; no evening service on account oi tho memorial services. The Pastoii. North Platte, Nebraska. AM JUJkt UZS t.J.dS.K DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduato Northwestern University, F Ofllco over McDonald Stato Bank f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. $3500 will purchase a well cstab- llshed business with cash receipts of $18,000 per annua. The profits for the first year will equal the purchase mosey. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Mrs. J. a, iioaeu the Birthday Club Friday afternoon. Sco our Suggestion Window for grad uation gifts. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Mrs. Crick, who is an inmate of tho soldiers' homo at Grand Island, Is visit ing friends in town. Co. Sunt. Ebriftht loft this morning for a Visit with schools in tho extreme southeast part of tho county. Maloney & Lintz is the place to come for n good hat cheap. John Dugan has invested in a four horse power Indian motorcycle, pur chasing It through Joe Fillion. L, E. Uoach returned tho latter part or. iRBtweoK irom unco in whore the argued a case in the supreme court. ; Wanted Plain sewing. Mary L.. Mar tin, 308 South Chestnut St. Charloy Trovillo, of Nichols, wa j in town Sunday enroutehome from Illinois, : where he was called by the Illness of a relative. County Judge Grant unitod in marriage Saturday eyening G. C. Pack ard and Bessie Barat, bof.li of Hillsido, MePherson county. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seebrgor. Miso Inn a. Clinton and Arthur Mchft.mara were gueatn of Mrt and Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt at Hershey Sunday. ' Judgo Dane, of Ogalalla, was a visi tor in town yestorday and attended the Elks meeting as did also Messrs. Marcott and Boatty of Brady and Frank Coker of Sutherland. Mrs. A. F. Streltz will loavtt for Umana Jt'rlday to visit relatives and attend the graduating oxorclses of her daughter Ruth at Brownell hall. The Union Pacific's engineers have completed a resurvey of the proposed line from Callaway to Gandy, nhd the uuuuing oi ine lino ocems to be as&ured. It Is rumored in this city that Promotor Durant has practically laid dowp on his proposition to mmu a road from Cal loway west to Tryon. The Oinnlm Boosters special train passed west Sunday night to Kimball -and making an early start from thtit Btation reached O'Fallon Junction at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. They then went up tho branch to Northport,, Btopping enroute at Lewollcn and Osh.. kosh. At the latter place they were given u country dance In tho evening and then on to tho end of tho track. They left Northnort oarlv thla morning, stopp ng at stations west of Oahkosh on the brunch, and at Hershey on the main lino. They are due to ar rive at this termlnallat 1:05 east time . this afternoon one hour after The ' Tribune closes its forma for today's Issue. Attention Yeoman. Tho Lookout Homestead of American Yeoman will hold their May social to night at the hall. A program consist ing of vocal and instrumental music and readings will be given, following mis win ue given n uriii by opposin teams of boys and girls. Ice cream an cauo win do sorvcu attor tho program and all nro looking forward tn a gen- oral good time. Yeoman remember your friondB and Invito them to be present. Cornel Seel Eat! You'll bo disappointed if you don't. Saturday. May 27th from 11:30. :on tinulne the rest of tho day wo ladles of the Christian church will give you good things to eat. iieholu what we offer for 16 cents: Bread and butter sandwiches pickles Baked Beans or Potato Salad Pumpkin Pio Coffee Ico cream and cake 10 cents extra. Don't forget the place Elk Block next to new ten cent storo. we serve all day. For Rest. 6-10 aero farm ranch, fenced and sub divided. Houso. barn, windmill and cistern. 00 acres cultivated, balanco hay and pasture Bratt & Goodman. Banks is visiting friends in "Tod" Lincoln. Millinery Sale Btarts May 24th at the wiicox Dept. store. M. J. Forbes left last night on a business trip to Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reynolds are now onrouto homo from there wedding trip and will arrive the iuttor part of this weeK. The Methodist aid society will meet Thuruay aftrnoon with Mrs. Rector, azi oouin iiiiesmuc street. Messrs. Wholpton, Davidson and Dutch, woll known buBinesn men of Ogalalla, came down last evening and wore intitiatcd, into tho Elks' lodge. ur. marie Ames returned last even ing from Oahkosh, whero alio had been visiting friends for a counle of davn. She brought back with her Boveral woll executed paintings by Miles Maryott Look to your diamonds, if tho proni nre worn or tho stone is loose it shou have immediate attention, Wo do our own diamond mounting in our own shop uixon, incewoior. It is rumored hero that a now time card will go into effect Sunday and that trains no. la anu 14 tho Uenvor run will again bo placed In service. Pas songor traffic does not justify these additional trains, but the Burlington will incrcaso its Denver service Sun day and the Union Pacific must keep in uiu guinu. Frank F. Murray, one of North mute's beBt Known young men. an nounces hlB candidacy for the repub lican nomination for county treasurer. Mr. Murray lias been employed in sov oral of tho "UBlnoas houses in clerical positions. 1'orsoveral years he was ongaged In buying and shipping stock He ia it man of good business ability, and woll fitted to perform tho ducibi or county treasurer. Wo havo just received an exceptional fine lot of fine poarl and diamond Jewelry. 'J.hso goods must be scon to no appreciated. V "ADVO" Canned Goods We are starting our canvas for "ADVO" Canned Goods to be delivered in Novem ber. As the lady who is doing- this work will only be here for a short time we will not be able to cover the whole town but will do-the best we can. Please leave your name at the store and we will be sure and see ydu, vfith a call from Ye hope to be favored you. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. A do;'.en members of thi motorcycle club rode to Gothenburg Sunday fore noon. Starting on tho roturn trip and ruaciuiig ii point six mues west or Gothenburg, they encountered a rain storm which Boaked the drive belts so badly that thoy slipped, and they wore coirmolled ta rntnrn t nnthankn.. leave their machines and come homo an tho train. They will go down after the mucmnes next aunuay. is there anything In all this world that is of moro import ne to you than good uigeBtion tvoa must be oaten to sustain nre nna miwt Ij digested and convened into blood. When tho dlges tlon fails the wholo body suiters. Cham berlaln's Tablets are n rational and r JJablo cur for indlgostlon. Thoy in crease the flow of bile, purify tho blood It, urn ireati ural and healthy 1C the whole dli To Start Work oa Federal Building. John Bonnett. representing tho Gen eral Construction Co.. of Milwaukee. which has the contract for erecting the federal building, was in town tho latter part of last week and engaged Ed Walkor to excavate t'o basement and to build tho concrete foundation. This work will begin in a few days and will be under the supervision or 11. a Petton, n government inspector of con structlon, who will arrive this week. The bid under which the General Con structlon Co., received the contract was We handle complete line of "Straws" and "Panamas" Can please and fy fit anyone. 4 Do not fail to of "Munsing" Jit Union Suits. Thtiy, tit- -nny- feet; they wear well and retain their shape. Tx Miller Made Clothes FIT! Complete show ing of Full- T Stock Cowhide JJWyO ill 114 lufUll. Cases and also a good line of Trunks in all sizes. QOMPARE the fit of the '"Miller Made Suit" with the fit of your "birthday" clothes and you will find that the suit fits better wears as long and looks nicer. Now that Decoration Day is near you will need a suit for the occasion and don't buy unless you get a fit. We carry in stock stouts, slims and regulars so you will not have any trouble in getting what you want. Quality and fit will be remembered long after price is forgotten. Proclamation. 4 j.F.CLABAUGH, "Clothing" EVERYTHING FOR MEN. FINCK'S DETROIT SPECIAL OVERALLS at 85 cents. MEMORIAL DAY A gratoful nation has set apart May 30Un in memory of the dead, who freely offered their all that the nation mignt nve. it is nttine nnd nronor that we should dovoto this day not only to the memory of those for whom it was es pecially set apart but also to the mom ry or our honored dead. i tnercioro earnestly renuest nu our people to lay aside their usual uvoca'- tlons. not to encage in unseemly cames or sport, uut witn uuo reverence and in fitting manner observe the day. Given under my hand at North Platte. Nebraska, thla zm day or May, lull. TH oa, C. PATTEUSON, Mayor. Preamble and Resolutions by Tate Lodge. North Platte. Neb.. May 12th. 1911. 64, A. 0. U. W. on tho departure our Tho goo ds S of tho former Bates racket store, which were purchased by J. E. Vermillion, havo been moved to a building on north Locust street. Judge nnd Mrs. II. M. Grimes went went to Scotts Bluffs Sunday evening where the Judge will hold a term of court. Last night the Judge and his wife were guests of favor at a big banquet given by the people c i Scotts Bluffs. No. of Brother Sylvester Friend from city. whereas, lor moro. than lorty ynrs our brother has been one of our best citi zens, for the past twenty-five yoars a faithtul. working member of our lodtre. and for the past thirteen years guarded our funds as its Treasurer, and has voluntarily resigned the office, as he is removing to a larger city, and wneroas, our brother anu nis good wiro are held in high esteem bv an our people, honest in business, faithful in every trust, a neighbor without malice, a friend without price. Thcrofore be it resolved, that the best wishes of our lodge and every member tnereot are extended to our worthy brother, and we commend him to tho kind considerations of nil A. 0. U. W. lodges and members, wherever ho may be. Committee: op Twenty-three. It Sartlted The World. when the astounding claims wore firtt made for Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures havo proved them truo, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns. Bolls, scalds, bores. Cuts Bruises, Sprnins, Swellings, Eczema, Chapped hands, Fever Sores and Piles. Only 25c at Stooa Drug Co. The SOCK that is "None the Worse for Wear'-' AND mm HEEL Why not get the Best? The 1911 "Standard Fire Insurance Tables" quotes the leading ten companies (American and U. S.N Branch of Foreign) in the followhg order as respects their Cash Assets and Surplus to Policy-holders the most apparent and easily available evidence of what's "behind the policy." Cash Assets. 1 THE HOME 530,178,914 1 2 Hartford 24,863,635 2 8 CONTINENTAL 21,198,038 3 4 AETNA 21,023,545 4 5 GERMAN AM.. N. Y. i7,170,112 5 6 INS. CO. of N. A 16,04i265 0 7 Fidelity-Phenix 13,790,298 - 7 8 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 13,745,409 8 9 Royal 11,534,555 9 10 National, Conn 10,792,293 10 Surplus In Policy Holders. THE HOME $16,829,613 CONTINENTAL 15,063,001 AETNA '. 12,369,016 GER. AM., N. Y 9,042,400 Hartford 8,923,967 INS. CO. of N. A 7,712,334 sFidehty-Phenlx 5,734,087 PHOENIX, CONN 5,655,131 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 5,155.975 Springfield, F. & M 4,642,28 ve are exclusive agents at North Platte for each of the Insurance Companies in the foregoing lists whose names are printed in capital letters It is only by placing your Fire Insurance with us that you are assured of getting the best. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. when all duators. stomach, and tone ud estlve apparatus to n nat action, f or sulo by For Sale. Full two story eight room residence with cellar and two full lots within one block of West End school house. The house is good as new and we are I1J1 n , n. Jetterisg the inreperty for 1cm thaa im- TnltUX mU ml. i3lftreJPrevetaealsc?uIdberIact4fi)r. i nm BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Eight Grade Graduation. Tho annnnl commencement exorcises of tho Lincoln County Eight Grade Schools will be held at the high school fifulltrtfiimt n titles nlftr TiVtrfritr n ffnvnftAn June 2nd, at two o'clock. One hundred and eighty pupils or the rural schools havo successfully passed the eight grade examination, and in addition there are about seventy pupils of tho city who complete this grade this year. The program for the commencement follows: Song,-" Angels of Light," 8th Grada Pupils from Nolle M. Rhea's School. Invocation Rev. C. M. Johnson, Song, "Just a Bit of Cloth, but It'B Red. Vhlte and Blue, "-8th Grade Pupils from Aggio Weather's School. Debate, "Resolved, That Cities Should Own Their Water Works and Lighting Plants." Affirmative, Bert Hunter and Archie Carrigan. Negative, Mario Bowon and Arthur McCabe. Oration, Th Supposed Speech of John Adams Miss Edith Beatty. Recitation, Miss Lola Huntington. Duet, 8th Grade Pupils from Joseph ine Blixt's School. Presentation of Diplomas. THAT'S vhat counts you are talking- socks. IT'S the only known solution for tho Wear Problem, when you want a thin, light-weight sock to resist the toe-puncture. Price, 25 and 50c. Wilcox Dep't. Store. CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night MOVING PICTURES: Weathor forecast: Generally fair to night and Wednesday, Maximum tem perature veaterdav 62: one vear ncro 71. Minimum temperature this morning 40; one year ago 4U. A Woman's What Shall Our Old. Voice, We Do With HAIL INSURANCE. This is the time to get it. We have the Old Reliable St Paul. None heller 1 or cheaper. BRATT & GOODMAN. VAUDEVILLE: Harry and Edna Rose in their latest comedy creation, "An Ambitious Maid." 10 and 15 Gents. THE First National Book, of North Platte, Nebraska. "X J UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA. President. E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-Prcsldcnl, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. 1 111 1 A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the medical profession. Special accommodation for confinement cases Training school for nurses in connection. Address all communi cations to the superintendent, PhoHe 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust Hi-' !