SERIAL STORY Gdhen a Jftan Jftarries m m MARY ROBERTS RJNEHART Jlulhot of Tht Circular Slatraut, Th &Cm In Lowt Ttn, Etc. 18 Copy- 1ht IK, by th DobU Merrill Co. SYNOPSIS. James Wllion or Jimmy ns lie l cnllei by lila friend. Jimmy wm rotund ami looked shorter tlt,n he reslly wrim. lila nmbltlon In Ufa win to t taken Korloualy, hut people Rtea'llly retuetl to do 10, hi" nrt III considered n hUK Joke, except to hlmaelf. If he nuked people to dinner ev eryone expected a frollo. Jimmy marrlre JJellu Knowlei; they live tnuethor n year and are dlvorred, Jimmy'" friend" nr ranre to eclebratn tho llrat anniversary of lila divorce. The party la In full "Win when Jimmy receive a tnleftram from bin Aunt Hellna, who will arrive In four houm to vlalt him and liln wife. Ho nenlecta to toll her of lila divorce. Jimmy tnkea Kit Into his confidence, Ite miRReMa that Kit play the hoateaa for one nlicht, be Mm. wlfaon pro tern. Aunt Hellna nrrlvea and the deception works out aa planned. Jlm'a Jap aervant, la taken III. HelU, Jimmy's divorced wife, enter the house nnd miks Kit who la beln taken awnv In the ambulance? Belle Inalata It la Jim. Kit telln her Jim la well nnd la In thn liouae. Harblaon ateps out on the porch nnd dlacovera n man tacking n card on the door. Ho demand an explanation. The man polnta to the placard and liar Waon noes tho word "flmollpox". printed on It. lie telln him. thn RUesta cannot leave the howno until the quarantine l lifted. After tho Uftlnsr of the quarantine eovenil letters nra found In tho mall box undelivered, ono la addreaaod to Henry Llewellyn, Iqulque, Chile, which was written by Harblaon. Jin fl"rrlbe mi nutely of their Incarceration, nlan of lila Infatuation for lira. Wilson. Aunt Bnllna In taken III with la Krlpno, Hetty net ns nurse, Harbison Hilda Kit aulklne on the roof. She tolls him that Jim line been treatlntr hor outrageously. Kit starts downstairs, when auddenly she la xraaped In tho arms of n. man who klaaea her sev eral times. Bhe believes that Harbison did It nnd la humlInted. Aunt Bellnn, tells Jimmy that her cameo brcaatpln and other article of Jewelry havo been stolen. Bhe accuses Hetty of tho theft, Jimmy tells Aunt Hellna alt about the strano happening, but she paralsts In suspecting Hetty of tho theft of her valuables. Harbison demands an explanation from Kit n to tier conduct towards him, she tells him of the Incident on tho roof, he doea not deny nor confirm her accusation. One of the Kuesta devises a way to escape from tho house. CHAPTER XIV. (Continued.) It wbb a transparent plot on Holla's part: Two elderly lndloa, house mllee from nnywhoro, long avcnlngs in the music room with an open flro nnd Holla at tho hurp plnylng tho two songa alio knows. Whon wo woro rendy nnd gathered In tho kitchen, In tho darkness, of course, Dal wont up n tho roof nnd iitgnnlod with a lnntorn to tho cars on tho drive, Then ho wont down Htnlru, took a Inst look nt tho drawing-room, flrod tho papers, Bhook tho powder, oponod tho wlndowa nnd yollcd "flrot" Of courso, huddled In tho kitchen, wo had heard little or nothing, llut wo plainly hoard Dal on tho first floor and Flannlgnu on tho second yelling 'flro," and tho pattor of foot bb tho guards ran to tho front of tho house, And at that Instant wo romomborod Aunt Sollhal That was tho cause of tho wholo trouble I don't know why thoy turned on me; she wasn't my nunt. But by the time they had Rot hor out of bed, and had wrapped hor In nu eiderdown comfort, and stuck slippers on her foot and a motor veil on her head, tho glare at tho front of tho house was beginning to die away. She didn't un derstand at all, and we, had no time to xplaln. I remember that Bhe wanted to go back and get her "plate," whatever that may be, but Jim took her by the arm and hurried her along, and the l'Nt. who had waited, and were In awful tempera, stood aside and let .them out first. The door to thn area Btepa was open, and by the street lights wo could see a fence and a gate, which opened on a sldo street. Jim and Aunt Bellua ran straight for tho gate; the wind blowing Aunt Selinn's com fort like a nail, Then", with our foot, so to speak, on tho first rung of the ladder of liberty, It slipped" A half dozen guards and roportora camo arouud the house and drovo us back like shoop Into a slaughter pen. It was the most humiliating moment of my ll(o. Dal had been for lighting u way through, nnd Just for a minute I think I wont llorsork myself. nut Max Bpled ono of tho roportora setting up a flash-light as wo stood, unde cided, at tho top of tho ctopB, and after that there waa nothing to do but rutreat. Wo backed plowly, to show them we wore not afraid. And when we were all in the kitchen again, and had turned on the lights aud Delia was crying with her head against Mr, Harbison's arm, Dal said, cheerfully; "Well, it has dono somo good, any how. We have lost Aunt Hollna." And we all shook hands on It, al though we were sorry about Jim, And Dal mid wo would havo some cham pagne and drink to Aunt Sollna'n com fort, and we could have hor teeth fumigated and send them to hor. Somebody said "Poor old Jim," and at that Delia looked up. She stared around tha group, and then she west quite pale. "Jim!" sho gasped. "Do you mean that Jim is out thore, too?" "Jim and Aunt Sollnat" I said ns calmly ns I could for Joy. You soo how it simplified tho sltuntlon for mo. "By this time thoy aro n mile away, and going!" Everybody shook hands again ex cept Holla. She had dropped Into n chair, and sat biting her Hp and breathing hard, and sho would not Join in any of tho hilarity at gottlng rid of Aunt Scllna. Finally sho got up and knocked over hor chair, "You aro a lot of cowards," oho stormed. "You dosorted thom out thoro, loft thom. Hoavon knows whoro they are a dcfensolosn old woman, and and a man who did not oven have an overcoat. And It Is snowing!" "Nover mind," Dal Bald, reassuring ly. "He can borrow Aunt Sollna's comfort. Mako tho old lady discard from weakness. Anyhow, Bolla, If I know anything of human naturo, tho old lady will make it hot enough for him. Poor old JImJ" Then they shook hands again, nnd with that there camo a torrlblo bang ing at tho door, which we nnd locked, "Open tho door!" somo ono com manded. It wob ono of tho guards. "Opon It .yourself!" DnllaM called, moving a kitchen tablo to ro-enforco tho lock. "Opon that door or wo will break It in!" Dallas put his hands In his pockets, seated hlmsolf oh tho table, and whisked cheerfully. Wo could hoar thom conferring outside, nnd thoy made another appeal, which was re fused. Suddenly Bella camo over and confronted Dallas. "They havo brought thom back!" sho sold dramatically. "Thoy aro ou. thoro now; I distinctly heard Jim's voice. Opon that door, Dallas I" "Oh, don't lot thom In!" I wnllod. It wa3 qulto involuntary, but tho dis appointment was too awful. "Dallas, don't open thnt door!" Dal swung his foot and Binllcd from Bella to mo. "Think what n solution It Is to all our difllcultlCB," ho Bttld, easily. "Without Aunt Sollna I could bo happy horo indefinitely." Thoro Was moro knocking, and somebody Max. I think snld to lot thom In, that It was a fool thing any- how. nnd that ho wantod to go to bod and forgot it: his feet wore cold And Just then thoro wnH u crash, and "Certainly You Will Not Pictures." Move the half-way up from the kitchen, for aa hour, with tho dinner on it .Anyhow, Max was searching the house ays to- raatlcally, armed with a copy of Poo's "Purloined Letter" nnd Oaborlau's Monsieur Lccoq ." He wont through tho seats of tho chalrH with hatpins, I tore up tho beds, and lifted rugs, until the houso waa In a stato of confusion. And the next day, tho fourth, he found something not much, but It wns curious. He had been In the studio, poking around behind tho dusty pictures, with Jimmy expostulating evory tlmo ho moved anything and tho rest standing around watching him. Max was strutting. "We get It by eliminations," he said, Importantly. "Tho pearls be ing nowhore else in tho houso, they must bo hero In tho studio. Three parts of tho studio having yielded nothing, thoy must bo in the fourth. Indies nnd gcntlomen, let mo have your attention for ono moment. I tap this canvas with my wnnd thoro Is nothing up my slcovo. Then I pre pare to move tho canvas so. And I put my hand In the pocket of this die roputabta velvet coat, bo. Behold!" Thon ho gave a low exclamation and looked at something ho held in hla hand. Every ono stopped forward, and on his palm was the small diamond claap from Anno's collar! Jimmy wan apologetic. Ho tried to fltnllo. but no ono else did. "Well, I'll bo flabbergasted!" ho said, "I say, you people, you don't think for a minute that I put that thing thoro? Why, I hnvon't worn that cont for n month. It's It's a trick of yours, Max." But Max shook his hend; ho lookod atupoflod, and stood gazing from tha clasp to tho pocket of tho old painting coat. Betty dropped on a folding ntool, that promptly collapsed with hor and created a welcome divorsion, whllo Anno pounced on tho clasp greedily, with a llttlo cry. "Wo will find it all now," sho said. excitedly. "Did you look In tho othe pockots, Max7" Then, for the first time, I was con scious of an air of constraint among tho men. Dallas wbb whistling softly, and Mr. Harbison, having rcscuod Betty, was standing silent and aloof, watching tho ncano with non-committal oyes. It was Max who spoko first, after a hurried inventory of tho othor pockets. "Nothing elso," ho said, constrained ly. "I'll movo tho rost of tho can vasos." But Jim lntorfored, to every ono'a surprlso. "I wouldn't if I woro you, Max. Thero's nothing back there. I had 'em out yestorday." Ho waa qulto palo. "NonsonBo!" Max said gruffly. "If It's n practical Joke, Jim, why don't you "fess up? Anno has worried enough." "Tho pearla aro not thoro, I toll you," Jim began. Although the studio wns cold, thoro woro llttlo fine beads of moisture on his face. "I must ask you not to movo thoso pictures." And thon Aunt Sollna cumo to tho rcscuo; Hhq stalked ovor and stood with her back against tho stack of canvnssos. "Ab far as I understand this," sho declaimed, "You gentlomon nro trying to intimnto that James knows somo thing of that young woman'B Jowelry, bocauso you found a part of It in hla pockot. Certainly you will not movo tho pictures. How do you know that tho young gentleman who said ho found It thoro didn't havo it up hla Bloove?" Sho looked around triumphantly, nnd Mnx glowered. Dallas soothed hor, however. "Exnctly so," ho said. "How do wo know thnt Max didn't have tho clasp up his sloevo? My doar lady, neither my wife nor I enro anything for the pearls, as compared with tho priceless pearl of poaco. I Buggest tea on tho .roof; thoso In favor? My arm, Mlsa Caruthors. It wan nil well enough- for Jim to say lator that ho didn't daro to havo s-r m - i us CAHEFULI.Y regulated diet has. In numberleas cases, proved ono of the best, If not the best cor roctlvo of dlseacos. Dr. Bhepard. All that a man hath will he sive for his life. WHAT TO HAVE FOR LUNCHEON. When tho noon meal Is a light one, and tho heavier meal taken at night, ono does not for a meal especial ly nutritive; something dainty and at tractive in its appearanco is generally pleasing. A cream soup, a salad, a sandwich and a cako with fresh or preserved fruit makes a meal sufficiently satis fying. For drinks, tea, cocoa, chocolato or any of tho fruit Juices may bo used. A potato soup Is simple and easily mado, Also liked by nearly everybody. Potato Soup. -Havo ready a cup ful of mashed potato, rub through a eiovo to bo 'suro that it is free from lumps. Add threo cups of milk that hns bocn scalding with a slice of onion. Ilomovo tho onion and bind with a tablospoontul of butter which has been cooked with a tablespoontul of flour. Cook all together, add salt and whlto popper and servo. A nico sandwich which is easy to proparo is bread and butter with a sllco of cucumber dipped In French dressing put botwoon tho slices. An emergency dessert for unexpect ed company la proparcd by putting e canned pear or peach in a sherbet glass, and heap on top a tablespoontul of swoctonod nnd flavored whipped cream. A Balad that, too, may bo prepared In a hurry la ono of lottuco sprinkled with freshly roasted pcanuta broken In bita and served with French dress ing. A sprinkling of chopped onion may bo added if tho flavor is liked. Angel Food and Strawberries. Bake an angel cake In a sheet cut In squares, heap on fresh strawberries and pour ovor each dish a tablespoon ful or two .of whipped cream. Tula Is an especially plooslng dessert bo causo It looks bo protty. Ono can cut tho cake in rounds or use any ehapo of cutter. Another nico dessert that may bo quickly prepared is tho French pan cakes. Use any good grtddlo cako rocipo, spread thom, when cooked, with Jolly nnd roll up, then roll In sugar and sorve. will come out as pretty in color as whon now. To proparo crumbs for escallopod dishes, season with salt and pepper and stir in a small quantity of melted butter. Mix well before using. Clean currants by rubbing between the hands with a little flour, thon wash, drain and dry them and they will bo ready for use If kept in a Mght can. Water in which vegetables are cooked, oxcept potato wntor, Is good to add to soup stock for flavoring, Wator in which rlco Is cooked, should never be thrown away. Add a llttlo tomato and seasoning, and the result will bo a Ono soup. Lot tho cold water run a fow mo ments. Never use wator for cooking that haa stood in tho pipes. JLF W W is CANNOT mako bargains toi 1 1 blisses, Nor catch them like fish In neta; And aometlmea the thing our life mlase Helps more than the thing which It gets. For good lleth not In pursuing, Nor gaining of great nor of small. Hut Just In tho doing, and doing An van would bo done by. that Is all. Alice Cary. BAUTT enchants and graco captivates for a season, but a well Informod mind and a cultured heart will mako a homo beautiful jvhen tho bloom of beauty has faded and gone. Elmo. part of ono of tho windows foil in. Tho noxt blow from outsldo br'ouuht tho rost of tho glass, nnd somobody was coming through, foot first. It was Jim. Ha did not aponk to any of us, but turned nnd helped In u bundle of red and yellow hIIIc .comfort that proved to bo Aunt Sollna, also feet first, I had n gllmpBo of a half-dozctt heads outsldo, guards and roportora. Then Jim Jorked tho shade down nnd un Bwnthed Aunt Sollna'n legs so that aho could walk, offered hla arm, and stalked past us and upstairs, without a wordl i.n , fli.-V.wi .LV ...Vv tho ennvnscs moved, for ho had stuck I ono pound of hazolnuta and grind half tho lights and wont upstnlrs and took .... nll nf nhnr..a ,., nf ,hAm , mof L. off our wraps and wont to bod. It had , :: ' V T " -L" that wero not for Aunt Senna's oyo, besides four empty siphons, two full ones, and threo bottles of whisky. Not a soul belloved htm; there was a now olemcnt of suspicion and discord in the houso. (TO HK CONTINUED.) UNUSUAL SALADS. Thoro arq any number of salads giv en in cook books, but thoso that aro really prized aro often novor noon In a cook bopk; thoy are gathered from our frienda. Fruit Balads may tnko tho placo of dessert Thoy are much moro wholesome than tho rich combi nations commonly served. Bonbon Salad. Shape small-slzotl balls of pimento .choeso, roll in chopped pecan meats and press halt a nut into tho ball. Arrongo on lottuco leaves and servo with mayonnaise dressing. Hazelnut Salad. Shell and blanch SPRING DISHES. Rhubarb Is ono of tho flrat of our wholesomo fruits. Thero nro many ways of serving It asldo from, tho sauco or in pies. A pudding which is worth trying Is: Rhubarb PuddlnQ. Tako threo cup- fuls of chopped rhubarb, mix well with a cup of sugar. In a buttered baking dish mako nltornato lnyera of buttorod broad crumbs and rnunaro, using three cups of crumbB and a third of a cup of molted butter. Have throq layorB of bread and two of fruit. Bako ono hour and oorvo with a hard sauco. For a hard sauce, cream a third of a cud of buttor. add a cup of powdorod sugar and tho whlto of an ogg beaten stiff. Flavor and serve. Rhubarb Pie. Tako two cupfuls ot chopped rhubarb, n cup ot sugar, a ta blespoontul ot butter and flour and two woll beaten eggs, reserving tho whites for tho top. Bako In ono crust, nnd cover with a merlnguo, using tho whites, and' threo tablespoonfuls of powdorod sugar. Mushrooms. Do not fall to watch for the flrst mushrooms. Thero are so many delicate dishes to proparo from mushrooms. This delicate vegetijblo goes to wasto in many of our gardens. Got a rellablo teacher and loam a iow of the common varieties and onjoy thom all through tho summer. A very fow will be sufficient .to fla vor a sauco for beefsteak, or If ono is fortunato enough to find a pound, thoy will sorvo In the placo of moat Yellow dock, when it flrst comes up In tho aprlng. makes a good groen to cook with dandolions. boon almost a llusco. CHAPTER XV. Suspicion and Discord. ' , Every ono was nasty tho noxt morn ing. Aunt Sellna declared that hor feet woro frost-bltton and kopt Bella rubbing thom with ico wator all morn ing. And Jim waa Imposslblo. Ho re fused to speak to any ot us, and ho watched Bella furtively, as it ho bub pcoted her of trying to get him out of the houso. Whon luncheon tlmo camo around nnd ho had shown no indication ot go ing to tho telophono and ordering it, wo had a conclave, and Max was choson to remind him ot tho hour. Jim wbb shut In tho studio, and we waited together In tho hall whilo Max wept up. Whon ho camo down ho wftB somewhat ruffled. "He wouldn't opon ts.o door," ho roported. "und when I told him it was meal tlmo, ho said ho wasn't hun gry, and ho didn't glvo a whoop about the rost ot us, Ho had nskod us here to dinner: he hadn't proposed to adopt us," So we finally ordered luncheon our solves, and about two o'clock Jim came downstairs, shoeplshly, and nto what waa loft Anne declared that Bella had been scoldtng him In tho upper hall, but I doubted it. Sho was never Boon to speak to him unneces sarily. The excitement ot tho oscnpo over, Mr. Harbison nnd I ,roraain6d on terms ot armed neutrality, And Max still hunted for Anna's pearls, using them, the men declared, aa a good oxouse to avoid tinkering wth tho furnace or repairing the dumb-waiter, which took the queerest notions, and stopped once 325,000 IN ONE YEAR THE IMMIGRATION TO CANADA SURPASSES ALL RECORD. Tho returns recently Issued by the Canadian Immigration Branch shows that upwards ot 325,000 porsons ar rived in Canada during tho past twelvo months, declaring their inten tion of becoming settlors in that coun try. Of this number about 130,000 were from tho united States, tho bal ance being from tho British Isles and Northern Europe It will thus bo seen that tho sturdy farming element that has gono forward from tho Unltod States is bolng splendidly supplement ed by an equally sturdy settlement from across the seas. Tho luro of Canadian wheat oats, barley and flax grown on tho rich pralrlo of Western Canada Is constantly attracting more and moro, and yoar by year the tide of Immigrants to the Western Canada plains increases; thero Is no ebb to this tide. The Canadian authorities aro not surprised at the number from the United States bolng as large as it is but thoy did not look for bo large an immigration from the old countries. Still, they will not bo found unpro- Sared. Reception halls are in read! ess at all Important points In Mani toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, sur veyors wero at work during the' past season opening up now districts on which to placo those seeking froa homesteads of 1C0 acres each, rail ways havo been projecting: laterals from their main lines, and evory pro vision has been taken to accommo dato tho newcomer. A recent dis patch from Antwerp reads: "Tho dl Torsion of Europoan emigration from tho United States to Canada 1b said to be seriously affecting tho Atlantic steamship linos. Tho Red Star today gives up to the America-Canada lino two of the bost Bpeclal emigrant steamers nfloat tho Gothland nnd tho Samland. These vessels heretofore in tho Antwerp-New York Bervico aro now to bo operated from Rotterdam to Canadian ports." On tho dato of the above dispatch word camo to tho Immigration branch that tho "Vanguard of the 1911 army of United States aottlera reached Win nipeg at 1:30 o'clock this morning. Thero was a solid train load of ef fects, comprising 41 carloads and two colonist Bleopors uttached to tho train, which , contained tho members of 25 famlllos. Evory man Jack in the party is a skilled farmer, and all have como north, prepared to go right on tho land, which was purchased last year. They aro equipped with every thing that experlonco has shown Is necessary to mako a start on virgin pralrlo. In addition to machinory and household offects thero wero a largo number ot horses nnd cattlo. Somo of tho farmers had also brought, along gas tractors, which will bo put right to work on ground breaking." Ono of tho ngents of tho Canadian government advises that It would ap pear as It each month of tho present year would show a largo Increase over tho past year. Tho domand for tho literature ot tho department, describ ing tho country and Its resources, is greater than it over has been. Jl HE human heart Is like a mill stone In a mill; when you put wheat under It It turns and grlndi and bruises the wheat to flour. If you put no wheat, It still grinds on; but thou 'Us Itself It grinds and wears away. Martin Luther. A FAIR RETORT. Pat, who had a bad coin glvon to him. decided to try and spend It He thorotoro went into a tobacconist nnd askod for a cigar; The shopman band ed ovor tho cigar, and Pat, putting the cigar in his mouth, tondord tho coin. He was making his way out when the shopman shouted: "Hoy, man, do you know It Is a bad ouo?" Pat turned round and said: "Novor mind. I'll Bmoko It It It kill mo." A Sure Sign, "Was tho audtenco thts evonlng a fashlonablo ono?" "No; It consisted ot vory ordinary pooplo." "But tho people in the boxes seemed to be handsomely and stylish ly drossod." "So they were, but thoy weren't fashionable tor all that Thoy kopt qulot'all the time tho play waa go ing on." of them in n meat grinder. Orate half a pineapple, mix with tho nuta a ta. blespoontul ot sherry and the Juice ot half a lomon and a tablespoontul ot powdorod sugar. Lot Btand an hour and then add a cake ot cream cheese. mix won ana nmico into nails with a wholo nut moat in tho center. Heap on lettuce and covor with mayonnaise dressing. College Salad With Horseradish Dressing. Mix together a cup ot strong cheese, threo neufchatol choosoa and ten olives, chopped; three awoot rod peppers, salt and paprika, and enough sweet cream to mold well. Make Into bails with butter pats, gar nish with strips of pimento and pour over a trench dressing after arranging tho choeso on lettuce. Serve with horseradish sauco. Mix four table- Bpoonfuls of gratod horseradish with ono tablespoontul each ot lemon Juice nnd vinegar and threo tablospoonfuls of ctv Ji, whlppod. Season with aalt and pepper. A salad that Is nico to sorvo with game is orange and celery. Cut tho oranges In slices longthwlso and then In halves; arrango on lottuco leavos with a garnlah of fringed celery. Pour ovor a Fronch dressing. Noyor put any kind of dressing on a crisp groen vogotablo until it 1b ready to Eorvo, as it will wilt and lose its attractiveness, EARLY VEGETABLES. Whon cooking fresh beans, try using n llttlo salt pork, and cook until tho beans aro tendor, then season and sorvo. Another way to aorvo tho groen beans Is to prepare and cook them as above, and Just beforo taking up add a llttlo vinegar and a sprinkling ot finely shredded onion. When ono has a fow of different klnda of vegotablos, with nono In suf flclont quantity to servo alone, try: Gypsy Stew. Cut carrots in slices, new onions, new potatoes and a few peas. Cook with bits ot diced salt pork, and whon all aro cookod season and add a llttlo milk. All Taking a Rest. Tho baby bad beon 111 and had done much crying. When, at last, It be gan to Improve, the rest of tho family folt grateful. "And Is tho dear child resting easily now?" telephoned a sympathetic vis itor. "Wo all aro, thank you," smiled the llttlo slstor deputed to reply. Going Too Far. "John, what on earth aro you do ing?" called Mrs. Qeekor to her opouso, who was thumping, pounding and swearing la. the cellar, "Didn't you tell me to shake dowa the furnace?" he askod. "Yes, but you needn't shake dowa the house." Generalities. Remove tea and coffee stains from linen by rubbing on a llttlo borax and thon ooak for halt an hour in cold wator. After Boaklng spread ovor' a bowl and pour boiling water through tho opotB. To keep pink dresses frosh in color, use a piece df rod crepo paper in the rinse and starch water. The dreesea Undesirable. "I do hopo tho people who aro try ing to mako flying posslblo will nover succeed.' "yhy? It seems to mo It would bo a great thing for tro human raco." "It might be, but tho costumes poo plo havo to wear to go aoroplanlng aro bo uiucouB. New Advertising Idea. Lanterns to project advertising signs upon pavements so thnt ho who walkB la forced to road now are made with electric lamps sufficiently now erful to operato effectively in tho best One Close Tip. "Your wandering life as an actor must cut you off from all ties." "Ah, madam, say not so. The rail road ties aro over with us." Mrs. Wlnslow'u Soothlnr Byrup for Children trctblug, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pulu, cures wind uollc, 23c ft bottle. Let amusement All In tho chinks of your life, not tho groat spaces there of. Parker. Smokers find Lewis' Sinulo Binder 5a clear better quality than most 10c cigars. Tho friend who takes your part sometimes forcets to return It. Farms for rrnt or islo on crop payment!. J. Mai ball, Sioux Clljr. Iowa. Every man Is Just enough of a liar to keep hlmsolf amused. The Wretchedness of Constipation iCaa qukUy bo otwcoho by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. PurJy vegetal)! met rarely aad eetly oa tha BXotUMM, Head, aba. Dsn ami, sad bdfcw&w. Hey da tiaty.' SauB PS, Sraall Dm. 'SaB iMca.f Genuine BUf Signature a-aTaTajaTaTajaaD mmtmt m m aavavavavavava7r iibn I .avavavavavavavaMr aa km i Rheumatism PROMPTLY RELIEVED BY jOW B3 HtNWY tST. BWOOKtYW.W.V. I illiFiUH-KiHiiHdii nrrSr.u.VM lnp,MUlr I..K.VTr,rK?i PATEHTS3S-igj2