The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1911, Image 7

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a JfCan
Jlulhor of The Circular Slalrease,
The SHCan in Lower
Ten. Etc.
Copyright lto, by the BobU-lltrrlll Co.
James Wilson or Jimmy na he Is called
by hlo friends. Jimmy was rotund and
looked shorter than ho really was. Ills
ambition In life was to bo takon seriously,
but pooplo steadily refused to do bo, his
art In considered a hugo Joko, except to
hlmsolf. If ho asked people to dinner ov
eryono oxpoctod a frolic. Jimmy marries
Bella Knowles; they live together a year
and are divorced. Jimmy's frlonds or
rango to celobrate tho llrst anniversary
of his dlvorco. Tho party Is In full nwlnic
when Jimmy received a telegram from his
Aunt Solina, who will arrlvo In four hours
to visit him and his wife. lie neglects to
tell her of his dlvorco. Jimmy takoo Kit
Into Ills confidence, ho tries to dovlsa
some way so that his aunt will not learn
that ho has no longer a wife. He sun
Beats that Kit play the hostess for one
night, bo Sirs. Wilson pro tern. Aunt Sc.
Una arrives and tho deception works out
fij planned. JIm'a Jap servant Is takon
111. Dolla, Jimmy's divorced wlfo, ontors
tho houso and asks Kit who Is being tn
kon away In tho ambulanca? Delia Insists
It in Jim. Kit tolls her Jim Is well and Is
In tho houso. Harbison steps out on the
porch and discovers a man tacking a
card on the door. lie demands an ex
planatlon. The man points to the placard
and Harbison sees tho word "Smallpox"
printed on. It. Ho tells him the guests
cannot leavo the houso until tho quaran
Ino is lifted. The guests suddonly roal
o their predicament, tho women shed
tears, the men consider It a good Joke.
The all important question arises as to
who is to prepare tho weal- and perform
tho other household duties. Harbison fin
ally solves tho matter. After tho lifting
i tne quarantino several letters are found
n tho mall box undelivered, one la nil-
dressed to Ilenrv I.lawellvn. Inulnun.
Chllo, which was written by Harbison.
Ho describes minutely of their Incarcera
tion, also of his Infatuation for Mrs. Wil
son. Aunt Sellna Is taken ill with la
grippe. Betty acts as nurse. Harbison
finds Kit sulking on tho roof. Sho tells
him that Jim has been treating her out
rageously. Harbison fully believing that
she Is Mrs. Wilson, tells her that sho
doesn't mean tho things she Is saying
about her husband. Kit starts down
stairs, when suddenly sho' Is grasped In
the arms of a man who kisses her sev
eral times. Sho believes that Harbison
did It and Is humiliated. Ailnt Sellna tells
Jimmy that her cameo breastpin and
other articles of Jewolry havo beon stolen.
8he accuses Betty of tho theft. Tho fol
lowing morning Jimmy wa In a rage.
Tho papers printed a story about tho In
carceration of the party, and that one of
tho guests had attempted to escape ' by
moans of laying a board across tho roof
to tho adjoining house, but was frus
trated by a detcctlvo who flrod a rovolvor
at htm,
CHAPTER XII. (Continued.)
"I -wish you would nil go out," I said
wearily. ."If overy man In tho house
says ho didn't try to got ovor to tho
next roof last night, well and good.
But you might look and seo If the
hoard Is still lying where It fell."
There was nn Instantaneous rush
for tho window, and a second's pause.
Then Jimmy's volco, Incredulous,
"Well, I'll be blessed! Thero's tho
I stayed in my room all that day
My head really ached and then, too, I
did not caro to meet Mr. Harbison. If
would havo to como; I realized that
a meeting was Inovitablo, hut I want
ed tlmo to think how I would meet
him. It would bo impossible to cut
him, without rousing tho curiosity of
tho others to fever pitch; and it was
equally impossible to lguoro tho dis
graceful oplsodo on tho stairs. As it
happened, however, I need not have
wprrled. I wont down to dinner, lan
guidly, when overy -one wns seated,
and found Max at my right, and Mr.
Harbison moved over beside Delia.
Every one was talking at once, for
Flannlgan, ambling around tho table
as airily as ho walked his beat, had
presented Bella with hor bracolot on
a salad plata, garnished with romalno.
Ho had found it in tho furnace room,
he said, whoro sho must havo dropped
it. And ho looked at mo stealthily, to
approvo his mendacity!
Every one was famished, and as
they ato they discussed tho board in
tho nrea-way, and pretended to deride
It as a clovor bit "of press work, to re
vive a dying sensation. No ono was
deceived: Anne's pearls and tho at
tempt at escape, coming Just nftor,
pointed only to ono thing. I looked
around tho tablo, dazed. Flannlgan,
almost the only unknown quantity,
might havo tried to escapo tho night
before, but ho would not havo been
In dress clothes. Besides, ho must
bo eliminated as far ns tho pearls
wero concerned, haying been locked
in tho furnaco room tho night they
wero stolen. There was no ono among
tho girls to suspect. Tho Morcor girls
had stunning pearls, and could secure
all they wanted legitimately; and
Bella disliked them. Oh, tbre was no
question about it, I decided: Dallas
and Anne had taken a wolf to their
bosom or is it a viper? and the
Harbison man was tho croaturo. Al
though I must say that,, looking ovor
tho table) at Jimmy's breadth and not
very Imposing personality, at Max's
lean length, sallow skin and bold
dark oyes, at Dallas, blond, growing
bald and florid, and then at the Harbi
son boy, tall, muscular, clear-eyed and
sunburned, one would havo taken Max
at first choice as tho villain, with Dal
noxt, Jim third, and tho Harbison boy
not in tho running,
It was Just after dinner (hat tho
surpriso was Bprung on me. Mr. Har
bison camo around to mo gravely,
and asked me if I felt able to go up on
tho roof. On tho roof, aftor Inst
nlghtl I had to gather myself togeth
er; luckily, tho others wore pushing
back their chairs, showing Flannlgan
tho liqueur glasses to take up, and
lighting cigars.
"I do not caro to go," I said icily.
"Tho others nro coming," ho per
sisted, "and I I could glvo you nn
arm up tho stairs."
"I bollevo you nro good at that," I
said, looking at hlin stendlly. "Max,
will you help mo to tho roof?"
Mr. Harbison really turned rnthor
whlto. Thon ho bowed ceromonloualy
and left mo.
Max got mo a wrap, and cvory ono
oxcopt Mr. Harbison and Bella, who
wns taking a mass of indlgestlbles to
Aunt Sellna, went to tho roof.
"Whore is Tom?" Anno naked, ns
wo reached the foot of tho stairs.
"Qono ahead to fix things," was the
answer. But ho was not there. At
tho top of tho last flight I stopped,
dumb with amazement; tho roof had
beon transformed, enchanted. It was
a fairy-land of lights and foliage and
colors, I hnd to Btop and rub my
oyos. From tho bleakness of a tin
roof In February to tho brightness
and greenery of a July roof garden!
"You wero tho immediate Inspira
tion, " Dallas Bald. "Harbison thought
your hcadacho might como from lack
of excrciso and fresh nlr, nnd ho has
worked us like nailers all day. I'vo
a blistor on my right palm, and Har
bison got shocked whllo ho wbb wiring
tho place, nnd nearly fell ovor tho
parapot. Wo bought out two full
sized florists by tolophono."
It was tho most amazing transfor
mation. At each corner a polo had
been erected, and wlro crossed tho
roof diagonally, hung with red and
amber bulbs. Around tho chimneys
had been masBod evergreen trees In
tubs, hiding their brlck-and-mprtar
ugliness, and among tho trees tiny
lights wero strung. Along tho parapet
wero rows of geometrical boxwood
plants in bright rod crocks, and tho
flaps of a crimson and whlto tent had
been thrown open, showing lights
within, and rugs, wicker chairs, nnd
Max raised a glass of bencdlctlno
and posed for a moment, melodra
matically. "To tho Wilson roof garden!" ho
said. "To Kit, who inspired; to tho
creators, who perspired; nnd to Taka
hlro mny ho not havo expired."
Evory ono was very gay; I think
tho knowledge that tomorrow Aunt
Solina might bo with thorn urgod them
to make tho most of this last night of
freedom. I tried to bo Jolly, nnd suc
ceeded in boing fovorish. Mr. Harbi
son did not como up to enjoy what ho
had wrought Jim brought up hla
"Lord! tho cook next door "
guitar and sang lovo songs in n beau
tiful tenor, looking nt Bella nil tho
tlmo. And Bella sat In n Btoamor
chair, with a rug ovor her and a
spangled veil on hor bend, looking nt
tho boatn on tho river about rb soft
nnd as chastened no an ncetyleno
head light.
And after Mnx hnd told tho most
improbablo talo, which Leila ndvised
him to sprinkle salt on, and Dallas
had done a clog danco, Bella sold It
was tlmo for her complexion sleep
and went downstairs, nnd broko up
tho party.
"If she only gavo half ns much caro
to her immortal soul," Anno said when
she had gone, "ns sho does to her
skin, sho would let that nlco Harbi
son boy alono. Sho must havo beon
brutal to him tonight, for ho wont to
bed at nlno o'clock. At least, I sup
pose ho went to bed, for ho shut him
self In tho studio, and whon I
knocked he advised mo not to como
I had pleaded my headache as an
oxcuso for avoiding Aunt Sellna all
day, and sho had not sent for me.
Holla was really quite extraordinary.
Sho was never in the habit of'puttlng
horsolf out for any one, nnd sho al
ways declared that tho vory odor of a
sick-room drove hor to Scotch nnd
soda. But hore sho was, rubbing Aunt
Sellna'a back with chloroform lini
ment nnd you know how that smells
gottlng her up In n chair, drosscd
In one of Bella's wnddod silk robes,
with pillows under hor feet, and then
doing her hair in elaborato puffs
braiding hor gray switch and bringing
It, coronot-faBhlon, around tho top of
her head. Sho oven put rlco powder
on Aunt Sellna'a noso and dabbed vio
let water behind hor cars, and said
she couldn't understand why sho
(Aunt Sellna) had never married, but,
of course, sho probably would somo
Tho result was, naturally, that tho
old lady wouldn't let Bella out of her
sight, except to go to tho kitchen for
something to ont for her. That vory
day Delia got tho doctor to' order alo
for Aunt Sellna (oh, yes; tho doctor
could como In; Dal said "It wan all a
conilng in, nnd nothing going out")
nnd sho had throe pints of Bass, nnd
lenrned to ent anchovies nnd caviare
all In ono day,
Bella's conduct to Jim was disgrace
ful. Sho snubbed him, ignored htm,
tramped on him, and Jim was growing
positively flabby, Ho spent most of
his tlmo writing lcttors to tho board
of health and playing solitaire Ho
wns a pathetic figure
Woll, wo went to bod fairly early.
Bella hnd mnssnged Aunt Sellna'a face
nnd rubbed in cold cream, Anno nnd
Dallas had compromised on which
window should bo opon In their bed
room, and tho men had matched to
seo who should look nt tho furnaco,
I did not expect to Bleep, but tho cold
night nr hnd dono Its work, and 1
was nsleop nlmost Immediately.
Somo tlmo during tho early part of
tho night I wakened,, nnd, nftcr turn
lng nnd twisting uneasily, I realized
that I was cold. Tho couch In Bella's
dressing room was comforttiblo
onough, but narrow and low. I re
member distinctly (that was whnt was
so maddening: Evorybody thought I
dreamed It) I remember (rotting nn
eiderdown comfort thnt wns folded nt
my feet, nnd pulling It up nroutrd mc.
In tho luxury of its warmth I snug
gled down nnd. went to sleep nlmost
Instnntly, It scorned to mo I hnd slept
for hours, but it was probably nn hour
or less, whon something roused me.
Tho room wns perfectly dark, and
thero was not a sound savo tho faint
ticking of Uio clock, but I was wldo
await o.
And thon camo tho Incident that In
its ghnstly, horrlblo absurdity mado
tho rest of tho peoplo shout with
laughter tho noxt day. It was not
funny thon. For suddenly tho older
down comfort began to slip. I heard
no footstep, not tho slightest sound
approaching mo, but tho comfort
moved; from my chin, Inch by Inch, it
slipped to my shoulders; awfully, in
evitably, halr-ralslngly It moved. I
could feol my blood gather around my
heart, leaving mo cold nnd nerveless.
As it pnssed my hands I gavo an in
voluntary clutch for it, to fool it Blip
away from my Angora. Thon tho full
horror of tho situation took hold of
mo; as tho comfort slid past my foot
I sat up and screamed at tho top of
my voice.
Of courso, peoplo camo running in
in all sorts of things. I was still sit
ting up, declaring I had seen a ghost
and that tho houso was haunted. Dal
las was struggling for tho second arm
holo of his dressing gown, and Bella
had already turned on tho lights. Thoy
said I had had a nightmare, and not to
sloop on my back, and perhaps I was
taking, grippe.
And Just then wo hoard Jimmy run
down tho Btalrs, nnd fnll over some
thing, nlmost breaking his wrist. It
was tho eldordown comfort, half-way
up tho studto staircasol
He Does Not Deny It.
Aunt Sellna got up tho noxt morn
ing and Jim told her nil tho strnngo
things that had beon happening. Sho
fixed on Flannlgan, of courso, al
though sho Btill suspoctcd Botty of
her watch and other valuables. Tho
Incident of tho comfort sho callod
nervous Indigestion and bad hours.
Sho spent tho ontlro day going
through tho storeroom and linen
closets, and running her fingers over
things for dust. Whenever sho found
any sho looked nt me, drew n long
breath, nnd snld, "Poor Jnmes!" It
wns mnfldenlng. And whon sho wont
through his clothes and found somo
buttons off (Jim didn't keep a man,
and Takahiro had stopped at hts
boots) sho looked nt me quite awfully.
"His mother was a perfect house
keeper," sho Bald "Jamo3 was brought
up In clothes with tho buttons on, put
on clean shelves."
"Didn't thoy put them on him?" I
asked, nlmost hysterically. It had
been n bad morning, nftor a worso
night. Evory ono hnd found fnult
with the breakfast, and thoy straggled
down ono nt n tlmo until I wns fran
tic. Thon Flannlgan had talked at
mo about tho pearls, and, Mr. Harbi
son had snld, "Good morning," vory
stiffly, nnd nearly rnttlod tho Inside of
the furnaco out.
Early in tho morning, too, I over
heard n Hcrnp of conversation be
tween tho polcoman nnd our gentle
man adventuror from South America.
Something had gone wrong with tho
telephone and Mr. Harbison was fuss
ing ovor It with a screw driver nnd a
pair of Bclssors nil tho tools, ho
could find. Flannlgan wns lifting rugs
to shako them on tho roof Bella's or
der. "Wash tho table linen!" ho wns
grumbling, "I'll do what I can that's
necessary. Grub has to bo cooked,
and dishes has to bo washed I'll ad
mit that. If you'ro partlculnr, make
up your bed overy day; I don't object
But don't tell mo wo havo to use 33
tablo napkins n day. Whnt did folks
do boforo napklnB wns Invented? Tell
mo thnt!" trlumphnntly.
"Whnt's tho nnswer?" Mr, Hnrblson
Jnqulrod absently, ovldently with tho
scrow-drlvor In his mouth.
"Used their pockot handkerchiefs!
Wnsh clothes I will not."
"Well, don't worry Mrs. Wilson
nbout It," tho other volco said, Flan
nlga straightened himself with a
, "Mrs. Wilson!" ho said. "A lot sho
would worry. She's boon a disappoint
ment to mo, Mr. Harbison, me think
ing that now she'd como back to him,
after leavln' him tho way she did,
they'd bo llko two turtle doves. Lord!
tho cook noxt door"
111 inois Is Ahead
1 think rri
Ton TO center
WASHINGTON. Illinois still holds
tho national chnmplonshlp for
long distance statesmanship in con
gross. Tho completo congressional
record for tho last session Just Issued
establishes tho stato's claim to this
distinction boyond nny doubt.
No other delegation ovon approach
es tho mark so by Illinois In tho num
ber of congressmen absent nt all
times, tho number of roll calls mlssod
by each and tho totnl number of days
each wna away during tho session.
Whllo nono of tho Illinois rcproscn
tatlvca uohlovod tho distinction of rep
resenting his district without onco ap
pearing at tho capital, thoro woro sev
eral who outdid all former foatB and
nppronched remarkably oloso to this
goal. Unfortunately thoy wero handi
capped by tho provision of tho law for
tho payment of mileage
A member may draw his salary of
President Loves
HI 1FE Is u Jest, and all things show
I It:
I thought so onco, and now I know It"
Bang tho poet Gay; and although tho
president npproclntes tho necessity of
upholding tho dignity of tho chief exec
utive, still, llko Ollvof Cromwoll, ho
"loves nn Innocent "Jost."
Ho was to attend a fashtonablo ba
zaar hold nt tho Now Wlllnrd for
sweet chnrlty's snko, nnd stnrted out
nccompnnlod by Capt. Butt nnd two
secret service guardB, Messrs. Slonn
and "Wheeler writes Joo Mitchell Chap
pie In tho National,
Tho party was cordially welcomed
by tho roceptlon commlttoo, and woro
about to bo pormlttod to enter tho hnll
whon tho president whlmslcnlly de
cided to pny his wny In llko tho other
patrons of tho charity. Walking up to
a desk whero tho tlckotB woro on Balo,
ho lnqutrod: "How much nro tho
nt 73 )
As Breeding Ground for Alaska
AN odd plan Is on foot to mako tho
Colorado mountains a Bort of prov
ing ground for agrlculturo In Alaska.
Of course, thero are n good many
kinds of agrlculturo in Alaska that
do not need proving. Thoy aro al
ready an established bucccss, both
scientifically and commercially. Hun
dreds of tons of potatoes, oats and cab
bago aro grown and sold In tho terri
tory each year and thoro nro n dozon
other successful crops.
But Alaskan nights nro too cool
to maturo string beans nnd corn, for
lnstnnco, and tho question 1b whether
hnrdy, cold-restraint varieties could
no: bo produced by soloctlvo breeding
thnt would glvo Alaskans nil tho froah
luxuries from their garden thnt tho
states have,
Thoro nro farms in tho Colorado
mountnlna near Donver that havo nn
olovntlon of nearly 10,000 foot and
tho conditions at this nltitudo In Col
orado nro almost Identical with condi
Lack of Horses
ARMY officers and dopartmont of
agrlculturo experts aro uneasy ovor
tho lack of proper horses In tho coun
try for uso of tho cavalry and artillery
In case of war.
A comprehensive report on tho sub
ject has been published by the bureau
of animal Industry of tho war depart
ment. It appears that there Is much
troublo In finding suitable horses for
tho army In tlmo of poaco, to say noth
ing of tho demands that would bo
mado In case of war of any magni
tude. In this country now aro about 23,
000,000 horses, It would sconi that out
of this number thero would bo an
nmplo'numbor for tho equipment of
tho cavalry and for artillery and other
army ubos lu cuso of war, but in nn
article on breeding horses for tho
United Statea army, prepared by Capt,
Casper H. Conrud of tho Third cav
4 a r&j
in Absenteeism
?7,G00 a year, his $1,500 nllowanco for
clerk hlro, and $126 for Btatlonory
without coming to Washington, but It
is ncccBsnry for him to nppear nt toast
onco In order to rocolvo his traveling
allownnco of 20 cents a mlto.
It Is doubtful If tin absolutely per
fect record of uoimttondnnco over will
bo mado ovon by ono of tho IlllndlB
champions, unless this lrksomo re
quirement of tho mllcago provision
should ho modified. The gencrouB al
lowance makos It a real object for a
congressman to como to Washington
at least onco each session.
Unsophisticated persona mny sup
pose representatives who attend n bos
slon of congress only n few dnys of
tho cntlro period rcfratn, na n matter
of propriety, from 'drawing their en
tiro snlary, or perhaps return it to the
For tho Information of such bo It
stated tho enshtor In tho oftlca of tho
sergeant nt arms wns nskod if any
member of tho houso had not drawn
his salary for tho last congrons or
had refunded It for nny reason.
"Members of tho houso rotund sal
ary 1" oxclnlmod tho ofTlclal. "Novor
know It to hnppen, nnd I'vo booh hero
sixteen years."
Innocent Jestl
"Two dollnrs," ropllcd tho young
lady in chnrgo Bwcotly.
Plunging into his spacious trouBors'
pocket, tho presidential right hand
brought forth two ono dollar bills,
which ho pnBsod to tho ticket sollor,
nnd nodding to hts trio of companions,
ho entered tho hall,
"Lend mo two dollars, Jack," whls
porod Captain Butt to Whcolor, "loft
my money nt homo."
"So did I," mourned Wheeler. (The
pnrty woro attired in droBB suItB.)
"Novor mind, I'll tako caro of you
both," hastily offorod Jlmmlo Sloan,
with becoming magnanimity. Tho
othera breathed a sigh of relief na he
approachod tho desk. "Threo tlckots,
pleaso," ho announced calmly, produc
ing n-crlsp five-dollar bill.
"Anothor dollar, ploaso," gently ro
marked tho young lady at tho booth.
"Anothor dollar I II how m much
did you Bay thoso tlckotB wero?" de
manded James.
"Two dollars each."
Jlmmlo was blushing a rosy red
when Whoolor camo to tho rescue
A pausing boll-boy was taken by tho
collnr and, a fow of tho mornlng'B tips
woro romovod from his inBldo pockot.
Thou four Bllvor quarters woro placed
triumphantly upon tho tablo, and tho
throo passed lusldo.
tions at 1,000 foot olovntlon nenr tho
nrctlo circle Thnt is tho dnys aro
warm and sunshiny, but tho nlghtB
nro nlmost cold ovon in summor, whllo
tho scvero wlnterB nro apt to kill all
but tho hnrdlost poronnlnls
A bill wna recently Introduced into
congrcBB for tho cstnbllshmont of just
such work In Colorado nnd nlso for
experiments' thnt would brood drought
resistant vogotnbloB for tho desert.
Tho mothods employed In this ex
perimental work nro exceedingly In
teresting. If for lnstnnco, It wnB do
elded to find n wheat thnt would ma
turo In n very cold cllmnto llko thnt
lu tho hill country north of tho nrctlo
circle, this Is how It would bo dono:
First, tho hardiest soed of nil tho har
diest vnrlotlcs would bo obtnlnnblo
from ItuBsla, Scandinavia, Canada and
Alaska. Then It would bo planted In a
plnco whoro It would bo unlikely to
maturo. Thero might be JuBt ono stalk
that, from somo mysterious Btraln of
broedlng or forco of circumstance
would Btand unharmed by tho autumn
frosts, ItB seed would bo treasured
and tho noxt year each grain would
bo carofully planted and guarded so
thnt tho strain should bo Increased,
and still further and soveror tosts
made on It until It wns so hardened
that a full annual crop wns nssured.
Alarms Officers
alry and published by tho department
of agrlculturo, doubt Is expressed on
tho. subject. Tho array typo Is paid
to bo scarco and hard to obtuln,
Capt. Conrad recommends legis
lation by tho statos generally to pro
vent tho breeding of unsound horses.
In 1908 tho govornmont eBtnbllshod
tho systom of remount depots for tho
army. Under this system tho govern
ment buys tho horso young, at throo
to four years old, nnd nftor breaking
them Issues thom to tho troops, This
system has beon found preforablo to
purchasing tho animals when matured.
But whut tho army officers want, and
also tho department of agriculture, Is
n system of government supervision of
tho breeding of horses for tho army.
Chief Gcorgo M. Ilommel or tho ani
mal husbandry division of tho bureau
of animal industry, has dovlsod a plan
whoroby from 2,000 to 2,500 well-brod
animals would bo available for tho
army overy year. This would about
supply tho demands in time of poaco.
It is proposed to dlvido tho country
Into four districts nnd to ronr Mor
gans, thoroughbreds, stnndardbredfl
nnd saddlers. In tlmo tho boot typo
would bo discovered.
55 RE AT
A Country School for
Girls in New York City
Beit FMturei ol Countrj nniCltj Life
Out-of-door Bports on Bchool rark
pi Sj acres near tho Hudson TUvar.
imiII Academic Courso from Primary
Class to Graduation. Upper Class
for Advanced Special Students. Mu
sla nnd Art Summer Session. Cer
tificate admits to College. School
Coach Meets Day Pupils,
ktn kiti nl Mm VMm, Kw Ait., Kir J5H M, tat
WT-TO TS "Women ns well u men
Aw nro mado miserable by
TPf) kidney and bladder trou
ble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
BLAME noot 1,16 reat war
, remedy promptly relieves.
At drugg-lata in fitly cent nnd dollar siaes.
You may have a sample bottle by mall
free, also pamphlet telllnr all about It.
Addren, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Dlngbamton, N, T,
Remarkable Coincidence In Sum of
Money That Rastus Had In
His Pocket.
ItastuB was on trial, charged with
Btonllng seven dollars and elghty-flva
conts. Ho pleaded not guilty, and. as
ho wns unable to hlro an attorney, the
Judgo appointed Lawyor Clcarem as
counsol. Clcarotn put up a strong
plea in defonoo, and Rastus was ac
quitted. Counsol and client met a few min
utes Inter outsldo tho court room.
"Now, Rastus," Bald Clearem,
'you know tho court allows the coun
sel very little for defondlng this kind
of case. I worked hard for you and
got you clear. I'm entitled to much,
more pay than I'm gottlng for my
valuable services, and you should dig
up a good-sized feo. Have you got
any money?"
"Yob, boss," roplled ItastuB, "I done,
got sobon dollahs and olghty-flve
Too Freab.
"Will you promise to support my
daughtor in the stylo in which she Is
accustomed if I consent to your mar
rlago?" domandod old Skinflint, when
Dobby mado his formal proposal.
"Woll, I I'll promlao to be tolerably
close with hor, Mr. Skinflint," Bald
Dobby, "but you know, I'm a soft
hearted cubs, and I'm afraid she'll be
ablo to whoedlo a fow things out of
mo that you woro strong onough to re
fuse her."- Judgo.
Tho errors of a groat mind are
moro edifying than tho truths of a
llttlo. Horno.
It Is not tho quality of tho meat but
tho cheorfulncsB of tho guests which
makes tho feast, Lord Clnrondon.
Causes a Variety of Alls.
A happy oM lady In Wisconsin
"During tho tlmo I waa a coffee
drinker I waa subject to elck head
nchos, Bomotlmea lasting 2 or 3 days,
totally unfitting mo for anything.
To this affliction was added, some
years ago, a troublo with my heart
that was very painful, accompanied
by a smothoring Bonsation and faint
ness. "Dyspepsia, also, came' to make life
harder to boar. I took all sorts of pat
ent modlclnco but nono of thorn holped
mo for any length of tlmo.
"Tho doctors Jtroquontly told ms
that coffee wna not good for me; but
without coffee I folt as If I had no
breakfast I finally docidod about 8
years ago to abandon tho uso of cot
foo entirely, and as I had read a groat
deal about Postum I concluded to try
that for a breakfast bovorage.
"I lilted tho tosto of it and was par
ticularly pleased to notlco that1 it did
not 'como up' as coffeo used to. The
bad spells with my heart grow less
and loss frequent, and finally ceased
altogether, nnd I havo not had an at
tack of sick hoadacho for moro than a
year. My digestion Is good, too, and
I am thankful that I am once more a
boalthy woman. I know my wonder
Jul restoration to health came from
quitting coffeo and using PoBtum."
Kamo given by tho Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
"Thoro'a a reason," and It Is this.
Coffeo has a direct action on the liver
with somo peoplo, and causes partial
congestion of that organ preventing
tho natural outlot of tho secrotiona
Then may follow biliousness, sallow
ckln, headaches, constipation and flnaV
ly a change of tho blood corpuscle
and nervous prostration.
Read tho little book, "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo' la pkgs, "Thero's a Re
ISrer read the above letter! A sen
one Hppcnra from time to time. Thai
ire genuine, true, and full of hurana