SUMMARY OF LAWS A Condensed Statement of the Work Accomplished by Nebraska Lawmakers GOVERNOR SIGNS MANY BILLS A Digest of the Bills Passed by Both Houses of the Nebraska Legislature at Its Thirty-Second Session Which Have Been Signed by the Gov ernor and Will Be Placed on the Statute Books ( Houio Rolls. 2. Eastman. Establishes school of agriculture In southwestern Nebraska. S. Bushee. Appropriation of $15,000 to finish and complete the basement rooms of tho state house. E. Busheo. Provides for election of governing board of trustees by benovolcnt and religious soclftttes. 7. Pries. Establishes salary to be paid cleric of district court. 9. Fries. Makes It optional for school boards to set aside a fund for library purposes. 10. Pries. Grand and petit Jurors shall recclvo 33 per day and 10 cents per mile. 14. Grossman. Provides pollco magis trates In cities and villages shall have co extensive powers within the corporate limits of such cities or villages, 21. Hatfield. Appropriation of $8,000 for tho maintenance of tho Nebraska Orthopedic hospital. 26. Bnrtols. Appropriation of moneys belonging to state normal school library funds for purchase of books for state normal at Wayne. 27. Prince. Amendments to constitu tion providing for non-partisan board of control for all stato Institutions. 20. MorIrty. Establishes fees In county Judro and county treasurer's oRlce. 32. Allet. Proposes an amendment to the constitution relating to time of bleat ing Judges of the supreme court. 33. MaKIssIck. A bill for an not to protect Mvos of the traveling public and relating Ao the size of caboose cars. 34. Fnller. Empowers county boards to erec r repair all bridges not exceed ing Id- cost 1500 without advertising for mas. zr. Leldlgh. Makes It unlawful to camp, on the public highway, 42. Taylor of Hitchcock. An not for the relief of animals Injured on the right ,r way or railroad companies. 3. xayior or JiucncocK. Makes It a mlsdomcanor to abandon maimed or sick domestic animals. . -rayior or imcncocK. Makes It a misdemeanor to Inhumanely or unreason ably beat domestic animals 48. Kent and Clark. Appropriation for completion of the Chadron normal school buildings. 49. Potts. Authorizes tho state treas urer to sell certain bonds held by the rio, 52. McKlsslck. Appropriation for pur chase supply Cobbey's Statutes for use of the stats. 03. iawrence. Provides that em ployers shall give letter to discharged employees, setting forth nature of service rendered, etc E4. Bartels. Appropriation of $55,000 to erect hall and library building for stato normal at Wayne 55. Dolezal. Joint and concurrent res olution ratifying proposed nrnendment to constitution of the United States relating to income tax. 67. Metcger. Dipsomaniacs to be en titled to benefit of a writ of habeas corpus. 68. Sanborn. Provides for the prepara tlon and distribution of hog cholera serum. 59. Kent and Clark. Appropriation of moneys belonging to the state normal library funds for purchase of books for stato normal at Chadron 60. Cronln. County commissioners salary incroased to per day. 63. Clark and Kent, Appropriation of $12,000 to Install a heating plant at tho Chandron normal school, 64. Candy. Road tax In all counties under township organization must be paid In cash. 68. Quackonbush. Appropriation of $12,000 for completing an additional story to the library building at tho Peru nor mal, 70. Dort. Appropriation of moneys bo longing to the state normal library funds for purchuse of books for state normal at Peru. 71. Qrueber. Limiting tho hours of service of railroad employees. 73. Kotouc. State auditor shall be the lawful representative of foreign lnsurunce companies doing business In this state. 77. Colton. When lands revert or escheat to the stato It Is tho duty of the county attorney to appear In court and attend to tho state's Interests. 83. Potts. Provides that Jurors draw their pay for services as soon as they aro completed and the Jury Is discharged. 84. Hatfield. Establishes Board of control for dependent children. 86. Builey. Appropriates $55,000 to build south wing to the present nocmal college at Kearney. 89. Bushce. Establishes a hospital for tuberculosis Insane. 91, Qerdes. Appropriation for payment of officers and employees of the legisla ture. 92. Qerdes. Appropriation for pay nent of Incidental expenses of the legis lative session. ' 98. Evans, Creates an ndvlsory board "f pardons and making nn upproprlutlon. 100. Jones. Owners of land are per mitted to drain tho sume In the general lourso of natural drainage, 107. Housh. Prohibits all gift enter prises. 109. Shoemaker. Makes It a penlten tlary offenso to carry revolver. Ill, Bnssott. Appropriation of moneys belonging to state normal library funds for purchase of books for state Inormal at Kearney. 142, Fuller. All taxes shall bo due and payablo at the death of tho decedent. 145. Kotouc. Appropriation of 90 per cent of one mill levy for use of the No brnska state university. 157. Hatfield. An act to legalize cer tain defective assignments of mortgages. 158. Hatfield. Provldos for rcleaso of mortgages within one year from date. 168. Pries. Changes terms of office of district assessors. 169. Quackenbush. Regulating the granting of adjournments or continuance of causes In the district courts of the stato. 176. Qustafsan. Amends primary law, 177. Dolezal. Provldos for the pay ment for all horses killed by the state veterinarian which were suffering with contagious dlsoase. 178. Busheo. Establishes a county high school board of five members, to be known no the board of regents. 180. McCarthy. Providing a method for perfecting titles; to legalize Instru ments now appearing of record. 183. Metzger, Appropriates $8,000 for construction of a barn and store-room at stato fish hatcheries. South Bond. 184. McKlsslck. Amends county as sessor law, making precinct assessors elective. 193. Bassett. State university author ized to accept gift or bequests. 196. Nutzmnn. Appropriates $800 for the relief of Sylvester C. Hathaway, peni tentiary guard, Injured by gunshot. 197. Anderson of Kearney. Railroads must provide shelter for live stock. 205. Lawrence. An act to provide for draining marsh, swamp or wet lands. IE. Anders6n. Prohibits public exhl bltlons of hypnotism. 219. Sandbom and Hardin. General revision of laws relative to sale of ngrl cultural seeds. 221. Evans. Appropriation for laundry at Haa tings asylum. 222. Clark. Appropriates $4,000 to pay traveling expenses of district Judges In excess of tho amount appropriated for this purpose In 1909. 228. Bassett. Medical colleges to have bodies of people who die In poor houses, Insane asylums and ponltentlary, when agreed to by relatives. 238. Taylor of Hitchcock. Amends gamo laws of the state. 240. Metzger. Residents must have licenses to fish and hunt. 243. Motzger. Changes open season for hunting wild game. 247. Grossman. Regulating and llcens Ing maternity homes. 248. Swan. Appropriation for expenses of food, drug and dairy commission. 252. McArdle. Amends law relating' to registration of all motor vehicles. 259. Allen of Holt. Provides that Judges of olectlon shall call attention of voters to any constitutional amendment to be voted upon. 269. Quackonbush. Provides wntor way dimensions of railroad bridges In th state of Nebraska. 274. Cronln. Stnte aid for bridges over 175 feet In inngth on public highways 276. Hardin. Amends law relating to the puro food and drug department. 278. Gandy. An net to enable owners of farms to record the name thereof. 281. Hardin. Provides for appoint ment of a commission to revise and re compile the laws of Nebraska. 286. Hardin. Prescribing methods of testing and weighing grain. 288. Anderson of Kearney. Provides that all persons serving ns Jurors must bo qualified electors of the state. 293, McArdle and Bassett. Provides for township public, libraries. 94. McKlsslck. Provides for Incorpor atton of Insurance companies. 301. Bonhnm. Appropriation for mark Ing tho Oregon trull In the state. 308. Quackenbush. Provides when at tachments for recovery of money may Issue. 309. Nelr, Provides for filling vacancy In congress. 313. Quackenbush. Makes It a mlsde meanor for minors to smoke cigarettes, 314. Metzger. Provides for the nccom modatlon of caretakers of live stock while In transit on railroads. 318. Busheo. Organizes districts by stato board of Irrigation. 319. Hospodiky. Appropriates $100,000 for erection of new buildings at Insnn hospital in Lincoln. 822. Fries. To give cities and village power to acquire a mill dam site. 326. McKclvle. Appropriates $334 for paving South street, Lincoln, In front of the Orthopedic hospital, 344, Bushee. Relates to construction of works In Irrigation districts. 356. Potts. Charges the county boards of supervisors with the unforcement of quarantine rules and regulations of stnte board of health. 357. Potts. Village boards of trustees charged with enforcement of quarantln rules. 3(0. Bulla. Provides for a state hotel commission. 866. Gallagher General salary appro priation bill for state officers. 368. Shoemaker. Appropriates $500lto pay deficiencies of school for deaf. 377. McArdle. Amends lnw granting franchises In cities of metropolitan class for gas mains, electric lights, etc. 3S9. Kirk. Makes Judges Ineligible to other offices during their term of office ns Judge. 418, McArdle. Establishes Nebraska legislative reference bureau. 423. Grossman. Appropriates $S,000 for wnter mains for the Nebraska school for deaf at Omaha, 433. Rengan. Requires registration of alt pedigreed stallions. 441. Gnndy. Appropriation for tho re lief of W. A. Phllpot. Injured at asylum. 444. Stebbens. . An net to prohibit throwing glass, crockery, etc., on publlo highways. 464. Prince and Sink. Articles of In corporation must fix the termini of all proposed street railroads. 466. Nordgrcn. Appropriates five thou sand dollars for flro-proof vaults for In urnnco department. 480. Lcldlgh. Appropriates $12,000 for heating plant for tho Instltuto for tho blind at Nebraska City. 481. Leldlgh. Creates a bureau . of printing and establishes a commission. 485. Bushee nnd Harrington. Appro priates $125,000 to aid nchool districts to hold at least five months school In each ear. 603. Holmes. Appropriates $62,000 for purchase of land for Nebraska school for tho deaf. 511. Gallagher. Appropriation law for curront expenses of the state officers. 625. Matrnu. Appropriates $600 for tho relief of Louisa Rollins, Injured In the feeble, minded Instltuto at Beatrice, 555. Liver. Provides for changing dato of saloon llcenso In metropolitan cities nnd 'submission of question of sn loon license In all cities upon petition Igncd by thirty resident freeholders. 571. Gerdcs. Compels nil state Inslltu tlons to deposit publlo funds with tho tnte treasurer. 672. Gcrdes. Monies collected for ex amination of Insurance, companies to ba paid to stnte treasurer. 676. Qerdes. Certain mcmbors of tho faculty of the stato university shall bo under direction and control or the re gents. 1 694. Kirk. Appropriates $15,000 for construction pf sewer nnd water system nt Wayne normal. 699. Gcrdes and Potts, Provides that all buildings erected by stato appropria tions shall bo constructed within tho limits of such appropriations. 608. Lcldlgh. Appropriation for pur chase or two uiocks or innu nujoiuing in tltuto for the blind nt Nebraska City. 619. Swan. Appropriation for miscel laneous Items of Indebtedness owing by tho stnte. 670. Joint Rond Committee. Estab lishes county highway commissioner. 661. Gustafson. All bridges 'on public highways to be of sulllclent strength to bear the weight of traction engines. 703. (At request of governor.) Pro- ldcs for Btate Inspector of buildings. BOTH BILLS INTRODUCED. Washington. Two of tho tariff measures which the house expects to pass )n advance of nny general legisla tion have beon Introduced. They aro Canadian reciprocity, 'following the identical lines or tho McCall bill ex cept (or a clauEo authorizing con tinued negotiations on articles not cov ered by tho ponding agreement, and, a bill to put on the free list about 100 articles now dutiable. Both will re ceive early consideration The free list bill Is designed to plac- ato farmers for agricultural, losses which they will sustain under the Can adian agreement, but It contains also foodstuffs and boots and shoes. Tho list Is as follows: Plows, harrows, headers, harvesters, reapers, agricul tural drills and planters, mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, threshing ma chines, cotton gins, farm wagons, farm carts and all other agricultural Implements, Including repair parts. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth und fabrics suitable for baling cotton, bur- laps and bags for sacking agricultural Senate Files, 1. Skllcs. Constitutional amendment providing for tho lnttlattvo and reforen dum. 7. Reagan. Constitutional nrnendment permitting cities over 5,000 to mnko thel own charters. 8. Tlbbots. Amends law relating to salary of county superintendents. 11. Kciiid. Permits change of location of school site at cither regular or special elections. 16. Rengnn. Providing for protection of persons In nnd about tho construction or repairing or buildings. 1. Cord eat. Cities of second class and villages may fund their Indebtedness. 24. Placek. Repeals section 315, Code of Civil Procedure, relative to new trials In suits for damages, 25. Bartos. Actions may bo brought for recovery, partition or sale of real property. 27. Cox of Hamilton, Fixes salaries of officers In cities of second class. 91. rtnhrmnn. Provides for tho drain age of wator courses running through private lands. 37. Tlbbets. County attorneys to pros ecute nnd defend on behalf of tho statu In neighboring counties under a chnngo of venue. 39. Kohl. Fixes tho limit of 40 mills for school taxes In nil cities and villages, 48. Tlbbets. Abstracts of transcripts of evidence shall bo prepared In all cases appealed to tho suprcmu court. 50. Albert. Mayor and council in cities having over 6,000 and under 25,000 In habitant authorized to issue bonds for construction of city liallH, Jails and build ings for fire department. 63. Banning. Provides for Issuing dis tress warrants by county treasurer arid for serving of same by the sheriff. 65. Leo. Prohibits hnullng or convoy ing voters to polls on election day. 66. Tlbbets. An act concerning prlvnte and foreign corporations holding and forcing liens upon property in this state 59, Kemp. Provides for parole of first- term prisoners 62. Horton, An act relating to pan dering to doflno and prohibit the same, 67. Morehend. Amends the law pro viding for register of deeds, fixing salary, etc. 71. Talcott. Making birthday of John Howard a legal holiday In nil penal nnd reformatory institutions 76. Brown. Establishes statutes for organisation of n parish of the Protestant Episcopal church 77. Brown. Fees to be charged In office of secretary of stato. 78. Brown. Fixing amount of fees to be paid by corporations nnnunlly to the stnte. 81. Tanner, Provides punishment of persons Interfering with telegraph nnd telephone wires. 88. Ollls. Defines meaning of co-operative company, corporation or association under the stato laws. 93, Tanner. Amending Bouth Omaha dinner. 115. Ollls. Defines public stock yards nnd places the sanio under control of stnte board of railroad commissioners. 137. Bodlnson. Provides when Hens against real estate shall not be enforce able by reason of lapse of time 147. Volpp. Amendments to constltu- products; hoop or band Iron or steel for baling cotton; wlro for baling hay, straw and other agricultural products; grain leather, buff, split, rough or solo leather, bend or belting leather, hoots and shoes, harness, saddles and sad dlery and leather for manufactured ar ticles, barbed fence wire, rods, wlro stands or wire rope, wire woven or manufactured for wlro fencing. Meats, fresh, salted, pickled, dried, smoked, dressed or undressed, pre pared or preserved; bacon, ham, shoulders, lard, lard compounds and tlon relating to term of office of members of legislature. 14R. Volpp. Cemetery associations shall havo power to purchase or take by gift, devise er power of eminent domain, lands, not exceeding 320 acres, and same to be free from taxation. 154. Brown. Establishes law granting divorce under certain conditions. 162. Placek. Authorizes nnd empowers Cities of second class to require nnd en force the lighting of railroad tracks. 168. Tanner. Amends law relating to terms of members of school boards In metropolitan cities. 171. Tlbbets. An act authorizing the organization of trust companies, donning their powers nnd privileges. 175. Hongland. Provides for tho Inde- termlnnte sentenco of persons convicted of certnln felonies. 176. Banning. Auditor of publlo no- counts authorized to deputize, two com petent accountants to establish uniform ity In the system of keeping accounts. 184. Plncck. Drainage district officers aro permitted to Issue bonds up to $5,000 without the holding of elections. 190. Hoagland. Providing for the dralnngo of self-Irrigated lands. 191. Honnland. Defining tho duties of board of directors of Irrigating districts. 192. Hongland. Provides for the filing of petitions by electors In Irrigation dis tricts. 193. Hongland. Relates to meetings of Irrigation district boards, nnd provides for publication of proceedings. 199. Tlbbets. Court costs to be taxed to persons suspended or dlsbnrrod In all contempt proceedings. 200. Albett. Judicial district appor tionment law, specifying counties In each district, also number of Judges to ba elected In various districts. 201. Buhrinnn. Designates certain days ns "Jcgal holidays." 204. Hoagland. Provisions for estab llshlng a system of soworago and drain age In cities. 213. McGrew. Amends guaranty o'f bank deposits statutes. 225. Hoagland. An net to make Irriga tion districts llablo In damages for neg ltgence In failure to deliver wntor. 226. Hoagland. To approprlato water und Irrlgnto lands for which water has already been appropriated. 227. Hoagland. Provides for lists of nil lands to bo watered, names of ofllcors, owners nnd thoso In control of ditches or reservoirs. 228. Buhrmnn. Railroad companies to build nnd nalntaln Bhcds for protection of llvo stock nt all shipping points. 235. Judiciary Committee. Fixes fees of shorthand rcportors In all matters other than district court work. 236. Hongland. General Irrigation law. 241. Talcott. Board to make rules and regulations for admission of pupils In public schools nnd Junior nnd aummor normals. 242. Ollls. Provides for appeal from decision pf state railway commission, 249. Morehend. Provides for a Hre. board, to hnvo authority for tho Investi gation of Ares In nil cities whore a flro department Is located. 260. Morehend. Establishes "State Flro Day" In all public and private schools. 258, Horton. An net to legalize lssu anco of bands for purpose, of maintaining parks, etc., In Omaha. 257, Smith of Fillmore. Prohibits sond Ing or receiving telephone messages so they may be ovorhcard by persons near tho person sending or receiving. 25Q. Horton. Prohibits persons mak ing connections with clcctrlo wires with out knowlcdgo or consent of owners. 262. Hongland. Repeals section 6823, Cobbey's Statutes, relating to Irrigation 270. Bartos. An act to prevent over loading of passenger cars. 271. Smith of Boono. Provldos for the taxation of mortgaged on real estate nnd prevents double taxation on encumbored proporty. 273. Placek. Legislative apportion ment, rrdlstrlctlng tho state In senatorial and representative districts. 78. Horton. Fixes salary of sheriffs In counties having a population of 100,000 or over. 285. Bodlnson, Prohibits tho sale of soda or carborated wnters. containing saccharine or coal tar sweeteners. 292. Tnlcott. Authorizes villages and cities under 5,000 to acll real estate where same has been abandoned. 293. Hongland. Defining the term "stato board of Irrigation." 294. Tlbbets. Amends law relating to sewer nnd wator districts In nil cities. 299, Kemp. Provides foes charged by county Judges In certain enses. 300. Setlcck. County superintendents hall hold public examinations of persons . I -I . l . ...Hflnnlo. nn ti.t-A Saturday of each month. 304. Bodlnson. Provides for division of counties In supervisor districts. 307. Hongland. Commissioners may appoint temporary county Judgo undor certain conditions. 310. Varner. Provides for recovery of damages against dralnngo districts. 313. Brown. Compels corporations, for eign nnd domestic, to file nrtlcles of In corporation, 314. Banning. Amends statutes rela tive to snlary of county attorneys. . 318. Bartos. Prohibits bucket-shops. nnd provides penalties for thosu engaged In promoting or patronizing mo same. 319, Banning. Compels railroads to furnish watchmen to protect shipments of freight. 326. Selleck. Authorizes county boards to grndo or pave In counties having cities over 25,000 and less thnn 100,000 Inhabi ' 333. Reagan. Authorizes use of photo graphic processes In making and copying of public records. 342. Banning, Commission plan of government for nil cities having a popu lation of B.OOO iniiauitanis or over. 358, Selleck. Provides for committing dependont or neglected children to suit' nblo Institutions (or the purpose of cur Ing of tho same. 363. Tanner, Establishes rates and condition of service under authority of wnter hoards in sputn omutiu, 376. Hoagland. An act to determine the rights of parties who have acquired water rights under tho act of congress of tho United States, 377. Hoagland. Provides for laying out of publlo rouds whero topography of country will not pormlt following section lines. , 388. Selleck. Authorizes mnyor nnd council In cities of first class to levy tax for pertain purposes. S58BS ONCE A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR united States Senator George S. Nixon of Nevada in a man of varied, attainments,' He nover held as oMce In his life except one term In the stnte legislature ns a stato representa tive until ho was sent to the Unite States senate. Senator Nixon got bis Btnrt in lifo ns a tolegrapa operator. It must havo boon mighty paying, aa ho is now tho owner ot several banks, land and a theater or two, all ot which aro snld to bo worth at least 20 mtlttont) ot dollars. A atory of ono of his feata ot telegraphy has rocontly beon told. He was on ono of tho California llmlteda a few years ago, when there was a wreck. They were away off from no whoro, so to speak, with tho mothoda of communication cut off. Tho con ductor of tho llmltod said that they, had n telegraph Instrument aboard, and always carried. It, but unfortu nately there wna no one that could send a message 8enntor Nlxoil heard him, called for tho Instrument, and proceeded to climb tho nonst tolojrnph polo with all tho agility ot ono fond of tho nrt. Ho out In, and n Iobs than flc mlnutOB was calling for a certain station down tiio Jlno, which ho had called ttousnndB ot ttmea In his youthful days. Now, cvorybody does not know, perhaps, thnt a telegraph operator's man nor ot Bonding, Is equally ns distinct ns hU mnnnor of wr'tlng or speaking, and thoso who havo over known IiIb touch rmnombor It J'ist exactly as they would remember his voice If they had ever hoard It. Tho operator at tho station ho was calling hnppencd to bo tho old ouo, and ho had not heard Sen ator Nixon's touch for 20 years, but recognized It at onco. "Whoro tho Sam Hill did you come from, nnd whoro aro you?" camo over the wlro to Nixon. "On top of a telegraph polo," ropllod Nixon. "Send ub a wrecking train." And you hotter bcllovo tho wrecking train was Bent In a hurry. Since then Senator Nixon has boon a horo with tho people on that train. IS DOING MUCH FOR PEACE Movor before has the peace move ment ovoked such unanimous ea thuslaBtn in Great Britain. Tho most striking fact Is. tho cordial rosponse given by tho Gorman ofilclal press te tho ovorturoB of Foreign Minister St; Edward Groy. Of all tho great European news papers tho Paris Tompa alone strikes n discordant note, hut Ha cynical dqubts are drowned by the cordial wolcomo extended to the movement by the other French papers. Sir Edward Groy HlmBelf is optlm. lstle, nnd ho 1b a man of singularly calm and unemotional character. Poaco advocates here, while warmly appreciating hU work, wish that he was endowed with moro flro and en ergy to avail hlmnolf of the present temper on both Bides ot tho Atlantic, to mark an immediate and decisive advance in the good work. Thoi oughly Blncero, determined and single minded, Sir Edward drey laoka the touch of Imagination that might at thla moment nrouse tho people of Europe to a full Benflo ot the folly nnd barbarism of armaments and war. Dut his temperament makes him proceed slowly and cautiously within the conven tional llnoa ot diplomacy. TO REDUCE COST OF LIVING With this spring the city of Mem phis, Tonn,, InatigurntoB an experi ment which, it to beliovod, by the foremoat authority In tho farmers' co-operatlvo demonstration work at Washington will provo the practica bility of a plan capable of reducing; tho cost of llclng In America by tho cost of living In America by reduce It half that amount. Dr. S. A. Knnpp, the chief o( the co-operative demonstration office in tho department of agriculture at Washington, In announcing tho In auguration of tho Memphis exirari mont, dwells particularly on the ef ficiency of boys In allowing that, by tho ubo of propor modern methods, enormously Incroasodt crops can be raised on ground which gave previous ly but meager returns to Uie toll and tho crudo systoms In vogue among '.lio men farmers ot their respective districts, In brief, tho o,orn-club plan is to bo applied to town back yards. Tho plan, not altogether novel In Its contral fenturea, yet truly astounding in tho imposing magnltudo contemplated, proposes that every family In the, United States shall utilize tho Bpare ground attached to Its dwelling for the raising of tho vegetables usod on tho home tablo. It is obviously impossible to shut one's eyes to tho fact that there are many thousands, perhaps mil-, lions, of families who, living In olty localities so densely populatod and so' completely bricked, havo no spare ground nvallable for even n foot of parsley. i MEXICO'S NEW AMBASSADOR substitutes; sausage, buckwheat, Hour, corn meal, wheat and rye flour, bran middlings, nnd other offals ot gralu; oatmeal and rolled oats, all prepared cereal foods, biscuits, bread wafen and similar articles not sweetened; timber, hewn, sided or squared, round timber used for spars or building wharves, shingles, laths, fencing posts, sawed boards, planks, deals nnd othor lumber, except ebony, mahoguny, rose wood and other cabinet woods, Sewing machines and salt complete tho free list. Tho latest addition to tho diplomat ic corps at tho nation's capital la Man uel do Zamacona o Inclan, who wa selected by President Diaz ua Mexi can nrabassador to the United States as a successor of Francisco Loon da la IJarrn, who has accepted the poet of minister of foreign affairs in the new Diaz cabinet. Senor Inclan la nt present tho financial representative of tho government ot Moxlco In Lon don. He has had considerable expo rlenco In diplomacy. Ho studied In tho United States nnd Europe when a young man, and in 1878-80 filled the position of at tacho to the Moxlcan legation In Washington whilo his father, Manuel M. de Zamacona, was mlnlator. From 1880 to 1805 ho was socretary to the local board of tho Mexican Central railway. From 1895 to 1897 he was paymaster to tho military command ery ot tho federal district and admin istrator of the Btamp tax at Pachuca, capital of the mining stato of Hlldalgo. From 1897 to 1903 ho waB postmas ter general of Mexico, and on April 10, 1903, he was promoted to be treasure! of tho nation. The new ambassador is 61 years old. j