SERIAL STORY Q)hen a Jtfan JfCdrries Bit MARY ROBERTS RINEH ART Jtullior of The Qtculat Staircase, The nton In Lowtt Ten, Etc. Copyright ItOJ, by t BoiiU M.nlll Co. SYNOPSIS. 13 James Wilson or Jimmy as lis In called by hln friends. Jimmy wns rotund and looked shorter than ho really was. Ills ambition In llfo wns to be taken seriously, but people steadily refused to do so, Ills art Is considered n hugo joke, except to himself, If ho naked people to dinner v ryone expected a frolic. Jimmy marries tlella Knowles; they llvo together n year and are divorced. Jimmy's friends ar range to eclebrato tho first anniversary of his divorce. The party Is in full swing when Jimmy receives n telegram from his Aunt Sellnn, who will arrive In four hours to visit him and his wife. lie neglects to tell her of his divorce. Jimmy takes Kit Into his confidence ho tries to de-flso ome way so that his nunt will not learn (lint he has no longer a wife. Ho sug gests that Kit play tho hostess for ono night, be Mrs. Wilson pro tein. Aunt 80 llna arrives and tho deception works out lis planned. Jim's Jnp servant Is taken 111. Bella, Jimmy's divorced wife, enters the house and asks Kit who Is being to ken away In tho ambulance? Bella Insists It Is Jim. Kit tells her Jim Is well and Is In tho house. Harbison steps out on tho porch and discovers a man tacking a card on tho door. Ho demands on ex planation. The man points to tho placard and Hnrblson sees the word "Smallpox" printed on It. Ho tells him tho guests rannot leave the house until tho quaran tine Is lifted. The guests suddenly renl Izo their predicament, the women shed tears, the men consider It n good Joke. Tho all Important question arises as to who Is to prepare tho meals and perfrfrm tho other household duties Harbison fin ally solves tho matter. After the lifting of the quarantlno several letters aro found In tho mall box undelivered, one Is ad dressed to Henry Llewellyn, Iqulque, i.lillp, whlcli was written by Harbison He describes minutely of their incarcera tion, also of hln Infatuation for Mrs. Wil son. Aunt Bcllna Is taken 111 with la grlncc. Betty acts as nurse. Harbison finds Kit sulking on the roof. She tells him that Jim has been treating her out- ragcously. Harbison fully believing that ho is Mrs. Wilson, tells her that sho doesn't mean tho things sho Is saying tiDout ner husband. Kit starts down stairs, when suddenly she Is grnspod In tho arms of a man who kisses her sev eral times. She believes that Harbison aid it and Is Humiliated. CHAPTER X. (Continued.) "Betty Is making no end of nrow,' ' Max said, looking up from his gamo, I'becauso tho old lady upstairs Insists on chloroform liniment. Betty says tho smell "makes her 111." "And sho can inhalo Russian clga rrttes," Anno said enviously, "and gasolene fumes, without turning a hnlr. I call a revoko, Dal: You trumped spades on tho second round." Dal flung over three tricks with very bad grace, and Anno counted them with maddening deliberation. "Gamo and rubber," sho said. "Watch Dal, Max; ho will cheat in tho scoro If ho can. Kit, don't havo another clam whllo I am In this house. I havo eaten so many lately my waist rises and falls with tho tide." "You havo n stunning color, Kit," Lolllo said. "You aro really qulto su porb. Who mado that gown?" "Where havo you been hiding, du klelno?" Max whispered, under cover of showing mo tho oyenlng paper, with u photograph of tho houso and a cross nt tho collar window where wo had tried to escape, "If ono day In tho houso with you, Kit, put mo In this condition, what will a month do?" From boyond tho curtain of ft sort of alcove, lighted with a red-shaded lamp, camo a hum of conversation, Delia's cool, oven tones and a heavy mascullno voice. They were laugh Ing; I could feel my chin go up. Ho was not oven hiding his shame, "Max," I asked, whllo tho others clamored for htm and tho game, "has any ono been up through tho houso slnco dinner? Any of tho men?" Ho looked nt me curiously. "Only Harbison," ho repllod prompt ly, "Jim has been eating his heart out In tho don over since dinner; Dal played tho "Sonata Apasslonnta" back' ward on tho pianola ho wanted to put through ono of Anne's lingerie waists, on a wager that it would play a tune; I played craps with Lolllo, nnd Flannlgan has been washing dishes Why?" Well, that was conclusive, anyhow, I had had n faint hopo that it might havo beon n Joke, although It had borno nil tho evidences of sincerity certainly. Dut It was past doubting now; he had lain In watt for mo at tho landing, and had kissed me, me, when ho thought I was Jimmy's wlfo, Oh, I must havo been vory light, very contemptible, it that wns what ho thought of mo! I went into tho library and got a book, but It was Impossible to read with Jimmy lying on tho couch giv ing vent to something between n sigh and a groan every fow minutes. About 11 tho cards stopped, and Delia said sho would read palms. Sho began with Mr. Harbison, becauso sho de clared ho had a wonderful hand, full of possibilities; Sho said ho should havo beon a great Inventor or a play wright, and that his attltudo to worn en was ono of homage, respect, almost rovoronce. Ho had tho courage to look at me, and if a glanco could have killed ho would hnvo withered nwny. When Jimmy proffered his hand. sho looked nt It lolly. Of course, Bho could not reniso, with Mr. Harbison looking on. "Rather ncgativo." Bho said coldly. "Tho lines aro obscured by cushions of flesh; no heart lino at all, mentali ty small, BelMndulgenco and Irrita bility very marked." Jim hold hlB palm un to tho HkIU and stared at It. 'Clad!" ho said. "Hardly safe for mc to go nround without gloves, Is lt7" It was all well enough for Jim to lnugh, but ho was horribly hurt. Ho stood around for a fow minutes, talk ing to Anno, but ns soon ns ho could ho slid away and went to bed. Ho looked vory badly tho next morning, as .though ho had not slept, and hla clothes qulto hung on him. Ho w'na actually thinner, ilut that Is ahead of tho story.' Max camo to mo while tho others woro sitting around drinking night caps and asked mo In a low tono If he could seo mo In the dent Ho wanted to ask mo something. Dal overheard. "Ask her here," ho said. "We all know what It Is, Max. (Jo ahead and we'll coach you." "Will you coach mo?" I asked, for Mr. Harbison was listening. "Tho woman does not need It," Dal retorted. And then, because Max looked angry enough really to pro pose to mo right thoro, I got up hasti ly and went Into the den, Max fol lowed, and closing tho door, stood with his back ngalnst It. "Contrary to tho general belief, Kit," ho began, "I did not Intend to ask you to marry mo." I breathed easier. Ho took a couple of steps toward mo nnd Btood with his arms folded, looking down at me. 'I'm not at all sure, In fact, that I shall ever proposo to you," ho wont on unpleasantly. "You havo already dono It twlco, You aro not going to tako those back, aro you, Max?" 1 asked, looking up at him. Dut Max was not to bo cajoled, ilo camo close and stood with his hand on tho back of my chair. "What hap pened on tho roof tonight?" ho do manded hoarsely. "I do not think it would Interest you," I retorted, coloring In splto of myself. "Not Interest mol I am shut in this blasted house; I havo to seo tho only woman I over loved really loved," ho supplemented, as ho caught my eye, "pretend sho Is nnothor man's wlfo Then I sit back and watch her using every art all her beauty to mako still another man love her, n man "Don't Let Her In this Room - Again." who thinks oho is a married woman. If Harbison woro worth the trouble, I would toll him tho whole story, Aunt Sellna bo obliterated 1" I Bat up suddenly. "If Harbfsoii were worth tho trou ble!" I repeated. What did ho mean? Had ho seen "I moan just this," Max said slowly. "Thero Ib only ono unaccredited mom bor of this housohold: Only ono per son, save Flannlgan, who was locked In tho furnace room, one person who wns awnko and nround the houso whon Anno's Jewels wont, only ono person In tho' houso, also, who would havo any motive for tho theft." "Motive?" I asked dully. "Poverty," Max throw at mo. "Oh I moan comparative poverty, of course, Who Is this fellow, anyhow? Dal know him nt school, traveled with him through India. On tho strength of that ho brings him here, qunrtors him with decent people, and wonders whon thoy aro systematically robbed!" "You aro unjust!" I said, rising and facing him. "I do not llko Mr. Hnrbl son I I hato him, if you want to know, Dut no to his bolng a thief, I think It qulto as likely that you took tho necklace" Max throw his clgaretto Into tho lire angrily. "So that is how it Is!" ho mocked "If either of us Is tho thief,, It Is I! You do hato him, don't you?'1 I left him there, flushed with Irrlta Mon, and Joined the others. Just as I entered tho room, Betty burst through tho hall door llko a cyclone, and col lapsed Into a chair. "She's a mean cantankerous old woman!" sho do clarcd, feelhg for hor handkerchief, "You can tako caro of your own Aunt Sellna, Jim Wilson. I will never go near her again." "What did you do? Poison her?' Dallas nsked with interest "G got camphor In her eyes," snuff' ed Dotty "You never heard Buch a noise, I wouldn't bo n trained nurso for anything In tho world. Sho she called mo a hussy I " "You'ro not going to give hor up, aro you, Dotty?" Jim asked imploring ly. Dut Detty was, and Bald so plain iy. "Anyhow, sho won't have mo back," sho finished, "and sho haa Bent for guossl" "Havo mercy!" Dal cried, dropping to his, knoes. "Oh, fair ministering , nngel, sho hna not sent for .mo J" No," Dotty said maliciously. "Sho Wants Bella sho'n cruty about hor." CHAPTER XI. I Make a Discovery. Really, I havo left Aunt Sellna rath er out of It. but sho was Important ns a cause, not as a result; at least at first. Sho camo out strong lator. I believe sho was a very nleo old wom an, with strong likes and prejudices, which sho wns perfectly willing to pay ror. At lenst, I only presume sho had likes; I know Bho had prejudices. Nouody over understood why Delia consented to tako Betty's place with Aunt Sellnn. As for mo, I was too much engrossed with my own affairs to pay tho Invalid much attontlon. Onco or twlco during tho day I had stopped In to soo her, nnd had been received frigidly nnd with marked dla approval. I was In dlsgrnco, of courso, after tho sceno In tho dining room the night before. I had Btood llko a naughty child, just Inside tho door, and replied meekly when Bho snld the pillows wero overstuffed, and -why didn't I havo tho linen slips rinsed In starch water? Sho laid tho blamo of hor Illness on me, as I havo Bald bo foro, nnd sho mado Jim read to hor In tho afternoon from a hook sho carried with her, "Coals of Firo on tho Do mestic Hearth," marking places for mo to mad. Sho sent for ma that night, just as I had taken off my gown; bo I throw on a dressing gown and wont In. To my horror, Jim was alrcndy there. At a gosturo from Aunt Se llna, ho closed tho door Into tho hall and tiptoed back besldo tho bed, whero ho snt staring nt tho figures on tho silk comfort. Aunt Selinn's first words woro; "Where's that flibberty-glbbot?" Jim looked at mo. "Sho must menn Detty." I explain ed. "Sho has gono to bed, I think;" "Don't lot her In this room- again," sho said, with awful cmphas sis. VShe la an Infamous crenturo," "Oh, como now, Aunt Sellnn." Jim broko In; "she's foolish, porhnps, but she's a nlco littlo thing," Aunt So Una's faco was a curious study. Then sho raised herself on hor elbow, nnd taking a flat chamois-skin bag from, under her pillow, hold It out. "My enmoo breastpin," sho Bald solemnly; "my cuffbuttons with gold rims and storks painted on china In tho mlddlo; my watch, that has put mo to bod and got mo ip for forty years, and my money J510.40! takon with tho doors locked under my noso.' Which was ambiguous, but forcible "Dut, good gracious, Miss Car- Aunt Sellna!" I oxclalmod, "you don't think Betty Mercer took thoso things?" "No," sho said grimly; "I think I probably got up In ray sloop nnd lighted tho flro with them, or sent 'em out for a walk." Then sho Btuffod tho bag away and sat up resolutely In bed. "Have you mado up?" sho demand ed, looking from ono to tho other of us. "Delln, don't tell mo you btlll persist In that nonsense" "What nonsenso?" I asked, getting ready to run. "That you do not lovo him." "Him?" "James," sho snnpped Irrltnbly. "Do you suppose I mean tho pollcemnn7" I looked over at Jimmy. Sho had got mo by tho hand, and Jimmy was ma king frantic gestures to tell her tho wholo thing and bo dono with It. Dut I had gono too far. 'Tho mill of tho gods had crushed mo already, and II didn't proposo to be drawn out hide ously mangled and held up ns an ex- ample for tho next two or threo weeks, although It was clear enough thnt Aunt Sellna disapproved of mo thoroughly, and would havo beon glnd enough to And that no tlo savo tho bonrd of health held us together. And then Bella camo In, and you wouldn't hnvo known hor. Sho had put on a straight whlto woolen wrapper, and sho had her hair In two long braids down hor back. Sho looked llko u nlco wldo-oyod little girl in her teens, nnd sho had somo lobster snlad and a glass of port on a tray. Whon sho saw tho situation sho put tho things down and had tho nastlness to stay nnd listen. "I'm not blind," Aunt Sellna said, with ono oyo on tho tray. "You two silly children ndoro each other; I saw somo things last night." Delia took a stop forward; then sho stopped nnd shrugged her shoulders, Jim was purple. (TO UE CONTINUED.) Alone. "What wo must do," thundered tho politician, .walking rapidly down the street besldo his bored acquaintance, "what wo Englishmen must do Is to put our foot down firmly on these for eign imports." And to show that ho could practise as woll as proach, at that momont ho put his foot down on tho skin of an Imported banana; and his friend walked on alone. London Globe Hardly Complimentary. A widow not 100 mlloB from DlBhop Auckland had been in tho habit ot giving any old boots she had to sparo to a customer for bis wlfo. Not hav Ing had any tor soma tlmo, ho callod and asked tho widow If Bho had any boots, adding: "Yo see, my missus lies such greot. . long, ugly, splathorlng foot, that Aw canna get a pnlr to fit her only yours, an sho san weer them comfortable." Exchango, Alas, No. Flgg You should pay as you go. Fogg My landlady won't let me. $3.00 RECIPE CURES WEAK KIDNEYS, FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAIN INO, SWELLING, ETC. Stops Pain In tho Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't It be nice within a week or so to hegln to say goodbye forever to tho scalding, dribbling, strnlnlnr, or too fre quent passage of urlno; tho forehead and the baek-ot-tho-hcad aches; the stitches nd pains In the back the crowing mus clo weakness) spots before the eyes; yel low skin: Blugglsh bowels; swollen eye lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and the de spondency T 1 havo a recipe for those troubles that you can depend on, nhdlf you want to make a QUICK ItncoVEllY, you ought to write and get a copy of It. Many a doctor would charge you 13.60 Just for writing this prescription, but I hav It and will bo glad to send It to you entire ly tree. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. K. Robinson, K-I63 Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., and I will send it by re turn mall In a plain envelope. As you will see when you get It. this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but It has great healing and paln-conqUerlng power. It will quickly show Its power onco you use It, so I think you had better sea what It Is without delay. 1 will send you a copy free you can use It and euro your self at home. How Ho Averted a Duel. Tho following Is told of former Sea ator Joo Blackburn ot Kentucky: In tho dnys ot his youth tho Ken- tucklan wns nsked by a friend to sec ond him In a duel. Ho consented, nnd nt sttnrlso tho partlos met at tho ap pointed place. Now, It wns this Ken tucklan'a duty to say tho last words touching tho terms ot tho thiol. Dut, although hn faithfully performed this duty, tho duel nevor took placo. A murmur of "Why not?" invariably goes around whonover this Btory. Is told, whereupon tho answer Is as fol lows: "For a vory simple reason. Whon Joe finished speaking It was too dark for a duel." Harper's Magnzlno. Important to Mothers Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a Btifo and Buro remedy for Infants nnd children, and aeo thnt It Bears tho Signature of In Uso For Over 00 Yoars. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Comparison. "What do you think of tho Idea of an extrn Bosslon of congress?" "Woll," replied Farmer Corntossel, "somo extry sessions Is llko somo ex try nowspaporB. Thoy ain't enough In em to Justify tho hollerln'." 8 eve re Critic. Alice I llko Tom immensely and ho'e very much tho eon t Ionian; but ho docs llko to talk about himself! Graco Yob, dear, your knight hath a thousand I's. Puck. Household troubles: Headache, Tooth ache, Knrnche, fitomncli ncho. ' ITamllns Wizard Oil cures theso aches and pains so why don't you keep a bottlo in the house. It has always appeared to mo that good manners aro almost as vnluablo an assot In commercial as In diploma tic affairs, Lord Cromer. USE AT.I.KN'8 VOOT-KASH v th AntlMptlu pawnor to bo shaken Into the shoes for tired, aclilnu feat. It takes the kUng on tot oorns sr.d bunions nod tnakea walking a dalluht. Hold rerywbere, 2oo. J(i, tubitttutif. Vox KIIKH trial package, address A. 8. Olmsted, Le lloy, tt'.Y. "Tho heart Is a small thing, but do slreth great matters; it la not stllll clcnt for a klto's dinner, yot tho world Is not sufllclont for It. Hugo. Remember TrasVs Ointment, If In need of a uniform, reliable hourehold remedy for Inflammatory or catarrhal ailments. It will not disappoint you. A Real Treat. "What yo ontln'?" "A dlmo's worth o' salt wld some peanuts In iL" Judge. Better general health is suro to follow the uso of tho natural Herb laxative, Gar field Tea, It corrects constipation. Whnt wo aro doing spenks with greater forco thnu what we are Bay ing. Royston. To Get Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy i he YRUPflGS and manufcctorecl Ijyihe Sold by all leading Drvqqisis OneSizeOny,50$ oDoiile PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and fsster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other tire, You can orssny gsrment without ripping spsrt. Write for free bookletHow to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, III. WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR IT. ppf "ton. irr H J Briggs I understand thatMr.Blgge, your wife's lato husband, mnde every thing oVor to horT Honpocklott Yes, and now she's making everything over for mo. Eggsactlng. Dr. J. S. Slack, tho English food ex pert, said In a recent lecturo in Du hitht - "The secret of health Is two moals a day with an occasional fast. But peoplo won't avail thomsolvos ot thta superb secret. It Is too unpleasant llko tho fresh egg. "A gentleman, after cutting tho top off a soft-boiled egg, summoned rtho waiter nnd Bald: " 'Walter, tako thin egg back to tho kitchen, wring Its neck and grill It for mo.'" His Interest. "You aro going to Interest yoUrsolt In this reform enterprise?" "Cortnlnly," ropllcd Senator Sor ghum. "But I thought It was unfavorable to your frlonds." "It Is, And I'm going to Interest myself In It far enough to let mo offer suggestions that will rendor It Impractical." It Is tho rally ot loyal allies which helps most to win a good causo to vie- Many who used to smoke 10c cigars now buy Lewis' Single Binder straight Co. It's no use a church advertising the Bible when It la dodging its bills. The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A Risn who baa a weak and impaired stomach and who does not properly dltfest bis food will soon find that hla blood has become weak and impoverished, and that his wholo body is improperly ami Insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERe&S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERT mmhea the atemach mtrotti, promotes tho low of dl&ettlvo lulcea, reatoroa tho loat appetite, makes assimilation perfect. Invigorates the liver aaef parltlbs and enriches the blood. It Is the Are at Bloed-maker, ileah'bullder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes mem mtroni Ib body, active la mlad aad cool la ludgemeat. Tills " Discovery " la a pure, (lycerio extract of American medical rooti absolutely free from ataohol and all Injurious, habit-forming drugs. All it Ingredients are printed on Ita wrappers. It haa no relationship with secret nostrums. Ita every ingredient la endorsed by the leaders In all the schools nf wedicino. Don't acoept a scoret nostrum es a substitute for this time-proven remedy on known composition. Ask your Nnmimons. They must know of .many cures made by It during past 40 years, right In your own neighborhood. World'a Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y. for Tiavvf rno distemper PINK EYE V, L. DOUGLAS Ctm 3 3m & W. h. DourIos shoos cost moro to mako than ordinary shoes, because higher grade leathers aro usednud soloctod with grouter caro. Theso aro tho roaaona why "V. h. Douglas sbcoa dro guar antood to hold their shapo, look and fit bolter and wear longer than any othor shoes you can buy, KITBEWAfie OF SUBSTITUTES. -yj The genuine havo W. L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped on tho bottom, which guarantees full value and protects the wenrer against high prices and inferlorshoa. fiEruaesuasTirurtscLaiKSOTOBE'JUSTASBOOD' . It dlfr esniiot snoply yon with the nnnlns W.T.Doaitlu shiMS, writs or Hll Order 0ilo, HWi sent rtlrnt trom furtory to tww, li hri , M4 uuifin, ma spurn Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's School for Girls WITHIN EASY ACCESS of all parts ot tho city, and ot tho great libraries and museums. Opportunity ulven tor uttendunco at publio entertainments of edurutlonal und artistic value. , TUOltOUail AND CONSERVATIVE TIIAININO, moral, intellectual nnd pliyslcnl, with expert supervision In every department, thus Insuring definite und cortnln results. KACmTY l.AUOE, each teacher n specialist; and pupils assured tho indi vidual attention udnpted to their respective needs. T'llIMAHY, VIMCPAKATOUY AND ACADEMIC DEPATITMENTB; also a tinliiun dupurtment known us the UI'PKIt 1IOUHE, for graduate and special ntudentu desiring to spend tho winter In Now York In a congonlal social ntmos phero, under tho most favorublo conditions for culture ot social graces nnd for Intelligent advancement. Tho UPPER HOUSE Is In a largo degreo free from tho ordinary restrictions of a school. UEST ADVANTAGES of Now York avalluhle for the study of Music, Art, Elot utlon. Languages and Dancing. I HYSICAIi KXEROJBE8. Special nttentlon given with the object of promot ing health, graro und caso of motion and renoso of manner. Tho gymnastlo ex ciclBfs urn in chnrgo of iv graduate ot Dr, Burgont, of Cambridge, Muss, SUM MER CAMP In Now Hampshire. THE SUCCESS OV THE SCHOOL has been so pronodnced that It has re ceived tho highest commendntlon of the leading educators ot the country un well nH ot the highest nf detain of the V. B. Government: Miss Ilnngs and Miss Whlton refer by permission to tho presidents ot ton colleges and universities and to I'resldont and Mrs, Taft, Ex-V'ee-Presldent and Mrs. Fairbanks, Ex President and Mrs. Roosevelt, und the Chief Justice, n Tin n - - CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Sife by Lydla E. Pinkhim'a Vegetable Compound. Oranltevillft. Vt "I mi Daseinc through the Chatiireof Life and Buffered! rrora nervouoea and other annoying symptoms, and j, cail truly my that Lydla E. Plnkhara'a vegetable (joih- pound h&a proved worth mountains of. gckl to im, nd it restored mr health ktid strength. I nover forget to ten my friends what) Lvdla E. rinkham'a Vegetable Compound lias done for xm duritiff this trying period. Complete restoration to health, means bo much to mo thnt for tho sake of othor suffer lug women I am willing to make mv trouble publio so you may publish this lottor." Mns. Ciua. jjakolay. H.F.D., Granltovlllo, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ilia has recoivod such wide-spread and tin qualified endorsement. Ko othor mcd. iclno wo know of 1ms such a recojil of euros as has Lydia 12. Pinkhaura Vegetable Compound. For more than 80 yoars It has been curing woman's ills such as inflamma tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg ularities, periodto pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through th period of change of life. Mrs. Plnkliam. at Lynn, Mam., Invites nil sick women to write Iter for atlvlco. Her atlvkeisfr1 and. nlwnya helpful lYRNTt Fortunes are tend In patents. 1km rM a tertroorldens. (urd4pusn book fro FlUjrerald Co.. Itox K, Washington, 1), C W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 14-1011. CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES mmm 1 75 J oluMspsperde- I I Readers sg&L I I tifed in its columns should inuft upon 1 1 having what they atk (or, reJuueg all I I tubakutet of ioitatioas. I 1 Corns the shin and nets as n preventlTe for others, ttnald siren en thotonKUK. Hnfa for brood marrs nnd sll others. Ilestklduer remedy ;K cents nnd 11.00 n lmttls IS.00 and 110.00 the iloien. Bold by nil drues-lsus and homo goods bouses, or sunt express paid, by tho manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA 4 Shoes Sw"oEI3 SOYS' SHOES pt. i rooUtou. Mum, $2. 00,92.00493.00 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES In wrest rsrloty for snle st tho lowest pr os by WBHTIM UfffSrirTH CII0S, lilW.Mu.. St, OI.M DEFIANCE STARCH- ,14 ounces to 'the pscksgs other itarcbas only I) ounces state price tn DEFIANCE" IB BUPKHIOH QUALITY