The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1911, Image 4

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a JMan
Jlulhor of The Circular Slalrcair,
Tht ifttart In Lower
Ten. Be.
Copyright lsoo, by th. DobU-Mtrrill Co.
Jnme Wilson or Jimmy as hn Is called
by his frlcndn. JJmmy wns rotund and
looked shorter than ho really was. Ills
ambition In llfo wao to bo taken seriously,
but pcoplo steadily refused to do so, his
art Is considered a huue Joke, except to
himself, If ho asked pcoplo to dinner ev
eryone expected a frolic. Jimmy marries
Bella Knowles; thoy live toRothcr n year
and. are divorced. Jimmy's friends ar
raneo to colobrate tho first anniversary
of his dlvorco. The party Is In full swing
when Jimmy receives a telegram from his
Aunt Scllna, who will arrive In four hours
to visit lilin and his wife. Jimmy (rets his
funds from Aunt Scllna and after ho mar
ries she doubles his nllowanco. lie neg
lects to tell her of his dlvorco. Jimmy
takes Kit Into his confidence, ho tries to
devise nome way so that his nunt will not
learn that ho has no longer a wife. Ho
miRitests that Kit play the hostess for one
nldht. be Mrs. Wilson pro tern. Aunt fle
itna arrives and tho deception works out
n.n planned. Jim's Jap servant Is taken
111. Bella, Jimmy's divorced wife, enters
tho house And asks Kit who Is being ta
ken away In the amhulanco? Delia Insists
It Is Jim. Kit tells her Jim Is well and Is
In the house. Holla tclln Kit It wasn't
Jim sh wantod to see, but Takahlra. the
Jap servant. Harbison steps out on the
porch and discovers a man tacking a
card on tho door. He demands an ex
planation. The man points to tho placard
land Harbison sees tho word "Smallpox"
printed on It. The guests suddenly realize
their predicament, the women shed tears,
(the men consider It a good Joke. Harbi
son pleads with Kit to tell him tho real
situation of things. Sho finally tells him
of Bella's Incarceration In the basement.
The nil Important question arlxos as to
Jwho Is to prepare the menls and perform
ally solves tho matter. Ho writes out
allps containing tho various departments
of his or her duties. Kit nttempts to
rnnko an omelet for Aunt Bollna. but falls
In the attempt nnd is In a very nervous
stato when Harbison comes to her rescue
nnd tolls her how to tnnke It. After tho
lifting of tho quarantine several letters
aro found In the mall box undelivered,
one Is addressed to Henry Llewellyn,
jquique, vjniie, wnicn was wruion ny Har
bison. Ho describes mlnutelv of their In
carcerntlon. also of his Infatuation for
airs, wnson.
CHAPTER VIII. (Continued.)
From OfTlcor Flannlgnn to Mrs,
Mngglo Flannlgan, Erin street.
Dear Magglo:
As soon as you rocolvo this, go
down to Mno and tell him tho story as
I toll you hoar. Toll him I was walk'
in my boat and I'd boon aftber seon
'Jimmy Alvornl about doln tho right
thing for Mac on Monday, at tho
poles, when I soon a man hangln bus
Vicious around this house, which Is
Mr. Wilson's, on Ninety-fifth. And,
of coorso, nfther chasln tho man n
mllo or more, I loso him, which was
not my fault So I go back to tho
.Wilson houso, and toll thorn to bo
careful about closln up for tho night.
and whllo I'm standln In tho hall, with
jail tho swells around mo, sparkln
.with Jewels, tho board of health sends
a man to lock us all In, becauso tho
Jap thats beon waiter has took - tho
smallpox and gono to tho hospltlo. I
fltood mo ground. I sez, boss I, you
cant shtop an officer in pursuto of his
duty. I rafuso to ho shut in. Bo
shuro to toll Mac that
So hero I am, and llko to bo for a
month. Toll Mac thercs four votes
shut up bore, and I can got them for
him, it ho can stop this monkoy bust
Then go over to tho Dago church
on Webster avenue and put a dollar in
Saint Anthony's box. He'll seo mo
out of this scrape, right enough. Do
it at once,. Now roraombor. go to
Mac first; maybo you can get tho
dollar from him, and mind what you
toll hlra. Your husband,
From mo to mother Mrs, Thoodoro
McNalr, Ilotol Hamilton, Bermuda,
Dearest Mother:
I hopo you will got this beforo you
read tho papers, and when you do read
them, you aro not to got excited and
worried. I am as well as can be, and
a great deal safer than I ever remom-
bcr to havo beon in my life. Wo nro
quarantined, n lot of us, In Jim Wil
son's houso, because his Irrcproach
nblo Jap did a very reproachablo
thing took Bmnllpox, Now rond on
boforo you got excited. His room has
been fumigated, and wo havo boen
vaccinated. I am well and happy. I
can't bo killed In a railway wreck or
smashed whon tho car skids, Unlesa
I drown myself in my bath, or Jump
through a window, positively nothing
can happen to me. So gather up all
ypur . matornal anxieties and cast
them to tho Bormuda shnrks.
Annt' Brown Is here seo the pnpors
for list and If sho can not play pro
priety, Jimmy's Aunt Sellua can. In
fact, sho doesn't play at It; she works.
I have telephoned Llzotto for somo
clothes enough for a couple of weeks,
although Dallas promises to get us
out sooner. Now, dear, do go ahoad
nnd have a nlco tlmo, and on no ac
count como homo. You could only
have tho carrlago to stop In front of
tho house, and wnvo to mo through a
Mnti"''' I want you to do something
for me. You know who Is down thero,
and this is awfully dollcnte, mumsy
but he's a nice boy, nnd I thought
I liked htm. I guess you know he has
boon rather attentive Now, I do like
him, mumsy, but not tho way I
thought I did, nnd 1 want you to
very gently, of courso to dlscourago
him a llttlo. You know how I mean.
IIo's a dear boy, but I am bo tired of
peoplo who don't know anything but
horses and motors.
And, oh, yes do you remember a
girl named Luclllo Mellon who was at
school with you in Itomo? And that
sho married a innn named Harbison?
Well, her son is horci Ho builds rail
roads and bridges and things, nnd ho
oven built himself an automobile
down in South America, becauso he
couldn't afford to buy one, nnd burned
wood In itl Woodl Think of Itl
I wired father in Chicago for fear
ho would como rusntng homo. Tho
picture In tho papor of tho fnco at
the badetnont window is supposed to
be Mr. Harbison, but of courso it isn't
any moro llko him than mlno is like
Anno Drown mislaid her pearl cob
lnr when sho took it off last night,
and has fussed herself into a sick
headache Sho declares it was stolen!
Somo of tho pcoplo are playing bUdgo,
Betty Mercer is doing a cake-wnlk to
tho "Rhnpsodlo Ilongrolso" .Tim has
no evcry-day music and the telo
phono is ringing. Wo havo received
enough flowers for a funeral somo
body sent Lolllo n Gates Ajar, only
with tho gates shut.
Thero aro no Borvnnts think of It,
mumsy. I wish you hnd niado mo learn
to cook. Mr. HarblBon has shown mo
a little ho was a soldier In tho Span
ish war but wo girls aro a terribly
Ignorant lot, mumsy, about tho real
things of llfo.
Now, don't worry. It 1b more sport
than camping In tho Adlrondacks, nnd
not nearly so damp.
Your loving dnughter,
P. S. South America must bo won
derful. Why can't wo put tho Gad
fly in commission, and tako a coasting
trip this BummerT It is a shamo to
own a yacht nnd novor use It
This note, evidently delivered by
Lmossonger, was found among other
She Swished to the Window and Rais
ed the Shade.
littor in tho vestibule utter tho lift
ing of tho quarantine.
Mr. Alex. Dodds, City Editor, Mall and
Dear D. Can't got a picture Havcy"
waited Bovon hours. Thoy havo
elbsed the shutters. M'COItD.
Written on tho back of tho above
Watch tho roof. DODDS.
Flannlgan's Find. .
The most charltablo thing would bo
to say nothing about tho first day.
Wo wcro baldly brutal that's tho
only word for It. And Mr, Harbison,
with his beautiful courtosy tho really
slncoro kind trlod to patch up ouo
quarrel after another nnd failed. He
rose superbly to tho occasion, and
mado something that ho called n
South American goulash, for luncheon,
although It was too salty, and every
ono was thirsty tho rest of tho day.
Bolla was horrid, of course. Sho
frozo Jim until ho said ho was going
to sit in the refrigerator and cool tho
butter. Sho locked herself In tho
dressing-room it hnd been assigned
to mo, but that made no dlfforenco to
Bella and did her nails, and took
thrco different baths, nnd refused to
como to tho tablo. And of courso
Jimmy was wild, and said sho would
stnrvo. But I sold, "Very well, lot
her starve. Not a tray shall leave my
kltchon." It was a comfort to have
hor shut up thero anyhow: It post
poned tho tlmo when sho would como
face to faco with Flannlgnn.
Aunt Sellna got sick that day, as I
havo said. I was not so blttor as the
others; I did not say that I wished
alio would die. Tho worst I ever wish
od her was that she might bo quite 111
for somo time, and yot, when sho be
gan to recover, sho was dreadful to
mo. Sho said for ouo thing, that It
was tho hard-boiled eggs and tho stato
of the houso that did It. And whon I
said that tho grlppo was n gorm, sho
rotorted that I had probably brought
it to her on my clothing.
You romomber that Betty hnd drawn
tho nurae's slip, and how ploascd sho
had boon about it, Sho got up early
tho morning of the first day nnd made
horsolf a lawn cap and telephoned out
for n white nurso's uniform that is,
of courso, for a white uniform for n
nurse. Sho really looked vory fotch
lng. and she went around all the mom
ing with n rod cross on her sleove and
- -mmm
a Saint Cecilia expression, gathering
up bottles of medlclue most of it
flesh reducer, which wns path6tlc, and
closing wlndowu for fear of drafts.
Sho refused to holp with tho hoto
work, nnd looked qulto exalted,' but by
nttornoon It hnd palled on her somo
what, and Bho and Max shook dlco.
Botty was really pleased when Aunt
Scllna Bent for her. Sho took In a
bottlo of cologne to batho her brow,
and wo all Btood outsldo tho door nnd
listened. Betty tiptoed In In hor prof
ty cap nnd apron, nnd wo henrd her
cautiously draw down the shades.
"What aro yon doing that for?"
Aunt Sellna demanded. "I llko tha
"It's bad for your poor eyes," Botty's
tono wns exactly tho propor bedside
pitch, low and Bugary.
"'Swcot and low, Bwcot nnd low,
wind of tho western Bear"Dnl hum
mod outsldo.
"Put up thoso window-shadost,"
Aunt Sollna's volco wns strong enough.
"What's In that bottlo?"
Botty was still mild. Sho swished tc
tho window and rnlsod tho shade.
"I m bo sorry you nro ill," sho said
sympathetically. "This is for yout
poor aching head. Now closo your
eyes nnd Ho porfoctly sHt and I will
coo! your forehead."
"Thcro's nothing tho mntter with
ray head," Aunt Setlnn retorted. "And
I have not lost my faculties; 1 am not
n child, or a sick cow. If that's per
fumery, take it out."
Wo hoard Botty coming to tho door,
but thoro wns ' no time to get away.
She had dropped her mask for n minute-
nnd was biting her Up, but whon
sho saw UB sho forced n emtio.
"Sho's 111, poor dear," sho said. "II
you peoplo will go nway, I can bring
her around nil right. In two hours
Bho will oat out of my hand."
"Eat n piece out of your hand," Mn'j
Bcoffed In n whisper.
Wo wnltod a llttlo longer, but It wni
too painful. Aunt Scllna demhnded n
mustard foot bath and n hot lomonndo
nnd hor back rubbed with llnlmonl
and somo strong black tea. And in
tho Intervals Bho wnntod to bo rend
to out of tho prayer-book. And whon
wo had all gono away, thoro camo tho
most terrible nolso from Aunt Scllna's
room, nnd every ono ran. Wo found
Botty In tho hnll outsldo tho door, cry
ing, with hor fingers In her cars and
hor cap over hor oyc. Sho said sho
hnd been putting tho hot-water bottlo
to Aunt Scllnn'B back, nnd It had boon
too hot. Just thon something hit
against tho door with a soft thud, foil
to tho floor and burst, for a trlcklo of
hot wator camo over tho sill.
"Sho won't let bo hold hor hand,"
Botty walled, "or batho hor brow, or
smooth hor pillow. Sho thinks of
nothing but hor stomach or hor back I
And when I try to mnko her bed look
decent, sho spits at mo llko a cut
Everything I do Is wrong. Sho spilled
tho foot-bnth into hor shoes, and blam
ed mo for it,"
It took tho united efforts of nil ol
us oxcopt Bolla, who stood back and
smiled nastily to got Betty back Into
tho sick-room again. I was supremely
thankful by that tlmo that I had not
drawn tho nurso's slip. With dinner
ordered in from ono of tho clubs, and
tho omelet ton hours bohlnd me, my
position did not soem so unbearable,
But a now development was coming.
Whllo Botty was fussing with Aunt
Sollnn, Max led a search of tho house.
Ho said the necklnco and tho bracelet
must bo hidden somowhero, and that
no crovlco was too small to neglect.
Wo mado a formal search all to
gether, except Botty and Aunt Sollnn,
and wo found n lot of things in differ
ont plncos that Jim said had been
missing since tho year one. But no
jowols nothing oven suggesting n
Jowol wub found. Wo had explored the
ontlro houso, overy cupboard, every
chest, ovon tho lnsldcs of tho couches
nnd tho pockets of Jlm'B clothos
which ho resented bitterly and found
nothing, nnd I must say tho situation
was growing rather strained. Soma
ono had taken tho Jowels; thoy hadn't
walked away.
It, was Flannlgnn who suggested the
roof, nnd ns we had tried ovory place
olso, wo climbed there. Of courso wo
didn't find anything, but after all day
In tho houso with tho shutters closed
on account of roportrs, tho nlr wns
glorious. It was Fobruary, but quite
mild und sunny, nnd wo could look
down over Riverside Drlyo nnd the
Hudson, nnd ovon recognize pcoplo we
know on horseback nnd in enrs. It
was a pnthotlc Joy, and wo lined up
along tho parapet nnd watched the
motor-boats racing on tho river, nnd
trlod to feel that wo wore In tho world
us well ns of It, but It was very hard,
What a Woman Knows.
"So Erma Is engaged," said Elcnnor,
with n curl of her lip. "Well, I'm
sorry for tho man, that's all. Sho
doesn't know tho first thing about
keoplng houso."
"Oh, yes, sho does, though," was
Fannlo's assuring reply,
"Woll. I'd llko to know what It Is,"
wbb tho doubting response.
"Tho very first thing, which Is tp
get a mnn to koep houuo for." Judge,
Wise Tramp.
Sho brought him out n wedgo ot
pumpkin pie and a cup of cqffoo.
"And you only visit this flection or
tho country during golden-rod tlmo?"
she Interrogated innocently. "How
"Well, you see, mum, It Isn't exact
ly poetical," ropllod Dusty Dan, with
a srnllo, "but whon do golden-rod
blooms It Is too late to cut grass an'
too early to shovel snow,"
Good Tip.
"How did you mnnago to. keep that
last cook so long?"
"Sho got Interested In a serial stor
In ono of tho magazines I tako."
O AND toll within llfo's vine
yard: ti not feur to do or dare
If you want a Held of labor
You can find It anywhere.
Tho Servant Problem.
Tho fact that housekeeping is being
'taught In our rural schools In up-to-date
communities, nnd Is being put
Into tho curriculum on par with other
studios, lends Us to hopo that boforo
another generation wo may havo the
sorvnnt problom near Its solution
Thoro Is no danger that tho otllcc
or storo will bo robbed, for thoro will
bo plenty of girls more ndnptod to
such work thnn to housekeeping; hut
In thnt good time coming tho businoss
world wilt not bo overrun with poor
clerks, poor stonogrnphora, poor teach
ers, who might have bcoa oxcollont
homo keepers, for many of our houso
wives nro not strong enough to bear
tho work of their own households.
Tho business world Is ovortlowlng
with mediocre workers who nro oarn
lng tho barest kind of n living whon
thoy might be well clothed, well fed
nnd earning n good wngo doing some
thing thoy nro titled for.
What wo need moro thnn nny other
quality in womanhood Is an Increnso
of patriotism, moro of the fighting
blood of our ancestors.
Tho truest pntrlot Uvea for his
country nnd dies If nocossary, for It
Wo need moro of tho kind thnt live
for It, who will sncrlllco for it, give
time, thought, monuy and energy to
making tho world bettor; arid wo may
oach have a sharo In tho great work.
Some ono has so woll said "that tho
wonkest among us has a gift, howovcr
seonilngly trivial, which If rightly
used may be a benefit to our raco for
ever." Lot us find tho thing wo can
do best, nnd use that power for the
bottcrment of tho world, nnd bo doiio
with the old prayer;
"Tho Lord bloss mo nnd my wlfo,
My son John and his wlfo
Ub four nnd no more"
For, nftcr all, tho most successful
llfo Is tho unsoltlBh ono which
leaves tho world better than ho found
OUST of blrdson, a sparkle of
.i (Inuil niwl ti rnlnhnw's warning.
Suddenly sunshliie and hits of blue,
An April day In tUo morning."
Croquette Making,
Tho two kinds of croquatto mixtures
nood dlfforent heat In frying. For
thoso thnt aro uncooked a Blower heat
In testing tho fat for them uso a cube
of bread. It should bo brown' In (JO
soconds, a golden brown. Tho cro
quettes that nro prepared ot cooked
mixtures a hotter fat Ih required,
using tho -iO-socond test.'
Veal Croquettes. Mix two cups ot
choppod, cooked cold veal, n tonspoonful
ot salt, u tow drops onion Julco, n dash
of cnyonuc, a yolk of egg and n cup
ot white sauce mnde by mslng tho
veal stock instead of tho milk. Cool,
8hapo and fry in fat of tho 40-sccond
tost. .
A delicious llttlo croqttotto that may
bo Berved with n Banco as n dessert
Is prepared of cookod rice Make a
small nest of tho rlco nnd add n ten
spoonful of nny dcBlred Jolly or pre
serves, then roll Into u ball nnd dip
In egg nnd crumbs nnd fry In deep
fnt , Servo any Bnuco which appeals
to tho taste, such ns chocolate or n
lomon sauce.
Cheese Croquettes. Melt thrco ta
blespoonfuls of butter, add n fourth ot
a cup of flour nnd whon well mixed
ndd two-thirds ot n cup of milk and
tho yolks of two unbenton eggs. Add
a cup of grated cheese, and as soon
as It Ih melted, remove from the heat,
add salt, cayenno to tnsto nnd spread
in a rhnllow buttered pan to cool.
Whon cold turn on n board, cut life
strips, dtp in crumbs, egg and crumbs
again and fry in deep fat Drain on
brown papor. Servo for tho cheese
course, Salmon, lobster, lamb, chick
en, and In fact any kind of meat may
bo used to prepnro croquettes,
Bits of loft-over liiontB with differ
ent seasonings may tints he utilized
in making attractive dlshos, withdut
waste Vegetables also mnko accept
nblo material for croquettes,
I Kith should bo, ninttilnlis, as
little merit In loving a wumuti
for hur ui-aiity as In loving n man for his
prosperity, both being equally ' subieot to
chungc. Pope.
Favorlto Recipes.
Philadelphia Scrapple, Boll two
and a half pounds of pork from tho
shoulder until tender. Put It through
tho meat grinder. With tho moat nnd
liquor add equal parts of corn meal
and buckwheat, a dash ot sago und
salt Boll until thick. When cold cut
In aliens one-half Inch thick and fry.
Pennsylvania Cheese Cake. Press
through a klevo ono pound ot cottngo
cheoso; add tho beaten yolks of four nnd ono cup of granulated sugar
beaten togotlier until light, two tea
cponufuls of flour, ono of cinnamon, a
M sH
m j
snltspoou of nutmeg, tho grated rind
and Julco ot two lemons; odd lastly
tho whites ot tho eggs bentcn to n
stilt froth. Bake in patty tins lined
with pnsto or In a deep plo pinto lined
with n rich crust. Whon cookod the
cheese should bo firm, not mushy.
Rice Jack, This Is a confection that
Is a great tavorlto with tho little peo
plo and Is much better than too much
Cook togotlier until crisp in water
a cupful each ot molasses and sugar,
and two tablcspoontuls ot wator.
Whon dono, add a tnblenpoontul of
butter, a pinch ot soda and stir In
thrco cupfuis of puffed rlco. Pour
out Into b buttered pan to cool.
Fruit Cheeie. Put through n meat
choppor n pound ouch ot datea. rotslna
nnd figs, n halt pound each ot pecans
nnd brqzlllan nuts, a qunrtor ot a
pound ot blnnchod, almonds. When
thoroughly blondcd, pack In waxed
paper lined wnfor boxes, nnd keep In
a cool plnco. Squares of this confec
tion may bo dipped In chocolnto, or
thin slices ot It UBOd us a Bnndwlch
filling nro delicious. It will kcop for
Fovernl week if kept in a cold place
Chopped dates or prunes nro un ad
dition to stonmed brown bread.
lm fern
fWilKN" you entertain do It In an
f easy, natural way, as If It was
an everyday occurrence, not the event of
your life; but do It woll.
-Ward McAllister.
Gelatine Dishes.
For quick and castly-proparod des
serts, thoso mado ot golatlno nro moat
Apple Snow. Dtosolvo two table
spoonfuls ot gelntlno In halt a cup ot
boiling wnter. Paro, coro and steam
six apples until soft, thon rub through
a sieve; ndd two tablespoonfuls of
sugar and a tonspoonful of lomon
Julco nnd tho dissolved golatlno.
Bent the whites ot four eggs until
stiff, add gradually four tablespoon
fuls of sugar; whip this morlnguo a
tnblenpoontul at n tlmo Into the ap
ples, pllo In n glass dish, decorato
with candled chorrlos nnd sorvo with
a simple boiled custard woll chilled,
or with whipped, sweetonud nnd fla
vored cream.
Chester Pudding. Covor halt n cup
ot chopped dates with tho Julco ot two
oranges. Dissolve two tablespoonfuls
of gelntlno In halt a cup of boiling
wnter. Beat two cups of croam, add
halt a cup of sugar, tho dates, four
tablcspoontuls ot boiled rlco nnd tho
gelatine. Stir carofully until woll
mixed, adding a tcaspoonful of van
111a; pour Into a wet mold until not.
Turn out and dust with ground al
monds and sorvo with whipped cream.
Prune Mold. Wash two cups of
prunes, covor with wator nnd sonk
over night. In tho morning slmmor
until tender, anil rub through a bIovo.
Dissolve two tnblospoonfuls ot gola
tlno In hnlf a cup of boiling wator,
add to tho prune mixture with a half
cup ot sugar and tho Julco ot an or
ange. Mold, turn out whon sot and
serve with whipped croam, sweetened
nnd flnvorod. Golatlno is oaBy of dl
gcatlou, but not valuable ns a food.
It has boen called tho protein Bavor.
It acts llko oil on machlnory, makes
It run easier.
Haiti's Tree of Liberty.
In front of tho prosldontlnl rosldono
In Haiti Is a giant cocoanut treo, but
Its leaves are, always In tho snmo con
dition. In storm or sunshine their sor
onlty Is novor dlHturbcd. Tho troo li
tho republic's treo of llborty. When
tho republic was established It wn
thought that a treo should bo planted
to signal so groat an ovont, but Haiti
It seems, nccordlng to n French papor,
has but ono tree, nnd that tho cocoa
nut tree. But tho cocoanut treo li
hardly tho apcclcs to bo chosen for t
troo of liberty, for It grows to a good
height and becomes bare us Its ng
Increases, How was tho difficulty to b
overcome? It was a vory slmplo mat
ter, Ono of the council suggested thai
an Imitation cocoanut troo mado ol
zinc should bo ordered from lndon,
with tho leaves, etc., palntod to repre
sent nature Thu Idea was adopted, so
tho Haitians havo always, a cocoanut
treo on tap.
Distinguished Visitor.
While a mlnistnr was preaching In
a wostern village a stranger with a big
ear trumpet ontorod tho church, sat
down on tho pulpit steps nnd turnod
thu big cud of his trumpet upward. The
minister's four-year-old daughter who
was present kopt her oyos on tho
stranger until tho congregation was
dismissed. On tho way homo she
unld; "Pnpn, do you think thnt was
Her Countenance.
"Miss Wndslcluh seems to have
such n mobile countonanco," said Mrs.
"Mobile!" her hostess renllnd.
sho glanced at her box tickets for the
opera. 1 thought It Was at Dlloxl
whero sho got it."
Nonrly 500,000,000 of British capital
has already beon Invested la th Mai
kop oil fields in Russia.
Mtiuyon's Cold Itemcdy Itelletes th
hesd, tbront nnd lungs almost immediate
ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharged , of
tbo note, takes away nil aches nnd tmlsa
caused by colds. It cures Orlp and ob
tlnnte Conghs nnd prevents PneonuBla.
Wrlto Prof. Muuyon, Mrd nnd Jefferaest
Btt.r Putin., Pa-t for medical adrloe
colutelr free.
SVv"AlVtP I "ot recommended far
Kill I I uavo kidnoy, liver or
vvyw A bladdor trouble It Will b
found luat the remedy you nood. At dru
Ktats In fifty cent and dollar sizes. Ton
may havo a smp!o bottlo of this-wonder
ful now discovery by mall free, a!
pnmphlct tolling nil about It
Adilrem, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blngtuveaton, N. Y.
"It Is Just n year ago that my sis-
tor enmo ovor here to us, She hod
boon hero only a fow weeks when her
eyes began to bo red, and to bum and
sting as If she had sand tin them.
Thon wo used all of the home reme
dies. Sho washed hor oyos with salt
wator, used hot tea to bathe them
with, nnd bandaged them ovor night
with tea loaves, but all to no purpose,
Sho wont to tho drug store and got
Borao salvo, hut sho grow constantly
worso. she was scnrcoly able to look
in tho light. At last she decided to
go to a doctor, because Bho could
hardly work any more. The doctor
said It was a very severe disease, and
if sho did not follow his orders close
ly sho might loso her eyesight. He
mtfdo her oyos burn nnd applied elec
tricity to them, nnd gavo her various
ointments. In tho two and a half or
thrco months that she went to the
doctor, wo could see vory little im
provement "Thon wo had read so much how
pcoplo had boon helped by Cutlcura
that wo thought wo would try It, and
wo cannot bo thankful enough that we
used it My slstor used tho Cutlcura
Pills for purifying tho blood, bathed
only with Cutlcura Soap, and at night
after washing, uho anointed hor eyos
vory gently on tho outolde with the
Cutlcura Olntmont In ono week, the
swolllng wns entirely gono from tho
eyes, nnd nftor a month thore was no
longer nny mucua or watering of Uie
cyos, Sho could already boo better,
and in bIx wooks sho was cured."
(Signed) Mrs. Julia Csoplcska, 2005
Utah St, St Louis. Mo., Aug. 25, 1010.
Patriotic Determination.
"Your wlfo insists on bolng allowed
to vote."
"Yob," ropllod Mr. Mookln. "Sho's
not contont with having the last word
In political nrgtimont. Sho wants to
go to .tho polls ntid put in a pont
Givo Doflanco Starch a fair trial
try It for both hot and cold starching,
nnd If you don't think you do bettor
work, In loss tlmo nnd ut amallor cost
roturn It nnd your grocer will glvo
you back your money,
I am not so lost in lexicography ns
to forgot that wordB aro tho danghtorn
ot earth and that things aro tho cons
of hoavou. Samuo) Johnson
to ennn a co&n in onk ay
Take LAXATIVB IIIIOMO Quinine Wilet-.
DrtiiralMariitunil money it It fall to euro, B. W.
UlCOVK'tf Hsnmuru lion each box. i5o.
Thoso days uro lost Jn which wo do
not good; tlmso Worso than lost In
which wo do evil. Cromwoll.
Nnturo's laxative, Garflcld Tea, is made
of clean, sweet, health-giving Herbs.
Somo men. Ilka somo roosters, are
always crowing, but what's tho usoT
Lewis Elnglo Hinder gives a man what
ho wonts, a rich, mellow-tutting cigar.
Cleanliness Is noxt to godllcoBB.
John Wesloy.
Work While
You Sleep
Millions of people have CAS
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you hove never tried
this great health maker-Get a lOo
box and you will never uso any
other bowel medicine. sii
CASCAK15T9 too a box for week'
treatment, nil drugffltts. Blpgeit seller
in me wouu. Minion mouth.
7or co uc Ha a colp