a. r. TWENTY'S LXTfl YEAJl. VORTI1 PiiATTB. NEBRASKA, MAKCII 21, U11. NO 17 jj TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS j i Judge Munger and Mrs. Munger, who had been in town for a few days, returned to Omaha this morning. Mm. Harry Fleishman nnd littlo daughter are visiting friends in Omaha, having left for that city Saturday. Mrs. W. K. Covillo accompanied her son Dr. Covllle and wifo to Brownlec Sunday, where she will remain several weeks. Mrs. Joipph Spies left Sunday night for Council Bluffs in response to a tele gram that her son was very sick with pneumonia. Rev. R. B. Favorite will Bpend part of this week on his farm twenty-six miles south of town superintending tho boring of n well 260 foot deep. Tho Baptist parsonage w.as recently sold to C. H. Meek for $325. Mr. Meek will move the building to a lot near the corner of Tenth and Willow. Minor Uinman went to Hastings Sat urday night and returned Sunday with a Chalmers touring car. Ho was tc--compnnied on the trip by E. H. Evan's, Loren Sturgei and Jim Clinton. Last wtek Henry Schrieber purchased twenty-eight head of fat cattle of J. C. Wilson at an averago price of about $80 per head. They are now being slaugh tered and sold at the Schrieber market. Louis Tobin returned Saturday from Denver, where for two weeks he had been visiting relatives and transacting business. He says Denver is at present a very quiet city, trade being very slow. Joo C. Piercy, formorly of this city, has closed his legislative work at Car son City, Nev., nnd returned to Tona--pah. He says he very much enjoyed his experience as a member of tho Nevada legislature, Judge Munger, Keith Neville, Henry Rebhausen and A. P. Kelly returned last night from Logan county where they went Saturday for a duck hunt. They had good shooting and brought in a big bunch ot fowl. About fifty men employed by tho Union Pacific in the several depart ments at Grand Island were dismissed Friday. It is believed this reduction in force is only temporary. Slack work is given for the rason of he reduction. The St. Patrick Day so:ial given by tho Altar Society at the McCabo resi dence Friday evening was largely at tended. A nice lunch was served, Irish melodies and recitations rendered and altogether a vory enjoyable evening re sulted. A lodge of Odd Fellows will be in - Btituted at Brady April 12th. The re galia and furniture for the hnll has been ordered. It is expected there will bo a class of fifty initiated. Tho work will be put on by tho North Platte and Gothen burg lodges. Tho ElkB will initate a class of twenty next Monday evening, nnd in addition thero are about forty applications for membership. When these are supplied with antlers tho membership will exceed 250. When work on tho new home was first begun the membership was about one hundred. The new appointees to the post mastership and tho receivership of the land office will ontcr upon their duties April 1st. That date is the beginning of a new quarter, and tho transfer will bo accomplished with less inconvenience than if made before or after the quarter. Wnnted Apprentice girls nt once. Miss Wihttakrr. A citizen who observes there being no pretense nt enforcing the ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks of our city, suggests why not repeal the ordinance and force pedestrians to take to the street thus avoiding accidents to tho rider and tho possible damage to his wheel. Frank Meyers, who pleaded guilty to horse Rtealing, whs sentenced Satur day by Judge Grimes to one year in the penitentiary, the sentence to date from the dqy he was first placed in jail. The judge suspended until the next term of court seutence upon Mrs. Fletcher who was found guilty of adultery Wo do our own diamond setting in our own store. No danger of diamonds being lost if left in our care for repairs or re-setting. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Frank' Chorpcnning took Juliu3Hnh- ler, Joe Fillion nnd this writer over the south hills Sunday to demonstrate the hill climbing ability of tho 1911 Buick car. The machine climbed the ateep hill south of the experimental station on low gear without a stutter, and the htll further south on high genr with aso. 'I his mil 15UICK is n very eusy riding car. The continued dry weather is causing Lincoln county farmers much concern ; in fact they are becoming ajittlo despon dentover tho outlook. Lastyearwas the driest year this section has ever had, tho precipitation amounting to but 10.7 inches, whjje the average far thirty-six years past has been 18.63 inches. It hardly seems likely, however, that this year will prove as dry ns last. Our repair department n one of the best equipped in Nebraska and each watch that goes through our hands is given tho most careful attention. Dixon, The Jeweler. At tho annual banquet of the feder ated stntes societies held at Los An geles last Friday, tho following former North Platto people wero present: John Keith, Mrs. N. A. Beach, Miss Ella Dllllon, Mrs. S. E. Douglas, Mary Jones, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Ogier, Mrs. J. B. Jeter and two daughter, Miss Etta Ormsby. Miss Clara Rankin, C. 0. Palmer and Ella Hassinger. Save Money On Buying Paint -AT SCHILLER & OO.'S We have a new line of paint made by Benjamin Moore & Co,, of Chicago, that is equal to any make of paint on the market same analysis, same wearing and covering- powers, same guarantee. ONLY $1.75 PER GALLON. Sunshine H'iriishes for all inside work are thejaest. Makes old woodwork floors or furniture look like new Keystone is a flat, washable oil paint used as a wall finish. It is more useful, more healthful and sanitary, more economical and, with all these, more beautiful than wall paper, calcimine or other paints, Window Glass and Paint Brushes. See Us for Your Wants. The Episcopal Guild will meet with Mrs. Geo. B. Dent Thursday afternoon Asst. Supte. Nlland nnd Koth, of Cheyenne, transacted railroad business in town yesterday. WantedAppronticQ girls at Mrs G. S. HufTmans'. The Ladies of tho Episcopal Guild will hold an apton snlo and social nt the Guild house May 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Huzza, of Sid ney, formerly of this city, left lost week on a pleasure trip to California. Horss Wnnted A few head to sum' mor. Plonty graus and water. Thos; E, Doolittle, North Platte. It is understood that grading for tho double track botween Julesburg and Pine Bluffs will begin tho early part of next month. Lost or mislaid in North Platto Sat unlay, u pocket book containing nine dollars and n number of papers. Finder roturn to Dan Carrigan, North Platte. Carpets and Rugs at tho cutprico nt Hub Clothing Dept. Mr. and Mrs, G. F, Copper arrived from Omaha Friday for a visit with friends. Mr, Copper left yostordny for Denver, leaving Mrs. Copper to sptnd tills week in town. The wrecking crew was sent to Lex ington Friday to remove a broken drive whefl'on u locomotive and the next day was sent to the same place to clean up a minor mishap. J. E. Rodman is is in town mnkint? preparations to plant 20,000 trees on tho Union Pacific plantation cast of town. Tho trees will be set out soon after April 1st. For Sale Fifty bushels Early Ohio seed potatoes, and 100 bushels German millet seed. Ono dollar per bushel for each. Address Joe Pinion, HersheyNeb., or call nt his place half milo north of Nichols. Tho district superintendent of the United States forest reserve, and the superintendent of the Santa Fe road's treo department will visit North Platte about April 1st to inspect tho Union Pacific's tree plantation and witness the working of Rodman's tree planter, For Sale Settings of thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens. Fifty cents a setting or $3.00 por 100. Albert Hnspel, Route No. 1, North Platte. Tho free lecture nt the Keith Friday evening, March 24., to -be given by Mr. Frank H. Leonard of Brooklyn, N, Y., will glvo tho public an oppor tunity to loam why there is all over tho world such a rapid growth in Christian Science, which is ono of the leading subjects of tho present time. This Ice- turo will answer questions that are dally being asked regarding Christian Science and its teachings. Fire Department Favors City Hall. At a general meeting of the Fire Department held at the Court House March 16th, to consider the proposition of voting $15000.00 in City Bonds to build a City hall and home for the Firo Department, tho undersigned committee were appointed to voico the sontiments of the Fire Department. Tho Fire Department are a unit for the bonds and believe that they should receive tho support of every public spirited citizen. There is not a town in the Stato half tho size of North Platto that has not a respectable City Hall and Homo for tsFiro Department. Such a building as can bo built with the proceeds of tho proposed bonds will afford plenty of room for the City Offices and Firo Department for years to come. Heretofore tho department has been compelled to put up with a few old shacks upon rented ground that aro a disgrace to tho city. It is impossible under such conditions to givo the City that prompt service and firo protection that the Interests of the City demand. Besides, it is timo that tho city offices were gathered into ono place where the records could bo found and Where they could be preserved in suitable fire proof vaults. Tho Fire Department earnestly calls upon tho good citizens of tho City to oin with it in support of tho City Hall Bond proposition. Charles Sandall. Theo. Lowe Jit. Eaul W. Davis. F. S, Russell. SCHILLER & CO., First Door North of First Natn'l Bank, North Platte, Neb. Ranch For Rent. The Spear improved ranch of 2635 acres located 7 miles northeast of North Platte, all fenced and cross fenced into several large pastures. 2 wells and windmills, five room good frame dwel ling, plenty of stable room and chicken house, about ICO acres in cultivation. Possession given at once. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, Agents. $500 in Cash for a Name. EDERHEIMER, STEIN & CO., Chicago, makers of the Young- Men's Clothes we sell, want a name or brand for use in advertising them, and announce a great Name Contest with an offer of $500. 00 in cash for the right one: Think of these clothes as better In every respect than any other clothing produced for Young Men. Think of them as more perfect in fit and tail oring, with material of better quality, yet lower in price than other clothes. Consider they are made by specialists for Young Men. Understand they have style, taste and dis tinction no other make pos sesses. Realize their fitness and appropriateness for Young Men make them most rlnt? ei 1x1 CxiM.tHk T7j-i.-: o... v ....L , . ., o..uU.u. ouycbt a name ucriisuncr-ocein xoung mens v,iotnes worthy of these clothes. Details and Conditions of the Great $500.00 Offer. Some Name Will Positively Be Chosen from Those Submitted ia This Contest. This offer, of Ederheimer, Stein &. Co. is optoi to all. Everyone is premitted to BUddcst as manv name ns he or she wishes. ' Names should be short, catchy, easy to remember; and surest something of interest to Youni! Men Avoid names now used by others to advertise clothing. If the right name is suggested by only one person, he will receive $500.00; if by several, tho uriz e will be equally divided. Handsome McFalinrt posters will be sentfrco by Ederheimer, Stein & Co to all who suggest one or more names in this contest. ' v Ederheimer, Stein & Co. make this great offer through their retail dealers, and require that all the names be sent them through this store that sells clothing. Names sent to them direct will not be con sidered. As we represent Ederheimer, Stein & Co., bring your list of names to this store for us to forward Ederheimer; Stem & Co, will promptly acknowledge receipt by sending yoil'the beautiful McFall poofer1 Contest starts March 18; ends May 0, Nome or names of winners will be printed in Saturday Evening Post of June 10. ' For More Details Read Announcements of Ederheimer, Stein & Co. in Tho Saturday Evenfni! Post of March 18, April 8, April 29. b J. B. McDONALD, The Home of Good Clothes Booming Cody for Senator. Word cornea from Tucson, Ariz., that Col, W. P. Cody has established hit residence there and'thnt the peoplo of that city propose to boom him as n candidate for United Stntes senator when that territory is admitted as a state. It would certainly be fitting, that Colonel Cody, the typical westerner, round out his career by being the first senator from a new otate. If . this writtr lived in Arizona ha certainly would push the Colonel's candidacy. Nelson Again iu Trouble. C. S. Nelson, who figured in shady deals in regard to alfalfa meal millu nt Horshey nnd York, nnd narrowly es caped trouble at Scotts Bluffs is, ac cording to a letter roccived in town, in jail in Missouri. The nature of the charge which resulted in his imprison ment was not stated. Nelson holds & membership card in n local fraternal organization, and by UBlng it ns nn identification succeeded in getting caihed a bogus Kansas City draft for $15.00, this In' tor transaction coming to Itaht in n letter from a Missouri lodge to the local lodge. Nelson seems to be an all-around rascal, the kind for which penitentiar ies yearn. P. E. 0, Entertain ifusbandi. Members of Ak Chapter P. E. O. were hostesses at n seven o'clock 'dinner nt the Heeler rsidenco Friday evening at which the 13, I. L'n, or husbands, were tho guests. Occurring on St. Patrick's day, tho home decorations were along that lino and included sham rocks, clay pipes, a blarney stone and minitum (lags, the green alternating with the chapter colors. , Tho tablo decorations wero also suggestive of the patron saint. Covers were laid for thirty. Following tho dinner toasts were responded to by Judgo Grimes nnd Rev. Williams, and contests were introduced ns entertaining features. The day was the thirthleth wedding un j niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Bueh I anan and they ware remembered with ; a cut glass basket and fern. Dastardly Work. The meanest, vilest nnd most das tardly pieco of work thntliasbeen com mitted in this section in years was en acted nt tho Platte Valley school house west of this city on Tnesday night of last week, when tho bulldincr wis broken into and about two hundred dol lars-worth of property destroyed. A new atlos costing $125 was soaked in Ink, charts on the walls similarly treated, desks und windowlights wero broken. and ovory pieco of proporty tha. could be multilatcd suffered the ravages of the degenerates. Not content with this. vomitings nnd excrements wore left on the floor. Tho matter was renortod to Sheriff Miltonberpor, who found that Jim Stlngley, of this city, had secured a team nt Bowen's livery barn Tuesday evening and returned it about two o'clock the next morning, He also found that Stinnley nnd Paul Dunont. the latter also of this city, on tho same evening had purchased a dozen bottles of beer and two quarts of whisky at Don's saloon. Further investigation showed that the hoof murks of tho horses tied ut the school house corres ponded with the hoofs of tho Bowen team. Acting upon this evidence the sheriff 'arrested Stlngley Friday evening, but Dupont learning of his probabio arrest skipped town. Lowell was sent out nfter him, overtaking him nt Aurora und returned Sunday night. With the two men in this nefarious work is said to have been two girls. Tho two men wero arraigned in the county court yesterday morning and pleading guilty wero fined fifty dollars cacii und costs, Chickens Wanted. Chickens wanted at Schrieber's meut market. Will pay nine cents n pound for ail kinds, Hand Tailored Suits. Havo you decided what color your Spring Clothes nro to bo? Aro you going to wear a brown, gruy, blue or tan? Are yuu going to wear striped or plain? Are you going to wonr Scotch or fancy cheviot or worsted? It's immaterial to us what material you prefer, because our stock ia all-covering. There is something which is of very material interest to us, though, nnd ft iu, nro you going to purchase your new suit from usor someone also? If you seo our clothes, we know of whom you'll buy. Why not give us u chanco, Onr time is yours. trbi Hud Clothing Vevt. Legaa County Women Balk. A apocial from Qandy appearing In yesterday's Bee said: Encouraged by the recent decision of Judgo Otto of Brule, who defined tho rights of husband and wife relative to work on the farm, Nebraska women aro doclanng themself in no uncertain manner. AH through this section of the state tho women havo organized clubs and determined that henceforth farm work shall de done by the men, oise it will go undone. Not that in tho past Nebraska wo men have done moro outside work than the women of other statcB, but since tho Otto decision they say that they are going to look after the househouldduties, and If jtho husbands cannot dp tho farm work alone, thoy will have to hire men, Within sixteen miles of this town tha women, through an organizer, have ten societies with an aggregate member ship of 280. The women sign but one pledge nnd that is that they will not milk cows, feed cattle, work in the hay and corn fields. They lay the law down to their husbands, quoting from Jjiie decision of Judgo Otto. ' .' A Fine Hone For Sale. Wo hnve the exclusivo agency of the R. N. Lamb residence Dronertv on th north eide for sale. This property consists of two 6G foot lots with nn 8 room modern dwelling thnrcon, Including hot-water heat. Two Btnall houses on the alley that rent for $16.00 per month. Lots all filled and curbing in. Tills property is situated right in tho business section of the north sld and the lots alone will be worth more than tho price asked for tho improved property in a shor ttime. Mr. Lamb has In view another busi ness proposition that he wishes to use tho money in ght away, and has pinced the vory low price of $4,700.00 on this property. Seo us at once If inter ested, Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. For Trade. 1C0 acres of good land about 7 miles south west of Paxton. 75 acres under cultivation. Ail fenced. Will trade for residence property In North Platte. See Temple Real. Estate & Ins. Agency,