Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Editor aad PoMsber. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mall in ndvnnco $1.25 One Tear by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North IPfatte. Nebraska, Post office as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 17. 1911. When tho special session ot congresB assembles next month, it is oald the Canadian reciprocity agreement will go through with a whoop. A count of noacs in tho ssnatn gives tho agreement sixty votes oat of a total of ninety-two, and in tho house tho sentiment is said to bo even stronger for reciprocity. Tho Lincoln Journal sent out several hundred letters to newspaper men and others, asking whether it made any difference to the people of the state as to the "dry" or "wet" condition of the capital city so far as their visits to or in that city is concerned. Tho re plies, which nro being printed in tho Journal, aro largely to thoofTcct that it doesn't make any difference. These replies areunquestlonablo right. A man who goes to Lincoln because thoy boII whiskey or stays away because they don't, or vica versa, doesn't cut much flguro In the commercial .activity of that city ho nover would ba missed whother ho goes or stays at home. General Confidence appears to be in command of tho railroad forces who hold the key to the business situation. Despite reported weakness, thoadvorcc report of the Interstate Commerce commission on the'frclght rata Increase does not appear to havo cuuscd any serious disturbance. Within a week one Issue of twelvo and a half million three-year notes was disposed of before noon on the day they were offered in Wall street, and another Issuo of thirty million in similar notes was ovor sub scribed long before the offer was closed, n considerable perccn'ago of tho' amount being taken in London. Now orders for2,800 steel cars and activity in the rail market Indicate that 'a single decision of tho Interstate I Commerce commission is not hurting tho railroads. -Philadelphia Bulletin! A Canadian banker estimates that the investments of money from tliu United) States in Mexico amount to about a billion dollars, while Great Britain and Canada havo Interests amounting to $700,000,000 and tho Ger mans, French, Belgians, Dutch and Spaniards have about $300,000,000. In tho present trouble the interests of the Americans are in fact less menaced than those of the English, because tho latter are more largely In railroads while American monoy has gone large ly Into mines and similar enterpriser, Tho revolution will, of course, strike all kinds of property In time, but the railroad investments receive tho first full shock. A largo part of tho Insur recto activity seems to be directed at present to tho touring up of track and tho burning of railroad bridges, Lin coln Journal. More Candor in Order. The Moxican minister of finance, Joso Limuntour, admits that thore 1b a socrot understanding botweon Mexico und Japan, but he doos notlntimatc what t is, though insisting that it ncud not cuuso apprehension In tho United States, That however is as it may bo. If it , means a coaling station, a naval baso or an understanding regarding Japanese immigration that amounts to tho sarnjl tntng as colonization, men it aoes con cern this country and immediately af fords lattitudo for apprehension. As a matter of fact, If Mexico and the United States aro to bo good neighbor?, a little mora candor on the part of Mexican diplomats is clearly In ordor. Kearney Hub. Earnings and Expenses ef Railroads, Reports filed with tho Interstate Commerce Commission for tho mouth of December make possible n compar ison of the earnings und expenses of tho railroads for the calender year 1910 with the calondor year 1009. Tho total operating revenues increased abput $220,000,000, whilo tho operating oxpenses increased about $210,000,000, leaving aa'lncroaso in net rovenuo of but $J.200,000. When this amount of net rovenuo in reduced to a per mile basis and nllowanco mado for tho in cronscd miteago of 1910 over 1900, what appears to bo an increase in tho net ' revenue becomes a docrense in tho net revenue becomes a decrease of about $10 per mile. Of tho increase In expenses over one half was in conducting transportation in which wages nro tho largest item The increase in tho net earnings of the first half of the year was almost ex actly counterbalanced by a decrease In the second half, during which the ad .van'cea in wagca were fully effective It la evident that a' prolongation of the conditions of tho Inst six months 1910 throughout tho year 1911 will have a vpry serious effect upon railway revenue. Chickens Wanted. Chickens wanted at Schriobor'B moat market. Will pay nino cents a pound I or ai KUR18, Waller Cevillc Diet Suddenly. Walter K. Covllle, living north of the river, died suddenly early Wednesday morning. For a year or more past Mr. Covillo had been affected with a weak heart, which prevented him from doing much farm work. A fow days ago ho contracted a cold, and Wednesday morning while violently coughing, his heart stopped beating and the spirit took its flight. Tho deceased had been In town the day before and appeared to bo feeling about as well as usual except the inconveniences rosultlng from the cold. Mr. Coville was a pioneer resident of North Pintte, coming here with his family thirty-five years ago. In tho catly days ho conducted a restaurant business on Front street, and for many years was an employe of the U. P. shops. Later he moved to a home stead north of the river, and had since mudo that his home. He added other tracts to tho original homestead and had quite a body of land. Mr. Coville was n good-hearted, neighborly man and during his long residence, mado and retained tho friendship of a largo clr clo of acquaintances who dcoply regret his death. Ho was an old soldier and bravely did his port to preserve the Union. Ho Is survived by a wife and five children; the latter aro Rev. Herbert of New York, Dr. Walter of Brownlee, Mrs. Dobson, of McPhorson county, and Mrs, Edmund Dickey nnd Orson of this city. Early Planted Political Bulbs. A number of leading democrats arc caftting longing eyes nt the chair oc cupied by u David City citizen named Chester A. Aldrich. There aro Col onels Fritz Volpp of Fremont, Senator Harrington, Judge Alberts of Colum bus and it ought not to be forgotten that a Grand Island man was slated for the place, according to several eastern papers, even betoro tne election, bcv- ral Lincoln and Omaha political cor respondent havo declared that there was a mutual understanding last fall botween Candidates Dahlman and Sink that in tho event of tho election of tho former as governor ho would In 1012 bo candidato for the United States son torship, Sink to take up tho Hns of the governorship to succeed Dahlman. These democratic leadors, however, aro planting their political bulbs a bit early. Grand Island Independent. Boxing Contest at Brady, Promotor Lem Bailey, of this city, announces a ten-round boxing contest at Brady next Monday evening. The participants aro sailor iiargis oi uux- ington ana Tommy amun oi L.a sane, Col. There will bo two preliminaries, one botween Lamm and Stewart of Lexing ton, and Smith and Long of thin city. A special train will leave North Platte at 7:50 and also ono from Lexington at 30. Certainly A Bargain. Wo havo a lanre five room house onE. 8th street. nlv one block from" tho business part of tho north slue. Mice trees &lnwn. Comer lot. $1,500.00. Tkmple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. BEAUTY is as much a mat tor of expression as regularity of features. ih most perfectly formed fncowith out expression is less attrac tive than i plainer one lit up with life nnd ani mation. PHOTOGRAPHS to bo attractive should be lifellk- and nnlmnted. Wo mnko them so, by our skill in posing and putting sitters at their ease. G.W.ANDERSON successor to E. O. Halveratedt F. J. BROEKESR Merchant Tailor. Wo havo recently installed n Frenc Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' i . . 1 nppnrci oi nu ciassess, ami we guarantee satisfactory work. Wo aro also tailors and know how to repair clothes. Wo carry samples of goods and make clothes of nil Kinds to order. insuring first-class workmnnshi and perfect fit. For Sale Pure bred young Berkshire Boars can bo registered. Inquire at Hershoy's Hard ware Store, corner Fifth nnd Locust streets, North Platte, Nebraska, Phone No. 15. Homeopathy Principles Similes', Sfoiilibiu, Curanlm. A like remedy will euro a liko disease. A law immutable, that cannot change, and as true today an. when it first came to light. true nnd tried system that will bear investigation. Nature's own treatment whero rcmcdios nro paramount. For out of town patients nnd all those interested: Rooms fur nished when desired for confine ment, medical and the necessary surgical cases. Traincd nurse in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical andSurgical Pradiciener GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Suracen, Ofllce over McDonald Bank. Phones Re8idcncoll5 JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and SurgeoH. Speclallyt-SKIN DISEASES. Day nnd night cnlltt promptly answered Ullice r. a. Hospital, i'ftonc ihu. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D. Surgeon, Physician. Consultant. Office Physicians and Surgeons Hbspitn Phones: Offico G42, Residence Gil. A. J. AMES. MAWE AMES. ii Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Ofilco over Stono Drug Co. Phones r!Fi?! SI 1 i iveoiuvutu 6ia DR. A, A. WARD, Olllcoi Hotel Timmorman. Special attention given diseases of women and emergency surgery. Happily Surprised. This picture represents n man who received n box of our cigars for a gift That ho was pleased can be noted bv lis wide smile. Ynn will lin onunllv pioascd' with our cigars, whother you ouy ono ior u nicKie or dime. J F SCHMALZRIED. COL. DAVE LOVE, Auctioneer. Lending Auctioneer ' of western Nebraska. Charges low and satisfac tion assured. Phono or writo. Sutherland, Nob. NOTICE OP BOND ELECTION. To tho Electors of the city of North Platte: XNotico is Hereby given that nt the tune, un uiu -nn uay oi April, iuu, mitted to tho electors of snid city, viz: out, ..II , i. nn.. i xt "ii. of $15,000 00, in denominations of $1,000.00 each, dated July 1st, 1911, duo in 20 kjiimi mu uilv in lxiinn jruu.o ituuiuuiu, uui. jmyuuio ut. nny.iimo . Bu.i. v.itjr, luiiKiw milium, mme ruiuoi nvo per cent per annum, payable semi annually, principal and intorost payablo nt the fiscal agency of the State of No- prasaa in tno uty of Now York. Said taming money with which to erect a city aim city recorus, tho nro department and flro apparatuses, nnd the police department. And shall tho proper officers bo authorized to levy nnd collect u tux nnnunny in tno samo munner ns other municipal taxes may bo lev ied and collected, in nn amount sufficient to pay tho interest and principal of said bonds ns thev mature, in mlilltlnn to tho nnm niitiinri.u.i n i. i;,:.,i ... o tlon 82, Article 3, Chapter la, Compiled tho year 1909, on nil the property within assessment rolls of tho assessors of said v tit t Tho ballots to bo used'at said election 'shall havo printed thereon: FOR , fdnnlHM Oil; AAA AA I. 1 ' v . , . . . . ' DauiuK 4u,uuv.w uj. we oonus oi mo wy oi iNortn I'latto for tho purposo or erecting a city hall to accommodnto the city ofikors nnd city records, flro department and flro apparatuses, and the police department, and for levying and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds ns AHA Issuing $15,000.00 of tho bonds of U1VX.WUKU wii.jf nun mj uuuuiuiiiuuuta mo meni. anu nro apparatuses and police leciing a .tax annually to pay the interest mature. Section 2. Thoso voting in favor of wiui uu a; uiiunino oarugrjpn ueginning: f utt issuing !fl5,000.00 of tho bonds of tho city of North Platto. Thoso voting against suid proposition shall mark V? n an. A?' the fju,vw.w ui mu uuiiuB oi iiiocity or iNorui i mite. Dated this 14th day of March, 1911. Atteut: (Slgped) Chas. P. Templb, (Signed) Thos. C. Patteuson. City Clerk. Shoes Quality in every part of the shoe. Quality in the designs, in the leathers, in the work manship, outside, inside, un derneath. Particularly ' 'un derneath, " where the real value of a shoe becomes apparent; No disguises are used to cover inferiority. Our factories build shoes on their honor, and you reap the ben efit of their service. Wilcox Department Store. Legal Notice. James W. Potter, otherwise J. W. Potter, Georgo M. Potter, otherwise Goorge N. Potter, Eva D. Potter. Clyde W. rotter nnd Hazel Potter non-resident defendants will take notice that on the 14th day of March, 1911, Emma J. Turpie and Mabel W. Turpie. filed, thpir certain petition in tho District court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object 6f prayer of which said petition aro to quiet the title of the Plantiff, Emma J. Turpie, in tho West Half and of tho PlnintilT. Mabel W. Turpie, in the east half of that certain tract of land situate in Lfncoln county, Nebraska, and des cribed ns follows: All that portion of Section nino (9), in township Thirteen (13), north of runge, thirty (30) west of the Gth p. m, lying south of the south channel of the South Platte river and cast of the public road now inter secting said section nine (9), inn north el ly and southerly direction, against the defendants and each of them; nnd for a decree finding that the defendant, James V. Potter took title to the said described Innds by warranty deed from tho Union Pncific railroad company in the numo of J. W. Potter and the de fendant George M. Potter took the title to said lands by warranty deed from James W. Potter in tho nnmeof George N. Potter; and that at the time of the execution of said deed to Georgo N. Potter, the defendant, James W. Potter was an unmarried mnn; nnd that Cyrus N. btreeter was a duly author ized Justice of the Peace of Eaton County, Michignn, and qualified under tho laws of tho State of Michigan to take tho acknowledgment of Bald James W. Potter to said deed: and for a decree quieting the title in the plaintiffs against me ucienuants, uiyde w. i'otter and Huzel Potter, against tho sale of said described lands by Eva D. Potter, guardian of Clyde W. Potter and Hazel rotter, minors, and tho proceedings of und prior to said sale; and for decree finding that the notice of the order to show cause upon the application of said guardian was published tor the required length of time nnd in the manner directed by the court and ns providedd by law and that tho day set for the hearing thereot was duly adjourned by the court; and that the notice of the sale in said proceedings by said' guard ian, wa3 published lor the required length of time nnd in the manner provided by law: nnd that suid sale and the proceedings therefor were in all respects due and reculnr: and that tho said defendants, Clyde W. Potter and Hazel Potter ore precluded ana cstonneu ironi ciatmtntr nnv inter esc in earn premises, by reason ot any . . -.- ueiects or irregularities in said guard ian's sale, tor the reason that snid de fendants have attained their maiorities und at said time did make full and com plete settlement with their guardian and said guardian has long since been discharged: nnd that the proceeds from said sale of said minor's interests were reinvested for their uso nnd benefit and thoy havo had tho uso and benefit of said proceeds up to the time of tho said settlement ith tho said guardian; and mat suia ueienaants aro Darrea uy tne Statutes of Limitations of the state of Nebraska from claiming anv interest in said premises, by reason of any defects or irregularities in said guardian's sale and proceedings prior thereto, that thnt certain mortgage made and oxecu ted by tho defendants ns part of the consideration for said promises upon saiu guarainirs sale and taken in the name of the defendant, Eva D. Potter, was as a matter of fact taken by said Eva D. Potter in hor capacity as said guardian; nnd for such other and further relief as. justice and equity may require. You and each of you nro required to answer said Dotition on or linfnrn the. 24th day of April, 1911 or your default will be taken in said cause and decree rendered against you ns in said petition pruyeu. annual election held in the city of North tne louowinjj proposition shall be sub ... i ..... .. f'liirin maun ira inrta in tm nv. niter mo enu ot ten years, at the option bonds to bo used for the mirnose of ob hall to accommodate the city officers Statutes of tho State of Nebraska for said city, us shown and valued upon the city. Snid bond3 to bo negotiable in INST tho -City of North Platto for tho purposo of city oiucers anu city records, lire depart department, and against levying nnd col nnd principal of snid bonds as thoy said proposition shall mark their ballots paroRraph beginning AGAINST Issuing Mayor. Go to SQRENS ONS ' , - --r i FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Abo Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. , Shop 107 East Fifth. Serial No. 01554. Notlco for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Laud Halo. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofilco at North I'latto. Not March 3. lflll Notlco In hereby elvnn that. as illrnRtnri lir tho Commissioner nt tlin f Innprnl I, mil Ofllnn under provisions of Act of Congress ap proved June 27th, 1000, (SI Puts.. Iil7, wo will oiler at public sale, to tho highest bidder, at ten o'clock a m . on tho nth day of Mar, Will, at thl ofilco. tho followlng'riescrlho'i land: EK of SKH of Hcctlon 0. township 1.1. N.. ltangoM). W. of tlth Principal Meridian. Anv i.ersons claiming advoroolr tint alvin described lands aro advised to fllo thotr claims or objections on or boforo tho time designated for alo. J. K. Evans n7-t y Keglstor, NOTICE POU PDPLIOATION. Serial No. 02810. Department pt tho Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob. March 3, 1011 Notlco Ii hereby glvon that Georgo J Lonit oi North Platto. Neb., who, on Aptll 21. IW. mado homestead entry No. 'J1&3. Hi-?tal Nn. (KislO, for southwest quarter. Sec 20. Twp. U, ii u. i.v, y oi mo win rnncipai Meridian, nas (lied notice of Intuition to make flnnl five rear proof, to ostablish claim to the land above des-rlbcd. betoro tho Iteclstorand He celver at, North Platto, Nebraska, on the 0th aay or may. ivu- Claimant n ami's as wltiiKhnnm (7nrin ICopf, Oeorco Patterson, Chris Hclilck and I'rcu vimants. an or ivortn Platte. Noli. m7-0 J K. Evans. Iteslstor. NOTICE FOIt PUHMOATION. BcrlalNo 01117. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Olllco at Nortli Plaite.Nob. , . . . Mar 7th. 1011. Notlco is horebv irlvon that Marlon n MuNcel, of North Platte, Nebraska, who on May 6th, 1W). rrado Homestead entrr No. 1U3S7. Sorlal No. 01047. for south half, nortlioast Quarter and south hnlf nnrthwixt. Quarter ot section 34, township 10, north ranpo z. west of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has, filed notlco of Intention to mako Dual flvo roar nroof. to nstltlu!i claim to tho land above dccrlled, boforo tho HcRlstcr and Hccclver at North Platte. Nebraska, on ithe 10th day ot Mar, 1P11. Claimant names as witnesses! David Maconihor. James llochan. W. W. flrrivru nit ot North Platte. Nob,, Walter lleauchamn. of Sutherland, Nob. miu-0 ,i. rc. liVANfl. ICet'lster. Notice for Publication. .Serial No. 01000-05000. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofilco at North Platto. Nob. Mar. 7th, 1911. Notlco is hereby elven that Ghrls North Platte. Neb., who on May 23, 1004, made Homestead Entry No. lflOStl. Serial No. Oiooo. for SW NR H. and 8M NW4. and on Juno JJOth. luei, mado Homestead Entry No. MiM. serial no.wumi. rorNH NWK. NK NEW and BM. all in Section. 0, Township, 14, N . rantto y0. W of the sixth principal meridian lias liloa notlco ot intention to mako final flvo roar proof, to establish claim to tho laud above doscrlbod, boforo tho Iteslstor and Hccclver at North Plat tii Nnhrnokn. on tho 0th day of May, 1911. uiaimant names as witnesses: Lorcn Purdy. Jess Lone. Samuel Hawkins. l.VnnLr Steel all of North Platte. Nebraska miu-" t .1. K. KVANH. Keglnter Change Proposed Road No. 334. Tho commissioner annotated to view the change in proposed road No. 334. Commencing at station No. 12 on proposed road No. 334 about 20 rods east and 10 rods north of the south west corner northeast quarter of north west quarter oi section 3U, township 14, range 33 and running thence southeast to tne Quarter section corner between northeast quarter and southeast quarter oi tne nortnwest quarter section 3U-14-33 thence cast one-half mile on quarter section line of tho northeast quarter section 30-14-33 to connect thereat with Second Street in the city of Sutherland, Neb., and to vncate all that part of proposed road 334 between station number 12 and station number 0, hns reported in favor of tho chanire. with the following exception in the petition the road is to jog north ot the northwest corner of the Gummeryland, jog not to bo a square jog, but the center of the road is to be the north west corner of the Gummery land, from that point the said road Is to run east along the north line of the Gummery land taking the entire G6 feet for the public road from the Wilson land, and nil objections thereto or claims for damage must be filed in the office of the county cleric on or before May the 8th, 1911, or such road will be estab lished without reterence thereto. m7- F. It. Elliott, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska, up to five o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer in Sowur District "G3" in said city ac cording to plans and specifications now on file In the office of the city clerk of said city. Approximate estimate of cost of sewer lateral as per roport of city en gineer is $902.50. Local labor to bo employed as far as practicable. Certified check on locnl bank of 2 per cent of amount of bid will bo required to insure entering Into contract. Satisfactory bond to bo given when contract is Blgncd. Mayor and council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the city council. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notlco is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska, up to five o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911, ior mu construction oi a lateral sewer in bower District "F" in said city ac cording to plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city clerk of saiu city. Approximate estimato of cost of sower Iatorel as per roport of city en ginoer is $1,118.00. Local Inbor to he employed as far as practicable. Certified check on locnl bank of 2 per cent oi amount ot Did will be required to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to be given when contract is signed. Mayor and council reservo tho right to reject nny anu an bids. By ordor of the city council. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk, OIimCHO' IIRAttlNQ ON PRT1TION TOIt APPOINTMENT OK A I) M I N 1 8T U ATOK Oil AOMINI8TIIATRIX. . Htato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss. In the county court. In tho mattT Of tho estate Mary Dnitfoy. deceased On rcndlnir and flllnu tho petition of "Leon anlOalvert praylntr thatttio administration of said cstato mar bo irrantcd to Lorenzo 8. llrittunham as administrator. Ordered, That Mar. nth, UHl, atDo'clock a, rn Ii atslxncd for hearing said petition when ail persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show causowhy tho prayer of petitioner should not bo 'granted j anu tnamoucooi tno ponuoncnoiBaiu pet ition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing, a copy of this order In the North Platto a semi -weekly newsnaner tirlnted in said county, for six successive Issues prior to said day of hoarlng. Dated I'obriury 18th, 19it. f21-t W. O. Kr.nicn. County Judge. Hy Katherlno K piark, Clerk County Court. . NOTICE. Tho unknown heirs of Thomas Lowe, deccaoed, will take notice that on tho -6th day of January, 1011, Margaret J. Itundy. plalntlir heroin filed her petition in tho dis trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, agalnstjho said defendants itnploadcd with Union Pacific railroad company, a corpora tion, tho object and prayer of which said petition aro to quiet the 1 1 tlo to lot eight in block elghtv-Uvo of tho original town of tho city of North Platte. In tho plaintiff herein, Marr irrt ,1. llundr. a against thn fondants the unknown heirs of Thomas Low. , i.i ceased, and tho Union Pacific rail road company, and to enjoin said dofondants. tlin unknown hptrs nf Tlinmnn l,i cubs- d. from asserting or claiming any right. inn- or inioresiin or to saiu tot eight In block elgl.ij-ttvo and irom interfering with tho possession or tno plaintiff in tho same, and for general minltablu relief. I Oil ar-tCOUIred to answer sain not 1 1 Inn nn or befit tho 2U1. day of March, lfln. MAIIIlAllfT T Itttmnv IlyWllci xSc Halllgan Hor Attornoys. NOTIOR OF II EA HI NO. In the Ooiintv Court, nf T.lnpnln nnnm. N, . . uhraska. In tlin matter nf thn Katntn ntnnn.,n. Hallantlno, Deceased. Whereas. LI lan II. Ilrncn. has nind in mv olllce on Instrument purporting to bo a duly auuiunucaicn copy or tno last will and lestatnent of Duncan Hnllnntlni. iin,.ii together with a dulv authnntlnntnt fni-u'n. cato attached thereto, slating that tho said i,asi w in anu lestament nas been duly ad mitted to probate and allowed In tho Sur rogate's Court of tho Count v nt !)Uwi-n Htato of New YorK, and prayli that tho samo be admitted to probate and allowed in tins oia-o as tne last will and Testament of tho said Duncan Uallantine, deceased. It Is therefore ordered, that thosald petition bo heard on March 21 th Will, atOo'ctock a. m., when oil persons interested In Bald matter mar appear at tho county Court to bo hold in and for said c unty and show causo why tho prayer of tho petit loner should not bo granted. it is biho oruoreo, mat tno ttmo and placo aforcsold this court will receive examine, adjust and allow all claims and demand of all persons against tho said deceased and that any pert.on.-t having such claims or demands against t-ulii t.vci ami shall nrckent thn umn to tho county court on or before the date as- "igneu lur sucn neuiing. w . C. Ei.nEn. County Judgo ly Kathrkinb K. OttiiK Clork County Court Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby civen that the TCnttfmann Xr. WArnnrthiimnnnw t,nu knon duly incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska. Tho name of said corporation is the Kauf mann & Wernert Company, its prin cipal place of transacting business is at NorthPlatte, Nebraska. Tho gen eral nature of the business to be trans acted is a general mercantile business and the owning and leasing of such real estate as is necessary for the proper conduct of said business. The author ized capital stock is $5,000. all of which was fully subscribed and paid in at the commencement of the business. Tho existence of said corporation com menced on tho 1st day of February, 1911, and shall terminate on the 31st day of January, 1961. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation is at any time to subject itself shall not exceed two thirds of its paidup capital stoclc. The affairs of said corporation shall becon- rl t , rt wl li .. n ltytnwl .f ..'un. . uui.ku ujr t ijuutu ui un tjciuro, con sisting of three in number. KAUFMANN & WERNERT Co. By David Kaupmann. Pres. Attest Walter J. O'Connor, Secy. f24-4 NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is horebv civen that sealed bids will be received at tho .office of tho City Clerk of North Platte, Ne braska, up to 6 o'clock n. m.. March 21, 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer in Sewer District "G 4," in said city according to plans and specifications now on file in the office of tho city clerk of said city. Approximate estimate cost of sewer lateral as per roport of city engineer is $984.50. Local labor to bo emrjloved as far as practicable. vJertitieu check on locnl bank of 2 per cent of amount of bid will bo required to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory Jbond to be given when contract is signed. Mayor and council reservo the right to reject nny or all bids. , By order of city council. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska, up to five o'clock, p. m., March 21at, 1911, for the construction of extension of sewer majn on "A" street in said city according to plans and specifica tions now on file in tho ofilco of the City Clerk of Bald City. Approximate estimate of cost of said extension as perreport of city en gineer is $875.00. Local labor to be employed as far as practicable. Certified check. on local bank of 2 per cont of nmount of bid will be required to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to bo given when contract ia signed. Mayor and council reserve the right to reject any or all bids, By order of tho city council. Chas. F. Temple, City"Glerk. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the ofilco of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska, up to five o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer in SoWer District "P" in said city ac cording to plans and specifications now on file In tho office of the city clerk of said city. Approximate estimate of cost of wor lateral as per report of c tv en- eer is $3,8G9.00. x)Cnl labor to bo emnloved as fnr aa acticable. Certified check on local bank of 2 per l ui nmount oi uia will uo required nsure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to be elven when contract Is aigned, Mnyor and council reservo the right to reject nny or all bids. By order of the city council. Chas. F, Temple, City Clerk.