The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1911, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Editor and" Pub&ber.
One Year by Mall In Advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in udvanco $l.G0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
: , ofllco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, MA11CH 7. 1911
vllere'i Hepis it will Paw.
The finance committee of the house
has recommended the passage of the
Busheebill appropriating $50,000 for a
state hospital for Indigent consump
tives to be located at some pofnt in
the atnte west of the ninety-ninth
meridian. Thin is a bill that has the
endorsement of the state medical as
sociation. Similar institutions have
been established in a number of the
eastern states.
State AM for Weak Diilricli.
Representative Bushee's bill to
propriate $125,000 as state aid
weak school districts, has been
for eut
down to $75,000 by the finnnco
This mittee and recommended to pass.
lattor figure is the same as tho ap
propriation two years ago. The money
thus appropriated was Certainly well
spent; it gavo schooling to children who
othorwiio would practically had none.
Nebraska boasts of its law percentage
of illiteracy; let's keep up the good
work sMd eive the boys and girls of
the etato the best education possible,
CMgreM Aajevnu.
The sixty-first congress adjourned
shortly after noon Saturday without
accomplishing as much as was ex
pectcd. In addition to passing appro
priation bills, it provided for the forti
fication of the Panama caaal, two now
battleships, creation of forest reserves
in the south, paused the bill, providing
for the inspection of locomotive boilers,
recodified the judicial code ameliorating
tho delay of the law, and provided for
legation buildings abroad. It failed to
pas the Canadian reciprocity, the
permanent tariff board bill, statehood
for Arizona and Now Mexico, killed
the direct election of U. S. Senators
and the general age pension bill and
failed to put through other measures of
V , Hard m the Budge Man.
The isvans antl-trealing bill was
' cuiiBiueicu uv uic i-umimiica ui ma
t.I I l... it.. It... -9 ll
fwhole Friday and recommended to
pass. If it becomes a law and is en
forced it will come pretty nigh putting
the saloon keeper out of business, for
cut out treating and you cut out half of
tho trade. This bill provides that no
treating 'shall be allowed In the
loons. That is the present law.
.then goes furtker and makes the
loon liable instead of the drinker,
convicted of allowing treating in
place of , business the saloon keeper
, i.u I l,. I..... I.I. II-
, taken away, and the place whero the
saloon wac peratd shall not be the
me revocation or the license.
BwkeU Retires,
Senator Rulkett retired as United
'Stat aenater Saturday and is suc
ceeded by Senator Gilbert M. Hitch
eeek. Ttae Bee says Senator Burkett's
' big mistake was in trying to please
everybody wiut the result that he
pleased nobody, and that by thlfl course
tin mud a four anumlaa nnil nn frln,lu
TKIb ia probably true. Had Senator
, Burkett come out more in the open
' during the campaign, aa did Congress
. man Norris, he would undoubtedly have
Paired better. However, Nebraska loses
by the pawing of Senator Burkett, for
'' IiaJ lta liaan i-d.alatas.1 UfsnlJ
b in line for appointment t import
ant committees in the next congress:
appointments that Ills successor cannot
hope to receive.
Senator HmkUi(4 Stands Second.
When The Tribune suggested the
.name efW. V. Hoagland for state aena
tor, it saM that as a senator the fellows
' in Lincoln and at tho. stato house would
know that Hongland waa in town.
The election of Mr. Hoagland and his
service as senator proves tho truthful-
, nees if Thi Tribuno prediction. Not
only is he recognized us n leader In the
senate, but he has much influence
among tho members of the houso, and
more than thin, he is & busy fellow.
He succeeded in introducing thirty-nine
measures in tho house, With one x
ception tho greatest number introduced
by any senator, the ono exception being
Senator Bartoa who presented forty
two, Not all Senator Hoagland'a bills
will become laws, but he will probably
get as large a percentage through as
f any ether senator.
Within one hour following the ad
joymmeafc of congress, President Taft
issued a proclamation calling the new
cfiflgreee to meet in extraordinary ses
sion at www on Tuesday, April 4th.
If yew have trouble In getting rid of
your eel you, may Know to at you are
net treatlnr It we-rmrlv. There ia no
reaeon why cold akukf hang on for
Weeks and it will not if vou take Chain
WerUin's Cough Remedy, For sal by
an waters,
A Modern Institution
For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to tho
medical profession. Special accommodation for confinement cases
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all communi
cations to the superintendent
Phone 642 Cer. Eighth asd Locust
Discusses Sanitary Conditions.
To the Editor of The Tribune:
I read tho article in a recent number
of The Tribune, relative lo the Iecatlon
of a hospital. Property ownera' in-
torestii should ne doubt by duely
considered in the location of any build
ing of a public nature; for the homes
of any city are its vitals; but I
couldn't help but think If a hospital
which is universally to say the least-
sanitary, quiet and respectable, fs con
sidered a nuisance or that its location
would cheapen surrounding property,
bow ought the complaints of scores of
other property owners to be consid
ered I
People all ever town are abiding un
sanitary buildings and lots; next door
to them perhaps. And it is a disgrace
to the town. Property owners must
put In sewers; must put in walks as
specified by the city and pay high taxes
on top of these expenses, yet they
must be annoyed by trespassing stock
and dogs; their health must be endan
gered by filthy conditions of adjoining
property and their property depre
ciated by hundreds of dollars. Ia it
right? Is it expedient? Is it sensible
or necessary?
The time is coming whn North
Platte will have to wnke up and clean
up and give its property owners a
square deal. There is no reason in the
world but this, why North Platte
should not be the third city in the state
In five years. Five years ago when
tirst saw North l'iatte, 1 aaid I never
saw a city more beautifully located or
that had better kopt lawns. Then
saw it from the "front door" and be
fore weed time,
I'believe that most will agree with
me that whiio its grown wonderrully
and made some beautiful addition,
that its not as clean as it was five
years age.
isn't it about time every one was
getting interested in making North
l'iatte a clean city Other towns are
performing seeming miracles all tho
time in this direction, We do nothing.
And the cleaning up does uot need to
be loft to personal settlement, ao if it
was a matter simply between neighbor
and neighbor.
A dlsrepectable loooking place;
weed covered lot, much less a glaring
menace to the public health, should
never need to bo reported. Officials are
chosen and paid for looking after the
Interests of the public and tho city es
peclally, and the blind aro seldom
chosen to execute ordinances. Hence
the governing of a city should be
tirely above petty principles or petty
Now shouldn't it?
M. H. Axtell.
C. A. Mlddleton of the south side who
for a lumber of years has had fine suc
cess with calico corn had the pleasure
of selling several bushels of ear corn of
this variety to the Department of
Agriculture at Washington for seed.
The prica paid was $2.50 per bushel.
Gothenburg Times.
Attack! School Principal.
A severe attack on school principal,
Chas, B. Allen, of Sylvanla, Ga., is
thus told by him. "For more than three
years," he writes, "I suffered indescri
bable torture from rhtumatiim, liver
and stomach trouble and diseased kid
neys, All remedies failed till I used
Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this
wonderful remedy cured me com
pletely." Such results are common.
Thonsands bless thera for curing Btoinnch
trouuie, lemaie complaints, kidney dis
orders, biliousness, and for new health
ana vigor. Try them. Only 50c at Stone
urug (jo. .
.i . .
Some choice bred Poland China Sows. Also a few
more boars. A
One-half mile south of postoffice,
Down at Kansas City the other day
one Joseph Fels, a billionaire soap-
maker whose hobby is to "single tax"
on land, discussed the condition of the
poor and made this atrocious state
ment: "The childron of the depen
dent poor might better die ia their
Infnncy than survive t fight the un
even battle of life under the present
social conditions." This is not all that
he said but the balance is immaterial,
Mr. Fels forget that nearly every
child in this country has the oppor
tunity to secure an education that af
fords a sufficient start, and that the
poor boy of today may be the rich man
ef the noxt generation, or what is
better yet a self-supporting and self-
respecting citizen. "Let tho children
die!" This may be a pleasant cred for
rich soap maker, the creed of a fatalist,
but adhorrent to a christian civilization
evon with its many human faults. The
problem of the Independent poor is not
now one nor is it as great a problem
M it waa ility years ago, and alter a
while it will not be a problem at all, at
least in the American republic Kear
ney Hub.
The most common case, of insomnia
is disorders of the stomach. Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tabtets cor
rect these disorders and enable you to
sleep: For sale by all dealers.
Railroad equipment now actually in
service will not havo to bo rebuilt to
conform to the safety appliance regu
lations promulgated last autumn by the
Interstate Commerce Commission for
substantially five years. The commission
will issue in tho near future, an order
extending the time within which the
railroads will have to make their equip
ment including freight and passenger
cara and locomotives conform to the
When North Platte Citizens Show
the Certain Way Out.
There can be no just reason why any
reador "f this will continue to suffer the
tortures of an aching back, the annoy
ance of urlnnry disorders, the dangers
of diabetes or any kidney ills when re
lief is so near at hand and the most
positive proof given that they can be
cured. Read what a North Platte citizens
J. M. Harper, 409 Dewoy Street,
North Platte, Nebr., Bays: "I had oc
casion to use Donn's Kidney Pills for
kidney trouble when living in Creston,
Iowa, and found them to be a splendid
kidney remedy. Their use removed
.pain acrosB my back which had troubled
mo greatly. They also strengthened my
kidneyB and regulated the passages o
the kidney secretions. I do not hesitate
to recommend Doan's Kidney PillB most
highly. Tho can be procured from Mc
Donell &. Graves Drug Store."
For sale by all dealers. Prica 60
cents. Foster-MilbUrn Co.. Buffalo
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan a and
take no other. .
twenty years experience
means cood results for those
who haVe my services.
Phone or address me at
North Platte. ;
Siffiilea, Similibus, Curanlm
A liko
remedy will
euro n like
A law immutable, that cannot
change, and as true today as
when it first enme to light.
true and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature's own treatment, whero
remedies are paramount.
For out of town patients and
all those Interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and the necessary
surgical cases. Trained nurse in
i attendance.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Practiciener
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Alto Wood TurniBg, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Happily Surprised.
This picture represents n man who
received a box of our cigars for a gift
That he was pleased can be noted by
his wide smile. You will be equally
;loased with our clears, whether vou
ouy one tor a nicKio or dime.
Leading Auctioneer of western
Nebraska. Charges low and satisfac
tion assured. Phone or write.
Sutherland, Neb.
8tato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court-
In thn matter of thn estntn Mnrr
Dudloy, deceased-
On reading and filing tho petition of Leon
ard Calvert nraylng that tho administration
of said estato may bo granted to Lorenzo
. iirmcnnam as administrator.
urdered, That Alar, nth. lull, atuo'clock
a. in,, (s assigned for hearing said potltlon
when all persons Interested In Bald matter
may appoar at a county court to bo hold In
anu rorsaiu county anu snow cause why tho
prayer oi petitioner should not bo granted)
and that notlco of tho oondenct of said net-
ltlon and tho hearing thereof bo given to all
orsons interested In said matter by nubllsh-
nir a cony of this order In the North I'lttn
Tribuno, a serai-weekly nowsusour nrlnted
in . said county, for six sitcccsslvo Issues
prior to said day or hearing-
uatou iooruary luin, ini.
21-fl W. O. Fl.TIKll. rV.nntv.Tnr1ir.
Hy Kathorlno F- Clark, Olork County Court.
Notice is herobv siven that senled
bids will bo received at tho ofllco of the
city clerk of North Platto, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911,
lor tno construction ot a lateral sewer
in Hewer District "G3" n sa d c tv ac
cording to plans and specifications now
on file in tho office of the city clerk of
Biuu city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sower lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $'juz.ou.
Local labor to be emnlovcd as far na
uertuied check on local bank of 2 ner
cent of amount of bid will bo required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve tho right
to reject any or a bias.
By order of tho city council.
Chas. F. Tkmtle, City Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that scaled
bids will bo received at the office of tho
city clerk of North Platte. Nebraska.
up to fivo o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911,
lor tne construction ot a lateral sewer
in Sewer District "F" in said city ac
cording to tilnna and sneciflcations now
on file in the office of tho city clork of
said city. v
Approximate estimate of cost of
sower laterel as per roport of city en
gineer is $1,118.00.
Local labor to bo employed aa far as
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent oi amount ot bid will bo required
to insure entorintr into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any ana an bids.
By order of the city council.
CHA8. F, Temple, City Clerk.
S urges, Physician, Censultaut!
Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita
Phones: Office" 042,' Residence G44
Darters Ames it Ames,
PkvclrtaHC and Qurspanc
' " V
Office over Stone Drug Co. J
Pl. ) Office 273 ft
Phones r. Uc9ldGnco 273 J
Physician and Suracen,
Ofllco over McDonald Bank.
Phnnp I Office 130
I hones V Rcadenco 11B
Physician mnm Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
uince r. s. Hospital, mone
Pcrlal No. 02623.
United Stated Land Ofllco.
At North l'iatte. Nebraska. Jan. 21. IBM
Notice la horobr elvon that NtalH
uunriurson of North I'latto Neb., itho on
April zzu. Jvoo. mado uomoslcau entry No.
21183. Serial No. 02A23. for tho noutheastauar-
tcr southwrst (UKrtrr ftntl northwest nuarlcr
of Section 28, Township 12, N.. Kaneo 0U W.,
or mo ntii i'rinciiai aioriuian, has meci
notice or Intention to make Unal Uvo rear
nroof. to establish claim to tlm land abovi
described, Ix'foro the rctrlstcr and receiver
at North l'iatte. Nobrauks. on the ZUthilar
of March 1911
Claimant name as wltneNxvst Arthur
Connor, uoonro Single, a w. Mannon and
James Shuck, all of North Platte, Neb.
J2I-U j. Jv kvans. uocistor
Department of thn Interior.
U.S. landOOIco at North I'latto. Nob
Nov. Hth. 1S10. trlvon that Frank It Liv
ingston, of North I'latto. N ob., who, on Dec,
23rd. ltt, made II. K. No- 21A05, t&rla) No".
02701. for nofctVi section 32, Township IA,
N.. uaneosv. w. or thootn l'rinciuai Meridian.
lias tiled notice of intention to mako final live
roamroof to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforo tho Iteelster and Re
ceiver at North I'latto. Nob., on tho 14th uar
or .ian.,iuii.
Claimant names an witnesses! rorrv uamn
bell. Adolpliltudolpb, Charles nrotornltz and
vv. u. coinbs an of North i'latto. Nebr.
J. K. Evans, lieglstur.
Tho unknown heirs of Harriet Keller.
deceased, will tako notice that on tho 23d day
or Jan. inn. tno piamuiT. f . u lturnntr. flicu
his notlt on In tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, against said defendants
tno ooject ono prayer oi wiucu is to quiet
plaintiff's title as against, said defendants to
tho following1 described lands to-wit: Tho
east one-half of tho southwest quarter and
lots three and four, all in section nineteen.
townshlD ten. ramre thlrtv-four. west of tho
sixth principal meridian and all In Lincoln
enuntv. iNcoraaua. Ana to rorovor onioin
said defendants and all persons claiming
through and under thorn from claiming any
rlsht. title or interest in or to said land
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho nth day or march, ivii.
b. li. ltUKLiNU.naiu'irr.
J2M Hy James O. Mothorsead. bis Attoruoy.
To Francis Love, Non-IJesl1ot Defendanti
Vou aro hereby notified that on tho Sth day
of July, 1010, Vonaby Love filed her potltlon
acalnst rou In tho dlitrlet court of Llncolu
county, Nebraska, tho object and prayorof
which aro to obtain a nivorco rrom you on
tho grounds that you aro a habitual drunk
ard and havo rofurod and nesloctcd to oro-
vlde malntenanco for tbo plaintiff and bur
minor child ana that you navo been suutyor
extreme cruelty to this lilalntlff.
- l'laintlir prays that sn may ix divorced
from vnn. and that she may bo zlvon tho
tody of her minor child, Gordon Oliver Lovo.
You aro required to answer said potltlon by
ttioottiaay or fiiarcu, ivii.
J2U Dy Wilcox & llalligan, her attorneys
Chester F. Perry, defendant, will
take notice that on the 23d day of Jan
uary, 1911, W. tJ. JbJluer, county Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for the sum of
$64,25 in an action pending before him
wherein John C. Den is plaintilf and
Chester F. Perry is defendant, that
property of the dofendant consisting of
two mowing machines, two Blips: or
acrnners, two cooking or sleeping
shacks has been' attached under Bald
Said cause was continued until the
14th day of March. 1911. 9 o'clock a. m
at which time the said matter will conic
on for final hearing and the' amount
duo said plaintiff will be ascertained
and tho property so attached will be
Bold according to law to satisfy the
amount so found due.
Plaintiff would further allege that
there is the sum of $64.25 due him for
goods sold and money loaned to said de
fendant. Dated this 8th day of Feb
ruary, 1911. John C Den.
Uy Muldoon & uibbs, nia attorneys.
Organization of tho North Platte
Co-operative Association.
l. The name or tins corporation
shall be "The North l'iatte (Jo-opera-
Uvo Association." ,
2. The general nature of tho busi
nees shall be owning and operating a
general store: buying and selling build-
imr material, fuel. farm, dairy and
ranch products and farm machlnory; to
borrow and loan money; discount paper;
purchase or rent an rem estate necess
ary for the business of tho corporation.
a. Tho capital stock shall bo Twcntv-
fivo thousand dollars divided into shares
of Ten dollars each, of which five thous
and dollars Bhall be subscribed and paid
bofore commencement of business.
4, Tho offico of this corporation shall
be in the city of North PJatte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska) and the principal
place or it transacting business shall
be in Lincoln county.
b. Tho term ot existence of this
corporation shall be for twenty years,
commencing March m, mi, and term-
Inating March 1st, 1931
o. The highest amou
tnieat amount of indebted
ness to which this corporation shall at
any one time bo subject shall not ex
ceed two-thirds of its actual subscribed
and naid ud stock.
7. The business and affairs of this
corporation shall be managed b
board of five directors to be elected by
tho stock holders from among their
E. W. Mann.
Ralph O, Ciiamueulain,
f. 1. KEDMOND,
W. II. LeDoyt,
William Otten.
The unknown heirs of Thomas Ldwo.
deceased, will take notice that on the otb
day of January, lull. Margaret J. Hundy,
plaintiff herein filed hor petition in the dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nobraska,
apatnst tho said defendants Impleaded with
Union t'aciric rail wad company, a corpora
tion, tho object and prayer of which said
petition aro to quiet tho title to lot eight In
block elchtr five of tho original town of the
city of North I'laliu. In tho plaintiff heroin,
Margaret J Dundy, as against tho said de
fendants, tho unknown heirs of Thomas
Lowe, deceased, and tho Union Pacific rail
road company, and to enjoin said defendants,
tho unknown heirs of Thomas Lowe, do
ceased, from assorting or claiming any right,
title or Interest In or to said lot eight in block
eighty-five and irom Interfering with tho
possession of tho plaintiff In tho tamo, and
for general eqnitablurellot.
You ar required to answer said petition on
or befco tho 27th day of March, 1911.
Maimauet J. UttMor.
Uy Wilcox & Italllgan Her Attorneys.
Notice to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that the ren
tal upon tho lense contract to the fol
lowing decribed -chool land in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, as set opposite the
names of the holders hereof. Is delin
quent and if the amount which is duels
not paid within CO days front the date
of this notice, said contracts will be de
clared forfeited by the Board of Educa-
tionnl Lands and Funds, and snid for
feltiT'c will be entered of record in the
manner proviuea uy law.
s) 1
SBiNEiiN Wl. SW , SE136-
11-29 Jacob Kucklyer
All 1G-11 29 Bello Edmisten
All 1612-29 Charlie Empie
E. C. Cowles.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Bull
dings. i
Dated Feb. 10, 1911.
In tho County Court of Lincoln County.
v In thn.mattor of tho Estato of Duncan
Ilallantlne, Deceased. ,
Whereas, Lillian H. Itruce, has filed In mr
ofllco an Instrument purporting to bo a duly
authenticated copy of tho last Wilt and
Testament of Duncan Ilallantlne, deceased,
together with a duly authenticated certifi
cate studied thereto, stating that tho said
L.aHt win ana Testament nas been ciuiy ad
mitted to probate and allowed in tbo Sur
rogate's Court of tbo County of Delaware
stato of Now VorK, and praylLg that the
samo bo admitted to probato and allowed In
this ttta'o as tno last win ana Testament ot
tho said Duncan Ilallantlne, docoasod.
It 1h therefore ordered, that tho said petition
bo hoard on March 27th 1U11, at U o'clock a. m.,
when all persons interested In said matter
may appear at tho county Court to bo hold In
and tor aside unty and show cause why tho
prayer of tho petitioner should not bo grunted.
it is also ordered, that tnotimo anu piaco
aforesaid this court will rocolvo, examine,
adjust and allow all claims and demand of all
persons agniimt tno saia uocoasoa anu that
any persons having such claims or demands
against bald OucoRM-d snail present tno samo
to tho county court on or before the da to as
signed for such hearing.
W- C. JI,TMl.
County Judgo
Ily Katiikuinu K. Or. auk
Clork County Court
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby civen that the
Kaufmann & WerneT-t Company has been
duly incorporated under the laws of
tne state or JNoorasKa. ine name
of said corporation is tho Kauf
mann & Wernert Company. Its prin
cipal place of transacting business
is at JNortn l'iatte, JNebrasKa. Tne gen
eral nature of the business to be trans
acted is a genoral mercantile business
and the owning and leasing oi such real
estate as is necessary for the proper
conduct of said business. The author
ized 'capital stock is $5,000. all of
which was fully subscribed and paid in
at the commencement of the business.
The existence of said corporation . com
menced on the 1st day of February,
1911. and shall terminate on the 31st
day of January, 1961. The highest
amount of indebtedness or liability to
which said corporation is at any time
to subject itself shall not exceed two
thirds of its paidup capital stock. Tho
nitairs ot said corporation snail becon-
ducted by a board of directors, con
sisting of three in number.
By David Kaufmann. Pres.
Attest WALTER J. O'CONNOlt, Secy.
In the United States District Court,
For the District of Nebraska,
North Platte Division.
In tho matter of ) Case No. 13
Kyle D. Small, V In Bankruptcy
Bankrupt. ) Voluntary Petition.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an" order issued by the District
Court of the United States for the Dis-
trictof Nebraska, North Platte Division,
I will, aa the Trustee in Bankruptcy
of tho estate Kylq D. Small,
bankrupt, on the 11th day of
March, lull, at two o'clock p.
m. at the store building formerly oc
cupied by said Small, on Dewey Street
in the city of North Platto, Nobraskn,
offer for sale all of tho estate of said
bankrupt. Said property consists of n
stock of shoes, store fixtures and a
lease of said store building.
JAS. F. Keefe, Trustee.
Notice is hereby civen that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Clerk of North Platte. Ne
braska, up to 5 o'clock pm., March
21, 1911, for the construction of a
loterai sower in Sewer District "G 4,"
in said city according to plans and
specifications now on file in the office
of the city clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate cost of sewer
lateral as per report of city engineer
is $984.60.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Certified chock on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be civen when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject uny or nil bids.
IJy order of city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Notico is hereby 'triven that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Plntte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock, -p. m., March 21st,
1911, for the construction of extension
of sower main on "A" street n said
city according to, plans and specifica
tions now on tile in the ot ice of tho
City Clerk of said City.
Approximate estimate of cost of
said extension as per report of city en
gineer IS $fifD,UU.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Oertilled check on local bank of 2 ner
cent of amount of bid will bo required
to insuru entering into contruct.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to roject any or nil bids.
By order of the city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk,