The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1911, Image 6

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' WAUBARarut-Uihrr
Thirteen men were killed while on
bunting excursions In this stato In tho
brief open season. That Is tho num
ber of young men kilted In football In
the whole country this yonr. or m
many Ponnsylvanlnns as hnvo died
from this cause In n century. These
figures aro offorod not to provo that
football Is without a certain amount of
risk, but to show that nil human oc
cupations aro occompanlcd by some
dangers, says tbo Phllndolphla Inqulr
or. Tho law of avorngcs is a remark-
ablo ono. It indicates that about a
certain number of persons dlo each
year from fortuitous causos and If
one class Is lacking tho other supplies
tho deficiency. Parents who are
nfrnld their boys will bo Injured or
klllod playing football may bo encour
aged by tho fact that It Is proved to
bo ono of tho most Innocuous of sports.
Tho danger from death or sovoro In
Jury In any collcgo sport Is not any
thing Ilka so groat as that of being run
down by an uutomobllo or troltoy car.
Human llfo Is precious and must be
conserved. Sclonco has dono much for
thoso who err In certain directions,
but It hns nothing to offer thoso who
suffer from puro accident. All of
which moans that what la needed by
young and old Is simply a modicum of
common sonso. It Is not to bo forgot
ten that tho mother who kept her boy
homo from school becauso ho dream.
ed he had died was an actual mourner
a few hours lator bocauso he fell off
Hid roof. Lot us all act sensibly, with
courage, faith and proper caution.
Those who take the most pains to es
cape accidents are apt to be the worst
sufferers, but It is cortain that boyish
sports are not dangerous compared
with , the most ordinary avocations of,
A Now York chauffeur, 17 yearn old,
ionvlcted of manslauKhter In tho sec
ond degree while on a Joy ride, has
ben sentenced to spend 15 years In
the Elmlra reformatory. The Judge
remarked that the next Joy rider
brought before hlin would be sentenced
to sing 8lng, adding: "You are only
17 years old, and it Mteins to me that
the state of New York la guilty It
self in permitting such a youth as
you to drive an automobile on our pub-
Ha thoroughfares." The Judge was
right both in Inflicting the penalty and
in his comment on the recklessness
that permits children to handlo these
powerful machines, says the Indian
apolis Star. It Is not until adequate
punishment Is measured out to care
less automobile drivers that their dis
regard for publlo rights will be check-,
ed. At the same time it Is worth while
to remember that not all the many ac
cidents by any means occur when
young drivers are In charge. There
te the Anderson case for example, re
ported the otlier day, where a business
man et mature years turned to look
back while driving hls-rSinchlrie, and
at that moment ran down and killed a
child.' '
Canada has custom house troubles
also. ' It seems some of tho fair dam-
sols' and matrons of tho Dominion,
have the habit of coming over to ' the
Stales," getting new gowns and wear.
Ing them back acrpss tho border, with
out going through the form of paying
duty, says the Troy Times. And It Is
more than hinted that tho ladles not
Infrequently indulge In smuggling In
other ways, So the Canadian collect
ors have taken a leaf from the book of
Collector Loeb of New York and at
the more Important lines of travel to
and. from the Dominion have estab
lished extra vigilant guards, assisted
by women searchers. The result has
been some clever captures and a con
siderable addition to the Canadian
revenue. From all of which It will be
seen that trying to cheat the govern
ment Is a practice confined to no one
clltae or country.
1 Proportionately, It Is said, the num
ber of iRMse people In this country Is
Increasing faster than the population
Is growing, taking asylum statistics for
It Even at that, there Is scarcely a
fellow but will declare that the asy
lums don't get them all, either.
A feminine scientist wants a moth
ers' courso established In collcgos.
Still, tho old-fashioned mothor appar
ently understood her business very
well, and probably presont-day scion-
tlflo Infants aro not so happy as her
cuddled and pettod babies.
' A prisoner who stole 15 cents was
discharged by tho Judge, That Is a
great disappointment to tho authors
of weopy poetry, who naturally ex
pected tho offendor to bo sentenced to
fmprlsofmont for life.
French aviators fell 600 feet In nn
laeroplano and wcro not hurt. Fata
avora tho bold, but then fnto la also
notoriously capricious, so experiments
ineed not go on, depending on fate's
i rvj i n r
Country Aghast at Opium Consumption
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Tho recent
raids on opium smugglers mado
In Now York nnd other cities by fed-
oral officers are preliminary to a na-
tian-wiao crusnuo by ino autnoruics
In Washington to check the ravages
of tho opium habit.
Government statistics reveal that
nioro opium Is conBumod In this coun
try per capita than In China, four
hundred thousand pounds of crudo
opium are Imported annually and tho
raids show that vast quantities are
smuggled. Tho population of tho
United Statos Is 91,000,000. Tho an-
nual consumption of opium in Chlhn
In all forms Is 1,600,000 pounds.
China's population Is morq than four
hundred million.
Ono of tho largest Importers of
opium In tho Unltod States called tho
attention of tho National Civic Feder
ation to the frightful growth of tho
ovll. "Tho figures speak for them
solves," ho said in an address on tbo
subjoct at nrbanquot of druggists In
Philadelphia. "Unloss nn offoctlvo
chock is put on tho opium ovll It will
snp tho physical na well as tho moral
strongth of tho nation.
"Qormany, with a population of
Burials Cheap in This Arizona Town.
PHOENIX, Ariz. Como to Arizona
to dlo nnd got burled cheaply. Tho
Maricopa county board of supervisors
has Just closed n contract.wlth a local
undertaking firm wheroby thoso who
dlo In such circumstances as to ne
cessitate burial by tho county will bo
laid away decently at tho expenso of
ono mill per porson. This Includes nn
upholstered redwood coffin nnd full
funeral service ,
Four Arms bid for tho county busi
ness, and none may bo said t'o havo
sought to exact an exorbitant stipend.
The highest price naked por corpao
was $4.25, whllo ono firm offorod to
do tho work for 10 cents each and
another for ono cent. Tho firm bid
ding ono-tenth of n cent was tho "low
est rosponslblo" bidder and got tho
It might bo gathorod from this thnt
Maricopa county Is such a healthy
placo that no ono over dlos. Dut not
only do persons dlo hero, but they dlo
by Bcoros.
Tho county burial bill, oven nt ono
mill, will In tho twelve months for
Gotham May Have
VV-l-f. j
NEW YOHK. That Now York City
has nearly roachod its maximum
of growth and will find Its supremacy
as the. blggqst city and tho most Im
portant commercial contor In tho west
ern world threatened by competitors
during the next thirty years is the be
lief of waiter Laldlaw, secrotary of
tho New York Federation of Chris
tlnn Organizations and n census ex
pert of note, Dr. Laldlaw frankly sotn
aside) as proposterous tho commonly
accepted estimates of tho tremendous
growth of tho otty in tho next three
decades and prophecies that in 1940
tho population will not excood 0,600,-
In a long roport on "Now York's
Futuro," Dr. Laldlaw notoa thnt the
two greatest causes of tho city's rapid
rise to pro-omlnenco wcro the build
Threat to Sing Duet Wins Judgment
OMAHA, Nob. In addition to music
"having charms to soothe tho sav
age broast," It has beon discovered
that It baH tho power to bring about
A verdict In tho courts. This has boon
demonstrated in JudgQ Sears' divi
sion of tho dUtrlct court In this city.
Tho caao on trial was one wherein
n wlta was suing for $5,000 damages.
The allegation being that a saloon
keoner had sold llnuor to tho plain
tiff's husband until ho had become a
drunknrd. H. C. Murphy represented
tlio plaintiff nnd A. II. Murdock and
A. C. Panncoast wore attorneys for
tho defendant. Tho 1 testimony had
boon Introduced, when Murphy nn
nounced that. Instead of nrgujng the
caso, fee would rna-1 the "Drunkards
V s I - s
about 60,000,000, consumes only 16,000
pounds, as against tho 400,000 pounds
actually accounted for In this coun
try; in Italy, with a population of
33,000,000, tbo consumption Is about
0,000 pounds; In Austria-Hungary,
whoso combined population is nearly
50,000,000, tho annual consumption
docs not exceed 4,000 pounds; Hol
land, with n population of 6,000,000,
consumes 3,000 pounds annually.
"In Europo thcro aro 145,000,000
people who consumo annually only
about 30,000 pounds Of tho drug, whllo
our population of 100,000,000, by im
port figures, consumes nioro than ten
times that amount, to say nothing of
tho vast quantity that Is clandestinely
brought Into tho country."
President Toft urgos Immediate ac
tion to check tho growth of the ovll.
There is now pending in both
branches of congress a measure,
known as tho Cullom-Fostor bill, to
control tho traffic by subjecting It ro.
heavy Internal revenue taxes. Tho
bill also provides for a prnctlcnlly
prohibitive tax $200 a pound on,
smoking opium. Tho control of other
forms, principally roorphino, will bot
more difficult, It 1b conceded, although'
It Is said that In that form tho drug Is
most widely used. i
Tho highest medical authorities cs
llmnto that 50,000 pounds of opium
should suffice- for tho medical neods
of tho United States yearly, and that
fully 75 per cent of tho 400,000 pounds
Imported la manufactured Into mor
phine. Which tho contract Is made, run up
Into several dollars. This is duo to,
the fact that Phoenix, the seat of,
Mnrlcopa county, is a famed resort for
tuberculosis victims.
Dehlnd tho bid llos tho reason. It
Is worth somothtng for tho undertak
ing Arm to get Its rtnmo In tho local
papors every tlmo a paupor dies. At
tho samo time, ono can novor toll by!
tho appearance a living man presents'
what his estato will dlvulgo, It has
been demonstrated thnt not only do
tho undertukorn who havo tho county
contract not lose money, but actually
make a .good profit In addition to tho
' It frequently happons thnt ono caso
makes up for the losses on a wholo
year's contract and lenvos many other
cases of supposed Indigents to crouto
a hnndflomo profit for tho business.
Tho contract at ono mill por corpse
means that tho dead wagon must go;
for tho body .-find rcmovo It to tho un
dertaking establishment. Thero it
must bo prepared for burial, tho firm
supplying all tho essentials, It must
then bo transported to tho cemotory
nnd Intorred.
Thoro hnvojbccn cases whoro under
taliors havo kopt bodlos for six months
whllo they sought throughout tho
country for someono who would pay
a fair expenso bill for tho funornl. In
most of such cases thoy aro ultimately
Reached Its Growth
ing of tho Erlo cnnal and tho Immense
Immigration, and ho declares (hat
thoro aro now certain factors working
against a continued Increase
In tho first place, Dr. Laldlaw sees
a continuation In tho decline In the
sharo of Now York In tho foreign
commerce of tho nation. In tho last
thirty years' It has fallen from 54.8 to
47,7. Canada 1b becoming an Import
ant competitor and other American
ports aro doing tholr best to overhaul
tho metropolis. Provldenco, Boston,
Ualtlmoro, Philadelphia and othor
ports aro formidable rivals. Tho pro
posed Intercoastal canal, tho develop
ment of tho Mississippi, tho complo
tlon of tho Panama Canal and tho
fnvorablo positions of citlos to the
south of Now York City to ongago in
trndo with South America, nil will
tend to dwarf Now York.
Other factors are tho declino of lm
migration, 'the diminishing export
trade with Europo, tho awakening of
China and the increasing Importance
of Pacific commerce Tho Pacific
coast, tho statistician thinks, Is bound
to run the East hard for Its present
Lament," nftor which ho would recite
oxcorpts from "Ton Nights in n Bar
room," thereafter letting tho Jury de-
cldo without further argumont.
Miudock nnd Panacoast statod their
willingness to submit tho case without
argument, but beforo doing so they
wanted permission to Blng n duet.
settlement was rcachod by conference
and a substantial Judgment agreed
upon In favor of tho plaintiff.
Murphy ono year ago won an lm
portnnt suit by singing to tho Jury
nftor he had complotcd his argumont
Ho sang a fow stanzas of a familiar
old song. Without lonving tho box
tho Jury returned a verdtct for his
client. Opposing attorneys appealed
alleging that Murphy In singing wont
outsldo tho record, that his conduct
wns Improper nnd that having n lino
and well-trained volco, ho took undue
advantage of counsel on tho othor
bIiIo. The Supreme court hold wits
Murphy, deriding that an nttornoy
could tnik or sing his arguments t
tho Jury and that thero was no Btatute
against such proceedings.
"For Velveteen
THE first design sketched is a
slmplo coat and skirt in nut-brown
veivoteen, very userui nna very
smart; tho skirt la qulto plain nnd a
good walking length; tho coat has a
deep collar cut oft square in front;
tho fastening is formed by tabs In
which buttonholes are worked, and
bono buttons. Volvotoen toquo trimmed
with two ostrich tips. Materials re
quired: 12 yards 24 Inches wide, 5
yards silk for lining coat, 4 yards sat-
eon for skirt
In tho second plcturo wo show a
plain long coat ln'black. Our model is
lined throughout with palo bluo cash
moro satin. This stylo la also suit
able to bo copied In Beal plush, which
Difficulties Not at All Insurmount
able If They Are Properly
Thn main difficulty in maklnc a va-
lanco Is. to keep It In placo without
putting tacks into tho furniture or
having It on narrow strlpB that pull
out from under tho mattress. Ono
woman has hit upon a plan of having
heavy unbleached sheeting cut lust
tho slzo of tho bod, or a llttlo within
tho line of tho sides. Tho sheeting Is
shrunk beforo being usod. Tho va
lnco is sowed to it on each sldo and
across tho end.
Tho covor is then spread over tho
nrlncn nnd under tho mattress.
which holds it firmly in Dlace. "If tho
valanoo la of thin material, that needs
frequent washing, It Is a good Idea to
put It into a narrow band, proviaea
with buttonholes at Intervals close
enough to prevent sagging. Buttons
aro sewed to tho sheeting in places to
Fillet for tho hair mado of gold
cloth sewn with turquoise Tbo nig-
rotto Is white.
To Clean Felt Hats.
First, all tho trimming is removed
and tho felt glyon a thorough brush
In. From a hardware dealer pur
chaso, for a tew conts, a sheet of tho
finest sandnaoor made, Cut Into
pteco around a convenient-sized block
of wood, begin sandpapering tho hat,
liolnc careful always to rub in tho
direction of tho nap. Continue this
nroccBB. using a new pleco of sand
paper when necessary, until tho felt
hcetns to tako on a new and clean
nppoarnnco. When tho folt becomes
clean the nap is sugntiy uampcnou
and the folt pressed witn a moaer
atoly hot iron.
The Newest Tea Posies.
Quito tho nowest tea cosies aro
fascinating creations heavily em
brolderod In nn open pattorn to show
oft a silk lining of a gay color. That
tho cosoy may fit ovor any sized tea'
not. oven tho most capacious. It has
end pieces let In, and theso aro of
nlaln linen, unadorned iiuo tuo rest
bo that hero tho colored lining does
not show through. Tho seams of tho
cogoy aro covered by a bandsomo
whlto cord, artistically knotted here
and there to give a pretty effect.
la now so much used for long coats,
Materials required: 8V4 yards velve
teen 72 Inches wide, 5 yards lining 44
Inches wide.
Tho third costumo shown Is In lau
rel leaf green. The skirt has a panel
front and back, and at sides 1b
trimmed with a band of burnished
gold and green trimming. Tho coat
has, a vest of tho samo trimming; a
bund of It Is taken from each sldo tho
front and raised high In tho centro
back. Hat of folded satin trimmed
with long groy wings. Materials re
quired. 12 4 yards 24 Inches wide, 4
yards trimming, 5 yards satin for
lining coat, 4 yards sateen for skirt
lining, 4 buttons.
Pretty Things That Will Properly Set
r-orth tho Apartments of the
Little Folks.
So many charming things aro made
for tho nursery nowadays that It Is
a delight f6r young mothers to sot out
to furnish tho apartment devoted to
the llttlo folks.
Sets of basin nnd pltchor In neat
onnmolod stands aro decorated with
Kato Greonaway figures.
Bassinets like largo market baskets
having stout handles and lined with
silk and lace, aro very convenient with
silk and lace, and vory convenient
when moving the weo baby from room
to room.
, A stand of enameled wicker has
four trays for holding baby's clothes,
It Is very compact when shut, but
when required these may all be open
ed at tho samo tlmo by pushing out
different ways.
.Small clothes-trees of, white painted
wood are copies In miniature of what
tho grown-ups use.
A basket, with compartments to
hold six Bmall bowls, Is handy when
dressing the Infant. Tho porcelain
bowls aro marked Bafoty pins, sponge,
soap, nipples, etc.
Some Uses for Matting.
Straw matting may bo put to many
uses bosldes 'tho conventional ono of
covering .floors.
Table covers may bo made of tho
fine, closely woven Japanese matting,
hemmed at each end.
As a finish to tho lower part of a
wall matting which Is not too heavy
serves qulto as well as burlap and Is
a chango from tho moro usual cover
Setteo cushions may bo made, or at
least coverod, with flno, pllablo kind
Of matting, to match tho strip on tho
purcu uuur.
Window shades and awning to keep
tho sun off, which aro tied back or
rolled up when not in use, aro also
practical mado of matting.
Thoy aro hemmed top and bottom
and hung uponrings at tho top, which
In turn aro hung on little brass hooks
screwed Into the window framo or
porch beam.
, Bordered Foulards.
Thero Is nothing smarter and few
things more handsomo than the now
bordered foulards brought In for
cprlng. Many of thd most attractive
pieces have borders that tako up
moro than twenty inches of tho forty'
five or forty-Blx-Inch width of tho silk.
Thoso wide borders usuny have a
band of solid color four or five inches
wldo at tho edge of tho piece. The
rest of tho border may bo of Per
sian design In lovely green, blue,
roso, lavender, gray or other color
echomo to harmonize with tho ground
of tho rest of tho bUIc.
Empire Waist Line.
Tho straight, narrow linos not ovor
accontuatod and the shortened waist
lino aro very pretty In tho one-piece
trotting rrocKB or iinon, silk, etc.,
which aro being mado for southern
woar. though tho emnlre waist linn
muA always bo handled very care
fully In cqnncctlon with a street
frock If It is not to give tho frock an
air oultablo to the boudoir rather
than tho street
Doctors Said
Health Gone
Suffered with Throat Trouble
Mr. B. "W.
O. Barnes,
ex - Sheriff
Bt "Warren
T e nhessce,
in a letter
from Mc
M 1 n n vllle,
Ton nessce,
"I had
h r o a t
and had
throe doc
tors treating
me. All
failed to do
mo any
good, and
p r onounccd
m y health
gone. Icon- Mr. B. W. D. larnes.
.eluded to "
try Peruna, and after using four hot
tics can say I was entirely cured."
Unable to Work.
Mr. Guatav Htmrnclrolch, Hochhelm,
Texas, writes:
"For a number of years I suffered
whenever I took cold, with sovero at
tacks of asthma, which usually yielded
to tho common homo remedies.
"Last year, however, I suffered fofi
eight months without Interruption so
that, I could not do any work at alL
Tho various medicines that wero pre
scribed brought me no relief.
"After taking six bottles of Peruna,
two of Lacupla and two of Monalln, I
am free of my trouble so that I can do
all my farm work again. I can heart
lly recommend this medicine, to any
ono who suffers with this annoying
complaint and believe that they will
obtain good results."
by mall at cat prices. Betid for Treo catalogs
your 11m. W-paro book nc(
Ulrica t'HBH. Knubltihed lftvl
)FUiffraMte.BxX, nkUfU,U,U
Love does not dopend for Its
ttrength on concentration.
Tako Garfield Tea to nrouso a iluircriih
liver all druggists sell it.
Somo women worry abouC th wor
ries thoy havo missed
Lewis' Silicic Binder stralalit So cisar
cr made to satisfy the smoker,
No man has como to true greatness
who has not folt In somo degree that
his llfo belongs to his race. Phillips
Real Courage.
Ho wns tho email son of a minister
and his mother was teaching him tho
meaning of courage
"Supposing," Bho said, "thoro wore
12 boys In ono bedroom, and 11
got Into bed at once, while tho other
knelt' down to say his prayors, that
boy would show truo courage."
"Ob." eald tho young hopeful, "I
know something that would bo more
courageous than t,hat. Supposing thero
woro 12 ministers In ono bedroom,
and ono got Into bed without saying
his prayers!"
His Head Was Hard,
it Is a common belief that- tho ne
gro's head Is hard, capable of with
standing almost any blow.
Tho following story ,told of a promi
nent young dentist of Danville, 111.,
would soem to lndlcato something of
tho kind, anyhow. Two negro men
wero employed on tearing down a
throe-story brick building. Ono ne
gro was on top of tho building taking
off tho brlcka and sliding them down
a narrow wooden chuto to tho ground,
somo thirty feot bolow, where tho
other was picking thorn up and piling
When this latter negro was stoop
ing ovor to pick up a brick, tho former
accidentally let one fall, striking him
directly on tho hoad.
Instead of its killing him, he merely
looked up, without rising, and eald:
"What you doln' thar, nigger, you
mado mo bite my tonguo." Tho Cir
cle. Women
Step-savers and Tirae-savers.
is fully cooked, ready to serve
direct from the package with
cream or milk, and is a
deliciously good part of any
A trial package usually
establishes it as a "favorite
breakfast cereal.
"The Memory Lingers"
Oatlla Creek, Mick
bbHbsMrHbYk S;