WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, THE GREATEST WHEAT MARKET ON THE CON TINENT REMARKABLE YIELDS OF WHEAT, OATS, BAR LEV AND FLAX IN WESTERN CANADA LAST YEAR. I Figures recently Issued show that the wheat receipts at Winnipeg last year were 68,269,330 bunlicla, as com (pared with the Minneapolis receipts ot 81,111,410 bushels, this placing Win mlpeg at the head ot tho wheat re ceiving markets of tho contlnont. Fol lowing up this Information it is found that the yields throughout the prov inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, as given tho writer by agents of the Canadian Government stn tlonod In different parts of the Statos, hare boon, splendid. A few of the Instances aro given i ' Near Rodvero, Sask., Jens Hortnoss throshed about GO acres of wheat, av eraging 29 bushols to .tho acre. Near .Elphinstono, Sask., many of tho crops of oats would run to nearly 100 buuu 'els to tho acre, A Mr. Mulr had about '900 acres it this grain and he esti mates the yield at about CO bushols per acre. Wheat went 35 bushols to tho aero on the farm of Mr. A. Loucks, near Wymyard, Basic, in tho fall of 1010, K. Erlckson had 27 and P. Solvason 17, In the Dempster (Man.) district last year, wheat went from 26 to 30 bushels por aero, Fifteen acres on the Mackenzie ft Mann farm today went forty-threo bushols to the 'acre, In the Walnwrlghl and Battle 'river districts yields ot whoat aver 'aged for the district 26 bushels to tho acre. M. B, Ness,, ot the Toneld, Al berta, district. KOt 08 bushels and 28 lbs, ot oats to the acre, while near Montrose, over 04 bushels of oats to (the. acre was threshed by J. Leonle, notwithstanding the dry weather of "June. Further reports from the Ed monton district give Frank McLay of the Horse Falls 100 bushels ot oats to the acre. They wolghed 4t lbs. to (the bushel. A 22-acre field ot spring wheat on Johnson Bros.' - farm near Agrlcola yielded A0 bushels to tho (acre. Manitoba's record crop for 1910 was grown on McMillan Bros.' farm near Weetbourne, who have a tetat crop ot 70,000 bushels, netting 10,000 off1 2,200 acres, O. W. Buchanan ot rincher Creek, Alberta, had 25 & bushels of No. 1 spring wheat to the sere Mr, A. Hatton ot Macleod dis trict had wheat which averaged 21 bushels to the aero. B, F. Holden, near Indian Neadf Sask., threshed 0G0 bushels, of wheat, from 20 acres, On the Experimental Farm at In tSlak Head, wheat has gone below 40 1tt1iels, while several, such as the Marquis and the Preston, have gone as high as 54 bushels to the acre, -At Hlstow, Sask., the quantity; of wheat to the acre ran, on the average, from 26 right up to 40 bushels per acre, while oats In some cases yielded a etura of 70 to 80 bushels per acre, with flax giving 13 to I t Imehele per acre. ' , W. O. Caraell had a yield of. ,42 bushels per acre from six acres of breaking. Nell Callahan, two mllos northwest of Btrome, had a yield ot 48 bushels of wheat per acre. Wm. Lindsay, two miles east ot Strome, bad 1,104 bushels ot Regenerated Abundance oats from ten acres Jo seph Icheelar, 11 miles south of Btrome, tad 12,000 bushels ot wheat and Oats from 18Q acres. Fart of the oats yielded 85 bushels to the acre, and the wheat averaged about 40 bushels. Spohn Bros., lour mile southwest of Btrome, bad a splendid grain yield of excellent quality wheat, grading No. 2. A. 8. MoCulIooh, one wile northwest of Strome, had some wheat that went 40 bushels to the aore. J. Blatter, a few miles south west of Strome, threshed 3G3 bushejs of wheat from 7 acres. Among the good grain yields at Macklln, Alberta, reported are: D. N. Tweedle, 22 bush els to the acre; John. Currln, 24 bush els wheat to the acre; gam Fletcher, JW bushels to the acre, At OrAVeo, Bask, Albert Clark threshed from CO acres, of stubblo 1,890 bUBbeJs; from 20 acres of; fal low 00 bushels ot red flto wheat that .weighed, 05 pounds to t)ie bushol, Chads. Keith threshed 40 bushels to the acre from 40 acres, Albert Young, of Stony Beach, southwest ot Luma. den, .threshed D2 bushels per aero from summer fallow, and Goorgo Young 0,000, bushels from 130 acres of stubble and fallpw, or an average of SB 1-2 bushels to the acre. Arch Mor ton got 5,600 bushels ot red flto from 106 acres. James Russell got 8,700 bushels from stubble and lato break ing, an averago of 23 & bushels, ! At Rosthera Jacob FrleBon had 27 bushel per acre from 80 acres on new land and an average over his whole farm of 21 V$ bushols ot whoat. Job gchultz threshed 4.4Q0 bushels frees 100 acres, or 44 bushels to tho aore. John Lepp had 37 bushels per aere from 200 acres, A. B. Dirk bad 42 bushels per acre from 25 acres. Robert Roe of 5cirand Coulee threshed 4H bushels te the acre from 420 acres. 1 Kedley, Sask., la still another dis trict that has eause to be proud ot the ylds of both wheat and flax. J. Cleveland got 30 bushels ot wheat per acre oa 100 acres and 18 bushels ot flax en 140 acres. T. Dundas, southeast ot Bedley, 40 bushels per acre ou 30 acres; Mr B, Miller, 84 bushels per acre oa 170 acres of stub ble, and 86 bushels per acre on 2G0 acres tallow; W. A. Day had 82 bush c4e per aere pa 200 acres of stubble, aaa 3ft bttebek oa 2S0 acres ot fallow; J, O. Uaoit had 80 bushels of wheat per at re oa W sores, aad 18 bush els of flax por ' aero on 300 acres-, James Bulltck averaged 29 bushels of wheat; A. Allen 20 bushols; Jos. Run Ions, 40; Alox Ferguson, 38; W. R. Thompson, 35, all on largo acreages. Tho flax crop bf J. Cleveland Is1 rathor a wonder, as his land has yielded him $60 per aero In two years with ono ploughing1. Russell, Man., farmers threshed 30 bushels of wheat and 60 to 80 bushels ot oats, A. D, Stem house, near Mclford, flask., had an averago yield on 13 acres of now land, 0316 bushels of Preston wheat to tho aero. Hector W. Swannton, a farmer noar Welwyn, Sask., had 5,150 bushols of wheat from ono quartor section of land. John McLean, who owns two sections, threshed 12,860 bushels of, wheat. s The Test of Intellect, "I wonder why Mrs. Fliingllt regards nor husband as stupid. Ho has beon vory successful In business." "Perhaps," ropllcd Mr. Mcokton, "ho's llko so many of thq rest ot us who can't possibly learn to keep tho score of a brldgo game," With a smooth Iron Sand Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist Just as well at homo as tho steam laundry can; it will have tho proper stiffness and finish, thero will bo less wear and tear of tho goods, and It will bo a posltlvo plcasuro to uso a Starch that does not stick to tho Iron. Lltarary Atmosphere. "Mark Twain was not a widely read man. How do you supposo ho over managed to turn out bo much good stuff7' "I don't know unless It was bocause ho smoked so much." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a sate and sure romody for infanta and children, and see that It Bears the s1Ta la Signature CdaiffCAikC In Uso For Over 90 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. On Her Side. "I didn't know you had any idea of marrying her." "I didn't. Tho idea was hors." Llpplncott's Magazine BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE. Send 2a tamp for five samples of our very host 061(1 Embosod, Good Luck. Flower and Motto, Post Cards; beautiful colors and lovcllcit designs. Art Post Card Club, 731 Jackson St., Topcka, Kan,. Chilly. "They say tho protty Boston girl Is a good pick. I wonder what kind ot a pick she Is?" "Ico pick, I suppose." ' 1 Wo know nothing better for Piles than Trnik's Ointment. It almost invariably Ft'0? ,,ulcle rc,le' Bn(l ol,tcn effects cures in, obstinate cases. Ask your druggist. lie is a learned man that under stands one subject; a vory loarnod man who understands two. -Emmons. Taking Garfield Tea will prevent tho re currence of sick-hoadacho, indlfloatlon and bilious attacks. All druggists. The Breed, Stella -Is hor coat Persian lamb? Bolla No; Podunk mutton. -Judge. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teetlilnir, otin the guma, reduce Inflnminn tlou, allays yarn, cure wind code, 25a a bottle. D-imcultlcB are often the barnacles that grow on delayed duties. STOP THAT: STOMACH TROUBLE before it becomes serious- do it right now. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the quickest and surest medicine for you to take. Thou sands have proven it. Start today. It I is for Heartburn, Poor Appetite, Indi gestion, Golds and Malaria. INSIST ON GETTING HOSTETTER'S BITTERS Biauiiful Prizi Froa ! W Wl Y.a t mnf Hum fom sroupier lUri Into lh. utmaf four CUUs ot (bs Vnltl Sttln, Tv ,- cm who iwu thlt puial. oa him not 1m ttuw tutt. ot xht CltlMoorn.tlyw.wlll piln of Mt el out htmhonutt Silk Km-I-jim4 Mr)bdr ni rior.l M.lio yoii ,, Mfit IhM ittnp for in .tin .oa tld. from tl tad olh.r blit prim tnivtr t)il rronotlr IIV. IHTIH ISOM WM iT1 Herolo measures aro adoptod In carrying on tho tromondous work of digging tho Panama canal. Tho accom panying Illustration shows tho "topping" of a rocky promlnonco that stood In th6 "track" of tho big ditch. The entlro crest of tho hill, a mass of almost solid rock weighing' well over 600 tons, was removed with a single charge of twenty tons of dynamlto. SECRET OF Hopes to Interprot Odd Indian Designs Worked. Now York Woman Is Sent on Long Visit to Aborigines of Southwest by American Museum of Natural History. New York. Miss Mary Lois Klssoll, who started recontly for an extended trip among tho Indians of tho south west, whero sho will study basketry on Its natlvo heath, Is tho first woman over sent out by tho American Mu seum of Natural History for purposes of original research. Hitherto men only have been omployed to penetrate the wilds and tho deserts In Its be half. But now it has como to a crisis and a woman fills the void. Tho mu soum has a fine collection of Indian baskets. Thoy are ot all shapes and sizes and uses, covored with Intricate designs in significant colors. Some of the facts of tholr construction aro known, but tho scientists aro awnro ot many mysteries which await solution. "More man" ovon a scientific man cannot got at thoso socroto. Ho tries, And tho taciturn old squaw mutters: "Mo no know." Mcro man dlscovprs that tho Indian woman Is bound by rulos of religious observance not to discuss hor work with mon. Even tho braves of tho tribe do not know how tho beautiful dOBlgns aro oxecutod, and tho white man is doubly help loss, It Is Miss Klssoll's enthusiasm, com bined with her knowledgo ot textiles and handcraft that has won her placo In the museum. It Is said that sho even lighted a glow ot enthusiasm in the cold scientific bouIs ot European museum directors. Hue was abroad last Bummer gleaning what bUo could about basketry from collections thero. In Munich she askod such Illuminat ing questions about bow some baskets wore made that the vetoran scientist saw now light on his subject. "Well, well," ho cried, delighted, tho old Joy ot dlscovory in 'his heart. "Who would havo thought baskets meant so much? We'll know raoro when you como again, madaino." , Fotnlnlno scientists, as a class, are full of enthusiasm, Miss Klssoll has found, and also thoy sometimes Bee things which masculine sclenco over looks. For Instance, a Congo expedi tion brought back n curious Uttlo cap mado by soma tribes of that region. Tho mlmito Miss Klssoll saw it sho recognized It as Irish crochet laco, done In straw. Tho sight thrilled hor woman's heart. Irish crochet In tho Congo! How was It done? Tho men of tho expedition looked blank onough when questioned. What, indoed, was ono stitch or another to them? It seemed as It tho secret would remain untold, whon It developed that tho ex plorer 'a wlfo had been with tho party, "Why, yes," sho said in surprlab, "I know all about It, of course I sat with tho womon for hours and watch od them do St." MlBs KIbsoU's field will bo tho Pima speaking tribes ot Arizona, tho largest encampment being near Tucson, but n trip ot sixty mllos further down to ward Mexico may bq nocoBsary, Sho will go alone, fearing nothing and trusting to her beads and mirrors to carry her through in safety. Now a woman is going to try hor band at ferreting out these Bocrets. Feminine Intuition nnd an inborn nat ural understanding ot squaw psychol ogy aro expected to accomplish much. For tho rest Miss Klssoll will dopond on making friends with tho papooses. "It will takp tlmo, ot courso." said AUss Klssoll, "to get them to regard me In a friendly way. I shall stay In one village long enough to fool uc qualutcd. Then I shall tako my 'knit ting work maybo and go to spend tho afternoon with ono ot my neighbors. Two or throe othors will drop In, Vnd we'll all Bit and chat as we work. I DYNAMITING A HILL IN THE CANAL ZONE BASKETS expect to got many points this way that would not bo divulged In an ordi nary Intervlow. Thoro are mysterious rites connected with tho gathering of tho reods, and many of-tho designs havo a religious or superstitious sig nificance. Thoy will tell me these things, I hopo, as thoy could not toll a man." Everything depends on making a good impression. So Miss Klssoll has provided herself with various appli ances for winning friendship. Sho has several tlnv mirrors in nnnnnl to feminine vanity and a big box of glass boadB from tho 10 cent stores. Sho may tako a walk thrbugh an In dian vlllago and spy somo fat llttlo lad who looks promising. Sho will snsp a string of red beads around his dirty llttlo nock and smile In., gratlatlngly. In twenty minutes tho whole village will, know ot tho af fair, and success will bo assured, Sho has ?20 In brand now coins, too. Thoso aro not for gifts, but for payment. Sho may want to buy n basket or an lmplemont ot somo kind. An old. dingy coin would not tompt tho sav age heart, but a shiny savor quarter is expected to bo irresistible HORSES DECREASE IN PARIS i Automobiles Have Sounded Knoll or Animals In French Capital Rabidly Disappear. Paris. Slnco 1890 tho progress ot automoblllsm has caused a decreaso of 15,708 In tho number ot horses In Paris. The census ot tho horses In the city taken In 1010 gave a total ot 76,463. In 1890 tho number was 01, 261. This diminution Is the more notice OSTRACIZE MAN WITH BEARD Social Engagements Are Broken by Wholesale and Open Warfare Pre vails at College. Meadvlllo, Pa. Allegheny collego is in a fluttor ot excttoment, the Bonlor class Is unable to hold Its social func tions and tender looks aro no longer exchanged by tho dignified mon of tho upper class and tho fair co-eds, all be cause ot an ultimatum dollverod by tho young women to tho offoct that whiskers that havo udorned tho faces ot tho students must bo dono away with. A boycott has been declared on all students who will not mako ef forts to look like Apollou or appoar with faces as clean aB that ot Cupid. "No students with beardB need ap ply at tho hall or ask for any favors," is tho slogan ot tho young women, and tho weapon deals an especially severo blow at tho other raombors of tho so nlor clasB." Names have been strick en from invitation lists, Thq girls simply do not llko tho scenery1 worn on tho mon'B faces, and Bay that It It la not changed thoy will havo nothing to do with the wearers. Mattors first llvonod up at chapol exercises when not a sontor miss was In hor placo and tho vacancy In this envied part ot tho chapel was painful. It could not bo explained until chapol was over. Then tho blow fell. Thoro on the outsldo, whore all could sco and read, stood tho senior co-eds. Thirty or moro each carried an umbrella and from them dangled cards which read: "Our beaux aro cllppod." Tho bowhlskorod sontors understood With many thoro was an inward bat tlo, for It moant social sulcldo or a sacrifice ot whiskers. Tho young wom en marchod triumphantly back to tholr hall whllo tho seniors wont to frat houses to talk tho matter over, A war council was held and tho seniors de cided that the whiskers should remain and tho girls well, thoy could boy cott to tholr heart's content, In the meantime social engagements able In the woalthler districts. In tho Eighth nrondlssomont districts. In the has fallon from 4,125 to 2,054. During tho samo period the Seventeenth lost 1,870, tho Sixteenth 772 and the Sev enth 487. In the First the number dropped from 29,666 to 11,838. Thero are six arondlssements In which tho number of horses has sllghti ly increased, Including tho Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Nineteenth. In thoso arondlssements are situated tho great public works contractors, who uso as many horses as ovor. In tho Ninth tho numbor of horses has risen from 1,552 to 10,306; but this remarkable incroaso is due to tho fact that tho horses of ono ot tho largost cab companies aro count ed In this arondlBsoment, which Was not tho enso in 1899. GIRLS BALK ON MAKING HASH Atlantto City Domestic Science Class Fear Edict of Young Men May 8care 8ultora. Atlantic City, N. J. Tho girl mem bers of the domestic sclenco class, ot tho Atlanttc City high school are pouting over tho announcement that they will bo forced, among other things, to learn how to make hash. Tho girls fear that public announce ment ot their proflcioncy In bash-making may scaro off possible suitors among young mon who aro forced to Indulge In tho boarding houso staple too often during their bachelorhood. Tho scaro started whon tho host young man ot ono ot tho girls in' formed her that ho and his fellow boarders had formed an anti-hash so ciety with tho following motto: Remember this motto whon ponding your cash To one day of turkey there's elz daya ot hash. Instructors of the new, class declaro they will compel tho young womon to learn the mystorles ot hash despite the protost. aro bolng brokon, tho moon is not hall so attractive as it was bofore and tho outcomo of tho affair is a matter of speculation. One co-ed said that It la Just pos Blblo that tho girls will not graduato from tho samo platform as the young men next Juno if tho horrid beards remain that long, but It Is not believed that the troublo will roach that point. In tho mcantlmo tho dice club is re hearsing tho song, "Still His Whiskers Grew." TABASCO SAUCE GIVEN BEAR Utah Hunter 8tops Progress of Pur suing Druln WltH Hot Contents of Little Bottle Ogden. Utah. Whllo Alfred Druor ton and his camping party wero pro paring supper on tho ridge abovo Cache valley a grlzuly boar nosed Its way toward tho camp, attracted by tho savory odor ot tho food under preparation. None ot tho huntors could got to his rltlo in tlmo and thoro was a general scattering. Druer ton roached a tree an eyelash ahead ot the bear, and grasping tho lower limbs swung hlriself from ono branch to another until ho had reached tho top. Bruin continued to climb up tho troo when Druorton, remembering that in his hasto ho had brought with him at bottlo ot tho flory tabasco sauco which he was attempting to open at tho tlmo tho boar mado his appear ance, broko tho neck ot the bottlo and poured tho contents into tho eyes and mouth of tho bruto. With a howl of rage tho animal de scended tho tree and groped blindly around tho camp, whero ho became an easy mark for tho rifles of tho huntors, who had noticed his prodlca mont. Mr. Bruorton has the hand somo Bkln of tho grlzxy bear to back up tho Btory. Sticky Sweating Palms after taking salts or cathartio waters did you ever notice thai woary all gone feellngWthe pala of your hands sweat and rotten taste In your mouth Cathartics only move bysweatlngyourbowola Do a lot of hurt Try a CASOA RET and see how much easier the Job Is done how much better jou feel. m CASCARBTS joc rt be for week' trmtmrat. nil drtmeUu, Mfweet Mller in tho world. MUUea bexe a Month. ALL GAY First Tramp The doctor 'as order ed me a bath. Second Tramp You do look pleas ed about it. First Tramp 'E's ordered me a mud bath. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS A speedy and economical treatment for disfiguring- plAples is tho follow ing: Gently nraoar' tho faco with Cutl cura Ointment, but do not rub. Wash off tho ointment in five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water and bathe freely for some minutes. Re peat morning and evening. At othor times use hot wator and Cutlcura Soap for bathing the face as often as agreeable. Cutlcura soap and oint ment nro equally successful tor itch ing, burning, scaly and crusted hu mors of tho skin and scalp, with loss of hair, from Infancy to ago, usually affording Instant relief, when all else falls. Send to Pottor Drug & Chem. Corp., Boston, Mass., for tho latest Cutlcura book on tho caro and treat ment of tho skin and scalp. A Fairly Wet World. Tho Pacific ocean covors 68,000,000 miles, tho Atlantic 30,000,000 and tho Indian, Arctic and Antarctlo 42,000,000. To stow away tho contents ot tho Pa cific it would bo necessary to fill a tank ono mtlo long, ono mllo wldo and ono mile 'deep ovory day for 440 years. Put in figures, tho Pacific holds In weight 940,000,000,000.000.000,000 tons. Tho Atlantic aVcrngos a depth ot not qulto three mllos. Its water wolghs 325.000.000,000,000,000,000 tons, and a tank to contain it would havo each of its sides 430 miles long. Tho figures of tho other oceans aro In the samo startling proportions. It would take all tho sea water in tho world 2,000,000 years to flow over Niagara. A Dry Wash. Representative Livingston of Geor gia, who, disgusted at tho bath-tub de bato In tho house recently, proposed that a little money might bo made by rontlng tho bath tubs out, oald recont ly, apropos ot this subject: "Wo aro now a good deal llko Bill Bprlggtns on a zoro morning. "Bill's valet enterod his bodroom ono January morning and said with a Bhlver: "'Will you tako your bath hot or cold, sir?' '"Thank you, said Bill; T'U tako it for granted." Commercial Anxiety. "A clockmakor must be the most uneasy ot manufacturers." "Why so?" "Because thoro is always tho pros pect ot a strlko in his works." IT'8 FOOD That Restores and Makes Health Possible. Thoro are stomach specialists as well as eyo and ear and other special ists. Ono of theso told a young lady, of Now Brunswick, N. J., to quit medi cines nnd eat Grape-Nuts. Sho says: "For about 12 months I suffered se verely with gastritis. I was unablo to retain much of anything on my stomach, and consequently was com pelled to glvo up my occupation. "I took quantities of medlclno, and had an Idea I was dieting, but I con tinued to suffer, and coon lost 15 pounds in weight. I was dopressed In spirits and lost Interest In every thing generally. My mind was bo af fected that it was impossible to be come Interested in oven tho lightest reading mattor. "After suffering for months I de cided to go to a stomach specialist Ho put mo on Grape-Nuts nnd my health began to Improve immediately. It was tho koynoto of a new llfo. "I found that I had boon eating too much starchy food which I did not di gest, and that tho cereals which 1 had tried had boon too hoavy. I soon proved that it la not tho quantity of food that ono oats, but tho quality. "In a few weeks I was able to go back to my old business of doing cler ical work.. I havo continued to oat Grapo-Nuts for both tho morning and evening meal. I wako In the morning with a clear mind and fool rested. I regained my lost weight in a short time. I am well and happy again nnd owo It to Grapo-Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Road "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," la pkgs. "Thoro's a Reason." r""1 i,,e Bbove IctterT A new one appears from time to time. They ' ""d ,uU ot