The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1911, Image 1

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    teHietorici society
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NO 18
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The two banks of Brady have on de
posit $150,000. That,s a good showing
for a town of 350 pcoplo,
Farmers living south of Maxwell
have formed & horse company, and
have Invested in a Perchcron stallion.
Keith Neville, Editor Kelly and Henry
Rebhauson spent the latter part of last
week duck hunting in the neighborhood
of Lisco.
Representative Busheo introduced
fourteen bills in tho house, several of
which arc of much importance to the
state at large.
Carl Bonner has been engaged to
make out the 1011 tax list in the cbunty
clerk's office, a work that will require
several months.
Tho tbirteen-year-old daughter of H.
J. Godfrey, of the Third ward, died
Saturday morning. This was the second
death in the family within two weeks.
Ghaa. Hendy will have a sale of per
sonal property on his ranch near Max
well on March 22od and immediately
thereafter the family will move to
this city.
While enroute to Virginia with her
mother, Mrs. Georgo Parsons, of Brady,
had hr hand satchel containing the
two tickets and $44, stolen before reach
ing Omaha.
For Sale Alfalfa hay. Phono Fremont
Watts, E 504.
Mrs, Beyerlo, who makes hor home
with her daughter Harriot, fell Friday
morning and sustained a very severe
injury to her hip. She is in a helpless
condition and .is xared for by a profess
ional nurse.
"Billy" Dolan, of Maxwell, well
known in North Platte, has just com
pleted a ten day fast, during, which
water was his diet. He tried the fast
ns a cure for stomacli trouble.
In the Lyle estato suit, brought to
establish the identity of supposed heirs
in Scotland, the jury did not consider
the ovfdelfcellfnclenirtb1 award,'th,e
property of the estate to the parties in
Scotland.' The case will probably be
appealed to the supreme court.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGraw were
tendered a farewell surprise party Fri
day evening by a number of their
friend?. Mr. and Mrs. McGraw will
soon leave for Denver, to which place
Mr. McGraw has been transferred as
round-house foreman.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond spent
Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs: W. A.-Tanner
at Lexington.
Mrs. H. S. White entertained a few
fdcn'du at nn English tea Saturday
afternoon in favorof Mrs. E. 11. Georgo,
who is a visitor in town,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simants re
turned Saturday night from their ex
tended visit with Mr. Simants' sister
in Montreal. They enjoyed their visit
very'much, the time being pleasantly
Colonel Getchell, superintendent of
Colonel Cody's mines, arrived from the
west yestorday and spent the day la
conference with the Colonel. He is in
route to New York. The Colonel is an
experienced minlnr expert, and for
twenty-five years was associated with
su:h mino owners as Fair and Flood,
owners of tho celebrated Comstock
Last Saturday a Lincoln man mado
a bet with a North Platte man that the
Burlington would build its Platte valley
line this year. The wager was a Stet
Bon hat. Whether the Lincoln man
has "inside facts" is not known, but
he probably thinks he has such infor
mation. The Tribune doss not placet
much reliance in these reports that
spring up every week or so. When
the contract islet and the grading be
gins, we will then feel satisfied.
The people of Callaway do not evi
dently look with much favor on Pro
motor Durrani and his proposed rail
road to Try on. The last Issuo of tho
Callaway Queen contained an article of
which the following paragraph is apart:
We are in favor of a local company to
develop the resources of the country,
instead of foreign promoters, who take
tho cream of the development and leave
us to make the best of what is left.
The local company will remain with us,
as all their investments are kerc, and
re-Invest their profits in further devel
opment enterprises of a local nature,
and are therefore entitled to the sup
port and encouragement of all loyal
citizens, whether farmers or townsmen.
Christian ScieceL"ecturer '
A lecture on Christian Science will
be given nt the Keith theatre Friday
evening, March 24th, at 8:30 by F. H.
Leonard, C. S, B., of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
member of tha Christian Science board
of lectureship of the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. The
lecture will be under tho auspices of
the Christian Science Society of this
city Admission will be free and no
collection will bo taken.
Shop and Road News, ll
Work on the aew yank began 'yes
terday, a force ef one hundred being
employed at present. The steam shovel
is being set up at O'Fallons today,
whero Band for filling in'tho yard will
be obtained.
A bulletin issued by the interstate
commerce commission shews that the
total net roveuue'of steam roads in the
United States for November, 1D10,
amounted to $81,009,304.06, as compared
with $94,545,057.65 for the same month
in 1909. "
Supervising Engineer F. C. Stlmeori,
who lias had offices in this city for
nearly a year, went to Bridgeport last
week and engaged a suite a rooms in
which to open an office during the con
struction of the extension of the North
river line from Northpert to Coring.
Construction Engineer Thayer said
yesterday that all the talk about the con
tract biing left for tho construction off
the Union Pacific branch from Northport
west omonatos from the newspapers.
He denies that the contract has been
awarded, and does not seem to think it
will be In the near futura. 1 . ' j
Work has begun on the erection of 'a
bouse on Fourth sreet opposite the
Cody residence. There a couple of
blocks of vacant land in that section-
that will soon be occupied by houses'.
Distance from the center of the townl
does not cut the figure with projpectivo.
homo builders that it did a few years
The first of the ten big Pacific typo
of engines, recently bought by thd
Union Pacific, has been put into sew
vico between Grand Island and Omaha.'
Tho first run of the engine was made:
on No. 23, the Grand Island local which
arrives here at 2:20 p. m. One of thof
points of the ne v style is that the
water tank will carry 9,000 gallons of
wnter instead of 7,000 the limit of the'
larger engines. This enables the engine
to run directly through from Omaha to
this city without stopping kto takeiWafor.-jl
as naa hitherto oeen the custom at
some point along the line, generally
Fremont or Columbus.
John W. SIcklssmlth, Greensboro,
Pa., has throe children, and like most
children they frequently tako cold. "We
have tried several kinds of cough med
icine," he says, "buf have never found
any yet that did them as much good as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." For
sale by all dealers.
Hereford Cattle and Duroc
' Jersey Bred Sows ,
Lexington, Neb. 9 March 14-15.
44 Herefords March 15th. March 14th 40 Sows.
Our sixth annual sale of Herefords consists of 44 head, of which 18 are bulls,
ranging from 9 to 26 months old) and weighing from 900 to 1350 pounds. The
heifers and young cows range in age from 19 tp 30 months, with all their lives of
usefulness before them. The Herefords are the best we have ever offered and that is
sayijng a whole lot. Every one a choice pne. UNDERSTAND, there is not a
Hereford in the offering but that a breeder, farmer or ranchman can show with pride
and a valuable addition to ANY HERD. These cattle are sired by as well bred
breeding bulls as there is in the United States. Four of the bulls are sired by Red
Knight 213363 by Young March On 144768; two by Beau Delaware 259127 by Beau
President 171349; one by Whitfield 230725 by March On 41st 140982; eight by Var
sity Donald 153499 grandson of old Beau Donald and three by His Lordship 225152,
line bred Garfield bull. Of the heifers, 4 are by Red Knight. 4 by Beau Delaware,
2 by Rupert, 2 by Whitfield, 11 by Varsity Donald, 2 by His Lordship and 1 by
Princeps 8th. We wish to emphasize the fact that these females are very select and
in splendid breeding condition. Not fat, but fieshy enough to appreciate quality.
All safe in calf to Preston 295505, an intensely bred Anxiety 4th bull, with a strain
of Garfield blood, '
The sows represent as good breeding as money can buy, such as Improver
II, Kant Be Beat, Ohio Chief, Echo Top King, and are all well along in pig to a son
of old Red Knight, Proud Ceres, and Echo Top King. They consist of 14 tried
sows and 26 spring gilts. All are of exqellent type, big, roomy, extra heavy bone,
splendid backs, feet and ends. '
SALE HELD AT U. P. LIVERY BARN. Parties from n distance entertained free afeCornlnntl
Hotel. Remember, if we have misrepresented this offering in any way, your entire expenses paid.
Send for catalogue.
f 8
' 111
Ladies Suit Style
NUMHKlt 2 0 2 4 Mode
from fine grey mixed Suit
ing. Price - 525.00
New Spring
Spring will soon be here
and our stocks are filling up
with everything that is best
and most stylish in all these
lines. We have larger and
more complete stocks than us
ual and expect to merit more
business than ever before.
Remember it takes time to make
proper alterations so do. not put off
your purchases to the last moment.
The way to get the most for your
money is to buy early and get full
benifit out of your seasons purchases
while they are in style.
Ladies Coat Style
Number 2 38 0. Made
from fine good quality, Tan.
Colored diagonal striped
Cloaking;. Price $12.00
Judge Elder Posses Away
Judge William C. Eldor, ono of
Lincoln county's most widely known
and moit highly respected citizens,
passed to the beyond at 3:15 yesterday
rooming at hia home on west Seventh
street in this city. The dissolution of
soul and body came not unexpected. For
several weeks hia condition had been
such as to precludo any hopo of reeov-
ery, and neart tauueneu relatives ana
friends became to a great extent recon
ciled to the great loss that muat come
to them.
The death of Judge Elder is a distinct
Ions to North Platte and Lincoln county,
for no man in the county stood nearer
to ho many of our people; no ono more
highly respected; no one to whom
would bo oxtended the helping hand
wore that help needed. That this condi
tion was true, is the best evidenced by
Judge Elder's long nnd successful polit
ical career. For twenty-two years the
people of Lincoln county retained him
In elective officer first as clerk of tha
district court and later as county judge.
Though at times the opposition was
strong, the majority of the voters re
posed In him that confldenco which war
ranted their elective suffrage.
To a certain extent Judge Elder was
at uncut diamond; benoath the oft-times
bruiqueneBS of manner wns a heart as
soft ns a child's, that warmed far tho
unfortunate, and yot did not thwart
justice when he was called upon to ad
minister it so frequently. To many he
wan a counselor in time of trouble, and
to friend and stranfr he was accom
modating almost to a fault, giving his
time when it caused no little Inconven
ience. tJudge Eldor wss intensely pat
riotic, his lovo of country was ever
strong, and for a number of years ho
had been patriotic instructor in tho
public schools, an honorable appoint
ment made by th Grand Commander
of the Grand Army of the Republic, an
organization of which he was a stead
fast and earnest member.
In the positions in which Judgo
Eldor was place) ho never betrayed
his trust; he was faithful, honest,
sincere; one in whom . the people had
the utmost common'1,
Personally this writer feels that in
denth of Judge Elder he has lost n
friend that cannot be replaced. , For
nearly thirty years he hud mot the
Judge daily In the tran""Mon of busl
ncsa, in political matteru or friondly
calls. In this daily contact the strength
of the Judge's character and his in tog
rity was learned; and for this he was
greatly admired.
W. C. Elder was "rn in Indiana
County, Pa., in September, 1845, and
moved with hia fnthr to Green
County, las, in 1853. He served during
tho war in Company "C", 39th Iowa
lie mude his first trip to Nebraska in
1880, coming to lied Willow county,
whero he took n timber claim and later
moved to that county with his family.
In 1881 he ciuno to Lincoln county and
lived the first year on a place owned by
I. B. Dostwjck, also of this county,
about two miles east of whore Well
fleet Is now located, and In 1882 ho took
up a homestead about two miles west
of Wolllleot, where ho resided until
18S9 when he became clerk ef the dis
trict court of this county, which office
he held until January 1st, 190-1. In
November, 1904, he was elected county
judge, which office he held until the
present time.
He is survived by n wife, five children-
and six step-daughters and one'
step-Bon. The children are O. B.
Mrs. Guy Boyer and Coulter of this
city, Mrs, Roso Starkey, of Buffalo,
Wyo., and Mrs, Fannie Short, of
Milford. Utah. The first wife ef tha
deceased died In 1893, and five years
later he 1 was united in marriage to
Mrs. Clark.
Tho funeral was held from the Pres
byterian church this afternoon,
Newton N. Riddell to Speak
Four Evenings
Newton N. Riddell. of Chicago, the
popular Chautauqua lecturer and
author, who has for the last twenty
years been speaking from one to three
weeks in the principal cities of tho
country, has been secured by the Y.
M. C. A. of North Platte to give a
series of four lectures in this city, be
ginning Tuesday evening, March 7th, at
the Methodist church.
These lectures are spoken of in the
highest terms by the leading educators,
professional and business men of
neighboring cities.
Mr. Riddell is a specialist in Hered
ty, Psychology, Drain Duilding and
Soul Growth. For years the Ridelll lec
tures have attracted and held the at
tention of vast popular audiences. At
many Unautauqua assemblies wnere
programs were made up of the ablest
u America, these lectures became the
chief attractions, commanding the
largest gato receipts of the season.
Mr. Riddell will conduct a round
table with question box beirinnlnr at
7:45, the lectures at 8 o'clock,
The four subject discussed during
the series will be as follows;
Tuesday: "Brain Building and Soul
Growth." Important facta about mind
nnd brain cells. Suggestion explained
and applied, Scientific reformation.
Wednesday: "From Nature to Na
ture's God." The Cosmos, Man, spirit,
soul and body. Emotive chemistry. Tho
art of healing. Psychotherapy. Great
Thursduy: 'Tho Psychology of Sue
cess." Personality the secret of power.
joe ana Jill), ihe elements or success
nnd how to acqulro them. The measure
of success,
Friday: "Herodity and Prenatal Cul
ture." Scientific eugenics. The psychic
factor in heredity. Law of genius.
Abnormal man. Race suicide. Alcohol
and heredity.
Kills a Murderer,
A merciless murderer Is Appendicitis
with many victims, but Dr. Kings New
Life Pills kill it by prevention. They
gently stimulatu stomach, liver and
bowels, preventing that clogging that
invites appendlcitis,curlng Constipation,
Headache, Biliousness Chills, 25c at
Sdhe Drug Co .
Personal Paragraphs.
Dr. Sadler, of'Hershey, was a buil
ness visitor In town yesterday. I
Waa. Plumer, of Maxwell, transacted
business In town yesterday.
Bernard Beer, of Denver." visited
frlonds and transacted business in town1
A. P. White spent several days la
Denver last week, returning horce.Fri
day evening.
George Huntington came down from
his ranch Saturday to visit his parents
for a couple of days.
Ed Burke left yesterday for Lead, S.
D., after having visited relatives in
town for a couple ef weeks,
Alex Meston went to Lincoln vei ter
day to attend the sessions ef the state
sundry man'c association.
Colonel W. F. Cody arriveJ frem the
west Friday night and remained unti
today, when he left for New York.
Miss Gertrude Baker, teacher is the
Gothenburg schools, spent Saturday aad
Sunday with her parents in town.
Dist. Supt. Wilson, of Grand Island.
s in town looking after matters per
taining to the Bell telephone company.
Mrs. Vernon and Miss Edith Veraon,
of Boone, Iowa, have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fowler for s
Geo. A. Walker, is visiting friends
and transacting business in town this
week, having arrived from Denver
The lot recontly purchased for the
Carnegie library has been cleared of the
barn that occupied it and the sit io
ready to be occupied.
Ur. and Mrs. E. A. Creiby.s of
Sutherland, were in town Saturday,
having just returned from a three
months stay in Southern California.
Frederick Harrison Garlow was bap
tized and christened at the Episcopal
church Sunday afternoon, Colonel
Cody standing ns one of the sponsors.
Lower Prices
On Flour
We don't know where you
buy your flour or what you
pay for it. But we do know
we sell the best flour in North
Union per sack $1.40, Tulip
per sack $1,35, North Platte
4 X per sack $1.35, Gold
Crown per sack $1.30.
Union and Tulip are our
best brands .milled for us from
the very best selected wheat
and we fully guarantee them
in every way.
Wilcox Department Store.