The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 21, 1911, Image 5

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Graduate Northwestern TJnivoraitv.
Office over McDonald State Bank
Wiley Crane, who had been in Omaha
for several weeks, has, returned to
Special -sale of three-coated Onyx
enamel ware at the Tramp grocery
. 'next Saturday.
" Tomorrow being a legal "holiday 'the
, postoflke will observe the usual Sunday
noura ior remaining open.
Leave your order at tho Drebert
Clothing Co. for your dress suit for the
Elks' dedication.
Claude Delaney, of Northport, is in
town today enrouto to Omaha, whero
he goes to consult a physician.
Tho ladies of tho Baptist aid society
will meet with Mrs. J. Perkins on
west Fourth street Fridny afternoon.
Milledge Bulitfrtl left this morning
for Tampa, Fla., where he wllljmako an
extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
crick Warren.
Mrs. G. II. Zentmeyer and Miia
Edith Patterson leave Thursdnyjdght
for Lincoln to attend tho annual ban
quet of tho soriority of which they aro
6000 yards Torchon Laces, worth up
to. 15 cents per yard, your choico 4 cents
per yard. Look for the big sign, j
Tim LKAftER.
Mrs. Will Moloney went east last
week to select of stock of millinery
which she will open on tho second floor
of the McKay dry goods store.
In entertaining the Altar society
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Frazier will
be assisted by Mesdamcs James Roddy,
John Tighe, Wm. Stack and Moore
Lost Friday some place between de
pot and Central school building, brown
rug muff with stripes and four heads.
Finder return to this-ofllco and receive
Buy your enamel waro at tho Tramp
grocery next Saturday. Special sale
at special prices.
The temperature this morning
dropped down to two below zero; just
cold enough to make the blood tingle,
but too cold for bananas that were un
covered. The Leader has just received tho
popular brand of the American Lady
and American Gentleman Shoes. An
experienced shotr man is. ready, to wait
on you and givo you perfect fit.
The purchase of tho Goodman resi
dence by Mr. Gilbert, tho Sixth street
barber, looks suspicious, to say the
least. That proposed ordinance taxing
bachelors is not likely to affect him.
Conductor C. R. Bretemitz returned
last night from the east' after an ab
uenco of six weeks. He was called to
New York city na a witness, in n
damage suit against the Union Pacific
Co. "Remaining there nearly a month,
he then visited frjends in cities while
enroute home. Ho reports a very
pleasant stay in tho east. i .
In witnessing "Madame Sherry" at
the Keith last night North Plattb thsa-tre-Roors
saw tho most' finished
production over witnessed on tho local
stage. The singing vb by cultivated
voices, the comedy parts were clean
cut and without "horse play," the cos
tumes and scenery were fine and the
dancing was the poetry of motion- In
fact everything in "Madame Sherry"
commends itself and there is nothing
disappointing. The attendance was
very large and the recalls indicated
that tho people were pleased through
out the entiro play.
For Sale.
Five mults, coming four year old,
weight from 950 to 1100; ten horses,
mostly coming 4-year-old, weight from
1100 toU500; all broke.
Experimental Sub-Station,
W. P. Snyder, Supt.
If you cdn pay cash for
your goods, then we can in
terest you, Especially if you
are an economical buyer, and
are posted. Under the old
plan of carelessly buying on
credit, it . is so easy to buy
everything one sees and have
it charged, that the conse
quence is a big grocery bill
and it gets to be a habit. You
get accustomed to it, and you
don't realize what a nice sum
you can save by buying just
what you need and paying
cash for it. Try us and see
what quality has to do with
the price.
Wilcox Department Store.
15c MeHH lbc
Scalloped Corn Meat Loaf
Pickles 1
15c Washington Pio v 15c
To be served at the Washington
social in tho Presbyterian church
! parlor, Thursdy, February 23, from 3
to 7 o clock.
New Plumbing Firm.
W. F. Green and R. F. Stuart havo
formed a partnership under the name
of tho" PJatto Plumbing and Heating
Co. and opened a shop in the Goozeo
building, occupying the same room with
Simons Bros. Mr. Green has been with
Ginn, White & Schatz, and is regarded
as a good workman. Mr. Stuart comes
from Omaha and has had many yeajre
experience and as a plumber and steam
Ask Bids for Grading.
Elsewhere in these columns will bo
found a notice to contractors asking for
bids for grading on the proposed Ne
braska Central & Western Ry., which
will run from Arnold west to Tryon.
In a letter to this office S. Durant, the
man who will build tho road, says the
movement for tho road is well undor
way and as evldonco of good faith have
deposited $12,000 in the banks in Arnold
and Gandy for immediate use in getting
the preliminary work started.
Try Queen Lump
the boat Soft Coal mined. Birgo has
Yard Work to Begin March 1st.
While in townlyestcrday Supt. Mc
Keown, of. the Wyoming division, in
formed this writer that if tho weather
permits, work on the new yards in
tho west part of the city will begin
March 1st. Six and one-half miles of
track will be laid and as this necessi
tates much filling to bring the tracks
up to the .required grade, the sand will
be brought down from O'Fallon, where
a steam shovel will be stationed. Mr.
McKeown stated that two work trains
will be put in service.
For Sale.
On Saturday, February 25th., 1911, at
Tift's Barn on East Gth streot, one
block east of the First National. Bank,
North Platte Nebr., at pne o'clock p.
m., Forty (40) head of horses, consist
ing of 8 colts coming ono year old, 10
yearlings, 5 two year olds, 2 three year
olds, of good Percheron stock. Also 17
mares and 3 gieldings, four years old
and upwards. Some of my mares aro
with foal by my registered Porchqron
Stallion. Also abtut 50 head of thrifty'
shoats, 30 to 50 lbs. weight.
Terms of Sale. 8 months will bo given
on approved notes, bearing 8 per cent
interest. Five per cent discount for
Colonel Tom Watts, Auctioneer.
E. S. Davis, Clerk. . ,
Report of Board of Inquiry.
We, the undersigned, n Board of
Inquiry, assembled at North Platte,
February 20th, for the purpose of in
vestigating the cbuso of an accident
occuring at cast end of North Platto
yard, night of February 17th, whero
No 15, a westbound train, collided with
light engine No 17, which had been
cut off train No. 12, an oastbound train,
and waB being taken to the ' round
Wo find that Engineer J. T. Stuart
of Eng. No. 17, in attempting to cross
from eastbound to westbound track
placed his engine on crossover so as to
foul westbound track on the time of
train No. 15 without properly protect
ing against No. 15 which was due.
Damage to both engines very slight;
no passengers or employes injured. "
Encine Herder. William Ryan, who
was throwing switches to let Engino
No. 17 from train to roundhouso is also
at fault for not assisting in . properly
protecting the movement against an
opposing train.
W. C. McKeown, Superintendent;
II. J. Roth, Assistant Superintendent;
Wm. Niland, Assistant Superintendent;
A. J. Wharf, Assistant Superintendent;
E. R. Goodman, Real Estate Agent.
Wanted to Rent A six or seven
room house with bath. Close in. Phono
Mrs. Henry Waltemath and Mrs.
Garlisch will entertain the J. T. Club
Friday evening at the home of tht
Tho 1911 new styles in Ladies Tailored
Suits are shown at the Leader. -
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on
to tho effected parts is superior to any
plaster. Whan troubled with lame back
or pains in the side or chest give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Sold by all dealers.
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed bids will be received bv the
trustees of the First Baptist church of
North Platte, Neb., till noon February
27th, for the sale of the parsonage just
west of tho postomce.
The trustees reserve tho richt to re
ject any or nil bids. All bidB to be re
ceived uy tno unaersigneu.
II. R. McMiciiael,
Sec, of Trustees.
For Sale Hard coal burner, self
feeder S25.00. child's bed with new
springs $5,00, Inquire at Weather
Z Graduate Dentist.
I Office over tho McDonald !
- Stato Bank. 5
Bids on 090,000, cubic yards of earth
work out of Broken Bow west to Arnold,
Gandy and Tryon on the new proposed
railroad. Grading to actually begin in
next ninety days. Call and see or write
stating where youroutfits are atprent
and ajzo, to
Nebraska Central & Western Ry.,
Broken Bow or Arnold Neb.
Anything in tho line of winter goods
will be closed out regardless of cost.
Tub Leader.
Presbyterian Social.
On February twenty-third, ninoteen
eleven, .
A Washington Social will be given
Between the hours of three and seven,
It will cos in cents a fifteen even,
At the Presbyterian churchy And on
this date
One and all we here invite. Pray don't
be late
A good lunch, too, will be hand,
Served to you by our faithful band.
The papers will publish the "Blll-of-
In English language written there.
Be sure to come; don't be afraid.
Your presence will-"THE LADIES
Red Seal book-fold French Ginghams
3G-inrhcs wide, the best to stand wear
and wash in the country. The Leader
is the only house that has the agency
for this gingham. Price 12J cents per
A Red Letter Day.
Tho W. C. T. U. havo been holding
very interesting meetings th last few
months, and at every meeting, which is
largely attended, new members are
takdn in and old ones are paying duos
wlthrenewcdintorest in the cause. Tues
day forty members and friends met at
the home of Mrs. KelUy and held a
memorial service in memory of Miss
Willard. Mesdamcs Van Cleave, Morris
and Stebblns read and told of her groat
work. Wo were sorry that only one of
our ministers was present but he helped
and cheered us as he always does, when
he comes. Mrs. Banks told of our red
letter days and why we observe them.
Sovernl ladies joined the Union, paid
dues and wilKbft a great help to us in
the work so needed to be done fn our
pretty little city. Every one present en
joyed the program and sociability and
left determine to do more .work than
ever for the temperance cause and the
purity and honor of our boys and girls.
We cordially invito every body to come
to our meetings. Secy.
He Obeyed Orders.
General Dabucy II. Maury In bit
"Incidents of General T. J. Jackson"
says that when tha war between tho
states broke out Jackson was tho pro
fessor of mathematics at tho Military
College of tho South. Ho wished
strongly to take command of n cadet
corps, but the heads of tho lnstltu
tlon wero desirous to havo him con
tlnuo his teaching. Governor Wise
called out tho stnto troops and ordered
that n corps of endets bo held ready
for lmmcdlato service Jackson, then
mnjor, reported at onco at the guard
room as ready for duty. General
Smith said:
"Major Jackson, you will remain n
yon aro until further orders."
Jackson nt that moment was sitting
on n camp stool In tho guardroom with
his saber across his knees. At reveille
the noxt morrilng ho was found In the
aamo position.
"Why, mnjor, why aro you lioro?" ex
claimed General Smith.
"Because hist night you ordered mo
to remain whero I was," was tho reply.
Royal Jewelo In Pawn.
Tho ex-Sultan Abdul Aziz pawned nil
his crown Jewels for a million francs
at tho Mont do Ploto at I'nrls, and
they wero only Just redeemed by tho
Moorish government In thno to pro
vent their being sold among other un
redeemed goods.
Thq sword of state, which Is regard
ed in Servhi as a sacred relic, was also
pawned by n former king, while ono
well kuown European monarch found
himself In such straitened circum
stances that tho famous houso of At
tonborough onco temporarily had pos
session of nil his old silver.
Queen Isabella was, however, tho
most famous royalty who mado no
socrct of tho fact that she raised mon
ey upon tho security of tho portraits
of her ancestorfl, which hung on tho
walls nt tho palnco Catlle, her Pari
sian home. The roynl lady often de
clared how dcoply she wns Indebted to
her royal forbears for coming to her
rescue and helping her out of her finan
cial predicaments. London M. A. P.
Falls Victim To Thieves.
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., has
a justifiable grievance. Two thieves'
stole his health for twelve years. They !
wero a liver and kidney trouble. Then 1
Dr. ICing's New Life Pills throttled
them. He's well now. Unrivaled for
Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dys
pepsia. 25 cents at Stone Drue Co.
A LaVUIVVVUAA. jnsv wV- wtv. urv m. - tjv v . .. -.m. j.
will save labor and make
work she finds most kitchens but little improved ov6r the
!Pb is
Origin of Plum Duff. v
This, l, the origin of plum duff, ac
cording to tho captain of an Atlantic
"One Christmas day. hundreds of
years ago nt sen, a ship In n storm
was swept by a comber that carried
off her cook, her crnto of chickens,
her turkeys In n word, tho wholo raw
material of her Christmas dinner.
''But tho sailors wore determined to
havo at jeast somo wort of Christmas
pudding. They know nothing about
cooking, and they drew lots for their
now cook. Tho lot fell to tho bont
swaln's mnto.
"This chap fished Up ,n cookbook
from the bottom of IiIk sea chest. lie
ran over tho pudding recipes and choso
ono that began:
" 'Mnko n stiff dough.'
"Ho mado a pudding nfter this roc
Vpc. It wns stuffed with Malaga rai
sins nnd covered with n rich sauce.
Tho men wero delighted.
"'Put a nnrao to It.' thoy said. 'Put
a nnmo to ,lt.'
"And the tioatawuln'H in ate. know
ing' that 'r-o-u-g-h' was pronounced
'rough' and thinking d-o-u-g-h' fol
lowed the same rule, answered read
ily: "'It's called duff, mntcs.'"
Settled the Sacristan.. .
- A matter of fact sac'rlstnn'of the Cn
thcdral of jiorlln onco wrdto tho king
of Prussia this brief note:
Blre I acquaint your majesty, first,. that
there aro wanting books of psalms for tho
royal family. I acquaint your majesty,
second, that thoro wants wood to warm
tha royal Boats. I acquaint your majosty,
third, that tho balustrndo next tho rlvor,
behind tho church, Is become ruinous.
Sacrist of tho Cathedral.
Tho reply of tho king wns not thnt of
a "gracious majesty." Its stiff formal
ity In Imitating tho stylo of tho sacris
tan probably wns not taken by tho re
ceiver as complimentary to him:
I acquaint you, Hcrr Sacrist Schmidt,
first, that -, thoso who want to sing may
buy books. Second, I acquaint Uorr Sa
crist Schmidt' that thoso who want to bo
warm must buy wood. Third. I acquaint
IJerr Sacrist" Schmidt that I shall not
trust any longer to tho balustrado next
tho river. And I acquaint Hcrr Sacrist
Schmidt, fourth, that I will not havo any
moro correspondence with htm.
Tho Shlllalah.
Tho shlllalah Is no raw limb of n.
troo. It Is almost us much a work of
urt as a well balanced cricket bat
Tho old Hhlllnlnhs wero ns carefully
looked nfter by their loving owners us
Is a, rifle in the wilds. Cut from tho
sturdiest of youug blnckthpfus and
showing us little taper ns'ini ebony
ruler. It was weighed with lead or iron
at tho end nc'itrcst tho grip so that its
center of gravity was nbout four-fifths
of tho way from tho hitting end.
When properly Keusoned by being
kept In tho neighborhood of the farm
oven for u few months It became n
thing of supple steel. And the proper
pronunciation of tho name of this fear
some weapon Is tho melodious ono of
"slilll-ally," .with tho ucccnt on the
"all." London Chronicle
'Her Queer Question.
The rector of n country parish In
England having sent blankets, sorcer
ies, coals and somo of tho good things
usual nt Christmas to an old parish
ioner a lady expatiated warmly to hi in
on tho reverend gentleman's kindness,
"Don't you think," sho asked tho old
villager, "thU It Is very good of tho
rector to look after you llko this and
send you nil thoso nlco things?"
"Good of him I" exclaimed the old
man In blank amazement. "Why,
what's ho for?" Pcnrson'H Weekly.
A Slap at Whistler.
A young Ban Franciscan, tho owner
of n largo and valuable collection of
autographs.-oiico wroto to James Mc
Neill Whistler, politely requesting his
signature. The lottcr was sent In euro
of the London Itoynl ncadomy, with
whlph the fatuous American painter
wns at outu. After four montliH tho
letter was returned to tho Han Fran
cisco address from tho dead letter of
flco In Washington. Covering tho en
velope wmh tho word, repeated num
hcrlesH timet. "Unknown."
You are probably awnre that nneu
monia always results from a cold, but
you never heard of a cold resulting
Couch Remedy was used. Why take the
risk when this remedy may be had for
a trine f for saio by an dealers.
her work more effective. If she
Women who have HoosierjjjKitchcn
inets in their kitchens have little difficulty
to get "help." If every woman owned a
Hoosier Cabinet the help problem would
be solved.
Howe & Maloney.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capita and Surplus $140,
C. P. SCEBERQER, Vice-President, ,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vlcc-Prcslucxt,
' F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
To California and the
Pacific Northwest
Low One-Way Colonist Fare
March 10 to April 10, 1911 ,
Standard Road of the West
Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining Cars
For further Information relative v to
fares, routes, etc., call on or address
F. E. BULLARD, Agent.
"Up to his old tricks." Crying moro oalcs and getting better
prices than ever before, Adviso with mo before claiming
your dates. My terms are in keeping with my work.
Wo do all kinds of cleaning, pressing,
dyeing and repairing for ladles' ana
gents. We call and deliver tho goods'
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
228 E. "h St. Phone 182.
when a trirl
wants' to earn
money she goes to
work in an office. She
finds every conve
nience nnrl r!fvJrr that
attempts to do house- V
kitchens of xoojyears ago.M -
Cab -
Humphreys' Votorluary Spoclilcs
forthecureofdlBeaaesof Horses,
Cattle, Shoop, Dogs, Poultry. y
A. A. For FEVEI18, Milk FoTer,LuBFerer.
H. B. For SPRAINS, LameaeM. Rhtumattanu
CO. I'orBOItK Throat, EpIioollo.DUtWMer
D.D. For WOHMB, noU.Grub.,
B. K. For COliaUS, Coldi, Influents.
F.-F, For COLIC, Ilellyache, DUrrbea.
II. II. Far KIDNEY an Uladler.diMrler.
I. 1. For BKI.N MBEABII8, Manae, Krapt!,
J.K.) trOAB CONDITION. IndUestleo.
Price, 60 Cents por bottle).
Vot. Curo OH, for Stable op ,
Field Ubo, $1.
At druggists, or sont prepaid
on receipt of price. .,
AfJOOPngo Book on tho treat
mont nnd enro of Domestic .
Animals and Stable Chart to ok.'
hang up, mailed free. -
rtlllun and Asa BUetU, Heir York.
.A '