The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1911, Image 6

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i Becauso a man has failed In cchlov
lng success, or becauso ha has gono
oven furthor nnd wilfully wrecked the
life that once promised so much, It
docs not follow that bo can novcr got
up again. Yet thoro aro racif every
whoro who bcllovo that certain in
cidents In tholr lives havo placed
thorn boyopd redemption and that It
la usclass to try and begin over again
Soractlmes"lhoy becotno impatient for
the success that scorns so far awny
and frequently glvo up JuBt beforo it
comos within their grasp. Repeated
failures scorn. only to convlnco them
Jluat they can never hope to accom
plish anything becauso of their former
mistakes, nnd yet tho nilraclo may bo
performed when least ozpectcd. It is
wlso to forgot tho past, whatever It
may have been, and to train ourselves
to llvo only in tho prcsont, Bays tho
CharloBton Nowb and Courier. Somo
,tlmcB,,thp jast projects Its shadows
across our path nnd for a tlmo wo feel
jhclploBB nnd think it but natural that
wo should movo in its gloom. It la
jposslblo, however, to lcavo Iho shad
ow behind and stop out into tho sun
sblno of tho cow and untried Ilfo
which spreads all about us. No man
can hopo to mako any headway in his
ibusinoss career who goes about with
iho remornbrutico of an unworthy past
(hanging llko a mlllstono about his
nock. Its wolght will bear him down
If ho undortakos to begin tho now Ufa
with, tho, memory ot tho old still cling
ing to him.
I A Russian ' Who .recently camo to
this, country and located in. Pittsburg
becamo very Irato because his vllto
"was disobedient and had becomo lm
,buod with American ideas." So ho
threatened to shoot tho woman, nnd
did tear hor clothes from hor and
urn them in tho stroot. Then tho
pollco took a hand, nnd tho ovorzenl
pus Russian wns fined $G0 and son
jteacod to 00 days in tho work
house When ho has paid up and gets
put bo la likely to havo a .lasting
ecognltlon of tho fact that ono
'American idea". Is that a husband
f annot treat his wlfo llko a slave. And
f he. objects he is at liberty to re
turn to tho laud where tho laws are
leas objectionable to him. '
Continental United States has a pop
Mlatlos. .ot'over LOOO,000. That does
pet , include outlying possessions,
Which have a number of millions
Wor. The figures put this country
foremost among nations having a
poraogenous and'unlted people. Thoro
are soveral countries whoro tho ag
gregate population is largor, Includ
ing China and India with tholr hun
dreds of millions. Out nowhera olso
Is thoro Buch solidarity and harmony
of genernl purposo as in tho United
States. Wo have out Jtttlo ditforonoes,
political and otherwlso; but taking In
tho fundamentals tho Americans are
fc protty harmonious family.
' Tho Now York pollco Jiavo. captured
a band of kidnapers. This ought to
afford a ftno chanco to makd so s'Ignal
an example of retribution that this
despicable form of crime will receive,
a staggering blow to its industry of
blackmailing distracted 'parentV.'
A dispatch from Berlin informs us
that the kaiser drinks with "frankly
boyish onjoymont," Wo aw glad to
hear, that he enjoys it Wo were
afraid that he might do it purely out
of patriotism.
New England wotnen arojiroteatlng
against the use of corkscrew curls by
stage people to portray their typo.
This is qultd right. Now England
women aro no longer in tho daguer
reotype period.
hf- , .
frCf rt mast
, w Y IVVU x V Q
hav'gofiB' up"ft cent in Omaha, watch
aad see whether your bufchor toes
set- hear , of. it much moro prompotly did of tho preceding docllne
of a much'largor amount.
Count deLcssops says he Isn't goi
lag to fly any more. "It's all right for
bachelors," e he said, "but whon
man Intends' to got married. well-
It takes a good deal of courage to do
Inventing excuses for staying out
lato at night will not quality any mar
rled man for membership in tho in
ventors' guild, no matter how well tho
missus receives his Inventions.
A class in a cooking school in Prov
Idence had oil Its members poisoned
with their own cooking. This was
retribution swift and suro, but It gave
a great losson to the community.
A St. Louis man made hla wife cut
his hair. Harboring, however, will
novor bo included in any domostlo
science course . i
Ono quail on toast 1b worth a wholo'
flock of Hying wild geese.
i rvt i n r
Divorce Record Held by Kansas City
t" AN9AB CITY. Mo. How tn ho hntv
py though married seems to bo a
question hard to solve in this city,
for recent statistics show ono dlvorco
for every four marriages. This is be
hoved tc bo tho highest record for
matrimonial detachments in tha Uni
ted States. Taking Missouri and Kansas
thoro Is ono dlvorco for every eight
marriages, and In tho United States
ono for ovory 12. England is nt tho
otnor end of tho lino, with ono dl-
orco for every 400 marriages,
Dr. Charles A. Klwood, nrofosBor of
sociology in tho Stnto University, hns
recontly compiled tho figures unon
Which tho dlvorco statements regard
ing Missouri mnrrlnges that fnllcd nro
Ho has found thnt 80 nor cent of
tho divorces nro obtnlncd by womon
and in nearly all cases tho allegations
mado by wives nro sufficient. Among
tho reasons advanced by Dr. Elwood
for tho lncrcaso of dlvorco is tho de
cay of religion, particularly In tho
religious theory of marrlngo nnd tho
family. Another probnblo reason ad-
One Man Booms Street Fakers' Sales
CHICAQO. "Capping" for stroot ra
kers has been founct a highly lu
crative If novel way of earning n liv
ing by nt least ono young Chicago'
an. It could hardly bo called work,
strolling nbout tho 'streets at such
tlmos as might suit tho stroller's own
sweet will, but If his story Is true, tho
returns nro groator than tho salaries
of many men who work long hours In
shops or offices,'
'It Is through my ability to draw a
crowd and get 'em Interested in tho
toys and glmcrncks you soo peddled
on the streets, tho capper said, that
I boom tho fakors' sales, I get a per
contngo. "Tho only rulo I follow,"
ho wont on, "nnd tho only rule n fel
low In this gnmo can follow consist
ently, Is to chango his make-up as fro-
quontly as possible I novor attempt
a dlugulso of tho stngo sort, with fako
whiskers, gronso pnlnt or anything
freaky. But I do wonr several suits,
coats and hats In tho course of tho
day nnd mnko It a rulo to dross in
conspicuously, so thnt I cannot easily
Criminals Threaten Police Official
NEW YOHK. William J. Flynn, dep.
uty pollco commissioner of this
city, and tho bond of tho dotcctivo
bureau which rounded up tho great
Italian kidnaping gang and ulao plac
ed about a dozen members of two or
throe largo counterfeiting gangs bo
hind prison bnrs, Is a "marked man."
Tho Italian criminals of tho metropolis
nave declared that ho must dlo, and
for the lust two or three weeks havo
boon working ovortlmo in advising
him of tho fact by sending thrcaton
lng lettors. Death In its most horrlblo
forniB has boon promlsod him; ho has
Been tho death sign, given htm scores
of times In court rooms, and on tho
Btroots, ypt ho goes calmly about his
business, nnd tho list of law-breaking
Italians In Sing Sing 1b constantly
Probably no man In tho United
States is moro bitterly hated by
"Black Hand" inomborB and Italian
Delivery of a Letter Long Delayed
YONKEItS. N. Y. Undo 3am sot a
uow record In rapid postal sorv
Ico whon ho dollvored at Yonkors tho
other day, n lottor sont from Geneva,
N. Y., on April 20, 1838,
Yonkors Is Just 335 mllos from Oo
nova. It took tho lottor sovonty-two
years to travel tho distance
Both tho Bender of tho lottor nnd
tho man to whom It was addressed
nro dead, tho latter forty years ago.
Mrs. Walter Paddock, of tho old Pad
dock family of Yonkors, received It.
Sho Is n grundnlcco of I), O, Paddock,
to whom tho lottor was addressod.
Ho wns In tho lumbor business. Mrs.
Paddock had nover seen him,
. . . . . . . i . .
vnnced Is tho development of Indivi
dualism, self-assertion and sclf-lntor
This spirit is said to bo antagonistic
to tho simple llfo. It Is tho spirit
foitorod by thoNew Woman, tho wo
man of tho clubs and tho suffrngetto
movement. A number of avocations
aro now open to womon in which a
bright girl can earn a salary making
hor independent. After a few years
of this llfo sho may marry well or
sho may marry a man who cannot pro
vldo tho llttlo luxuries of llfo sho was
ablo to provldo for herself beforo mar
riage That a woman should bo discontent
ed after giving up Independence and
n llfo full of diverting Incidents, tho
dnlly trip downtown, tho work in an
ofllco until noon, tho dnlly gossip ba
zar at luncheon nnd tho mingling with
a busy world, is not considered sur
prising. From this class many domes
tic discords como to swell tho big
grist for tho dlvorco mill.
Men In tho professions do not think
of mnrrlago until they nro at least 30
years old. They try to becomo estab
lished and to attain a dependable po
sition boforo marrying. This contrib
utes something to domestic discord,
for tho man of 30 or over has accumu
lated habits that aro not easily adapt
able to thoso of his wlfo, particularly
If oho In nenr Ills own ago.
bo detected by persons I havo Induced
to purchase by suggestion instead of
direct appeal, ns tho ordinary sales
man would do.
"Now, I don't got a divvy on all
sales. Tho way I work la this: I stroll
along until 1 find one of my partners
doing nothing in tho sales lino and
thou I get busy. He's soiling n me
chanical toy, we'll say. I stop, exam
ine it closely, ask for n demonstration
nnd comment on tho thing until I
havo six or eight peoplo around mo,
then 1 buy ono of tho toys and walk
awny. l'vo worked that crowd up to
tho proper pitch. One salo follows
another and as tho crowd Increases
tho fakor bonoflts accordingly,
"I never butt Into a crowd that Is
buying. That would bo useless, t wait
until things nro slow or stagnant,
and then I Jump In and a laugh or
a pointed comment does tho trick. I
don't sell directly; I merely ' suggest
nnd tho vendor rakes In tho'coln and
passes over his goods.
"My rako-off ? Oh, yes. I havo from
twenty to thirty fakers on my list,
nnd they como around to my room
every night and buy back what I havo
purchased from them during tho day,
at flvo tlmos tho regular prlco.
"I seldom visit a, man moro than
throd times n dny, nnd frequently not
moro than onco or twlco. It's worth
from $50 to $100 a week."
criminals generally than Flynn. Re
lentless In tho running down of these
bnndH of foreign crooks, ho has nrous
cd a. hatred for himself among them
that amounts almost to mndnoss. Yet
it is a hatred that Is so tomporod with
fear that, up to tho present time, his
llfo hns novor been nttompted, He
has been doomed to die, if tho crim
inal element among tho Italians ovor
find n wny to accomplish it, yet ho Is
still at hla old post. For years he
haB gotten threatening letters letters
with cross bones and skulls nnd black
hands and death marked all over
thom but as yot no criminal has had
tho courage to put hla threat Into exe
cution. 81nco tho roundup of tho big Ital
ian kidnaping band a few weeks ago,
Flynn hns been an especial targot for
thoso death lottora. Distant letters
and friends of the ten peoplo now In
Jail for child stealing, as woll as those
of that notorious and export gnng oi
counterfeiters recontly handed behind
tho bnrs, have been decorating lottera
with death hloroglyphlcs and sending
thorn to tho deputy commissioner.
"Thoy nro so funny," snys Flynn,
"thnt I llko to read thom. I don't
bellevo n word In them, bo thoy only
afford mo amusement."
Tho postman called nt hor homo
with a postofilco department envelope.
Within wub tho timo-yollowed Bheet of
paper. It was not an envelono. for It
was wrltton whon envelopes wore un
known. It was folded squaro nnd tho,
ends turned In, nnd a postngo stamp
was pnstod across to keep thom there.
Tho stamp was cancolod and tho mis
sive uoro tho dnto, Qonovn, N. Y
April 29, 1838. Beneath thla stamp
was another ouo, which read' Syra
cuse N. Y., Doc. 27, 1910.
No explanation of tho dolay appear
ed upon It. Thoro was no mark from
tho dead lottor oluce It probably
had boon mailed by tho Bonder, who
signed himself Whltnoy, and had boon
mislaid In tho postofilco at Oenovn to
bo found again just now.
It wns tn relation to a shipment of
lumbor which Mr. Paddock was to
mako from Yonkors, nnd contained
tho Information that $2,000 In pay
ment would bo sent on rocolpt of tho
FLOWERS, moro particularly roses,
mado of ribbon and other fabrics
havo novor been so popular as du
ring tho present sonson. Tho tlmo it
takes to mako thom has always kopt
tho prlco of such flowers high. Many
of them tako so llttlo material thnt
.thoy can bo mado of scrnps of rib
bon while others tnka from a third
to a yard and n half to mako. Big
American Beauty roses mado of wldo
satin ribbon doubled longthwlso and
wound nbout a center of cotton aro ex
pensive but so durable that thoy nro
favored for many dccoratlvo purposes.
Thoy havo boon used, mounted on mil
linery stems with millinery follngo ns
favors and dinner souvenirs for a
number of seasons, by tho best hos
tesses. Tnblo decorations of ribbon
flowers aro exquisite, not as substi
tutes for natural flowers, but usod in
novel ways and exaggerated sizes. A
center ploco of roses, or one immonso
roso makes a fascinating bnBo for tho
light, and roses from which candlos
spring aro llttlo bltB of porfoction.
Some of tho newest ones are mado of
ribbon "which is translucent and tho
heart of tho roso (and this is' a touch
of real genius) is a tiny bulb glowing
with light.
Charming Dress That Is Made Effec
tive by a Combination of
This charming dress Is n combina
tion of velveteen and very lino cash
moro In a rich tone of amethyst.
Tho trained skirt Is plain, nnd then
ovor it is a long tunic of cashmere
edged with n narrow bordor of skunk;
tho kimono bodico opons in front ovor
a vest of velveteen with small lace
yoko; tho edgos. of bodico and ovor
Blcovos aro trimmed with fur; tho un-dor-sleovoB
aro of lace A handsomo
silk glrdlo Is knotted round tho waist,
tho long tassoled ends falling over
front of skirt.
Matorlals required: 10 yardB velve
teen, S yards cashmcro.
But It Is tho decoration of millinery
that fabric flowers,- fashioned In tho
milliner's own workrooms, havo forged
to tho front In popular favor. Peoplo
who Avant them should not complnin
of high prices. Their rocourso Is to
mako them at homo slnco tho tlmo
of tho milliner Is money. Almost ov
ory womnn owns stoma and follago
which may bo used with theso ribbon
flowers, for foliage and stems outlast
tho mlllnory flowers as a rulo. Leaves
aro .easily smoothed out with a small,
slightly warm Iron. Sho who Is clov
er with paints can uso them to Advan
tage in freshening follago.
Tho roses nnd flowers are made In
such a variety of ways that It Is best
to Select a certain kind nnd copy it.
Thoso In which tho petals nro mado
of short lengths gathered nt both ends
and along ono edgo, tako less mate
rial than those that are wound nbout
a center. Buds aro mado of llttlo
squares of ribbon mounted In a mil-,
llnory calyx, and tako very llttlo ma
terial. Illustrations aro given horo of sov
eral varieties of roses and buds; n
llttlo experimenting will dovelop tho
flowers satisfactorily.
Prevailing Short Skirts Make Foot
wear a Highly Important
Footwear is mado prominent this
season by tho styles In voguo, tho
Bhort, scant walking skirt being well
calculated to display tho feet. Tho
attention thus focussed has brought
about sorao smart results. Thero is a
marked preference for tho high but
toned boot with its Cuban heel, which
Is shown In calfskin nnd suedo nnd
nlso in volvot, for the tendency of
fashion to mako much of rich fabrics
has extended oven to tho world of
footwear. Black, brown and navy
bluo volvot aro greatly favored to
carry out tho fashlonablo concolt of
n ono-tono street c'ostumo, nnd theso
harmonizing boots nro really very fas
cinating with thplr long lines of tiny
smokod-penrl buttons.
Sllppors also partake of this general
uso of rich materials. Black utn in
L always correct for dressy weal, and
" Buueon uiacK velvet is also great
ly favored. Tho deforming rosette is
being displaced by the widespread uso
of bucklos for ornamenting slippers.
For formal woar tho sclntlllntlng
rhlnestones nro of courso tho most
effective Very handsome evening
slippers for full dress nro sometimes
fashioned of cloth of silver or gold,
and, nguln, efton of brocade. Of
courao, tho hosiery always matches
light-colored Bllppors, and mnny beau
tiful silk stockings nro shown having
elaborately wrought drawn-work deco
rations, or olso dalntlly-embroldored
floral designs. Tho Now Idea Worn
an's Mngazlno.
New Petticoats.
Tho prettiest thing I havo seen re
cently In this lino Is a' charming chif
fon cloth skirt in two colors, n pink
under a white, for Instance, with kneo
deep plaited Houncen plnlnly hommed
Can you Imaglno anything aofter or
moro utterly fomlulno than these'
Tho colors nro beautiful, too, all the
palo shades In combination, besides
such striking combinations ns black
ovor brilliant groon or crimson for
moro practical wear. Smart Sot,
Robe Novelties.
Among tho novelties In robes nro
thoso with tho upper part of cashmero
do solo.
Tho bottom of this material Is fin
ished with n plno-pntternod bordor In
exqulslto colorings, while bolow tho
border In oxqulslto colorings, whllo be
low tho border tho frOck is flulshed
with a deep plain band of rntlno in a
much darker color than the cashmere.
All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
BlkcBton,Mo. "For sovon yeara 1
Buffered ovorything. I was In boa
ior lour or uvu uuya
nt n tlmo ovory
month, and bo weak
I could hardly walk".
I cramped and had
backacho and hoad.
acho, and was so
nervous and weak
that I dreaded to
sco anyono or havo
nnyono movo In tho
rnnin. Tho iloctora
n gavo mo mcdlcino to
zlenso mo at thoso
times, and Bald that I ought to havo an
oporatlon. I would not listen to that,
nnd whon a friend of my husband told
him about Lydia E. Plnkham's Vcbc
tablo Compound and what it had dono
for hla wlfo, I wa3 willing to tako it.
Now I look tho picture of health and
feel llko it, too. I can do my own housd
work, hoo my garden, and milk a cow.
I can entertain company and enjoy
thom. I can visit when 1 chooso, ana
walk ns far as any ordinary woman,
nny day in tho month. I wish I could
Mrs. DEJtA UETnuifE, Slkoston, Mo.
Tho most successful remedy in thla
country for tho euro of all forms of
femalo complaints is Lydia E. Pink
liam's Vegotablo Compound.
It is moro widely and ouccessfully
nscd than any other remedy. It baa
cured thousands of women who havo
been troubled with displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors,
Irregularities, periodic pains, backacho,
that boarlng down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, after nil other
means hadfalled. Why don't you try it? ,
Difficulty In Europe Successfully Over
come by the Exercise of Some
In the early days of tho reign of tho
lato King Leopold of Belgium n sev
enth son was born to a Brussels wom
an, and -7hen tho king heard of It and
was told ihat tho boy wbb tho seventy
successive one, and that no girl had
como to tho family, ho asked to bo tho
baby's godfathor. Ever slnco then
every seventh son born In Brussels
hns had tho samo honor, and the moth
ers havo received gifts in kpeplng
with their station In life. King Al
bert, in carrying out tho old ndago a
Bhort tlmo ago had somo difficulty
"becauso tho Beventh 6on wns twins,"
according to tho Frankfurter Zeltung.
Ho COUld not stand for linth hnva hn.
causo that would glvo the family tv&-
Alberts. Tho remedy was found by
Queen Elizabeth, who suggested thnt
her llttlo son, the duko of Brabant,
bo tho godfather of tho eighth boy,
who consequently received tho namo
of Leopold.
.Vagaries of Finance.
"I understand, i'ou havo Dald tha
mortgago off your place."
"Yep," replied Farmer Corntossol.
"Then why do you complain of hard
"All tho neighbors havo dono tho
eamo thing. That leaves mo with
money on my hands thnt nohmiv
wants to borrow."
Warm Spot.
Adirondack Guldj What is your
cllmato in Now York?
Now Yorker Well, occasionally it
gets down to zero.
Adirondack Guldo M-m-m! Don't
you over havo any cold weather."
A Nothing Much.
"I don't know whether I ought to
rccognlzo him hero In tho city or not.
Our acquaintance at tho soashoro
was very slight."
"You promised to marry him, didn't
"Yes, but that was all."
When Coffee is Doing Harm.
A lady writes from tho land of cot
ton of tho results of a four years' uso
of tho food beverage hot Postum.
"Ever alnco I can remember wo had
used coffeo threo times a day. It had
a moro or less Injurious effect upon
us nil; and I myself suffered almost
death from Indigestion and nervous
ncss caused by it.
"I know it wns that, becauso when
I would leavo It off for a few days I
would feel better. But It was bard to
glvo It up, oven though I realized how
harmful it was to me.
At last I found a perfectly easy
way to make tho change. Four years
ago ! abandoned the coffeo habit nnd
began to drink Postum, and I also In
fluencod tho rest or tho family to do
tho snmo. Even tho children are al
lowed to drink it freely as they do
water. And it has dono us all great
good. "
"I no longer suffer from Indigestion
and ray nerves aro In admirable tone
Finco I began to uso Postum. Wo
never uso the old coffeo any moro.
Wo nppreclatao Postum as n a
llghtful and healthful beverage! which
not only Invigorates but Bu5 t
best of nourishment as well." Nam
grjn by Postum Co., Battle Cre
Read "Tho Road to Wollvlllo" in
Pkgs. "There's a Reason."' '
Hvrr renct the nbove letlri-r a
one npprnr from time to time