The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1911, Image 2

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a Jftan
Jluthor of The Circular Staircase,
The JXCan In Lower
Ten, Etc.
Coprrlf b t IM, by lb UobU-M mill Co.
James Wilson or Jimmy ns tin In called
by his frlomts, Jimmy wan rotuntl nnd
look rid shorter than ho really was. Hln
nmbltlon In llfn wns to m taken seriously.
but people steadily rf.fUMAfl to do so, Ills
ii rt In considered A. lniRO Jotce, except to
Mmself, If lio aitkeil peoplo to dinner ov
crynnn ox peeled a frolic. Jimmy married
Holla Knowtes, tlioy llvo toxutlior a year
nnd uro divorced. Jimmy's friends nr
ritriKo to celebrate, tho first anniversary
or his dlvorco. Thoso who attend tho
party aro Miss Katherlno McNnlr, who
every ono calls Kit, Mr. and Mrs, Dalian
Drown, tho Ml men Morcor, Maxwell Heed
and a Mr. Thomas Harbison, a Houth
American civil engineer. Tho party U In
full swing when .llminy rocolvns a telo
Krnrn from his Aunt Oallna, who will ar
rive In four hours to visit hlrn and his
-wife. Jimmy Hots his funds from Aunt
Hellna and after ho timrrlrs nha doubles
his allowance. Ito nenlcctH to tall her of
Ms dlvQrcov as nha Is opposed to It. Jim
my takes Kit Into his conlldcnce, ho tries
to devlsH soma way no that his aunt will
not learn that ha has no longer a wife.
Ilo suggest that Kit play thn hostess for
onn night, bo Mrs. Wilson pro torn. Kit
refuses, hut is finely provalled upon to
act the part, A lint flollna arrives and the
deception works out as planned, as she
had novor seen Jim's wife.
CHAPTER III. (Continued.)
"It might bo scarlet fovor," Max
broko In cheerfully. "I Bay, flcnrlot
forcr on a Mongolianwhat color
would ho bo, Jimmy? What do yel
low and red mnko? Grooti?"
"Orange," Jim Bald shortly. "1 wish
you peoplo would romombor that wo
are trying to eat."
The fact was, howovor, that no ono.
waa really eating, except Mr. Harbl
eon, who had given up trying to un
derstand ua, considering, no doubt,
our subdued oxcttomont as our nor
mal condition. Agos' afterward I
learned that ho thought my faco al
most tragic that night, and that ho
supposed, from the way I glared
across tho table, that I had quarrolod
wltto my husband I
AI am afraid you aro not woll," ho
said at last, noticing my food un
touched on my plato. . ''We should
not havo como, any of ua.",
"I am perfectly well' 1 repod fo
TorlBhly. "I am novor 111. I I ato a
late luncheon," ' ' ' v
Ho glanced at mb' keenly.' "Don't
let them stay and' play bridge to
night," ho urged. "Miss Caruthers can
be an oxouoo, can alio not?, And you
are really fagged. You look It,"
"I think it is only ill humor," I
said, looking directly nt him. "I nm
angry at tnysolf, I have done some
thing nllly, nnd I hnto to bo silly."
Max would havo said "Jmpoenlblo,"
or something clso trlto, Tho Harbi
son man lookod at mo with interested
serious ayes.
mIb It too lato to undo it?" ho nflked.
And thon and thoro I determined that
he should novor know1 tho truth. He
could go back to Sdtith Amortcn und
build bridges and mako lovo to the
Spanish girls (or aro they Spanish
dowrr thero?) and think of mo always
as a married woman, married to a
dllettnnto artist, inclined .to bo stout
tho artist, not I and' with an Aunt
Bellna Caruthers who mado buttons
awl believed in tho Cause. But novor,
never should ho think of mo as a silly
lltllo fool who protended that sho was
the, other man's wlfo and had a lump
In hor throat bccauBo' tytfou. 4 roally
ii lei man camo along, ' a wan who
knew something more than polo and
motors, sho had td carry on tho docop-
tlen to keep his respect, and bo bo-
flate and matronly, nnd boo him
r.haugo from, porfoctly opon admira
tion at first to a hands-oft-oho-lB-my-kost's-wifo
nttltudo at last.
"It can never bo undouo," I said
Well, that'B tho plcturo as nenrly as
J can draw It; a round tnblo with a
low contorpleco of orchids In laven
ders and pink, old sllvor candlesticks
frith flllgroo shades against tbo som
Mr wnlnBcotlngi nlno peoplo, two of
tbem unhappy Jim nnd I; bno of
them complacent Aunt Sollnaj ono
jiussled Mr. Hnrbluon; and tho rest
hysterically rolrt,kful, Add ono Blck
Japanese buUur and grind in tho mills
of tho gods.
iJvery ono promptly forgot Takivhlro
lu the excitement of thn gamo wo
-were all playing, Finally, howovor,
Aunt Bellna, who Boomed to havo Ta
Itahlrp on hor mind, looked up from
ktr plate.
'"That Jan wns Bpccklod," oho as
verted. "I wouldn't bo aurprlsod if It's
HseasloH. . lias'' ho boon snltlllng,
"1IW lie bcoH animiugr Jim throw
Across at' mo.
MI hadn't noticed it." 1 said meekly,
-whllo tho others choitod.
Max tiamo to the roscuo. "Shb'ro-
iwm& to oat It," ho explained, dls
Unctly and to ovorybody, apropos nb
eolutely bf nothing, "it said on tho
Mw, 'ready cooked nnd prodlgosted.1
Bke declared sho didn't caro who
cooked it, but sho wanted to know
who prcdlgcsted It."
As ovory ono wanted to laugh, ovory
ono did it then, and under cover of
tho noise I caught Anno's eye, and wo
left tho dining-room. Tho men stayed,
nnd by th'o very firmness with which
tho door closed behind us, 1 knew
that Dallas .and Max wcro bringing
out the bottles that Tnknhlro bad hid
den. I was Bcethlng. Whon Aunt
Sellna Indicated n-dcslro to go over
tho houso (It was natural that sho
should want to: It was her houso, In
a way) I excused myself for a minute
and. flow back to the dining room.
It wan afl I had expoctod. Jim
hadn't cheered perceptibly, and tho
rest wero patting him on tho back,
and pouring things out for him, and
saying, "Poor old Jim" in tho most
maddening way. And tho Harbison
man wns looking moro and moro puz
zled, nnd not nt all hilarious.
I descendod on them llko a thundor
bolt. "Thnt's It!" I cried Bhrowlshly, with
my back against tho door. "Leave
hor to me, all of you, and pnt each
othor on tho back, and say It's gono
splendidly! Oh, I know you, overy
ono!" Mr. Harbison got up and
pulled out a chair, but I couldn't sit;
I folded my arms on tho back. "Aftor
a while, I supposo, you'll nllp upstairs,
tho four of you, and havo your game."
Thoy lookod guilty. "Ilut I will block
that right now. I am going to stay
hero, If Aunt Bellna wants me, sho
enn find mo horo!"
Tho first Indication those men nnd
that Mr. Harbison didn't know the
stnto of affairs was when ho turned
nnd faced them,
"Mrs. WilBon is quite right," ho
snld gravely. "Wo'ro a selfish lot. If
Miss Caruthors Is a responsibility, let
us shnro bar,"
To nrms!" Jim snid, with an affec
tation of lightness, as thoy put their
glnsscB down, nnd throw open tho
door. Dnl's rotort, "WhoHO?'f was lost
In tho confusion, and wo wont Into tho
library. On tho way Dallas managed
to speak to mo.
"If. Harbison doosn't know, don't
toll him," ho said In an undertone
'Ho'a a queer duck. In somo ways:
ho mightn't think it futiny."
"Funny," I choked. "It's tho least
funny thing I over experienced. De
ceiving that Harbison man Isn't so
bad ho thinks mo crazy, anyhow,
Ho's boon staring his oyos out at
mo "
"I don't wonder, You'ro lovoly to
night, Kit, nnd you look llko a vixen."
"Uut to dccolvo that harmless old
lady well, thank goodnoss, it's nine,
and she loavos in an hour or bo."
Uut she didn't. And thnt'a tho story.
The Door Wat Closed.
It wan Infuriating to boo how much
enjoyment ovory one but Jim and my
solf got out bt tho situation. Thoy
howled with mirth ovor tho fooblcst
"That's Itl" I Cried Shrewlahly.
Jokos, nnd whon Max told a story
without nny point whntovor, thoy all
had hysteria. Immediately after din
ner Aunt Sellna had begun on the
family connection again, nnd after two
bad breaks on my part, Jim offered
to show hor tha Iioubo. Tho Morcor
girls tratlod tilong. unwilling to loso
nny of tho possibilities. Thoy said
nftorward that It was torrlblo; Bho
went Into all tho closets, nnd ran her
hand ovor (ho tpps of doors nnd kept
gottlng grimmer nnd grimmer. In
tho studio thoy enmo across a lifo
qtudy Jim 'was doing and sho Bhut
her oyos nnd mado tho girls go out
wh.Ua ho covored U with a drapery,
Lolllol Who did tho Dacchnnto dnnco
at tfyroo bonoflts Inst winter nnd was
learning a now ono cnllod "Evol"
Whon thoy hoard Aunt Sellna on
the second floor, Anno, Dal and Max
sneaked up to tho etudlp for cigarettes,
fallen left Mr. HarbUon to mo. I was
n, tha don, Bitting In u low chnlr by
the wood fro whon ho camo In. Ho
hesitated in, tho doorway,
"Would, you profor bolng nlono, or
may I como in?" ho asked. "Don't
mind being' frank. I know you aro
"I havo a hondncho, and I nm sulk-
Jdk' I Bald unploasantly, "but nt
least I nm not actively vonomous,
Como iu."
t Bo ho cutno and sats down across
thq hearth from mo, and neither of us
euld anything. Tho flrollght flickered
over tho room, briuelncr out tho faded
hues ot tho old Japanese prints on' tho:
walls, gloaming In tho mothor-at-pearl
bves ot tha drnKon on tho scroon. sot
ting a grotesque god on n cabinet to
podding. And It throw Into roltot tho
strong, clonr profllo of tho man across
from mo, as ho stared at tho lire
"I nm afraid I am not vory Interest
ing," I said at Ia8t.whon ho showod
no alga, pt breaking tho, silence.. "Th'o,
tho IllucsB of tho butler and Miss
Caruthers' arrival, havo been upsot-ting."
Ho suddenly roused with n start
from a brown revorlo.
"I beg your pardon," he said, "I
oh, of courso not! I was wondering
if I if you wero offended nt what I
said earlier in tho evening:' tho
Brushwood Hoy, you know, and all
"Offended?" I repeated, puzzled.
"You soo, I havo been living out ot
tho world so long, and novor soolng
nny women ,but Indian squaws" so
thero wero no Spanish girls! "that
I'm afraid I say what comos into my
mind without circumlocution. And
thon I did not know you wcro mar
"No, oh, no," I said hastily, "nut,
of courso, tho moro a woman is mar
ried I mean, you cannot tiny too
many nlco things to married women.
Thoy need them, you know."
I had floundered mlsorably, with his
eyes on mo, and I half cxpoctcd him
to bo shocked, or to say that married
women should be sntlsfled With tho
nlco things tholr husbands say to
thorn. But 'ho merely remarked
apropos of nothing, or following a lino
of thought ho had not voiced, that It
was trlto but truo that a good many
men owed tholr success In life to
tholr wIvob.
"And a good many owo tholn-wlves
to their buccobb In life," I rotorted
cynically. At which ho stared at mo
It was then that tho real complexity
of tho situation begnn to develop.
Somo ono hud rung tho bell nnd been
admitted to tho library nnd n mnld
enmo to tho door of tho den. When
sho saw us sho stoppod uncertainly.
Even thon It struck me that sho look
ed odd, nnd oho wrb jjot In uniform.
iiowovcr, i wns not nirormoa nt mat
tlmo about bacholor establishments,
and tho first thing she snld, whon sho
had nsked to apeak to mo In tho hall,
knocked hor and hor clothos clear out
of my head. Evidently sho knew.
"Miss McNnlr," she said In a low
tono, "thoro Is a lady In tho drawing
room, a veiled person, and sho Is ask
ing for Mr. Wilson."
"Can you not find -him?" I nsked.
"Ho Is In tho houso, probably In tlio
Tho girl hesitated.
"Excuse mo, miss, but MIbs Caruth
ers "
Thon I saw tho situation.
"Novor mind," I said. "Closo tho
door into tho drawing room, nnd I
will toll Mr. Wilson."
Dut as tho girl turned toward tho
doorway, the porson In question ap
peared in it, and raised her veil. I
was porfectly paralyzed. It was Holla!
Delia in a fur coat and a veil, with
tho most ftraglc oyos I ever( sawand
ontlroly whlto except for a dab' bf
rougo In tho mlddlo ot oach chook.
Wo stared at oach othor without
speech. Tho maid turned and went
down tho hall, and with that Dolla
camo ovor to mo and clutched ma. by
ino arm. f ' , l u
"Who was bolng 'carried out Into
. t , , , . . . . .
that ambulance?" she dorannded,
glaring at; mo with tho nost awful In
tensity. "I'm sure I don't know, nolln," I
said, wriggling away from -her flngors.,
"What In tho world aro you doing
herq? I thought you woro In Europe."
"You aro hiding something from
met" sho, accused. "It 1b Jim! I sco
It hi your- fa,co.".
"Woll, It Isn't," I snnnpod. "It
BoomB to mc, rqally, Delia, that you
and Jim ought tp bo nblo to mnnago
your own affairs, without dragging
mo in." It was not pleasant, but If
sho was suffering, so wns I. "Jim Is
aa woll as ho ovor was. Ho'n upstairs
somowhoro. I'll' send for him."
.Sho gripped mo again, and hold on
whllo hor. color camo back.
"You'll !do nothing of tho kind," sho
snld, nnd) sho hud quite got hold of
horsclt again. "I do not wnnt to boo
htm: I hof)o you don't think, Kit, thnt
I camo horo to boo Jamos Wilson.
Why, I havo forgotten that thoro is
ouch a porson, and you know It,"
Somobody upstairs laughed, nnd I
wna growing nervous. What if Aunt
Sollna should como down, or Mr. Har
bison como out of tho don?
"Why did you como, thon, Dola?"
I inquired, "jig may como In."
"I Was passing In th motor," sho
sald, nnd I honestly think she hoped I
would bollovo hor, "and I flaw thnt
am" Sho stoppod and began again.
"I thought Jim wns out of town, ami
I camo to sco Takahlro, Bho said
brazenly. "Ho was dovotod to mo.
nnd Evans Is going to loavo. I'll toll
you whnt to do, Kit. I'll go back to
tho dining room, and you Bond Taka
thoro. It any ono comos, I can slip
Into tho pantry."
"Darling," caid tho happy old gen
tleman to tho beautiful girl who waa
permitting him to hold hor hand, "you
aro not going to marry mo Just for my
money, aro you?"
"Of courso not," sho repllod. "What
ever caused you to think I might do
such a thing?"
"I don't know. It was foolish ot me
to permit such a thought to como Into
my mind, wasn't It?"
"Of courso."
"Forglvo mo, won't you?"
"Yes this tlmo."
"I will novor think It again."
"Art! you suro you won't?"
''Certainly. Why -shouldn't I bo
inoro's no reason wny you
shouldn't ba suro; but I want you to
do something for mo."
"What Is It, Bwoothonrt?"
"Wrlto mo a lot ot Billy letters bo
that 1 shall havo somothlng to fall
back, on in enso your children and
Grandchildren mako troublo for us."
H H K THAT knows, and knows not
JHwsm that he knows, Is asleep
Arouso him.
Ho that knows and knows that ho knows,
Is wise Follow him,
Arabian Proverb.
Dainties for Saint Valentine's Day.
In preparing sandwiches for a Val
entino party, tho npproprlato shapo 18
of course, a heart. It Is a good plan
when serving sandwiches to have sev
eral kinds. The-following. aro a few
suggestions which may bo now to
Sardines shredded and seasoned
with chill sauco botwocn slices of
whlto broad. Yellow tomato preserved
with glngor or lemon between whlto
broad sandwiches. Gingerbread spread
with croam cheeso and thin slices of
preserved ginger. Noufchatol cheeso
seasoned with salt, croam, paprika,
Worcestershire sauco and a half cup
of chopped nuts, put botween bIIccb of
graham or ryo bread. A delicious
swcot sandwich may bo mado by ba
king a plain spongo enko in sheets,
thon cut with the henrt cutter and
put togothor with flavored, sweetened
whipped cream.
Peaches and Oranges.
Drain tho lulco from a can of
poaches, peel thrco oranges to n pint
of peaches. Arrango tho soctlons of
orango alternately with tho peaches,
aprlnklo with sugar ah"d pour ovor tho
swoetoncd Julco of tho poaches. Servo
very cold.
Delicious Salad.
Cut squares of cream cheese, lay
In tho bloachod cup ot head lettuce.
Roll tho choeso In chopped nuts, gar
nish with half a walnut moat and a
fow soodod whlto grapes. Just be
fore serving add mayonnnlso dress
ing. Another nlco way of serving cheeso
Is to season cream cheese, add
chopped nuts and uso this mlxturo to
stuff dates.
Nut Cookies.
Beat tho yolks of two eggs until
thick, add a cup ot brown sugar, ono
cup of chopped nut meats and tho
stiffly beaton whites of two eggs; add
six tablespoonfuls of flour and a pinch
ot salt.,. Sproad an a buttered shoot
anu uaKO in a raouorato oven, uui n
squares when removing from tho baj
king sheot
fW HKTlikh the1. pitcher strike
pitcher, It Is bad fo'r!llfo-pltchcr.
Things -Wortrr- Remembering.
A hoavv rocklncr chair that 1b hard
to movo mny, by waxing tho rockersj
bo mado to slldo easily. I
Novor. throw away popcorn thnt rot
fiiBos to pop, becausa it Is too dry,
Sprlnklo it with water about flvo min
utes boforo using and usually ovory
kcrnol will pop. !
Whon tho clock refuses to run. try
putting a small Irtish, of coal oil In the
clock. Tho oil will evnnorato and
iooson up tho works.
Powdorod alum mixed with a third
as much talcum and applied with a
flannel will polish gold braid. 1
-A cup 0f sweet milk nddod to tho
waior in wnicn oaimoai is cookidc
makes it rlchor and hotter flavor. T
To removo tho grcaso quickly from
soup, lay on squares ot tissue paper
on tho surface of tho soup and r
movo lightly whon woll saturated. I
Household Hints.
During tho cold months, whon hang
ing out clothos on wnsh day, It may
bo well to romombor that thero aro
ways of making that task ploasanter.
For ono wny, hang tho small things
llko handkerchiefs and -napkins on the
clothes horso and sot them out on the
back porch out ot tho wind, to freozo
and dry.
Anothork holp is to warm tho
clothes pins In tho oven until quite
hot: It is surprising how long thoy
will keep warm and how much It helps
In quickly plnclng tho clothes, to have
worm fingers. -: - -1
A cuBtard plo may naso as sevoral
varieties: by adding a few tablespoon
tula ot cocoahut, it is a cocoanut plo,
A llttlo chocolato makes It another.
whllo carmellzlng tho sugar beforo
adding it to tha custard gives another
flavor decidedly pleasant.
Dried peas aro much cheaper than
the canned vnrlety, and can bo used
Just no many ways. Try thorn with
a stew of mutton, putting tho peas
In with tho meat and cook slowly for
sovoral hours. Tho peas season tho
moat and tho moat adds to tho flavor
ot tho peas.
T IB moro difficult and c.ds
for hlffhor enorcles of tho
aoui to uvo a martyr than to die ono.
HoUse-CleanIng Time, .
The up-to-date housokoOper does
not mako houso cleaning a burden to
hor family or a torture to herself.
Shoboglns. early qnough to,,do things
that may bo dono early, and when
tlmo Is not bo pressing.
An hour or so n dny to go ovur
drawors, deskB and boxes will nccoin
pllfih Vfinders In a tow weeks tlmo,
with no apparent effort Horo 1
where tho systematizing of ono's work
will show.
Thero is so much that must (of ne
cessity bo thrown away, but it seems
a pity that good magazines and pa
pers which would bo a pleasuro to
many; should bo burned.
Many good womon aro gottlng tho
addresses of womon who llvo out on
our prairies out of touch with bo much
that makcB lifo worth living, and are
Bonding them old mngazlncB to road;
this is truo missionary work which
costs so little, yet moans much to
poor peoplo who lovo tho things thai
nro denied them.
Whero thero Is an accumulation of
papers and magazines, they may bo
sold or given whero they will bo sont
to thoso who will use them,
By starting early with this work
of looking over tho household treas
ures, ono has lolsuro to sort and ar
rango things In good order. When
the cleaning tlmo comes things nro
not then in a hurly-burly.
Havo a largo drnwor in which nra
kept nlco pieces of papor, both tlssuo
and wrapping papor, string, ribbon
and boxes of nil sizes. Such n draw
er will bo a sourco ot comfort, as It
will always be In demand.
Keep in this drawer nlco llttlo gifts
that havo been enjoyed nnd nro ready
to bo passed on. Ono thrifty woman
has a fow llttlo gifts all ready to give
on occasions that aro constantly ari
sing. Ono who hns such a well-furnished
drnwor 1b always ready when called
on for donations for tho children's
ward or tho charity bazar.
Havo a tray for tho soap fastened
with rivets to tho side of tho scrub
pall; It will pay for Itself In soap In
a short tlmo.
ND homeless near a thousand
JLTJHkV homes I stood.
And noar a thousand tables nlned and
wanted food. Wm. Wordsworth.
For Valentine Parties.
A very dainty way of serving cran
berry with chicken for any function
is to preparo tho cranberry Jelly and
mold It by pouring tho Jejly fpto a
:up and setting a smaller ono lnsldo;
when cool fill tho cup with Chicken or
nny meat desired.
An appropriate cako to serve' for a
Vajenttno jmrty Is ono frosted with
white frosting and decorated with
pink candy hearts around tho edgo
nnd a rose laid on tho centor bf tho
A Lady Baltimoro cako is a good
ono to servo on ouch nn occasion.
Kisses aro another dainty cako
which aro great favorites for chil
dren's parties. To tho whites of nlno
eggs add a pound of granulated sugar
with as llttlo stirring as possible Fla
vor with any doslrod flavor, drop on
buttered sheets and bako a goldon
brown. Put together In palrB with
whipped cream, Bweetencd and fla
vored. Maple Biscuit.
Cut baking powder biscuit with a
small-sized cutter, havo tho dough a
quarter of an Inch in thickness, lay
two togothor with a bit of butter bo
tween nnd as much grated maplo
sugar ns will stay on tho halves, Bako
In a hot oven. Chopped nuts added
to tho maple sugar makes a rlchor nnd
nicer biscuit.
It is so easy, nowadays to And ap
propriate favors, boxes or molds for
sorylng ban bpns, ices or croams for
this festtvo day. ,
v Qlnjjer Nuggete.,
Boll. together ono-half cup of water
and n cupful each of brown and whlto
sugar, Cook to the Boft.ball stage,
add a quarter of n toaepoon of epdn,
half a toa3poonful of vanilla and
pour oyer tho well-boaton whlto of an
egg, boat woll and add a half cup of
chopped Canton glngor. Drp by tea-
spoonfuls on buttered sheets.
Ono may servo lco cream, tho brick
variety, in slices, thon uso a heart
cutter to cut a heart-shaped serving.
Th6 bits thnt aro left may bo ro-frozon
or UBCd as a dossort tho noxt day.
Fragrance of St. Sophia.,
Visitors to tho mosquo ot St So
phia in Constantinople notice Imme
diately thoy enter a boautlful fra-
granco pervades the ontlro building.
Tho solution lies in tho fact that when
It was built 1,000 years ago tho stones
and bricks woro laid in mortar mixed
with a solution of musk. Thoso who
laid these stonos havo beon long fop
gotten, but tho influenco and fragrance
ot (heir work remains. Sunday at
Green Foods for Pussy
A woman who raises pedigree cats
for markot declares that green foods
In tho winter aro necessary to the
health of tho animals. For this shn
provides tho so-callod umbrella plant,
upionging to tho grass family, and
easily grown, to which sho allows the
cata freo access. This, of courso. ru.
Ins tho plant for docoratlvo purposes,
uut to many of us Mlsa Angora's
health- is moro to bo desired than
many umbrella plants, Designer.
DoctorsSaid He Would Die
A Friend's AWh Satis Lid
I wish to speak of the wonderful cure
that I have received from your noted
Swamp-Root, the great kidney and blad
der cure. Last summer I was taken with
severe pains in toy back and sides. I
could not breathe without difficulty and
was nearly wild with the desiro to urinate.
Was compelled to do so every ten min
utes with the passage of pure blood with
the urine. I tried all tho different doc
tors from far and near, but they said it
was no use to doctor as I would die any
way. I was at the end of my rope and
was so miserable witn pain and t&e
thought that I must dio that words can
not tell how I felt. One day a friend told
me of tho wonderful help she had received
ft-om Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. She gave
mo one of your pamuphlcts which I read
and determined to try Swamp-Root. After
taking half a bottle I felt better. Have
now taken ten bottles and am well as I
ever was, thanks to Swamp-Root. I wish
to tell all suffering people that bare kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble, that Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root is the best medicine on
the market.
I All rersons doubtins this statement can
write to me and I will answer them di
rectly. Yours very truly,-
Rosalie, Wash.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
23rd day of July, 1000.
VERNE TOWNK, Notary rublic.
Dr. Illr C.
JUthanta, S. T.
Prove Whst Swamp-Iloot Will Do For Yob
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binrfiam-
ton, N. Y., for a samplo bottle. It will
convince anyone. lou will -also receivo
a booklet of, valuable information, telling
all about tho kidneys and bladder. When
writing, be suro and mention this paper.
For salo at all drug stores. Prico fifty
cents and onc-dollarr
, That Essential Struggle.
There, aro mon who go through Ufa
without! ovor getting what ono would
call, a throw-down or sot-back thoy
novor got to kuow what It means to
faco rough or tough weather. Tholr
wayjs slicked and pnved. Thoy seeni
to miss tho ono great ossentlal thing
in. ovory success tho strugglo; days
when everything looks ns though ono
Is nfcout dono for and rendy to cavo la
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIAJ a safo and suro remody for
Infants and children, and sco that it
Ttnnrn ihn
- rrwry,
Signature Ula&Z7eZZcJW.
In Uso For Ovor SO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always .Bought
Familiar Talk.
"I seo you havo an actor chopping
"Yes; ho wns in hard luck and I
gave him a Job."
is no going 10 ,BUCKY '
"Ho claims so. Says ho is devoted :
to his artr' - ,
Tn nil lf fnrma nmrtnrr n1f mtrnm a! !..
ss'well as dogs, oured and others in same, ,
stable prevented from having the 'disease
Etferv hrtttln tninmTifonrI Hn..' fuh nnn
bottles sold last year $.50 and $1.00. Any
.u.,1 . 1 1 r .
i "s.p euuu vo inunuiaciurcra.
Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec.
Contagious Diseases. Goshen. Ind.
"A burlosquo," snld tho occasional
thoater-goor, "Is a sort ot take off,
Isn't It?"
"It 1b," repllod Miss Cayenne "It
you Judge It by tho costuming."
Send 2o stamp for five samples of our
very best Gold Embossed, Good Luck,
Flower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful
colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card
Club 731 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan.
Drawing the Line.
"Whnt do you think ot tho now
problem play?"
"Nothing," roplled Miss Cayenno.
"It was bad enough to seo It, without
thinking about It."
8nq lit cenu for trial three months' anb.
sor iption to our erwt farm pTper inci m,
lleantr M'onUr, i fer feet, lithographed
I? . JLe". someoua color Write Immediately.
Nebratk farm Journal, Omaha, Mob.
You may tell what you think the
abSOlUtO truth, but if It convnva thn
wrong Impression It Is not truo.
WHY suffer with eye troubles, quick re
lief by using PETTIfS EYE sAlVe, 25o
A.1I drusgists or Howard Bros.,lluffalo1N.Y.
If you fear to soil your hands In
helpfulness you may be suro you aro
defiling your heart.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Sjrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wlud colle, 25o a bottle.
Tho manly man makos altogother
tho best woman's man.
Lewis' Single Binder, extra quality to
bacco, costs more than other 5c cigars.
1 Thoro aro many kinds of pleasures,
and some ot them aren't bo pleasant
Is Your Health
Worth 10c?
That's what it costs to get a week's
I treatment-of CASCARRTS. They
i do more for vou than nny medicine
, on Earth. Sickness generally shows
I and starts first in the Bowels and
; Liver; CASCARRTS cure these ills.
It a so easy to try-why not start to
! night and have help in the morning?
J CASCARirrfl ioe box for a week's ens
Irnlmml all ,1m.I.i. ,." .. .T "
ouchs b Cold