rf y v. ,N't jfl r Semi -Weekly Tribune! Ira L. Bwe, Editor and PublUhcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. , , nr. One lear w ma in aarwee.. f TAr ii0 i nrriAr in iinunnce. ...... . xuv i n n tar Afi at North Platte. Nebraska, 1'ost office as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, FEBItUAIiY 10, 1911 Thiiai ttirnflnn nrnVOS that at tho last election In Omaha they voted dead man. This leads the Kearney Hub to ,mo,t- that Dnhlmnn'a "null" must have been mighty Btrong to reach be yond tho grave. A well known resident of Lincoln announces that ho will bo a candldato for mayor of that city on n widcopen platform. Thero will, of course, bo n ..ndldato whoso platform will bo tho nnnalti. so tho Issuo will bo well dc fined. Lincoln has had a year with tho "lid on:" It Is doubtful If tho votors will favor It taken off. if the county option mcasuro now before tho legislature falls to pass it will aealn bo tho Issuo In politics two years henco. As tho question is ono tu.t . mn (l liavo been aouicu um m ... i 1 1 . i . . a, r oolltlcs-decided by a direct vote or the raonle of tho 8tato-It would un doubtedly bo best for oil if t were settled now Instead of having ltdrogged through future campaigns. Ti!ir, i a rttlzon vestcrday ho "called attontlon to tho prices nt which ral eatato In tho city la selling, nnd quoted a dozen sales where tho selling nrlce was higher than the snmo prop- pertles sold for one, two or threo years prevlouily. It' Is evident that the claim that real cstnto values aro be- yond a conaorvntlvo price, Is hnrdiy nccept it as a fact that tho work is ful bornooutby tho rapidity with which hy deckbd upon, although some of them vi raltlnnco nronortv Is nt-kcd up When piaccu on tno mamin. L . . 1 I. 4. Representative Kinkaid has secured an amendment to tho agricultural np- nmnrlntlnn lilll which Provides that from the nurseries of tho Nebraska national forest tho secretary of agri culture may furnish young trees free, so fast as they may bo flpared, to res ident of the territory covered by "nn act increasing the area of tho home steads In Nebraska." This act is gen- erallr known aa the Kinkaid act and tmtiracM tho so called "sand hill" dis trict of this stato, The president has put his party In conerew to a Bharp test. It has been talking of itsdefilro to do something lor the consumer and to easo the pincn oi tariff taxes. Mr. Taf t haa now forced It to show whether mis waa more man arrant hypocrisy, In his attempt 10 compel the republican protectionism iu show their bond, no ougni io ue ameu bv the democrats, who should loso no opportuuity to press tho trado agree ment in congress by every parliament tary means at -their commar.d.-Ncw . York Poat. When Governor Aldrlch sent a whmk to tho legislature alleging eiwtlon frauds in Omaha, tho air be came blue with denials from tho me tropolis. Now tho Omahnns admit that their elections havo been fraudulent, and are willing that tho legislative com mlttee investigate and set things right. Even Mayor Dahlman admits that to laws do not sufficiently protect tho bal lot box and aUggcatB a ra-mancnt board of registration who will do honest mil It is evident that after nil the Gover nor did not wake up the wrong pas senger. , More than 100 counterfeiters now serving sentences in federal and state prisons of tho country nro asking to bo . paroled under tho Inw enacted at the last aasslon of congress. Somo of the applicants wore tho makers of somo of tfee beat bogus bank notes tho Recret service has ever taken. Othora wore ' moldera of smalt coin nnd counter feitera of stamps, comparatively In slttilflcant In their class. They are iwrving sentences ranging from throe to.ten years. Having served one-third of their tlmo thoy nro ellgiblo undot tkfl new law to opply to tho parole - beard for release. Ttmra la u illfTflrenco or on n on . amonr tho republican memberli of tin - - Nebraska delegation regarding reap pertioflmcn. Representative NorriB de Clares that lie is Tiot only oppoted to tb Crumnackef resolution calling . for a house of 433"mcmbera in tho sixty iwcond congress, :but that ho would '' . raadlly vote for n rosolution fixing the f '"iMMWrshln of tho hoUso at 000 for ' : all time. Representatives Kinkaid and -. . WruJiBW am not-onlv-opposed to tho 't -.Narrls plan' for threo hundred .mem t ' br9,buttheyareno,toontent to -, Nebraska lose .'one member,. '' WauW be the case If a resolution ": ' adopted keplrig ibe inombershlp .hpvo vhlch wore down I' ta Ml. as at.nrbsenV 'Borti.nemer3 favor the CfrutniiacWer itsrluin in s :erier that Nobraikamiy continue to haVe six membors and probably w uld vote far such a resolution in the hi use Mtwithitandine the action of tho re Notable Railroad Expansion. Tho decision of the director of the Union nrid Smthorn Pacific railrooda to spend $75,000,000 in double-tracking the line from tho Missouri river to tho ra cific ocean gives an Idea of tho mngni tuuo oi moaeni ratiwuy cui airumun. . 1 1 . . w,(M . r, vnn two nr-w trnna-eon n rf ... - , I lineniai lini'Blluvu uuuii ujjuhvu, mh-ivmo- ng to eight tho number that have de veloped from tho first singletrack road which was laboriously pushed across tho Rockies less than half a centufy ago. Now tho announcement Is made of the construction of more than tho equivalent of this to accommodate traffic demands and as a mere incident of railway expansion. The double-tracking of tho Harriman roads is railroad development of a wholly legitimate kind. It Involves no gambling in tho securities of competing lines and offers no ccnslon for federal interference. On tho contrary, It In vites public approval of the manage ment under which It has been initiated. Tho confidence in tho future which this great construction work Implies should ,avo a good effect on general business conditions. Traffic development on the Pacific lines has more than justified tho most snngulnc expectations in the past nn j M,oro j8 no rca8on to believe that the preparations for Its further growth havo ijeen maj0 t00 soon. New York Uyorj 1 hat Medicine Uow Line. Further light on tho railroad situation Bhows that thp contracts will be for the completion of the work to Gerlng by August 15, Although the expectation of tho company Is us was stated last week to havo it actually done by July 1. The, contract was not let Wednesday ns was expected, tho matter being held open until today. In order to let one or two contractors who had been Into In get ting over tho ground a chanco to got their bids In with tho others, "With few exceptions tho stato paperB fall to recognize tho actual classiflca- tlon of this lino as "double track," and thuB are led to nn idea of nothing but doubla track work in Nebraska, The directors of the Union Pacific tho first of tho week formerly decided to spend scventy-fivo millions upon making tho roud completely double tracked from Omaha to the coast. This paper has f n qucntly mentioned tho faqt that tho Medicine Bow cut-off which is fully planned is In reality part of tho doublo track line-up, and it is proven by the fact that the so-called double track is only to go to Julesb'urg and that no more la1 mentioned until west of Medlcino Bow. Julesburg is west of tho junction f tho Medicine Bow cut-off at O'Fallons, but that is to bo bujjt causo 0f tho Jenver route Tno rccent acquisition of tho Denver & Rlo Grand by ,he Hnrrman InteroBtB jlormonjzo wth the whole plan. At nv rnto wo nbsolutelv know that tj,B Union Pacific regards this extension nB ...t ntr nn(1 th.t lt to h. ,..,,. for L, t nurDOS mug contrnct u for thirty miles from Northport to Ger lng, and that will take to a point just west of tho main road between Gerlng and Scotta Bluff. Whether the remaining twelvo miles of the reported forty-two, or tho entire distance to tho state line, or tho whole distanco to Mcdiilno Bow aro ti be built this year we cannot say. -Gtrlng Courier. Govornor Aldrlch has proparcd a special mcssaga to nubrnlt to tho legis lature. It Is said to contain Information in regard to tho n-jeds of tho stato banking board to enforce tho guaranty teposlt net. Tho governor will ask for twelvo Mato lank examiners in stead of tho five or six now on duty. Tho salaries and expenses of twelvo examiners Will rfach $25,000 a year. If tho legislature amends tht law so as to eliminate that part which requires x- amlncra to verify notes and other assets In banks, eight or nlno examiners will bo nblo to do tho work. Pablic Sale. Georgo Re'fior." living sovon miles south weat of town, will hold n public xale of 12 head of hoi sea, 16 head of mules, farm machinery and household goods on February 2ltr, nt 10 n. m, For Sale Block 3 South Park Addition to North Platte; tho southeast quarter section E- 13-31, uiao t)U acres in section z-i-3(. For.prico nnd terms ndicss II. E. Nichols, Sterling, Col. Notice. Cheator F. Perry, defendnnt. wll tnko notice thnt on tho 23d day of Jan utiMti mil w M l:f1iii ITitimttr .Infirm oi Lincoln county, xsebiaskn, issued tin . otilor of attachment for Mio sum of i M 25 In nn action pending before him tMicieln John U. van is piaintllt ami Chester F. Porrv Is defendant, thnt property of thu defendant consisting (f to mowing macnines, two aii'' tr iicrnpers, two cooking .or sleeping i-lmcKs has been attached under said order. .Said cnuso was continued until tho 'Milr'day of March, 1911, Oo'claca. m. -at which tlmo the aaid matter will come on for final hearing and tho amount duo BftKl plaintiff will bo ascertained aijd tho proporty so attached will bo Bord,ncdti'di".r.to law to nntt8fytbo tkinomit en found due. Plaintiff would fuilher nlleco tnnt H. ... i.. .i... . . ..f tnA or. .1,... kin m a lendnnt. Dated thU 8th day of Fob v ion. .IniiN C Den. jiy MuWoott & GlbU, Wrf uttoKv. Mass Meeting, A mass meeting will be held under the auspices of the Socialist party at the court house Saturday evening, February 11th, at 8:30 p. m. protest ing the unjust decision of tho courts against Fred D. Warren,- editor of Tho Appeal to Reason, Glrard, Kansas. Every citizen regardless of party- affiliations should make it a point to attend this meeting and learn the atti tude of tho courts toward the citizens of tho United States. Fred J. Warren of North Platto will address this meet ing. Mr. Warren la a forceful and logical speaker nnd will certainly en tertain you. Everybody invited. Socialist. Notice to Bidders. Scaled bids will bo received by tho trustees of tho First Baptist church of North Platto, Neb,, till noon February 27th, for the sale of the parsonage just west of tho postofiice. The trustees rcscrvo tho right to re ject any or nil bids. All bids to be re eclved by the undersigned. II. R. McMichael, Sec. of Trustees. Estray Horses. Camo to tho farm of the undersigned about January 10th, 1911, four head of horscB. Two browns and two bays, three fillies, and one gelding: one filly has T. 0. brand on right shoulder. All small. Owner can hnvo same by calling, paving costs and taking animals away. J. A. Markee, four miles southwest of North Platte. w GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank, p. ) Office 130 Phones Rc3idcnco 115 Homeopathy Principles Sirailca, Similibus, Curantus- A llko remedy will cure a like disease. A law Immutable, that cannot change, nnd as truo today as when it first came to light. true and tried system that will bear investigation. Nature's own treatment whore remedies are paramount. For out of town patients and all those intorested: Rooms fur nished when desirea for confine ment, medical and tho necessary surgicnl cases. Trained nurse in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Practicioncr R. E. LOUDON AUCTIONEER rV i wenty years experience means good results for those who have my services. rhone or address me at North Platte. SOMETHING NEW! SAM JENS, The First-Class Shoemaker. Came here fnm the east and nm trv ing to mnko a living. If you are not satisfied with my work no charges will ue made. Prices for Repairing, Men's half soles hand sowed $1.00 Men's half soles nailed.... 75 Ladies' half notes hand sewed 75 Ladies' half noles nailed., , .GO Boys' half soles naijed CO Men's heels 85 Ladies' heels ., .25 Boys' heels 25 Rubber heels 00 I can make any kind of a shoo or boot to order. Come in and give mo a trial butlafactlon guaranteed. SAM JENS, THE SHOEMAKER East of First Natn'l Bank. ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL SI EAST FUUN'f SIKfctiT, NORTH PLATTF., NEB. Medical Staff: Dr. D. T. Quieley. Dr. G. B- Deut Dr. V Lucas. A. (cncrnl hospital for all acute and nhriir pjAVa 'mp(Honl siirdirnl . mm uuouiin u iku J iiici nn.l et ii r.i i n l Mi.ni. n . I . n ei calpWon. For further infor- - , Illation address, ' 1 W. M, CUNNINGHAM Kir PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institudon for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or nighL Special accommodations for donfinemsnt cases. 721-23 North Locuir t. Telephone No. 642. Go to SORENS ONS ron Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. r. . . 1 8 Si tl A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, : Physicians and Surgeons, Offlco over Stone Drug Co. (J Phones Ue8idenco273 Happily Surprised. This picture represents n man who received a box of our cigars for a gift: That he was pleased can bo noted by his wido smile.. You will bo equally pleased with our cigars, whether you buy one for a nicklo or dime. J. F. SCHfllALZRIEn. NOTICE. To l'rancls Love. Non-Itcsl'lcnt Defendant; , ) ou am nereuy notined mat on tho stli day orjuly. 1010, Vonahy L'ivo tiled her petition Kgal"Nt you in tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object and prayerof which aro to obtain a divorce from you on tlio grounds that you aro a habitual drunk ard and have refused and neglected to pro vide maintenance for tho plalntllT and In r minor child and that you havu been unlit? of extreme cruelty to this plalntltr. riaintiir prays tnat hii may fo divorced from vou, and that slut may lx) given Uiocus tody of her minor child Gordon Oliver Lovo. Vou are n (tuned to answer satd iwlltiou by tho Oth day of March. 1V1I. VON'AHV I.OVR J2U Hy Wilcox & Halllgan, her attorneys Notice. Tho Board of County Commissioners makes the following estimate of ex penses for Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho year 1911. lieneral fund $40,000.00. General rood fund 420.000.00. General bridge fund $12,000.00. Soldiers relief fund 51.000.00. DISTRICT BONDS. North Platte bridge bond and interest $1,360.00 Lurcke bridcre bond and interest 2,000.00 Hcrshey uriuKe bond nnd interest 600.00 Bostwick brldiro bond and interest 250 00 Diftrict No. 1, bond and interest (old) 3,000.00 District no l.. bond and Interest (new) 2.000.00 District No. 2, bond and interest 150.00 District No. 100.00 District No. 115 00 District No. ICS. 00 District No, 520.00 District No. 10.00 District No. 25.(K) 118, bond and interest 122, bond and interest 105, bond and interest 7, 30, 65, bond bond and and interest Interest bond and bond ond bond and interest District No. 130.00 86', interest' interest District No. 115.00 DlHttlct No, 115.00 Diftrict No, 92, 87, bond bond bond bond and and and and interest Interest interest interest' 05 00 District No. 47, 130 00 " District No. 37, 250 00 District No. 10, bond .71.00 Slate, of Nebraska. Countv of Lincoln, ss 1,0?. :R. Elliott, county clerk of ' Lin coln countv. do liotebv certify that the above and foretrolng is a true and car ted ctny of the est' mate for expenses maoHiy thtjl-etiuniy comfflbHtfpnexS for Lingnln counjty. Nebraska, for" toe year 1911. Dated North Platte, JNeu., Jan. Zl, 1911. 4-4 Ft R EiJUWlf Oowttir CMk WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M.D. Surgeon, Physician. Consultant. Ofllce Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phonesi Ofllce G42, Residence wi. JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Speclallyt-SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered OHlco l a. Hospital, mono 04z. Serial No. 02M3. NOTIOB KOIt VUIIL10ATION nrrAiiTMENr or thk iKTrnioa. At Nnrtli IMattn. Noliraakn. Jan. 21. It'll. Notlco Is horobr clron that Nlols flu in orson of North Platto Nob,, who on Anrll 22(1. IPOS, made homestead entry No. '21183. Serial No.02i23. for tho douthoastuuar ter 80iithwcturturand northwest quarter or Bection icwnsini) iz, n uanare w of tho nth l'rtiu.lunl Mortdlan, has flled notlco or intention to mako final nvo roar proof, to ouiamlMi claim to tho land above described, Iwforo tho register and recelror at isortn I'latte. iNouraska on tno zuiuuar nt March 1011 Claimant names as witnesses; Arthur Connor. Gooree single. S W Mannon and James BhucW, all of North IMatti'. Nrb. i 4rH I R KVWW. KlVtntl'T, NOTICB I'Olt PUIlUOATION Sorlnl S 02JU4. Denarlmont nf llin Interior. U. S. Land Ufllco at North Platto, Neb. Nitf liih atn Notlco Is horobr clvcn that Prank It LIT' Inrston. nf North Platte. N oh., who. on Dec. tird. 100S. mado II. K. No- 'MX: Serial No. 02T01, for wen V4 section 32, Town-hip 1. N.. Ilaniro2V. W. of the 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako llnal live yearproof to establish claim to tho land above dcac.rlticd, Iwforo tho lU'Klster and It- ceiver at north riattc, cai., on tno mn uay nf .Inn., mil Claimant names as witnesses! Perry Camp- hell, Acioipn KUdoipti, unaries liruiernitz auu W. II Combs all of North I'latte. Nohr. i .1. E. Evans. Iltglstcr. LEO A I. NOTICE. Tho unknown heirs of Harriot lOllny. deceased, will take notice that on the 23d day or Jan. mi. tho piaintin. F. 11 uurlinir. uiud his Detltlon In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against ttald defendants tho object and prayer of which Is to aulet plalntlU'8 title as against said dofondanuMO tho following descrl ud lands to-wlt! The east nno-half of tho southwest quarter and lots threo and four, all in section nineteen, township ten. range thirty-four, west of tho Htxtb principal meridian and all In Lincoln countr. Nubraska. And to forever enloln aid defendants and all persona claiming through and under them from claiming any right, tltlo or Interest In or to said lane. You aro required to answer said petition on or uororo tho otiiiiay or March, iru. V II lit RLINfJ. Plain Iff. J21-4 Hy James 0. Mothorsead, hU Altorrfoy . Notice to the Public Scaled bids will be received at the county clerk's ofllce nt North Platte. Neb., until noon on the 1st day of February, lull, lor tno rent of. south east quarter section 14, township 13, Mow kt.. Di.b.iuu J. .untiguiif 1U n ntr a 11 If nnwn no tbo 1 inrnln Pnimfu ange 31, Known as the Lincoln bounty lange al, Known as tho Lincoln Upu Poor Farm. Terms to bo cash rent. Dated North Platte. Neb.. Dec. 31. 1910. P. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Notice for Bids. To all whom it may concern: bias will be received by the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the grading oi 6U.UUU cubic yards oi earth roads, moro or less, work to be dono with elevator grader. ror haulinp- dirt one mile or less. Bidder to deposit a certified check nf $500.00 with the bid, to insure the county that the bidder will enter into contract, if awarded the contract. Printed blanks (for bidders) furnished oy-tne county cierK. JJlds will bo received by the countv cierK until iz m. on tho lUth day of feb mi. Tho board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Uateu North I'latte. Neb.. Jan. 21. mi. xfl5 P. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Change in Road 319 To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed for the purpoGo ot viewing Koau no. 31U4 aa to a proposed change as follows: commencing at station No. 45 on road No. 31U4 on southwest aunrter ot soutneast quarter oi section i, town range 1, and running thence across he canyon to the west side of the canyon, thence in a southeastetly direc tion down iast uecr (JrecK uanyon, across sections 12-9-27, sw. qr. 7-9-26, and 18-9-26 to atatijn 67 on east side ol said canyon on suid road No. 319J said road ' to follow the west side of tho canyon taking one rod from tho canyon bottom and tnreo rods irem the noints. Except said road is to pass through the cut south ot J. E Smith's house and thence back into tho main Deer Creek canyon on the west side, And to vacate that portion ot road No. 3194 lying between stations 45 and 67 has leported in favor of the change and vacation and any objections thereto munt be flled in the ofllcu of the county ,.uu w im-u ... viuvu u. v.. vi w.ua.tj clerk on or before noon on the 25th day of March 1911 or such road will ho oi Marcn, lJti, or Butn roaa wm ue changed without reference thereto. Dated Norm i'latte, web., Jan. 21. 1911. j24-4 P. It. Elliott, County Clerk. Notice. Organization of tho North Platte Cooperative Association. l. ine name oc tms corporation shall bo "The Norm jfiatte uo-opera tive Association. 2. Tho general nature of the bus! ness shall be owning and operating n general btore: buying und selling build ing material, fuel, fuim. daity and ranch products and farm machinery; to borrow and loan money; discount paper; purchase or rent nil real estate necess ury'for tho business of the corporation 3. ' The capital stock shall be Twenty Ave thousand dollars divided into shares of Ten dollars each, of which five thous and dollars shall be aubnoribed and paid before commencement of business. 4. Tho ofllce of this corporation shall be in the city of North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, and tho principal piaco or it transacting business snail be in Lincoln county. 5. Tho term ot existence of this corDorntion shull be for twenty vears. commencing March 1st, 1911, and term inating March' 1st, 1931. 6 Tho higheat amount of indebted ness to which this corporation shall Bt pny ope time be subject shall not ex ceed two-thirds of its actual subscribed and paid up stock. i 7. The business and affairs of this corporation shall bo managed by a board of Ave directors to bo elected by the 'stock holders from among their number, - r - OiV A""'-' number. E.,Y Mann, ItA'Lru O. Chamberlain, ViT. Redmond, W. II. LeDoyt, W&LIAM OTTfiN. ... I DR. A. A. WARD, omct Hotel Tlronn-rroan. Special attention given diseaws of women and emergency surgery. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 01091. , ncpartmentof the lntnrlor. Land Offlco at North Platto. Neb. U.8 jan. ivn. Hntim Ishornbv given that Andrew K. Mc Intlroof Hershoy. Nob., who on JonoJH.iw. mado Homestead Kntry No. 20069. Serial Ho. ()W forSM NRk.ffCtlon 00. township 12. N. rango ya. W of theslxtn principal meridian has nicd nouco oi inwuuuu w , " . 117 Ave rear proor, to estaniisu ciaini v, m land abovo discrllx-d, boforo tbeltegtflter and Hecelver at North. Platto. Nebraska, on the Bth day of March. WH. . Claimant names as wiincssm V","" Meyer and William Faclta both of JMcWcni. Nh.. .Tnspnh KverUtich and Georgo Oarman, both of Hersbcy Nob. Porlal No. t)3. , m Notlco for Piibllcatlon-lsoiatcd Tract. Publl.) Land Bale. Departtnedtof the Intorlor, II. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Neb Jan- 12th. ltll Vol If n t lirrnhr a'ren that, as directed by thofomndsslotier Of thoaunorai L.ano umco. under proviions or aci . or ujuiKress p- r.r.wr..! limn illli Ilk (1 lit Htatn.. K17). we will olTer at public salo. to the highest bidder, at ifiiociocic a. m.. on inu uin uur ui in.itu 1UI1. at this ofllce. tlin fnllowlng-dctcrlbod land: Lt 1, and NEU of NWX "f Section 0. township 12. N.. IUngoSl. W. of flth Principal Meridian . , . Anv nersons clalmloff advorselr tho abovo described lands aro advised to ilia their claims or objections on or bofore tho time oi signaled rortaio. J. n- vtaxb ju-tt uegisior, NOTICB FOK PUHLIOATION. . 8crlal No.(W5. x Department of the Interior, U 8. Land Offlco at North Platte, Nob. January 12th 10il. Notlco tshercbv given that Josenh Ever- lanch, of Ileishe). Nebraska, who. on luno 30.IV0I. mado homestead entrr No. 80247, Pertal No. W. forSKM. N WM. NEW. BKW. El(.HW.anilHW SWU.scctlon 0. town- Nhlp 18, N, Range ft!. W of the sixth Principal Meridian nas uiea nouco or intention to make final flvo rear nronf to establish claim to tho land above described. before the Register and Hecelver at North Platte. Nob., on the Oth day of Mar. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Merer, of Dickens. Neb.. Andrew It. Mcln- tlrttinporge Carman, of Ilnrxhoy. Nob., Alvln Zaulcr. of North I'latte, Neb. Jiz-s J K KVAriC, Keglster. NOTICE POU PUHLIOATION, Serial No 0-5 13. Department Of tho Interior U. S. Land Offlro at North Platte, Neb. Deo 13t h, 110. Notlco Is hereby given that Olln Lee Wat kins, of North I'latte. Nebraska, who on, April liiih, lien, irado Uomostead entry No. 21183. Serial No. 023IS. for north half and northoast quarter, of southeast quar ter of section 8, township 12, north range si, west of tho Uth Principal I , ' , - - -. ... I mako final flvo year proof, to establish ulalm to tno land nI)OVO dCM:ri)ed, iwforo meridian, nat. iiicu nouco or intention tn iho Hegister and Receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 7t.li day of Fohy.. mil. Claimant names- as wltmsses: John W, Powler, carl llroedor. Thomas Zimmerman and Ucrt Donaldson all of North Platto. Nob. d20 D J.R. Kvaks. Register. NOTICK FOR PUItLICATION. Serial No. 02t)A. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at North Platte. Nrb. Dec. 13. 1010. Notice Is hereby given that John V. Fowler or North Platto. Nci wb . on Aug. 23. 1U03, tninu homestear. entrr No. 21131. serial No. tetUO, for southeast quarter, etistbalt noutb- west auaiter. sonmeast Quarter northwest quarter and lots3. 4.6, 0 and ISeo 0, Twp. 12. N. It. si, w t f tho uth Principal Meridian, has flled notice of Intuition to make final five rear proof, to establish claim to thu land above des -rlln d. Iwforo tho Register arid Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 7th day of Foby. lUll. uisimant names as witnessed! Carl Drixilor. O. L. Watklns. T. F. Zimmerman arid A E Donaldson alt ot North Platte, Neb. d20-fl J. E. EvAtos. Iteglster. , OUHKIt OF IIICARINn ON PETITION FOR AlrOI.T0IKT UK AllRHNLXTUATOi: OR ADMINISTRATRIX. Stato of iNelirasUa, Lincoln ccuuty, ss. In tlio county court In tho or matter ot tho eatato ot QustavusD ban. deceasod. On reading and tiling tho petition ot Anna M. Urban, urai ing that the administration of said estate may bo granted to her aa ad ministratrix. Ordered. That February 27th. 1011. at II o'clock a. tn Is assigned for bearing said petition when all persons interested In aald matter may appear at a county court, to be held In and for said county and showcuuso why tlio prayer of ipo tloner Miould nut be granted : and that notice of the neudeticv of said Del lt Ion aid thn licailnc ttiereol be ulvcn to all oersons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tlio North Platto Tribune a t.emlweekly newspaper printed In said count r. for six successive Issues, prior to said dar of hearing Dated February uth mil. J w. o ELDER. Countv Judce. Ry Katllerlne F. Clurk. Clerk County Court PRORATE NOTICE. , In tho matter of tlio cstato of Thomas J Davlcs, deceased. In thorounty court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, January SOth. 1011. Notlco is hcrt liy given. tliaA the creditors of thu said deceased will meet tho ex i cutors of said cstato, before tho County Judge of Lincoln rounty, Neb., at the county WUT. IUUIU III D.iu tUUiii, . nil .IIVUUUHy UI February, ion, and on tho 27th day of August, mi 8i w o'cloou a. m. each day, for tho pur- V(aoot presenting their claims for cxamlna- court room in saiu county, on tno -'in aay of tlnn. adiustment and allowance. Six month aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho executors to settle said estate from the 80th day ot January, 1011. This notlco to lie pub lished eight successlvo Issues In the North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, tiiMhed In said county, prior to February 27, 1011. J!- W. O. ELDER. County Judge Ity Katherlne F Ct.Ann. Clerk CountyCourt. SHERIFF'S HALE. Ry -virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court ot Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court whorcln Nora Raich Is plaintiff and Carrlo L Mlchael ot al ara defendants, and to me directed. I will on the lHth day of February, 1911. at 1 o'clock v. nv at thu cat front door of the court house in Nortn Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cub. to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: Southeast quarter t8 E Mi and the South half of tho North' half (SH of NM) of Section Thirty-four (34) Township Eleven (II). N. of.Rango Thiry-four (31) Lincoln county. Nebraska. llated North Platto. Nob.. Jan. II tb. 1811. j!3 I. I Mii.TQiinwicmii. Sheriff ORDfc.lt OF UEAItlNO ON ORIOINAL PROUATEOF WILL. Stato of Nebraska.-Lincoln County, ss. In the county qburu January 20, lvn. In the matter ot the estate of W. T. Miller, deceased. ,. Oil reading and filing tho petition of Marlon T, Miller, praying that thl Instrument, flled on thuVOlh day of Jan. 1011. and purporting to bo tho last. will and testament ot the aald ueceaseu.may a pruvea, approvea. probated, auunuu nu rccurueu as me last will n,l icnuuvniui inu saiu.'Y, i. oiuier. ueceasen, and that, tho execution of said instrument niajrbd commlttrtlSand tho administration of ald rstatitmay be granted to Marion T. Mil. ler. and Raymond '11 'Sillier, asexocutora uruuria. TJiavv.iepruary lutti. WU, at 2 o'clock p. to., Is aligned for hearing aald petition, when allpersons Interested In aald niattet may appear at a county court to be hHd In and for said; county, and show causo whr Ihe nravur oftlm nuifilnnui. T 1 , - - , 1 " ............. . ,uum liub Lbo granted. This notlco to bo published flX sueeesMiyr iHauimJn thu North Platte Tri bune, a PfcroMVir newspaperpublMiod in said county lit lor to said r!ay of hearing, ,.... .WO. Ei.nan. County Judg. 115 ivaiuernw r. uiarki Clock Ovmaty Ooorti I