The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1911, Image 4

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    WORKS You delude yourself trying to make
ORRY I yursc believe your headaches are only a
temporary nilmcnt when you know not
ASTE what they may lead to.
You are not putting your right energy in your work, uid aro
not accomplishing what you should.
You may he criticised by your employer for not attending
to your work properly, whereas you arc trying to do the best
you can, but you ore not feeling just right. Nine out of ten
cases such as yours come from the eyes why may not yours
be one of the nine? Let our graduate optician examine them
free of charge, and if it's not your eyes he will truthfully tell
you, and you can seek relief elsewhere. Don't delay attending
to yourself, you will accomplish so much more.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Phone 338. We want your repair work.
8 DR. H. C. BROCK,
a Oror 1'lrnt National. Phono 148 A
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
Kind National Dank
Dr. Bancroft' Lectures.
Dr. Bancroft will lecture at the
Methodist church on Thursday and Fri
day evenings of this week. Thursday
evening his subject will be "Ups and
Downs of Matrimony, or When, How
and Whom to Love." On Friday even
ing tho subjet will bo "Hoo-doos or
Riddles of tho Mind." Tho admission
will be 75 cents for the two lecturers,
or 40 cents foe one.
Residence for Sale.
East 22 ft. Lot 2, and West 22 ft.
Lot 1, Blk. 123, Price $2750. 5 rooms,
. bath, toilet, electric light and tele
phone. Lawn, curb and cemont walks.
See G. S. Huffman.
J. M. Sullivan returned Saturday
nIght,to Mllford, Utah.
Geo. G. White and Wm. Garman, of
Sutherland, were visitors in town yes
tarday. Wanted Girl for genoral housowork.
Apply at C07 West Fifth, Mrs. T. F.
A httlo more raolsturo was added to
mother earth Saturday night ' by an
inch or more of snow.
Members of the Young Ladies Bridgo
Club wero the guests of Miss Kate
Seyferth last evening.
Our sympathy is with Perry Carson.
Butcheer up Perry, you'll probably
never have another siege of it,
A business meeting of tho Altar So
ciety of the Catholic church will bo held
at the home of Mrs. J. IL Doncgan
Thursday evening.
For Sale Sweet Croam and Milk,
Whipping Croam a specialty. Phono D
Weather disturbances are predicted
for this soctlon for four days beginning
tomorrow. Marked variations of tem
perature are likely to occur.
, C, H. Bostwick, who has been living
near Paxton fer a couple of years, has
leased the Boeich place aoutheast of
town and will move thoreto March 1st.
Mrs. Nora West, nee Fenwick, will
return to hor homo in Basin, Wyo., the
latter part of this week. Sho will be
accompanied by John Fenwick who ex
pects to locate at Busin.
Mrs. J. J. Halllgan and daughter
Lucille returned from Omaha Saturday
night. Lucille, who had an oporution
performed, baa boon much benefitted
thereby and is getting along nicely.
The remains of Magglo J. Gardner,
who died at her homo in Hinman pre
cinct Saturday, wero brought to town
last evening and taken to Gibbon for
. burial, Georgo Gardner, son of the de
ceased, accompanying tho remains.
Mrs. Gardner was seventy-ono years of
"The Lord freezes tho water, but wo
must cut our own ice." North Platte
will be in the future largely what we
as citizens make It. We havo the country
and the resources uacK or us lor a
town of 10,000. Are wo making tho
proper effort to develop tho cduntry as
it should be developed;
Residence for Sale.
Lot 4, Blk 95, Price $1800. C RoomB,
electric lights and telephone. Nlcolawn
and shade trees.
Sec G. S. Hufflmnn.
Mrs. E. F. Seeborgcr entertained the
Afternoon Bridge Club yesterday.
Will Bftldock has gone to Omaha
whore ha expects to accept a situation.
M. I. McCarty, of Wood River, was
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Bowen yesterday.
For Rent Two furnished room stoum
tiated with bath. Will rent single or
together. Mns. V. Lucas.
Dave Whlto and several other Her-
shoyitcs wero in town yesterday mak
ing tho trip in Mr. White's car.
To correct a wrong report Mrs,
Healey is not a victim of small-pox,
but tho boy Darroll lias the measles.
Tho wash out on tho Oregon Short
line, which suspended traffic several
dnyB, was repaired Saturday and tho
line is again in service.
For Rent Fivo room houso on west
Soventh. Inquire nt 521 west Third or
Phono 229.
A Washington lottor received by a
citizon intimates that the noma of E.
S. Davis as postmaster will be sent to
tho sonato for confirmation in a few
dayB. '
W. W. Blrge is having n now build
ing orocted in which to storo lumber,
thus better protecting tho stock and nt
the same time provide moro convenience
in tho handling.
For Sale Alfalf hay. Phono Fremont
Watts, E 504.
Carl Shaffer returnod yesterday from
a two months' visit in Omaha and
other points east. He will again cast
his lot with us, which shows good
judgment on his part.
Pat McGraw of Lander, Joe McGraw,
of Helper, Utah and Mrs. Merriman,
of Casper, Wyo., are in town, haying
been called here by tho illness of their
mother, Mrs. Johanna McGraw.
E. T. Tramp has made un ofTer of
$7,000 for tho Major Walker houso on
west Fourth stroat. If the Major and
family can find a smaller house with
the desired conveniences tho ofTor imay
be accepted.
For Sale
Block 3. South Park Addition to North
Platte; the southeuat quarter section 5-13-31,
also CO acres in section 2-13-3L
For prico and terms adross II. E.
Nichols, Sterling, Col.
Vacant Lots for Sale
Vacant Lot 3, Blk 95, Price $500.
Vacant Lot 2, Blk 95, Price $500.
E 44ft Lot '1, Blk 123, Price $1000.
Seo G, S. Huffman.
Night Policeman Friend and Chief
Lowell havo switched trMcs, the former
now on days and the latter doing night
work with officer Trout.
Mrs. W. A. Tanner roturncd to her
homo In Lexington yeatorday morning
accompained by her mothor Mrs. F. T.
Redmond who will visit several days.
While we were enjoying tho pleasant
rayp of a wurm sun yesterday, tho
people of Omaha were wading through
fully a foot of snow which fell Sunday.
"For" Rent Fivo room house. Inquire
at 505 West 11th street, or phone 503.
A deal is pending between Drs. Dent
nlld Quigley and Claude Welngand for
tho purchase of the Mrs. Church prop
erty recently bought by Mr. Weingand
The two doctors want tho property for
hospital purposes.
Sinco putting the above in typo it is
learned that the sale has been made and
tho deed executed. The prico paid was
$6,250, or $250 more than Mr. Weln
gand paid for the property three weeks
John Burko has purchased of II. N.
Smith the former Sam Richards prop
erty south of the Centralchool build
ing for $7,000. Mr. Burke will move
his family from Denver nt the close of
tho school year. Tho salo was made
through Bratt & Goodman.
Tho popularity of Bishop Beecher In
North Platto Is attested by tho hosplt
ablo Way in which he is being enter
tnineq at the homes of his former
parishioners. The Bishop could stay In
North-Platto for a month and still not
be nblo to accept all Invitations ex
tended to him.
Whilo not wishing to slur any one, it
Is pertinent to ask why "four hundred
men will attend a chorus girl show Sat
urday night and only half ithat number
bo found at tho sevcrnl churches com
bined tho following dayj "tyhy men
don't attend church" would be a fruit
ful subject for discussion by our friends
Rev. Johnson and A. R, Adamson, and
might perhaps throw some light on
gambling for merchandiso and other
things that we ought not to do.
Don't forget that Dr. Bancroft, the
lecturo-untertnlnor who will shortly
appear in this city, haa a messago to
deliver dono up in a humorous package
that is of vital importnnco to all man
kind and no thinking person can afford to
miss this rnre intolloctual treat. It Is cer
tain thut nn moro deserving attraction
will appear in this city this season, nor
ono that will give more genoral satis
faction. Tho proof of tho pudding is
theoating. Take a bite nnd you will
want moro. Reservo your seat at you
earliest convenience, and avoid the
rush and look pleasant? At. the Metho
dist church Thursday nnd Friday ove n
ings of this weak.
Public Sale.
Georgo Reflor, living sovon milos
south west of town, will hold a public
sale of 12 head of horses, 1G head of
mules, farm machinery and household
goods on February 21st, nt 10 a. m.
Fir st National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $140,000.
E. F. SECDERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Prcsiucnl,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
Ofllco over McDonald 8tate Bankjgi
Estray Horses.
Camo to the farm of the undersigned
about January 10th, 1911, four head of
horses. Two browns and two bays,
three fillies, nnd ono gelding; one filly
has T. O. brnnd on right shoulder. All
small. Owner can have same by calling,
paying costs nnd taking animals away.
J. A. Markcc, four miles southwest of
North Platte.
Thn physicians of thojeity say they
had never been quito so busy as during
the past two weeks. There is not,
however, many serious cases, colds,
grippe and measles being the causa in
nearly all caeca.
Tho Nebraska Telephone Co. haa
not yet sent a manager to succeed E.
D. Warner in tho local telephone of
flee, although Mr. Warner relinquished
his duties a week ago. Miss Etta
Clark has been looking after tho work,
uruTscoms to be doing it successfully.
"A Mother's Comfort"
is afforded in using for Infanta
Stork Sheeting, Stork Bibs,
Stork Pants.
They are waterproof, wear well and
wash easily, tor sale only by
Organization of the North Platte
Co-operative Association.
1. The name of this corporation
shall be "Tho worth i'latto (Jo-opera
tivo Association."
2. Tho cendrnl nature of tho bus!
ness shall be owning and operating a
general store; buying and soiling bulld
inc material, fuel, farm, dairy and
ranch products and farm machinery; to
borrow nnu loan money; discount paper;
purchase or rent an rcui estate necess
ary for the business of the corporation
H. The canital stock shall be Twentv-
fivo thousand dollars divided into shares
of Ten dollars each, of which five thous
and dollars shall bo subscribed and paid
befora commencement of business.
4, Tho office of this corporation shall
be In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, and the principal
plnco of it transacting business shall
be in Lincoln county.
6. The term of existence of this
corporation shall be for twenty years,
commencing March 1st, 1911, and term
inating March 1st, 1931.
G. Tho highest amount of indebted
ness to which this corporation shall at
any ono time be subject shall not ex
coed two-thirds of its actual subscribed
and paid up stock.
7. Tho business and affairs of this
corporation shall be managed by a
board of fivo directors to be elected tyy
tho stock holdors from among their
E. W. Mann,
RALl'II O. Chamherlain,
F. T. Redmond,
W. H. LeDoyt,
William Otten.
Sirailea, Similibus, Curanlus.
A like remedy will cure a like
A law immutable, that cannot
chungo, and as true today as
when it first came to light.
true and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature's own treatment whoro
remedies are paramount.
For out of town patients and
all thoae interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and tho necessary
surgical cases. Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Practicioner
i wenty years experience
means good results for those
who have my services.
rhone or address me at
North Platte.
A 'Cieat Battle
How He Got His Start
Copyright by American Trcsa Asso
ciation. 1911.
The bnttle of Gruvclotto hnd been
founht: a smoko mlBt still hung over
tho field, though in tho gathering dark
ness it wna gradually becoming im
perceptible. A man carrying a port
folio und paraphernalia necessary to
sketching left tho field and, making
bis way to a hut on a hill overlooking
tho sceno of tho engagement that haa
occurred that day botween tho French
and the Prussians, entered tho nut
and asked if ho might havo somo sup
"Certainly, monsieur," said n womnn
who wna there, "but wo can glvo you
vory little. Tho soldlcra of both ar
mies havo taken nil wo havo oxcept a
few bits that wo hid in the cellar.
Come, Fnnchctte, bestir yourself and
set tho tabid"
Tho tablo wna set and tho euppor put
upon it, Tho stranger sat down, and
Fan. hot to poured into his glnss somo
of tho cheap wlno of tho country. Sho
was between Boventcen and eighteen
years old, a slmplo French maid who
had no secrets from nny ono in tho
"You wear a Bad look, Fanchetto,"
said tho strnnger. "Is. it from seeing
tho slaughter today?"
"No, monsieur. I did not look that
"Well, then, tell me what troubles
"It is this, monsieur. Antoino Brls
Hon went out n&ong tho fighting and
received a wound, no is lying now
in tho next room."
"Ho is your brother?"
"No, monsieur."
"Well, then, ho is your lover?"
To this tho only reply wns eyes cast
upon tho lloor.
"What was ho doing out thoro
"No, monsieur; ho has not yet be
como a conscript. Ho will not be tho,
ngo for a month."
"Well, then, what business had h
on n battlefield?" ;
"Sketching!" I
"Sketching? That's what I was do
ing there. When I havo finished my
supper I will go in nnd seo him."
Tho stranger chnttcd on with tho girl
and easily gleaned from her that sho
and Antoino could not marry becnuso
sho had no dot After having supped
nnd smoked a pipe tho artist went into
tho room whoro Antoino was lying.
Tho boy had received a flesh wound,
but not of sufficient importanco to en
danger his life.
"So you wero making sketches of tho
fight?" Bald tho artist "That is. my
business. I have been drnwing for ono
of tho Paris illustrated papers. Lot
mo boo what you havo done."
Fanchetto took an Improvised port
folio that sho had mado for her lover
of two pieces of pasteboard laced to
gether with a Btring and brought It to
tho artist. Thero wero blood stains on
it, but ho did not mind that Ho had
scon plenty of blood that day. Ho
opened tho portfolio, took out whnt
thero wob in it five or six sketches
and began to look them over.
"Whoro did you learn to sketch?" ho
asked tho boy.
"I havo never learned, monsieur," ho
"Never utudlcd in nn art school;
nover had any instruction?"
"No, monsieur."
Tho artist went on looking at tho
sketches ouo after tho other and when
ho hnd seen them nil looked at them
again. Then ho turned his eyes to tho
boy on tho bed.
"Do you know, my boy, that my pa
per sent mo hero to mako sketches of
this battle? I havo graduated at tho
art school with honors, nnd yet you
who havo nover taken a lesson havo
dono what I cannot do."
"Whnt do you mean, monBleur?"
asked tho boy, his oyes opening very
wide, whilo Fanchetto was all atten
tion. "You aro a born bnttle painter. You
havo Put into thoHo crude sketches an
action that I havo not been nblo to
put in mine. And you havo known
whnt scenes to select. Your soldiers
move; they fight; thoy are Impelled
by tho demon of war; thoy diereally
die, whilo mlno well, mino' beside
yours aro liko toy Boldlers."
"Oh, monsieur," exclaimed Fanehette,
clasping hor linnds, "how good you
aro to say that!"
"Good to say that! I'm not talking
to plenso you. I'm telling you tho
truth. And, to prove what I say, if
Antoino when ho has recovered will
como to Paris I am suro I can Interest
art lovers in him who will seo that ho
receives Instruction." '
"Oh, monsieur," roplled ' Fanchotto.
how can ho do that? no has no man
oy. no would hnvo to walk to ParlB "
'Not nt nil. I will take these sketches
with me. They will bo used in ono of
tho Illustrated pnpers and will bo well
I ... Tho monoy re' olved for them
I will send to Antoino."
Tho Bamo night, having hired n con
vcynnce the artist Bet out posthaste
for Par s. Antolno's sketches were
produced and created n sensation. The
money paid for them was Bont him.
Ho wont to rarls, whoro owing to tho
Interest created by his pictures ho wob
taken up and educated by tho paper
that published them.
All this occurred forty years ago,
and tho groat battle painter haa flour!
S nn,Pli8Se1 ttw"y- nis widow
lores to toll how ho got his start j