THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE mA L. BAKE, Publisher. TERMS; $1,25 IN ADVANCE. , NOTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA EPITOME OF EVENTS GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES FESH' FROM THE WIRE. THE STORY; IN A NUTSHELL Embraolng a Condensation of Events In Which Readers Generally Ara Mora or Less Concerned. Washington.. The hottRo passed tho pofltofilco ap proprlatlon bill, .carrying about $257,' 000,000, with so negative votes, Charlton It. Bottlo, United States attorney at Now Orleans, has re fused to nccode to Attorney General Wlckorshnm's request that ho resign, and hag ho notified tho department of JiiBtlco. The legislative, Judicial and ex ecutive appropriation bill was report ed to tho sonnto Tuosdny. . It carries 936,309,700, m Increase of $110,240,. over tho amount of tho bill ns It was passed by tho house. . A caucus of tho republicans of tho houso to determine what notion to tako on tho proposod legislation for a congressional reapportionment In tho light of the now consus statistics wnH called for Fobrunry 2. The department of Justlco lot It bo known that District Attorney Beat tlo's resignation had been requested becnuso of friction, wbch has,-arisen: over tho' Now Orleans clearing houso cases. Attorney General Wlckorsham denied hlmflolt to intorvlowors on tho subject, 'but It wns unld officially that euch a controversy caused tho rup ture Attornoy General Wlckorsham will soon dccldo If an antl'truBt action ahull bd brought ngnlnst tho Amor lenn pulp and papor association, pop ularly called tho "paper trust" Spe cial agents of tho department are fin ishing an investigation Into tho al leged price-fixing agreements of tho bows print paper mills which com prise tho association. A knotty point of American bank ruptcy law was settled when tho fed esral supremo court held that a se cured creditor la not entitled, to ap ply the proceedB from tho sale of his security first to Intorest on his prin cipal accrued slnco' the filing of the petition in bankruptcy and then to the principal and to prove a claim In ft bankruptcy for tho balance of tho principal. ' General. Jewels worth $35,000 - was Btolon from the Pittsburg homo of William Thaw, Jr. In a apoech before tho TSxna legts latufo Senator Culbortson scores tho sew nationalism. . Thero will bo two eclipses of tho sun this year, nolthor bolng vlslblo in tho United States. Tho h$uso will have an opportunity at an early date to vote on tho tariff board bljl, which .been ngrced on by tho wnya arid means committee. Montana's voto was cast, in favor ef tho Incomo tax amondmont to the constitution of tho United Statos. Tho scnato concurred In a houso ro solution ratifying tho nmondradnt. For the first timo in tho history or aviation an earoplnno roso from tho surfaco of tho water at San Diego, Balled about and returned to tho start ing point, whore It landed on tho wa ter as easily as n gull. A draconlan censorship Is being Im posed at Odessa with regard to nowo of demonstrations by studonts, The only Information about shooting hav Ing occurred at tho unlvoralty has come through official sources. Ono student has died, Theodoro HoohovoU's noxt tour will begin in. Now York March 8. and t will awoop around tho boundarlos of tho country, through, tho south At lantic and gulf states, the southwnnt. up to Ui6' Pacific coast to Idaho and Montana and thonco direct homo. Tho Indiana Itopubllcan Editorial association, which, at its convention a year ago, refused to endorse tho Taft administration, faced about and adopted resolutions endorsing, servcdly, President Taft pledging nlm tho . support of' tho ropublldah prcsft of tho stato and appealing to the voters to roily to him. Claiming -ho .had' been comrolttcod to tho Burleson county farm without cliancq to pay n cash fine for a nils demeanor, and that ho hnd boon flogged whllo a,! .-prisoner,' Lucius Crono, a negro, uppearcd as a stato witness .agalnfct throo whltojnon no mined of poonngo at Austin, Texas, Tho accused' mon aro W. 8. Houston J. M. "Woods and R. S. Nowboh. Thoy lay thoy "wero Jndlctod aa tho result ef 'Conspiracy. Thq contost botw.oon Shn Francisco and now unoans ovor exposition lo cation la stirring up milto a row. Ecuador has declined to send tho dlsputo over- tho Pom-Ecuador boun dary to Tho Haguo court for arbltra tlon. Tho Spanish cabinet has doclded to present parliament a bill rogulat Ing tho religious and other nssocln tlons. Tho Panama national assembly called In extraordinary, session to deal with tho financial situation voted ?100,000 In gold In aid of tho projected Panama world's fair In 1915, Tho president sont a special mes sago to congress bearing on recipro city with Canada. Tho postorric'o .appropriation- bill wits passed after tfTo department Jms received p. round Bearing in tho houso. Lawyers haVo pronounced tho will of .Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy to bo void. Virginia wants tho Bupromo court to shift part of hor staggering stato debt on West Virginia. Tho houso defeated tho proposal to increaso salaries of circuit Judges from $7,000 to $10,000 a year. Emll Munstorborg, a brother of ProfosBor Hugo Munstcrborg of Har vard university, died at Berlin. President Taft is concornod ovor tho formation of tho republican pro grosslvo league at Washington.' Ship subsidy promoters aro repre sented as. having sought to buy tho support of a Now York now8fapor. At tho second trial pf men accused of taking part In tho BorltU Btrlko riots fifteen of tho dofendnnto wero found guilty. At Abordccn, 8. D.f tho division headquarters, local frolght housos and pnssengor station of tho" Milwau kee railroad, were burriod.' Tho loss is estimated nt $100,000.' At .Lob Angclos, Howard Wilcox, driving a Nntlonal, broko tho Amerl can (lvo-mlle competition speedway record at tho motordomo. His tlmo was 3 minutes 21 seconds. With a greater numbof of delogatos In attendance than ovor" bofbro, tho United StatOB Civil SorvIcO Retire ment association convened In Wash ington In annual convention. Prosldont Taft, who was Invited to attend tho Kansas stnto fair to bo hold at Hutchinson noxt fall, has de cided to accopt tho invitation. Tho prosldtint will bo thero Scpletnbor 25 or 2C. Theodore Economu and Gcorgo P. Calogcra, Now York Greek Importers, wero sentenced to four months' im prisonment for ibelng pnrtlcs to a conspiracy to dofraud tho govern ment out of duties. In four testa before physicians at Ilono, Old., Frnnk rkebnuor showed that ho has 454 cubic inches lung ca pacity, which breaks tho 43G cubic Inch world's rocord of Paul Van Brocckrnan of Now York. , Tho i Peruvian insurgonts havo oc cupied, tho heights of Tnyabamba, 200 miles north of tho capital and aro awaiting an altaok by tho gov ernment troops which havo been sent to dislodgo them. Chancellor Allison decided at Nash ville, Tenn., against tho negro Knights of Pythias,, holding that they havo no right to tho namo, regalia, badges; otc. This caso will bo ap pealed to tho supremo court. The (petition for a rehearing of tho udgmorit and order sentencing Abra ham Ruef'to San Qucntiii for fourteen cars on n charge of bribery of tho Rucf-Schmldt board of supervisors was granted by the California su premo court. Caution In tho extension of fodoral control over tho Issuance of securi ties by railroads was urged by Mar- In Hughltt, chairman of tho board of directors of tho Chicago & North western railroad In tho hearing of tho Bocurltles commission. Nearly half tho members of tho son- ato Judiciary commltteo aro Bald to hnvo taken positions against tho con firmation of Judge William H. Hunt, now serving as a member of tho court of customB appeals, infl promoted to a circuit Judgeship. Tho Japanese Who assaulted United Statos Consul Williamson nt Dalny, Inst mpnthi wero convicted and given light (Ino, according to news brought to Victoria, D. C.'by the stoamshlp Oanfn, from Yokphoma Tho ,'iuon wore reprimanded .and aa soBsed a fino of $2.50 onch. Jamoa J. Gallagher, who shot Mayoi Gaynor' and Stroot Commissioner Ed wards on a steamship In dock; at Ho bokon last August, was taken lo tho Now Jersey Btnto prison to servo twelve years at hard labor. Tho son tonce, Including a fino of $1,000, It for his attack on Edwards. Tho imrposd of the' Georgo Wash lngton Memorial association wob ad vanced when $100,000 was donated by a Now YorH financier, TIjIh gift prac tically ninkos puro tho , collection pi $500,000, which tho association has not Itself to got boforo a slto Is do elded upon. ' Sheriff It. E. Martin of Hnhaford county, Texas, was shot and killed by n man namod Fifor-. Sheriff Mnrtlr, and a United States marshal wont to arrest Flfor for unlawfully holding stato land twenty mllos northwost, oi horo. Tho men entered Flfor's ban and struck a match. FJfer fired and escape!?. , , .: Personal. ' Tho Missouri .jcglBlnturo hna Smiths and only ono Brown.,. no Sonator Hoyburn of ldnh6, opposes popular election for senators! , The now republican govornor ot TonnoBseo was Inaugurated Janv25th. , Tho Jury In tho Mrs. Schonlftfmur dor trial' dmacroau aud wero. dls charged. Congressman Noma opposes, any raise In the shlarlos ot United States circuit Judges', ' Tammany Is Bald to tin pasting about for u 'now- man for' senator. James F. Martina has won out for aonator In Now Jorady, Dr. Dopow-la opposed 'tbtho.idlroct .election, "of United States, souatora; The? ' senatorial.- don,dlqqk ln,.,Iown continues with no practical change. Membora ot tho Nebraska legislat ure woro gnosis of Omaha for a day, Sonntor Cummins marked tho line of division ot tho republican party on tho tariff question. Paul Morton's remains will evontu ally bo brpught tp Nebraska for bur ial. CHANGE OF GAP1TAL BILL FOR REMOVAL OF LEGI8LA- TIVE SEAT. " ' . ( .,. FIRST STEP IN THE CAMPAIGN Revision of Road Laws of Nebraska. Other Matters In the House and Senate. Tho first step toward tho cam paign Tor tho removal of tho state capital from Lincoln wore taken in tho1 houso by tho (Introduction of , a. bill Blgned by twenty-seven membora of houso. 'ijbo moasuro provides that at the, next general election a voto ehall bo taken for or ngalrist' tho ' removal v of tho capital, tho persons voting for re moval to bo allowed to express thelr proference for a certain city, but any city voted for must bo located west of tho nlnoty-Bovonth morldttn, which runs through Wayno Jn tho north and Just cast of David, City and, Schuyler, nnd Just west of Wllber in tho south. If a majority bo In favor of capital removal tho capital shall bo declared romoved. If any city receives a ma jority of votos cast for tho romoval, bald city shall bo declared tho now capital of tho stato. If no city re ceives a majority, tho two hfehost cities shall bo voted on at a special election. , As drawn It provides for tho sub mission ut tho fall election In 1911, nil cities who dcslro to do so being eligible to competo in tho contest for tho prlzo, providing always that thoy aro weBt of tho wcBt lino of Lancaster county. If a majority of all votes nro cast In favor of all tho competing towns, tho capital shall bo romoved, If nond of tho candidates for tho capi tal rccolvo a majority of all votos cast In favor pf capital romoval, then in that event a socond election muBt de cide botween tho two high candidates. Good Roads Bill. Compioto rovlslon of tho road laws of tho stato and tho drafting of an entirely now and up-to-dato measure will bo effected by tho present legisla ture unless tho plans of tho "good roads" advocatos go astray. Roprosentatlvo W. A. Prlnco of Grand Island opposed tho passago of bills amending tho present road laws at this tlmo on account of tho pro posal to havo Introduced a modern road law In tho session that will cm body all tho best suggestions mado by tho .legislators of Nebraska. Many bills nro now boforo both houses for consideration and both tlmo nnd money will bo saved by in structing and drawing up of ono gen eral measure, according to Prlnco and other men deoply interested In secur ing, better highways. To Investigate Governor's Charges. A commltteo of five will bo appoint ed by tho spoakor of the houso to mnko nn investigation of tho charges of election frauds in Omaha mado by Govornor Aldrlch in his mesBngo. A resolution was introduced by Morlar ty of Douglas with n strongly con demnatory preamble Tho resolution was ndopted unanimously authorizing tho commltteo and tho Investigation after tho prcamblo had boon struck out on n motion by Prlnco of Hall. Income Tax. Apparently thoro Is not a dissent ing voto against tho Income tax In tho legislature. Tho sentimont favoring It In tho stato Is apparently bo over whelming thut not a legislator, oven if ho has tho personal do3lre, will risk going on record against It. Not a sin glo momber In either houso, so far as Is known, 1b against It Can Ride to Polls. Tho sonnto rocommonded for pas sage Sonator Lcq'b bill prohibiting tho use ot conveyances for Inking voters to or from tho polls nt primary and goneral elections. Tho roport of tho commltteo of tho wholo followed n discussion of tho posslblo offocts of such a bill. Tho most drastic provi sion of tho bill, which would have prohibited tho uso ot conveyances by political comnitttocH, was cut out bo foro tho moasuro reached tho Moor. Ab tho bill now stands, It only pro hibits candidates from using convey ances. .The Capita) Removal Bill. Tho capital romoval bill In full com prlsoB twelve soctlons nnd Is nulto lengthy. Tho last clauso reads, that "upon ascertaining thnt tho assent of a majority of tho olectors of tho state has been given thereto, sections 2 and 13 of an uct to provldo for tho loca tion ot tho seat ot government of tho etnto ot Nebraska, approved Juno 14, 18G7, shall bo and becomo thereby rq poaleu." Omaha Registration Frauds. Tho governor's mossago on registra tion frauds in Omaha waa taken up In tho aonato and rofcrrod to tho com mltteo on prlvtlogoa and elections. Regulating Corporations. Sonator Albert Introduced In tho senate a bill doslguod to place nil cor porations undor tho control of tho statu railway commission and con taining a provision regarding fran chises which is now Jn effect In Wis consln undor tho namo of, tho "lude terminate permit." SENDS IN MESSAGE. Governor Charges Registration Frauds In Omaha. Tho messago from tho govornor de claring tho present registration laws obsolcto and asking tho loglslaturo to glvo tho power ofappolntlng boards of registration into tho hands of chief oxocutiVo was presented to tho houso nnd senate on Wednesday. Tho movo ennio with an arraignment ot alleged conditions of fraud In which th6' gov ernor Implicates Mayor Dahltnan, nnd City Clerk Butler, ot Omaha, In fraud and fraudulent manipulation of registration.) , , Governor Aldrlch asscts that hand fuls of registration certificates' "'"Voro' issued at tho city clerk's office at the tlmd of election testified to by profes sional freeholders nnd sent out "nnd in this way ns many fraudulent votes wore cast as" woro desired by tho gang in control and many thousands wero bo enst." He declares that It Is a mat ter of record that nearly threo times as many votes were cast in tho Third ward as tho census shows thero woro malo Inhabitants in tho ward and that men who had registered and failed to voto had their voto cast for them anyway. Tho governor declares that tho laws as thoy stand pro outgrown and Bays that "innumerable frauds" wero com mitted In Omaha undor cover of tho obsolcto law. As a remedy ho suggests that the,, governor bo given' the' powor to ap point all registration boards on a 10 por cent petition and that this privil ege bo extended so thnt ho can ap point men from any ward to sorvo in nny other ward., Ho wants also tho powor to appoint a pollco force suf ficient for protection at tho polling, places. "In thin way," says tho gov-j ornor, "tho incentivo and motlvo to present fraudulent registration cortl-, flcntos would bo destroyed and men of; tho highest charactor nnd lntelllgencoi would becomo Judges and clerks of, election." Concluding, tho govornor says: "l urgo upon you tho Immediate consid eration of this mattor to tho end that somo plan may bo devised so that what has taken place in tho past may; not happen again undor tho snmo or. similar circumstances, au it surely will, with tho laws In their present form." A Back Number. , It is not uncommon for bills to bo introduced in tho legislature provid ing amendments to the session laws of tho provlous session. Theso bills, aro always amonded In commttteo to rend amendments to tho statutes last( compiled. It remained for Lawronco) of Dodgo to Introduce a bill that breaks the rocord for being antediluv ian in form. It calls for an amend ment to tho session laws of 1881. It bo happens thnt this law his slnco been amended In 1885 aud in 1891, but tho particular sections aimed at woro originally passed fn 18fil. ' No Salary Raise. Efforts to rnlBO tho salaries ot houso employes woro without avail. Propositions woro submitted to allow proofreaders and tho chief bill clork $4 a day without overtime. Boforo thero was opportunity to debato tho proposed ralBos at all motions woro mndo arid carried to lay them oh the .iolo. Stirring Up the Doctors. Gandy's bill to allow all people prac ticing healing arts of any kind or character, Chrlotlnn Scientists, fnlth healers, etc., to bo considered aa prac-. ticing pnysicinns, is creating somo stir among tho doctora and a promi nent Omaha Surgeon was' in tho houso to discuss it with tho author. Increased Pay for Jurors. To ralao tho pny of grand and petit Jurors from $2 to $3 a day Is tho pur port of ono bill passed by tho house. Evory mombor voted for It. Cobbey's Statutes. . Tho squabble ovor tho number ot Cobboy'B Btatutes to bo purchased for the uso of tho stato, and tho prlco to bo paid for them, led to something pretty closely resembling personali ties In tho liouso. Tho bill as amend ed nnd recommended by tho commlt teo on llnanco, ways nnd means car ries nn appropriation of $3,C0O for tho purchaso of 400 copies to bo bound In buckram. Nebraskas' First Homestead. Jansen of Gage, chairman of a spe cial committee to prepare a memorial asking congress to buy tho first home stead takon under tho nntlonal home stead law, tho Daniel Freeman farm In Gago county, to bo used for a na tional park, presented a roport which was adopted. . ( South Omaha Charter. Tho South Omaha charter bill was Introduced In both houso and sonnto by Representative Bulla and Sonntor Tunnor. Tho bill nuthorlJos an In crease of $25,500 in tho levy nnd pro- vldoa for an additional assistant 'city attornoy. Game Law Changes. Dnn Gellus, stnto game warden un dor the administration of Govornor Shallonberger, has secured tho Intro duction ot bills embodying tho rccom mondatlon mado In his biennial re. port. Most ot theno changes In tho gamo laws which havo already re eolved Indorsement from tho sporting fraternity. Ono provision Is for n uni vorsnl sportsman's license of $1.10, tho 10 cents to bo retained by county clerks. The proposod law provides that all persons muBt have such a 11 coneo to hunt anywhoro In tho state SIGN OF ASK PROTECTION OF EMBtiEM FROM ADVERTISERS." USE IS PUNISHABLE BY TINE Many Who Violate tho Law In This Respect Are Not Aware of Pen ,, alty Therefor. Washington. Tho American Red Cross has asked tho, solicitor genorn) of the .United States to advise it as to tho nroner sten's for' the enforcement ofi that portion of Its fodoral charter relating to tho use ot Us emblem and namo for advertising, by private firms and manufacturers. - Such uso of tho Red Cross Is pun- Isbnblo by a penalty up to $500 or a year's imprisonment It Is believed many persons who ' use tho ombloin and namo for advertising ' purposes are not nwaro that such is forbidden nnd that heavy ponalties may bo en forced against them. Tho United States has ontcred Into a treaty with all the civilized govern ments of tho world to proven! tho mlsuso ot tho Rod Cross emblem or tltlo. Tho law specifically prohibits the uso of a "Greek red cross on a white ground, or nny srgn or Insignia mado, or colored imitation thereof, or of tho words "Itcd Cross" or "Go- nova Cross" or any combination of these words." Tho use Is forblddon evon for charitable purposes, except by tho Amorlcan Red Cross, lta em ployes and agents, and tho army and navy sanitary and hospital authori ties. Tho uso of the 'red ctosb on tho Now York ambulances has been aban doned, and medical and other associa tions havo pledged themselves t.o sup press Its uso for any advertising (pur poses. Tho officers iof the national or ganization request of. 'the solicitor general an opinion as to tho best method for proceeding against those who continue to uso the emblem or name. Reciprocity With Canada. To carry into effect tho torms of the reciprocity ngreoment, concluded by representatives of Canada and tho United States last Thursday and Which was placed boforo congress that day by Presldont Taft with a special mossago urging legislation, tho first movo was mado Saturday when Roprosentatlvo McCall of Mas sachusetts, a member of tho ways and means commltteo of tho houso, presented the administration' bill on tho Bubjoct Tho bill was referred to the commlttoe on ways and means which will tako' it up this week, President Taft Indicated today that ho was not worrying aboutrtho fate of tho agreement. SPECIAL SE88ION OF HOUSE. Services In Honor, of Late Represen tative Gllmoro of Louisiana. Washlngton.--Trlbutcs to tho life, character and public services ot the lato Roprosentatlvo Samuel L. Gll moro of Louisiana woro paid In tho houso of representatives Sunday at a special session presided over by Rep resentative BrouBsard of Louisiana as spoakor protem. The speakers In ad dition to Mr. Broussard wero: Repre sentatives Knlin of California and Borland of Missouri. Beverldge Favors Treaty. Washington. Senator Bevorldgo of Indiana, In a statement Sunday night, commended tho reciprocity agreement with Canada submitted to congress by tho presldont, nnd praised Presi dent Taft's messago Urging Its ratifi cation. "Every believer In Canadian reciprocity," said Sonator Bovorldge, "must npplaud tho thoroughly admir able messago of tho president to con gress transmitting tho proposed agreomont. That messago is power ful and unanswerable from my point ot view. J. Whltaker Passes Away. Kansas City, Mo. Joseph Whlt aker, 84 ycnra.old, a retired capitalist, died at his homo In Kansas City, Ks Sunday. Ho was among thoso who startod the first packing plants In Cincinnati aud at tho. closo of the war, In 18C3, ho established the first meatpacking plant In this section. Miss Mary Desha is Dead. Washington. Miss Mary Dosha, 05 years old, ono of tho threo founders of tho Daughters of tho Amorlcan Revolution, died suddenly of apo plexy whllo walking near her homo horo Sunday. King Manuel Granted Pension. London. Tho DInro do Notlclna announcos that tho Portuugoso gov ernment has decided to pay a month ly ponslon of $3,300 to tho deposed King' Mnnuol. Terrific Volcano Eruption. Manila, P. I. Observors Bent out by tho Bureau of Sclonco to Investigate tho oruptlonB of tho volcano, Taal, havo telegraphed a report that a tor- rlfio eruption occurred at 2 o'clock In tho morning simultaneously with two prolonged earthquakes. Tho Island on which tho volcano is located sank Hvo foot A heavy mud shower fell and thon for halt an hour hot nshes. Tho obsorvntor at Manila corroborates tho report and adds that a remark ablo electrical storm continued for hours, RED CROSS NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News Notes of Interest from Varloui Sections. . Tecumsoh, business men, nt an en thusiastic meeting, organized ,a com mercial club. Governor Aldrlch issued a commis sion to Henry Hownrd of Elk Creek to bo commandant of tho soldiers' home at Mllford. Tho commission Is to tako effect February 1. At tfio" regular meeting of tho city council of Bentrlco It was decided to BUbmlt tho question of "wet" or "dry" at tho coming spring municipal elec tion to tho voto of tho people.' Lincoln attorneys Interested in tho supreme court decision upholding tho constitutionality of ' tho Nebraska bank gunranty act have heard nothing of any attempt for a rehearing of tho case. Owing to tho crowded condition ot tho Sargent public schools reorganiza tion wns necessary, Mlss. Inez Brown added to tho corps of tcachoro and tho second semester begins with nat tering prospects. Tho body of tho lato Panics G. Tay lor of ,Now York, who died In that city, arrived In Seward. Funeral services wero conducted nt tho Methodist Episcopal church on Sun day, January 29, Frank Smith, engineer of tho Union Pacific, running tho Oregon express, was severely Injured whllo taking his train through Merrick county. Momen tarily glancing backward, with his head slightly out of tho cab window, ho was Btruck upon turning to faco forward by n mail crane and the left eye was badly Injured. Tho accident happened in the ynrds at Clarks. George Wcllman, a farmer living oevdn miles south of Waco, commit ted suicide by cutting nn artery In his wrist and bleeding to death. , Mr. Welman was olghty-slx years of ago and had:bcen suffering for somo time with an attack of grip. During 'tho past few days he becamo despondont, snylng that ho knew he wou.ld .not got well and It Is believed that this was tho cause of his suicide. , Nebraska horticulturists, meeting nt the Llndell In Lincoln, drew up tho preliminary version of a bill to provldo, for Inspection of fruit coming Into the stato and fruit being export ed. A temporary organization to bo known ns the Nebraska Nurseryraon's association, was formed. Peter Youn gcrs of Geneva Is temporary chair man and Clyde Barnard of Table Rock temporary secrotary. Governor Aldrlch has "mado his ap pointments under the now bank laws and they .will go Into effect as soon as tho mandate Is received from the Bupromo court announcing tho fact that tho bank guaranty law is upheld. Those who are to bo reappointed are: Secretary, Ed. Royso; clork, N. P. Porslnger; assistant, Mnudo Hogo; examiners, Clnrenco W. Erwln. F. M. Stnpleton, Edward Emmett and E. H. Mullo.wnoy. Tho first atd capo of the American Rod Cross society, which was sta tioned at Falrbury for several days, was moved to Goodland, Kan. Dr. M. W. Glasgow, who was In charge of the1 car, delivered threo lectures to Rock Island omployes at Falrbury. Quito a large number of employes listened to tho talks and a great Interest was being displayed among tho employes. A first aid corps was organized In Falrbury and tho work will bo carlod on by Dr. G. L. Prltchett of that city. Willis Bales and his wife, pioneer settlers near Superior, wore shot and killed at their homo by Harvey Wad lolgh, a farmer who had been their friend for thirty years. It Is believed that Wadlolgh becamo Insano sud denly. Wndlelgh, who 1b a wealthy young fanner living about nine miles southwest of Superior, In tho Roau bons neighborhood In Jewell county, Kansns, walked over to tho home of William Bales and as he camo to tho door was shot by Wudlolgh, a man who had acted "queer" for some tlmo past. Tho funeral of the Rev. J. Charles, who died In Arlington after an illness following a second attack of apoplexy, was held Thursday, all places of busi ness being closed. Rev. J. Charles waa born In Red Lake, county of Gnl lup, England, September C, 1836, be lng In his 75th year at tho time of his death. When a lad of 15 years of ago ho was converted to the Christian faith, to which ho steadfastly and consistently ndhered. Los Angeles (Cal.) dispatch; In tho Chamber of Commerco exhibition hall tho Nebraska State society of Los Angeles recently lpld a largo and en thusiastic meeting. About 1,000 for mor residents of the Prairie state wero present and the early part ot the evening wns devoted to "social conversation and greeting old friends and new, All Ncbraskans who aro touring tho Pacific states were Invit ed and many took this opportunity of meeting tholr old friends of former days. Tho Nebraska State society was organized In 1891 and now has on Its membership rolls moro than 3,000 former residents of Nebraska who aro at present residing In Los Angeles or vicinity. At a meeting of tho members and bfilcera of the Hall county vSunday school ossocintlon the first stepB were taken for tho entertainment of tho etnto association's convention noxt Juno. Heads of committees on enter talnmont wero chosen to co-operate with tho Commercial club. In n memorandum opinion filed In tho federal district court Judge Mun gor authorized tho Issuanco of a writ of mandamus to compel tho city of Omaha to levy a tax of $225,134.30 for the purpose of paying tho Judgments which the Omaha water company se cured against tho city last May. i