A Our Thirty-sixth Semi-Annual Clearing COMMENCED SATURDAY, JAN. 7th. S alizo Our semi-annual clearing sales are anxiously awaited by the people of North Platto and vicinity because they re that they, get the best bargains of the season. To make room for our spring stock we will make a clean sweep, 20 to 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT ' Twenty-five and fifty per cent discount ou all our Ladies, Misses and Ohildrons Dloaks, Tailored Suits anil. Furs. Twenty-five and fifty per cent discount on all our Mens Fur and Oloth Overcoats. . 200 Dress Skirts, all shades and sizes, worth up to $10, your choice at this clearing sale for $4.98. ' We have a number of Blankets and Quilts which we must dispose of at very low prices while the cold weather iasts A large variety of the celebrated Mantua and Luzereue Underwear at a saving of 20 to 30 cents on the dollar; Mens and Boys Suits in broken sizes which must be closed out at about one-half value, at prices from $5.48 to $10. Mr. Vesner, a practical shoe man, has charge of that department and will close out many lines at wholesale prices. Our spring lino of French Ginghams are all in and will be sold at a discount of twenty per cent. Call and see them, Tliese Discouxits .Apply to Oasla Purchases Only. THIS SALE WILL CLOSE TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 1st. j. peer, Prop. THE LEADER, north platte. S DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S S Graduate Dentist. 2 5 Office over the McDonald e - State Dank. m m . g ti9aMicfleatesttt Bratt & Goodman have a few good first mortgage loans netting 8 per cent semi-annual interest. Physicians report considerable sick ness in both town and country, the greater number arising from bad colds and are of the grippe nature. Messrs. Winquest, Murphy and George of Brady, Abbott and Lcypoldt of Horshey and Frank Coker, of Suth erland, attend the Elk'a initiation last evening. County Surveyor Meyer is making a lorge map of the city, showing the orig inal town as well as all additions and the acreage property contiguous. From this map he will trace others and dis pose of them to real estate dealers and others. An adjourned term of district court convened yesterday and will continue in sesBion this week, ft was hoped to clean up a large number of equity cases, but as sevoral of the attorneys are out of town the cases heard will not be as large as was anticipated. Barton O. Aylesworth delivered a lecture boforo a small sized audience at the Methodist church last evening using as his topic "Judge Lindsoy and the Juvenile Court.' The lecture is pronounced to have been a most excell ent one. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. Sold by all dealers. A. F. Parsons, formerly of this city, was one of the members of the conven tion which made the constitution of the new Btate of Arizona. In a roview of tho work the "Arizona," a monthly publication devoted to the Interests of tho new statosaid: Mr. A. F. Parsons a prominent attorney of Douglas mndo a number of powerful, logical and elo quent speeches which undoubtedly had great influence with the other members of the convention. Ho took a pro nounced position in favor of tho refer endum, initiativn and recall and the employers' liability and the employees ' compensation clause in tho constitu tion. Mr. Parsons was chairman of tho committee on Federal Relations and on tho cornmitees for Judiciary, Public Rfirvice CornorationB other than Rail roads. You Know That many firo losses occur every ilav in tho vear You may bo next. If not protected, Sec Bratt & Gooman The Presbyterian aid society wHl meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. II. S. White. The Baptist aid society will meet Fridoy afternoon with Mrs. A. C. Howard, 303 West Eighth streot. Money to loan on real estate. Bratt & Goodman. Verne Mann, who had been doing ro lief work at Sidney for four months, returned to town today. Passenger trains from tho coast were considerably late today duo, it is said to bad weather in tho section traversed by the Southern Pacific. The Luthorn aid society will hold an exchange at tho Howe & Maloney Store next Saturday. This will be an opportunity to secure first clnss bakery goods. Weather forecast. Fair and moder ate Wednesday, warmer tonight. Max imum temperature yesterday 43; one year ago 47. Minimum temperature this morning 6: one year ago 27. Following the locturo at the Metho dist church last evening tho North Platto Suffrage League was organized with J. F. McAbee as president and F. R. Elliott becreatry. Tho object of the league is, as we understand it, to assist in securing for women the right to vote. This writer has neveryet been convinced that a woman should not have a right to vote. As a general propositon women are as strong intel lectually, many are property owners in their own name or else havo assisted their husbands in gaining the possessions they have, and certainly morally they are superior to men. It is probable that a formal demand will be made on the city authorities to day to stop all card playing in cigar stores and for the abolishment of all classes of slot machines on the ground that both the card games and the ma chines are forms of gambling. This movement was inaugurated yesterday and it is expected will be brought to a head some time today. Charley Boguo was stopping at tho Millard Hotel in Omaha when the fire occurred early yesterday morning and thus describes his experience: I was awakened about 3.05 a. m. and soon discovered that the hotel was on fire and of course I made a dash for the door of my room expecting to make the Bteel fire escape three doors east of my room but as soon as I opened my door a great wall of smoke drove mo back, I closed the door tight and then put on my clothes, took a towel and soaked it with water and put it in my mouth and again went out in tho hall and crawled on my hands and knees to the fire escape and made my get away to the street. Miss Delia Hanks, the artist, devel oped a case of small-pox last evening. She was Btopping at the Fred Ouimetto home and it has been quarantined. For Rent 4 room furnished house, also other houses, farms, hay and crazing land, storage room and safe deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman Parnell, I novor saw a braver man than Par nell. The story of his downfall 1b ono of tho most pathetic In history. Thoro Is a rumor that Captain O'Shen said to Gambottn: "What nro wo going to do with Parnell? Ho Is getting to bo a grant danger to tho country." And Gnmbctta replied, "Set a woman on his truck." And the woman, Instoad of betraying him, fell In lovo with this pntrlot, and that was his undoing, "Recollections of Mrs. T. P. O'Connor." WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXHIBIT Omaha, Neb., Jan. 18 to 28, 1911. A trrand display of products from the soil, with lectures and liberal dis tributlon of printed matter treating with subjects of great interest to tho commercial and great agricultural West. A splendid exhibit will be made by the North-Western Lino of Alfalfa, with miniature fields showing various stages of its growth from the prcpara tion of tho soil to its harvest; elso dem onstrating the various purposes for wHich It can be used. Other equally attractive features .will be provided. Tuesday, Jan. 24th, will bo Railroad Day at the Exhibition. For tickets and full Information apply to Ticket Agents, North-Western line SCHILLER & CO., Preicription Druggists First Door North of Ii1rst.Nattonl Hank Yo Discourago Him. "Gcorae." suld her husband's wife. "I don't bullovo you have smoked ono of thosof cigars I gavo you on your birthday." "Tlint'B right, my dear," replied his wife's htiHlmnd. "I'm going to keep tjicin until our Willie wantH to learn to smoke." Chicago News. Confused. "She hnsn't any confldenco in her husband, hns sho?" "No. She cnught him . telling tho truth tho other day, nnd now ho can't dope 111 iti out at nil." Toledo libido. All Rloht, Perhaps. Patient Fntuor Dearie, baby's out ing my glove now. Is it nil right? Ponrlo (from above) Oh. quite all right (paiHiM you're ruio lt'n yours? Punch. NOTICE. To Francis Iovo, Non-ResMont Pofondant: Vnn urn linrolip notified tliat on tho Stli day of July. 1010, Vonaliy Love Mod her potltlon L'lnHt von In tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which aro to obtain a dlrorco from you on tho grounds that you are a habitual drunk' aril and havo refined and nctrloctcd to nro vide maintenance for tho plaintiff and her minor cliliu anu mat you navo neon if mayor nitromo cruelty to thin nlalntllT. Plaintiff prays that h!i may bo divorced from you. ana mat hiio may no irivon tun cus tody or nor minor eiinu uoraon uuver ijve. You aro reotured to anwr said petition by tho 6il, day of March. .01, y J21I ny Wilcox ft Hantaan, her attornoya Pntornalism In Qrocerleo. Paternalism with a vengennco Is prac ticed In certain Now York groceries. It Is bonovolent pntcrnnllHin, though. "Jin wants two pounds of sugar," said n -child to a patriarch In tho trade. Ho consulted a calendar on tho wall. "I guess you'd better take ouly a pound today," ho Bald, "and go kind of slow on thnt. Tho week is only half gone, but you havo already eaten up thrco-fourths of your allowance, Tcjl your mothor so." Tho child promised to deliver tho ro port on financial depression. "That is tho only way on earth to keep thoso pcoplo from ruunlng into dobt," snld tho grocer. "Tho system Is common In this neighborhood. I do It at tho customers' request. Every pay day women with spendthrift hus bands nnd nu oxtravagnnt disposition of tholr own deposit enough money with tho grocer nnd butcher to seo tho family through tho week. They In struct us to lot no ono overdraw the amount, and except In cases where ex tra food Is actually needed wo stick to our end of tho bnrgalu." Now York Times. Horrors of Bokhara. The terrible deeds that once mndo Bokhara a byword nro now prohibited by tho Russian government. Prisoners aro not permitted, for instance, to be dragged through tho stroots by gal loping horses. Nor nro thoy thrown from tho top of tho high tower called tho Mlnnr Katun. Thla wnsi tho usu nll punishment meted out to ovlldoors In tho old days. Watched by thou sands of Bpcctntors, tho poor wretches wero flung from that giddy height on to tho flagstones beneath. Bokhara has many chambers of hor rors, unwholesome for western eyes to boo and the description of which would certainly be unfit forpubllen tloii. Perhaps tho most horrible of these Is n pit whoro prisoners woro tor tured by vermin, which were ho nu merous nnd ravenous that In tho ab sence of human prey they woro fod on qhunks of raw meat. Wide World Magazine. 'Disraeli and Goldwln Smith. It may havo been partly by suspicion of my possession of nn unpleasant se cret thnt Disraeli was moved to follow mo ncroHs the Atlantic and try, nu ho did In "Lothnlr," to brand mo as "a social sycophant" Ills knowledge of my social character wus not great, for I had only once met him In society. Ills allusion to the "Oxford professor" who was going to tho United States was as transparent as If ho had used my namo. Had I been In Knglnnd, where my character was known, I should have let tho attack pass, but 1 was In a strnngo country, whom, mudo by a man of note, tho otfnck wao likely to tell. I therefore gavo Disraeli tho lie, and neither he nor any of his organs over ventured to re peat tho calumny.- THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capita! and Surplus $140,000, ARTHUR McNAMARA, President. E. f . SEEBERGER, Vice-President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vico-Presitienl, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. The Thlmblo. About 200 yenrs ago u Loudon gold smith called Trotting mndo and pro scuted to tho lady of his heart on her birthday anniversary a thlmblo of gold, bountifully ornamented and chased, accompanied by a noto which Introducpd the little contraption as a "token of my humblo esteem which shall protect those delicate, fair and Industrious lingers from prick and Bear of needle head." That was tho origin of the thlmblo. When buying n couch medicine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is most effectual fdr coins, croup and whooping evuerh and that it contains no harmful drug. Sold by all dealers. ' Fate of a Duchess. Wo havo had excellent morals drawn from tho substantial waist of tho Ve nus of Mllo for the admonition of tho fushlouable woiiuui. Llut what can wo Bay about tho Duehesso do Mnza rln, who (a. Duval tollH us In "Shad ows of Old Paris") "died iu.1775 from tight lacing, ullhough sho had posed for u Htatuo of Venus?" CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night MOVING PICTURES: "The Iconoclast," "A Dog- on Business. VAUDEVILLE: Slater and Finch in "The Boy With a Smile." 10 and 15 Cents. Last Chance To Get A Good Homestead Fort Rorthold Indian TlnnnrviiMnn Tn. formation Rummi. TJvHnr Kf It will furnish you information regarding the opening of am". JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. I'liyslclan and Surgeon. Specialty) SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered uweo r. o. iiospitai. rnone mz. SIMPLICITY Is often more ef fective than the most elaborate pose. You can see proof of it in the Bamplo photos to bo seen at this studio. WE TAKE THE PHOTOS as you want them, however. You bo lect tho attitudo you profer. Wo will do our best to mako It tho best photograph you have ever had taken. G.W.ANDERSON successor to II. O, Hnlverstedt nit) 9