"The Secret of Success is Consistency of Purpose." Above quotation gives you the key to our success. Wo have always rriado it a policy to treat our customers as we would want to be treated, and by our constant growth you con see it is the only policy. Wo have always, and will continue to aim for the same purpose good, up-to-date merchandise at the right price. Wo hope our endeavor will be appreciated in'the future as it has been in the past. ' CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Fheae 338. We want your repair work. k.rma mrmM4 jj DR. H. C. BROCK, jj DENTIST. ( i fi Orcr First National. Tbone 149 X Dr. fj. E. Park went to Oshkosh on profeHlonal business yesterday. Wanted A woman to work at Cody ranch. Phone A 414. Mrs. C. S. Clinton will entertain tho members of Mother's club tomorrow afternoon. S. Wlnklemen, of Potoskey, Mich., Is tho gueet of Julius Plzer while enrouto to California. George Young was up, from Wellfleet yesterday transacting business and visiting friends. For Sale Rhode Island Red Cockerels. Inquire of C. F. Tracy. Miss Anna O'Hare yesterday ac cepted a position as book keeper in tho McDonald State Bank. II. B. Allen returned to Coznd yes terday after a few days visit with his sister, Miss May Allen. A. F. Streltz returned Saturday night from Omaha, whero he remained for n week followlnz the funeral of his father. Chas. Hendy, Jr., came down from Denver this morning and later went to Maxwell to spend the day with his parents. Mrs., Geo. T. Field Is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Baker, of Detroit, Mich,, who arrrived the Inttor, part of last week. For rent Four .room house on east Fourth street. Electric light and bath Fhone 140. Mrs. Thos. Green and little daughter returned yesterday from a visit in Grand Island. They were accompanied home by Mrs, Green's mother. Announcement was made recontly in Chicago of the engagement of Miss Eva Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Park, and Guy Congdon, of this city. About thirty-five thousand tons of ice has been received and stored in tho local Union Pacific houses. Tho capacity of the houses Is between 48,000 and 60, tens. Miss Mary Deerine of Missoula, Mont., is the guest of relatives and friends in town, having arrived last night She expects to remain a couplo of months. Wood W. White returned this morn ing from Denver where for a couple of days he visited his brother who resides in Mew York City but was enroute to the Pacific coast. Miss Villa Whlttaker left the latter part of last week for a brief visit with relatives at Vermillion, S. D,, and from there goes to Chicago to entor a whole sale house to learn the coming spring styles of millinery. The seven year old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Illrsch was operated upon Saturday night for an accumula tion of pus in the stomach resulting from ruptured appendix. The patient is re ported to be doing nicely. Mrs. W. C. Rltner delivered a very interesting address at the Y. M. C, A. rooms Sunday afternoon, using as hor subject "Things to Come," and holding the strict atttention of her audience, which was large. Mrs. Robinson's Sunday school class led the mua'c. The meeting throughout proved one of spiritual help. In a business letter to The Tribune, M. T. Hascall, now of East St. Louis addsthis paragraph: "Aside from ..tho, smoke and dirt we like It here pretty well, but we often long for tho nice freeh air of Uie banana bolt, and wo still have a warm spot in our hearts for North Platte and her good people." Do you not know that fully nine out of ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatjum, and require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely anu pee how quickly It gives relief. Sold by all dealers. A case of diphtheria developed in the Lapp family Sunday, and as the af flicted boy had been attending the First ward school, that building was closed yesterday and thoroughly fum igated by Dr. Qulgley. Last tyoar the Lapp family was similarly afillcted, twe or three cases of the disease developing. For Sale. Best 5 room house, barn and good ot. Comparatively new. Only $1150.00. $350.00 cash, balance easy payments. 640 acre farm ranch. 8 room houso, acre grove, outbuildings, otc, For quick sale cut to $11.00 per aero. Part time. Large hotel in Grand Island doing good business. $15,000 equity to ex change for good farm. Also other proporties. BR ATT & GOODMAN. Manager Stamp has booked two good attractions for April, "The Arcadians" andAlG. Fields minstrels. Miss Irene Nevillo will leave for Omaha tomorrow whero sho will visit friends for two weeks. Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson, who had been visiting North Platte friends' for weok, left yostorday for hor homo at North Yakima, Wash. The county commissioners completed tho transaction of nil business demand- ng their attention und adjourned Fri day evening until February 21st. DlckBnkerhas returned from Omnha whore ho spont last week attending the stato lumbermen's convention. Leonard Dick also attended tho same convon tion, returning homo Sunday. "Joshua Simpkins" was presented to fair sized nudience at the Keith Satur day evening, and it seoms to have been very well recolvcd. Tho band gnvo creditablo concort on the streets at noon. Miss Edith Pattorson entertained tho members of tho Pan Hellenic Club Sat urday afternoon. Th6 timo was de voted to needlework nnd at the close the guests wero served to an enjoyablo two courso luncheon. The report that a new time-card would go Into oifect Inst Sunday proved to be hot-air. All kinds of rumors as regards changes in traincs are heard, but nono seem to have tho necessary ofllclal coloring to bejgivon crcdance. Tho local herd of Elks was increased eight In number last evening by tho solemn proceduro which marks the im planting of antiors. Following the initiation tho customary feed of alfalfa and spring water wan served in tho cor ral!. The recital given Friday evening by Miss Allen and her pupils Is pronounced to have bcon tho best of the several given. Particularly clevor was the work of the little tots, some of whom were but five years of age. Tho recital was quite well attended. Fronk Horrod returned Snnday from Denver whore had bcon visiting friends for two weeks; also consulting a physl clan relativo to his back, which ho in jured at the round houso several weeks ago. His back is still weak and it will be some time boforo ho will be ablo to return to work. The Ladles Aid of tho Lutheran church will hold a ten cont social at the Parish houso Thursday ovenlng. To this tho men of said church are re quostod to bo prosent, both young nnd old, marriod or ajnglo, with their wife or tho ono desirod thorofor. A good time and refreshments nro promised. Medicines that aid naturo nro always most e Iectunl. Clmmhar aln'n nnimli Romody acts on this plan. It allays the tuurii, relieves mo lungs, opens tho se cretlons and nids nature in restoring tho system to a healthy condition. '.thousands havo testified to its superior .u..1l .... .... O...I i i . r vAvaiiuncu, ouju oy an aeaicrs. Guy Congdon returned Saturdav from Chicago where ho was summoned by a syndicate of copltalista who aro to establish a mammoth artificial ice plant. Mr. Congdon was oiTored nndhao accepted nn ofllclal position with tho company, and will soon leave for Chi cago to accept tho dutlns of the office . n naving resigned his position with the P. F. E. Co, Tho new office is n nice uoosi jor uuy nna wo most henrtly con grntuiato htm. Dies of PseHnesia Charles Finney, aged sixty-five, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Seth Sherwood early yesterday morning, after an illness of about a week. Death was duo to pneumonia, tho caso being well developed before ho indicated to any ono that he was sick. Ho had been working for Al Tift and used a room in tho barn on east Sixth street ns sleeping quarters. The deceased was well known in town having lived hero for twenty-five years. Ilelerves a wife, two sons nnd sovcral daughters. Hospital for Consumptives Representative Bushes, of this dis trict, has introduced a bill appropriating $100,000 for the erection and mainten ance of a state hospital for indigent consumptives. This bill has the endorse ment of the state medical association, and it would seem Is a very worthy one. Not only would tuberculosis patients be treated, but fiom the hospital would emennte actions to provent growth of tho disease. OI A Soldier Tortured. "For vears I suffered unsneakable torture from indigestion, constipation ana liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith. n war veteran nt Erio, Pa., "but Dr. Kine'B New LIfo Pills fixed me nil rltrht. They're simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble Only 25 cents at Stone Drug Co. Bill for Pension Increase - Senator Brown has Introduced a bill in the United State senate increasing the pension of Major Lester Walker, of this city, te sixty dollars per month Mnjor Walker's career as a soldier was as brilliant aa it was prolonged, and his service to his country during the civi war and in tho Indian campaigns well entitles him to this recognition from tho government. Another Bargain in Property. 5 reon house with Lath room, pan try, closets and good cellar under house, situate ea West Third street right acres froaa West Ead acheo house, Full 66 ft. corner lot with nice shad trees, Barn 16x20 feet. Geod chicken house aad yard. Cement walk in frost aad around house. Call office for prices ami terms or phoae Red 46. Temple Real Estate & las. Agency, 1 & 2 McDonald Block DR. W. F. CROOK, .DENTIST, Gradnato Northwestern University. Office over McDonald State Bank f I wr www w wwwwwr A Good Place For Diary Farm, We have a section of land situate four and one-half miles from town. About 200 acres of good farm land the balance good grazing land. Wouh make ideal place for diary farm. For a short time only at $10.00 per acre. See us qiuck. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency, 1 & 2 McDonald Block A Matter of Looks. First Bonrding IIouso Keeper 1 ul wnya keep my boarders lougor tlinn you do. Second Boarding IIouso Keep er Oh, I don't know! You keep thoin bo tblu tunt thoy look longer than they really nro. Boston Record. He Got His. Gernldlnc You haven't been to see mo slneo you nutted father for my band. Gorald No; thin Ih tho first time I've been ublo to got about IIu runu Life. All Alike. Tho following entry appears In the "vlslton" book" of n hotel In Gormn iiy? "The living herds good, plain nnd snbstnntlal. So is tho waitress." When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxioty. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. Sold by all doalors Sanitary Hair Dressing Parlor Modern In Every Way. Electric Hair Dyer, Electric Mas sage Vibrator, Electric Hair Curler, Whlto Enamel Fixtures. Children's Hair Bobbed, spec ialty. DeLong Hair Pins, Hnir Nets, Barrottcs, Switches, PufTs, cream and Skin' Lotions. For work phono for your dato and time MRS. C. N. NEWTON, Phono 201. North Platto, Neb. SOMETHING NEW SAM JENS, The First-Class Shoemaker. . Came hero fom tho oast and am trv Ing to mako a living. If you nro not satisfied with my work no charges will UtJ IUUUU. Prices for Repairing. Men's half soles hand sewed $1.00 Men's half solos nailed 75 Ladles' half boles hand sewed 75 Ladles' half soles nailed CO Boys' half soles nnllod 60 men's heels.. Ladies' heels. Boys' heels , .35 .2K oys' heels !s Rubber heels 50 I can make any kind of n shoo or boot to order. Come in nnd glvo mo n trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. THE SHOEMAKER East of First Natn'l Bank, HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! TPO belated buyers who have been backward about coming forward to our GREAT CLEARANCE SALE we want to say that it will be necessary to ACT SOON in order to reap any benefit from our CUT PRICE offerings. Hundreds have been here and have gone away delighted with the splendid and unusual measure of value they have received for their money. If you have not been getting your share of the good things YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY . This sale will positively end on SATUTDAY NIGHT. We can continue it no longer. There, are plenty of bargains left. If you are shut out from this sale think how you will regret it later. . j. b. Mcdonald, THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. The Lyceum. Next number is one of tho beat. 'Mistakes of Life Exposed," By "Bob" Seeds. My friend, I am an old man and have had my troubles, but most of them never happened. This is rather a loose- fitting koy to tho message of the lecture, "Mistakes of Life Exposed." Tho lecture is humorous. The news paper say so. Wero we to shed tears over life s mistakes, people coming out to hear them exposed would havo to wear mackintoshes. The lecture Is strung together with good stories pickings from everywhere and folks say tell them right for a farmer. I laugh and I liko to hear others laugh. To mako people laugh is to make them good. Between smiles I try to put a little more love into tho hearts of men and women; try to turn their faces toward the sun; try to exposo tho l'ttlo mis takes from which tho big mistakes grow? try to pull people over onto tho bright side, that thoy and their neigh bors moy be happier. Audiences report that thoy havo been pleased. That pleases me, and so I travel on, growing happier and happier every day. Jan. 25, 1911, Keith Thontro. Lec ture begins at 8:30. Admission 50c. Bring tickets marked' "O" Wanted to sell One threo year old black Pcrchcron Stallion. Registered No. 52422. L. E. Ebright, two miles west of Experimental farm. On the 18th of Fobruary Chappell will voto on the proposition of issuing $11, 500 in bonds to constrcut a waterworks system. A Valuable Work. On sale at the book stores of C. M. Newton nnd H. W. Rincker; Price $1:25: "North Platto and its Associations." This work is neatly bound and illus trated, and tells of stirring incidents that took placo when North Platto was a rough frontier town, and traces tho progress of tho city since that time Associations of Cottonwood Springs and Fort McPherson uro treated at length: and accounts of Indian ntroci ties and buttles (riven. On the whole. this book ought to find a placo in every home in North t'laue. SAM JENS, Rosa Donheur's Humble Lover. tVhon naked why sho lind novor mar ricd Uonx Honhouf always nnswored: "Nobody over' foil In lovo with mo. I linvo never been truly loved." Moro Minn ono mnn, however, really worship ed hor. But sho Inspired such deep ro spcot Unit, no man seems to linvo dared to rovenl his feelings to hor. Thero Is a curious example of this fact, taken from tho humblo walks of life. On sovcral occasions Rosa Uotiheur had dono scrvlco for a worklngman who throughout his Ilfo spont hlssavlngs In buying engravings of her principal pictures and photographs of horsclf. His simple dwelling wns a tcmplo to her kindness. Ho described himself us "tho earthworm in lovo with n Btnr." Tho person hero referred to B. A. Bautrny of Clermont-Ferrand tells mo that ltosn Bonheur onco asked him why ho was not mnrrled, and ho replied" by asking hor tho snmo ques tion. Hero wns hor nnswer: "Well, sir, It la not bocnuso-I am an enemy of marriage, but I assuro you that I havo never had tlmo to consider tho subject." "Reminiscences of Rosa Bonheur." Death in Roaring Fire may not result from the work of fire bugs, but often severs burns aro caused that mako a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica snivo, uie quicKest, surest cure for bums, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues inflamation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives oil skin eruptions, ulcers, or pllos. Only 25 cents at Stone Drug Co. An III Fatod City. Tho HI fated Sicilian city of Mes sina was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquako In 1003 .and greatly damaged by another In 1783. In 1743 Mio plague carried off nearly half of Its Inhabitants. In 178-1 the city was visited by a tcrrlblo quake and tidal wave, which finished Its destruction. In fact, it would be difficult to And anywhere a city with a moro mourn ful history than Messina, which has been practically destroyed twenty-one times during tho pSst 3.000 Tears. Below the Average. Apropos of loss of friends somobody was saying one day beforo Morgnu. the great calculator of lives, that thoy had lost so many friends, mentioning tho number, In a certain space. of time, upon which Morgnn, coolly taking down a book from his office shelf and looking Into it, snld. "So you ought, sir. and threo more." Thomas Moore. Willing to Risk It. TJnclo My dear boy. It's a fact that tho bacilli on paper money have caused many a death before now. Nephew Well; uncle, you might let mo havo a fow notes. I'm very tired of llfo. Fltegcndo Blatter. changed without reference thereto. Dated North Platto, Neb., Jan. 21, 1911. j24-4 F. R. Elliott, County Clork. A Thousand Refusals. Kate That Brngson girl clnlni9 to havo made a thousand refusals of mar rlngo. Ethel That's true. When Gns asked bcr to bo his wife sho replied, "No, n thousand times, no!" Boston Transcript. Exaggerated Ego. Ono of the bnrdcat things In this world for the sixteen cnndlo kind of roan to do Is to keep from mistaking himself for a lighthouse. Galveston News Passion For Muslo. Mrs. Bacon Did you say your hus band hns u passion for music? Mrs. Egbert Yes. Every Ume 1 sing ho flies Into one. Yonkora Statesman. Saves Two Lives. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living to-day, if it had not been for Dr. King's Now Discovery" writes A, D. McDonald of Favettevillo. N. C. R F. D. No- 8, "for wo both had fright ful coughes that no other remedy could help. Wo wero told my sister hod con sumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medi cine completely cured u's both. It's the best I over used or heard of." For soro lungs, coughs, olds, hemorrhage, lagrippo, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough. all bronchial troubles. its supreme. Trial bottle fr-i. 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed by Stone Drug Co. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D. Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Office 642, Residence C44. Change in Road 3194 To nil whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed for the purpose of viewing Road No. 319J ns to a proposed change us follows: Commencing at station No. 45 on road No. 819J on southwest quarter oCsoutheast quarter of section 1, town 9, range 27, and running thence across tho canyon to the west side of the canyon, thence in a southeasterly direc tion down East Deer Creek Canyon, across sections A2-9-27, aw. qr. 7-9-2G, and 18-D-2G to station G7 on east sldo of said canyon on said road No. 319 said road to follow the west side of the canyon taking one rod from tho canyon bottom and three rods frem the points. Except said road is to pass through tho cut south ot J. E. Smith's house nnd thence back into the main Deer Creek canyon on the west side. And to vacate that portion of road No. 3191 lying between stations 45 and 67 has reported in favor of the change and vacation and any objections thereto must be filed in the offico of the county clerk on or before noon on the 25th day of March, 1911, or such road will be interest interest interest Notice. The Board of County Commissioners makes tho following estimnte of ex penses for Lincoln county,. Nebraska, for tho year 1911. General fund $40,000.00. General road 'fund 420,000.00. General bridge fund $12,000.00. Soldiers relief fund $1,000.00. DISTRICT BONDS. North Platto bridge bond and interest $1,860.00 Eureke bridgo bond and interest 2,600.00 Hershey bridge bond and interest 600.00 , Bostwick bridgo bond and interest 250.00 District No. 1, bond and Interest (old) 3,000.00 District Nol, bond nnd interest (new) 2,000.00 District No. 2, bond and interest" 150.00 District No. 118, bond nnd interest 190.00 District No. 122, bond and interest 10. uu District No. 105, bond and interest 165.00 District No. 7. hrfnrl nnrl Inrnrnar 520.00 District No. 6, bond and interest 30.00 District No. 55, bond and interest 125.00 District No. 86, bond and 180.00 District No. 92, bond and 115.00 District No. 98, bond nnd no. uu District No. 87, bond and interest 65.00 District No. 47, bond and interest 130.00 District No. 37, bond and 'interest 250.00 District No. 19, bond 71,00 Stato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss. I, F. R. Elliott, county clerk of Lin coln county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and cor rect copy of the estimate for expenses made by the county commissioners for Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the year 1911. Dated North Platto, Neb., Jan. 27, It'll f24-4 F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Sorlal No. 02T.23. NOTIOK VOll 1'UULIOATION DKJ'AHTMENT OIP TUB INTKUIOK. . 'nlted States Land Olllce. At North Platto. Nebraska. Jan. 21. Ml. Notice 1st hcroby given that Nlols aunderbon of North Platto Nob., who on oiYli1 iM: VS?' .ma!10 homestead entry No, 21IM. Serial No. OiVii, for tho southeast quar tor southwostquartorand northwost quarter ui oucuon j, xpwnsli p 12. N.. Kanee 30 W., kn.i.BH!.I:l iLn, ha, Died" . . . . ,!!,YU "" nnai nvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land above 2?8&r,lfld,V0.,?rotli0 re,Kl8tor and rfcolver Sf MSroh 11L NBba,,k, on th 20th day Claimant namon as witnesses! Arthur Connor, aoprjro Hlnulo. 8. W. Mannon and James Shuck, all of North Platto. Nob. W' J. E Evans, Register. OHIlKll cOK HEAItlNO ON OltlOINAL , 1'nonATKoi-MviLL.V Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. January 20, lflij. In tho matter of tho estato of W. T. Miller, deceased, TMma.dlr,f ald fll'ne tho petition of Marlon Mi11i.lraylnS tr1'"1 .Ulu Instrument, filed ? au da5;,?f J?".""!, and purporting to bo tho last will andtostamont of the said deceased, may bo proved, approved, probated, ollowod and recorded as the last will and l.en8. amon.' tuo 8ttld ,w T' MHli deceased and that the oxcciitlon of .said instrument may bo committed and th administration of said 'stato may bo granted to Marlon T. Mil ler, and I aymond II MUUjr. as executors. Ordered. That Fobnfary 13th, mi. at :0,V.I?c.kp'.m- nwlirnca for hearing said petition, when nil persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo hold in ami for said county, and sho "ciuso why tho prayer pf tho petitioner should not bo granted. This notice to bo pub Ished six successive issuos In tho North Platto Tri bune, a hemI-ookly newspaper published In said county prior to said day of hearing. tt-..! i ,Wa Kmbii. County Judge. Iiy Katborlno If. Clark, Clerk County Court. LEGAL NOTICE. deceased, wt 1 take notlro that on tho 23d day .... ....... . i, n,u uimnut court or Lincoln SSXntftp?.ob.rif.7k a",n-8.t defendSnu -i.iri.,., " y ui iisii is io quiet ?il,nUn 8 U1 ?s B"lnst said dofondants to .T..'..JVa,u"L,:l'. Bnus. to-witt Tho . " .i"" mo Buuinwest quartor and i " Ji,vj wtinj-iuur. OI lilt) sixth iiriiiMtiul i .. Jii i "."' county." Ne )raska:And''to forover"S ii 5i it a,ldi 811 cns claiming ii..iT. Ji.i ' 7 : "JO,u. ruui claiming any right, title or Interest In or to said land. or boforo tho 8th day or March, 1011. uu4;u. fliuiuurseau, nis Attornoy.