HIE SEMI-WEEKLY IR1B1M tRA L. D ARIL r.il,i; Jim TEKMS, 11.25 IN ADVANCB tfoRTH PLATTE NEBRASKA FOOD CONSUMPTION GROWING American People Are Not Eating More, but the Number to Be Fed Increase Rapidly. In 1890 tho American hen laid eggs In sufficient numbers during tho cal endar year to amount to noventoon dozon for each Inhabitant of tho United States. Omitting all thought of adding a slnglo egg to tho Individ ual aharo of eggd, but merely to main tain tho 1900 proportion, of eggs to population tho lions of tho United Stales In 1910 must bo laying annual ly 221,000,000 dozen moro egga than, they laid In 1899. Tho por capita product of milk In tho year 1899 was DG.O gallons por annum. To maintain this per capita for tho bonoflt of our Increment or population, nays 'tho Atlantic, tho milk, tupply In tho yenr 1910 must excoed thnt of 1899 by 1,242,800,000 gallons. To maintain butter, of which thq per capita amount produced In 1899, wan fourtoon pounds, at tho sanio per capita In 1910 tho aggregato produc tion must exceed tho former flguro by 182,000,000 pounds. Of potatoes, that other stnplo of hu man consumption, tho por capita prod uct at tho last consus was about. four, bushels; henco In 1910 to maintain the potato supply for bur nowcomors but not to lucroaso It for tho rest of h community to tho extont of oven; one potato each (ono potato nploco mciUiB approximately 180,000 bushols),' there .must bo raised 52,000,000 bush els mora of this homely but uaofuf vegetable than wore reported In 1899. What tills product means Is bostj noted by observing thnt to supply It would consumo tho entire potato crop as reported at tho last census of thft' state 'of California, Colorado, Illinois,, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Maryland and North Carolina. Penny Post Increased Malls. Tho mallB from Englnnd" to tho United States nro heavier by 82 por rout, stneo tho postago wan reduced to 2 cents, says tho British postmas ter general's annual report, which has Just appeared. Among tho mass of facts and figures given by tho roport another notablo foaturo is that Lon doners aro now writing fewer lottera and . are using the tolophono moro. ffor ,the ,frst time a docroaso la notod tn tho number of lotters passing through tho metropolitan post ofllces. fThe report gives a striking inntnnco of British ausontmindednosa, tho, mild temporary insanity .which makes peo pie drop unnddressod letters in Wll boxea or send half wrapped lip par cels that shed tholr contents In the malls. Theao stray lotters contained In all $75,035 In cash and bank notes and $3,103,525 In chocks, drafts and stamps, . t. Absent But Not Kornottan. "One morning when wo wero in some wntlnontal city," says Carl Harris, Just bad; from a trip to'Europo with former Mayor George W. Gardnor, D. O. Mo Intyro and A. A. Schantz, "Commodoro Gardner and I sat down for broakfast it a hotel whore American nowspapors wor.e sold. Wo sent out to tho news stand and bought two copies of the Leader and started to enjoy thorn while our mutton chops woro on tho flro. '"I wonder,' said Commodoro Gard ner, as he oponod his papor, 'If wo nro Quite forgojton baok homo.' "IatultlVoly, wo both turnod t6 tha edltdj-lal page, and the vory first Btory that- fell under our oyos waa an anec lotei about the commodoro himself, " Wo,' he said, 'wo aro not forgotton,' Mid .thero waa a, gllston in his merry, klndjy eyes?, - . Receptacles for the Baby. It is a.remnrkablo fact that no othot race baa "shown more skill, Ingenuity und careful thought in tho preparation f rocoptacloa for tho baby than have tho Amorlcan Indians. Of courso, there nro hampers, baby bnskots nnd glided baby carriages in tho dopnrtmont itorea and In tho homes of tho wealthy that in costliness and elaboration Bur pBBBos the wildest dreams of tho rod mothor of tho westorn plains; but those aQ exceptional, and nt host are mere articles of commorco, to bo bought llko n pair of shoo3 or any Dther commodity, nnd discarded with out a thought whon no longor needed In their construction thoro is not ihrcd of Bontiment or of a mothor'e care. Where Peter Learned Shipbuilding, Emperor Nicholas will prcsont tc Caandam, tn Holland, n statuo of Petor ihe Great. It was in this village, It will be remembered, that Peter learned ihlpbulldlng for the bonotlt of his conn try. The bouso in which ho lived has long been a placo of pilgrimage for f on signers visiting Holland. It was ro itored and Inclosed for its preservation by Emporor Nicholas' grandfather, A Real Philanthropist. "A rich man who gavo away $7,000 worth of drinks is dead." "Greatly mourned?" "Yea; and sincerely mourned, Ho dldu't Insist thnt tho recipients . of his bounty ralso $7,000 moro for drinks," Lock the Doorl "Do you want anything from tho grocer today, Katie 7" "Well, ma'am; the choose ran out yecterday and I think tho butter will run out todtyv.'; Xpnkera Statesman. HOPE OF ARID WEST Irrigation Made Possible by Great Chain of Mountains. Rockies, Stretching From North to South, Is the One Thing Above All Others That Makes Coun try Habitable. Irrigation is tho chief hopo of tho arid west and owing to tho climatic conditions thnt provall, tho groat chain of mountains, tho grand old Rockies stretching from north to south or from southeast to northwest tho entire longth of tho continent, 1b tho ono thing above nil others fint makes tho country habltnblo, The mountains nro nwo inspiring. Wo will povor forgot tho evening wo first got n glimpse of this pIcturcBquo pile. Wo Wore on tho swooping Platte river val ley, Journeying westward toward Montana, tho land of gold. Tho moun tain lny llko n bnnk of clouds agnlnst tho western Bky, writes It. N. Suther- Jln of Groat Falls In tho Dakota Farm- . ... ..... i . . . or. 'l no teamster who urovo uio wuk on wns kind ciioukIi to turn tho wag on so wo could see flio dnrk, Irregular rldgo against tho bluo sky nnd wo watched With boyish eagerness from our sick bed tho sun go down, but wo Httlo dreamed that that grand moon tain rango was or could bo mado tho sourco of llfo almost beyond compu tation. Tho mountain wild roaring Jtsolf nbovo tho plain lu tho lifo of Irrigation. We pitched our tent on 'tho Missouri vnlloy about Octobor 1, ,18(35, and within ton days had begun an irrigating dltcn from tho nrst crook. north of the round grovo and from that day to this wo have boon an irrigator. Wo havo loarned to lovo theso donr old mountalna for tho fa cilities thoy afford In getting wntor onto tho valloy land. For nil theso years wo lived nnd tnlkcd Irrigation nnd growing crops and making tho land teem with vcrduro and from that day to this wo havo novcr Boen a crop failure. Onco In n whtlo tho grain crop haB been threshed out by tho hall storm and In earlier dayn wo had tho grasshopper Bcourgo; that was so voro, but wo usod to fill tho water ditches so full that tho pests could not ferry them, nnd In many ways fight tho Bcourgo with water. All that mountain agriculture 1b to day has come from Irrigation. Ilor homes nro tho abodoa of happiness, nro homos that teom with abundance Wo nro proud of them; thoy nro fit abodes for ktngH. Fruitful, peaceful nnd plcnsant, tho embodiment of com fort, tho hand of roan never construct ed bettor or Burroundod a pcoplo with moro of tho good things of llfo. It Is homes like those, hid away in cool Bhndy groves by babbling brooks, with blooming meadows and novor falling grain fields, homos with orchards- and berry patchos, that flow with milk nnd honey, that flro mon's souls to tho greatest exertion. It Is nhodcfl like those that mako men patriotic nnd willing to dlo If they need to for tholr country, nnd it is homes llko thoso that mako Montana's women Btrong. It Is this that has caused thorn to brook the hardships and dangers of frontier llfo, that has mado thorn tho beat mothors the .world ovor know. What Hogs Paid for Corn. A farmer from Ohio writes to tho Swlno Herd that ho made n test of tho ' i-.. .. i i . . i . pneu pur uuBftui ui turn iuu to uugs undor the following conditions; Last March, botoro his sows begun to far row, ho began to foed them from a crib of 200 bushols of corn. Theso bows wero fed besides corn tho sep arated milk from four pure-bred Jorsoy cows, and dally ten pounds of ground onts, corn nnd whont middlings. Thoy ulso had tho run of a clover field. As Boon as tho pigs were old enough to eat tho sopnrated milk and mixed slop wero given ta tho pigs. Tho'ro was plenty of good, fresh water at all limes handy to bowb and pigs. At this writing, Octobor 7, ho hnB sold oyer $900 worth of pork from this 000 bushol com crib, and haH bin brood bowb and a Httlo corn yet left. Allow lng tho separated milk, tho mlxod food and tho clovor to bo worth tho mnnuro )oft on tho clovor Hold, It seems .to snow wnnt wo may got for our raw nut torlnl producod on our fnrma when put into a flntBhod product This corn was fed after tho first of May ovor tho flold. Up to that time It wub fed on n cement floor and tho llttor hauled nnd spread upon tho flold. Farm Horses Wanted, Tho domand for farm horses Is now unprocodoutcd. Tho farms aro short of workers and fanneni aro either going to mnrkot for thorn or buying freely of dealers who take carloads to country points. Probably this year will mark tho high point In thin trado. Tho young store aro coming on nnd taking tholr places in tho toaniB. Farmers aro roa llzlng, too, that it is oaster to raise a couplo of horses than H is to And tho cash to buy them. Young Cockerels. , Koop tho young cockerols by thom solves, for thoy annoy tho pullots nnd intorforo with tholr laying. If thoy nro not to bo caponlzod noil them off now '"What's tho uso of feeding a lot of young roosters for threo or four months? No profit In it. The Wrong Pigs, If sorno farmers put ns much monoy into food or tholr farm plga as thoy do to Bupport tho "blind pigs" In town tholr families might havo moro to out nnd wear hotter clothes. BEETS ARE UNCERTAIN CROP However, Ono Farmer Cleared $47.60 Per Acre Raisers Use Too MUch Water. Ono of Uio beet growers of tho westorn slopo has kopt tab on tho aero cost of growing such a crop and gives tho following: For plowing, harrowing, planting, cultivating, Irri gating, topping and hauling to rail road, tho cost waa this year $43 the acre, which is a protty stiff tax for such an uncertain crop For plowing out tho boots and hauling to cars ho paid $5 a day for man and team, says tho Field nnd Farm. His beets re turned $90.00 tho acre, however, loav- lng $17.00 tho ncro for tho uso of his land, which ought to satisfy anybody and if others could do half bo well wo would hear no complaint about disappointing results in beet culture. This man holds to tho bollcf that bcot raisers uso too much water. Dur ing tho growing season ho was with out wnter for ten days Just when tho beota needed it very badly, but 'dur ing that timo ho cultivated his crop every two or throe days with tho ex ception of four rows through tho middle of tho flold, which ho left as a test to sco what they would mako without either cultivation or wator. As n result tho four rows wero hardly worth pulling, whllo tho remainder of tho crop was eighteen tons to tho ncro. Irrigating Cantaloupes. It Is something of an art to Irrlgato cantaloupes proporly. In tho oarly stages of growth wator should be giv en quite sparingly so that tho roots will Book tho moisture deep in tho ground. This will givo S good hold and provide largor vines. If watered too much tho roots will be kept near tho surfneo and it will bo necossary to Irrlgato often during tho ontiro soa-' Bon. In this caso tho plants will not bo so healthy nor bo good producers of Quality. Tho vines Bhould bo trailed away from tho Irrigating fur rowB nnd Ho on tho dry hod out of tho wntcr at all times during tho entlro season. Tho first two cultivations Hhould bo deop and as tho plants bo- co in o larger continued shallow culti vation Is preferable for tho reason that tho IntoralB and feodors. of tho plnnts will bo undisturbed. Forage Lands In Montana. Much of tho irrlgatod lands of Mon tana nro being dovoted to growing alfalfa nnd other forage for shoop and cattle, and aB tho many mountain val- loye aro brought under water this, wo bellovo, will provo ono of tho most re munerative ubob to which thoy can bo put, says an exchange In this way tho vast areas of rough, untlllablo land can bo mado to bring In tho most nB puaturo, and tho stock Industry will, still continue tho groat ono or tno mountain rnnge country, A Valuable Hen. Refusing an offer of $125 for n hon Ib ono of tho lncldonts of tho Boston poultry Bhow. She won a prlzo of $100, and Is of much more consoquonco now than she hus boon reckoned in tho past. Peoplo oat moro eggs and tho flesh of fowls, nnd thoy nro Increasing tholr domandB for all tho products of tho hennery an tho years go by. POULTRY NOTES. Warm wheat for breakfast makes tho biddies shell out the eggs. Don't bo too suro your fowls havo no llco; oxamlno thom closely. Don't permit a Blck chicken to run with the healthy onea a mlnuto after utlmont Is discovered. Clean out tho nostB. Hum tho old noBtlng material and roplaco with clean. Koroseno tho boxes. If you havo bcof Bcrups beforo tho fowls in hoppers you should not uso meat or bood meal In tho mash. Tho averogo ago for pullots of tho medium sized breeds to begin laying Is botwoen six nnd aoven months. Infertile eggs takon from tho in cubator need not bo an ontiro loss, Thoy mny bo boiled nnd used fcs chick food. Plenty of bono all tho time. If you haven't n cutter uso an old ax or a hntchot, but break tho bono in small pieces. During tho winter months, when groon food Is scarco, turnips, Bwedos, mangols or potatoes form an oxcel lent substitute. Plgcon-grass is bocomlng widely dls trlhuted in tho cast. Tho seed has much nutrltlvo value and Is flno for turkoya and chlckons, N Sell oft all tho scrub stock and keep nothing but fowls of good quality. This la the fulo of ovory thoroughly successful poultry farmer. 1 Tho first egg laid by a pullet Is the Binallost nnd tho size Incroases grad- ually until about a dozon havo been laid, whon thoy begin to docroaso. Chickens, bees and small fruit make an excellent combination for profit on tho farm. They lnterfero with onch other to n very Blight extent only, Tho flrst two wooks of a chick's llfo aro critical. Thoy Bhould start growing from tho flrst nnd keop It up. Glvo thom Bwoct, clean food, exor. clso, pure air aud warm quarters, and thoy will thrive. Takes moro to fat a hon now than it illd two monthB ago, but don't win tor tho hens thnt aro so old thoy may dlo boforo spring. Feed thom well, keep thom warm and lot them go the. flrat chanco you hnvo. Green food must not be forgotten Somo foed green rye whon It can bo had, others give sprouted oatB, othors beotu nnd turnips nnd cabbage, and othors add cut clover nay to tho mash All of tho greens mentioned are good Interview Causes WASHINGTON, Capital society ha3 had nothing that has mado It sit up and tnko notice In a good whtlo. Hut It sure got n slap that wakened It with a Jump tho othor day whon thoro appeared In aNow York nowg paper an alleged Interview with Bar oness Hengelmullcr von Hongcrvar, tho "deanness" of tho dinlomatto corps, or, to put It properly, tho doyenno, her husband, Baron Hcngel- muiier von iiongorvnr, being tho denn. Tho baroness, who has boen in Now York city, permitted herself to bo in terviewed by n very sprightly young lady roportor in Now York, who on two or threo provlous occasions has shown herself to bo rnthor long on imagination and short on facts. Sho directly quotes tho baroness ns fol lows: "Washington Is dull nnd Btunld. So ciety thero is provincial. To got to Now York Is hoaven to mo, for thero is bo much to do besides paying and rocolvlng calls and callers and drink ing tea and going through tho drier round of formal and uninteresting so cial events. Wo havo lived in Wash ington 10 years. I havo done each year tho same things with practically tho samo people. Hero in Nov York formnl calling and tea taking aro prnc tlcally eliminated, bocauso there aro so many othor moro interesting things to do. Even tho shops mako n dlflor enco, Horo it Is a posltivo plcasuro Violate Law Covering Abuse of Coins IDONTKHOW -uWHAT I DID BUT I'LL NEVER DO IT ACAIN J THE cnreles3ne6B or lgnornnco of big firms In observing tho federal laws governing abuse of coins costs them thousands of dollars yearly. Just re cently n Chicago company came to grief which would havo saved itself nnd tho government much trouble and expenso if it had read tho following law: "Whoovor fraudulently, by nny act, way or means shall deface, mutilate, impair, diminish, falsify or llghton . . . tho gold or silver coins which huvo boen or which may here after bo coined In tho mlnt of tho United States . . . shall bo fined not moro than $2,000 and Imprison ment of not moro than flvo years." Some clever advertiser concoived tho Idoa of an "ad." of metal Just tho bIzo of a dlmo, with the wording and Uncle Sam's Gunners Are Unequaled A MONO tho navies of tho world the l Amorlcan sailors havo long hold tho record of tho finest marksmon In oxlstenco. Though tho Unltod States docs not spend so much for now battle ships as other countrlos, ft lays moro emphasis on marksmanship than dooa any other nation nnd for that reason, combined with tho Amorlcan sailor's infinite pntlenco, our men havo gained their world-wldo reputation of cham pions. Moro time and ammunition aro exhausted In tbo American navy in target practice than is realized gen erally. "Amorlca spends ten times tho Bum for this purposo ns does Eng land. All world's records for gunnery wero broken by tho crow of tho battle ship Idaho In the recent big gun tar Christmas Among YOU WILL CONK ACAIN NEAT TfcAR , worn i YOU THE tiny representatives ot nil tho nations represented nt tho national capital colobrated Christmas, each with somo peculiar custom brought from his own far-off land. Tho Christ mao Idea Is ono easily caught up by tho foreign child nnd tho talk ho hears for weeks boforo tho happy foBtlval Is lust as eagerly listened to by tho Httlo Orlontal as by tho child to whom It has always boon familiar. Although tho Christian significance ot tho Saviour's birth Is absent from tho Orlontnl celebration of Christmas, yet tho festival spirit ot tho season np poals no lesa to tho boys and girls front far-off China and Japan than to thel- Httlo American plnymatos, Tho Chinese embassy was tho scone of Stir in Washington to shop. Then, your theaters, opera and concerts nro bo, woudorful. In fnct, Now York is ojio of tho most fasclnntlng cities In tho world. It la all llfo nnd color nnd Impulse. "Logically, of course,' Washington should bo. the social center of tho country. It never will be, however, for no city can tako tho honors away from New York. The atmosphero Is different, nnd a social climate is a3 hard to change as any other kind." It Is stated thnt Baroness Hengel mullcr neorly fell down dead when she saw this interview in tho Now York papers aijd thon saw it copied into tho Washington papers. Baroness Hongelmuller- Is nothing If not con ventional. Sho lives by form and rote, and to do nnything out of tho regular Is In her opinion to commit a crime. She came back homo in n state of nervous collnpso, declared alio never snld n word of it and thnt Washington is perfectly lovely. Baroness Hongelmuller wears that tltlo In her own right, and both sho nnd tho baron belong to tho stern Aus trian court circles; thnt Is, tho baron does now. Sho was born into that world of convention and rules, whero you could sit by tho flreplnco and burn up boforo tho servant noxt to you would mnko an attempt to snvo you unless that was his particular court function. The baroness was a widow when sho married Mr. Lndlslaus Hengelmul lcr von Hengorvnr, and It never pleas ed her nt all that ho was a plain "Mr." Sho was nover quite happy un til sho Bocured hor husband tho em bassadorBhlp from Austro-Hungary, and then a few yenrs ago sho got him created a baron. printing placed In such n way that at flrst glanco it would nppenr as a dime. Tho idoa was cleverly executed. A fair imitation of tiio head of Liberty was on ono sido and tho advertisement on tho other. The number was placed whero tho date on a dlm8 is and tho first glanco certainly impressed ono as tho real coin. Tho other side had a sheaf of wheat nnd in tho center tho words "On Time." Tho Arm had no desire, to defraud tho. public But unscrupulous people who had access to thom did. Sev eral firms and persons lost money by accepting tho advertisement for real money, chowlng gum mnchines wore filled with them, and at last tho se crot sorvlco learned how matters wero and began jxx Investigation. There woro 150,000 of tho motals confiscated Somo stray one3, howover, were In cir culation and it took almost a year ta "hunt thom down." Jowelors nro guilty every day ol committing a criminal offense Ac cording to tho ordlnanco, to mutilate monoy is an offenso in tho oyes of the law. - get shooting hold off Capo Henry. During tho practlco in which she won hor championship the sailors of the Idaho shatterpd targets at 10,000 yards distance. Had tho little vessel been In battle she would havo shattered In five minutes a battleship at a distance of flvo miles, had Bhe shot with tho samo accuracy. Tho gunner bogins In tho ordnanco shops at Washington, whero ho Is In structed in tho rudlmontB of tho art. He Is kept at his studies six dnys a wcok from eight o'clock In tho morn ing until four in tho afternoon. Before ho is detailed to a ship tho apprentice is given threo months' instruction In tho handling of high explosives and taught the workings of tho submarine mlno.i Thon ho Is turned ovor to n battle ship, whero ho is given tho position of gun pointer in chnrgo of nn instructor who knows tho business from top to bottom, and at this gun ho sticks un til his superiors think him eminently trustworthy, whon ho Ib allowed to participate in maneuvers. Finally ho nnndlcs a gun In roal war. Capital's Asiatics much gnloty during tho holiday weoks For 'tho oldest ot tho nrabnBsndor'i dnughtors, Miss Alice Chang, is only twolvo yenra old .and still retains many childish tastes. This year tho month-old daughter of tho couple, tiny Molsen or Mlldrod Chang, was tho youngest raombor of tho legation who camo in for Christmas presents. Santn Clnus did not neglect Arkira and Sada Matsul. tho tiny son nnd daughter of tho counsellor of tho Jap- oneeo embassay, Kelshlro Matsul. Ar kirn and Sada havo been usod all their Httlo lives to hearing of tho good old Saint Nick, and wero happily pleased at his bounty. Among tho" legation youngsters w this year snont tholr flrst Chrlstmni Washington aro tho children of th newly arrived Norwogian minister. H. Bryn. Thero woro "hljrh dolmrn' at tho legation, too, for the Christmas treo Is a natlvo of Norway nnd old Santa Claus thrlvos host of all In tho climate of Ice and snow, to which tho uryn cuuaren wore porn. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Women KtifTorinir from any form of Illness nro Invited, to promptly com munlcato with Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mass. All lotters aro received, opened, read and answorcd by women. A wo man can irceiy lane of her privato 111 ncsa to a woman thus has been es tablished this con fidence between Mrs. Plnkham and tho women oC America which ha3 never been broken. Novcr lias sho pub lished a testimonial or used a lottcr without tho written consent of tho writer, and novcr has tho Company allowed theso confidential letters to f;ot out of their possession, as tho mndrcds of thousands of them in their flics will attest. Out of the vast volume of oxnorionco which Mrs. Finkham has to draw from, it is more than possiblo that sho has gained tho very knowlcdgo needed In your caso. Sho asks nothing in re turn except your goou win, anu ner ndvlco has helped thousands. Surely nny woman, rich or poor, should bs glad to tako advantago of this gener ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Plnkham, caro of Lydin E. Plnkham Mcdicino Co., Lynn, Mass. Every woman ought to Imvo Lydln E. Pinkhnm's SO-pngo Text Book. It is not a book for gcnornl distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free nnd only obtainable by mail, wrlto for it today. TAKE A POSE OF piso'S "The best medicine Toe COUGHS C COLDS Frco lunch is somotlmcs pretty ei pcnslvo food. Lewis' Finale Binder gives the smoker a rich, mellow-tasting Cc cigar. Thero Is always poison In tho wound thnt Is inflicted by .a friend. i to cuitR A corn im nvu tav Tako .UAXAT1VB UI10M0 Qulnlno Tablets llrimftUtirrlnna tuonej If It faFU to euro. IS. W. lulOvlS'dilgiialure lion cacb box. SSc. I i And It sometimes happens that a ' man likes to havo hlft'Wifo get bo mad Bho won't speak to him then Bhe will not ask him for money. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first pat up 40 years oro. They rcjnilato and invi(ior ate, ttomach. liver nnd boweb. Sugar coated tiny granules. There's ono Httlo satisfaction wheni a man falls sick, It makes his wlfo re pent of her ill treatment of him. Don't work tho gamo too often, howover. , riKAUTIlTUr. CALKNlMIt TREE Bfnci W conn for trial threo monies' snN (crlptlon to our great farm paper ana nt 5 will mall you prepaid our Candaome 1911 Icautx Calendar. 1 br 2 feet, lllbouraphea 51 . "1 Wou oolon. Wrllo Immedlatolr. .'ebrtuka tfaim Journal, Omaha, Mob. i iwwillRIIIVH. Ill inibcr. Ella For all Bad words of tongua or pen .Stella Forget it; I'm ah old maid myself. I Not Serious. I "I hoar thoro aro gravo charges against Senator Jinks." j "What aro they?" , "Tho sexton's bills." Dalttmoro American. ' In Different Parts of the House. , Caller (to Httlo daughter of tho houso) Hullo, dear? Whero aro you off to? Daughter of tho House I'm Just going up to watch Mario do mother'fl hair. Caller Oh, dear! Then I'm afraid o buuii t ua huio to boo your momor. I Daughter of tho Houso Oh, yes;i you'll find hor down thero in tho drawing room. CONSTIPATION ' M u n v o n ' h Pnw Taw Pills nro unlike nil other laxatives or cathartics. They coax tho liver into activ ity by gentle meth ods. They do not scour; they do nob gripe; they do not weaken; but they do start nil the secre tions of tho liver and stomach in a way that II I III - . Ah . . uooa puis meso or "WKyter gana in a healthy " condition and cor- ! recta constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are, a tonlo to tho stomach, liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; they en rich tho blood instead, of impoverish it; they enable tho stomach to cet all tho nourishment from food that is put into These pills contain no calomel, no dope, they nro soothing, healing nnd stimulating. They school the bowels to RCt without physic, Prico i!3 cents. Nebraska Directory RUBBER GOODS bj mall at cut prlcea. Berfl for freo cauloeua. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Omoho.Neb. HIDES and FURS HUboat Market Moo lia. Writo for Prloo UL BOLLCS & ROOER8, 013 8. 13tll 8t,,Omen 4