GOT THE BEST OF THE ELDER Apt Quotation of Drer Reuben Saved His Mulo and at the Same Time Rebuked 8ln. j Elder Harris was making another 'attempt to lnduco ono of tho member of his flock to trado horses with him. t "Dat pony o' your'n, Dror Roubon," he said, "Is Jes' what I want, an' my big bay hos Is Jes' what yo' want. I kin git over do groun faster wld de pony, an' you kin haul a bigger load wld do boss. Hlt'd bo a good trade fur bofo on us, 'coptln' dat it'd bo a leetle bettor fuh you dan It would fur me. .You take do bay and give me de ches'nut sor1!." I "Do pony suits mo well 'nougb, eli dcr' averred Brother Ilouben, for the ,twontleth time. "I don' koor t' make no swap." ! "But I Jos' natchelly got t' hare dat pony, Bror Reuben." "Elder," spoko tho othor, after a period of profound thought. "1 boon wantin t aBt yo' a question for a long xirao "Well, what Is It?" "Iknoww'at ono o do 'noatloa savs ."bout do law boln' dono away with, but ain't wo still llvln undah do ten com inan'montn?" I "Bror Iloubon," solomnly averred Elder Harris, "wo air." I "Well, ono o' dom cominan'monts says wo mustn't covet anyt'lng w't b'- Tongs t' our neighbors, an' you're cov atln' dat 11T chostnut sor'l pony o' mine, Bror Harris I" I Then tho older gave It up. Clearly the teuth commandment was against him. Chicago Trlbuno. BABY'S HAIR ALL CAME OUT 1 "When my first baby was six months old ho broko out on his hoad with llttlo bumps. They would dry up nnd lcavo a scale Thon It would break out again and It spread "all over his head. All tho hair camo out and his head was scaly all ovor. Then his tnco broko out all over In red bumps and It kept spreading until It was on his hands and arms. I bought sovoral boxes of ointment, gavo him blood medicine, and had twq doctors to treat him, but ho got worso all tho tlmo. Ho had It about six months whon a frlond told mo about Cutlcura. I sent and cot a bottlo of Cutlcura Resolvent, a cako of Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cutlcura Ointment In threo days after using them ho began to Improve. Ho began to tako long naps and to itop scratching his hoad. After taking two bottles of Resolvent, two boxes of Ointment and threo cakes of Soap ho was sound and well, and nover had any breaking but of any kind. His Valr came out In llttlo curls all over his head. I don't think anything elsa would havo cured him except Cutlcura. ' "I havo bought Cutlcura Ointment Mid Soap several times slnco to uso lor cuts and sores and havo nover known them to fall to euro what I put thorn on. I think Cutlcura Is a great remedy nnd would advisq ,any ono to Bso It Cutlcura Soap Is the best that I havo evor used for toilet purposes." (Signed) Mrs. P. E. Harmon, R. P. D. X Atoka, Tenn., Bopt 10, 1910. ! His Ruling Passion. The young man waited for tho mill lonalre's reply. ' "I don't blame you for wanting to marry my daughtor," sold the latter. ''And now how much do you suppose you and sho can worry along on?" Tho youth brightened up. 1 "I I think," he cheerfully stam mered, "that $200,000 well Invested,. would produce a sufficient Income Tho millionaire turned back to his papers. "Very woll," ho said, "I will give ton $100,000, providing you raise a similar amount." And tho young man went away sort rawing. Ended tne Controversy. 1 On tho stceplo of an old Universal Is church In Bath, Mo., thero Is a woodon figure of an angel. It Is not a remarkably fine spocimon of art, and has always boon somewhat laughed about especially because of Its high heeled shoes. Tho Bath Enquirer re calls tho story that a former pastor of tho North Congregational church onco accosted ta dovotod TJnlversallst with tho question: "Mr. Raymond, did you aver sco an angel with hlgh-heoled Shoes on its feet?" "Why, no," an awercd Mr. Raymond, "I can't say that I ever did; but did you ever seo one Without them?" 1 ' A Young Philosopher. ' Timo is a rolatlvo quantity, Some minutes seem like hours, aud some hours seem llko minutes. How to con trol this flight is beyond most persons, but the llttlo boy montloned bolow seems to havo progressed protty well for a youngster. Tho teacher was surprised to see that ho romalned perfectly ldlo all through receBS, and accordingly asked him why be did not play. " 'CauBO," ho said, slowly, "It makes recess too quick if I play, and I want It to la-a-ost I "Youth's Companion. . . . . . 1 1 r n I naa uccn in a weroo ocmho. Damocles saw tho suspended sword. 1 "That's nothing," ho cried, "I've sat between two women with hatpins r Thus they saw he could ,not be cared. Blue Monday. ' "Do you know why wo call this day Blue Monday?" "Maybe It's because so much blueing U used." Judge. i Quick as Wink. 1 If your eyes ache with w, smarting, bam fag sensation ma PET-TIT'S EYE sALVB. All druggists or Howard BrosBuffalOtN.Y. Lova Is the only thing that new The Resurrection of Christ By REV. W. L MUNHALL of PMl.d.IphL mm TEXT-Blessed bo tho God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I Peter I, I, and 5. It was by tho sin of one man that death entered the world. Tho foun- tain In Eden wub poisoned and tho waters hava flowed on through tho ages In their polluted state, God In His Infinite morcy has pro vided a rcmody, a way of escape, by His Son, who descended Into tho grave, battled with death and was risen again. Tho text which I am taking Is really too big for a day or an hour, for on It ono versed in tho word of God would talk a week. Tho heart of this text Is taken from the resurrection of Jesus Christ from tho dead. Psalm 1G-10 Bald: "For thou -wilt not lcavo my soul In hell." This was a prophecy by David In ret- crenco to Jesus. Peter said: "Men and brethren, lot mo speak of David's prophecy, ho be ing doad. But according to- prophecy, his Eced shall reign nnd his flesh shall not sco doath." David prophesied and Peter spoko of tho accomplishment of the prophocy, that ho, David's sood, should not boo death. Paul bald: "Ho roso again on tho third day," This wnB according to tho scripturts; tho old scriptures, for thero was no Now Testament In tboso days. All authorities uniform-; Ilv nirroo that no fact is so woll estab lished as that Christ roso from the, dead. Horo wo havo ovor 500 credltablo witnesses that testify according to, tho resurrection of Jesus. Thoro pan bo no doubt of it, yet thero aro poc- nlo who doubt. I duddobo all of you. say you do bollovo but do you? ' ! Lot mo oxDlaln. Do you beliovo that God's pcoplo will bo raised in 1)ody from tho dead? You can notj possibly bollovo in tlio uouiiy resur rection of "your Lord from tho grave- without boliovlng in tho bodily resur rcctlon for God's people. I throw this out by way of emphasis. Thoso who deny literal resurrection from promises of their own conse quently reach unnatural conclusions. Thoro Is no teaching of tho resurrec tion apart from tho teaching in tho sacred scriptures. I may tako for illustration of tho resurrection tho hideous worm that spins its own winding sheet and lies in a cocoon. By nnu by it duh'.b ana a beautiful moth emorgea. This 11 luBtratcs but does not explain tho doc' trlno of bodily resurrection from tho dead. -Tho only placo to find explnna tlon of resurrection of tho dead is in tho scriptures. Somo say man and horso aro tho same; that' thoy livo and dio all tho same. This doctrino 1b not what men say and bollovo. It is purely and only n revelation from God. What says tho scriptures? If you havo nothing horo that gives you hope, you havo nothing. Psalm 16: "Thercforo my heart Is glad and my glory re Jolccs. My flesh also shalt rest in hopo. Thou wilt not leavo my soul in hell." David know thoro was resur rectlon. David trusted in God and could say, looking death in Its hide ousnoas In tho fact: "Oh doath, whero Is thy sting grave, whero is thy vic tory?" Wo have boon made ono with Him and havo a living hope through Him. At tho death the spirit returns to tho God of David, and tho soul do parts to its place of felicity until the second coming of Christ, when wo n tor into our own. Of tho wicked thoy havo a bouI, but no spiritual Ufa At their doath the soul departs to tormont. Tho body of all goes into tho gravo and resolves back to tho dust of tho earth. "Tho dust ot the earth shall rlso" (tho bodies). That which is in tho gravo comes forth thoro is nothing but tho body in tho gravo, thercforo it is tho body which Is raised. Allow to a certain extent tho prem ises tho wo aro as animals; that Jesus, was born of woman, llko us; that Christ was developed into man hood by tho laws of nature. At 33 years Ho wna nailed upon tho tree; HIb body was taken down by kind hands. On tho third day an angol rolled back tho stone. Tho sarao physical body camo out of that tomb. Women know Him (wo will also know Hlra) and Ho said: "Go tell My disciples that I ascend." Ho ascended, directly returned and allowed womon to touch Him, when beforo when He had met them Ho has said, "No, I havo not ascended," This was in accordanco with nn old Mo sale dispensation which did not allow womon to touch a prlost who was en gaged in tho coromony of sin offer ing. Christ, Is a prlost, and was a sin offering, and could not bo touched un til Ho appeared beforo tho Father and completed tho offering. Ho then re turned to earth and allowed tho wo men to touch Hlra. Ho also lot doubt Ing Thomas touch Him. Ho appoarod In their midst and told Thomas to reach forth his flngors, saying proba bly: "This, Thomas, is tho samo hand I used in ministering to tho needy and suffering nnd sorrowing. This was tho samo body born of woman crucified, burled and risen from tho doad." For forty days Ho was with tho dls clplos, walked, talked and ovon nto with them, and was soon no loss than $3.50 RECIPE CURES WEAK KIDNEYS, FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAIN ING, SWELLING, ETC. Stops Pain In the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. "Wouldn't it be nice within a week or ao to bsgin to say goodbye forever to tho scalding, dribbling straining, or too fre quont possago of Urine; tho forehead and the back-of-tho-head achca; tho stitches nnd pains in the back; tho growing mus- clo weakness; spots beforo the eyes; yel low skin; sluggish bowels; swollen oyo lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; slofplcssneas and the despondency? I have a rcclpo for these troubles mat you can depend on, and if you want to mako a QUICK ItECOVERY, you ought to write and got a copy of It Many a doctor would charge you 13.60 Just for writing this prescription, but I have it and will be glad to send it to you entire ly frco. Just drop me a lino llko this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, 1C-IGG Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., and I will send It by ro turn mall In a plain envelope. As you will seo when you got It this reclpo contains only pure, harmless romcdlcs, but ft has great healing and paln-conquorlng power. It will quickly show Its power onco you uso It so I think you had hotter soe what It Is without delay, X wilt send you a copy free you can use It and euro your self at home. NOWADAYS. Young Age Pensions. Young-ago pensions I Why not? Ti tles, honors, riches, pensions and most other good things are, as a rulo, post poned to a period of llfo whon tho ca pacity for enjoying them has been blunted. Australia was ono ot the first countries to adopt old-ago pen sions, and now a Labor membor of the commonwealth parliament proposes a complementary schemo ot young-ago pensions. Ho would start by pension ing tho fourth child at birth. Tho fact that threo had previously been born showed that tho parents wero doing their duty and doscrvlng woll ot tho stnto. Tho young-ago pcnqlon would "roward Industry and encourago the birth rato." London Chroniclo. Left Both Satisfied. It all happened on ono of those fow surviving pay-oftor-you-entor cars. "Oh, I insist on paying, Gladys," said the brunotto. "You paid coming down." "No. I shall pay," doclarcd Gladys with oqual firmness. "What if I did pay coming down didn't you buy that last package of gum?" ' "Let mo sottlo tho quarrel, ladles," suggested the diplomatic conductor. "Why not uso the denatured form of Dutch treat?" "What's thatr "Woll, you each pay tho other's faro." And that was tho way thoy solved it Clovoland Leader. On tho Dog. A small West Philadelphia boy may bo an author somo day. Ho has Just finished his first essay. It Is on a dog. "A dog is a onlmule with four legs, a tale and pants but he nover changes them. He wags his tale when he Is glad and slta on It when ho Is sorry. A dog is a useful animulo bocauso he bites burglars but ho Is moro trouble than ho Is worth whon ho tracks mud on the carpet A bull dog is the king of boosts. A Sounding Name. "Who is that girl In furs who Booms to bo tho big scream?" "Sho? Oh, sho'o our sleigh hello." Jenkins (humorously) Well, do you or your wlfo rulo in tho household? Benedict (seriously) Neither. We llvo under a provisional government by tho cook. They Both Knew, Tho fool said ono day In tho king's presence "I ra tho klngl" And tho king laughed, for ho know that his fool was wrong. A wook later tho king was angry, bo cauBd of an error ha had committed, and exclaimed: "I am n fool!" And tho fool laughed, for ho know that his king was right. Smart Sot MUNYON'S EMINENT DOCTORS AT YOUR SERVICE FREE Wo swoop away nil doctor's charges. "Wo put tho best medical talfchfe within everybody's rcnclt "Wo encourago overyono who ailn or thinks ho ails to find out exactly vhat his stato of health is. You can get our remedies hero, at your drug store, or not at all, as you prefer; there is positively no chargo for examination. Professor Munyon has prepared specifics for nearly every disease, "which, aro sent prepaid on receipt of price, and Bold by all druggists. Send to-day for a copy of our medical examination blank and Guido to Health, which wo will mail you promptly, and, if you will answer all tho questions, returning blank to us, our doctors will carefully diagnose your caso and adviso you fully, without a penny chargo. Address Hunyon's Doctors, Munyon'a Laboratories, B3d & Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. THE IMPERIAL THE CAR THAT, GETS THERE AND BACK, Tho car that took the big honors of tho great Chicnco Reliability ran. well nnd run3 woll. Tho Imperial is made in eif,'ht -p. de- The car that loolc3 different models including Touring Car nnd Roadster 30 35 45 h. Prices $1350 to $2000 Don't buy a car nntll you get our ixoo catalog giving full scription 01 tho Imperial. Tho llfo of a man consists not In seeing visions, nnd in dreaming dreams,, but In activo charity and willing service. Longfellow. Mrs. AVliulow's Sootlilnc fljrup. Forohlldrvn tathltiif, (ofleni iho gurai, rUuce In. UamniaUon,alUx paln.curai wind cuUo. Xo to Ola. To add a library to a houso Is to glvo that houso a soul, Clcoro. Lewis' Single Binder clear. Original Tin Foil Smoker Package, So straight No ono can measure tho fortune of tho man who loavos many friends. JUanafaetanJ by IMPERIAL AUT0M0IILE COMPANY Jackson, Michigan Dlttrlbafort for Wmtttrnfowa Nmb ratkaandWjromlnt KRADLEY M ERR 1AM SMITH Ccunefl Mifft, lew The men whose tlmo is worth most use the KNOWN THE would overt 5 Fine POST GARBS EDEE " Bond only ie itnmp and rwolvel Hi I B rry flneit Gold Kraboel CorjliS ISHaUai Cnultal Card Co., 1 lt. 70, Toy'ekn, Kan. nrrllMfT !TflRPH leit to work with ar4 ULMAnLL SIAnUn luroboi olotno nlowt. AUou't Uloarlnt) HoWeou rvsuitrenle lilvnrs. Bona Wlf ont.Bc rot alnus mritni.VitrteoMi ITlccm.Ia-nolontVlse.MerCTr.iimcnrftWhltfifltfu- Ekku. B,uJIM. J J'jUXHN.MpUUJtU'l.aUUBS. mm MkkkMJ HAIR BALSAM l'romotM ft laratUnt rravth. Kw Fili to Xtttortv frtg. Guru Klp dlmxi Jt hilr itlUex. .Mo. mill MM PTUjrif W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 1-1911. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color moro sooift trlMr and foitor colors thn sny othor dvo. One too eteksso color ill tlben. Thij di In cold r stttsf Utss any ethsr if. You ess 4j Wi Btrtotnf wllhout rlpetafl aptiL Writ! tu tros tooMl-How to Dio. Bleach and Mu Color. MONROE OHU8 BO., Quktmy, 7Ma.W Tho Prlmltlvo Man. "Jones is so dreadfully prlmltlvo." "What's his latest?" "Why, wo wero at tho oporn house tho othor night and a stage hard re moved a table and Jones yelled 'Supol supol' We wore dreadfully mortified." "I was at n dinner tho othor night and Jones sat next to mo. When he saw tho row of spoons and forks and knives beside his piato ho beckoned to the waiter. 'Say, boy,' ho hoarsely mut tered, 'I guess you splllod tho spoon holdorl'" "Woll, it's lucky ho's rich." "Ain't ttt" Tho moro solitary, tho moro frlond less, tho moro unsustalned I am, tho moro I will respect and roly upon my olf. Charlotto nronte. Old' Women In Maine. Oray has a qulntot of ladies whose ago is over ninety years. Mrs. Enoch Merrill's ngo Is ninoty-nlno years and eleven months, whllo Mrs. Lots D. Small reached hor ninety-eighth birth day on November 0, and both ot these ladlos are bright and active. Mrs. Mary A. Frank was ninety-six last Beptombor, and is in her usual health. Mrs. Hannah T. Rowo is ninety-ono; Mrs. Mary Lclghton also la ninety-one. Kennebec Journal. What Happened. Fate Did you call? Opportunity Yes, but sho sent word word by her sorvant sho wasn't In. Uarpor's Bazar. , On tho Ties. First Thespian Walking homo? Second Thespian YeB, tho railroad enrs aro Insufficiently heated. REALLY OPENED THEIR EYES Parishioner's Remark, However, Left Young Minister Somewhat In In tho Dark. Rov. Henry IL Roso In tho Newark Star tells tho story ot a young min ister who had rnontly taken charge of a small parish in Vermont Ho aspired to greater things and a largo field, and in tho 'hopo that his reputa tion would travel boyond tho limits ot tho vlllago tov.whlch ho had been sortt ho throw intujlils Bormons all tlio forco and eloquenco at his command. Ho was, however, . totally unprepared for what was Intended for a compli ment, but which was put to him In such a way that it left him In doubt ac to tho real Impression ho had made. Ono Sunday morning, after an espe cially brilliant effort, ho was greeted by an old lady, who was one of tho most faithful attendants at all serv ices. Approaching tho young minister, sho said: "Ah, sir, wo do enjoy your sermons so much, they aro so in structive Do you bollovo It, wo never know what sin waa until you came to tho parish." Tho Kind. "I think that chauffeur had groat nervo to mako lovo to his employer's daughtor." "So ho had motor norvo." It takes moro than a stinging vo cabulary to mako a prophet COMING HIS WAY. ""flip "What luck, my boy?" "Oh I protty fair. I got six winders, two lamp pOBts and one silk hat &V ready." The Patient Townsmen. "So you got to work in spite of th snow drlfta?" "Yos. But i don't coo why the city folks should not follow the example ot country pooplo and put up a strong kick for good roads." The whirlwind ot passion scatters many ot tho scods ot sin. t Now ean Food Another tSpleradid Opportunity to Bring Out Facts When tho "Weekly" which sued ub for libel (bocauso wo publicly denounced them for an editorial attack on our claims) was searching for somo "weak Bpot," they thought best to sond a N. Y. Atty. to Dattio Crook, summoned 25 of our workmen and took tholr sworn state ments beforo a Commissioner. Did wo objoct7 No. On tho contrary, wo helped all wo could, for tho opportunity was too good to bo lost. Geo. Haines testiflod ho inspected tho wheat and barley, also floors and ovory part of tho factories to know things woro kept clean. That overy 80 minutes a sample ot tho pro ducts was n taken and Inspected to keep tho food up to standard and keep out any impur ities, also that It Is tho duty of ovory man In tho factories to sco that anything not right Is Immediately roportod. Has boon with tho Co. 10 years. Edward Young testiflod had boon with Co. 15 ycarB. Inspector, bo and his men exam ined overy cack and car of wheat and barloy to soo thoy wero up to standard and rojocted many cars. II. E. Burt, Supt, tostiflod has boon with Co. over 13 years. Bought only tho best grain obtainable That tho Co. kept a corps of men who do nothing but koop things clean, bright and polished. Testiflod that no ingrodlontwont lntoGrapo Nuts and Postum except those printed in tho advertising. No possibility of any foreign things getting Into tho foods as most of the machinery Is kept closed. Asked If tho fac tory Is open to the publlo, said "yes" nnd "It took from two to throo guides constantly to show visitors through the works." Bald none ot tho processes wero carried on behind closed doors. At this point attys. for the "Weekly" tried to show the water used was from some out side source. Testified the water came from Co.'s own artesian wolls and was pure. no testified the workmen woro first-class, hlgh-grado and lnspoctod by tho Co.'o physi cian to bo sure thoy woro all In proper phys ical condition; also tostlfled that stato reports showed that Co. payB bottor wagoa than tho avcrago nnd ho thought higher than any In tho stato. F. B. Martin, AssL Supt, tostiflod Grape Nuts made of wheat, barloy, yeast and water. Anything elso? "No, Blr." Postum mado of Whoat, Wheat Bran and Now Orleans Molasses. Statomonts mado on his export onco of about 10 years with Co. Testified bakers aro required to woar fresh whito suits, changod ovory othor day. Said had noven known any of tho products being sent out that woro bolow tho high standard of inspection. Asked If any ono connocted wlth tho Postum Co. had Instructed him how to testify. Said, "No. sir." Horaco Brown tostiflod has been with Co. 0 years. Worked In Grape-Nuts bako shop. Tostiflod tho whole of tho flour Is composed ot Wheat and Barley. Attys. triod to confuse him, but ho Insisted that any casual visitor could soo that nothing elso went Into tho flour. Said machinery and floors always kopt clean. So thoso mon wero examined by the "Week ly" lawyers hoping to find at loaat one who would say that somo undor-grado grain was put In or somo unclean condition was found somewhoro. , But it was no use. Each and overy man testiflod to the purity and cleanliness. As a sainplo, take the testimony ot Luther W. Mayo. Tstiflcd boon with Company about 10 years. Now working In tho bakory department mak ing Grape-Nuts. Testified that the ovens and floors aro kopt clean and tho raw products as thoy go In are kept clean. Also that the wearing apparel of tho employes has to be changed three times a week. Q. Do you uso Postum or Grape-Nuts your self at all? A. Yos, I use them at homo. Q. If from your knowledge of the factory which you have gained In your ten years at tho factory you bollovod that thoy wero dirty or impure In any way, would you use them? A. I do not think I would. No. Asked If any one on behalf of the Company had asked him to testify la any particular mannor. Stated "No." All theflo Bwora doposltlons were carefully oxcludod from tho testimony at the trial, for thoy wouldn't sound woll for the "Weekly." Think of tho fact that ovory man swore to tho purity and cloanllnoso so that tho Atty. for tho "Weekly" was forood to say In open court that tho food woo pure and good. What a disappointment for the "Weekly!" But tho tcstlmonV showed: AH of tho grain usod In Grape-Nuts. Tostum and I'oat Toastles la tho highest standard' lioBBlblo to obtain. All parts of the factory aro kept scrnpnlons ly clean. Nono of the workmen had been told how to tostlfy. 111 Most of them have boon from 10 to IE years witn tlio Co. and uao me products on their tables at homo. Why do their families use the products, Grape-Nuts, Postum and Post Toastles, that they, themselves, make? "There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle CreeK, Mich. tails. cloven times.