The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 03, 1911, Image 5

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Beginning December 27th and closing January 12th we will give you a discount of.
fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits,
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents Furnishings and Shoe Stock. These goods will be
sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will
not open any new goods in these departments, so it will pay you to come early before the as
sortments are broken. 1
Wilcox Department Store.
We thank you for your liberal patronage during
the past year and wish .you' - '
assuring you the same high degree of service
for the future it has been our privilege. in the
past to give.
. HARRY DIXON, The Jeweler. ,
Graduate Dentist.
Ofllco over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
For Sale
An extra good quarter section of hay
and farm valley land. Creek flows
thru it. Only four miles from city. ThiB
is a snap at only $36.00 per acre, part
Brntt & Goodman
W. T. Wilcox, who has been suffer
ing; from erysipelas, will soon be him
self again. He was down at his office
for a brief period Saturday.
Plumbers have been having a busy
time since Sunday lookiag after frozen
and burated water pipes. One plumber
had eight calls for strviees this morn
before nine o'clock.
H.V. Hilliker, station superiaten
dent at Denver, formerly of this city,
passed through to New York this
morning, where he was called as a
witness in a suit.
A letter received this morning from
Omaha, written Sunday, stated that
Brakerawi Chapman is getting along
nicely, though it would be decided to
day whether an additional amputation
would be necessary.
Rev.,C. B. Harman has been confined
to the house since last Thursday with
a severe celd and slight congestion of
of the bronchial tubes but expects to
be out again in a day or so. There will
no catechatical classes tomorrow but
the regular prayer service tomorrow
Business around the court house is
rather quiet at the opening of the New
year. Few cases are being filed in the
district court, Judge Elder of the county
court has nothing on hand but probate
matters, instruments for record are not
many in the county clerk's office, and
at the treasurer's office the receipt of
taxes are not as brisk as a month ago.
Shoriff Miltonberger is reasonably busy
with minor matters, and Co. Supt.
Ebright has enough to do to keep time
from hangihg heavily on his hands.
Next Thursday Geo. Roberts, the now
commissioner, will be Inducted into
office, which is the only change to
occur in county officers.
Do you ot know that fully nine out
of ten cases of rkeumatista are simply
rheumatism of the muscles due to cold
or damn, or chroaic rheumatism, ana
require no internal treatment whatever'
Chamberlain's Liniment freely
and see how quickly it gives reliaf. Sold
by all dealers.
For Rent
Houses, (one furnished), store and
unfurnished rooms. Bratt & Goodman.
Miss May Nolan, late of Wood River,
has entered the P. & S hospital with a
view of becoming a trained nurse.
Fred Weingand came up from Omaha
Saturday night and remained until to
day when ho was accompanied home by
Mrs. Weingand who had been visiting
relatives for ten days.
Mrs. Edward Burke, who had been
a guest at the Shuman residence for
ten days, left yesterday for Excelsior
Springs, where her husband is taking
treatment for rheumatism.
For Sale Snme choice Poland China
Boars, also some Red Polled Bulls.
Payne's Dairy Farm.ono half mile south
of North Platte.
The Commercial Club went out of ex
istence yesterday when tho parties to
whom the furniture was sold removed
the samo. Somo of the articles remain
unsold, but will bo disposed of as quickly
as possible and the final affairs of the
club wound up.
Wanted to sell One three year old
black Percheron Stallion. Registered
No. 52422. L. E. Ebright, two miles
west of Experimental farm.
Twenty-four locomotives were frozen
up at Grand Island Sunday night and
Monday morning, thus delaying traffl0
for hours and tying up eight passenger
trpfhs at that terminal. Snow drifted
to tho depth of six feet in some of the
streets of that city.1
Conductor Tom Gorham, who has been
out of service since last June bn ac
count of the wreck at Brady, has been
reinstated and mado his first trip into
town yesterday. His North Platte
friends are mighty glad o again see
him back on tho road,
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Inquire at 417 East Fifth street.
An alarm of firo yestorday afternoon
called out the fire department to the
home of Mrs. Maude Turpie whore a
defective Hues had resulted in starting a
fire between the ceiling and roof in the
rear part of the house, By cutting
a hole in the roof tho flames were
reached and quickly extinguished. The
damage was light.
Constipation is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make
life miserable. Take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid these
diseases. Sold by all dealers,
For Sale.
rtlnfL- 3 Knntlt Vrlr Arirlttfnn fM.)l,
iifta. fi. ,,,i,.t .i r
" - ai, aiso w acres in section 2-13-31
and terms address H. E.
Nichols, Sterling, Col.
- Fifth
Tarkcy Supper.
A turkey supper will be served at the
Vienna Cafo tonight for those attend
ing the Firemen's Ball.
Frank Turpie returned to Lincoln
The twenty-eighth annual ball of the
B. of L. F. and E. will be held at the
Lloyd opera house this evening. The
introductory concert by the orchestra
will begin at 8:30 sharp.
E. A. Roberts, living south of town,
received a message Saturday announc
ing the death of his father at Casper,
Wyo. Mr. Roberts left on the first train
for Rawlins, where tho funeral was
Wanted to sell Eight brood mares.
Weight 1050 to 1500 pounds. L. E.
"Ebright, two miles west of Experiment
'tal farm.
1 At a meeting of the fire department
last week Theodore Lowe, Clark Batk
nnan, J. P. Norton, W. C. Craigie and
CharlesSandall were elected as dele
gates to the state fireman's convention
which will be held at Alliance January
17th to 19th inclusive.
Wanted A woman to do house work
and plain sewing by the day. Apply at
the weather bureau.
During the year 1910 benefactions
amounting to the enormous sum of
$150,000,000 have been bestowed by
wealthy people of the United States.
Andrew Carnegie heads the list with
$17,816,000, and John D. Rockefeller
with $17,000,000.
For Sale Four black Langshan
cockerels. Inquire at 803 East Fifth
Frank Crydermnn, of San Francisco,
stopped over in town yesterday while
enroute to Akran, Ohio, where ho goes
on'business. Mr. Cryderman is with
the Diamond Rubber Co., and recently
has been promoted to the position of
adjuster for the Pacific coast for that
company. Mrs. Cryderman accompanied
him as far east as Denver.
Tho campaign for President Taft's
renomination .was formally opened at
Washington a fow days ago and will be
actively conducted until the 1912 con
vention. Senator Burkett is in the band
wagon and in reported as saying that
Nebraska is for Taft and will send a
solid delegation for him to the national
convention. This statement is probably
true unless Roosevelt should be a can
didate, which might alter things. How
ever, it is announced that Roosevelt
favors Taft's renomination and will
direct his energies to attain that result.
Strayed From the former Powers
ranch south of tho city, a salt and and
pepper Gordon setter dog, had on
a collar with name B. A. Voss, Brad
shaw, Neb. Reward for return of nn
nlmal to B. A. Voss, sixteen miles
south of town or address same at North
When Lillian Russell comes to tho
Keith theatre Monday, Jan 9th, she
will be seen at the head of her newest
and biggest production which Joseph
Brooks has made for use this season.
Her vehicle is a charming comedy of
fashionable life called "In Search of a
Sinner'- and was written for her use
this season by Charlotte Thompson.
The play is a story of how a women
tried to win a husband who she wanted
to think was a sinner and having
brought him around to her way of
thinking changes her mind and wants
him to be a saint. All of which hap
pens quite naturally but not until every
body has laughed heartily over the new
turns and twists that satirize feminine
Z Graduate Northwestern Dniversltv.
2 Office over McDonald Stato Bank
Alvin Poole Gives Recital.
ine umana ueo or last Friday con
tained this item relative to a former
North Platte boy: Under tho ausnices
of the Clio CIub Alvin E.Poole, violinist,
gave a musical Wednesday afternoon
at Redick hall, University of Omaha.
He was assisted by Miss McEachrow
soprano, Miss McAullay reader, and the
university orchestrn. A large audience
was most enthusiastic in its apprecla
tion..Mr. Poole's violin numbers showed
to advantage his technical skill, and
his playing aroused much enthusiasm.
The university orchestra, under the
leadership of Mr. Poole, did excellent
work and added greatly to the pleasures
of the afternoon.
If Your Idle Money
is not earning good rate of interest in
mortgage loans, see Bratt & Goodman,
Year's Railway Statistics.
Development of the physical proper
ties of the - railways of the United
States during 1910 showed compara
tively little advance over 1909. accord
ing to statistics compiled by the Rail
way Age Gazette, issued Thursday.
The new miles of track numbered 4.-
120, a gahvof 372 miles over 1909. The
total mileage under the protection of
block signals' is 69,331. a rain of 5.000
durjng the year.
Rolling stock ordered is substantially
less than In the previous year, 141,204
freight cars. 3.881 nassensrer cars and
3,787 locomotives being the figures.
"Mr. Livingstone's Pride."
The Sergeant."
Lane and Vance, who talk
sing and dance.
10 and 15 Cents.
Wills J Itodtlold, HI) .in McKlraban. M D
Drs. Redfield & McKirahan
Phiicians and Surgeoui,
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones
Office at P. and S. Hospital.
Qfflcoi Hotel Tlnmiorman.
Special attention given diseases of
women and emergency surgery.
Qme:ok In Panama.
Tho i-olor Kin- Is not wy dWInefh
drawn In the I.utln rop'ililtiN. 1'iuf::i
Blur I tidbit: jmv found In and itromiu
I'muran. l.lko Uu Hpuiltioii'x of Flor
ida. tlty t.fvr uvtv riiiiinu'riul. A
rililoMH rViaiitv of native life In Pana
ma Ik tin focUtiKlitln. which, like
liaseWill In the VuUh jltnfpf. Ik more
Mthu-tlve to the public than tiny other
form ,)f recreation. Even the work
men mi the MtreetK have favorite birds
totherert neat by and wire every op
portunity to tout their prowess. The
ellck-i llclv of steel spurn an the birds
strike eaeli other, the spurting of blood
and the clniiior of men Indulging In
small wagerx ecm to supply the men
tal excitement that Spaniards find In
bullfights and that English speaking
rncoa derive froni less brutal contests.
Tho backer of each gamecock stnndH
behind It, and If' his bird shows signs
of exhaustion he, takes It up .and puts
Its bill Into his mouth whllo ho In
flates Its exlinustcd lungs. One game
cock In a fight witnessed by tho writ
er, appearing almost dead, wnH thus
revived, went back Into the pit nnd
finally killed Its opponent Nntlouul
What Is an Element?
In his little book colled "The Ele
ments" Sir William A. Tllden doflnes
an clement ns "a substance from
which by tho operation of ordinary
chemical processes only ouo kind of
matter can bo obtained," This Is some
thing quite different from tho four ele
ments of Aristotle Are, wnter, earth
and air or tho salt, sulphur and mer
cury of tho alchemists. Even lu mod
ern times tho conception of what nu
clement really Is lino changed some
what. Sir William adds: "Until quite
rccontly tho elements of tho Inorganic
world were supposed to bo fixed, Im
mutable with tho lapse of ages or un
der tho mighty forces concerned In the
making of worlds, Rut within a fow
years wo have learned that tho atoms
nt least nro continually crumbling
away, It la lmposslblo to sny whether
all may not bo suffering a Blow wnsto
which In. tho long run may lend back
to tho prlmnl chaos."
For Rent Rooms furnished for light
housekeeping at $8 per month, 601 east
Sixth street.
Physician and Suracon,
Ofllco over McDonald Bank.
Til ) Office 130
I inones f Residence 115
"Handsome Baby,
"You really have
a right to bo proud
of it." Yes, in
deed, and could
tho baby talk it
would ask for
A Photograph of
to showlts friends
in years to come
Children's Photo-
graphi a Specialty
with us. Our pho
tos of young or old
are perfect and
successor to
E. O. Halverstedt'
It la Said te Be the Oldest Harher
Beacon In America.
Tho outer light of Boston harbor Ut
Boston light, eight miles below the
city and. at tho very outer end of the
channel that ocean liners follow. It
stand oa Little Browstcr Island, a
pllo of rocks partly grassed over hi its
gentle hollow on tho sheltered sldo.
Throo families llvo herethose of the
head keeper and his two assistants.
In all the Inhabitants number a dosen
Tho light Itself is said to bo tho old
est In America, built lu 1715 by the
government of England. It la of
rough bowlder stone, hooped with
Iron bands, nnd lta loan, whitewashed,
form Is a landmark nnd eoamnrk far
and wide.
A rustic Iron railway !ot carrying
coal lends up from tho wntersldo to
tho engine house, where Is an engine
nnd boilers In, which steam Is kept up
contlnunlly to operate tho siren fog
horns. Tholr great trunipot-llko forms
protrude through tho wall of tho build
lng on tho sonwnrd side. In fonKV
wenthor one can hear from tho open
wmuows uio rnroir mooing of tho fog
horn on tho Boston lightship, seven
miles nwny, as tho keenora on thn
lightship can hear this ouo at Boston
An old cannon lies on tho cround
nenr tho lighthouse. It was provided
by tho Cunnrd Stcnmshlp company bo-
lore i no roguorn was nstn led to alv
signals; It is unused now. But la
addition to tho great revolving light
in tho tower thoro Is n Bet of red and
white rnugo lights that Klvo tho loea-
tlon of nuchorngo for vessels In tho
chnnnol. If they sco red it menna
that thoy nro out of their proper loca
tion, but If whlto (hey nro snfo. Now
York Mull.
Took the Advice. '
Tho president of ono of tho promi
nent railway corporations In America
was making a Btlrrlng nddrcss to an
audlcnco of young men and dwelt
with particular emphasis on tho neces
sity of making a good appearance.
"When you nro looking for work,"
ho suld, "bo careful that; you are pre
sentable. If you hnvo only $24 In
tho world, spend S20 for a suit, of .
clothes, $3.50 for n.palr of shoes, GO
conts for a hair cut and shave. Then
walk up to tho Job whorovor it Is and
ask for It like n man."
This advice was greeted with great
applause, and the railway president
sat down nmld a storm of cheers. Tho
very next morning u dapper looking
young fellow -walked Into tho outer
ofllco of tho orator and, handing a note
to tho clerk, said, "Plcaso give this to.
tho president." Tho poto rend as.fol- ,
lows: t .
"I hnvo paid $20 for this suit of-
clothes, $3.GO for a pnlr of shoes, 'and
DO cents for a hnlr out nnd, a shave. M v..
bavo walked from Ilnrloin, nud
would llko a Job ns conductor on your
Ho got tho Job.
He Didn't Dorrow.
A roferenco book on Russian history
being needed right on tho spot, tho lit
erary hack said ho guessed ho would
go around to Clarke's to borrow his.
IIo went to CInrko's, but ho camo back
without tho book.
"Didn't ho hnvo it?" tho man's wifo
"Ho did, but I hndn't tho ncrvo to
ask for It, Clarko'a plan of advertising
book borrowers scared mo off. Boforo
I had n clinnco to mention Russian his
tory ho Btcercd mo past sholvcs where
ovory fow inches n dummy stood sand-"
wlched in between real books. Tho
lnbcls on all the books wero conspicu
ous, black lettering on white, nnd they
set forth somo mighty Interesting sta
" "Threo Musketeers," borrowed
March 25 by John Smith. Not ro-
turned.' After I had read nbout a
dozon of thoso dummy labels I said it
was n lino day, wasn't it. Clarko said
yes, It was, and I camo nwny. To ad
vertise to subsequent visitors that I
had borrowed ouo of Clarke's host
books was n little too much notoriety
for mo." Now York Sun.
French 8ervanto' Characters.
It Is an unwritten law In Franco that
you must nover say anything bad nbout
servant or employee In his "cuaruc.
tor" that Is to say, Jf you cannot sny
nnythlng good you must content your
self with n noncommittal statement
which will not compromise his pros
pects. For Instance, If you havo caught
your cook robbing you In such n shnmo
ful nnd Impudent fashion that you arc
obliged to dlsmlSB her you may not
stnto on her "certificate" that you havo
dispensed with her services becnuBo
you found she was dishonest. That, it
Is held, might prevent her obtaining n
situation olHowhore, nnd ns overy ono
has te earn his bread the cook raiiBt
bo given the opportunity of recom
mencing her larceny clsowhcro. All
thnt you nro entitled to say on her
character" If you will not Ho and nny
her compliments Is thnt sho entered
nnd loft your service ou certain dates,
Paris Lotter to London Globe.
Vacation Part Road, No 143.
The commissioner appointed for tho
purpose of vncating that pnrt of Road
No. 143:
Running through S. E. 1 of Section
10, Town 9, Rango 80, and divert travel
over tho new cematery road No. 226,
tho distance into town being the same,
haa reported in favor of the vacation
and all objections thereto must bo filed
In tho ollico of the county clerk on or
before noon on tho utn day of March.
Dated North Platte, Nehr..
Dec. 81.
1910. F. R. Elliott, Couaty Clerk.