The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1910, Image 2

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They Reveal Larger Average
Wheat and Oats Than An
Tho returnu from tha grain floldn
of Western Canada it's revealed by tho,
work of tho Thrcshors, show much
larger yields than woro expected ns
tho crop was ripening. It in a littlo
early yet to give an cotlinnto of tho
crop as a Whole," but individual yields
suloctcd fr&in various points through
out Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-j
bcrta show that tho farmers tlioro as a
rulo havo had reason to bo thankful
over tho results. Kxcollont yields aro
reported from many portions of ManN
toba and a largo district of Saskatch
ewan ,has turnod out woll, whllo tho
central portion of Alberta is splendid.'
Thorn will bo shown at tho land ox1
position at St, Louis a satnplo of tho'
Mnrquo'a wheat a now variety nnd,
ono that appears to bo woll adapted
to tho soil and cllmato of Western
Cfiiiudn that yloiuod 53 buahols to tho
aero. Tho oxhlblt and statomont will
bo supported by affidavits from tho
growers. This wheat wolgho woll,
ntid bolng n hard variety will And a
rondytmarlcct at tho highest prlcos ob
talnablo for a nrat-claos nrtlclo. II la
intorestlng to point out thnt a field
or ono hundred ncros of this wheat
wnuld. glvo its producora 5,300 bush
eld, Sold at 85 cents a bushol would,
glvo him ?45 nn ncro. Counting all
tho cost of intorost on land at $20 anj
aero, getting tho land ready for crop
flood sowing, harvesting and murkot-'
Ing, tho ontlro cost of production;
would not exceed 8 an aero, leaving
tho hnndsomo net profit of $37 an
aero. Is thero any crop that would)
yield a better roturn than this, with,
tho samo' labor and initial oxpenso7
Cotton fields will not do it, nppla or-!
chards with their great exponso of culj
tlvatlon and tho risk to run from tho,
various enemies of tho fruit cannot?
begin to do it. Whllo what Is connld-;
orcd an exceptional caso just now is
presented, thero Is no doubt that thta;
man's exporionco may bo duplicated'
by otlicru who enro to follow his mm
ampto. As has bcon said tho growing
of this wheat is but In Its infancy, and
wheat growing is still largely con-;
fined to othor older varlotlos that do
uo t yield as abundantly, Evon with
tbOBa wo havo records beforo us of
farmers who havo grown 40 bushols
to tho aero., others 35, somo SO, and
others again 25 bushols. Tuklng ovon
20 bushels, and somo farmers report
that amount, It la found that tho re
turns from such a yield would bo S17
nn aero. This whoat wll cost to got
to market, including all cxponaoB
about $8- an aero, and tho farmora
will still havo a not profit of nbout
$0 an acre. Cortalnly tho provinces
of Albortn, Saskatchewan and Mani
toba are progrcBoIng, Bottlomont la in
crossing and thoro la a gonoral con
tcntmont all ovor tho country. Tho
social conditions aro splendid, tho ell
mato is oxccllcnt, and thoro Is ovory
condition to inako tho oottlor satlsllod.
At tho farming copgresa, hold nt Spo
kane in Octohor, wheat shown by tho
Albortn Government, took tho ullvor
cup, awarded by thq , Oovornor of
tho Stato. It completely outclassed
all ohor spoclmons on o'xhtbltlon, and
it was but an ordinary aolectlon
hundreds of Holds in Alborta nnd Sos
katchowan being nblo to duplicate It,
Thero aro still avutlablo thousands o(
homesteads, no woll as largo areas of
first-class land that Is. being offered
for bbIo at low prices. The ngont oi
tho Canadian Government from whom
tho above facts havo bcon learned ex
pects that the rush to Canada will
uoxt year largely excood tho numbora
who have gouo' this yoor.
1 Why Do They.
, Wiiy 1 wom'on Jlkp tljo baldhcadod
, jtaanjt is somowhat 'dlfll'ciilt to doflno.
It moV bo bocauso ho appears to bo:
Thoughtful and. kind.
Trustworthy and confiding. Whim
sical, Past' tho follies nnd frivolities
-of youth- ,
Usually" successful.
A man of property
Onlnlons why women llko tho bald-
"headed mau obtalnod by tho Dally
TMlrror aro nB follows:
!lo laTnot silly llko young men.
Ho accepts refusals of mnrrlngo so
nicely that ono Is sorry ono did not
accent hlra.
Tho bald patch looks so clean and
nlco. Ono would llko to. jobs it.
A doctor wolcomos baldness whon It
comeB to him. ns It la a sign of so'
datcnoBS and dignified lonrnlng. which
invariably Increases his practise.
Tribute to Painter's Skill.
Ono of tho still life paintings by
Jan van Huyson In tho museum at
Tho Ilnguo wob rocontly injured, but
it is bollovod tho porpotrator was
nclthor vandal nor thief,
Tho ptcturo represents a basket of
fruit on which a numbor of Insects
havo gathered. On a Palo yellow ap
ple, whlcji is tho contorploco in tho
clustor of fruit. Is a largo fly. painted
so truo to naturo, so say tho officials
of tho irnllcry. that tho canvas was
inluredfcby bouio ono who endeavored
to "shoo" It and brought his cano or
hand too closo to tho canvas. "A
tribute to tho palntor'a gonlUB," says
tho letter rocardlng tho fact, "for which
tho work had to suffer."
Lecturer Explains Working of Bi
ogenetic Law.
Elucidates Many Strango and Absurd
Instincts That Come and Go Dur
ing Human Infancy, Child
hood and Adolescence.
Russia's Growing Population.
This year's census of tho Russian
empire adds another flvo millions to
tho population as enumerated in 1908.
Tho czar's subjects now number 160,-
000,000 and lncreaso ovory year by
2,500,000 despite wars, epidemics and
internal disturbances. As thero Is no
lack of cultivated soil In Russia thero
Bcems no reason why this big annual
lncreaso should not continue.
NEW YORK. A cablegram from Paris announced tho wedding of Char
lotto Knthorlno Palmor to Jamos C. Parrlsh, Jr., a rolatlvo of tho Van
dorbllts. Tho Parrlshcs aro very wealthy and have a beautiful homo
near Southampton. Mr. Parrlsh, Jr is a Harvard graduate, and was ad
mitted to tho bar this year. Miss Palmor formorly was in "Wang," nnd
also with tho Low Flold forces. In London sho numbered Mrs. Oscar Low
lsohn, Mrs. onry Lyndhurst Druco and Sir Gcorgo Prcscott among her de
voted admirers.
Engli3h Court Refuses to Aid The
atrical Press Agent.
Faked Expulolon of Women Who In
sisted on Wearing Dig Hats In
Theater Called by Judge a
Fraud on Justice
Why KIckT
Louis Wisna, the Nowark artist,
wore n glootny look on bis usually
cheerful face.
'.'It fans Just struck rao," ho Bald to
Ckarles Stasse, "that my shoes don't
cot e as muck as tny youngster a."
Tkea what are you complalulng
atKMitt" ukd Stasss.
London. BrltlBh courts of Justlco
muBt not bp exploited for tho pur
poses of advcrtlaomont. This logal de
cision wns given In a case brought by
Thomas Lumloy Dann, n pross agent,
against Frank Curzon, tho theatrical
mnnngor. Tho ovlilonco revealed tho
romarkablo mannor in which tho pub
lic was "spoofed" ovor a certain matt
nco hat Incident which occurred nt tho
Prlnco of Wales theater In London
somo months ago. This Incident was
manifestly a fako to nil thoao who aro
lnltlntod Into tho ways of theatrical
Mr. Dann In his action claimed $500,
which ho ullogod was tho num Mr.
Curzon agreed to pay him for arrang
ing tho affair, whllo Mrs. Dann, who
assisted her husband In tho affair,
claimed $2C2 in paymont for her sot
vices, Mr. Curzon udmlttod that ho
ngrccd to tho incident being arranged,
but denied that ho agreed to pay these
Tho judgment of Judgo Woodfall,
who tried tho cqbo, explains tho na
tuvo of tho Incident. Ho Bald:
"In tho oarly part of this year, whon
tho plaintiff was employed by tho do
fondant as his press agent, ho Bug
C3tod to tho dofeudnnt that it would
bo an oxcollont ndvortlsomcnt both for
tho thoater and for tho dofondant as
mnnagcr, if tho following Bchomo woro
carried out: Two ladlos and a gentle
man woro to bo engaged, tho ladles
woro to occupy two stalls and to wear
ultra-fnshionablo hats. Tho gentleman
was to occupy a ntall Immediately bo-
hind thorn, nnd during tho fall of tho
curtain peremptorily demnnd of thorn
that thoy should tako their hats off.
"Tho ladles woro to rofuso, and tho
guntlomnn to urgontly nnd audibly In
sist, and tho dlsturbauco was to attain
audi proportions thnt tho defendant
Bhould bo sent for and Invito tho trio
outside in tho corridor, and demand
of tho ladles that thoy Bhould removo
their hats or loavo tho thoater: that
tho ladles Bhould resist tho demand;
that dofondant should thereupon eject
them by a technical assault of laying
his hand on tho shoulders of ono of
thorn; thnt tho ladles should loavo and
summon tho dofendnnt boforo a mnglB
trato for tho assult and that tho dC'
fondant should Plead tho right to
protect tho convonlenco of his audi
"Tha defendant consented, nnd tho
scheme was carried out In ovory do
tall, tho prlco of tholr sontswhlch
they had not paid for was ostensibly
returned to tho ladlos, nnd In pursu
unco of tho plot thoy proccoded to
summon the dofondant for assault.
"Tho magistrate hoard tho chargo
and dismissed it, holding that tho do
fondant was justified In what h6 had
dono. Tha plaintiffs now allege that
tho defendant agreed to pay thorn for
tholr services In carrylug out tho von
"I nm of opinion that tho agreement
alleged is illegal, bolng contrary to
publto policy, and that no action
malntnlnnblo upon It. And this for
two reasons: (I) Tho spoctaolo of two
ladles bolng porcmptorlly and brusque
ly treated might woll havo aroused In
invocation of a court of law to punish
nn offonso which, to tho knowledjyi of
tho parties, had not bcon, oven tech
nically committed, was in tho naturo
of a fraud on tho administration of
justice. I thorefpro dismiss tho two
actions, and leavo each party to pay
his own costs.
"In caso of a succossful appeal
against this decision, and to save tho
oxpenso of a second hearing, I will
stato what othcrwlso would havo been
my decision. I find that tho defend
ant did agrao to pay tho plaintiff
105; that tho defendant's Botoff is
valid, and I should havo given judg
ment accordingly for tho defendant,
with 'costs. I llnd tho dofondant did
agree to pay Mrs. Dann JC52 10s., and
I Biiouw navo given juugment lor ner,
With COBtB."
One-Eighth of nn Aero Ylolds
I That Sells for $102 Sold
to Dig Hotels.
Chicago. J. Howard Mooro told
members of tho Socialist leaguo a
lot about babies tho othor night Mr.
Mooro discussed "Tho Biology of tho
Child" at a mooting which was held
at 1C0 Washington strcot.
"Thero is a law In biology called
tho biogonctlo law. It was discov
ered by Hacckol. It is ono of tho
most Important laws of tho organic
world. It Is this: 'Each organism in
Its individual dovelopmcnt repeats
tho llfo history of tho raco to which
it bolong3.'
"No bolng comes into tho world full
grown. Evory being goes through tho
performance of what is called growing
beforo it is a comploto organism.
Every being commenced as a small,
slniplo and rather shapeless bit of
protoplasm. Tho gulf botweon this
condition and maturity is bridged in
by a longer or shorter series of
chances In size, form and architec
ture. The- remarakblo thing nbout
theso changes is that they aro strik
ingly parallel to tho changes which
tho raco has undergono In Its evolu
tion from tho beginning of tho earth.
"Tho biogenetic law applies to men
tal phonomona as woll us to
physical. Only in tho light of this
law Is It posslblo to understand tho
many strango and absurd instincts
that como and go during human In
fancy, childhood and adolcscenco.
It has been said that tho child Is
born savage. This is not qulto truo.
It is worse than that. Only after a
rather long nnd Inglorious prelim
inary as a quadruped Is It able to walk
with Its pront feet in tho air ami
rightfully lay claim to tho tltlo of
Mr. Mooro said tho general ideas of
tho child, Its conception of itself, nnd
its outlook on tho world aro essen
tially tho samo nB thoso of tho savage
narrow, mystical, and naive. Tho
child believes In ghosts, fairy talbs,,
magic and miracles, much as tho sav-.
ago does.
Among tho points brought out by
tho locturo woro tho following:
Tho human baby antedates tho buv-
ii -
ago uy Bovorai nunareu uiuuamm
TJio child Is a born apo.
Tho Instinct of tho baby to cling to
everything within reach Is tho Instinct
of tho monkey.
A stick in tho hands of a baby be
comes a club.
A baby's attack on tho cat Is a
rollc of tho club stngo in man's uo-
Ai child's lovo of camp fire, tho
forming of gnngs nmong boys, tho do
Biro to stono dogs and snowball pcd-(
dlers, and tho strong lovo for a bow
and arrow aro remnants of the ear
lier man.
Chambermaid Repartee.
First Chambermaid Lookl You lot
your pillow slip.
Second Chambermaid No; tho cov
erlet it Exchange.
UTr. W1iu1owj Bootltlnpr Bymp.
Forehllilrrn u-ettilnir, noftrrn tho kudu, rniucusltv.
ttaminatlun.allajfa twin, cute, wind collo. iKoabvUla.
Truth has n sliding scale, regard
loss of tho frank person.
Lewis' Singlo Binder, extra quality to
bacco, costs mora than o"icr 5a cigars,
Pcoplo avoid him becauso they are
afraid of his longuo.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cut ret ralWtScl tad agrsai'its. TW entanMS
PnreIrwU. Aa
crnlif on IM nnr.
cfimntla W. ami
Cm C.i-
aWTTkt I i
BBr I IV C 15 II
JPaW 11 i I P1M-3. I
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small PtUni
Genuine ewttrau Slgtiaturo
other itarchm ontf 11 ounce-nm prlco and
Wn t o K. Coir m n n ,Wa-rti
Inpon.Ua lloolclre. IlUh
est references, lint rwuiu
Cooper, Pa. An eighth of nn acre
of Hmo boana on tho truck farm of
Albert E. Rlnn, former deputy clork
of quarter sessions, has yloldod $162
to Mr. Rlnn. His lima bean patch
comprises two and a half acres, but
tho accounts were kopt only from nn
eighth of nn aero to ascertain if tho
raising of boans "would provo profit
ablo, Tho bean Is n small French lima.
Nono of tho beans woro sold for less
than fifteen cents a quart, and for
tho extra flue ones, $6.50 a bushol
was realized. Tho principal custom
era during tho Biimmor woro cloven
largo hotels In Atlantic City; a num
ber of hotols in Philadelphia and
I Now York, in addition to families in
All onto wn.
Squad of Players Used Parcel
Bonds asPlgskln Pollco Look
ing for Owner.
Now York. Tho pollco of nn up
town station havo in tholr possession
n pnrcol of bonds worth about $75,000
which was picked up by a patrolman
after It had been kicked two or threo
blocks by a squad of schoolboy foot
ball playors.
Ono boy gnvo tho parcel a final
kick which sont It under tho stairs
leading to u subway station. Thoro
tho nollceman found it. Tho bundlo
was addressed In pencil on tho mnn
(in wrnnnor: "Don A. Dodgo. Yon-
kors. N. Y."
Tho Yonkers pollco were notified,
but woro unable to locate tho owner.
Have Become More or Less of Com
monplace In Medical History
100 Cases Recorded.
terlocutlon on tholr behalf and led to
a serlouB bwU of tho pesco. (2) Tho
Now York. Surgical operations
upon tho henrt havo becomo moro or
less of n commonplaco In modlcnl his
tory. Something approximating 100
cases of tho sowing up of heart
wounds aro on record, and tho rocov
erlos have boon consldorablo whon
ono considers tho highly dangerous
character of Bitch work. Hitherto,
however, heart surgory has bcon lim
ited to nccldont cases.
In a recent Issuo of tho Annnls of
Surgory ono of tho workors at tbo
Rockefeller Instltuto of Medical Re
search dlscussos tho possibility of
treating diseased hearts surgically,
Ho Iibb mado numorous experiments
on nnlmnls and bollovc3 that such op
erations will bo successfully per
formed on human bolngs In tho near
future His tosts havo convinced him
that tho heart can bo oponcd, scraped
out (cloaned, so to speak), sowed up
and stnrtod off on Its "bontlng" path
again without any groat, at least in
Ruporablo, difficulty. I)y nn lngonlous
system of side piping nnd now chnn
noting ho Is nblo tomporarlly to cut
out of tho circulation portions of bucu
Important vessels ns tho doscondlng
aorta, tho largost artery In the' bqdy.
without killing the animal. Among
his suggested operations is ono on the
coronary artorlo3 of tho hoart for tho
euro of angina pectoris.
This doctor has apparently provod
to his own satisfaction on animals
that successful surgical Interference
with tho great vossols and tho hoart
Itself is n. possibility. It is, of courso,
a long stop from these experiments to
nctunl operations on human beings,
but thoro Is ovory indication that tho
lattor feat will bo attempted In tho
nenr future Tho lntrnctablllty of
cardlao affections and tholr high fa
tality mako tho proposed now surgory
a thing of great gonoral Interest, aad
may justify tbo oxtremo boldness of
tho proposal.
'- i Siri 111" TiTirBl iiTWTfaW.1
Avetf eiablc Preparation for As
similating IheFoodandltegufa
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes Di2stion,Cheerful
ncss and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
fitiipt trOtHDrSA?fVWTWJt
'ftpptrmint -1
Horn SttU -ilfiitiyrtut
AnprfectRemcdv forConstlpa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
IFac Simile Signature of
Tim CENTAim Company
Bears the AJU
Signature J3
AJjv In
X Use
J For 0
.Guaranteed under tho Foodartf,
Exact Copy of Wrapper;
Thirty Years
mi etnraun aoHpanr. nnwvswnsnr.'
Tho Rayo Lamp I a high grade lamjv, sold at a low prtco.
Tluiro or larain that cost moro, but thrrol a no better lamp made atony
prlco. Comtructrd of sollrt bmas; nlckol platoa catllj-keptclran; aa
ornniDanttoanrronmlnanrlioutn. TbcralBnothlnjrknonn to tbe art
of lamp-making that can add to tlio Tallin of the 11AYO lamp as a light
glrlnR Uevlrn, Kvrrjr draler i-TcryHlicre. If not at Touri, write tot
dosarlptlru circular to Iho ncnrc.t nscner of tho i
3.00 3.50&4.00 SHOES S50B1K
Tlta hanaftta of trtte Afas. i
vthlch apply principally
to sole featnor, ana ino
rotiuceel tar lit on solo
leather, now enables ma
to glvo tlio wenrer mora
value tor Ma tnaitav. hot'
ter and longer wearing j
siu, &a,ou ana anoaa
than i aouia give nim pre
wleum to tliatarlffravtmlon
It I could tako yon Into nij
lnrso factories at Brockton,
Jlnm., ami ehow yon lior caro-
fully W. J.. Douglas shoes aro
mado, tbe superior workmanship
and tbo liljli grade leathers uiecl,
you would then understand why
Sly Shoes to hold their shape,
look and fit better and wear
longor than any other J 3.00, f3Z0
or $4.00 shoes you can buy.
Do you ronllze that my Hlineshnvobeon tho standard for orerSO
years t that I make and sell moro $3.00, tt&O and 1 4.00 shoes than
r otuer inanmacinrer in me L imca ntates r
Oualltv counts.
ras murto V, I IXiuclos shoos a household word everywhere.
It jour dealer cannot supply jon will, w, l Dou.Uh Klioen. write for Mall Order Uatalos'.
Will Keep Your
soft as a glove
tough as a wire
as a
Sold by Dealer Everywhere
Belief la Expressed That Phenomenal
8peod May De Acquired by Now
Sprlngflold, Maas.A unlquo ozperl-
merit In ndar-aoroplnnlng la to bo tried
In tho norlcahlro HIIIb this winter, un
der tho auspices of tho wllllamn col.
leco and tho Dcrkshlro aoro cluba,
Several typical uipianes wuuout oa-
glncs nro to ho constructed with bob-
oletlH at tholr baso.
Theso aeroplano slods will bo taken
to tho topa of uomo ot tho long hills,
In chargo of expert coasters, nnJ as
soon as tho sleds reach a speed ot 40
or 60 miles an hour, tho elevating
nlanes will bo tilted. Thon by rna.1-
imitating tho planes tho slod will lcava
tho ground and can bo kopt a few
fcut abovo tho snow, just skimming
tho ground until tho bottom of tho hill
ts reached.
1 Bulws E? trjwlitti
Household Lubricant
Is specially selected for any need In the
home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can
not break. Does not gum or become rancid.
l Yery ewlty. Th r.c r eurud, and all others la
matter now -eipowu.-
Tit rmm liawlnr to, tla.
SaieTty u.bir UQUlO blSTKuMaCTajRE. "Olf. oil
th lonmi. or In teal. J.CU on tna blood ana eipols senna el
all f onna of dlaUmper. Deal rtmedjr eyer known tot uiara, In f oL
7OD.b0tUairuaruitMdtocuraou.caae. uaanllatwttlcitianj
(lOdoteu of druanltu anil harnew Un, or wot eiurtM Mid br
roanatuitnrera. Cat thowt how to poultice tbroati. Oar frt.
I llookUlKliMeTBTTlhlnff. local acenU wanUO. lartfost ttUlua
LononKuulrinexUUuoo twlTTn.
POHN MEDIOAU CO.iCsuaUUulSwltrWejiiU, Coslion, (nd.iU.S.Ai