The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 23, 1910, Image 6

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IIIA L. BAKE, Publisher.
Embracing a Condensation of Eventa
In Which Readers Generally Are
More or Less Concerned.
An impropriation for tho Missouri
rlvor may bo Inserted In tho river and
harbor bill when it goes to the sen-
The legislative, executive and Judi
cial appropriation bill was cut to $35,
325,210 by tho house commlttco which
roported It to tho house.
Severnl state democratic delega
tions hnvo Indorsed Champ Clark of
Missouri for tho speakership of tho
nsxt houno and hit) frlondn now claim
bin nomination will be unanimous.
Tho namo of Ueorgo A. Foster, of
Terry, Ok., wag prcsontod to tho pres
ident with tho recommendation of
llcprosontatlvo Mngulro of Oklahoma,
for tho United States marnhalshlp
inado vacant' by tho resignation of
Jack Abcrnathy.
If tho republican leaders In tho
liouso carry out their present plan of
ro-npportldnmcnt Nebraska will only
haveflvo members In tho houso In
stead of six ns at proscnt. Tho plan
Is to Increase the ratio to ano mom
ber for each, 235,000 of population.
Senntor Warren of Missouri, offer
ed n resolution In' tho seualo calling
for a report of the board of three on
glneors appointed to recommend tho
most economical mothod of drodglng
n nix foot channel in tho Missouri
rlvor from Kansas City to Its mouth.
Declaring that exaggerated ac
counts of tho revolutionary move
ment In Mexico had magnified Its Im
portance In tho minds, of many Amor
leans, Sonor Do La Dnrra, itexican
Ambassador to tho United States,
said that the trouble had at no tlmo
approached any slgnflcance.
Champ Clark favors tho houso se
lecting Its own committees.
The Kentucky delegation declared
Itself for Champ Glnrlt for speaker.
Trade with tho Philippines has
shown an Incrcoso undor tho now cen
sus. Tho houso has passod tho Indian ap
propriation bill. It carries n. total of
Tho-government case agalnBt .tho
no-called coal trust will bo probably
carried to. tho higher courts.
It lu uimcuit to say wiiotncr or not
there will bo any BcrlauB effort to
chnngo tho tariff this session.
Sixty insurrcctofl wora killed nnd
many wounded In n battlo with Mox
lean troops In tho Btnto of Chihuahua.
A board of naval physicians wan
Appointed by tho secretary of tho
navy to Invontlgnto tho typhoid epi
demic at Annapolis.
In tho United States and all Its pos
cessions tho stara and Stripes protoct
101,100,000 souls. This Is tho official
estimate of tho United Statos bureau
of tho census.
Victor H. Olmatead, chief of the
bureau of statistics of tho department
of agriculture In his annual report
says tho high cost of living has
helped farmers greatly.
Announcement is mado at tho war
flepartmcnt of tho selectt6n of several
general officers of high rank and their
nominations will bo submitted to tho
senato to confirmation soon.
The police of Havana raided n houso
Jn Vodado, n suburb of Havana, and
arrested an Italian named Rocu and
flvo .'others, who wore engaged in
counterfeiting American treasury
Mrs. Ada F. C. Adrlauco of Pough
keopslo, N. Y., must pay $25,000 for
a pearl necklace, worth only $8,000,
because she attempted to smugglo It
Into this country from Europe last
At San Diego, Cal., by tho explosion
ot n defective tntnko vnlvo of tho en
glno on tho submarine bont Grampus,
threo enlisted members of the crow
were Injured, ono eo badly that It Is
expected ho will die
Reports received nt Jerusalem from
Assyrian villages say that tho threat
ened revolution has become serious,
that Tuklsh officials havo been mas
acred and troops at military posts
bavo been annihilated.
A report from tho war department
showing how tho country is inado
quately protected against Invasion
from foreign governments wus sent to
the house and Was returned to tho
-war department because the houso
could not tocoIvo a secret report.
Population figures for tho United
States and Its possessions placo It
. over tho hundred million mark.
Tho fodcjral grand Jury nt Now Or
leans has undertaken an exhaustive
Investigation into the methods of tho
sugar weighing.
Porter Charlton, tho young Amorl
can, who confesses- Wiling his wfo In
Italy, must roturn to faco trial. Yoiulg
Charlton was reared at Omaha. Nob
in the act admitting New Mexico to
stnteliood' the boundary lino between
tkat territory and tho state of Toxns
will, ixs fixed by law, Thla lino hag
been la dispute
Dr. Emit nclch, author nnd lectur
er on history,, died rit London,
Members of tho rovoltlng naval
party of Brazil formally surrendered.
Presbyterians at Pittsburg, rofusod
to substitute Immersion for sprink
ling. In population of tho United Statos
Nebraska Is tho twenty-ninth.
Kentucky democrats have endorsed
Champ Clark for speaker of tho lower
Andrew Carneglo has given $10,000,
000 to "hasten tho nboUtlon of Inter
national war." ' ,
Postmaster General Hitchcock tells
of tho decrcaso of the deficit In his
annual report.
Tho Brazilian troops have quelled
tho second mutiny in tho govern
ment's naval forces.
Tho Balllnger-Plnchot congression
al commlttco gavo the secretary of.
tho Interior a clean bill.
In his nnnual report Secretary of
War Dlcklns6n recommends tho neces
sity of military aeroplanes.
Not a elnglo nor gnln for cither
side was the result of tho first weok
of balloting In Great Britain.
The liberals' majority in tho houso
of commons will bo practically what,
it was beforo tho dissolution.
Theodore Itoosevclt nnrrowly es
caped being mnda tho beneficiary In
tho will of a rich Indiana man.
Charles J. Bollamy, founder and
publisher of tho Springfield, Mass,,
Dally News, died, aged 59 years.
A modification of tho sorvlco pen
sion bill, so ns to provldo for a mini
mum pension of $15, Is proposed In a
bill Introduced by Senator Dick or"
A farm hand desperado in South
Dakota shot his employer, took pos
session of tho houso nnd defied tho
sheriff, but was later wounded and
A national memorial to Abraham
Lincoln, to bo erected in Washington
at n cost of $2,000,000, is proposed in
a bill Introduced by Senator Cullom
of Illinois.
Tho mnchlno has been set In motion
to provldo for nn Issuo of Panama,
canal bonds to end a drain upon tho'
working balanco of tho treasury which;
now threatens n dollclt.
Salvatoro Tolllzzano, mortally,
wopnded by three rovolvcr bullets on
Nov, 30 last, told tho Hoboken pollco
ho had been shot for rofuslng to pay
tribute to tho black hand.
Representative Macon of Arkansas,
thrcatons trouble for Captain Robert
E. Peary, tho arctlo explorer, when
thp question of honoring him comes
upon tho floor of tho hbiiBO,
Tho Iowa board of railroad commls-,
sloncrs announced a material rcduc
tlon in freight rates on soft lump and
nut coal within Iowa. Tho rates on
steam or slack coal rumaln jinchangod.
At Fargo, N. D., More Brothers gar
ago and warohouso collapsed, killing,
R. A. Mora nnd his bookkeeper, and'
Injuring two other employes. The up
per floors were overweighted with,
Attorney General Dyers, in n brlof
tiled with tho lown railroad commis
sion, ndvocatcd government owner
ship of express companies as tho bo
lutlon of rates, which he says are ox
Referring to tho disastrous florcst
fires ot tho past Bummor, Secretary
Wilson has nsked tho Iioubo for a do
flclcucy appropriation of $915,000 to.
supplement tho regular fund for
lighting forest fires.
Tho twenty-eighth child lias arrived.
at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Jason;
Bonner nt Nowcastle, Ind. Twenty-;
ono of tho children uro living, Mr,
Bonner Is 49 years old and his. wife is,
four years his junior.
Melvlllo Do Lancy Lnndon, better.
known ns "Ell Porklus," tho humorist,
Is critically ill with locomotor atiwla
at lila homo In Yonkers, N. -Y, Ho Is
71 yours old nnd has jbeen in falling
health tor several years.
I could not snvo anything out of n
Bolnry n $0,000 a year, and 1 jiavo a
family," says Librarian of Congress
Hubert Putnam, in arguing boforo
thn houso commlttco on appropria
tions for an incrcaso ot his salary
from $0,000 to $0,500.
Orders woro Issued nt the wnr de
partment for tho transfer of Brigadier
General Frcdorlck Funston to tho
Philippines, whore ho boeomos com
mander of tho department ot Luzou.
Ho Is to bo Buceoeded nt Leaven
worth by Brigadier Gonoral Potts,
Tho Standard Oil company ot Now
York will havo to pay Its fine ot $21,
000 for nccoptlng robntos on nil ship
ments from Olean, N. Y., to Now Eng
land points, as a result of tho nctlon
ot the supremo court of the United
States In refusing to revlow tho de
cision of the lower courts.
Standard Oil will have to pay $21.
000 for accepting rebates.
Pat Powers was ousted as head of
tho eastern baseball league.
Dr. Wiley, tho government's pure
food bend, Is booh to marry.
Friends ot Roar Admiral Capps sny
ho Is being mado a martyr.
Manuel if, tho exiled king of Portu
gal, Is said to bo dead broke.
This session of congress Ih going to
break all records on quick work.
Senator Lafo Young says tho coun
try la wenry of turmoil over taflff.
Westergnurd, the Iowa wrestler.
won hiB nanuicap match in Lincoln
In nn address nt Chicago, Govornor
Stubbs scored tho railroads and tho
judicial nppotntmonts mado by tho
president hnvo been confirmed by tho
Governor-elect Aldrlch of Nebrns
lta intimates that ho will enforce tho
Btnto liquor laws.
T. L. 1-owls has been re-elected na
tlonal president ot tho United Mine
Changes Necessary to Expedite Pro
ceedings Other Matters at -,
tho State Capital.
"I um thinking strongly," said Gov
ernor Shnllcnbcrgcr, "of Incorporat
ing into my mcssago to tho legislature
a suggestion for an amendmont to tho
SaekotL law. As It now stands my ex
perience is thnt It is practically Im
possible to got good results from net
tlons under it. For instance, last July
caused ouster proceedings to bo
started against Chief Donahuo of
Omaha. With tho alow methods
of court procedure It will bo im
possible to get any results
from that suit Until long after I am
out of oftlco. I am persuadod that If
n governor, soon after coming into
office, should begin cluster proceed
ings against somo official under tho
Sackott law, ho would bo unable oven
with tho best of proof, to secure re
sults until near the closo of his term,
and, possibly, not until tho official's
term of office wora out.
"I am thinking of recommending In
my message that tho Sackett law b6
amended so that a govornor aftor a
public hearing on any chargu pre
ferred against an official ot tho stato
for dereliction of duty, might oust
him without any process of court, tho
individual affected having tho right
to appeal against tho governor's
action, but to do so from tho' outsldo,
This Ib a )ot of power to give a gov
ernor, but In my opinion It 1b tho way
to mako tho Sackott law effective.
"Wo talked tho matter ovor at tho
convention of govornors and It waB
generally ngrccd that a governor
would bo bo hedged about by pro-
cdedlngs taking placo In public, with
bis record nnd good tiamo at stake,
that ho would bo mighty sure of his
ground before ho would oxerclso such
n power Invested in him."
Water Sites In "Cold Storage."
Stato Engineer E. C. Simmons, who
is nlso aecrotary of tho state board of
Irrigation, states In his report to tho
govornor that methods havo been
used In this stato to monopolize water
power Bites and to put them "nto
cold storage." TIicbo mothoda nre
otrnngoly llko thoso charged against
tho so-called "water power trust,"
and Indicate tho oxlstonco of condi
tions In this stato that havo generally
been ascribed to tho far western and
far senfltern states. Mr. Simmons re
ports tho following:
"Attempts to put power plant Into
cold storage by moans of overlapping
filings, and the uso of other dilatory
tactics, and applications to segregate
largo areaB on tho pretense of watpr-
lng tho land from somo dry gulch
hnvo been mado, A tiling feo ot from
$10 to $100, according to the magni
tude of tho application, should bo
fixed and a guarnnty required to In
sure good faith of tho i.'jpllcant. Tho
Btnto should rccolvo n reasonable
rentnl on nil power sitofl."
Arsenal for the Guard.
Tho coming legislature will bo
asked to provldo for a warehouse or
arsenal for the national guard In Lin
coln. At loast tho quartermaster's of
fice should bo housed there, If tho
building should be built, nnd possibly
tho ontlro adjutant general's oftlco
would bo moved. Mombers ot the
present board ot public lands and
buildings and tho governor aro In fa
Mall Clerks "Up In AVms."
From one-fourth to one-half ot tho
rnllwny mall olorks of tho country
threaten to throw up their Jobs and
quit tho ficrvice It present plnns to
longthon tho working houra of tho
men uro carried out after tho holl-
dayH as has beon proposed at Wash
ington. If tho men make good their
throats, thu result, It is said, would
bo to ombarrass tho Borvlco worso
than a' strike. Until trained substi
tutes could be found for tho dissatis
fied men tho effect would bo to delay
malls and generally hamper service.
Mullen Has Returned.
Attorney Gonoral Arthur Mullen re
turned from Washington, whither ho
went in company with 1 L. Albert
and C, O. Whedon arguing In behalf
of tho state tho bank guaranty caso
-where tho state appealed from tho
findings of unconstitutionality ot tho
federal circuit court. Air. Mullen Rays
that while he would not presumo to
predlcnto what tho court will do, he
fuels very hopeful of a reversal of tho
lower court's decision In tho tnntter.
Tho court listened to tho argument
with much attention.
Requisition Issued.
Govornor Shnllonborgor has issued
a requisition for tho person ot Roy
Gardner, alias William Gardner, of
Lincoln, charged with grand larceny,
and now under arrest In Georgia. It
Is charged that Gardner on or about
December 21, 1909, stole from ti
smokehouse in Unlvorslty Place two
droBsed hogs and a dressed beof, all
wqrth about $100. After this Incldont
Gardner onllBtod in tho regular army
and hns boon for tho Inst ninety dayB
confined In tho fedoral prison at Fort
Oglethorpe for desertion,
Secretary Royte Reports
Tho abstract of the condition of Ne
braska statp banks on November 10,
when tho Inst call was issued, shows,
acordlng to tho statement given out
by Secretary S, S. Royso of tho bank
ing board, that deposits havo mater
ially fallen off as compared with ono
year ago and loans havo advanced
almost as .much. This conditions Mr.
Royso does .not consider alarming, ns
lio points out that crops havo not
ueen moving, farmers waiting for bet
ter firlcen, and this circumstance
would alone,' In his estimation, ac
count for tho decreased deposits and
tho increased loanB.
Tho compilation of tho reports Indi
cates that In G6G stato banks there
arc 230,007 depositors, 'and that tho
nverago reserve IB 24 por cent. This
last Is an important Item. Tho stato
banking law requires that tho cobIi
rcservd bo maintained at 15 por cent
nt least. Of the total cash reserve
In the banks, more than threc-fdurths
bf It Is in tho hands of eastern cor-
respondents so that tho actual cask
on hand in tho Btnto bank valuta is
only n llttlo moro than 0 per cent.
This Ib not nn unusual condition.
Seqretary Itoyso's summary of his
'analysis of the conditions In tho
banks of the stato Is Its follows:
"Thla report compnrod with the
ono of a year ago shows" that loans
havo Increased $1,984,210.26 and de
posits havo decreased $1,532,041.04,
nnd compared with tho repor,t of Aug
ust 25, 1010, loans have inofeaB.ed
$2,115,483.70 and deposits havo de
creased $3,487,401.7G. , While tho in-
crcaso of' loans and decline in de
posits nro a flttlo moro pronounced
than usual at this season ot tho year,
on tho whole, 'under existing condi
tions, tho report Is all that could bo
"It Is u known fact that'vcjy little.
of this year's crop has been plnced
on the market and advices from the
banks Indicate that no Inconsiderable
portion of. tho 1009 crop still .remains
unsold. I am of the opinion that this,
fully explains tho Increase of loans
and decreaso of deposits shown.
"Another factor Uiat ha3 materially
Increased tho loans and which also,
has an effect upon the deposits is an
Unusual amount of stock feeding that
Is being done In this etnto. All these.
Inlltfonces operating easily explains
tho heavy demand apparent."
Best Acre of Corn.
The first prlzo of $50 offered by tho
state board of agriculture for tho
best aero qf corn raised by a boy un
der 18. years of age has been awarded
to Guy Hlckcy of Gretna, who suc
ceeded In raising ninety-five bushels,
and fifteen pounds. Ono hundred nnd
seventy boys entered tho contest, but
only eleven reported the results of
their efforts. Thoso making returns
Premium. Namo nnd address. Lbs.
$50 Guy Hlckey, Gretna G.GC5
$25 Ralph Hlckcy, Gretna 6,430
$20 Audsley Follows, Walthlll. .0,392
$15 Win. A. Wleso, West Polnt:G,159
$10 Howard Hlckey, Gretna. . .G.130
$ 5 Ben Ixive, Valparaiso 5,480
$ 5 Fred H. Chappclle. Homer, 5,230
$ 5 August Bugonhngen,
Wauso 3,810
$ 5 Theo. Miller, Bloomlleld. . .3,640
$ 5 Leo AndorBon, Gothenburg.2,150
$ 5 Philip Urbauer, Clay Center.2060
Invited to Washington.
Food Commissioner S. L. Mains has
been Invited to attend a conference of
food officials, manufacturers ami ex
ports In Washington, which will be
engaged in tho draft ot a model net
weight branding law.
Killed an Eagle.
Frod Gardner of Lincoln, while
hunting for ducks nonr Havelock n
short tlmo ago, killed an englo which
wan much larger than ho expected
Tho bird measured eight feef and
eight Inches from tip to tip.
Governing" State Institutions.
Qovernor-elect Aldrlch Is credited
with adopting a centralized system In
the state Institutions thnt will bo In
directly undor his care. It Is said
that under nppolntmonts In each In
stltutlon hnvo been made ut tho sug
geatlon of the head ot tho Institution
and, having given him tho selection
ot bis subordinates, expoctB the chief
to deliver the goods. Subordinates
who cannot got along with tho chief
will bo dropped.
, Lincoln Charter Measure.
Tho Lincoln charter bill which will
bo presented to tho next legislature,
has nructlcally been finished. Tho
charter does not provide for a com
mission form of govornment although
a fow phases have beon taken from
tho cxporlonco of tho cities In which
the commission ptnr. has bean tried
Gellus Wins Eighty Aires.
Game Warden Dan Gellus, who hat'
Invested In somo Texas land to the
tune of $210 tor a parcel, thus glvlns
him U chance of drawing for larger
stakes, has received a telegram that
he has won nn olghty-acro tract.
University Report.
Tho Boml-annual roport of the
treasurer of tho Btuto university for
six months ending November 30
shows a total ot $205,003.09 expended
For salaries and wage? out of tho
mill lovy, $89,800.01 was spont and
out of the endowment incamo $8,940
78. loavlng in tho two funds for thb
further paymont of wages $14G,563.44
This must last until next April, when
tho appropriation is available For
current expenses, maintenance In
other words, $57,809.63 was expended
Both Houses Will Adjourn on Wed
nesday, Not Reassembling Until
the 6th of January.
Washington. Congress Is expected
to adjourn Wednesday for tho holi
day recess and not to resume business
until January 5. Tho resolution,
which passed the houso, probably Will
bo brought up In tho senate Jtfondny.
No objection to the program has ap
peared, ns it is practically -certain
that half a dozen of the big supply
bills will be out of tho way by Wed
nesday night.
Business beforo both houses thus
far has not stimulated much public
Interest and seats In tho galleries
havo gono begging. Tho omnibus
claims bill lu tho senate has failed to
attract crowds, nnd the appropriation
bills In tho houso proved no better
Outside of tho claims btll there has
boon no business beforo the senate ex
cept the Cummins resolution to
chungo the rules of tho sonnte nnd
houso so as to facilitate piece-meal re-
Islon of tho tnrlff. Several speeches
on this subject havo been made and
the Indications nro tho resolution will
bo sent to the senate rules commit
toe before the recess.
Tho rules committee Is generally be
mod to be opposed to tho adoption
ot any measure which would under
take to deal with tho rules of tho
houBe. Tho Indications aro that some
measure may bo reported out which'
would glvo tho senate an opportunity
of voting without Invading tho pre
rogatives of tho house.
Tho question of legislation to create
permanent tariff commission Is at
tracting far more attention In the
ouso than In tho senate, where there
has been a disposition to await the
outcome ot conferences being held
by. Representatives Longworth, ot
Ohio, Good ot Iowa, and Lcnroot of
Wisconsin. Whether theso members
aro uble to harmonize tholr differ
ences has not been mado clear.
It Is Bald that In the house us a
whole there Is sentiment goncrally
for tho enlargement ot the tariff
board, making Its existence continu
ous for at least six years. Some
mombers favor making tho ltfo of the
commission ten years and still oth
ers favor twenty years.
Tho roport ot the Balllnger-Plnchot
nvestlgutlon is still slumbering In
the houso commltteo on agriculture
Minority members ot the Investlgat
lng commltteo nre threatening to de
mand a report from tho committee on
agriculture so that a vote on the mer
its of tho majority and minority
views might be had In the house, but
no stop In that direction has yot been
taken. There nppoars to bo little
prospect of action in tho senate.
Minister from Chile to United States
Passes Away.
Washington. Sonor Don Anlbnl
Cruz, envoy extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary from Chile to
tho United States, was strlckon with
heart failure nnd died ten minutes
later. Ho had attended the banquet
of the American Society for Judicial
Settlement of International Disputes
Saturday night and retired, apparent
ly, In good health. Physicians wcro
summoned, but the end camo beforo
they arrived.
Will Seek Release by Writ of Habeac
Now York. Porter Charlton de
in and ed by Italy to stand trial for
the confessed murder of li la wife,
Mary Scott Castio Charlton, at Luke
Como, will be taken from his coll In
Jersey City to Trenton, N. J whero
ho will seek release by habeas cor
us proceedings In tho United States
district court, ns against the decision
of Secretary Knox of the federal De-
patment of Stato that he may bo ex
Former Alliance Leader Dead.
McLouth, Kns. John S, Wllletts
tho first Farmers' nlllanco candidate
for governor of Kansas, who hud
closo but unsuccessful ruco against
GC"rnor Lyman U. Humphreys In
1890, died suddenly at IiIb homo hero
Sunday. Death was duo to heart
Rebels Are Defeated.
Washington. News of nnothor on
gngemont between federal troops and,
revolutionists In Mexico was given In
n telogrnm from Enriquo Creel, Mexi
can miniBtcr of forolgn relations, re
ceived Sunduy night by Sonor Do Ln
Bnrrn, tho Moxlcan ambassador ln
Washington. "General Navnrro'B
troops," roads tho telegram, "havo de
feated tho revolutionists in tho . dis
trict ot Geurro at a point called Pa
dornales. What remain of the rebels
aro being steadily pursued by the
enemy "
News Notes of Interest from Various
Sections. v.
The Midwest Life.
On' December 1st of ttili year Tho
Midwest Life had written ns much
insuranco ns It did In -the year 1909.
The gain over InBt yenr. therefore,
will bo tho amount placed In Decem
ber. Tho Midwest Life now has over
two and one-half millions of Insuranco
in force on tho lives of Nebraska men
and women and nn Income amounting
to one hundred thousand dollars a-
ear. This has been accomplished in
less thon live years. When solicited
by nn agent of nn eastern company
for life insurance stop nnd think tho
situation over. Weigh the advantages
nnd disadvantages of the transaction.
See If It does not nppeal to you ns a
rational buslnesB proposition to pat
ronize a Nebraska company. You
know the reason why. Tho money
stays In Nebraska not only In good
times, but in nanlcs nnd finanoinl de
pressions as well. The Midwest Life
Issues nil the standnrd forms of life
Insurance policies at reasonable rates.
Call or write tho home office, 119
South Tenth street, Lincoln, for an
agency, or a samplo policy.
In the offlce of the Gooch Grain
company In York tno operator who
receives by tolegrnph the grain,
Btock nnd market quotations Ib blind.'
Ho has boon blind for ten years nnd
although deprived of his sight, ho
goes to and from his place of bus
iness, to tho postofflco and business
houses nnd makes his purchases,
walking nbout tho business and resi
dence streets unaccompanied.
There was filed ln Madison county
the will or J. A. DoWolf, a wealthy
farmer, which contains a unique pro
vision. It requires thnt his executors
shall give n surety bond. Ordinarily
the man who makes the will names
came personal friends or business s-'
Boclate.1 or relatives as executors,
without bond, nnd then the probate
court has to offend these trusted
friends by requiring bond. ,
Superintendent C. N. Abbott of tho
institute for the blind at Nebraska
City, who retires on the appointment
of tho new superintendent, R. C. King,
has announced his candidacy for
county superintendent, which will be
left vacant by Mr. King resigning to
take his new position. Prof. Charles
K. Morse of the Auburn public school
Ib nlso a candidate.
Columbus police are working on tho
mystery of the death of Miss Flor
ence Baer, aged 19, daughter of a re
spectable farmer living southwest of
tho city, and havo ln custody Frank
Cloves Wclker, nged 30, a teacher in
n business college hero, and a farm
hand by tho nanro ot Levi Cordray.
Tho girl's body - was found In n vu-
That York citizens are 'prosperous
and most liberal Was In evidence
when the Methodists. of that city ded
icated the new church annex costing
$5,000 free of debt. The large, now
church building was filled with mem
bers of the church who, ln a few min
utes, subscribed over $7,000, which
was moro than enough to pay for Im
provements. Tho nppolntment ot Dr. William
Kern as superintendent nnd George
James as steward of the state asylum
at Ingleslde has met with popular fa
vor In Hastings. Dr. Kern was. mado
superintendent of the Institution
early in 1901 nnd retained tho placo
through the administrations of Gover
nors Dietrich, Savage, Mickey and
William Dill of Lincoln, a 17-year-old
boy, tried to commit suicide by
shooting himself through the head.
He gave as his reason for tho act
thnt his lather was mean to him.
Tho parents declared that the boy
came home under tho influehco ot
liquor nnd was severely reproved by
his father.
For assault on tho night watchman
nt Falrbury, Dill Brock paid a $100
C. H. Aldrlch's solection of Dr. Dor
trom of Minden aB stn'te veternarlan
has met with favor all over Kearney
county, whore ho hns practiced for
twenty years. He has done muoh
original Investigation nlong tho line
of diseases peculiar to that part of
the country, especially Iho corn stalks
For tho burglary of the Pope Bros,
hardware storo nt Red Cloud, Ben
Grant Is In tho Omaha city Jail, The
goods were found ln his possession,
ho has confessed nnd the Red Cloud
authorities will tako charge ot him.
Judge William Hayward of Nebras
ka City loft with hia wife and son,
for China to spend tho winter. tlt Is
Intimated that he has gone thero to
look the country over with a view ot
ncceptlng a consulnrshlp.
Some time since, Miss Emma Zle
barth filed suit for $15,000 dumages
agolnst Fred Bitfield of Pressor for
an ulleged breach of promise, but
Bitfield has (led and cannot tye found.
Tho late poultry show at Omaha
wns the most successful thus far held.
Next year it is proposed to largely
expand the exhibit.
The Butler county corn show and
indrstrinl school exhibit wus hold In
tho court home at David .City. Tho
ontrios wor mors numerous than in
any previous year and moro" than 100
prizes woro awarded. Tho "attendance
wus a record breaker.
Tho first election In Adnm3 comity
was held nt Juniata December 12,
1S71, pursuant to a proclamation is
sued by Acting Governor William H.
.lames, for the purpose ot oloctlng
county officers and delecting a county
seat. Thire were twenty-nine votes
cast ut this election and Junlat.i wuj
ibosen ut the county seat.
Workern of America.