The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 20, 1910, Image 3

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Eminent Doctors at Your Service Free
(HUM II lllTl" , I ,LI ,aiMJ.I.iJUM.SaVlll.UiU.IUIJll
Youra for uni
formity. Yours for creat-
est leavening
Yours for oerrer
falling results.
Your for parity.
Yours for economy.
Yours 'for averv
thine that trees to
malco up a strictly
dopondablo baking
That IsCfilnmnt. Tnr
it once and note the im
provement In your bale-
loa. Saa how much mnro
- j
economical over the high-
nrfAfl tract hrnnrt. hnw
mnch better than tho cheap
and big-can kinds.
Calumet Is highest in quality
pHxlerato in cost.
xcelved Highest Award
World' Pure Food
Ticldentally Gives a Hard Jolt to
Time-Honored Conception of New
England Thanksgiving.
"Oh, yes; tho Now Englandcrs make
k great Uino of Thanksgiving," said
tho Insurance man as tho subject wsa
under discussion'. "Yes, they uro great
n Thanksgiving."
"All tho rclutlves gather for a big
Sinner, don't they?" waB asked.
"Yes. My Uncle Ben, up In Ver
mont, gathered thirty of us at bis
houso last Thanksgiving."
"What a .visit you must havo bad)!"
"Oh, yes."
"And tho banquet. I can picture It."
"Can you?"
"Thcro was turkey, goose, duck,
shlcken, roast pig and sparerlb.
Thero was rnlnco plo, pumpkin plo
and cider. Thcro was a big cottago
pudding and cranberry Bauco. Ab, it
muBt havo been a royal feast."
"Yes, It was," dryly replied tho In
turanco man. "My Undo Ben killed
off four old roosters, bis wife mado
four or fivo applo pies, and stcwed
up a peck of prunes, and wo sat
Jown to the feast."
"But but it was Thanksgiving."
"Suro, Mike, If it hadn't becu w
wouldn't havo got tho prunos."
"And and that waB all?"
"All except that after dinner my
Uncle Ben took up a collection for
tbo heathen, and wo chipped In 60
tents nplcce. My Undo Bon was the
heathen, yon know. Oh, yen New
)nglhud Thanksgiving. 1'vo been
"George." sold her husband's wife,
"I don't believe you havo smoked one
of those cigars I gave you ou your
"That's right, my dear," replied his
wife's husband. "I'm going to keep
them until our Willie wants to learn
to umokt "
Tbo coldblooded are hotheaded
when .vi hit. their prldo,
With Cream
With Milk
With Fruit.
j "The Memory Lingers"
Postom Cereal Co., Ltd.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Costly New York
NEW YOIIK. In tho city of New
York, where millionaires scorn to
thrive llko mushroomu In n cellar,
thero Ih being constructed nn apart
ment house In which a suite of rooms
will rent for $25,000 n yenr. Probably
this rental Is tho highest that has ever
been asked for an apartment, even
such as will bo found In this house, a
Borlos of 18 rooms anil so many baths
that one would bonblo to uso a differ
ent ono every day In the weok and
two on Sunday without doubling on
his trail. It Is tho npothooBls of lux
ury; tho Inst word, so far aB tho hu
man mind of today can Imagine, in
scandalous magnificence In other
words, tho bulldors of tills houso have
Set a now pace for spendthrifts In the
way of llvltjg. A yearly rentnl of $18,
000 is tho highest that has over before
boon asked for unfurnished housekeep
ing npurtmcnts In New York city.
The now apartment houso will havo
17 npartments ono on each of tho 17
floors and flvo duplex apartments In
addition. Tho oloventh and twelfth
floors will bo devoted to apartments
which will occupy all the floor space,
and these will rent for $25,000 a year.
Tho apartmentB which aliure a floor
with half of a duplex apartment will
rent for $18,000.
Tho architects havo arranged the
suites so that each of these big floors
shall havo more and larger roonm than
This Murderer 36
BOSTON. Bent and marked with
prison palor, Jesse H. Pomeroy,
serving a Xfe sentence In Charlostown,
MnsB., has written his own Btory of his
crlmo and his efforts to better IiIb con
ditions shut away from tho freedom of
the world. Ho Is now 50 years of nge
and was convicted of a double murder
when he was only fourteen years of
nge. All theso years have been spent
In solitary confinement and the pris
oner declares he has never felt u
touch of human sympathy or kindness
and no effort has ever been mndo to
better bis condition. "I havo no
friends," he writes. "I cannot get a
hearing from the governor. I havo
been left to my own devices in my cell
nil theso years." J
Pomeroy killed two children, a boy
and a girl, after treating them with
barbaric cruelty. Ho Inveigled other
small children into Isolated sections,
stripped them of their clothing, tied
them to trees or upon hoards nnd then
Chicago's Clubs for Working Girls
does nor
CHICAGO. In Chicago there are
what aro called Eleanor clubs,
whero girls of all sorts and conditions
And homes. Among them aro ofllce
clerks of all descriptions, telephone
operators, milliners, bookkeepers, de
partment store nnd other clerks, music
and art students. Theso latter aro
encouraged to live, a few nt every
club, since It helps tho clubs and tho
club girls In general.
At these clubs the weekly board rnto
pays for two meals, breakfast and din
ner. If a girl wishes to tako her
lunch with her she pays five cents for
three sandwiches and cither fruit or
coke, for which downtown she would
pny about fifteen cents. There Is tho
laundry also, which saves money for
tho girls. For its use, with tubs, hot
wator, Irons, starch and bluing, tho
Women Sweep the
WfostflMKE THE
- s J -ar--
ATLANTA, Oa. Atlanta's society
leaders and club women put on
white aprons ono day recently and
armed themselves with brooms to lead
a militant crusado against dirt In tho
city's streets nnd back yards. They
raised a prodigious dust, and found
'the experience no less Interesting and
no more strenuous than their accus
tomed bridge parties or dances. Inci
dentally, thoy accomplished n real
good, for thoy obtained tho assistance
of flvo or six thousand housewives,
each of whom agreed In advance to
set apart tho day for a genoral clean
ing of their respective premises.
For this ono day the municipal street
k l-l
Living Apartments
can be found In a prlvato city dwelling
occupying tho regulation city lot, and
tho number of houses In Now York
that occupy moro than ono lot oven In
"Millionaire's' How" do not exceed a
score. Tho four principal rooms of
onch apartment the salon, dining
room, living room and gallery cover
2,500 square feot, and thoy uro ho nr
ranged that thoy can be turned Into
practically ono Immense room for en
tertaining. Each apWtmcnt will have
nt least three or four real llrcpluces
where rent logs can bo burned; an In
cinerating plant for the disposal of
garbage; vacuum cleaning. system ex
tended to every room; tho latest heat
ing, ventilating, and refrigerating dys
tonia, and both electric and gas ranges,
In the basement there will be, be
sides the individual laundries for each
apartment, largo washing nnd Ironing
rooms equipped with laundry machin
ery. Thero will be wino vnultsr cold
storage rootnfl nnd two large storage'
rooms for each apartment as woll. Two
floors below tho ground will ho de
voted to theso aud tho pow'or plant
which will heat and light tho building.
In addition there will he machinery to
manufacture ice for use lu the kitch
ens of nparlments. "
Those who havo studied the condi
tions of Manhattan Island, and who
havo been most emphatic In predicting
tho era of overcrowding, will tnke this
sumptuous tenement ns n real sign, df
that ultimate time when they bcllevo
only business houses nnd tho homes of
tho rich will bo left In Manhattan.
Other studentB of the city lifo will see
In this effort n Blgn of that time often
predicted when all olty dwollers will
live In co-operative apartments.
Years in One Cell
beat them until they were unconscious,
stuck pins Into their tender flesh nnd
stabbed and Jabbed them with knives.
When thts hoy with the demon heart
waa Anally run down nnd forced to
confess ho barely escaped lynching.
Only his youth saved him from the
hangman's noose.
Pomeroy's letter to tho puhllc in
gcuornl and to the governor of Massa
chusetts lu particular Is a lengthy
document. Ho cites many reasons why
ho believer ho should not have been
convicted of murder nnd coucludes
with an appeal to tho governor.
In his plea he sayB: "I respectfully
suggest that this prisoner may havo
some encouragement In doing well. He
Is no worse than his neighbors. Kind
ness Is never lost on anyone, and this
prisoner has all his Ufa shown him-
self responsive Wo' kind treatment.
Public fooling against me Is respons
ible for tho deeply rooted nnd persist
ent newspaper misrepresentation all
theso years, and that public feeling
was due to nowqpaper exaggeration
and notoriety in 1874. Of course It
cannot bo dented that tho crlmo was
dreadful and that public Justice re
quired satisfaction; but tho truth is,
no effort has been mndo from that
day to this to better this prlBonor'B
girls pny five cents an hour. This does
away with washliiK In the rnom nmi
mny savo, If tho girl Is clever with
shirtwaists, whatever her laundry bill
would amount to, minus Xho nominal
lnundry feo to tho house,.
Thero Is no dormitory system, al
though in a Tow lnrge rooms thero
may bo three or even four single beds,
.Most of the rooms, however, aro for
two, nnd there are n number of slnglo
rooms In every club. Mnlds do tho
chamber work nnd tho general clean
ing, for tho housework thero Is no
co-operation, some girls must ho at
their desks or their shops or their
counters parly. Thero Is also a new
Ing machlno In every club for tho free
use of the girls.
In these Eleanor clubs tho young
women have much of tho freedom of
home, perhaps nil that would be pos
sible In so largo a family. They have
the parlors and verandas for receiving
their friends nnd, so far ns possible,
the clubs nro ruloless. The household
bills are posted every month In each
club, for, ns tho girls' own money pay
them, It Is only fair that they shall
see where and how the money goes.
Streets of Atlanta
cleaning and snnltary department
turned over hundreds of in nil nml Ha
teams and wagons to the ofllceru of
tho Federated Women's Clubs.
These women, with the assistance oi
nblo lieutenants, chosen from among
the belles of tho city, directed a 12
hour cnmpalgn, which had for Its ob
Ject tho cleaning up of odd little cor
ners und out-of-the-way streetH which
had not always como Jn for their full
shnro of attention under tho routine
dispensation of the forces.
Other ofllcers nnd members of the
federated clubs, brooms In hand,
showed by their Individual examples'
how much could be accomplished by
Individual effort, and when tho sun
set it was upon a brighter, cleaner
So effective was the onslaught that
In the first few hours moro dirt nnd
trash was carted off to tho city Jtunp
piles than had ever been corrled there
within -18 hours before.
Conversat.on. However, Reads a
Whole Lot More Like a Scena
In Real Life.
"Aad bo your father refuses to con
sent to our union?"
"Ho does, Hodolphus."
Tho sad youth swallowed a sob.
''Ib thero nothing Toft for us, then,
but an clopcmentT" said bo.
"Do you think, Clementine, that you
could abandon this luxurious homo,
forget all tbo enjoyments of great
wealth, banish yourself forever from
your devoted parents' hearts, niid go
west' with a poor young man to .outer
a homo of lifelong poVcrtyfdnd self
denial?" . .
"I could,;flo'dolphus."f
The Bad youth. rosoK wearily and
reached for his hat. i
"Then," Bald lfe, Ytyou nro far ifrom
being tho practical girl I huyo all
along taken you to bo." ' '.
'And with ono last look around on
tho sumptuousnesB that he
had hoped to share, ho sobbednnd
snld fnrcWeil. Uro wntng'u Magattno.
"For sixteen long years I havo been
suffering with a bad enso of skin dis
ease. Whllo a child thoro broke out n
red noro on tbo legs Just in back of
my knees. It waxed from bad toworso,
and at last I saw I bad a bad skin
dlsense. I tried manr widely known
doctors In different cities but to no.
satisfactory result The plaguo both
crcd mo moro In warm weather than
In winter and being on my leg Joints
it mado it Impossible for mo to walk,
and I was forced to stay Indoors In tho
wannest weather "Xljjiopes of recov
ery were by this tlhitrsVopt. Sleoploss
nights nnd rcstlesd ilayii mado lifo nn
unbearable burden. lost I was
advised to try tho Cutlcura remedies
Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Pills
and I did not need more than a trial
to convlnco mo that I was on tho road
of buccoss this time. I bought two
sots of tho Cutlcura Remedies and
after those woro gono I was a differ
ent man entirely. I am now tbo hap
piest man that thero Is at least ono
true caro for skin diseases. Leonard
A. Hawtof, 11 Nostrand Avo., Brook
lyn, N .Y., July 30 nnd Aug. 8, '09."
Mrs. Crjw William, havo you over
stbpped to think what will becomo of
ub when wo aro old?
Mr. Crow Oh l I supposo wco'll
wind up as quail on toaat at somo tn
bio d'hoto restaurant.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas
and All Stomach Misery Ended
In Five Minutes.
This harmless . preparation 'will
promptly digest anything you cat and
overcomo a sick, sour, gassy or out-of-order
stomach within live minutes.
It your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you cat lies- llko a lump of
load In your stomach, or if you havo
henrtburn.thatls a sign of Indigestion.
Get from nny drug storo hero In
town a C0-cent cobo of Pnpo'a DInpop
eln and tako a doso Just as Boon as
you can. There will bo no sour Ha
ines, no belchlne of undigested food
mixed with ncld, no stomach gas or '
heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling
In tho stomach, Nausoa, Debilitating
Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal
griping. This will nil go, nnd, besides,
thero will bo no sour food loft over
In tho stomach to poison your breath
with nauseous odors,
Papo'u Dlupepsln Is a certain regula
tor for out-of-order stomachs, and bo
sides It takes hold of your food and
digests It Just tho sumo as if your
stomach wasn't thcro.
These largo C0-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
euro any enso of Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion or any other stomach disorder.
Ilcmcmbcr, if your stomach feels
out of order and uncomfortablo now,
you can get roltef In flvo minutes by
taking a little Dlupopaln.
Howard Did you telephono Mrs,
Howard that I would bo detained at
the office until midnight?
Ofllce Boy Yes, air.
"And what did sho say?"
"Said sho didn't blamo you sho had
made nn engagement to go to tho the
ater tonight herself." Smart SoL
Tho humble mnn novor believes ho
is worthless or ho would havo noth
ing worth being humblo about.
Lewis Single Binder wives n nun what
he wants, a rich, melW-taitinc cigar.
It's easy making money and hard
mastering It.
If you nto in. doubt ns to tlio cauco of your tUscnso, or feel tho.iiccd
of medical ndvico, nddrcsa a loiter to Mvmyon'fl BtafE of eminent upecial
iots, nnd they will send you nn examination blank, which you will fill oub
nnd return to tltctn. They will then diagnoso your enso nnd tell you
whnt to do, absolutely frco of charge. You do not put yourself under
any obligation to them, nnd they will not fcol hurt if you do not follow
their advice. If they prescribo- Munyon'a Remedies nnd you decido to
tako tho treatment, it goes with a guarantee of satisfaction or money
Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, B3d & Jefferson
Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
People Who Work
Indoors With Their Hands ;
m. IbhWBHbbbbbbbbLbW M
quickly gives heat, and with ono fllllnjr of the font burns steadily for nine hourf
without smoke or smell. Has antomatlc-locklBg flame spreader which
prevents the vlck from being turned high enough to smoke, aad fs easy to remove
and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned.
It has u mper top and - coot handle. Indicator always shows the amount
of oil In the font. Tho fl' -cap does not need to be screwed down ; it la put la
like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to tho font by a chain, and cannot fcd'ost.
The burner body or gallery cannot becomo wedged, because of a new device
In construction, and consequently, it can always bo easily unscrewed in an I
instant for rewlcklng. The Perfection is finished In japan or nickel, is strong,
durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental.
Dtalirt Ewiytrhtit. If not el yrs. vrr&t fer dtmiftiin cbvulte
to tht Mtrtit Iftncy of tht
Standard Oil Company
Bold fey Daatar Cvsrywlmr
Household Lubricant
Is specially selected for any need En the
home. Saves fools from rusting;. Can can
not break. Does not sum or become rancid.
if ii vn
Splendid Crops
In Saskatchewan (Weitarn Canada)
800 Bushels from 20 aoree
oi wneal w the thrtthrr'i
return from Lloyd-
inlnitcr farm In tin
caion or 1910. Many
field In that well at
otlicr districts yield-
d from 23 to 35 bu
' til of wheat to the
acre. Olhtr grains In
are lliua ilarlvnrl
from Ilia FHKK
ofWeslarri Canada.
Tlili eicellrnt alumlng cnnnei
prices to adranen. land values
should doubleln two rears' tluiu.
Uraln growlnr.inlirHl farm-
tua rnisinir ntiu uniry-
1111 prouiimie. j rte
nils of 1 OO nrresuro
lioit jn
t) ).
tlio vary boat
aero pro-unit'
ttun. ui nr finra uvlt
lii rMTfafii areas. Hrlinnla unci
rlitirclira lb oyery settle
mrnt, rllrnuta uiieirelled,
aoll thTlelrettooil. writer
and linlldlus Material
plentiful, ....
tor particulars as to location,
low Setllsis'. railway rates nod
OescrlptWa Illustrated pamphlet,
Last llest West," aud oilier In
formation, write to Hupl of loinil-
ration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Canadian fJuTernment jtytst.
Bee Building Omaha, Neb,
(Use address nearest yon.) to
ounces to
the pteksfe
"-otber starches only 11 ounces ssma price snd
l IH I HI i
ttf ftJI ?,i'Rt
a 3a S44UI 1
OnelOepteVage color all fiber. Tht? die In cold tsiler better than any ether die. Youcindit
Seamstresses, watch-makers, art
ists, draughtsmen, and many others,
cannot properly handle their tools
with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost
hour or two on cold winter morn
ings results from the delayed heat
of furnace or stove.
The Perfection Oil Heater in
a few minutes gives the tempera
ture that assures the worker warm
hands and pliable muscles. Tht :
Ahtltiely tmoMcu taut derlm A
Will Keep Your
Harness -soft
as a glove
tough as a wire
black as a coal
A- (Incorporated)
Keeps the spindle bright andi
free from grit. Try a boxi
Sold by dealers everywhere.
dncuryormtaU J
Your Over's
Your Life
A dead liver means awful sick
nessdon't let it come when
it can be prevented. Cascarcts
keep the liver lively and bowels
regular and ward off serious,
latai illness.
CA.SCARltTS-.soc box week's treat,
menu All druggist. Biggest seller
In the world. Million boxes a month.
For men whose time is valuable
flnlont (Irars,Merciirlitl III
Uiitt. UaHUoV J.l'.ALLBH,lJept.At.raQ),UlBa.
If afflicted Willi I ThaaiHeaal. C... Uf.l..
sura eyes. UMt a uwinpaejii s.j naill
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 60-1910.