The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 20, 1910, Image 2

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Two rears oso I was very sick and aftef
This is Just a BARGAIN RATE and
is Not Good After
If you want the Biff Sunday Journal included the Bargain
Price will be $4 00. The regular price of the State Journal is
$4.00 without Sunday and $5.00 with. Sunday.
by reading this big Lincoln paper that has no strings to it and
can print the truth about everybody and everything. No. beer
or whisky ads. No nasty medical ads. Paper stops when time
is up. It's not forced on you like many other papers. We
would like to have you try it at this cut price for the year i9H.
the Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebr.
Nebraska Dairymen's Association Of
fers Cash Inducements.
Tho Nebraska Dairymen's nosocla
tloa'hffers S1G0 In premiums for es
says on tho following subjects:
No, 1 Why Is tho silo n profitable
equipment for a Nobraska farmer?
First prrieliG; second, 10; - third,
fourth, fffth. sixth, ncventli, eighth,
ninth , tonth, oloventh, twelfth, thlr
toenjn.'fourfoonth, fifteenth and sx:
tcentn, SS each. " '
No. 5 How would you conduct
dairying on n Nebraska farm? First
prize, J1C; sqcohd, $10: third, fourth,
fifth, sixth and seventh, $5 each.
.In addition to- tbVfrkV6ih prlco of
15 Is offered for tho host essay 011
Question. -I, .written by n student
In attendanco - nt a stato normal
school." A similar prlzo of JG will bo
given for tho host osBtiy on tho snmo
question written by a student In nt-
tondanco at tho unlvorslty school of
ngrlculturo;. another .prlzo of SO Is to
bq awarded for tho best cssny on
quostlou No. 1 -written by a student
In attendance at n high school. .
Students of tho normal schools,
school of agriculture and high schools
nocd to. write only ono essay on tho
nllo ln order tVcomrrot6"for all tho
premiums offered for question No. 1,
but their essays should boar tho en
dorsoment "normal school"' "''ifclWl of'
agriculture," or "high school," as tho
caso may ho.
Tho association also, often. $150, in
prlzoB for Judging dairy cows, tho
judging to tal;o placo at tho mil
verslty farm on Friday, January 20,
H"1 1 ' iii
Vl'O WMll tlS(Ml.l VAI1 tlila ftln.i1 Oil .. Dk itov (11, Ml i1i1v
tuo 1.030 Cpiutmiiv It U umdo ot plnta kllvvr. Kntlro spoon U Inchon
in luiiulle la fuuriiichfalontr.tiflnuttfulljrcarTodiindeinboflSBdtn tho
Narlclssus pittoru ami flnlsui'd in tho popular gray I'roncu ntylo. The
iVJ 11 ' two Inches Iouk aim ono and onolmtf lucue wlilo, lmvlnga tmnu-
tlfully carved nuil dooplr embossed Nnrtclusus. In tho bottom, it U fin-
tcouulno Oxford Htlror PUto.
lieotntlont. Wo waut to Bond It to you without cost, except oxponao of
iimlllnif, Just toshow you tho kiud of Is nnd to toll you how you
bsuornutor si Oxford Hllvor Ten Bpoons Jast Uko It without
cent of outlay on your part.
feEMIs 1IC ftlfl V I ft m Topay poatasco, lmclilnir, otn.snm we
dCHUUdUHLl lUC wUliua.l yon tVoe of toll .marge, this
oxoollont Oxford Silver Sugar Hhell. postage prepaid. The sugar sholl
will bo yours to koop without biiothorcont cost or without nor condi
tions whatever.
Add ressall order
to Tho Jndoixmd
eutFurinor which
I owned by tho
Htate Journal Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Patlent In Hastings Asylum Suddenly
Remembers Who He Is.
Hastings. At tor wandortng about
tho country, for months, tmablo Id ro
lnombor his namo or his placo of rest
donco, Otto A. Wltthuhn has suddonly
regained his mind, and lias been re
turned; to his homo near Qothonburg.
Wltthuhn underwent an operation
for appeudlcltls somo tlmo ago, and
lost his mentality as a result. Ills
mind is now clear und hU memory Is
perfect as far as ovcuta up to tho tlmo
01 tho operation aro concerned.
Each essay Is to contain not loss
than 1,000 words nor more than 1.
COO, In typowrltton form on ono sldo
of tho sheet only. According to tho
conditions, no namo shall bo Blgncd
to an essay, but enclosed therewith
on n scparato shoot shall bo sent tho
name nnd nddroHS of tho author. All
essays aro to bo tho property of tho
association and prlzo cssayB to bo
road at tho annunl mooting lOf tho as
sociations to bo hold at Lincoln, Jan
uary 18 to 20, at which tlmo awards
of prizes will bo announced. All
essay's, In ordor to compcto for prizes,
must bo mallod not lator than Janu
ary 1 and addressed to Professor A.
L. Haookor, iunlverslty.' farfn.'i vLltot-
aturo rotating to tho bIIo may bo, had
freo, by addressing Professor. W. L.
French at tho tln-verslfy farmff ' "
Any resident of tho state may com-
uoto for tho 'nbovo nrlzds.' Charles
Harding of Omaha Is p'roslilont, 8. C.
Maasctt of uiuuon is Bocrotary.
Cuts Cord Wood from Grove Ho Plant
ed Fifty-two Years Ago.
Fifty-two years ago Hon, B. T.
Skeon nnd his brother Andy sot out n
grovo of trees on tho homo placo west
of Nemaha." On last Thursday Mr
Skeon :vaB In Auburn, with n load of
cord wood cut from that solfsamo
grovo, that for over half a contury
hus boon slowly. coming to maturity.
Whllo possessing a somewhat sontl
mental Interest, tho watt of ilvo dec-
adOB botweon planting and repairing
Is hardly an. Inducement for tho
younger generation to go to tho grow
ing of cord wood on an oxtcnslvo
Wo guarantee- It to moot your filshost ex
Knotovnl find life, for which plonso send mo, prepaid, your
Oxford Hllvor BiiKiir dhttll, a adTortliod, y
Namo ,,,,
Address , , ,,,
Church Women Ship Over 30,000
Pounds to the Factories This Week.
Auburn. Tho ladles ot tho Chris
tian and Daptlst congregations ot this
city havo been collecting old papers
for somo tlmo, and last weolc shipped
a carload to tho factories at Mar
seilles, 111.
Thoro was over 30,000 pounds In
tho shipment, which will bring tho
ladloa qutto a neat sum ot money in
rosponso to their labors.
THE body of Mwanga, tho lato king of Uganda, who died In exile, having
been tnken back to his natlvo laud and re-Interred recently, his succes
sor, Daudl, was formally recognized and thcro took placo tho strango
ceremonial of "eating tho kingdom." In this Daudl beat tho sacred drum
on which a python Is carved and went through other rltos. Ho was then
carrlod in stuto to his houso on the shoulders of a chief according to cus
tom. Daudl was fourtoon yoarn old on August 15. King Daudl has lately
takon to golf, nnd tho Europeenns at ICampola (Mcngo) have entered him as
n mcmbor of their club. Ho shows promise nt making a good player and
Is keon on tho gamo.
New Discovery of Medical Expert
Surprises World.
Vienna PhyalclnA After Years of
borjand Stddyiof Jnsldlous Bloody
Diseases Discovers Prepara
.v"" tlon to Kill Germs." 7
Vienna. For tho past 2G years -Dr.
IShrllch ot this capital has devoted
himself to tho study of . Insidious blood
dlsoasos that aro transmitted from
fathor to son, and a yoar ago tho
oclontlflc world was surprised by tho
announcement of tlio discovery of
"COG." Tho announcement cavo rlso
to violent nttnckB on tho doctor, and
many nowBpnpors openly declared
that ho was In all probability a char
latan. Today ho Is acclaimed by
scientists as ono of tho greatest men
of our generation.
Of lato years In his laboratory nt
Frankfort, Gormany, Dr. Ehrllch has
had tho assistance of two eminent col
laborators, Dr. Abortholm nnd Dr.
Hntn, a Japaneso, and much of tho
crodlt of tho discovery is duo to their
unceasing work along tho lines laid
down by Dr. Ehrllch.
Tho romody "GOG" is an arsenical
preparation arsono-bcnzol. It gets Its
wolrd namo becauso G05 combinations
ot nrsonlo woro tried boforo tho right
lormuia was obtained. Dr. Ehrllch
flays that "GOG" Introduced Into tho
systom goes directly for tho gorm of
uisoaBo ana attacks It. In nddltlon to
US power to CIKO blood dlHnrdnr
groat roBUlts have been obtained by
Its, ubo In Infectious mnladlos. not.
ably typhoid fovor, malaria, intermit
tent rover and paludlsm or Hloonluc
disease, whllo tho latest announce
ment is by Dr. Audrusson of St. Pe
tersburg thnt ho has used "GOG" on
two lopers who woro In an advanced
Biugo oi ino disease and thnt not
only la a decided Improvement shown
in tliolr condition, but ho Is certain
or n comploto rccovory. At tho Pas-
tour institute, nnd at many othor hos
pltnls In ParlB, "GOG" Is bolnt: used
witu phenomenal bucccbs.
At tho recent medical concress at
Koonlgsborg, Dr. Ehrllch'a remedy
South Carolina Woman Locates Miss-
Inn Greenbacks In Young
Heifer's Stomach.
I apnnnnuurg, a. u. wuuo going
'ft . t T ...t . , . ,
iiiiiiwuk, ium, i.umur uuivori, wno
lives at Clinton, dropped n pocket
book containing llvo 20 hills, a ten,
a llvo nnd three ones, besldos a silver
quarter. Tho mono was missed nn
hour later and thorough search re
vealed tho quartor, which showed
Blgns ot having been chowed upon by
a calf. A young heifer in the yard
had a guilty look and n veterinary
Burgeon was oummonod, Tho roll was
extractod from tho stomach ot tho
calf In a badly mutllnted condition.
Tho bills woro takon to a local bank
was fully exnlalned and demonstrated
to ttio medical profession. Tho ca
pacity of tho hall was exceeded, and
moro than S00 scientists ahad to be
content to linger In tho outsldo en-
trnnco, pressing ns near a3 possible
to tho door in order to catch oven
stray bits of tho discourse
Dr. Ehrllch gives tho warmost
pralso to Dr. Hatta, who left for his
homo in Japan and his chair as as
sistant to tho eolobrnted Professor
KItasato of tho faculty of Toklo, thrco
years ngo, and who for 18 months bo
foro "GOG" was discovered, worked
with almost incrcdiblo enorgy and
porsovoranco. Ho was nt tho labora
tory from dawn until lato at night.
So concentrated woro tho minds of
theso two mon on their search for tho
combination ot drugs that would de
stroy tho germs without Injurious ef
fects to tho patient, thnt day utter
day pasBod In which they only par
took ot ono meal In tho 24 hqurs.
British Scientists Now Are Applying
Electricity to Fish Ponds as
Lo'ndon. Tho latest experiments in
applying tho electric current to grow
ing plants and flowers, as roported by
Prof. J. II, Prlostloy, of tho botanical
laboratory at Bristol university, tend
to show that tho current not only ac
celerates tho growth, but also in somo
wnys improves tholr health, and
makes them stronger and bettor nblo
to resist disease
Tho preclso action ot tho curront is
not yet fully understood, Thero is a
difforenco in tho color ot electrified
nnd non-olectrlflcd growing wheat, tho
formor bolug a darker green In conse
quence of tho plants obtaining moro
nitrogen from tho air. Tho Incroaso
In yield of wheat under electrical cul
tivation amounted In ono enso to al
most one-thlr,d.
Tho curront, as a rule, Is conducted
by wlro from tho generating station,
or powor house, to tho field and thoro
raised to a very high voltago before
cashier, who sent them to Washing
ton to bo redeemed.
Excitement Makes Cripple Well.
llangor, Pa. -Mrs. Gllmoro Span
gonberg, who hap boon crippled for
aovoral years and could not move
without crutches, lost hor disability
through fire excitement tho other day.
Children playing with matches set
flro to rubbish and wall paper cut
tings In tho Spangonborg wall paper
storeroom, lu front of tho houso, nnd
Mrs. Spangonborg hastened with pans
pf water and attached tho garden
hoao to tbo hot wator spigot and had
tho fire out lu Bhort order.
Farmers' Protective Association
Community Open to Any White Man
Will Be Conducted on Business
like Basis, but With an
Ideal Theory.
Oakland, Cal, Out o'f a dcslro on
tho part of Charles Street, a wealthy
rancher, formerly pf London, now re
siding on tho Dlngeo ostato in Pied
mont, to boneflt hie follow men, has
evolved tho Farmers' Protectlvo nnd
Denovolont association, to bo Incor
porated. Tho purposes of tho cor
poration will bo to conduct a co-operative
farm, primarily to ralso poultry,
but also ub a homo slto for share
holdors,. who will bo recruited from
all walks of llfo.
Tho land choson for tho "model
town" Is two miles cast of Llvcrmore,
and thoro nro 200 acres available.
Each porson entering Into tho schemo
will be expected to purchnso five
acres for his own use. Tho organiza
tion will bo conducted on tho lines of
a town, with ofllcerB and' public build
ings, including an auditorium whero
speakers will be Invited to lecture
Tho electricity for tho farm will bo
manufactured on tho premises.
Thero will bo a music conservatory
established, weokly dances will bo
hold and pinygrounds prepared for tho
children. A movlng-plctura theater is
also contemplated.
Any white man may bocomo affil
iated, and 12 prominent pcoplo of
Oakland vicinity are already Interest
ed, including It. N. Scovlllo, son of
tho proaldont of tho Scovlllo Iron
Woks, A woll-known Piedmont school
teacher, Miss Scheore, is anothor who
is activo In tho enterprise.
All tho supplies of tho community
will bo raised on tho ground, Irre
spective of what is ihtonded for gen
eral salo, and it Is the purpose to pro
vido every Inducement for thoso who
share in tho proposition to mnk'o their
homo within tho confines of tho farm.
An onthuslnstio advocato ot the en
terprise cites tho present high cost
of living ns a sufficient reason for any'
man in modornto circumstances, par
ticularly thoso who work for tholr
dally bread, adopting this method of
providing a homo for himself and fam
ily In old ago.
For, as ho remarks, tho Farmers'
Protective. association is essentially a
poor man's' club, with tho main object
of securing the advantages of tho
wealthy class by giving thoso who nro
Interested in the schemo tho opportu
nities through co-oporatton of devel
oping in their children any Intent tal
ents, enabling them to do things that
thoy would othorwiso bo unable to
Tho initiative, (Toferondum, and re
call with women's suffrage, will apply
in its entirely.
In tho mqmbershlp of tho associa
tion there aro already a violinist, lin
guist, electrician, school tenchor,
prlntor, machinist, carpontor, general
contractor, stenographer and. on edi
tor. American citizens arc, of course,
profcrrod, but all whites nro eligible
Evory ono will bo given full market
valuo for tholr products, and nil will
bo expected to contribute to tho en
tertainment nnd social amusement of
tho community. It Is, in short, a
Utopian schemo with a buslneasllko
foundation, somothlng that many sim
ilar propositions havo not had, to
which may bo attributed tholr failure.
distribution over the field on wires
attached to polos 10 feot high. Escap
ing from tho wlro to tho ground, tho
current passes through tho plants and
so completes tho circuit. In cloudy or
foggy weather thero Is a grcator cur
ront escaping from tho wires. Tho
cost of tho electrical stimulation is
not ns great as that of stimulation
supplied by tho use of phosphato or
other cnrlchcrH,
It has been found that tho current
somewhat modifies tho colors of flow
ors, and thlB fact is being takon ad
vantago of by greonhouBO cultivators
who havo begun to uso tho electric
current qutto extensively.
Tho curront hns been applied to a
privato fish pond in Sussex, with re
ported quickening results on tho
growth ot tho finny residents, but
theso experiments have not progress
od far enough for dofinlto scientific
results to bo announced.
Increased Liquor Output.
Peoria, 111. In tho output of liquors
and spirits Peorln Bhowa a stoady In
croaao wun ugurcB tnat aro enor
mous. Duriug Qctobor 55,088 barrola
of liquor and spirits were sont out.
A statistician, figuring on tho tho
ory that all of this output was whisky,
which it 1b not, and that thoro wore
GO gallons ot whisky In each barrel
shows Peorln turned out 2,754,400 gal
Ions, from which tho government de
rived n rovonuo of a trlflo over J3.000.-
000. or sufficient to build n new bat
Tho larger part ot tho output Is al
cohol for mechanical and medicinal
10,000 Fisher Girls.
London. T1ub is proving a record
voar for flshlnc nt Yarmouth. Mnn
Scottish fishing boats nro at that port
than ever known boforo and it is esti
mated thnt With tho boats lmvn mmn
tO.OOO girls who will clean and pack
tne nsn.
being treated by several of tho best physi
cians in Clinton, I did not seem to get
eny better. I was confined to my bed.
Seeing your Swamp-Root advertised, I re
eolvcd to givo it a trial. After xuittg it
for thrco weeks, I found I was gaining
nicely, so I continued until I havo taken a
number of bottles. I am now restored to
health and havo continued my labors. My
system was full of Uric acid, but Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Itoot cured mo entirely. I
am Bixty years old.
lours very truly,
,W. O. COOK,
State of Iowa' ) Llinion, la.
Clinton County M-
On this 13th day of July, A. D., 1900,
W. O. Cook to me personally known ap
peared before me and in my presence sub
rcribed and rworo to the above and fore
going statement.
Notary Public,
In and for Clinton County.
tn Ill.r f.
Hl.tku.Ua, X. T.
Provo What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
I- . 1 "Tl 1 - I ft ' . 1
ccnu id xjt. jviiiner at uo., Jjiuguam
ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive,
a, booklet of valuablo information, telling
all about tho kidneys and bladder. 1 When
writing, bo sure and mention this paper.
For sale at all drug stores, l'rico fifty-
cents and. one-dollar.
Tho man who has n good' reputa
tion may not be nblo to rcallzo tho
fun ho might havo it ho didn'L
Thousands- of country neonle'know that
in time of sudden niiehnn or accident
Hainlins WiVard Oil is tho best substi
tute for the family doctor. That is why
it is so. often found upon tho shelf.
"You arc nn optimist?"
"I am," replied Mr. DuBtin Stax. "I
not only hope for tho best, but I maka
practical arrangements to got It."
Non In- Stock.
A well-dressed woman paused In
front of tho chestnut vender's stand.
"Aro they wormy?" she asked,
"No, ma am," he answered blandly.
"Did you want them with worms?"
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Fr
To quickly Introduce tho bluest, and
best farm Journal In the Wont, wo ronke
this special 0 day bargain offer: Bond 10
cents for trial 3 months' subscription and
wo will rclvc you free bur collection o 10
very finest Gold Embossed Christmas post
cards. Nebraska Farm Journal, 3
Ramce Building. Omaha. Neb.
Ancient City Modernized.
Tarsus, tho ancient city in Asia Mi
nor, whero tho npostlo Paul was born,
Is now illuminated by olectriclty. Tho
power is taken from tho Cydnus river.
Thoro are now in Tarsus 450 electric
street lights and about COO Incandes
cent lights for privato ubo.
euro any possible case of ' DISTEMPER,
PINK EYE, nnd the likoi among horses
of all ages, nnd prevents all others in tho
tamo stable from havingctho. disease. Also
cures chicken cholera, and dog' distemper.
Any good druggist Can supply you, or send
to rafra. 50 cents and $1.00 n bottle. Agents
wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co.,
Spec. Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind.
Acme of Cautiousness.
Beymour Young Tlcor looks liko a
cautious mnn.
Ashley Ho Is cautious; he's so cau
tious that ho wouldn't ask tho pret
tiest girl in all tho world to let him
ceo her homo unless ho had learned
how far away sho lived. .
$100 Reward, $100.
Tha rtftdtri ot this nnwr will ba nlraji ti Ihki
that there la at Iratt oca dreaded dlscata that aclenc
has been abla to cure In all lu stages, and tnat U
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only poaltlva
cure now known to tho medical traternltjr. Catarrh
belnz a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken In
tcmally, actinic directly upon tha blood and mucous
surfaces ot tho system, thereby dcalroylnu the
lounoatlon CI the dlscasa. and ulvlne trio patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Us work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers that they Oder
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It taua te
Cure. Send tor list ot testimonials
Address F. J. CHUNKY CO., Toledo, a.
Sold by all Drugtlats. Tic.
Toko Hall's Family Fills tor constipation.
The Way to Find Him.
"My wlfo and I are going to spend a
few months with her pcoplo at
Strong's Corners," said the meek little
man, "and I want you to mall your pa
per to me "
"Yes' sold tho clerk, "what's your
"Well or to mako sure, I guess
you'd bettor address It: 'Mary Strong's
Husband, Strong's Corners.'"
Significance In Names.
In nn Illinois town a worklngman
having been Informed that a sixth
baby had arrived at his home, ex
claimed: "Sufficient," and his neigh
bors, referring to his having given
that namo Sufficient to tho now
arrival, credited him with originality.
Tho Incident resembles a caso nearer
homo, adds tho New York Tribune.
A Now York family waB blessed with
jilno daughters, when tho Btork
.brought a tenth one. It wasin tho
days when tho slang term for an oft
told story wnsn '"chestnut," and as
tho buby certainly camo under that
head sho received tho namo, but for
suphony's sako tbo French for the
word was employed, and sho was
called. Marron.
i , 'irw
Putting In the Time.
A gentleman was engaging a gen
eral man and tolling him what ho
wanted him to do. "You will havo to
clean tho windows and tbo boots and
tho knives nnd go messages, chop
wood, cut Bhort grass, mind tho horso
and pony, look after tho garden and
keep tho houso supplied with vege
tables and do any odd Job thnt Is re
quired and it suitable you will get
ten shillings u week."
"Is thero any clay In tho garden?"
asked tho man.
"What makes you ask that?" asked
tbo gentleman. '
"I was thinking I could make bricks
In my Bparo time," said the man.