Semi - Weekly Tribune ' Irs L. fere, E4ker asd FaMWier. ABOUT PEOPLE. ' Ed Cokor. of Suthorlatid, tranflacted business In town Saturday. Mrs. W. D. Wnldo left Saturday for a visit in Colorado points. H. E. Votaw. of Maywood. was business visitor in town Saturday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. r - tr ...... t. ir.ii L $1 on On T,r hi Hntrinr !n ,i,ivflnftB 81.60 Miss Marlon Poyntor, of Sutherland, " V- t " t - spent Saturday with friends in town. Kn lAfAil at North Platte. Nebraska. Post- Mr. and Mrs. Robort Arnold, of Keat- noy, visiteu relatives in town osiuruay. Mrs. Earl Grandall. of Hershey. Is vlsltine at the home of her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kelly. Miss Evolvn Daly returned Sunday to her school in Omaha, after spending a I few days in town. Elmer Anderson, of Omaha, spent I several days last week with friends ana relatives in town. J. F. Snvdor. of Maxwell transacted business in town Saturday and made The Tribune a call. M. Cushman. of Lincoln, was in town Fiiilnv and Haturuav transact ne busi- ness anu visiting irienus. John Winn, of Koarncv. snent several days in town last week as tho guest of Utto anu Albert wcatenteia, Miss Lillian Sturels returned to her home in Hnatintis Friday after a brief visit with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tollifsen. of Suth erland, spent several days last week ns j;uest8 at the uoncnowcr nome. Jake Richards camo in from tho east Saturday and Bpcnt the day with friends in town enrouto to nis nomo in irenver. Miss Isabel Doran returned to Gretna, Neb., Sunday night after a brief visit with her parents and friends in town. Miss Wilhelminn Johnson, a former rontdnnt in tho eltv. was the miestof Mra. II. M. Grimes tho latter part of last week. Mrs. Briardv. of Omaha, arrived Friday for a brief visit with her sister Miss Ethel Corrigan. who is spending the winter in this city. Mrs. Amies Bovor. district deputy of tho Ladles of tho MaccabeeB. spent tho latter part of last week in Grand Island attending the rally held by that order. Tlios. Yonda. Miss Mary Yonda and Jamea Foggerty returned Saturday from riattsmoutn, where tney accom panied tho remains of the late Mrs. Thos. Yonda. The Good Work office as Second Class Matter, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1910. liMMr to Whew Hmer U Due. The Kearney Hub laid claim to being the first to suggest too removal 01 tno state cnnltnl to a mora central location, which claim Is disputed by a Callaway newsnaner. which says It sucreested niirh n move several venrs niro. Now comes the Grand Island Independent with the claim that ten years ago it outreestcd & relocation of the capital. Notwithstanding these claims, it can be said with correctness and truthful ness that the real father of tho re location inovo is Colonel John E. Evans of this city, who twonty years or more ago started a mild agitation, but was not backed au vigorously by tho peoplo of western and central Nebraska as tho movement warranted. Now that concerted action is being taken in tho matter, thoro is nono who is more heartilv in favor of tho relocation than Colonel Evans, and when the fight is on ho will bo In the thickest of tho fray. Still Goes On.... Leader, in fact the most successful ElMMRatiea ef Bryan. KanslsOlty Journal, There passed through the union sta tion of Kansas City tho other evening a man who was interviewed by the ro porters for three lines, but who ex pressed himself as "highly elated" at the result of tha national elections. This man was W. J. Bryan. In other days ho would nave been quoted at length on political conditions and the Bltrniflcanco of tho election returns. Mr. Bryan was on his way to Texas to visit his ranch and to hunt, no was unat tended and his presenco was almost un noticed by tho reporters. N great throng surrounded film, no ono pressed forwrru to shaKe his hand and no ono even nodded in his direction. Yet this was the samo William J. Bryan who onco swayed tho multitudo and whoso presence on every occasion brought nn ovation of frenzied followers. Mr. Bryan today presents n rather melancholy figure. Tho campaign of 1010 snelled his elimination as a loader. He who onco dominated tho democratic This sale is continued longer than announced the fact that many persons living at a distance I V' The ever Q Leader, but tO f $ of A that 2l 4 "U Phvs r.iaa ' , 'Thc Green Tag Sale at The' Leader will close Saturday night, December loth. This sale has been a wonderful success for establishment held. Not only has the sale been a success for The it has proven a great boon for thousands of purchasers who have secured reliable merchandise at extremely low prices. account written they desire to take advantage of this sale to purchase their .winter supply of goods, but could not come to North Platte just at this time. The Christmas shopping time is now here. Take advantage 7 secure useful Christ- J. T. Waller. Hvlne In tho western part of Platte precinct, last Tuesday sold a two-year old Duroc-Jcrsey pig ing that party, who was tho party's presidential therefore GJ cents per pound, or $52.66. candidate in throe campaigns and who Thi 3 the heaviest hog, considering dictated thrco national platforms, now la not oven consulted in party manage ment. Anu tno year in which he was least felt as a campaign factor the de mocracy won its createst victory since 1892. He tried feebly by bolting tho regular democratic nominee for gover nor is Nebraska to show his old-time influence, but it excited little attention and profited hlrn nothing. The result in Ohio is particular? humiliting to Mr. Bryan. His hostility and jealously made him give vent to bitter criticisms of Governor Harmon, who has been re elected under conditions that must make Mm a formidable figure in the national convention of 1012. The recent elections brought to the fore in the democratic nartv a new group of leaders none of whom Is under obligations to William J. Bryan. Not only la Harmon atrcnethned bv his re- Budistlonof Bryan. butWoodvow WilBon In New Jersey. John A. Dix in New York, Judge Baldwin in Connecticut are all quite independent of tho old "peerless leader." Tho favor of tho public is inded a flcklo thing. Popular idols are soon shattered. Men who travel on mere personality and whose stock in trado is the arousing of pupllc passions quickly reach tho ond of their journeys. Bryan Is now little more than mvmuijr. viiu ui ilia HBBUrilUU that lie ia "highly elated" at .the ro .iwiiot tii-e election tsnoiiow and mourn the aeo. brought to our notice this sea son. The best breeds are always tho moat profitable to the swine grower. Lexington Pioneer. William Colfax, of Bassett. Nebras ka, declares that "Nebraska needs settlers more than it needs mono v. ' and tho basis for this conclusion Is that ho has .more than four thousand acres of hay land under his control that was not cut this year because ho could not hire the labor to do it. Somebody somewhere, needed that hov. and Ne braska needed the return from the wasto production. The case of Mr. coiiax ib ono among many, ue is ngnt In declaring that Nebraska needs Bot tlers more than money, tor or the latter there is plenty to handle an tno crops and promote ordinary development. Kearney uub. of The Leader's big reductions in prices to mas gifts. THE LEADER, North Platte, Neb. Julius Pizer, Prop. ANSWERS EVERY GALL. District Court. u he time or tuts district court was occupied yesterday with the case of the Burglar Proof Lock Co. vs. A, E. Huntington. The company seeks to reeover money on locks which were shipped to the defendant and rejected by hlrn. A verdict was given the de fended. The ftud;M to be tried is thatof HigKlns aglnt Edmisten and Combs, which grow out of a land deal In con nection with tha Lincoln Development ,Ce. It involve six of eight thousand dollars anu win be strenuously con tested bv both Hides. ' Following tho trial of the abovo case will Ik tho Lylo etate, in which an e Tort win be made to prove the Iduntt cation of tho rightful heirs to tho estate. FcrMHxl ami CHlwwi. North Platte People Have Found That This it True, A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench. A little causa may hurt the kidneys. upens ot oacKacne otten toiiow. Or some Irregularity of the urine. A certain remedy for such attacks. A medicine that answers every call, la JJotm's Kidney fins, a true spe clflc. Many North Platte people rely on it. Here Is North Platte proof. JohnT. Hollenbcck, 520 E. 11th.. North Platte. Neb., snvs: "Mvkldnev trouble dates back to tho Civil War. When I returned home tho privations nau unttermineu my system ana ae ranged my kidneys. I UBed a great many Kiuney remeaies, out notning compared with Doans Pills, which I procured from Mcuoneii & uraves' Drug store. I have appealed to them numerous of occasions and the results always been excellent, vi course 1 Am pretty old now, past seventy- seven, anu must expect some trouble, but I feel that in Doan'a Kidney Pills. 1 have sometutng that win always give reiter." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 N, Y., sole agents for the United States. Remembor the name Doan's and take 1,10 other. Persian ...Cream Will keep your hands from chap ping during cold weather. It is not greasy and very pleasant to use. 15 Cents Per Bottle. Schiller's Hard Water Soap produces a quick lather, removes dirt oaslly and Is free from AL KALI. 3 Bars 25 Cents. Schiller & Company Family Druggists. Homeopathy Principles Similea, Similibus, Curanlus A like remedy will cure a like disease. A law immutable, that cannot change, and ns true today as when it first came to light. true and tried system that will bear investigation. Nature's own treatment where remedies aro paramount. For out of town patients and all thoso interested: Rooms fur nished when desired for confine ment, medical and the necessnry surgical cases. Trained nurse in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Praclicioncr Real Estate for Sale. Mrs. Clara Now ton has accepted tho position of cashior at Tho Loador, buc- ccoding Miss Jcnnlo Carlson who re signed, A lodgo of Mu&ona will bo Instituted at Wallace noxt Thursday evening by Robert E. French, custodian of the grand lodgo. C. P, Martin has let tho contract for a new rosldonco In tho Tiustee addi tion near tho Maloney residence Tho contract price Is $2,400. 1 Michael Ciulahy, head of tho packing firm bearing his namo, died at Chicago Sunday evening of pneumonia following an operation for Bpondici.U3, Tho official count of the vote In this wsiatorial district gave Heagland 7,230. ' Holmes 3,452. In this reprcsentativu the vote was Bushce 4,914, Donter a,017. 'That Dahlman carried but eighteen vetit of ninety-two counties in the state 'is pretty good evidence that puttd of ' Dougla county the cowboy mayor is not a vry popular fellow. Either that . or Ih popl In seventy-four counties are in favor of local option. Just twenty-two days remain to do your shopping why not do your buying ' earlyjMd of 'waiting untill the last vUm day before Christmas? Th selec - '.tlMta art now larger, the clerks have. wr time to wait on you. and iryou so , 4M purcha now made wit) held pill.'a jiay or w bfor ChrUtiHM. ITBEATSihe HOME How our 10c MADE BREAD has taken with ladles who aro particu lar about wnat Kind ot iiroaa they buy. They show their good judgment when they purchase a loai or our luc Home Made Bread. It Is made from the best of flour' and great caro is used in the making. It is certainly different from the ordinary urnad you buy, tie sure and asn lor DICKEY'S Home Made Bread 10c per loaf. 480 acres for Balo or trade on some good horses or cattle. This can be had at a burgoln if taken soon. Four thous and dollars worth of stock gets this place. This creat bargain is just five milos from North Platto is all fenced and has a 3-lnch tubular well. 40 acres 81 miles from Chlllichotho. Missouri; 4 room house, bam for 4 head of horses and other out-buildlngs, all fenced and crossed fenced; well with plenty of uoft water. This land Is all in cultivation. Price per acre $100. Will trado for land or Btock. Tho owner is a dealer and 1b In town this week. Ono block of ground containing 1G lots. Tho size of each lot is 44x120. WH1 offer this block for tho next thirty days at $450.: on terms. Lot 8, in block 3. just 5 blocks south or Court tiouae, uewey atreot. a uar gain at $350. 70 acres half mile from North Platte, well imnroved. has lareo houso am large barn. This lo worth a fortune to tho rleht nartv. Thlfl is tho only placo near North Platto that will make a first- class summer resort. Wo aro only askincr the nrlce of the Improvements which is' threo thousand dollars. If there is any one wanting to make fortune vou had better seo us miick. See Ed and get ono of theso bar gains. Vermillion Really Co., 713 North Locust St., North Platto, Neb. Air Ships are Popular but not mora so tlinn tho clcrnrn manuiactured by J. F. Schmalzried Their nomilnrltv in Hun tn (linlf nothing but tho best tobacco crotner intn their make-up. The nickel cigars aro juss ns gooa ior mo price as are those which sell for a dime. Try ono of tho uiunjf uruuua mauo Dy us, J. F. SCHMALZRIED Try Our Flour Up-to-dato $1.50 per sack or $2.90 per hundred, B. & M. $1.45 per sack $2.85 per hundred; Buffalo and Jer sey vjroum per sacK or $a. o por hundred. Seo ua for prices on 500, 1,000 or more pounus, trvery sock guaran teed. R. E. LOUDON & SONS, Call 551. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical . and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locusr St Telephone No. 642. Office over McDonaMVBink. J Oillce lBtfvw J Residence 115 Phones A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Declors Ames p Physicians and Surgcsns, 8 Office over Stone Drug Co. Uince ZT6 Phones f Residence 273 Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OP Flour, Feed, Win or Hay Having recently purchased tho B. A. Wilson feed store at the corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invite a share of tho patronage of tho public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Abe Weed THmag, Picture Franiag Room Moulding, and Window Screes a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02701. Don&rtmont of tho Interior. U. 8. Land OUlce at North Platte. Nob. nov. KID. 1VIU, Notice Is hereby alvon that Frank 1). LIv lngston. ot North Platto. N eh., who. on Doc, 2Srtl. l05.ruado II. H No. 215D5. Horlal Nn. OJT0I. for wcstH BocttonSJ. Township IS, n itancosv. v. or wioom rrincinai Moriaion. haatllLMl nottcaot lntontlontomakoilnal live yari)root to estobllsh claim to the land above described, before tho Iti'clster and Ko colvnr at North Platto, Net)., on tho 11th day or jan-.ivii. Olalmant names aawltnoMOS! Perry Camtv bell, AiloUih Itmlolph. Oharlca IlreternlU and v- ii. uomua ati ornorui l-iatte, neur. J, K. Evans, Kctttster. W. W. SADLER, M. D Pkyticiaa, Surgeea and Opticias. U. P. District Surgeon. HERSHEY, - - NEBRASKA. John S. Twinem, M. D., ilamesBalhic Physician and SuracsH. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald Stato Bank Building Corner 6th & Dewoy Sta. I Phones: Office 183. Rcsldonco 283. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Horlal No. 01W1. Dopartmont ot the Interior. U. 8. Land OIHco at North Platte. Nob. Oct. U. 1910. Nottco Is hereby plvctl that Georffo E. Gar- man, ot norahey. Mob., 'who, on Juno Z8, ivoi. mado homoAtead entry No. 0035. serial No. 0IUB1, for all ot section St, township 12, N. rango w. w or tno utn rrincipai fiioriuian, uas flled notlco of Intention to mako final Dye year proof, to establish claim to tbo land above described, before tho Ucelstor and Ito- celvor at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho loth lay or uoc. iviu. Claimant names as vrltnosseai Alvln Zauler. of North Platto. Nob.. Dell Titter Ington, ot Sutherland, Nob.. A. IC Mclntyre. of Hershoy, Nob., Joe Avolancb, of Horahoy. o. . . O18-0 , J. E. KTANS. liCUter. NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION, Serial No. 01182. Department of tho Interior U. B. Land OOlco at North Platto. Neb. Oat. 14th. 1910. Nottco Is horoby si von that Alvln Zauler. lot North Platto, Nebraska, who on July. 0th. trado Homestead entry No. 0337. .Serial No. 02182. for south half. inorthvest quarter, lots 3 and I and south halt section 4, township 12. north rango 82, west of tho 6th Principal Meridian, lias tuoa notico ox intention to mako flbal flvo year nroof. to oatabllsh I claim to tho land abovo described, boforo tho iccelster and Kocolvor at North Platto, Nebraska. Ion the 10th day of Doc., 1010.. Claimant namos as witnesses: Goonro E. Carman, Ilorshoy, Neb.. Doll Tlttorlnston. Hutborland, neb. J as 11. itunnor. of ilorshoy, Neb., Herman Wondoborn, of North Platto, Nob. ol7-o J. K. Evans. Koelstor. Notice for Publication. Borlal No. 01080. Departmcntot tho Interior. TJ. 8. Land Oillce at North Platto. Nob. Nor. Bth, 1910. Notlco la horoby irlven that Frank J. Facka of North Platto. Nob., who on June 2Stb, loot, mauo iiomostoau Kntry wo. twin, serial No. 0im, for all of aoctlon 14, township 18. N . Rango 32, AV. ot tho sixth principal meridian, has fllod notlco ot Intention to mako final flvo year proof, to establish claim to me land abovo described, boforo tboRoclstor and Ilocelvor at North Platte. Nebraska. on tho 7th day of January, 1911. uiaimant names aa witnesses: Bponcor Kdmlsten and Washlneton Edmlaten, both of Hershoy cibn.. Ulmrios' Pi oyer, of Dickons, Nob. Adam Donaldson of North l'latto. Nob. n!0- J. K. KVAKd. Koirtstnr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Borlal No. 02195. Department ot tho Interior. U. 8. Land Ofilco at North Platte. Neb. Nov. 5th. 1910. Notlco Is hereby irlven that Anna Bchwaliror ot North Platto. Nob., who on March 21st. 1005. mado Homestead Entry No. 21118. Borlal No. CMOS, for tho ueM. .oH nwW. soM. sM, aw!4 section 28, township 16. north, rango bu, west or tno utn principal meridian, has fllod notice of Intention to mako final flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, beforo tho resistor and rocelvor at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho ill. day ot January luu. Claimant names as witnossest I), w- Moon, Chrlt .Johnson O. F. Blvlts and Fred J. Bromors. all of North Platto, Nob. . nio-n i K. kvanh. HflElNtnr. t NOTICE. C M. Orav 'and Mrs. O- M Gray. his. wife. will tako notlco that on the 0th day ot No vember, 1910, tho Atlanta Btato Bank, a uanKintr corporation, piainiu noroin. uiea Its notltton In tho district court ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, against said defendants. u. m. uray ana Mrs. u. uray. tuooDjoct and prayer ot which aro to foreclose a cer tain mortaago exocutca ny iienry veatnors and Bomlra Feathors to F. M. Oarpontor glvon to secure a rortaln promissory note in tno sum or wou.uu aatea rrairie uity, lowa, May 23d, 1905. and duo and payable on or be foro May 23d. 1U08, drawing Interest at tho rato of 6 per cent por annum and a por cont after duo, which inortgago convoyed as se curity to tho said F. M. Carpentor. the west n or section , townsuip io, n. rangu ou wi that said note and mortsaeo were duly as signed and transferred to tho plalnttrr heroin beforo maturity for a good and valuable con sideration and In tho usual courso of busi ness: that tho said plaintiir is now tno owner and holder of said noto and mortgage and entitled to tho moneys duothoroon, and there U now duo on said noto and mortgage the sum of $82S.O0 and por cont from tho Uth day , ot November. 1910; that plaintiff prays for a decree, that the defendant or any of thorn be required to pay tho samo or that Bald prem ises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount fcund dun. That tho first truo and real namo of tbo defondant u. M uray is to piamtlir un known and that the flrt. truo and real namo of Mm U- M. Gray, tho wife ot tho dofendant O. M. uray. is unknown to piaintitr ana tno samo cannot bo ascertained attor diligent search and Inquiry- . . You and each ot you aro required to answor aid Petition on or beforo .Monday, the 2d day of January. 10U. Dated tills 2ist day or Novemuor. iviu. THE ATLANTA STATE BANK. By A . Mur.DOON, its Attornoy Legal Notice. Julius L. DoRenter. will take notico that on tho 4th day of August, 1910, Ella A. DeRenter, plain- tnt Heroin, niea ner pouiion in me District Court of Lincoln County, No hrnskn. ncrainst said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from said dofendant upon tho grounds of extreme cruelty practiced by defendant against plaintiff, on Sep tember 19, 1908, and his desertion of the plaintilF, and failure to support and caro for said plaintiff during the time when plantiff was in need of medical attention. And for tho restoration of the plaintiff's name to that of her maiden name. Ella A. Hume, and for such other relief as equity may afford. You aro rcqulreu to answer, sam pe tition on or before the 20th day of De cember, 1910. Dated uio I4tn aay or jNovemoer, 1910. ELLA A. DEUENTEK, Jfiatntltt.