NEEDS WAR SINEWS GASTQRIA For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Hava Young Turk Party Seeking Cash in This Country. BAKING POWDER That Kakts Hit Itklrte lttir Fallurv nro almott Impooilbla with Calumet. Wo know that U Trill glvo you better reau'ti. u know that the baking will be purer mora wnoteaoma. Ao know that It will be more evenly raised. And we know that Calumet I mars economical, txnn In lu uie ana cost. We know these tilings because we nave put tne quality into It we have Been u tneu out in every way. it la useanowtn millions or nomei una Its Bales are growing dally. Jt Is the tnoqern baking powder. Have you tried It? Calumet Is hljheit In quality aioaeiaie in price. rWrUvd I liiliett Award .World's Pure Food ExpoaJtioo. iTMADEBYTHETRUSL BABY'S GIFT FROM HIS PAPA Inheritance for Which Mother Did Not Seem to Bo In Any Great Degree Thankful. Richard Harding Davis, at a foot ball 'garoo In Philadelphia, praised tho voices of tho young undergrad uates ohoutlng their weird college yells.-. - - . . , "It malcds me think of n Locust street bride," said Mr. Davis, smiling. "She turned to her husband one nlBht at dinner and remarked: " 'Mx dear, tho first tlmo I saw you wbb at Franklin Piold. Your head was thrown back, your mouth wide open and your face was very red you wero yelling your collego yoll." " 'Yes, I remember,' said the young man. " 'And I noticed,' sho continued, 'what a remarkablo volco you had.' " 'Yes, you spoke of It at tho time,' eald he. 'But what makos you think of it now?' '"Oh, nothing, said tho bride. 'Only I wish tho baby hadn't lnherltod It. That's all.'" On tho Senators. Tho wit of Bishop Both Ward amuses Nashville frequently. Dlshop Ward, in company with two senators, came forth from a Naehvillo reception the other day and entered a motor car. "Ah, bishop," said onoof his com panions, "you afo not llko your mas ter. Ho was content to ride an hbs." "Yes, and so should 1 be," Bishop Ward answered, "but there's no such animal to bo got nowadays. They mako them all senators." , Got Out of the Habit. "I see you have got a young man stenographer?" "Yes." "Don't you think a pretty girl stenographer adds a great deal to the attractiveness of an office V "I suppobo sho does, but I can't dlctato to a woman somehow. I s'poso lt'8 becauso I have been married so1 Ions." If- $omehow the average mother doesn't think she Is doing her duty unless sho spoils her children. "Don't Argufy 99 A single dish of Post Toasties with sugar and cream tells the whole story 'The Memory Linger' featwa Octal Company, Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich. f QSAKiNQ POWDTE lATTTH Only by an Appeal to Arms Against Greece Can Party Maintain Itself, and It Needs the Money to Prosecuto War. Now York. Sir Ernest Cassol an rived in New York recently on a mis sion of such grave importnnco that lis Isbuo will bo watched not raoroly with Interest, but with anxiety, in or ery capital or tho Old World. It is a mission to tho groat money kings ot Now York, on the outcome of which depends tho question of tho peaco ot Europe. Upon tholr Bhouldors will rest tho principal burden of responsi bility in tho mutter. Turkey is bent upon war with Greece. Tho now regimo at Constanti nople Is bolng forced to embark upon this strugglo, In order to protect itself from ovorthrow by revolution. Tho war with Qrccco la vital to its exist ence. For it Is only by an appeal to arms, against a foreign foe, that the Young Turk party, which has boon in control of affairs on tho shores of the Uosphorus ever sinco tho deposition of Sultan Abdul Hamld, can unito un der ono flag all tho various discordant elemonts of tho Ottoman empire, each ou6 of which is either in full insurrec tion dgainst tho Subllmo Porto, or olse on the verge of rebellion. But tho Turks cannot embark upon n war agnlnst Greece without money. The latter they do not possess. For- Ottoman finances nro la a mora par lous stato today than during tho rotgn of Sultan Abdul Hamld. In fact, tho treasury at Stamboul Is empty, and nowadays military operations aro Im possible without money. Turkey has no war treasure. It has frittered away the funds which it manJ aged to recover from tho ex-Sultan, having nothing to show In roturn but a couplo ot second-hand armored cruisers whtch Germany sold last cummor to tho Porto for cash down. Moreover, tho vast majority of tho people of tho Ottoman emplro scorn to have becomo imbued with tho convic tion that tho downfall ot Abdul Hamld, tho revival of tho constitu tion and tho inauguration of forms of Tho Imperial Ottoman Bank. government yclept "popular," rollevod them of all further obligation to pay taxes and thoy refuso to pay any at all. "Heretofore, whenever Turkoy has stood in need of monoy It has usually been able to obtain It through tho Im perial Ottoman Bank at Constanti nople from tho Fronch monoy market. But tho Young Turk party found the Imporial Ottoman Bank blocking tholr way in every direction, and it was in order to escape from the domination of tho concern In question that they induced Sir Ernest Casscl to found tho National Bank of Turkoy at Constanti nople . Now Sir Ernost, unsuccessful in bor rowing in Europe tho $60,000,000 tho Young Turk party wants as a war fund, is trying to got it in this coun try. THE CONFEDERACY'S SECRET Trusted to Negro by President Jeffer son Davis and Will Never Be Known. Richmond, Va. During tho closing days of tho civil war, wherMho pro spective ' collapse Of iho confederate govorjimjEDt became .a certainty, Jef ferson Davis, prcsldont of tho south ern statod, summoned his bodyguard and personal servitor, James H. Jones, a negro, at the southern capltol in Richmond, and said: "James, I hereby hand you, sol emnly and sacredly, tho seal ot tho Confodorato States of Amorlca. Th southern government Is about to fall This aoal, which wo must and do hold sacred aud undeniable, must bo se creted whero no man In future shall profano it by public gazo and exami nation. I entrust this mission to you I heroby charge ydu with this seal's disappearance. Hldo it, and lot nc man know whero It 1b. Toll not oven mo. And let tho secret dlo with you." Jones, an Intelligent and faithful negro, accepted the task. And to thlc day ho has fulfilled It with Bacred fidelity. Tho seal, an enormous sllvei affair, which bad been made in Eng land and Imported through tho fedora blockado of tho south, ho secreted Today, as an employeo of tho station ery room ot tho United States senate and Boventy-flvo years old, ho tolli tho story, with this detail. But to nc farther point of narrative can ho bt 'induced to go. Tho secret will dlf with him. American Gibraltar in Manila Bay -Viir-1.v-Ti-iiii "" ' T"f-'- WVSHINGTON. About two yearn licnco If pasBongqra on steamers entering Manila harbor and passing be tween tho several small Islands that guard tho principal port -of tho Philip, pines should Inquire with Indifferent interest ns to tho namo and use f r small dun-colored rock, hardly dlscorn lblo any dlstnnco away and looking, much llko an irregular shaped houBO boat floating on thq ocean, thoy will bo told that they are looking at El Fratlo Island. Perhaps, also, thoy will bo told that the littlo Island, ecarco two hun dred feet square, Is tho most diaboli cally offectlvo fortification of Its slzo In tho world. For eighteen months array onglneors havo been directing tho work ot forti fying what is lntondod ns tho backbone or keystono of tho strong defonsqs In Manila harbor. Thoy havo rosortod to a plan suggested by a young ouglnbor officer aftor their superiors had thrown up tholr hands In despair at tho pros pects of attempting to fortify tho rock which showed Its head above tho water for so Bmall an area. It Involves tho lovcling of tho Island almost to tho sur faco of tho sen and erecting a struc ture in tho form of a battleship dock etrlppod for action. Tho artificial forti fying will be of stool and cement Tho defonses of Manila bay cntranco Treasury Building WHEN tho small army of architects nnd artisans has finished tho work now in progross on tho Uni ted States treasury building, tho beau tiful old structuro will show tho first material chango slnco 18C9. Architec turally It still will represent a pngan tordplo, Indicating,, many folk say, tho American pcoplo's worship of money, But visitors to tho nation's capital who havo not seen tho treasury in 40 years will find somo changes for efficiency and economy. Tho nucleus ot tho presont building, Jocated whero Prosldent Jackson, Irri tated by tho procrastination of con gress in choosing a slto, put his hick ory stick down with a thump and ex claimed, "Put 'cr thoro, on that spot," will romaln unchanged, but tho double stono stalrcaso leading up to tho colon nade on the Flftconth street side has beon torn away. Architects said it spoiled tho beauty ot that sldo of tho Big Job to Fill the Supreme Bench i YfHlSlS Who easy THE seven Justices of tho Supremo court of tho United States, led by tho venerablo Justlco Hurlan, called on President Tatt tho other day to pay tholr respects. This annual call of courtesy reminded tho president ot n duty which Is uppormost in hlB mind and occupying It almost to the ex clusion of any other consideration, for tho president is called upon to re model tho highest tribunal In tho land. Tho president has appointed two Justlcos already Hughes In placo of Browor, who died, and Lurton In placo of Peckham of Now York, also dead. Thoso deaths removed n Republican and a Democrat, and tholr successors wero of tho same political faith. Slnco then Chief Justlco Fuller, a CT4 uri m Y" Zi Society Soldier Out at Fort Myer Bt ALBERT J. MYER, tho American army's gentlomau soldier, Is nd longer wearing tho uniform of an en listed man. Ho has left Fort My6r, tho army resorvctlon named for hlB Illustrious grandfather, and has gone back to Boston. Not only was tho passing of the dandy soldier sudden and unexpected, but tho manner ot his going sensation al. Mr. Myer, who wns a corporal In the signal corps, has been In tho guardhouso slnco August A recent verdict ot a court-martial which tried him sentenced Corporal Myer to bo reduced to tho' ranks, to bo confined at hard labor for three- months nnd to forfeit ?50 ot hla pay, Tho court-martial was a littlo slow and Myer escaped Its Imprisonment penalty, having been discharged In present tho most picturesque as well as tho most comploto Bot of fortifications Undo Sam possessou. Stretching across tho mouth of tho harbor aro n series of Islands. Tho largest ot thoso Islands and tho one which will bo used as a base ot supplies for tho others la Corrcgldor, from which tho first hostllo gun waB directed ngnlnst Admiral Dow oy'B floot In 1898. On Corregldor tho army Is installing n 21 company post Warehouses ot a capacity to contain supplies for n wholo year for 20,000 men havo been built This Island Is considered Imprcgnablo from Uio son side. But tho most Interesting of all tho Islands is tho El Frallo, at present a tiny rock rising In a plnnnclo 180 feet above tho bay. Tho shapo ot tho island will, as stated, bo changed by moans of stool nnd concrcto walls which will extend below tho water lino, to rosom bio tho hull of a battleship. No boo tlon ot tho island ground will bo ox posed to lire. It will bo surrounded and covered over by stool and concrcto walls, about fifty feet thick on tho sides and almost solid stool on tho top. On tho surface of this "dock" two tur rots will bo placed, each turret con taining two 14-lnch guns. Bosldos tho four largo guns, four six-Inch rapid firo rifles will bo placod in embrasures at thd seaward end, and llko battorles ot small guns will bo placed at other points at advantage. Quarters will bo provided for only a sufficient number ot men to work tho guns and machin ery. Tho cost of this powerful little fortress, tho most dangerous fort of its slzo on earth, will bo $3,000,000, guns, walls, turrets nnd all. Is Overcrowded building, plans for which wero drawn by William T. Elliott, n surveyor, who camo to Washington In 1813. Tho 30 grnntto monoliths, each ot which cost $5,500 and wolghs 30 tons, now stand in an unbrokon row. Thoy nro said to bo tho finest oxamplo of their kind of tho stonecutter's art It required ton men, working CO days, to produco each ot them, and a solid train of 30 flat carB brought thorn to Wash ington from tho quarries In Massachu setts. To mako more spaco lnsldo tho build ing nil tho files ot lottors and docu-. ments will bo stored In tho old coal vaults under tho lawn on tho Pennsyl vania avenuo side, and now coal vaulta aro being built on tho Bldo opposlto the Whlto House.- Tho complotcd building, as It stands, rc-prosents throo stages of construction Tho nucleus, locatod by Jackson, wai finished In 1842. Tho south wing wai finished in 1804. Tho north wing, fin ished In 1869, Is on tho sldo of tho old stato department building. Tho long colonnado ot brown stono, erected In 1804, deteriorated In the southern cllmato and was replacod bj tho present granlto monoliths a little moro than a year ago. Democrat, appointed from Illinois, haa died, and Justlco Moody, a Republic an, of Massachusetts, has rosignod becauso of Ill-health, and President Tnft will havo to fill thoso two va cancies, In addition to Judicial fitness, poli tico and geographical qualifications must bo considered. Morcovor, tho president Is brought face to face with a task which will bo of tremendous Importance to tho United Statos for tho next generation. With political beliefs changing ovor night nnd great er zeal- in govommontal supervision being urged by tho dominant party, tho court which President Taft must reconstruct will pass on all tho changes In tho organlo laws of tho United States which may bo mado by congress. Tho problom will not ho solved for tho public until after congress meets, as it Iiub been definitely an nounced at tho Whlto Houso that no judicial appointments would bo sent to tho sonato until tho Monday fol lowing tho reconvening of congress. tho meantime. Ho was given an lion orablo dlschargo and tho army knows him ho moro. Myer created tho biggest sensation tho army has had for a lotiK tlmo. Ho tried tb get Into West Point, but was barred by ago, and frolh tho naval academy because of his slzo. Then hb enlisted In tho cavalry, but that uld hot bull his liking nnd ho trans ferred Mb tho signal corps, whero 116 Was promoted to bo a corpornl. At Fort Myer tho dudo soldier was tho ohVy of hlB comrades and a par 'tfcu'ltfr boro to his ofllcoro. Aftor o haVd 'day's drill, or tho attondanco on sbm'o other military duty, Corporal Myor would go to his bachelor opart monts, havo his valot rub him down and then don tho habiliments of a Bocloty man. That night, porhaps, his commanding officers would find him in tho samo ballroom with themselves, Tho youngster rodo nnd walked with tho fairest of Washington's hollos, and had monoy to burn. Ho novor did anything to exclto tho ungor of his superiors oxcopt to play tho dual role of a soldier and a dandy, too. IS II ALCOHOU-3 PER CENT AM'tfclablc Preparation for As similating iteFoodnmlRcgula ting Ik Stomachs ami Bowels of Promotes Dijcslion,Chccrful ncssandRcsl.Conlalns neither Opium.Morpliirte nor Mineral Not Narc otic rouDrSAMvunrarm Jll'll Stilt Wtmfnt - Him JWrf Cttnfitd JW" w- t . AncrfcclUcmctlv forConsllw lion , Sour Stomach, Dinrrhocn, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish bess and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of' Tire CcNTAim Company NEW YORK. unrantecd under tho Footing) Bxact Copy of Wrapper. Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday WiUi a New Perfection Oil Healer aay i3 It elves fust as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless and smokeless. It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which firevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and s easy to remove and drop back, so the wjck can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, i be cause of a new device In construction, and can always be easily Unscrewed for rewicking. An indicator shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does'not need to be screwed down, but Is put in like a cork In a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. Finished. In Japan or nickel, strong and durable well-made, built tor service and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top Peelers Evtrmmrt. If rot at yirt, writt for dtscrfrUM ctrwar h ihi tttarttt ejtncy c thi Standard Oil Company (Iacorpor&tod) W. L. DOUGLAS '3 3.50 & 4 SHOES FSoXIS BOYS' SHOCB. S2.00. 12. BO & 3.0O. BtOT IN the WORLD. W.L.DouBtam $3.aarS3.BO and ara mniirvu' " ami nuHS una. mr pmmm uac sAbbi fat tUa nrlna InAmmrlaa. ana mmm thm moat aeenamfaal ahottm fef tamlArd for over 80 jcarn, that I mnko nnd toll mora f 3.00. J3.W) ami 84.00 thoei than any other manufacturer In tho U.H., and that DOLLAH TOU DOLLAlt, I ClUAHANTKU MY 8U0IC3 to hold their thane, look And fit bettor, and weur loneer than any other $3.00, IJ.B0 or $4.00 aline you nan buy ? quality count! . It has made my anoes T1IK JXADlUta UC lllb VVU111.IS. You if 111 bo nleiued nhe.n von bnr inv fit and apiMAranee, and -when It oonio tlmo (or you to uurohais another pair, you -will bo moro than pleated becauso tho last onea worn ao wall, and ouva von an muoh anmfnrt. CAUTION I kraSHaffii anaineanriprlcoaUniMdontheboltom. 1 1 cannot eupply yon vr itliW . I- I onylM Hhoei, write for Mall Order Catalog. W. JU AaAMpurk lit., JtrncbloB, It your dealer EUREKA HARNESS OIL Sold fay Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL Ditlirt Emrnkire tP IforCo ISO's J THE BEST MEDICINE MHHHMi Always Bought Bears tie Signature J3 Vjr For Over Thirty Years RHSTIIRIA When clothes can't be hung outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly docs the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day In order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any witn not air trom a Ahohlely smehelees and sdarlm $4.00 Bh0a lza ttmt my ill oct you to buy nave been tho ahoaa beeauia of tho Jhutlat NO SUBSTITUTE Mat. Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wiie black as a coalj Dealer Evarywhar STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (Incorporated) IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER Is specially selected for any need In the) home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can- not break. Does not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) BEST HAIR BALSAM !& and BMotlflet tb hafet vinctM a luxuriant growth. ova Xada'to Hutore UMt o. W t 1VUIIUU1 r to it Youthful tAln d Mul A hall p d!aM m bair. uchs 6 Colds Qo,aiHlj0Oat IroaifaM