OWES - DOCTORS TlAPP FAILED ER MB V .11 5binf;t Suffirri Sivaral Ytirt With Kklmy TrwH, "Htm Cured He." Mr. John N. Watklno, 3133 Shenan doah Avo., SL Louis, Mo.f writes: "Amonjf all tho greatly ad vertised medl- r.lnm tnr kld- ticy otid blad der trou b U tncro is notn injr which equals Poru na. I suffered for Bov or a 1 years with thin trouble, , apont hundreds of dollars on doc tors and medl clno and all to no purposo un til I took I'o runa. "Ono bottlo Bod than all Mr. John N. Wstkln.. lh othora put together, as they only polnoned my system. Toruna cured mo. I used it for four months beforo b oomplcto euro wns accomplished, but nm truly grateful to you. Tho least I can do In rotum In to acknowlcdso Ihi merlta of Poruna. which I talco Vicaauro in now doing." ladder Trouble. Mr. C. D. Newhof, 10 Delaware itrcot, Albany, N. V., writes: "Sine my advanced age I find 'that t liavo been frequently troubled with urinary ailments. Tho bladder seemed Irritated, and my physician said (hat It was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would bo difficult to over comd on account of my advanced years. I took Poruna, hardly daring to.bellove that I Would bo holped, but found to tny rollef that I soon began to mend. The irritation gradually subsided, and tho urinary dllfloultlcs passed away. I have enjoyed excellent health now for the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly, and am as well as I was twonty years ago. X glvo all praise to Poruna." ROOSEVELT'S GREAT BOOK "AfricnaGameTrwls" Needed ft man In qrerr placo 10 mil this turnout How book. Jirinff it o mo inaiiiin in yonr locallti. Wn kItotoij monopoly oi flnlrt and lilgb . couunltifo. TakoUilsnrrsi elianen. WilteloriirosixKlus, Charles Scrlner's Sons It (R. B.J nrik At. X Twk AllwriacnrlinnlTer.urotJlirimKUlroril,itie iiirrrnuiimts tJicprst nrlroxo Trrft,lic ilnljhtor. lllrfi.MrAiirlnl ITl,Ap.lV'lii,,tttr,ill. lilC.Miltr I.nir.PtivnrKnrM.alltUMrrt r..Ulr.l; bifcra, ; mII6o. J.IVALLM ..At.rulJUnn. U&H$Z$) ThMWfiBifc Eyi Water UNCLE CALHOUN SPOKE 'OUT Answer No Doubt Truthful, but by No Means What the Orator Desired, Hooker T, Washington,, congratu lated by a New York voportor on the success ho had mado ot his life, said with a atullo; "I auppoao I 'inuat bo. niodost and declare that luck lino hud moro to do with my progress, or othorwlso I'll bo Ih Boa tor .Dash's shoos. "Senator Dash ot Tallupoosa pridod hlmaolf on hlo rlso from tho bottom, for Senator Dash In his youth had worked with tho colorod pcoplo. In the cotton neHw,' ' "Doastiugt at a; political mooting about , his, rise, tho aonator singled, out Uhclo Calhoun Wobstor among his audlH uadi'sald"ri' ia ''" ' " 'I see bofore me otd Calhoun Web ster, besklo whom, In tho, broiling southern, sun, I tolla (day ,af tor 'day. Now, lad lea and gentlemen, 1 appeal to Uncloi Calhoun Tell us all, uncle, was I, or was, Icnat, a good man In the eotton field? i Yo' yua a good man, s'onatnh,' the aged negro; replied: 'yo-wiiz a good man, 'qI .r iaok; but yo' sut'ny .nmn't work rouca.'" Not a Harmless Sport., '! rle:ndYoii fought barohcadodT Frteticli Duellat Yes, and got a fine rsunstroke.--Jnurnnl AmuannL i , . , I You can't administer'" nuriliiurabnt vtnd forg-lvoaoss at tho saiuo tlmo. I HEALTH AND INCOME u yth Kept Up 'on SclentltloiFood., ' l . i V fcoed sturdy health helpa one, lot la make money.' " ' IWith the loss of health one'a Income Is liahlo to shrluk. If sot onttroly lwlmltA away. When a young lady has to makohor owu uviag,. gooa ueaitu ib nor ueoi . "I am alono In the world." writes a Chicago girl, "dependent on my1 own efforts for my living. I am a clork, and about two years ago through cIobo implication to work and a boarding house diet. I became a nervous in- .valid, and got so bad oS It was almost ImpoeUlJer mo te stay in the office a halt day at a time "A friend suggested ' to me the Idea ot trying Qrap-Nuts food whiclj I Ud, mnking It a largo part ot at least two meals a day. "Today, 1 am. frco from braln-tlre. dyspepsia, and all thd ills ot an over worked and improperly uourlsneu brain and ' b6dy. To Qrapl-Nttts X owe the rocovory ot my health, and the ability to retain' my position and income, Re.d "The Road o Wollvllle," la pVgB, "Thwo's.a, j8,caBon.'t n Xver itfnl ,Nm abwro lettrt ' Am'W v nior( rrtmt tlmo tlwev 'tir, itr itywiKii, truof Mii, lull tC hhhum m mm worn Forging the Big Panama Canal Gates IT WOlJLO TflKfl :GO,ooo A HUSkY KiD 7f R, iSTCAL A CITE CSLIKE" DAT- PITTSBURO, PA. Mlachlovous boys dreaming of (jntoH to bo carried away and futuro Hallowe'en trophies would not in tho wildest nightmares lmaglno such enormous gates as nro bolng nindo In Pittsburg for tho Pa,na ma canal. They will bo tho largest gatos In tho world.. Any ono of tho 02 of them will bo about ns high aa n slx-atory building, ns wldo tin many city build ings aro (CS foet), and sovon feet deep or thick. The structural ateol tlint will go to make them wilt wolgh GG.OOO tons, or moro than olght times ns much ail was used to build tho Elffol tower in Paris. Tho mighty portals, designed to 'nd mlt n world's commerqo from nno ocean to uuother, must withstand a tldo of criticism ns well as n tremen dous pressure of water and possible convulsions of earth. For years tho cqntrovcrsy ovor gntos or no gates, looks or flea level, has been tho di viding lsauo of tho cannl problem. In tho fnco of fenr In spmo quar ters that tho foundations on tho isth mus nro not suro enough for locks, that earthquakes or wntcr pmssuro would dislodge thorn, and that aa one- tragic rate Long EW YOIUC Anothor is likely to bo added to tho list ot tragic doatho in tho family of Miss Adolaldo Cum- ming ot tlilu city. Sho is now in Uob- ton, suinmonod thero by a peculiar ac cident to her slBt6rwho, on hoV thirty eocond birthday put on a now dress of Hio hobblo-Bklrt variety, and as sho wns going downstairs, tripped and fell. Hor hip bono was brokon and various compllcutlona have 8ctin which mny causo her death. Miss Cummlng Is 'still a -young wom an, but nilsfortuno hR8, been with her an nor mo. Her grandfather was wrecked and drowned at soa; hor father killed In n boiler explosion: ono alntor crushed by a trunk, anoth er killed by a snowball and n third by gangrono; a hophow wont down In tho ,Malno, another was. killed In tho Snn Francisco enrthqunko, and tholr mother la now insauo, Jamos Q. Cummlng, grnndfathor of Everybody Helps to KANSA3 CITY, KAN. Tho Armour dalo district has sot tho pneo and now this city Is going to bo a spot- loss' town, An Idea, a circular loiter aud n fow postago stamps did tho work In Armourdalo. Mr. Doau, commissioner of parks, ecloctcd the town-cleaning day und then mailed tho lottors to all ot tho business nnd professional men In tlint part of town, Inviting them to meet, properly equipped with Implements, at Shawnee park. Art onrly ns 7:30 tho Shawnoo pork district lookod llko a brlckyurd dis trict when a mad-dog alarm has boon souudod. Thoro wero men ot nil sized and wearing nil sorts ot working appnrol and carrying many descrip tions of Implements. Whon nil hands had gathorcd around tho bandstand, i it was lounu mat mo group, inciuaoa lawyors, doctors, ministers and bust, I ncsa men, and that thoy meant bust It was found that tho group. Included nous. Tho party- waB divided Into-'thrce Rf,,.-! nf Water i - , I - M II 1 I WOULD 'JUST AS 500ft ORlHHl HITRtC ACID AS WATER'. TAKE JTAWAY PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lying in tho Qarretson hospital in a critical condition from a badly lacerated scalp, which ho sustained when hit by a Btroot car, Albert Maxwell, fifty- onq yenro of ago, Btoadfastly rofuBos to drink wntor In nny form hecauso ho doQHn't llko it. Ho declares ho has boon n total abstainer from liaturo'a bovorngo for tho laat thirty years, and Is willing to toko a chanca 6t giving up his llfo rathor than touch vator again. When Maxwell wan. taken to ihb boBpltol'ho' wna 'placiod, on tho, oper ating tnblo while tho phyBltlana soved W I,". a N KS . rny's tnlncs or accldentnl explosion might easily destroy them, tho gov ernraont hns bogun to build tho gates. Tho cost will bo 5,C00,O0O. Of tho 00,000 tons of steel required, the heaviest slnglo plocos will weigh about eighteen tons. Tfao thousands of individual pieces, numbered and fit ted to go together as c&slly as chil dren's blocks, will bo shipped by steamer via Daltlmoro and with thorn will go moro than four hundred skilled structural steel builders from Pitts burg to set them. Tho advance guard of experts will loavo hero In Decem ber and tho first work probably will begin early in 1911. Tho location of tHo 40 pairs of(gates will bo, 20 nt tho Qatun dam on tho Pacific side, 12 nt Pedro Miguel, and 14 at M Ira (lores, near tho Atlantic en trance Tho gntos nro designed tp hold back wntor 47.4 foet doop in a channol 110 feot wide, which means a prossuro of n million poundB. Tho weight ot a slnglo gnte will be about 000 tons, and tho dimensions aro 77 to 82 feot high, GO to 75 feet wide and 7 feot thick. Each lock will bo amplo for a ship CO per cont. larger than any vessel afloat, nnd it has been estimated that ns many as a hundred oconn ships may bo handled in a alnglo day. Thoro aro no locks approaching theso In size, Tho famous Suez canal is a sea level affair and tlio fow great lock canals would havo to com blno their gates to equal the slzo nnd strength ot tho great doors ot Panama. fursues a ramily tho prosont dimming generation, was n .sailor ot Snlom, Masa., nnd went down with ills ship when Miss Cum. mlng wns a young girl. Her fathei was blown to death In n boiler ex plosion In Salem. Ho was n merchant and simply happened along when the boiler let loose, nly parts of his body wero recovored. Ono slBtor wai breaking wood ovor hor kneo when sho frnctured her knecenp. Tho leg was amputated but gangrcno caused hor death. Another was killed by a snowball In which a stono wns Im bedded and a third was caught whila packing a trunk. Tho lid crushod hor head. Tho unhappy fnto of tho family soemod to doscond to tho branches, for ono of Miss Cummtng'a nophows was lost In tho Snn Francisco earthquake Inlono of tho collapsod buildings which took fire. A brother of this lad, K sign Matthews, had perished on Mnlno In Havana harbor. Theso tragi cdlos bo proyod on tho mind of tho mothor, Miss Cummlng'B Bister, that sho becamo vlolontly Insanp and ia now In n Massachusetts asylum. Now tho laat near relative of Miss Cum mlng 1b In a hospital, nnd it is Impossi ble to say whethor Bho will cscapo tho .family fnto or not. Make City Clean sections. Wagons furnished by tho city nnd by businesB firms wero on hand to follow tho workers and col. lect tho results of tholr labor. Up ono Btdo ot the Btreot and dowr tho other thoy worked, cleaning the street and pnrklnga of -woods nnd papom and piling thorn for tho wagons to collect and enrt away. And Bchool boya whohad not boon detained at homo to cloan yards followed tho shovel and hoo brigade with brooms, Bwoeplng up tho dirt tho shovolora had missed. And tho women were working, too. Whllo tholr husbands were cleaning tho stroots, thoy wore swooping tho yards, picking up tin cans and pa pers nnd cutting tho doad woods. In. all parts of tho city women could bo soon, raking up leaves and trash nnd oven repairing fences. Tho churches had men working cleaning and re pairing the property nnd tho school janitors wero bUBy in the schoolhouso yards. It 1b tho intention bofore long to havo tho 14,000 school children of tho city organized Ingt juvcnllo leagues for tho purposo ot assisting in this work. "This Ib only a starter," Mr. Dean oxplnlned. "All ot KansaB City, Kan., will bo denned tho seme way." Mav Cos Hi 1 Sf jr - -w .ln 1,1.. .l.lt. l.J 1 . I Ui mo ovtlll, milVll UUU MUCH UllllOBl completely torn off tho skull. Max- well stood tho operation well. As ha Btrnigutenou up ready to bo. assigned a bed Doctors R03S and Silk ottered him n glass ot water, "I never ubo It," was Maxwell's ro Bponso to tho proffered drink. The phyBtclnns and tho nurses regarded tho statement as a joko. Next mom Ing tho nurso offered Maxwoll medl clno In tho form of pills. A glnos ot wator Nvas offered him to tako with tho modlclno, but Maxwoll refused It Ho swallowed tho .pills without wator. Tho whlto ot an egg was prescribed in tho ovonlng, but nfter Inspecting tho food Maxwoll declared ho thought thoro was "water In it and refused to tnko It. Hospital attaches aro in a quandary, us to what to feed tho man. Mrs Maxwell anys u is useless to coax1 hor husband to drink wator. U, II II WW U UbUlKVE -Thnt t ne mosi w nmiiinhin. ilia niost Interest ing study for women Is tho homo, for In It center all the Issues of life. Dreads. Slnco bread Is considered tho 6tnff of llfo, It la qulto nocdssary that wo mako it a substantial start, ablo to Bupport llfo. Tho study ot bread and bread making is too Important to bo treated lightly, as a largo per cent, of our pcoplo livo mainly on bread, it is necessnry that it Bhould bo good and wholesome Wheat flour is best adapted for bread mnking, n it contains gluten in tho proportion to hold tho gases, thus making a aporigy loaf. Whon we add butter to bread, wo havo a well balanced food. Ryo is also good for bread making, but la less Btlcky and heavy, it treed in combination wltn flour. Good bread Is far too often an un common sight nnd ono who has mas tered tho art of bread making has a talent of which to fool proud. Tho French cook works months to master tho nit. and tho porfect loaves which thoy produco show skill and perse verance. Dreads which havo tho real flavor of the wheat aro mndo with wntor, salt, yeast nnd a little BUgnr. Such bread haB a flavor, who ono Ib trained to npprcclato it much moro dollcato than tho milk broadB which havo a por tion of shortening ndded. Kntlro wheat flour bread Is mado of flour that contains all tho gluten, with only tho outer husk of tho kernel romoved. This Is most wholosomo flour and is gaining each, year In popularity. Tho gradual improvement In broad making has kept paco with civiliza tion, so that tho most highly civilized pcoplo nro today making tho best broad. In tho early dayB of bread making tho grain was ground by hand botween two stones, mixed with water and baked on atones beforo tho flro. Oatmeal Bread. Pour four cupa of hot water ovor two cups of oatmoal, add a halt cup ot molasses and lot stand to cool. At noon put ono yeast cako into n cup 6l potato water and add flour enough at night to mako a battor. Mix all togotlier and in tho morning ndd two tablospoonfulB of shortening, n hnlf tenspoonful jof sodn, and mako Into loaves- Whon risen bako, in a hot oven. A good yeast may bo made ot a mashed potato, a cup of hot water, a tablespoonful of sugar and, a tea- npoouful of salt, a dry yoastcake and flour enough to mako a thin batter: Let ntand over night, and it will bo ready to uso. This will keep ten days and Ib sufficient yeast for thrco bakings ot four loavos oacb. MOTHEIt, sho's bo good to mo. Kt I was cood ns Rood could be. j. ciiuiun r oo ns gooa no, sir Can't nny boy bo good as herl -Itlley. The Home Maker. A boy usually has an idea what ho wants to becomo when n man. Ho cnooses Ills profession, and after changing his mind many times makes a aecision and works toward that end wo wouldn't conaidor n poraon well oamncea who would expect to prac tise n irnuo or profession without careful training in It Dut our girls, a .-.cu .uHjuinj. ui mem, aro to bo home rankors of tho land. They mav nnr.,n a trado or profession for a whllo, but w. ii-ui years ot nro will bo put Into tho making of a homo for r.n ,. , tT ,raP"ai Profosaion of uu uua uuu row trained workors. tho lrlnn waa linl.l fn. .. . ' T ij T tur8 uiat a woman should know thoso things intuitively, 08 .2 , !d gola hor Itnowledgo of nest building. Tho hard fn-f t business Ib, thoy know littlo of homo- ...um.iK uy intuition. Hani knocks. " u uuu enaicss disappoint ment has been hor teachnm. is it quito fair to our girls not to glvo thorn tho training for thnir iif WOrk? ThO 8tUdF of hmmnlinM nomics in our public schools is help- uib iu ouivo iao proDiemj they nro aa yei iar too tow. Our rural nohnnin need It, and with a very littlo outlay an equipment might bo furnished which, though slmplo, would anBwor tho purposo. Our summer schools all ovo rtho Innd nro teaching teachers in mis worK. n can bo applied to almost any branch of study, from lan cuucu in utnuiuuiic, remaps Bomo day wo will havo Boraobody wiso enough to writo our school bnnim rmm tho standpoint of tho scholar, doallng subjects which aro his ovorv dnv llfo. Is it moro Important for tho majority or our boys and girls to know how to toll tho number of bushels of corn In tho crib, or coal In itho bin. thnn in know tho dlmcnslona ot tho islands of tno Bear Tho first stop in tho right direction Ib to fool .tho need, and feel it hard onough to bo willing to pay for tho proper equipment and a tonchor who is thoroughly interested, enough bo to spend a fow weeks In tho Bimiinor'to proparo lor tno wont, JLTJL T us rest ourselves a bit) Worry? Wavu your hnnd to It- Klss your flngcr-tlps' nnd smile It fnre well n little while. J. XT. ntley. Coffee Making. A good cup of coffco In something that ovory girl nnd boy should know how to mako, but, alasl thoro ar many cooks, or so-called cooks, whe do not know a good cup when thej moot it In tho first plnco, ono mus' havo good coffoo to proparo; ono can not expect to get a cup of tho fra grant bovcrago from an lnforlor grad of coffoo or coffco extract. Orind il Just beforo using, and tho arbraa li not lost. Uso a tablespoonful to a cut of boiling wntor, allowing ono for oact porson nnd ono for tho pot A small portion ot beaten ogg well mixed with tho coffco and a littlo cold water will settle it if mado in tho old-fashionc( wny by boiling five minutea. Tho drip coffco pot or tho pcrco lator aro tho best, nB tho grounds nr never loft in tho coffco. Whon using flltor or percolator tho coffee shouW bo finely ground. A cup of coffeo at breakfnat servo as n mild ntlmulnnt and la a valuable food adjunct, but It should never be given to a child or a dyapoptlc. In tlmca of war coffoo haa beca found to bo moro valuable than alco hoi to keop up tho enduranco of th Boldiors. Coffco acta aa an antidote for various polsonu. Coffee should always bo taken in moderation; its excess! vo uso causes palpitation of tho heart, Insomnia and other nervous troubles. Nowadnys. when tho nroceBaes ol browning coffoo Is dono in tho coffeo houses, it la best to buy only in nmnll qunntltics, ns nftor browning, unless carefully sealed, it soon deteriorates, If not bought in air-tight cans it should bo put into cans ns soon as brought from tho store. Coffoo is often ndulterated In vari ous wuya, tho most common Is tho uso of chicory. Thla can eaally bo recog nized by nddlng water to tho mlxturo Coffoo will float and chicory will drop to tho bottom. Sometimes beans, pens and cercali aro roasted nnd ground and used to adulterate coffoo. Wo got largo quantities of caffet from Brazil, Bomo from, Central Amer ica, Java and Arabia. Tho stimulating 'property of coffee ia dpo to tho alkaloid coffelno and tho essential oil, Llko tea, It contains an astringent. Coffee is moro stimu lating than tea, as wo uso moro of it .H13UE Is ever a sons: whore, mv dear. Thero Is ever a uomotlilnir Bines nlwav. There s tho sonir of tho lark whon the sklos nro clour, ' And tho aong of tho thrush when .tho skies aro gray, nilby To Roast and Carve a Turkey. Plnco tho dressed and stuffed turkey in n dripping pnn on a rack. Rub tho ' ontiro surfaco with salt and spread tho broast, wings and legs with a third of a cup ot butter, rubbed to a cream and mixed with n fourth ot a cup of flour. Drodgo tho bottom of tho pan with .flour. Placo in a hot oven nnd when tho flour begins to brown ro duco tho heat. BaBto with fat In tho pan, and add two cupfuls ot boiling watqr. Contlnuo to basto ovory 15 minutes until tho turkey Ib cooked, which will require about thrco houra for a ten-pound turkey. For basting uso half a cup each ol water nnd butter, and uftor thia tha fat in tho pan. Turn tho turkoy fre quently whllo baking so that It will brown evenly. If tho turkey browns too faot, coypr It with a buttered pa per. A turkey that has not been baeted whllo cooking cannot bo com pared in flavor with ono which haB. Remove all strings and skowora bo- foro Borvlng. Garnish with celery tips and fresh cranberries. Chestnut Stufflng. Sholl and blanch throo cupfuls ot chestnuts. Cook In boiling wator until soft Drain and mash, using a potato ricor. Add one- fourth of a cup of butter, a teaspoon- ful of salt, a fow dashes of red pep per and a fourth of a cup ot cream. Molt a fourth of a cup of butter and add a cup ot bread crumbs, then com bine tho mlxturo and stuff tha turkoy. How to Carvo. To carvo tho tur koy, place It on its baok, with tho head at the left. Placo tho fork across tho broast bono, holding firmly In tho loft hand, with tho knife In tho right hand cut off tho leg close to tho body, pull it oft and disjoint Then cut off tho wing. Soparato tho Joints from tho drum Bticks and dlyldo tho wings at tho Joint. Carvo breast meat in thin, crosswiso slices. For a small family ono sldo ot a turkoy is nil that need to bo carvod, which leaves tho remaindor in condition for nnothoi serving. Llfo Is always difficult in proportion to its intensity and roallty.--E(iward Howard Qrlggs. LIFE TO Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicago. Ill was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc tors SAld l could nob got well ttllloBB I had an operation. I knew I could not stand tho strain of ono, bo I wroto to you Bomotlmo ago about my health and you told me what to do. After taklnp; Lydla E. Plnkliam'B Vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier T am to-dav a woll woman." Mrs. Wtt.t.ta v AmtENB, 088 IV. 21at St., Chicago, 111. Lydla E. Plnkham'sVogotablo Com pound, made from nntivo rootB and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record ror tho largest number of actual cures of female dlBoaaes of any similar medi cine In tho country, nnd thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in tho Plnkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who havo been cured from almost ovory form of fomalo complaints, Inflammation, ul coration,dlnplacoments,flbrold tumors, rregularities,poriodIo pains,backnche, Indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to givo Lydla E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound a trial. If you would llko special advico About your case writo a confiden tial lottcr to Sirs Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Hor advico is free, and always helpful. 1 The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity Why wait lor toe oia farm to becomo juur inuorunnror urfionaww prepare lor your xuiuro Sroiperiir nna lnacpen ence. A errat oppor tunlijr wltn you In Jlanliobo.Saakntcboian or Alberta, nbcre yuu cn secure a FroeUomo- trad or buy land nt re& onblo prices. How's theTlmi not a yearf rom now, wben land will bo high- .a n.i.(m.MI. um.,m1 fmm tho ntinnilmifc FntllR ctf AVIieat, Uutn nnl Ilurlor, a well as cattlo railing, are raatlns a steady odyance In r i rice. GoYcmtntni returns show hat tho number of Bottlers In AVesturn C'nnndn from the U. H. nn OO por cent liirnor in 11110 tlinu tho HreTlousjrcar. JMnny farmers liavo -paid for tlii'lr Innct out of the iirocoeds of ono crop. . Frco Ilntnesteails of 100 nores and itrn-eniptlons of 1(10 acres ut S3.UOnuacrn, Fine climate, good schools, excellent rnlluuy facilities, low frelchtratcs-; wood, no to j- and lumber easily ob- Forpa'tnpWet MlJUtnestWet. particulars as to sultablo location and low soUlor' rate, apply to Hupt of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to Canadian UoTX Agent, W. V, DENNETT Ml Rtv Tork lid eld;, Owihi, HA Uso address nearest yon. ST The Wretchedness of Constipation Cn quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable. surely ana gently on tno .i brer. Cure Biliousness, Head, ache. Bess, and Iadigctrioa. They do htSt duty Small PS, Small Dose. 'Small Price, f Genuine euuttxu Signature LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj 8ALB iAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 154 W. Adams St., Chicago Constipation Nearly Every One Gets It The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarei taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick ieeung. 900 Ten cent box. vreeVs rreatitiMst. All drugstores. IMsitest seller ta the worTd-rmllllon boxes month. Its simplicity Is a strong feature of the ssY m wv Aaiva iavisj.nInwiBRB--a KNOWN THE WORLD OVER I H H lalV I rsfaraaccs. Ueet-tteulu, W. N, U., OMAHA, NO. 48-1910."' imssw ...... - .BBBBBBHb. sisisisvi tmm tti v a