The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 29, 1910, Image 5

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Our special efforts this season in the direction of ORIGINAL NOVELTIES and new features and the purchase of an immense stock at special low figures has met
with most gratifying success. Every department is filled with fresh goods from the best markets of the world, and we are thus enabled to offer from now until after
Christmas some very attractive goods at unusually low prices. Of some of the goods our supply is limited and when exhausted we cannot obtain more, Early shoppers
will receive full advantage, s
' :V-VJfc
Just a Few Numbers of Our Special Values: .
200 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons (full size) usually sold for $1.50 $1.00 each
25 sets Rodgers Knives and Forks guaranteed usually sold for 5.00. . ,v .' 3.00 per set
25 Gold Jewel Cases, silk lined, usually sold for 2.50 .... . A . . 1.40 each
50 sets Community Silver Plated Tea Spoons, guaranteed, usually sold for 1.50 90 per set
50 Leather Hand Bags, Walrus, Seal and Morrocco, usually sold at 3.00 to T.00 each. ... ; v ......... . 1.75 to 5.00
12 fine Mantel Clocks, 8 dozen Setli Thomas and New Haven, usually sold for 7.00 to 12.00 .' 4.50 to 8.00
20 sets Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, usually sold for 4.25 .' '. 3.00
rj "vfV v We dre Going to More than Double Our Last December Business
"by reasonfqf qurexceptional stock and reasonable prices and we are especially anxious that you see our stock early while the pick is the choicest. Avoid' the crowd and
make youYselectionsat leisure and in comfort, from a full and complete assortment. We know that a visit will convince you that we offer more and ,better inducements
in quality, variety, and reasonable prices than you can find elsewhere. We ekteud a cordial invitation to all to come and see our brilliant array of Holiday Goods, without
feeling that the slightest obligation td purchase, is incurred.
DIXON. The Jeweler.
U DR. H. C. BKUuv,
O Oror First NatlonaL Phone H8 jj
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER. S
Graduate Dentist.
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Cozad Defeats Junior Team.
Tho, foot ball team of tho Cozad high
school journeyed to this city, Saturday
and in the afternoon defeated tho Junior
team of the local school by a score of
eighteen to nothing. The visitors out
classed as well as outplayed the local
boys and also had the advantage of
more training and coaching.
The Mothers' Club will bo entertained
by Mrs. J. W. Payne tomorrow af tor-
"Mrs. J. F. Jlourko returned Saturday
from a month's visit with relatives and
. friends at Broken Bow.
L. L. Sinclair, of Smithfleld and
Miss Viola Barackman of Curtis were
united in marriage by Judge Elder
For sale or exchange a largo, well
located residence in West end.
W. T. Wilcox.
J. F.' Rourke, who has been sick for
several months, left today for Roches-
ter, Minp., to consult tho Doctors
.Mahlo, tho widely known specialists.
Three Star Cut glass, as good and
nice as any duc encapor. mspuci. mo
line at Tramp's.
Weather Forecast Genorally cloudy
with occasional snow flurries tonight
and Wednesday. Minimum temperature
nnnlinlllll AQ ATI A VOflr Htm 41. MaXi-
mum temperature thla morning 27; one
year ago 81.
HAr.-a W Ci V.Ar returned thfs morn
:ing from Omaha, where she had bepn
having her eyes treateo oy nr. uu
:ford. She was discharged by that spec
i.unf nhn oatrl fhat. Rn far nB ho was
'iablo to tell she would have no further
trouble with her sight.
Ti-omn tinndlnii tho Kamo brand of
canned goods, coffees and other goods.
There are none better.
rA nthlnp nf Winnlnof. Man-
Itabo, is tho guest of his half brother
T7.,i Piilntt nnrl will remain for somo
timo. The last time the two men met
was in England twenty-threo years ago,
-,a f .on wall ha fm&irined that the
meeting was a most joyous one to both.
n a rtaPnaa nn Inmi rnnrfl solicitor.
who made this city his headquarters a
ear or so ago, was arrested at Ash
land yf sterday on the charge of obtain
ing money under false pretenses, his
victim being a saloon keeper.
Will Institute New Lodge.
W. J. Tiley, deputy organizer for
the Brotherhood of American Yeomen,
a fraternal and insurance order of Des
Moines. Iowa, arrived in town yester
day and will at once solicit members
for a local lodge. This order issues a
combined life wd accident certificate
to both men nd wonjen. Organized in
1897 it now'hW 'anmembership of 135.-
-000 and aset of one and one-half
For Rent
Houses, furnished and unfurnished
rooms, storage room and safe deposit
boxes, Bratt & Goodman.
Tax Collections.
Tho total tax levied in Lincoln county
for thp year 1909 was in round num
bers $237,000. Treasurer Langford in
forms us that up to dato all but $145 of
lint- nmnnnf hna hnon nnllAtnrt Rvnrv
Denny levied against tho residents of
the Second ward has been paid in full.
Wo consider this a wonderful showing
in tax collections: one that certainly re
flects great credit upon Treasurer
Langford, and reflects the general pros
perity of the pcoplo of Lincoln county.
Z Graduate Northwestern University
4 Office ovor McDonald State Bank
Prescription Druggists
First Door N Jrth of
First Ntlonl Hank
Twenty Years Ago.
Twenty years aeo this weok a car
load of donations for tho drought stricken
suuerers ol Lincoln county was received.
'These donations were opened up in a
frame buildintr which Btood where the
building occupied by Ginn and White
now stands. A large portion or tho
donations were cast-off clothing and in
cluded ladles Leghorn hats stripped of
plumes and ilowers, silk hats and Prince
Albert coats for men, old silk petticoats
and other nether garments rich in tex
ture but somewhat ragged, and a lot of
the stuff was taken out by farmers and
used to stuff up cracks in board stables
It was no earthly use for anything
else. Of course some of the goods were
worth the while, but tho greater part
was not appreciated even by a drought
stricken sufferer.
Presbyterian Fair and Supper.
The ladies of the PrcBbyterlan Aid
society will hold their fair and suppor
in the church parlors Thursday, Dec. 1,
There will bo on sale fancy articles,
aprons, canned fruits, homo-made candy
and popcorn. The following menu
will bo served.
Baked Beans Sandwiches
Doughnuts ' ' v Coffeo
Prico 15 cents
Sale and supper wilUjcommenco at
4 p. m. and continuo through .the evening.
eight per cent semi-annual interest in
first class mortgage loans. Nothing
better or safer. Bratt & Goodman.
Railroads Pay Taxes.
The financial condition of Lincoln
county was put on "easy street" for a
time at leust when the Union Pacific
and Burlington railroads last Saturduy
nam tnctr personal taxes lor tho year
1910. The total amount paid by tho
two companies was SG5,058,C6. of which
the Union Pacific paid $53.D39.C3 and
tho Burlington $11,518.93. Thia is. cer
tainly quite a sum of money, and moro
than one-third of it will be distributed
to the school districts to bo used in the
education of children of tho county. It
win tnus oe seen mat railroads are or
crcat benefit to us. notwithstanding
wo may feol that our freight rates are
reauy too nign.
For Sale.
Bratt & Goodman have a few great
ins is alee homes and vacant
lots in different parts of the city.
Don't buy until you sec them.
Boost Co-Operative Store.
A number of railroad employes who
have interested themselves in a stock
company witn tn.i view or opening a
co-operativo grocery store, mot at the
law office of John Grant last evening
and further discussed the proposition.
Tho matter was discussed at length and
it was definitely decided to nroceed
with the solicitation of stock. At least
$6,000 will be needed, and of this amount
more than one-hair has been subscribed.
Several employes have taken stock to
the amount of $500 each, which is the
maximum sum any one person' can so
cure. An option nas been taKen on one
of the rooma in the Goozee building in
which to open the store. Ono of the
loaders in the movement says there s no
question but that it will materialize and
be roady for business within the next
sixty days. Ho further said it was not
the intention to cut prices on coods:
that those taking stock subscribed with
the view of obtaining a good rata of
interest on their investment.
Name Date for Ball.
Elkhorn lodge B. of L. F. and E.
has appointed n committee to make ar
rangements for its twentv-olchth an
nual ball, which will be held on the
evcilng or January 2nd, 1911. This
yearly ovent is ono of tho social func
tions that 1b eagerly looked forward to,
not only by those who delight to dance
but also by those who attend as spectators.
Takes Management of Stock Yards.
John Burke, who has been located in
Denver for a couplo of years as a stock
commission merchant, has roturnod
to North Platte and accepted tho po
sition of manager of the stockyards,
which ho hold prior to going to Den
ver. Ho still retains his Interest in
tho Denver commission firm. His f am
lly will remain in Denver until the close
of tho school year.
Contest Called Off.
Tho boxing contest advertised for
last night was called off by E. W. Mor
gan, lessee of tho opora house. This
action was taken after Morgan had se
cured sufficient evidence to satisfy him'
self that the fight would bo "fako"
and he would not contenanco such an
exhibition. Mr. Morgan announces his
intention of promoting a number of
wrestling- matches and boxing contests
during the winter, but ho proposes to
satisfy himself that each event is not
of tho fake variety. Ho wants tho
public to get the worth of their money.
Cider for minco pies and butter, and
it you want your stomach widdr
Louden'a cider.
A Successful Association.
The amount of tho current loans of
tho local Building and Loan Association
has now passed tho $400,000.00 mark.
This institution has collected in small
amounts from ono dollar upward add
ing about forty per cent profits to
same a sum equal to the valuo of two
miles of solidly built North Platto city
blocks, allowing $3500.00 value to each
lot. Loaning tho samo on not more
than two-thirds valuation. It has aided
tho acquirement of homes to the value
of SI. 400,000.00. It leads a tho asso
ciations of the state in point of econom
ical administration and has had nracti
colly no losses. Tho officers of the
association do not tako any especial
credit for its success, alleging thnt there
nas been simply the use of common
sense business principles in an excellent
ueiu ior co-operative banking.
We are going to double our last year
holiday trade. To do this we are offer
ing tho greater values, the newest goods
and the largest variety ever shown in
worm natte.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
"The Mad Dog Scare,"
A Sleep Walking Cure",
"Unexpected Help".
Veda & Quintavouw, Re
volving Equilibrist, Singing
and Dancing.
10 and 15 Cents.
Suits For Young Men!
,fvrtyA 1910,
Tm HotiMnf KuppcnlKhMf
THERE'S a certain Clothe feel
ing within overy Young Man
that makea him want "The Tiling"
We're showing the Smart, New
Fall Models for Young Men.
There's no radical departure in
stylo of cut this season, but there
are many now fabrics and color
ings and many little "tailor
touches and kinks" that are now
and very artistic.
Tho Two and Three Button
Sacks will be the favorates.
Cheviots, Worsteds and Cas
slrnercs, In a variety of
smdrt new patterns, will be
the materials. Suits at.
$15, $18. $20 9 $2S.
Wo were never better prepared
to give tho Young Man his Ideal
Suit than wo are at present writ
ing, and we're always pleased to
Beautiful lino of New York
Neckwear just received. Nifty
Fall Hats to please and suit
every man.
.A North Plftftn Unmnn ftraHnrl irAufnw-
day while wo were pounding a type
writer. "When I was young," sho
said, "it was either tako un stenoir-
ruphy and typewriting, or got married.
I chose tho latter." ''Did you mako a
WlflO chnlco." wn (nnnlroil Rha !!
her lip, laughed in a half-hearted way
and then said, "well, this is tho sixth
winter I have worn this coat" And
tho woman JoveB good clothes.
ROAD NO. 839.
To all whom It may concern:
j. no commissioner appointed to locate
a road cnmrnnnrlncv at thn minrtn. nan.
tion corner between sections 20 and 27,
T. 11 N., It. 27 W. and running thonco
in a southeasterly, southerly and east
erly direction through tho west half
southwest quarter of section 20, cast
half west half and west half southeast
quarter of section 85, said township
and range, thence through lot 2 and on
line between oast half and west half of
east half, and through southeast quart
er southoast quarter of section 2, T. 10
N., R. 27 W,, thence through north
east quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 11, north half and southeast quart
er of section 12 to a point 2.80 chains
north of tho southeast comer of section
12, T. 10 N R. 27 west, thence south
on lino between sections 12 and 13,
T. 10, R. 27 and sections 7 and 18, T.
10, ft. 20, 29S0G chains. thence
through west half and southwest quart
er southeast quarter of section 18, T.
10, R. 20 to a point on line between
sections 18 and 19, 43.78 chains east of
tho southwest corner of section 18
thenco on lino between sections 18 and"
19 20.87 chains, thence through north
east quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 19, northwest quarter and east
half of section 20, and through north
east quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 29. T. 10 N..
point on lino between sections 28 and
29. terminntlncr there. Snld mnri tn
40 feet wide, except between sections
12 and 13, T. 10, ft. 27 and sections 7
and 18, T. 10 R. 20, whore It is to bo
5Uet,d0 nnd between sections 18
and 19, T. 10, R. 20. whora It U tn ,
C6 feet wide, has reported in favor of
the establishment thereof. All objec
tions thereto, or claims for damage
must be filed in tho ofllca of the county
clerk on or bofore noon on the 80th day
0f.Ja'I1,u.8,ty or such roa(l will be
established without reference tfaweto.
igDated North Platte, Neb., Nov. ,
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.