The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 29, 1910, Image 4

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    Christmas Announcement to
To Early Holiday
Shoppers . .
u -
Our effort this season to please the Christmas shoppers seems to meet
with the approval of the public, as our sales so far this season arcvfar ahead
of last year. Our store is crowded with new and pretty gifts for everybody.
Let us make a few suggestions for you.
Ladies' and Men's Gold Watches,
Diamond Rings $10 and upwards,
Stick Pins,
Cuff Links,
Gold Fobs,
Signet Rings,
Boys' and Girl's Watches,
Diamond Brooches $10 and upwards
All kinds of Set Rings, ,
New Lockets and Chains,
Hat Pins,
Gold Headed Canes,
Samples froM Cel C&dVi Mwe.
Jeweler Dixon placed on exhibition
in his show window this morning snm
Kles of rich ores from Cnmpo Bonito
lines in tho Santa Catalina Mountains
of Arizona, of which company Colonel
V. F. Cody is president. Among tho
samples displayed la one containing free
gold which assays from $550 to $750 per
ton and another containing lead and
silf er running $81.00 per ton and other
containing a very high por centage of
Included in the display is a bracelet
f pure gold nuggets one of which
weighs over two ounces. This bracelet
the Colonel had made at Tucson and
presented it to Mrs. Cody with the pro
per Inscription.
The company has erected a large
stamp mill on the property, and the
mines are beine worked with three
shifts of men. each shift working eight
hours. It is learned that this mining
property is likely to make Colonel Cody
a multi-millionaire, uully for the Col
onel, say wo all.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tout returned
Sunday from their visit in Lincoln.
Cant. Swimrlcv. of the tax denart
Imont of the Union Pacific, was a North
Platte visitor yesterday.
Frank Weincand. foreman of the
coal yards, returned vesterdav from a
visit with iriends in Umatia
Chief Disnatctcr Zentmover returned
today from Omaha, where he had been
transacting business for a lew nays
A number of section foremen of the
Wtmmfnr flttrlalnn irnm In fn?n Rlinilnw
. j I ? J Wllllllf 1.. . .11. V. f.W.U ... W Wt...
Chime Clocks,
Mantel Clocks from $3.00 and Upwards,
Ladies' and Mens' Detachable Handle Umbrellas,
Silver Plated Spoons one-half dozen 90 cents,
Knives and Forks $3 a set and upwards,
Sterling Spoons $2.50 per set and upwards,
Jewel Cases $1 and up Hand Bags $1.50 and up.
And everything in the store marked at very low prices as we are out for'
the Holiday Trade, if a big stock and low prices will do it, we are going to do
the business. Would be pleased to have you drop in and let us show you.
All articles sold engraved free of charge. Anything you may select will
be laid away for you.
and were examined
by the board of
Seo the Philathea Girls at tho Pres
byterian church Thursday, Dec. 1st,
for homo made candy and pop-corn.
During tho absence of Mr. Mohlcr in
Europe, Genl, Supt. Ware is acting
general manager of the Union 1'acmc,
Thouerh seven crews runnlncr west
out or North riatto have been taKen
business on tho U. P. is termed good
by local officials. Tho first of this
month sixteen engines or tno yw class
wero sent from tho Nebraska division
to be used west of this terminal, and as
these aro heavier than the 1600 and
1900 class, heavier train tonnage has
resulted, and this has resulted in fewer
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician
Miss Edith Wendeborn will entertain
the-Jolly Twelve Thursday evening.
Buy your Christmas gifts of the Pres
byterian ladles Thursday evening, Dec.
. Manager Westnhal. of tho Crystal,
returned yesterday from a brief visit
in Omaha.
IP ye want to borrow money on
real estate see Bratt & Goodman,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Elliott have re
turned from a week's visit with their
son Fred and family in Omaha.
'Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson re
turned Sunday from a two weeks visit
with friends in Omaha.
License to wed was granted yesterday
to Win. Mllldyke and Miss Nellie Ilanoy,
both of whom gave Kearney as their
Nothing nicer for a Christmas gift
than a delicate piece of china. Mako
your selection at the Tramp Grocery.
Mrs, C. S, Clinton writes from Grand
Rapids, Mich., that her fnthor died last
Friday, a few days after she reached
his bedside.
Manager Stamp has booked Lillian
Russell for the evening of January 0th.
The play; to be presented will be "In
Search of a Sinner."
Our display of plain and fancy china
la the best shown in the city. Tramp
The record keeper of tho Lady Macca
bees will be at Newton's store tomor
row afternoon at which time dues for
that lodge will bo c6llected.
The ladles' aid of the M. E. church
will meet on Friday afternoon of this
week at the home of Mrs. M, J. Forbes,
in the COO block on West Fourth Btreot.
Mrs. Albert Schatz loft Sunday for a
visit with relatives in Topoka, Kan,,
expecting to bo absent several weeks.
She was accompanied as far as Omaha
by Mr. S:hatz.
Fire huwaice U always the best
when written by
Bratt & GeodmaH,
The last of tho jury cases for this
term of court is being heard today.
Court will be adjourned Saturday until
the latter part of January. Judge
Urlmes will Ieavo aunutiy to now t
tenh of court in Scotts Dlud'a county
A sneclul feature of our stock la tho
opportunity for selection, In all depart
ments we are showing new and ex
ceptional goodsat reasonable prices,
dixon, ine jeweier.
A ten cent social will be elven undor
the auspices of the Altar society of the
uatnouc cuurcn at tno nome or Mrs.
Con Walker Wednesday afternoon. Nov.
SOth. Mrs. Walker will be assisted by
Mesdames McC&be, Basta. Dunn and
Tillion. A nice lunch will be served to
which the public is Invited.
une Tramp urocery carries usineer
of Milwaukee lino of sausages, Thoy
Include Braumnschwelgor stylo Libor-
wunrt. Meitwurat (fine), KnacKwurat.
Imcked Bratwurst, Blutwurst, Butts
. Trent xoung rigs and cervelat (Uoeth-
Rev. J. W. HIIV,' "Presbyterian
minister ntGandy7l8a visitor 1ft" town"
For Rent Furnished rooms with
furnace boat. Inqutreat820 East Gth St,
Visit tho booth of home mado canned
fruits, pickles and jellies at the Pres-J
bytorlan fair Dec.lst.
Harry Bulch has closed his black
smith shon on Locust strcot and this
morning went to Grand Island whore he
will open a shpp.
At tho last meotlntr of the Methodist
aid society It was decided to renew the
former custom of donating $25 por year
for the running expenses or tno
Y. M. O. A.
Onlv eleven tickets to the consecra
tlon ot Bishop Beecher wore allotted to
JNortn rtatte people, put a tetter re
ceived yesterday stated that all North
Platte popplo who presented themseiyi
at tho north door of the cathedral b
fora 0:40 Wednesday would be given
Choice Poland China sprlntr males, the
heavy boned kind, also cholco Plymouth
itQCtc uocKorois. I'riccs reasonable.
Valley View Stock Farm, B. G. Sowle,
nrop., maxwell, Near.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason returned
home Sunday after a ten-weeks pleas
ure trip spent at Ames, lowo, with
their daughter Nlria and with their son
Rob at Aurora, They also visited in
Chicago and Dea Moines, Mac says he
had such a pleasant time he really re
gretted to return homo.
Wanted Young woman botween tho
age of twenty-ono and thirty to enter
training school for nurses: addrcBS sut-
erlntenuent, Physicians and surgeon
Hospital, North Platto, Nebr.
C. F. Swift, of Peckham precinct.
who Is a iuror at this term of court
visited The Tribune olllce yesterday for
avu 1 . j 1
I II w
Carapaiga Expeme.
Tho treasurers of tho democratic nnd
republican county committees filed
with the county clerk yesterday their
receipts and disbursements during tho
last political campaign.
Tha rptnlntn of the democrats were
$174, of which amount $24 was contrib
uted by the state committee, ?90 was
received from the city saloon keepers
$15 from each and the remainder was
T ..... i - r tJI. I- All
coniriDUieu Dy a lew inumuuuis. n
the money received was disbursed.
The republican committee received
$196.20, this sum coming from twenty-
four contributors, riot a cent was re
ceived from the state committee.
The receipts were a little less than the
disbursements, the unpaid bills being
listed. This deucit win do mauo up
by members of the party.
Improved Tram' Service te CBcaf e.
Six trains daily in each direction be-.
tween North Platte. Lexington and
Chicairo. via tho Chicago, Union Pa
cific and Northwestern lino including
Buperbly electric lighted Denver spec-
tai wnicn leaves XNorw riaue at u;ou
every evening, reaching Chicago at
1:30 p. m. the next day.
A nnlid throucrh tram with conven
ient Schedules and all travel conven
ience.). Full information on application
to tho Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R.
Just received a carload of Onions and
Cabbage which we will sell as follows:
Cabbage at $2.25 per 100 pounds,
onions $1.40 per bushel. See us for
prices on 10 and 20 bushel lobs. LOUDEN,
North Locust street
The best bargains ever offered In 640
acre improved farm ranch near the
White liorsn Creek. It consists of an
8 room house, water piped in house,
grove, sheds, barn, cows, teams,
wagons, (buggy, harness, implements,
over four miles offence, corn. hay. All
goes, uiose to koou school, unly $iz.uu
por acre, l'art long lime. If you want
something worth the money, buy this.
must do sola quicK.
The ElkB mot last evening and
balloted unon a dozen amplications for
membership. Initiatory services will
bo held two weeks from last night,
when there will bo a class of twenty or
Mrs. Georgo Harvey and children
returned to Sidney last night after
visiting Mr. Harvey for a fow days.
mo mtter nas been worKing at the
Ritner marblo yards for a couple of
Tho woman's auxiliary of the Y. M.
C. A. will meet at tho rooms Wednes
day afternoon at three o'clock. A full
representation of members is desired.
W. C. Ritner, of this city, will !open
a branch marblo yard at Scotts Bluffs
and will probably place George Harvey
in charge.
The bulk of tho hogs In South Omaha
yesterday sold nt $6.98, a ten cent ad
vance over Saturday's prices.
Serial No. 019U-021&1.
dkpaktment' ov thb intdrior.
United States Land omce. .
At North Platte, Nebraska, Nor. 0. 1910.
Notlco Is horeby given that George
H.BcliafTor, ot Myrtle. Nobraska. who. on
Nov. 23rd. 1003. mado homestead, entry No.
1077V. SorlalNo. 01912. for tho southeast Quar
ter, and on July 16th. 1V0I. mado II. K.
No, zwb Bcriai jno. uuisj, ior iuo cast nan
ot tho southwest quarter, and lots ft and 7,
all tn Section 6. Township IS, N Itanjro 29 W..
ot tho 0tu Principal Meridian, has filed
notlco or intention to maico unai nvo year
Sroof. to CHtabllsh claim to tho land above
escribed, before tho register and receiver
at North Platte, Nebraska! on tho 23d day
of Jan. 191L
Claimant namos as rltnesesi Arthur R.
Tpdonhott, of Tryon, Nob.: Casper F. Slvlts.
of North Plat'O. Neb.: Eucono Ardory, of
Gandy, Nob. and It. E. Loudon ot North
nttMl J. E- Evxns. Resistor.
Tho State ot Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss
In tho County Court.
In tho matter ot tho estate of Ray D.
Raynor, Doceased,
To the creditors of said estate)
You aro horeby notified that I will sot at
tho county court room In North Platte In
said county, on 20th dayot December. 1010, at
I" o'clock, a- m , and on tho Stlth day of June,
1911, at 0 o'clock a m., to rccclro and examine-
all claims asalnat said estate, with a viow
to their adjustment and allowance; The tlmo
limited for tho presentation ot claims against
said estate Is 8 months from tho 26th day of
December A. I). 1810, and tho tlmo limited
for payment ot dobts Is ono year from said
20th day of December, 1010.
This notlco to bo published eight success
ive Issues In tho North Platte Semi-Weekly
Trlbuno. prior to December 28th, 1010.
Witness my hand and tho seal of said
county court, this 28th day of November, 1010.
W. O. Elder, County Judge.
Mrs. Ray Jtnynac will .soon leave
an extended visit with
We do all klnds'of Cleaning, pressing,
dvelncr nnd repairing for ladies' and
gents. Wo call and deliver the goods
Wo have genuine new attractions4 for A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
her parents in
The Beam brothers exnect to obon
thpir billiard hall in theGoozeo building
tne enny pare oi next wcck.
Dr. T, J. Kerr returned vesterdav
t e- 1 . i, , l . . '.
irom umuna wnere nu nau ocen trans
acting business for seveial days.
Christmas and we want you to know it.
dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Georgo A. Wulkor, now resident "of
Denver, has been in town for a coudIo
oi days transacting pusincss.
Miss Whlttakor will contlnuo to closo
out her entire stock of trimmed and un
trimmed hatn at vory low prices.
Barb wire at $3.00 pr 100 lbs. at Her
W.J. Crusen left yostorday for St.
Cloud, Florida, whore ho will invest
igate real estato conditions and may
conclude to invest.
For Sale Same cholco Poland China
Boars, also somo Red Polled BulU.
Payno's Dilry Farm, ono half mile south
or worth riatto.
Ed Coker and A. B. Yntes. of Suth
erland, wore in town ye; 'erday making
nnat settlement in tno estates of tn
late Mrs. Yates and Mrs. Conway.
Tho Jeffries- Johnson nrizo flcht pic
tures will bo exhibited at the Keith
Wednesday nnd Thursday evenings of
this week. There aro six reels of the
pictures, and they are said to bo very
Btoady anu clear.
Miss Jessie Blankenburg will organ
ize classes in China nalntincr. Those
interested may call at 102 West Cth St.
Also a lino of hund nainted china and
othor hand decorated Christmas gifts
for oalo, and orders taken.
223 E. 6th St. Phone 182.
r. VanDerhoof
of The Star says:
He has in stock and will put on sale for .Christmas
trade the' greatest and most beautiful line of Grips,
Bags and Suit Cases ever sjiovntryest; pj Qnmha.
The public is cordially invite41o , call antf. inspect
them at
The Star Clothing House.
tho purpose of helping "irrcase the
wheels.'' Mr. Swlftsald his corn this
year would runabout thirty-five bushola
to tho acre, wniio mis is tar ueiow the
avoraire crop, ho la thankful that it is
not less. Ho hns ono hundred head of
hogs about ready for market.
If ypu select your holiday gifts early
you have tho advantage of host selec
tions at lowest pricos, Goods selected
now Will bo held untill Christmas.
Dixon, Tub Jewemsu.
SIgcl Melton, who hua been raising
horses and cattle In Willow precinctfor
twcnty-eicht years past, nas boon ser
ving on tho district court jury for tho
mist ten days. In a call on Tho Trl
buno yesterday he Bald he intended
closing out his cattle and raise horses
exclusively. Ho now has 100 head of
well bred horses and will incroaso the
herd. There is less work and moro
money In raising horses than cattle.
To friends and neighbors, to mem
bers of the Royal Neighbors, and
Knlehts or uoiumbus and uoiiormaK
ers, thanks are extended most sincerely
for the assistance so kindly given dur
ing the illness and following the death
of the late Mrs. Thomas Yonda and for
the beautiful floral tributes.
Thos. Yonda and Reiatives,
Fer Sale.
A few young jacks from 14
quire of R. L, Douglas,
hands hi
to 161
three to six years out. in
207 east utn
O. II. Thoolocke reports the sale of
tho northeoat nunrter and lots 4 and 5
of section 16-14-31 to W. E. Chanoy of
Nuckolls county for $6,000. This land
lies northwest of town and is known as
tho Walkor tree claim.
Medical Staff:
Dr. D. T. Quigley. Dr. G. B. Dent.
Dr. V, Lucas.
A general hospital for alt acuto and
chronic cases medical, surgical
and obstremc. Open to the medi
cal profession- For further infor
mation address,
ou economical women who buy Coirsets for a dollar
or two
Don't you know that's
Let us tell you about a
false economy?
REAL bargain.
When front laced corsets were first placed on the market at
$25 they were purchased only by the millionaire class. Later
when the $15 corset made its appearance women sought them
because, even though considered a luxury, they were recog
nized as the one corset that combined style and healthful
comfort. Then when the $12, $8 and $5 Gossard was. offered
many women eagerly accepted the opportunity to secure the
corset that until then had seemed beyond their reach.
NOW, when you can get true Gossard principals of corsetry, with the distinctive features of the
Gossard front lacing, the habit back' and the hygienic comfort combined, and the same beautiful lines
for which formerly $25 was cheerfully paid for only $3.50 doesn't it seem absurd to even think of
another make?
Suppose you HAVE felt that $2 was your limit to pay for a corset. Be honest Has it been
satisfactory? Has it kept the lines that looked good to you when you bought it? . Has it worn well?
Has it been comfortable? Was it fitted by an expert corset fitter whose experience proved of valued
aid in knowing the particular model for your style of figure? Havent you sometimes wondered why
some women had such perfect poise, could stoop and exercise without having a steel break and dig into
them, why their clothes fitted so well, especially why their backs looked so good? Didn't it ever dawn on
you that it is the Gossard that does all this and more?
A Gossard at $3.50 is true economy, but it's not cheap in the true senso of the word, for there
is nothing tawdry about it The matorials are the best there are on the market for the money.
The model illustrated conforms to the present styles and the workmanship shows the Gossard
precision of details nnd accuracy of boning. Boned with Electric boning, which is as strong as steel, yet
more pliable than whalebone.
Here is an opportunity waiting for you. Be fitted by one of our experienced corsetieres who is
acquainted with every detail of corset fitting from a fashionable and hygienic standpoint The same
courteous attention given to the $3.50 fitting as to a $25 one. Other models from $5 to $25. Come
and see for yourself.
Wilcox Department Store,
itr i m xt 1 1
worm naue, neorasKa
niil riiv
mgrj style.