The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 29, 1910, Image 1

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The district court jury reported t for
crciviuc juitruBy na ins gnna oi jui
caaea has been resumed.
Tho remains of Alexander A. Buck
worth were disinterred from the North
Platte cemetery Friday and shipped to
Lincoln Friday night
Tho County Commissioners will meet
in session on Monday of next week for
the purpose of considering road matters
and such other business as may como
before them.
The statement made in these columns
a week ago that thd case of the state
against Guy Pitt had been dismissed
was an error. The case stands on the
docket and may bo tried at a future
Derryberry & Forbes have a novel
ad in his Isbuo. It refers to a full page
in this week's issuo of the Saturday
Evening Post, and to thoir window
display, thoir window, their ad and tho
Saturday Evening Post being all alike.
Mr. nnil Urn. W n Vin.m
- aw I . . w. i.UkVHMI. IIWIU
returned from Bridgeport, where they
were cauea to auena tne funeral of Mrs.
Burch, a sister of Mr. Hutchons. The
funeral was held in the Presbyterian
church at that place, conducted by Rev.
Mr. Burk, and the body laid to rest in
the Bridgeport cemetery.
Ralph R. Longley. of Lincoln, urosl-
dent of the Standard Land Co., spent
yeflieraay in town mis is tne com
pany that is handling tho Rio Grande
Valley lands in Texas In which a num
ber of Lincoln county men are becoming
interested. Claude Veingand is the
.local agent for the company.
Among thoso who expect td go to
Omaha tonight to attend tho consecra
tion of Rev. Geo. A; Beecher to the
bishopric are Rov. Cnapman, Mrs. D.
C. Congdon, T. C. Patterson, Arthur
McNamara, Major Walker, F. E.
Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cunning
ham, F. W. Rincker, P. J. Gilman,
Arthur Bullard and Milledgo Bullard.
Wanted Place aa housekeeper for
Widower or batchelor. Address G. W.
Kinsman, Box 17, Somerset, Neb.
Col. Dave Love, Will Cokor and J. H.
Stevens, of Sutherland, were In town
Saturday and made The Tribune a call.
Like all other Sutherland residents,
these men are boosters for their 'own,
and evidently their boosting, has Ha .ef
fector during this year the permanent
improvements made nt Sutherland ag
regate between $50,000 and $75,000.
And tho future of Su therland promises
even better and greater things.
You will be glad to know that you
can get a fine quality light weight hoso
that will give the servico of heavy ones.
Armor Plate Hosiey is known as the
long life hosiery of the age. Sold by
Small; The Big Shoeman.
It would not be out of place for the
people of North Platto to show the high
school foot ball team some recognition.
To go through the season without a de
feat is certainly meritorious work, and
especially are they to bo complimented
for defeating a team bo strong as that
of York. Undoubtly the North Platto
team is tho strongest high school team
outside of Omaha and Lincoln and per
haps is as Btrong as either of . those. It
is worth something to a town to have a
winning ball team.
Mr. nnrl'Mr) n.KR.I tTii'BVAaW lrtTW .
J. (2. FivferhrmfreiH-juitAi-tafn 1.1.. trw
mori Cub a.t. , hoe.lday eventi
The 500 Club will'bS enterUlhedthtk
Mrs. H. S. White at the home of 4ihe
former. ' 1 "' '
Tho Indian Card Club will bo enter
tained Wednesday afternoon by Miss
Geraldino Baro, assisted by Mrs. Victor
VonGnntz. Minn irmn Pltnfnn nnrl Mien
Kate Seyferth4
Twenty-oight members of tho J. T.
Club Wftra (Inllcrhtfullv nntnrlnlnt TiVI.
day ovening by Mr. and Mrs. John
Murray. High flvo was tho entertain
ing lcature. tho prizes for good playing
going to Mr. and Mrs. Scobcrger, and
tho consolation emblems to Mrs. John
Herrod and E. A. Garlisch. Enjoyablo
refreshment vvern norvrirl nr thn tna
of tho games.
Onn nf thn mnnf. nni'nvaliln rllnnnv
larties Thursday was tho one Berved
iwessrs. mcuovern, HturEes and
Fristo, who are occupying a very at-
trnctlvnlv fiimrahnrihrinaAnn TOnafTklnl
..M.w...v...WMWW V. A U
BLrGOL. 1 tin frnnnrji wnra n na.AmalAaa
i i . w
wanderers" prominentyoung men of tho
tuy, uuu uw iwo lurKeyB, as wen as
the viands of the ladcncd board, were
cooked nnd served by tho hosts, who
were highly complimented for the pro
nounced success of the dinner.
Charley Llerk leaves tonight for
umana, where ho will have a cataract
removed from his loft eye. Following
tho onnrntlnn tin will rrn fn HV.nloln
Springs for a stay of a couple of weeks.
Tho cash rlrnwnr In thn TT P finlf
office at Sidney was robbed of $71 a few
nights ago. A typewriter belonging to
the telephone pperator waa also toted
from tho office.
Frank Hutch, vahn rAfnntlf mnvoit'tn
Willow Springs, Mo., cannot withstand
mo cauoi. mo ucKer. " ue win soon re
turn and resume his former position in
the telecrrnnh nfUnn VI r a Hut.!, ntlll
main with her parents in Missouri dur
ing me winter.
The lottnr from Anier.. Mnn
published in these columns last Friday
was received with pleasure by tho peo
ple of North Platte. That the Union
Pacific is to expend a hundred or more
thousand dollars in terminal improvo
mentsJu.North Platte next spring and
summer not only meanfc the employ
ment of many mechanics and laborers,
but is further evidence that tho com
pany has no intention of ever removing
its division terminal from North Platte.
The completion of tho now yards
also means the discontinuance of
switching in tho center of the town and
consequently less blocking of crossings,
which in the past has been no little an
noyance to the people of tho city as
well as tho farmers who como into
town from tho north.
School hnsinrv wllhnur thn
J w. w uuu U
darning troubles. Armour Plato Stock
ings are jdeol" for the youngstors bo
cauBe they stand the wear. You would
materially reduce your hosiery expense-
ii you wuum let wjem wear no other
kind. Small,
The Big Shoeman.
Wanted To Boll Idfl linnrl nf anl
hogB. L. E. Ebright, two miles west of
experimental Farm.
S i T -lrr- .i-i . J
jff.frpra Rf,pw daya visit; In Lincokf.,
Miss Orilla Gilman Idrt f6r Hhicbte.
this morning where she will ylsitJErleidl
Wflfi TllnnrVin'V
bee's spendyeral-' daVa -pak.wltlC.;
friends In towns 1
Richmond Birgowlll go to Omaha to
night whero he will frahbac'bAiBipiss;
fnr n fow ilnvo " ' " 1 V
Mm. P. .T. nilmnn wnnl in Cm
this morn in F wnnrn nhn will nttonri thn
consecration services.
Miss Alien Wilcox nnpnt Sntnrrlnv
and Sunday as tho guest of tho Misses
Brown in Kearney.
Mlsa Maud Rnrcrner. whn hnrl lmnn
trimming in a Kcarnoy millinory Btoro
this season, returned homo Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Rtrnnn nrrlvnrl mm
Omaha venunlav mnrnlnir nnd will
spend this week with friends in town.
J. II. Cunningham left yesterday for
California where he will make an ox
tended visit with relatives in that state.
Mrs. Annie Simpson left tho latter
part of the week tor Sheridan, Wyo.,
where sho expects to locate perman
ently. Miss Bessie Connelly, of Denver, ar
rived in town Friday for a visit with her
brother Norman and other relatives in
Mr. nnrl Mm. T. fi. Pnttoronn snrl
daughter . Edith returned yesterday
morning from their visit in Lincoln
and Omaha.
Mrs. J. T. Stuart, who hnnn In TW
Moines for savernl woMcn whnrn nhn
was called by tho illiness of hei son
ttranK, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Thna. Rurnnv nft thn lntlor
nnrk nf lnnf waalr fnr a vlatf wild Untt
sister at Wood River. She also attended
the jjady Maccnbeo convention at Grand
T..1 TT t 1 1 11 1 . . J.
cAi YYuriunu, accompaniea Dy niB wne.
arrived from Chovonnn Frlrlnw. unil hno
taken a position in Rebhausen's barber
shop. A number of years ago Wor
land worked In the SIzomoro shop.
C. T. Wholan left Sunday night for
Waddlngtoh, Now York, expecting to
bo absent eoveral wetkn. Hn irnnn fn
visit his mothsr and to look after real'
estate interests ho owns In that state.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Smith arrived
from Denver a short time ago and will
make North Platto their home. For a
number of years Mr. Smith wns em
ployed as section foreman at HQr8hey,
going from there to Cheyenne Wells
and later to Denver.
Three cars of cattle In an outgoing
freicrht train warn dnrnilnrl In thn cont
end of tho yards Saturday. Tho train
was pulling out on the main track when
tho switch in some unknown manner
was thrown and three cars went off tho
track and tilowed nvnr the tlen fnr unmo
distance and then crossed to tho next
track. When the train was stopped two
cars were on tho adloining track and
the third crosswava between thn twn.
The ties wore creatlv damatred and the
rail torn Ioosnhllt thn earn wnrn Intnrnrl
only slightly. Sevoral hours were oc
cupied in clearing away the wreckage.
V NS We are Erjckrbi I i n$ VV
showing an extraordinary assortment of
Robeson "Shur-Edge" Pocket Knives.
Th'is is the most interesting Cutlery display ever made
in this vicinity.
It includes fifteen new and exclusive patterns designed
especially for this exhibit.
You're sure to find the knife that just suits your fancy
for personal use, or
to Give
Derryberry rr & Forbes,
1 'JIM oi mtto
artsttijn me11. It ieii
checks wnitipif6tBcuca''
pleads, JfnyoqlxX) slimy
you s1ioul&,mteiv2ak
stripes. These,- dre
. . . i,ul5f. 1 iSVUtC k
points lywct are not ap
predated. mWeragi
purchaser of clothes. C
Whi first thought dfz
gmelotluers is to get
a jnan's money regard?"
less of how he looks
tlieyjVclothes he huys
sell you clothes wluch?
arc becoming to your',
individual 'makcup."
Take our "MILLER
for vouna chtrns. Thev
were designed and built to emphasize the slender, graceful lines of youth.
Don't get the impression that these clothes are too youncj-lookina for older meri. t
because thev are not. Hundred
"wiiifcoa uuu fji j uvtaruiuf iiwii iiuvv
youthful physiques. "Miller-Made" Clothes arc tailored for all physiques. - '
Why not investigate "Miller-Made" Clothes and satisfy yourself that . wei
are correct in our argument? , 4
I I -I- M" l t I
Joe Piercy Elected Legislator.
Word received in town recently an
nounced tho election of Joe Piorcy as a
member of thn Nnvnrln lnrridnt..
Joe will bo remembered as the eldest
spn of J. C. Piercy, former weather
observer at tho local station. For sev
eral years ho haB resided at Tonapah,
Nevada. FriendB In town will be glad
to learn of Joe's political success.
Hand Mashed,
Wm. Gaunt, living northwest of
town had two fingers on his right hand
crushed in a corn shreder Friday oven
.The fingers woro so badly mashed
that it was necessary to amputate tho
index finger. Ho got up on a pile of
fodder in order to reach a part of the
machino, when his foot sank into tho
fodder nnd hln nntof i-ntolml . i,nn,i ru
botweon two cog wheels.
Cases Accumulating.
Deputy 'Clerk Prosser says quite a
number of cases aro accumulating for
the term of federal court which will
convene In this city next June. A
moncr the niimhoi-
1 I vituu UilJJUi lillb
replevin cases; seven Garden county
cattlemen churged with attempting to
drive settlers from thoirhomostendfl, and
vyjiu iiuvu ueen piaceu under S10.000
bondseach: and thrnn mnn oV,...i
with selling liquor without government
Several Nnrfh Plnff mnn
- . v itibti vein
plafe making a trip to Texas in the
near iuturo to look over land propo
sitions. Amoner tho numhnr nm At
torneys Roach nnd MnMnnn orwl r A
.o. i ioim iit-iiL-Ku. uving west of
town, has bnnn RiiiTnWnrr
sovere attack of rheumatism.
Elk's Memorial Service.
Tho annual memorial service of tho
local odge of B. P. O. Elks will be
held at tho Odd Fellows' hall noxt Sun
day afternoon at three o'clock, that
being the day observed for that purpose
by tho Elk lodge. The program will
Include solections by the Stamp orches
tra, an address by Rov. Mr. Chapman,
of tho Episcopal church, tho ritualistic
servico of tho order and two selections
by tho Elk's male chorus. All mem
bers and their ladles are invited to at
tend this servico.
Robs MuIJooa't Safe.
Tho safe In tho law office of Albort
Muldoonwas robed of twelve dollars
Thursday night Tho thief unlocked tho
door to the office nnd finding the safe
unlocked hypotoecated tho monoy which
had been placed in an envelope but not
locked In n drawer. Tho thief pried
open one of the locked drawers and
carried off tho contents, which were
howovor, of little value. A number of
burned matches lay on the floor, those
furnishing tho light for the thief's op
erations. No cluo to the thief has been
Messrs. Beolor, Refior and Llles, of
Nichols prcdnt, returned the lntter
part of last weok from their trip to the
Rio Gaando valley In Toxns.' Wo
understand thoy woro woll pleased
wltli that Bectlon and may conclude t6
InvcHt In land.
, Applications for loans .from tho
building and loan association .keep Up
woll, a total of about nine thousand
dollaas having been granted by the
board of directors at the' meetingo held
Saturday ovening. ,
F. A. Stroup, tho hustling1 Salesman
for tho Payne Investment Co., bpent
yesterday In town,
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
1 1
i. 'I.I! t"l
uuu ill; JLIfi.rUdli AKYvi r
Capital and Surplus $U0M9lt
"I'l r"M 1 '
., I n ,l(oi I. .1 hf.'H'l
til..'!' OI
, . ,1
E. F. SEEBERflEUi Vlcc-PreslJeBt,
M.. KEITH NEVILLE Vice-Presludnf,?
. F. L, M00NEY, Cashier.
1, ji'io'-v '.
Our LUt ef BargaiHi is pty freperty.
Two small Iioubcs on ono lot'': elltuafe
on E. 6th St., only 4 blqckBotit.,lhou8o
brings lO.OO'l'eht'ahd ' the' othr"ono
$11.00. Pricb.2,a00i00. Yoif'flure thS
investmpnt. .
Four room'hbaBo.wHli.two pice lotsi
te:.8h6dPrJr8J2f?tP ln I?onnIston?M
Addition. Only 7 blocks out. $2,000.00
Will take, imtradd ,a ftdod team of iriHres
or a fow cows.
Now 5 room modern house on E. Btli
St., every ..respect except
heat. 'Nlcd gantry, 2 closets and china
closet. 1$ lots. Pr1ce$2;feo7oq. Letua
shbw y6u this as it wotif last long. t
SECOND WARD. house with pantry and bilth
room.. Good barn, chicken honsn nnri'
chlokon.yardv. Nica boutheat- chrnnW
pc in miners Addition . w th s dewalk
iL' Only 8bIofcks but. Price S2:ioffoo.'
St:, with al
Pri'co ?3,200.
iTiuno wahd; '.'hi " "i
Proom, cementblock house, stripped,-
lathed . and plastered Two cIosets.,
Good cellar. Cement walksIn frortfandd
around houBo. Frame, barn ,1 Gx24i , feat.
WUsh houso (comorifblock) ,Wxg4rffft.i
City water in house knd yard. JflouBei)
Wired forolectrlc lights. Connected with
sewor, located .on, East 9th St., tB.Xm. ,
If soj.d at once. .' I' ' d
0 roomfraBiohoaee. Barn forehead"
of horses and hay loft thatihelds;1 T; 1
df hay. Electric lights antf pltyr.water
In lioGse. Nicp awn, trees,, .aideWallcv,
andfcurb In' front, $2fQ0Qf00, Sfja usv,
ulcK. 1 , ,, ,
P rootn houBe. nice lot with trees and
lawn. Cortnlnly a bargain ut $1400.00 .
Located on Wpflt 8th St. "
6 rqgm houso, trees, barnd chicken
house, .and yard. Located on East 9th ",
St., $1,400.00. : 51 .d
B room house, wash house and cellar,
stable, shdds etoj 2 full CO ' foot lots.
All fenced. Nice largo shade 'trees' and '
S?Y.?rJ?U Eilt trs,. Certainly a bargain
at $1,900.00. .,
All tho above properties can bo pur- .
chased on easy terms. ' "
Call and see Ua or mako an appblnt-j u
ment, vhen wd will call and see you A
a,nd bo glad to show you tho property, . vj
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
C, H, Temple, Mgr.
Auction of School I.anrl;
Notice is heroby giVeh that on 'the ,
19th day of December. 1910. i-at rinV
omco In Unpnln inlm -. ih- nltniniftd , 1
Bionorvf Public kands anU UuildlMirS, ' '
orilila nvifhorized rtpresoiitaiYe; ' fwilr "
ofTepfpr .Iqns.o at, public auctjori''&il;!f,
tdupatjpnal lands' jn said county f. which"'
havo been declared .forfeltod'ifor,rioh-' 1
paymQnt of rental or interestaaifolldlvs:' l
Brlttihghanl, .. ,iUV,n .
rmYflK"9PorJ.Vr AnnavAiI'attwU ii'.-:
nJ ' , . j 111 . ,.i,,.l
P. Willie 4 "',!"
section 30-10-29 F.
Tlated Nov. 21, 1910
10. Tt. flnWI.l'O Pnmmlo.ini... C TT..
lie lands and Buildings.