For the Winter MADE HIS APOLOGY AMPLE is ill XJC uuu For AU That By REV. F. FINCHER Tutor Second Protbrterlan Church Houiton, Texaa Text. Thun did God render tho wick edneno of Ablmoleck and all the cvlt of men of Encliem did God render upon their head. Judges 9:GS. 69, Our text roads, "ThUB did God ren der the wickedness ot Ablmolock nnd all tho ovll or tho men ot Shochcm did Qod rondcr upon tholr hcodB." "Tho mllla of tho gods grind alow hut thoy crlnd exceedingly amall," Hlntory keeps on ropcatlntr this truth Hack of all tho myotcry of human dcedo 1b tho ruling of n mighty hand. Ablmoleck learned this to his sorrow Ho had gained his throno by inurdor and ruled with hands dyed In blood. But evil hunts for tho wicked to over throw him. Ono of his own number .conspired for his ruin and tho story of his fall by a stono hurled from a woman's hand 1b graphically told In thin chapter. Qur text merely glvos tho reason why: "God will bo God for all that," Is hero sounded forth In wordB that can not die. Lot tin learn first that God rules over all and no wrong shall ovor go unpunished. All doallnga with men havo nlso tholr deal with God. Thoro arc throo parties to every transaction, God.'mysolf and my brothor man and nono can bo loft out. In wronging my brotllor I wrong God and the wrong shall not go unrequited. History re ports thin story over and over. "Do suro your sin will find you out." Ablmolock was no oxcoptlon. Tho blood of hts seventy brethren was cry ing out for vengeance HIa fall was Inevitable. This truth necd3 added emphasis today. Many aro amassing wealth by means foul or fair, regard less of law clthor that of man or God. Hut thoro shrill surely como a day ot reckoning, not only from mon, but God Himself shnll set right every wrong. Vengeanco may bo slow, but It Is nev ertheless suro. Tho crlmo of murder Is fast on the Increase. Statistics show that a largo per cent ot tho guilty go frco. But thero Is yot a storner Judge from whoso law no guilty ono shall ob capo. Then again our text shows how mon reap what thoy sow. Ablmoleck had gained his throno by murdering all who stood In his way and now ho falls by a murdorer'a hnnd. "He that sows to tho wind shall reap tho whirlwind." A life of sin must end In a Hfo of shame. A man's conduct always cotnos back to him. Jacob decolvcd his fath er and in his old ago ho reaps tho sor row of deceit and falsehood at tho hands of lis eleven sons. Tho man who swindles to mako his fortune will most surely reap loss and ruin at tho swindler's hand. Noto also that God carries on His purpoBO despite the sin ot thoso en trusted with povor. God will still bo God after all, nnd Ho is the last one with whom we must reckon. Wo shall not be able to foil His purposo nor thwart His plan. Our resistance shall only bocomo our ruin. Ablmolech found It so. Might could not ranko right and error shall not stand. That man or nation that persists In wrong doing God shall sot aside nnd It Bhnll fnll. Wo cnll ours" n groat nation and It is, but wo have some grlovous sins laid to our charge. Our clylllzatlon Is fast leaving God out and has Httlo' ro gard for His eternal law. Wo often weigh with a false weight and sell with a false measuro. Right Is often changed to suit tho occasion whllo men In high places set up false stand ards. Lot us bo sure that all this graft and greed and wrong shall becomo our undoing for wo nre dealing with God as woll aa with man. If wo continue to resist nnd break His law Ho shall causo tho destroyer to rlso up In our midst, and though wo fall His pur poso shall go evenly on. Then, again. I think this text clear ly teaches that God will most surely caro for Ills own. Thoso who trust Him slall never-bo forsaken. In tho end our causo shall triumph bocauso It Is God's causo. Not so much It Is becauso God Is on our side, but rather becnuso wo aro on the side that God upholds and makes to triumph. Ho will caro for us though all clso shall fall. Though, llko Elijah, wo seem all alone, God's tender care shall' bo our constant stay. While we trust and obey Him tho cruso of oil Bhall not fall nor shall tho brend bo exhausted. Ho shall ever keep us In tho hollow of His hand. jvy " Church Attendance. Tho best preparation fOV Hfo any voung man enn have who, from col lege or high school, or otherwise, en tors tho wider arena of tho world's life Is a church-going habit. Such a habit Is a steadying forco In tho young man's Hfo, nnd brings him periodically Into contact with tho uplifting forces and sweeter Influences, dlsBomlnntod through tho church, which go to mako oxlstonco intellectually lntelllglblo and morally worth whllo. Fow young mon will go uttorly to tho bad who keop up tho church-going habit. Congregation nllst. Worlds to Conquer. Let ub not bo satisfied with tho pet ty Httlo provinces of pleasure and sin. Let us not spend our tlmo dreaming of better things outside, but let us by alth act on noblo principles and live for highest Ideals. This Is tho vic tory that ovorcomoth tho world, oven pur faith. Bishop F. S. Spalding, Salt Lake City. HANDSOME long coat of pluBh or fur, finished with thnwl collar and deep cuffs of fur, leaves nothing to bo desired from tho point of stylo or comfort. It Is surmounted by a round turban of satin with a velvet coronot, on which n Persian band, cmbroldorcd with gold cord and studded with mock Jewels, Is mounted about tho crown and across tho brim. When tho lat ter shows an Indentation ovor tho loft eyo a stiff algrotto Is placed. Theso turbffns sot down over tho head and aro worn at a dashing nnd somo times a Httlo rakish angle, by tho moro youthful devotees of fashion. Equally full of stylo, moro ndapta bio to Individual wearora and tho per fection of comfort and convenience, Is to bo found In tho soft velvet hats FANCY BLOUSE. Worn with ,a sorgo or cloth skirt of tho samo color this blouse would look very woll. It has n yoko of silk and laco ornamented with fancy buttons and loops of cord; tho velvetcon la arranged In flat pleats that aro carried from yoko to waist; tho sleeve to be low elbow Is of velveteen with cuff of Blllc, tho un'Jor-aloovos of laco to match tho yoke. Materials required; yards velve teen 24 Inches wide, yard silk, yard laco. Suede and Steel. A gray suodo bag shaped llko a flour-do-llH is most attractive In Us uulquo cut. Its mounting Is steel, plain in design, which does not inter fero with tho outlines of tho bag, and tho, bending differs from that usually seen In that it lo dono with largo In stead of small beads. Thoy measuro about an eighth of an Inch in diameter and nro of lino cut steel. Thoy nro used to bring out a pattorn on tho bag and also to outline Its edges, and at tho samo tlmo to bow tho two sides ot tho bag together. Life of Underskirts. When making or buying a pott! con t, have it two Inches longer than tho re quired length. Put in a one-Inch tuck above the horn, which takes up tfrq two Inches. When tho bottom ruffle or the bora of tho skirt wears, let down too tuck. cut off tho rufflo or hem and hom up and you will have a nice clean skirt' again, aa tho bottom always vearxi first. and turbans (which might as proporly bo called hoods) and can only bo ac curately nnmcd ns turban-hoods. Thoy aro not mndo over a frnmo but nro supported by an Interlining ot some Bort, warm and soft. Thoy aro lined with silk and worn far down on tho head. A Httlo fringe of curls about tho forehead and neck Is nbout all Iho hair that Is vlslblo with them. A soft hat nnd muff of beaver cloth In mustard color, trimmed with dark brown fox fur, Is shown In tho sec ond figure Tho fur Is bordered with old gold laco and tho turban flnishod with two standing plumes In brown and green. This sot is from tha atolter ot tho renowned Carllcr of Paris. By such clever effects tho French rightly earn and keep tholr prestige. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. BLUE AND BROWN ARE SMART These Are the Year's Popular Colors, the Latter Especially In Its Darker Shades. ' Certain colors never go out ot fash ion and others aro doomed to a short Hfo by tho very quality that makes them popular. Navy bluo Is ono ot tho colors whoso popularity never scorns to Uuctuato from season to season, probably becauso It Is so universally becoming. Tho browns nro moro vari able, but this year thoy aro consid ered extromoly smnrt, especially in tholr darker shades Kafflr, nutmeg, seal and walnut. In fact, all tho new colors aro per ceptibly darker., Black 1b tho smart est color ot tho season, but Its effect Is far from being sober or somber, becauso It Is always relieved by white or by somo vivid color. It has had Its effect on other colors; tho Bmnrt blues nro almost black, tho now greens are tho deep shades of toa-loaf and win torgreon; nnd prune Is tho most popu lar shado of purplo. Black used to bo kept almost entirely for oldor womon, but dressmakers aro beginning to ap preciate tho fact that it is not becom ing unless a woman has youth, health and a good color. Even then It has to bo broken with bluo, green, gold, otc, to give it tho life it needs. Delin eator, i Diet and Beauty. Diet has much to do with tho condi tion' of tho pores of the faco. It food Is not suited to the Individ ual and Ib too rich, tho system may try to throw it off by an exudation of oil through tho pores. It is this which causes oily complexion, and tho first step, of couroo, Is to clinngo tho dlot. Such foods should bo adoptod as aro nutritious, easily dlgostcd, and lacking In groaso. Tho list Includos milk, eggs, flan, raro meats, rich spinach, beans nnd tho llko. Thick soupu, pastries and elaborato dosserts should bo banished, and plenty of fruit oaten. Fresh air and careful washing of tho face are, of courso, noccssary ac companiments ot tho treatment. Carry Few Toilet Artlclea. Women frequently enrry many moro toilet accessories than are needed. It Is perfectly fair to assumo that the hostess will have a dressing table equipped, or that he will possess dribugh pieces for the wants of her "guests. Every woman wishes to carry her own brush and comb, but a hand mirror Is heavy, and it la expected that one will be provided. Irish Legislator Evtn Withdrew the Wordo That Ho Was About to Utter. Thero la In congress a western rep resentative of Celtic origin who hno moro than nnco "stirred up tho ani mals" by hlo propensity to bait tho opposition, On ono occnslon ho roso to de nounce tho statements mndo In a speech Hint had been delivered by a member of tho other party.. His lnv potuoslty led him to phruso his re marks rather strongly. ' "Order, order!" exclaimed tho iponkcr, pounding with his gavel. Again, In a minute or two, did tho eon ot Erin return to his charge of wilful misstatement. Again was ho :alled to "ordor," It wan n critical moment. Ills col leagues, for motives of policy, did not wish him to bo put out of tho debate, so thoy hinted so by tugging vigor ously at his coat talis. Now, it's a very dangerous matter to trifle with tho tails of an Irishman's coat, save in tho causo of friendship. Nevertheless, tho Indignant yet good natured mombcr recognized tho com mand of his party, and sat down after delivering this Parthian dart; "1 obey the ruling ot tho house, and I beg to retract what I was nbout to obEcrvol" Thnt ono touch of Irish oratory took tho whole house by storm. Lippln-cott's. HER LITTLE JOKE. Mr. Tollltt Wright Just then a squall camo up and our boat Ball wa3 torn to ribbons. Miss Kidder Ah I I see a remnant sail. PUTS STOMACHS IN ORDER. No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness or Dys pepala Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlapepoln. Thero should not bo a caso ot indiges tion, dyspepsia or gastritis hero it road era who aro subjoct to Stomach trou bio knew tho tromendous nntl-formout and digestive vlrtuo contained In Dla pepsin. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy mcnl without tho slightest fuss or discomfort, and rellovo tho sourest, acid stomach in flvo minutes, besides overcoming all foul, nauseous odors from tho breath. It your stomach is sour and full of gas, or your food doosn't digest, and your meal don't seem to fit, why not get a CO-cent caso of Papo'a Dlupopaln from nny druggist hero in town, nnd mnko Hfo worth living. Absoluto re lief from Stomach misery and porfect digestion of anything you cat Is euro to follow flvo minutes aftor, and be sides, ono llfty-ccnt caso Is BUfllcIcnt to euro a wholo family ot such troublo. Suroly, n harmless, lnoxpcnslvo preparation llko Pnpo's DIapopsIn, which will always either nt daytlmo or during night, rollovo your sick, Bour, gassy, upset stomach and digest your meals, Is about as handy nnd val uablo a thing as you could havo 111 tho house. Easy Marks. "Talk orbout yore easy marks," said Uncle Silas Geehaw, who had been passing a week In tho city, "us rubes ain't In It with them air tcown chaps." "Did yew sell 'om enny gold brlckn, Silas?" queried old Daddy Squash neck. "Naw, I didn't," answered Undo Silas, "but I scod a feller pcddln' arti ficial ico hed th sign right on IiIb wagon an' blamed et th' chumps didn't buy' It for th' real thing, by grass!" Important to Mothore Examlno carofully ovory boltlo of CASTOniA, a safo and suro romody for Infants and children, and soo that it Bears tho signature ui KusV 4fo In Uso For Ovor 1)0 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought In the Grand Stand. Stella Do you understand base ball?" Bella Perfectly; but why docs that nan run so hard with nobody after aim? Beautiful Post Cards Free. Send 2a stamp for five wimple of our rerybest Gold and Sillc Finish Birthdny, Flower and Motto Post Cqrdu; beautiful tolon and lovellcat dealmii. Art Poit Card Co., 731 Jackson St., Topcka, Kan. The Number. "I hear your now auto made a good record on Us trip." "Yes; ran over in about an hour." "How many?" PUTNAM Color moro ooitfi brlohUr an4 f attar colon ftttin fit ni flirmmt nlthout tipping ipvU Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable' Compound? Wc can furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering twith some form of female illness should consider this. - As such evidence read these two unsbliclted testimonial letters. Wc guarantee they are genuine and honest state ments of facts. Cresson, Pft. " Fivo yours rro I lml ft fontl fall, and hurt irijrBolf inwnrd'Jy.- I tvriB under d doctor's cajro for nine weeks, nnd when I Htoppcd I rrroAV Tvorso ngnhw I pent for bottlo of Lydia EVlnlclmm'H Vegetable- Compound , toolc it rb directed and now I am a stout, hearty woinnn." Mrs. 1211a 12. Aikcy, Cresson, Ia Baird, Wash. "A year ngo I was slelc "with fcldnoy and bladder troubles and female weakness 'Xho doctors gavo mo up. All they could do was to .lust let mo go as easily as possible I was advised hy friends to take- Iydla E.lMnlchnin's Vcgofnbio Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my ills, nnd' I 'amvncarjy sixty ycnra ohl.'A Mrs. Sarah Xicighton, Baird, Wash. J Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and whicn ordinary-practice does nbt cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged to try this wonderfully helpful remedy, For 30 ycara Iiydia E. Pinlchnm'fl Vegetable Compound has been tho standard remedy for femalo ills. No siclc woman docs justleo to hcrst who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands cf cures to Its credit terfPteMrs. rinkhRin Invites all sick women lt""Jr to wvlto her for advice. Sho 'has guldod thousands to health frco of charge. Address Mrs IMnkhnm, JLyun, Muss. A THE STEADY WHITB uctn L. DOUGLAS 3 '3.50 & 4 SHOES SMS Dovo1 Shoes, $2.00, $2, DO & 3.00. beot in the Woiud. W. L.Deu!am $3.00, S3. BO anil $4.00 mhoaa aro 00i(tlvoly tho hattt matla and matt pom' titnr ahoasi for iho arloe in Antwlmtt, and ara tha moot economical stesa tap you to buy. itanJnrcl for ovor 30 year, that I mako and fell more 33.00. t3ZO nnd 81.00 ilioc, than any ntlior manufacturer In tlio U.S., Hint that DOI.IaAU l'OH UOIifiAK, I UUAHANTK15 MY S1IOICS to hold tholr thane, look and IK bettor, and wear longor than any other f 3.00, 13.M) or S 1.00 nlioon you can buy? Quality count), It baa inodo iny ihoet X11U USADUKS Ol"" Till! WOULD. fit and appenranco, and when It oomos tlmo ion win be ii eaieii wiinn von uut niv Biioea another pair, you will bo moro tuna plonaed ones -wore to woll, and care you ao much comfort CAUTiOW!?ar..BXto NO SUBSTITUTE If nti4a1 Jtftnnnt kIiiitiI nn with W- TtmiirUa Uhnaa. writ Iak XtmW Oftf av ttatftlftlT- 4 Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIM OILER Is specially selected for any need In the homo. Savds tools from rusting. Can can not: break. Does not gum or become rancid. LlANUPACTURKD or TOR OAXB BY, Standard Oil Company STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) (Incorporated) Dtslnrs Ererywbere. Sold by MANUFACTUHED OT Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) nn tu all f ormi KATEUT TOprc IIEAH.,Ttiey jnay brio you TA I EH I wealth. W-pugo Jlook free. Km. IW. tlUgerald &Uo.,l'aUAitri., Dox K.Waililnetou.U-U fTfrl 1 fcSl tet wJerenoea. Jlett raeuTu. EUREKA FADELESS DYES thin in; othtr dr. One lOe piekio colon all abort. Thoy ie la eirf itir toUoj thi f m Wrltt lor I'll tooUlt-H?w to Dn.BlHChin Kit Cfrltr. 0t9fmOIHMI 99 iHkiBJf, Mtoltmi mm ' wB LmW The Rayo Lamp is a high gradn lamp, told at a low pries. Thrro orn larupi Mint oot lnor-v tint tlinrpl tintotlrliimt)iiiadnlBnjr ErI co. Oontlrtictrd tit nntlct liruani lilrknl plaint ratify kept clwini an rnnmont tu tiny niomlnnnr hmim. TIirrolsiiuihlnKknann to tlio ar of ninp-miikluv Mint can uM to tlio Tallin of tlio HAYO jimn at a light RlTlnit clPTlcn. Kvrrr di-alnr ironrwlirro. If nut ot touts, wrlUi for doicrlptlyu circular to tlio neuron oVoncr of tbo STANDARD OIL COMPANY (incorporated) lio Mint my iliooi h ft t o linen tlin for you to pnrohoao lJVi neoauio oi tns n . PmMnt becauao tho laal v sera. Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal Danloro Everywhere) ron SALE ur STANDAIID OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) COLT DISTEMPER 1 1 n , 1 j1 .rr Milt. Tbo Dick are cared, and all othen la lAuie. no niiwr now viiumi. pi mjui u.iutf vi nm oil. oq of dlitemper. Ilwl remedy erer known for uiaree In (oL in. at in feed. AeU on the Dloou ana eineie annua 01 . One bottle iruaranleed to cure one rM. too an" II a Uotuei te H I tit down of dniggUt and tiarncaa doalen. or ant eiprena paid by piannfaeturen. Out abowp now to poultice thronU. Our frea sooaie) iriTMfTerriaier. linitirtiiwvuitw. uufwi puwj ions remtdr ui etlitenee tn lire yeara. SPOHN MEDIOALCOMCfeitktaaalBaettrklHbU, QOlhMt In4.( VateAe i,kHrr"uv your Intention. Free prelltaln mi kRV LdTKIVMNeT CO.. Ueiab.lau, ttA Ulh BC, Waablnutont 260 Uoatborn St., tbieato. W. N. U.f OH7TNb747-1010. ry aearon. BooaieHirre. muaj