The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1910, Image 8

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Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publuker.
Ono Year by Mail in ndvanco $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $.1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oOlce as Second Class Matter.
Lincoln CouHty Contest.
Tho second nanual Lincoln county
Boy's nnd Girl's Contest was nciu in
tho Gozco building In this city last Fri
day. . There woro eleven scparato entry
classes which included sowing, homo
grown products, cooking and ulso an
award made for tho best attendance
In each of these contests tho schools
woro well represented and tho articles
S laced on exhibit woro numerous and
splayed the. Interest taken.
During the session Miss Anna M.
West gave an interesting and beneficial
talk on "What Rural Teachers can do
Teaching Domestic Scionco." J. V.
Dawson took for his subject "Lincoln
County Boy's Club." and Deputy State
SupUFrankS. Pcrduo addressed tho pu
pils on tho "Reading Circle Work."
Following tho programme tho ex
hibits woro judged by tho committee
and tho following uwarda wore made:
Cluss A Largest field of corn, GS
bushels, 80 poundu on ono acre, Lloyd
Reynolds, district 118. Mark McCon
nefl, district 33, 65 bushels on ono ncro.
Third, Chestor Mapcs, , district 18, 30
bushels on ono acre,
Class B Whlto corn best 10 ears
First won by Howard McConnei, dis
trict No. 33. Second prizo won by John
Ilollonhcck, district 6.
Class C Yellow corn, beat 10 oars.
First won by Fay Fulk, district 33. Sec
ond prlzo wop by Vic Falk, district 37.
Class D-Any other kind of corn,
bent 10 oars. FlrBt won by Vic Falk,
district 37. Second prlzo won by Ed
win Patton, district 122.
Class E Irish potatoes, best ten.
First won by Ruth Jonson, district 64,
Second prlzo by Harry Russel, district
Claas F White bread, best loaf.
First prize won by Nolllo Haines, dis
trict 82. Second prlzo won by Laura
Harvey, district 90.
Class G Brown bread, ono loaf.
First prlzo won by Laura Ncal, district
54. No second nrizo awarded.
ClaBS H Cake, one Bhown. First
prize- won by Siollia Grltchlun, district
a. second prlzo uy Arua unuuori, uib
trlct 3.
Class I Fancy sowing. FirBt prlzo
won by Nellie Loth, district 122, on a
very nicely made dolly, second prize
won by Mary Mcrrell from school dis
trict 53 for an apron.
Claw J Plain sewincr. The first nrizo
was won by Mary Young, school district
No. 1122. Tho second prize was won by
mia unaner, scnooi district mo. ub.
Class K The best attendance. Miss
Gertrude Gretrir of school district 8 won
this prize with ono hundred per cent of
ner scnooi present.
Class L Tho host school display.
This prize was won by Paul Arnold,
scnooi uistrjct na.
The obiect of this contest Is to fur
ther interest tho boys and girls of tho
rural schools in uottor and moro ad
vantageous farmlntr and oncourntro
them in Bciutiflc cooking and systematic
houso wor k. The interest and attendance
displayed in this, their socond.convcntion.
Is very eratlfvinir to the nromotors of
this yearly event. Tho nttendnnco was
tour times as grout as that or last year
and the exhibit much lnrtrnrnnd hnttnr.
Thero are ono hundred and twenty
six schools in tho county and among
these tho prizes woro equally distrib
uted. th03o In all parts of the county
snaring in some ot tho awards,
Mrs. Thfw, Yonda Dies,
After an Illness of over a, year's du-
' ration and of a serious nature for sev
eral weeks, Mrs, Thos. Yonda diod at
ner home on KaBt Fourth street Friday
About a year ago the deceased was
stricken with the dreaded disease con
sumption arid though every effort of
earthly power was mado they proved
futile. Fivo weeks ntro a son was born
to her and since that timo tho Inevit
able waa plainly visablo. At times sho
would rally, giving now hope to tho
1 ttti fnac mkn tarn Vi Art n r- V r w ItlntsI n
but each time she would sink again nnd
Friday evening sho peacefully paused
Into the Groat Beyond,
Of Mni. Yondn only the kindest nnd
tendorest memories uro cherished by
hor friends and family, Do voted to
hor hiiBband and thrca small children,
they wero foremost in her thought nt
all times and to them her death will bo
. a blow keenly nnd bitterly felt. A
aweot and true disnospi Hon mado her
acquaintances hor firm friends and of I
mese sue una many.
The remains wero taken to Plntta-
mouth Saturday night accompanied by
tho husband. Mlea Mary Yonda and Jns.
Foggerty nnd tho funeral sorvlccs hold
at tho uutnoitc church in that city yes-
to may morning.
As Eastern Opinion,
Th Philadelphia Telegraph Is ono of
the eastern papors that looks upon tho
west as it now is and snvs:
There is no "wild and wooly west" In
this country uny more, nnd thero hasn't
Been ior nearly a quarter or. a century.
Mining camns there mav bo. but thov
are mining camps In which law nnd
order nrevail. and where "nlstol-totlnir"
, is usuully punished with a groat deal
jinoro severity than it is In older com
munities. Outside the mining camps
-the west is not materially different
from other sections. Tho farmers do
Hot' wear top boots with trousers tucked
in. and they aro just as likoly to no
smooth-shaven na a New York coroner
or anybody else. Many or thorn own
i automobiles, and nil of them road tho
: monthly magazines.
Will Frewete Beauty.
Women desiring beauty get wondor-
nil Help I rem Muokletrs Arnica salve.
It feanlshea clmnlcs. akin oruntions.
' sores and boils. It makes tho skin soft
4ki velvety. It glorifies tho fitco.
; Cure sore eyes, cold sores, cracked
ttpe, eliappu hands. Best for burns
aealde, fever aores, cuts, bruises nnd
pil, 21. at Stone Drug Co.
Recepti fer BiVfcep Graves.
At the Masonic hall Saturday evening
a reception was tendered to Bishop ana
Mrs. A. R. Graves by the members.of
tho Episcopal church ' and numerous
other friends.
In the receiving line were Bishop and
Mrs. Graves and Rev. and Mrs. Chap
man. About ono hundred and twenty
five were present and passed a very en
joyable evening in social conversation.
During tho evening brief addresses
wero made by Bishop Graves, Rev.Chnp
mnn and Miss Krnmpli, each of whom
In the courso of their remarks dwelt
unon tho nleasant relations which have
existed between Bishop Graves and his
friends in this city and expressing re
gret that these relations are about to bo
As a token of appreciation Rev.
Chapman, in behalf of those present,
with fitting remarks, presented him
with a purse of gold. Of tho nsscmb
lntro present. Mrs. P. J. Gllman and
T. C. Patterson wero present thirty
seven years ago when Bishop Graves de
livered nis nrst sermon. '
An omovablc two courso lunch had
been prepared by tho wives of tho ves
trymen of the church and was served
by tho Girls' Friendly Society. Follow
ing the refreshments a short timo was
spent In dancing by tho younger mem
bers present.
Will Urge Immigration
One hundred and dirhtv-four Nebras
ka newspapers will suggest to the state
legislature this winter tno establish
ment of a state immigration bureau to
got new Bottlers into the state, accord
ing to S. R. McKclvle, president of the
iJncoln Ad club and a member of the
legislative committee of the Nebraska
Association of Commercial clubs, which
started tho movemont.
This is the pledge the newspaper edi
tor has Bigncd:
"We rcnllzo tho necessity of immi
gration work and systematic advertis
ing for the state of Nebraska; we will
favor establishing an immigration bu
reau to do the work, separate, nnd dis
tinct from the commissioner of labor:
wo will also favor an appropriation of
at least $25,000 a year for the first two
years to carry on the work of the
Other states nro working hard to tret
new rcttiers nnd have appropriated
money for it. In Minnesota the sec-
rotary of tho Immigration bureau is a
man worth $200,000. Ho draws $4,000
a year trom tno secretaryship.
Red Kinney is Here.
Red Kinnev. n well known vountr
scrappor in the middle weight class, (a
in worm riatto looking lor some inspir
ing young pugilist to mcot him in the
squared circle.
Kinney hails from Cleveland, Ohio,
and has faced over thirty-fivo opponents
in tno ring, winning over hair his
matches bv KnocKouto. others on decis
ion, and a counlo of draws are cart of
nis record, ivinnoys record shows no
has never went down for the count.
All challenges received by addrossing
Wm. Curran, general delivery, North
rmtto, web.
In sneaklntr of the voto on countv
commissioner, and particularly Mr.
Qh.lnnAM TtJ Hnil.i VlnJInnAM .ana.
Mr. springer sent congratulations to
Mr. Kobom. Air. snrimror has been
commissioner for six years and says
that ho is more than satisfied to sten
down and out and look after his privato
interests nere leeitng that it win no
money in his pocket to do so. While
Mr. Springer has been in ofilco ho has
been very faithful in looking after tho
Interests of his district and he will leave
a host of friends throughout the county.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
; Y,
Capital and Surplus $140,000.
ARTHUR McNAMARA; President, , 4
E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, ViccPrcsiucni,
f. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
preivch Dry Cleaning aod
Dyeing Pta.ce.
We desire to announce, to the public that we
will locate in the
New Gooze Building on Sixth Street
about November 25th and will be prepared to French
Dry Clean, Press and repair all classes of Garments
for Ladies and Men. .
We have had many vears of experience, in this
3 work and guarantee satisfaction to all customers.
Give me ,a trial order,
MsJeftty-Djre .
A wedding marked by its simplicity
and Its impresslvencss occurred this
morning at nine o'clock, when Miss
Irma Dye and Mr. William Moloney of
North Platte, Neb., wero United in
marriage at the church of Sacred
Heart, in tho presence of about fifty
relatives and friends, by the Rev.
Father John Mnhor. High mass was
said and Miss Roso Wcssllng played
the wedding march. The music was
furnished by the choir of the church
nnd Mr. Ed Low and Mr. Henery Sher
rin acted as ushers.
The bride was charmingly gowned in
dainty white lawn, with trimmings of
tucks and lace. Sho woro a veil and
carried whito flowors. Sho was attended
by her sister, who was dressed in pink
With hot on suite. Mr. Moloney was
attended by Chas. Pass of North Platte,
After tho ceremony had been per
formed tho relatives gathered at tho
homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. S. Dye, 323 South Oakdalo
nvcnuo, where an elaborate wedding
breakfast was served.
Tho bride ancrtt most of her life in
Salinn, but for the past few seasons has
been bend trimmer in a millinery store
at North Platte. Her genordus disposi
tion and kindly manner has endeared
her to a host of friends. Mr. Moloney
is well spoken of by those who know
him. He is a furnituro denier and un
dertaker of North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnlonoy left on tho
afternoon Rock Island train for a honey
moon trip to Kansas City and Chicago
niter wnicn tney win oe si noma in
North Plotto. The bride woro as a
traveling suit, a tailor mado gown of
dark green with hat and gloves of the
same tone. Sallna Evening Journal.
Wanted A vountr man at a salary
of $100.00 per month. Are you worth
It? You would bo If you had the right
kind of training. If you will attend
Custer Collcgo and do as much yourself
as wo will do for you, you can be worth
$100.00 a month in a Bhort timo. Thero
ore great opportunities, aiso, ior lauy
bookkeepers and stenographers. Our
Business and Shorthand courses are as
complote as can bo found anywhere In
tho United States. You can enter
Custer College nt any time. For full
information write to Loren Cornott,
Pres., Broken Bow, Neb,
Give Them Help and many North
Platte People Will be Happier.
"Throw Out tho Life Llne"
Tho kidnoys need help.
Thmt'rn nwnrwnrlfod enn't ffet the
poison filtered out of the blood.
They're getting worse every wuiuiu.
Wilf you help them?
Doans Kidney Pilla have brought
thousands back from the verge of dis-
Paw'ill cure any form of kidney trouble.
MVo n V Rmlfh rcinin. Noli., navs!
' U. w. w.... I --. . -j - "
"For about fivo years I endured great
agony from kidney disease. I could not
rest well, felt weak and tired and was
worn out. Dark spots appeared before
my eyes and I often thought I was go-
I became bo lame that I could hardly
get around. Thanks 'to Doan'a Kidney
C J . f 1 1 A. ..1.1
fills, l am now iree irom an iruumea.
This remedy did such good work that I
ldn Ir umrlhv nf mv endorsement.
For sale bv nil dealers. Price 50
cents. FoBter-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.. solo acents for tho United
Remember tho name Donns and
take no other.
Little Tailor.
Shell WHfl Vete?
re u... .li.i mi . ..1.1 it-
King's New Life Pills tho true remedy
for women. For banishing dull, fagged
feelinirs. backache, or headache, consti
pation, dispelling colds, imparting npne-
tite nnu toning up tno system, tney ro
uncqunlcd. Easy, Bafe. sure. 25c at
Steno Drug Co.
Will keep your hands from chap
ping during cold weather. It Is
not greasy nnd very pleasant to
15 Cents Per Bottle.
Schiller's Hard
Water Soap
produces a quick lather, removes
dirt cosily and is f rco from AL
KALI. 3 Bars 25 Cents.
Schiller & Company
Family Druggists.
Real Estate for Sale.
480 acres for sale or trade on some
good horses or cnttle. This can be had
at a bargain if taken soon. Four thous
and dollars worth of stock gets this
place. This great bargain is just Ave
miles from North Platte is all fenced
nnd has a 8-Inch tubular wc)l,
40 acres 8& miles from Chilllchothe,
Missouri; 4 room house, barn for 4 head
of horses and other out-buildlngs, nil
fenced and crossed fenced; well with
plenty of soft water. This land Is all
in cultivation. Price per acre $100.
Will trade for land or stock. The
owner is a dealer and is in town this
Ono block of ground containing 16
lots. Tho size of each lot is 44x126.
WW oifer this block for tho next thirty
days at $450. ; on terms.
Lot 8, In block 3, just 5 blocks south
of Court House, Dewey street. A bar
gain at $360.
Tft enmo lintf vtiIIa fwnwx VTsxvfVi T)1 nttn
IV nitva ituiA. etui" AAVii jiut bii jl lavbwi
well improved, has lnrize houso and
large barn. This is worth n, fortuno to
tne ricnt party. This la the only ninco
near North Platte that will make a first
class summer resort. We are only
asking tho pricn of the improvements
which is three thousand dollars. If
there is any one wanting to mako a
rortuno you nnu better seo us quicic.
beo tM ana got one oitneso bar
Vermillion Realty Co.,
713 North Locust St., North PJatte,
Similca, Similibuj, Curanlus.
A 'like remedy will cure n like
A law immutable, that cannot
chunge, and as truo today as
when it first came to light. A
true and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature'B own treatment where
remedies are paramount.
For out of town patients and
all those interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and the necessary
surgical cases. Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical mi Surgical Practicioner
Air, Ships are Popular
but not mora bo tiinn tho fin
manufactured by J. F. Schmalzriod
ilielr popularity is due to their quallt
nothlncr but the best tobacco iroinir in
their make-up. The nickel cigars aro
juiit us goou ior tne price na are those
which sell for a dime. Try one of tho
muny oranua mnue by us.
Wills J ltcdUeld, MI) J nMcKirhau. M I)
Drs. Redfleld & McKirahan
PkstciaM aad Sar?eoM.
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones
Offlco at P, and S. Hospital.
jga?m mil in nw,MiairjiUA.
How our 10c
has taken with ladies who are particu
lar nbout what kind of Broad they. buy.
They show their good judgment when
tney purchase n loaf of our luc
Home Made Bread.
It is made from tho best of flour and
great care is used in the making. It is
certainly different from the ordinary
ureau you buy. Ho sure nnu ask for
Home Made Bread 10c
per loaf. -
Try Our Flour.
Un-to-dnto $1.50 per sack or $2.90
per hundred, D. & M. $1.45 per sack
$2.85 per hundred: Buffalo nnd Jer
sey Cream $1.35 ner sack or $2.75 per
hundred. See us for prices on 500, 1,000
or moro pounds. Every sack guaran
teed. R. E. LOUDON & SONS,
Call 551.
Medical Staff:
Dr. D. T. Qaigley. Dr. G. B. Dent.
Dr. V. Lucas.
A general hospital for all acute and
chronic cases medical, surgical
and obstretne. Open to the medi
cal profession. For further infor
mation address,
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night.
, Special accommodations
.for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locmr t
Telephone No. 642.
Phone 268
flour, feed, dim or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store at the
corner of Sixth nnd Locust Sta.
I respectfully invito a share of
the patronage of the public.
Prompt delivery.
Go to
" Fon
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Alto Wood TuraiHg, Picture Fraraiag
Room Mouldiag, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Horial No. 02701.
Denartmout of tho Interior.
U. H. Land Oillco at North Platto. Nob.
NOV Hill. 1V1U.
Notico Is haroby irlvon that Tranlt II Llv
Inifston, of North Platte, N ob., who. on Pea
rth 1'latte, N ob.. who, on Pec,
o II. K, No K1M. Serial No,
tM action :U. Township 15,
If. of tho Dili Principal Meridian.
zani, ivui. mauo
wejut, tor went
N.. ltaniru2.W
has IlloU nottcnot Intention to make llnal flvo
yoar proof U rtlabllsh claim to the land
-... .i ii . .... ,. ..... i i . . ,,
cclver at North Platto, Neb., on tho Htu day
ui Jan ,tvii.
Claimant named ai wltnojuen! Perrv C&trm
IhiII, AdnltihUudolph. Charles Uruternlta and
w it woiiiijk aii oi norm i-iatie. neor-
J. K. Evans. Beelster.
- llSm (I Mr
Physician and Surgeon,
Oflico over McDonald Bank.
n.a )Offlcel30
Phones Reflldenco ub
Declors Ames it Ames, A
Physicians and Surgcaas g
U Oftlco over Stone Drug Co. ft
tl m,B I Office 273 K
H Phoncs Ucsidence273 6
W. W. SADLER, M. D.,
Physician, Surgeon and Optician.
U. P. District Surgeon. ,
Serial No. 01W1.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land OUlco at North Platte. Neb.
Oct. U, 1910.
Notlco Is liorohv slven that Oeorco F.. Oar-
man, at HciDlittjr, Nob., who, on Juno 28. 1P0I,
mado homestead cntrr No. 20035. aerial No.
OllWI, fur all ot Boctlon 21, township 12. N.
ranee S3, W ot tho titli Principal Morlnlan, has
ineu notico or intention to mano unai nvo
yoar nroof. to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before tho itcslator and He-
cclver at North Platto, Nebraska, onftho 10th
day of Doc. 11)10.
Claimant names as witnesses!--Alvln
Zauler. of North Platto. Not).. Doll Titter
ineton. of Sutherland. Nob.. A. It. Mclntvre.
of Ilcrsber. Nob., Joo Avolanch. ot llorsbop,
oi8-o J-E. EVAtts. Keelstor.
Borlal No. 01182,
Department ot tho Interior
U. S. Land OuUco at North Platto, Nob.
Oct. Hth. 1010.
Notico Is beroby irlvon that Alvln Zaulor.
of North Platto. Nebraska, who on
July, nth, lHH. it ado Homestead entry
No. S0XJ7. Serial No. 02182. for south half.
northwest quarter, lots 3 and 4 and
south half Boctlou 4, township 12, north
ranee 32, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has Hied notico of Intention to
make final Ave yoar proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, before
tno KcKlstor ana Kecclvor at North 1'latte,
Nebraska. Jon the lBth day of Doc, 1910,
Claimant names as witnesses! Oeorgo E,
Oarman, llorshoy, Neb.. Doll Tltterlnston.
Huthorland. Nob. Jas II. Itunner. of Horslioy.
rsoo., Herman wonaoDorn. or wortu riatto,
o!7-fl .T.K. Evans. Register.
You aro hereby notified that on the1 30th
dayot April, 1010. Vonaby LoyeOled a pott
toln against you In tho district court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska, tha object and
prayor of which was to obtain a dlvorco
from you on tha eronnas mat you are a
habitual drunkard and that you havo ro-
rusea ana ncgicctea to proviao maintenance
for DlalntllT and her minor child and that
you havo been cullty ot oxtremo cruelty to
this plaintiff.
1'iaintnr prays tuat stio may do aivorcoa
from rou and that sho mav boarlventhn
custody of tho minor child, Gordon Oliver
You are roaulred to answer said notltion
by Monday, tho 28th dayot November, 1910.
xou win runner tao notico mat on tne
1st day ot December, tho plaintiff, Vonaby
Lovo, will tako the depositions of Oharlos A,
Payne, doors o f. Ilclmes. William M. Bmlth,
and William II. Noo, to bo used as evldonco
In tho trial ot said caso, at the oflico ot IJourIT
&'Rourff In tho county ot Lawronco and
state ot Indiana, between tho hours ot U a.
m and fi p. ra. of said date and tho taking ot
said depositions will bo adlourned from dav
today, between said Hours, until they aro
completed. VONAHY LOVE.
uy wucox & iiamsan. Attorneys iopV'
Notice for PublicaUon.
Serial No. 01030.
Departmcntot tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Oflico at North Platte. Neb.
No v., Oth, 1010.
Notico 1b hereby irlvon that Frank J. Facka
of North Platto. Nob., who on Juno 23tb,
1901, mado. Homestead Entry No. 2(W2, Serial
no, uivsu, roran or coction 14, townsnip is. w ,
lUnce 33. W. ot the sixth principal meridian,
has Ulcd notice of Intention to make final
fivo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before tho Register
and ltecolvor at North Platto, Nebraska,
on tho 7th day of January, 1011.
uiaimant names as .witnesses! Bponcor
Edmlstcn and Washlnnton Edmlston, both of
llorshoy. Nob.. Cbarlos Moyor, ot Dickens.
Nob. Adam Donaldson of North Platto. Nob.
nl0 J. K. KVAKH, Keslstnr.
Borlftl No. U2103.
Department of tho Intorlor.
D. 8. Land Office at North Platte. Nob.
Nov, 5th. 1910.
Notico Is hereby riven that Anna' Bchwalcror
of North Platto. Nob., who on March
21st. 1005, mado Homestead Entry No. 21118.
Serial No. WHV5, for tho nek. ott nwK. seX.
hM, swU soctlon 28. township IS, north,
range 80. west or tho Oth principal meridian.
lias mod notico or intention to make final
flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, beforo tho register
and receiver at North Platte. Nebraska.
on tho 7tL day ot January 1911.
uiaimant names as witnesses! u. w- Moon,
Chris Johnson O V Blvlts and Fred J.
t r..i. m.iin
nlO-tt I R.'Kva. UoirlstBr.
state or nourasica. Lincoln uounty, so.
In the county court.
In tho matter' of tho estate nf Tlnv n.
Itaynor, decoased.
unreauing ana nunc tno petition or c. J,
Itowun. ura.vlng that administration of said
estate lib, granted -Olovls Itaynor as admin
istratrix. .
Ordered. That Novombor zatli. A. P., 1910,
at U o'clock a, m.. Is assigned for hearing said
petition, whon all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to be
held In and for said county, and show causo
why tho prayor of tho petitioner should not
bo granted ; and that notice ot tho pendoncy
ot nald petition and tho hearing thereof be
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing this order In tho North Platto
Tribune, a Semi-Weekly newspapor printed
In said county for six buccossIvo Issues prior
toaaiu aay 01 nearinc.
Pated Noven.ber7tTi. 1910.
118-fl w- O. Kr.nitK. County Judge.
lly Katherlno F. Clark, Olurk of the County
Legal Notice.
Julius L. DoKcnter, will take
notico that on the 4th day of
August, 1910, Ell 11 A. DeRenter, plain
tiff herein, tiled her notltion in the
District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, ngainst said defendant, the
object nnd prnyor of which is to obtain
a divorce from said defendant upon the
grounds of extreme cruelty practiced
by defendant against plaintiff, on Sep
tember 19, 1908, and his desertion of the
plaintiff, and failure to support and
care for said plaintiff during the time
when plantiff was in need of medical
attention. And lor the restoration of
tho plaintiff's name to that of her
maiden nnme. Llla A. Hume, and for
such other roller as equity may afford.
iqu aro required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 26th day of De
cember, VJW.
Dated the 14th day of November.
Ella A. DeRenter, Plaintiff.