-8n ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY TO EARLY HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Our special efforts this season in the direction of ORIGINAL NOVELTIES and new features and the purchase of an immense stock at special low figures has met with most gratifying success. Every department is filled with fresh goods from the best markets of the world, and we are thus enabled to offer from now until after Christmas some very attractive goods at unusually low prices. Of some of the goods our supply is limited and when exhausted we cannot obtain more. Early shoppers will receive full advantage, , . V " '"!'' ' ' ' " ' . ... ' f Just a Few Numbers of Our Special Values: ; $' . 200 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons (full size) usually sold for $1.50 i ; $1.00 each 25 sets Rodgers Knives and Forks guaranteed usually sold for 5.00, ... . k 3.00 per set r - . 25 Gold Jewel Cases, silk lined, usually sold for 2.50 . : : . . .f 1,40 each ' w ' , v'v 50 sets Community Silver Plated Tea Spoons, guaranteed, usually sold for 1.50 .90 per set 50 Leather Hand Bags, Walrus, Seal and Morrocco, usually, sold at 3.00 to T.00 each;. .' . 1.75 to 5.00 each 12 fine Mantel Clocks, 8 dozen Seth Thomas and New Haven, usually sold for 7.00 to 12.00 4.50 to 8.00 each 20 sets Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, usually sold for 4.25 ...v 3.00 We are Going to More than Double Our Last December Business ..".... (-,-. by reason of our exceptional stock and reasonable prices and we are especially anxious that you see our stock early while the pick is the choicest. Avoid the crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, fr6m a full and complete assortment, We know that a visit will convince you that we offer more and better inducements in quality, variety, and reasonable prices than you can find elsewhere, Wcextend a cordial invitation to all to come and see our brilliant array of Holiday Goods, without feeling that the slightest obligation to purchase is incurred. , DIXON, The Jeweler. k. H. C. BROCK, DENTIST. Over lflrt National. Phono 148 jjj To the Public. We wish to announce that we will servo a "Luncheonette" at 25 cents per plate, for the Boilermaker'a Ball on Wednesday evening, Nov. 23rd, the menu consistbc of Chicken Salad, Saratoga Chips, Pickles, Bread and Butter Sandwiches, 'Coffee, Cake. We will also aervo our popular hot and cold drinks and ice cream, at the usual pricoa. KELIHER'S. J. W. Payne will go to Omaha tomor row to transact business for a few days, Walter Sorenson left this morning for Chicago to transact business for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cox, of Suther land aro spending today with friends in town. Mrs. Will Finney and children re turned this morning from a visit with relatives.near Paxton. Barb wire at $3.00 pr 100 lbs. at Hor shey's, Mrn. J. W. Payne went to Omaha this morning to visit her daughter Grace until after Thanksgiving. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church will hold a chicken supper at the Masonic hall on December 20th. The Presbytetlan ladies will hold a fair and serye supper in the church par lors on the evening of December 1st. Dealers report a plentiful supply of Thanjtbgiving turkeys and are selling them at twenty-two cents per pound dressed. Furnished Rooms for rent, close in, 116J west Front st. Miss Elsie M. Johnson will spend her Thanksgiving vacation at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hans John Bon. The Union Pacific board of examiners aro spending this week in town exam ining the trainmen and onginemen run ning out of this terminal. The Presbyterian aid society will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Will Eshleman, on South Sycamore street. Thn rhrtatlnn RMentlsbi will hold n service at the K, P. hall Thursday nt 11 a.m. ah tnose imereswju uro cor dially invited to attend. Electric Weld corn cribbing and lawn fence and all sizes Woyen wire fencing at Hershey's, 6th and Locust Sts. Mrs, Burroughs left this morning for her home in Iowa after spending a week in town as the guest of her cousin Mrs. Willis Redfiold. Notice. Just received a carload of Onions and Cabbage which we will sell as follows: Cabbage at $2.23 per 100 pounds, onions $1.40 per bushel. See us for prices on 10 and 20 bushel lota. Louden, North Locust street. SOCIETY NOTES. Miss Aileen Gnatt entertained the members of the Pan HellenicClub Sat urday afternoon at the. home of Mrs. J. J. Halligan. , Miss Ida OttenBtein entertained the young ladies Bridge Club last evening, ana served an enjoyaoie two course luncn at the closo of the games. Twelve members were present. ' The Harmony Club held a very pleas ant session at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh, soveral guests in addition to the full membership being present. The first prizes were awarded to Mrs. Fred Waftemath and G. S. Huffman, the guest prize to Mrs. Sol Pizer, and the c6nsolation emblems to Mrs. Huffman and Prof. Garlichs. An enjoyable lunch was served, Mrs. Al bert Muldoon assisting the hostess. The young people of the Lutheran church are arranging for a social next Thursday evening. And this is a per sonal invitation to every member and friend of this church to be present. Not being there will deprive you of an evening's pleasure and without regrets might be an offense to your solicitous hostesses and bring the guilt upon the offender of violating the principle in the "Golden Rule." Don't forget that the time is Thursday evening. A bevy of girls of tho Catholic church, numbering fourteen and rang ing in age from fourteen to seventeen cars, met at tno home of Hazel mi tli and were organized into a society which will be known ns as the J. J. 'a the girls deciding to keep the full s irnlncance or their namo as the secret part of their society. As there is much talent, mualcal and other wise among the girls, they are sure to have a good time. They will meet so cially twico a month at tho homes of the dlllerent members, with Mrs. J. I. Smith acting as chaperone. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strecter were the host and hostess at a very enjoyable affair Saturday evening when they en tertained thirty guests in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. High five was tho entertaining feature of the evening and at this game Mrs. J. A. Jones and Jess Edwards won the first prizes, while the consolations were a- waraeu to miss vivian ivnox aud area Fillion. At a late hour the guests were served to a two-course lun:h, tho Misses Margaret Jones, Vivian Knox, Mabel Walters and Genevieve Woods assisting, Mr. and Mrs. Strecter wero the recip ients of many gifts and these as .well as the prizeH were of wood, significant of the fifth anniversary. Turkey Supper, The Vienna Cafe will serve a turkey Buppor for those attending the Boiler makers Ball. That quarter "mile stretch of Band on tho road loading to the experimental farm, is being covered with a muck soil obtained from tho ditch along tho road. The work is being done under the supervision of Commissioner Streitz and O. H. Thoelecko. Miss Whlttaker will hold n special sale of plain and fancy ribbons suitablo for Xmas fancy work from Nov. 19th to Dec. 26th in the Millinery Dept. at Wilcox Dopt. Store.1 Hewitt & Co., advanced vaudeville artists, will open a five-night engage ment at the Keith this evening. Tho program will consist of character sketches, musicaUspecialty acts, tho introduction of Little Frances, the child artist, and featnro pictures. The ad mission will be 10 and 16 cents. VJOJIJ UBtUDOOn 3? WBJfT oog iAJodojd jnoA nog 2spoo3 no 04O)S ieoxoqijBodop ojog ietuooj paqs -tunjun jo poqsjujnj 'osnoq v -juoji 8DUB -ansuj ojij punos 'poo3 3ujpaou jj jq fantA uj oauoApn o; sanufluoo )mn punt man; jo nun; poAOJduii ';o 3UB0BA 'ouioq b Anq o) 3uuum jt Fireman Conrad Anderson, of the second district, developed a case of small pox several days ago. He has been quarantined at his home and nre caution is being taken to prevent tho spread or this disease. Our List of Bargains in City Property. FinST WARD. Two small houses on one lot. situate on E. Gth St., only 4 blocks out. 1 houBo brings $10.00 rent and tho other one $11.00. Price $2,200.00. You figure the investment. Four room house with two nice lots, lawn, shade trees located in Penniston'a Addition. Only 7 blocks out. $2,000.00 Will take in trade a good team of marcs or a few cows. New 5 room modern houso on E. 6th St, Modern in every respect except heat. Nice pantry, 2 closets and china closet. 1J lots. Price $2,350.00. Lotus show you this as it wont last long. SECOND WARD. 6 room house with pantry and bath room. Good barn, chicken houso, and chicken yard. Nice south-east corner lot in Miller's Addition with sidewalk in. Only 8 blocks out. Price $2,100.00. Ten room house situate on West 6th St., with 3 lotj. Nice lawn and trees. Price $3,200. THIRD WARD. G room, cement block house, stripped, lathed and plastered. Two closets. Good cellar. Cement walks in front and around house. Frame barn 16x24 feet. Wash house (cement'block) 12x24 feet. City water in house and yard. House wired for electric lighta. Connected with sower. Located on East 9th St., $3,000. if sold at once. G room, frame house. Barn for 4 head of horses and huy loft that holds 4 T. of hay. Electric lights and city water in house. Mice lawn, trees, sidewalk and curb in front. $2,600.00. See us quick. 6 room house, nice lot with trees and lawn. Certainly a bargain at $1,400.00 5 room house, trees, barn, chicken houso and yard. Located on East 9th St., $1,400.00. Located on West 8th St. 6 room house, wash house and. cellar. Stable, sheds etc. 2 full 66 foot lots. All fenced. Nice I area shade trees and several fruit trees. Certainly a bargain All tho abovo properties can bo pur chased on easy terms. Call and see us or mnko an appoint ment, wnen we will can and Boa you anu do giau to snow you tue property. 1 era pie Keal fcitate & Ins. Aeencv. C. H, Temple, Mgr. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank Grattan Foley Dies. A telegram rccolvcd by Tho Tribune Saturday announced the death at Hoisington, Kas., of Grattan S. Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Foley, for many years residents of North Platto. Death was due to typhoid fover. Tho funeral was held from tho family res idence in Kansas City yesterday after noon and the remains interred in Mt, Washington cemotory. Tho deceased was born in North Platte, and will be remembored as a boy by all tho older residents. Ho leaves a wife and ono child, and is also sur vived by his parents and a slater. In the death of Grattan tho family have tho sympathy f many North Piritto friends. Waldo Home Destroyed. Fire Salurday nlcht comnletelv de stroyed the Waldo homo on South Vine street with all of its contents. Mrs, Waldo, who has been out of the city for Borne time was expected home Saturday night and Mr. Waldo had, early in the evening built a fire in tho the heating atovo and then came up town. The exact origin of the firo fa unknown but the supposition is thnt it was caused by a defectivo fluo. The hose companies responded to the alarm but at tho time the fire was discovered it had made such a headway that prac tically nothing could bo done All members of tho Eastern Star are requested to meet at the Masonic hall at 7:30 on tho evening of Novomber 24th. Tho grand matron will hold a school of instruction. KflHH .TpRitfn ninnUonlinrrr will nmant-ra clussus in china painting. Those in terested may call at 102 West 6th St. Alan n linn nf finnrl nnlntnrl nMnn nrA other hand decorated Christmas gifts ior saio, anu oruors taxed. Mrs. Charles Davis, who had been making an extended visit with her father A. R. Adamson and other rel atives in town, loft this morning for her homo at Portland, Ore. If you select your holiday gifts oarly you have the advantage of best selec tions at lowest prices, Goods selected now will beheld untlll Chriotmas. Dixon, Tun Jeweler. Weather forecast Partly cloudy and cooler tonight, Wednesday fair. Max imum temperature yesterday 64; one year ago 31. Minimum temperature this morning 80; ono year ago 17. Folks who havo worn Armour Plato Hosiery will not accent anv other. Thnv know how to get long wear without paying any more than you pay for tho unsuiiBiuciory Kina. SMALL, Tho Big Shoeman Wo wish to oxpreas our heartfelt inanKB to tno many irlends and neigh bora for their kindnoss nnd nvmvnihv in our bereavement nnd for the beauti ful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Placek. , William' tho ton year old son of D. A. Goodrich, who lives on the Wallace ranch at Birdwood, died Saturday even ing after a short illness. Funoral services were held at tho home tills forenoon conducted by Rev. Harmon, and the remains interred in North Platte como tary. School hosiery without tho usual darning troublos. Armour Plato Stock ings aro "ides!" for tho youngstors be cauao they stand the wear. You would materially reduce your hosiery oxponse if you would lot thorn wear no other kind. Small, Tho Big Shoemnn. In tho case of C. W. Whitney va4 Carl Broeder and Hugh Songer for the payment of a promisory note the jury rendered a verdict in. favor of the plaintiff In the sum of $291.19. In tho distrct court this morning Lyle C. Hardin plead guilty to the charge of forgery and was sentenced by Judge Grimes to three years in the penltentary. For Sale. A fow young jacks from 14 to 154 hands high, three to six years old. In quire of R. L. Douglas, 207 east 11th street. We Sell the Sort of Clothes You Ought to Wear. ' siHHS&TicflHflF WE are offering our tradb the best tailored best looking and best wearing clothes, money can buy or experience secure. Advertising sometimes attracts a buyer here, but it's satisfaction that ties a patron to this Home of Good Clothes and that makes our business grow. FALL SUITS In every correct model, handsome fabrics and the most skillful (tailoring. Conservative styles or tho snappy styles for smart Young Dressers. $15, $20, $25. to $40. OVERCOATS For Fall for stormy days---Winter Overcoats of elegance and luxury. The Beacon with velvet collar, the Military Storm Coat, tho Auto, the Presto , convertible collar etc., etc., ore all hero at their best. $15, $18, $20. up to $25. C oini 1910, Tlic I U'K ti huppenhetswf Oiicua WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. 2 Piece the famous Slaley brand, the best made, per gorpient. $1.00 $1.50, $2.00 to $2.75. , Correct Hats and choice Haberdashery from the most noted Makers, Things you'll like? Come here with all your Clothes vexations. Come here tp inquire nnd learn anything you may wish to know about Clothes or General Outfitting. We're always at your service. j. b. Mcdonald, The Home of Good Clothes.