The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 04, 1910, Image 3

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Mrs. Marin Qongoll, Major, Minn
wrltoa the following t
M 1 mmt Inform yon that I rocovored
my health nttor using your valuablo
medlclno, Foruna.
"I hod suffered with catarrh of tho
kldnoya and bowels, but now I am
mnch hotter and fool roal Btronp."
Her Tribute.
Randall How did you llko tho mili
tary parade, Ida?
Miss RoRcra Glorious! I novor saw
enough men In all my llfo boforc
Harper's Bazar.
, "8P0HNS."
This U the name of the greatest, of all
remedies for Distemper, Pink Eye, Ilcavm,
and the like anions; all arcs of honoa. Sold
by DrugRut. Harness Makers, or tend to
the manufacturers. $.50 and $1.00 a bottle.
Accnls wanted, fiend for free book. Kohn
Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases,
uosncn, ma.
No Hurry.
"What nro you In such a rush
''Promised to moot my wlfo nt threo
o clock down at tho corner."
"Well, thoro'8 no hurry. It Isn't four
Vclock yot."
Important to Moth ore
Examlno carefully every bottlo ol
CASTORIA.aeafonndBuro remedy for
'"tafanta and children, and seo that It
Pniira ihn
Qlgnaturo &&$fW&M
In TJbo For Over SO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
At the First Try.
"Wat do you think of my dough
nuts, George?"
. Vflcnr, you are a wonderl"
"tio you think so really, darling?"
"I certainly do. Scientists havo
been trying for years to produce artifi
cial rubber, and ,hero you do It tbo
first rattle out of tho box."
Easy for Her.
,An oxtrwnoly corpulent old lady was
entertaining her grandchild nt lunch
con when she found occasion to repri
mand tho llttlo girl for dropping some
food on tho tablecloth.
"You don't soo grandma dropping
anything on tho tnblo," sho said.
"Of coorso not." rdnlled tho child:
"God gave you something In front to
top it.'
Fable of Pan of Biscuits.
A Vr.ssar girl married a Kansas
Two weeks later a cyclono mado tho
happy alr n friendly call.
It wavorted around tho premises,
rlppiug up tho fences, scattering tho
hayitacks and playing horse with tho
bard, but when it looked through tho
own window it drow bnck in alarm.
Thoro lay tho brldo's first pan of
"I ain't foelln' very strong this
morning," murmured tho cyclone.
And with another glanco nt tho ter
rible pan It blew itself away.
"Who Is that man who has boon sit
ting behind tbo bar day after day?"
inquired tho stranger in Crimson
"That's Staco Coach Charley. Ho'b
In a peculiar predlcamont He went to
town last week and got his tcoth
flxod. Then ho came hero, and, beln'
broke, ran up a bill on tho strength of
his soven dollars' worth of gold flllln'.
Charley won't submit to bavin' tho
nuggots pried out an' tho proprietor
won't let him git away with tho col
lateral, and thero you are!"
A Physician on Food.
A physician, of Portland, Oregon,
has views about food. He says:
"I havo always boliovcd that tho
duty of tho physician docs not cease
with treating the sick, but that wo
owo it to humanity to tench them how
to protect their health, especially by
hygienic and diotetio laws.
"With such n fooling as to my duty
I tako great pleasuro in saying to tho
public that in my own cxperlonco und
also from personal observation I havo
found no food equal to Grapo-Nuts,
and that I find thero is almost no limit
to tho great benefits this food will
bring when used in all cases of sick
ness and convalesccnco.
"It 1b ray experienco that no physi
cal condition forbids tho uso of Grapo
Nuts. To persons In health thoro is
nothing so nourishing and accoptablo
to tho stomach, especially at broak
fast, to start tho machinery of tho hu
man systom on tho day's work.
"In cases of indigestion I know that
a completo breakfast can bo mndo of
Orape-Nuts and cream and I think it is
not advlsablo to overload tho stomach
Bt the morning moal. I also know tht
groat valuo of Grapo-Nuts -when the
stomach is too weak to digest other
"This is written after an experibneo
of tnoro than, 20 years, treating all
manner of chronic and acuto diseases,
and the letter la written voluntarily
on my part without any request for it"
. Read tho llttlo book. "Tho Road to
.Wellvillo," in pkgs. "Thcro's a Reason."
Wild West Outdone
EW YORK. Tho wild west was
oncn tho homo of most that was
romantic nnd daring In crime. To
day It is superseded by tho wild cast
by Now York city itself. Crimes are
being compilttcd hero which for dar
ing and unwontcdncss can scarcely
bo surpassqd even by tho most Ima
ginative of writers of fiction.
A few woeks ago, up tho river in
tho neighborhood of Hudson, there
was a hold-up such aa Deadwood
Gulch or Coyoto Canyon nevor sur
passed. A paymaster nnd his guard re
turning from a bank with 5,000 to
pay off tho laborers in a brlckynrd
woro hold up and shot to death within
n few hundred yards of their office,
and to this day not one of tho nBsas
tins has been captured and not tho
slightest light has been thrown on
tho tragedy.
Recently in West Forty-seventh
street thero was a duol bot'ween two
parties of men. Each of thorn was in
n big touring car nnd they maneu
vered up nnd down tho strcot ex
changing shots liko two battleships in
action. Thero was nnother duol be
twocn two nutomobilo parties on Seventy-second
strcot a ccuplo of even
ings later,
Not long ago, ono afternoon when
Broadway was crowded, a gambler
stood in front of ono of tho best
known of New York's thentors and
Bring Rare Antiquities From Egypt
BOSTON. Tho Egypt exploration
fund of England nnd tho United
States hns forwarded to Its headquar
ters In Tremont Templo a valuablo
consignment of antiquities to bo di
vided among muBuums contributing to
tho society's excavations In Egypt,
Theso objects wero displayed In
King's Collcgo, London, nnd represent
tho result of last winter's work con
ducted at Abydos, Ehnasiya and Sid-
Abydos has proved an especially
Snluable slto for exploration. Hero
tilrls nnd Isis had their chief altars,
to which offerings woro brought from
tho farthest borders of Egypt during
tho period of centuries from tho
twenty-eighth to tho thirtieth dynas
ties. Tho main work, which was carried
on under tho general direction of
Now the Slot Machine Grocery Store
CINCINNATI, O. Tho corner gro
cery store in tho crowded tene
ment sections of great cities In tho
United States 'will be crowdod out by
nutomatlc grocery stores If tho forma
tion of a great corporation to install
slot machine stores in congested dis
tricts proves n success.
Rev. H. E. Robblns of Now York
city, who camo hero to attend tho
general Episcopal convention, has ro-
cently been appointed chairman of
tho committee of 50 business men
and philanthropists who will direct
the placing of tho stores.
Automatic lunchrooms, though not
now, form nnother sldo of tho project.
Tho company has already contracted
with tho Baldwin Locomotive Works
nnd Cramp's shipbuilding yards to
supply food at noon to tholr 40,000
Women to Pit Salon Against Jackpot
CHICAGO. Tho "Jnckpot" Is to bo
supplanted by tho "salon" at
Springfield. Tea and wafers aro to
vie with tho stronger stimulants
which have been Insepnrnbio from leg
islative lobbying before Pretty girls
will pit their skill against that of cor
poration lawyers and saloon keep
Fomlnlno methods nro to bo Intro
duced Into political wire pulling nnd
thoBo who nro familiar with tho in
ternal politics of women's clubs pre
dict that even tho most practical poli
tician will learn something new.
Tho invasion was decided upon nt
a meeting of tbo Political Equality
League in tho rooms of the Chicago
Woman's club upon suggestion of Mrs.
in New York City
engaged in n pUtol duol with nnothct
whom ho claimed had wrongod him.
Tho nggressor wao the poorer mark
man and was filled with lend. Hall
an hour later tho sidewalk had beau
scrubbed up and was dry and dustj
again, nnd tho surging crowds gave
as llttlo comment to tho affray as tho
border men used to when a man wni
killed over n gamo of cards in Abilene
or Dodgo or any other of those roan
ing cities of tho cow country a qunr
tor of a century ago.
Ono of tho most daring deeds in tho
history of tho metropolis was that
performed by MyleB McDonnoll. Ho
walked into a saloon, whero ho know
a lot of his enemies wero waiting to
kill htm. Tho mlnuto ho stepped in
nldo tho door threo or four of his foos
opened flra on him. Ho drow his pis
tol 'without batting an oyo nnd an
swered shot for shot. Tho doctors of
tho Harlem hospital wero busy for
sovornl days thereafter attending to
tho dead nnd wountlod. McDonnoll
killed two and seriously Injured threo
or foiir others. Ho himself got oft
without a scratch. ,
N,ew York today has' tho groatcst
clearing houso for thioves In the
world, It is thero that congregnto tho
transatlantic robbers, mon who work
tho ocean groyhounds. After each
round trip they moot nt this rendez
vous nnd divldo tholr spoil. Thero
also asBcmblo tho muster thioves, tho
big robbers, tho clever men who stenl
by brains ns well as by forco. They
arc tho safo blowers, tho crack sec-
ond-Btory men, tho cleverest of forg
ers who steal with pen and ink, tho
kings nnd princes of tbo wirolesB wire
tapping nnd gold brick Industry, tho
big swindlers in fako mining schomes.
Prof. E. Nnvillo. consisted of
tempt to clear flnnlly tho royal tombs
of tho first and second dynasties! but
much still remains to bo dono at this
Bit, and good results nro oxnocted
from tho continuation of tho work
noxt season. From theso oxcnvAtlnnn
como slato palottos, Jars and vases,
ornaments of glaze, wood, stono, car
ncllau, amethyst and flint; flint
rnzors, Ivory carvings, bcndB nnd pot
It Is a significant fact that mnnv of
tho discoveries of tho last venr nro
Injured by dampness, becauso they
llo ho near tho area of cultivation
Tho wldo extension of agricultural
Egypt resulting from tho building at
tuo monster dams nt Asslout and As
sounn, hns not boon nn unmixed
blessing. Many of the noblest monu
monts havo been injured and will ul
llmatoly bo overthrown by tho on
cronching wntcrs. Tho relics of tho
past that have lain safely in the dry
sands of Egypt nro already beginning
to decay at tho touch of tho infiltrat
ing wators. A fow years mnro nmi
tho excavator will find nothing of
valuo In nlnccB that nro now rinh
I fields for archaeological research.
mon, said Rev. Mr. Robblns.
"Our automatic crooerv strim nmi
lunch Is not entirely for profit," said
Mr. Robblns. "It will rnnllv tin n
great philanthropy. Tho poor In the
tenement parts of tho big cities buy
In Bmnll quantities nnd have tn nnv
tho highest prlcos. A womnn who
purcunBes 10 cents' worth of coal gots
it at tho rate of $20 a ton, So with
tho other necessities of llfo. The
cheap groceries aro also unsnnltnrv
and much tlmo Is lo3t waiting to bt
sorved, especially If n child Is sent tc
mnito tuo purcnaso.
"Our Krocery Stores will rnnnlnt n
a small room with a lot of slots It
tho wall. If a man wants a dime
worth of coal all ho has to ln In
drop a dime In tho slot nnd hn entn
whole 10 cents' worth. So with bunnn
sugar, coffeo nnd all tho rest of tho
grocories, dono up In clean packages,
prepared at a central point nnd
bought In lnrgo quantities, which ex
plain tho big saving. You cannot
hack'O OVer nrlcCB With thn nlnt mn.
chlr, nor do you lose tlmo in being
wnitod on. Prices will bo from 1 cont
Catherine Waugh McCulloch.n luntt
of tho peaco at Evanston. The loagHe
will maintain ii salon In Springfield
tnrougnout tho next session of
legislature. This salon will bo qulto
tho equal of thoso through which
brainy women bo often Bwnyed tha
destinies or tranco.
Tho foundation of thn union win
a good-looking young woman, nnd hot
cnapcron. This champion, who is
guiuo legislators to right thinking
tno Bunrago question, already
been solected. Sho is Miss Hnrrim
Grim, stato organizer of tho society,
buo win -bo assisted by tho club wom
en of Springfield and by Chlcagc
members or tho league.
Tho headquarters of tho salon wit
bo in an apartment in Springflold,
which will bo furnished by tho league
tor mo oxpress purposo, and open
houso will bo kont as lone as thorn
a legislator or his wife in Springfield
to bo ontertalncd. Tho definite aim
tho lcaguo for tho comlnnr sosslon
tho leglslaturo 1b municipal suffrage
Make Use of
Your Gifts
Text. And lie until, leavn ua not. I pray
thee, for ns much on thou knbwest how
wo ore to enenmp In the wlUerncHS, and
thou tnnycxt b with us Instead ot eyes.
-Num. 10:31.
What raoro glorious uso can bo
mndo of knowledge lulluonco, nnd per
sonal strength than to turn thorn to
tho' help of tho needy? It your vision
is pcnotratlng nnd clear, what nobler
servlco can you ronder then to "bu
oyoB' for thoso who mny not soo
nfar? If your hand haB strength and
cunning, to what bettor uso mny It
bo turned thun lifting tho burdens
of tho weak and teaching tho unskill
ed how best to accomplish tholr task?
If you havo wealth you havo pos
session of n power for good which la
nearly omnipotent, It rightly applied.
What mora worthy aim can load men
nnd women ot wonlth than that
through their help tho poor may catch
vlslonn of tho highest nnd holiest llfo?
If wo havo tho gift of prophocy, wo
must use it for tho instruction of-tho
ignorant, if wo retain It. To hesitate
Is Inglorlously to full; selfishly to
keep for ourselves what God haB In
tended shall servo his children, Is to
loso llfo with nil Us opportunities of
good. Hobab'a knowledge nnd Influ
ence novor wero more precious to him
than when, having rofuscd tho appeal
to enrich himself, ho accepted tho op
portunity to assist others. Ah tho now
dangers nrosc, and ho helped Moocb
meet them and conquer thorn", his own
mind and soul grew imperial. By tha
number, magnitude, ,nud stress of tho
responsibilities of others, ho was de
veloped Into his own worthiest life.
When u great Italian commander was
dofented ho iasuod his immortal ap
peal: "Soldiers, I am without monoy
and without reward. I have nothing
to offer you but cold nnd hunger, nnd
rags and hardship. Lot hlra who
loves his country follow mo." But
with that summons to solf-donlal und
patriotism ho gathered to his side
tho choicest souls of hla generation.
Tho men who followed In responso to
that appeal boenrao courngootm
heroes thbmsolvcs. When our Lord
turned nnd said to tho multitude,
"Tho Son of man hath not to where
lo lay his head," and Invited them to
follow him, ho was calling to
mon and women who had counted tho
cost, and wero rcudy to surrender
themselves to the cause of purity,
truth, and human holpfulness. Tha
way of llfo Is narrow; tho gato to It
Is narrow; but tho narrowness of tha
wny and tho gato nro Hb glory. Nnr
rowuess of tho way domands energy.
high purposo and noblo persovcrnnca,
rhoro Is no other way. To Invito a
great soul to n broad path is to Invito
j I m to smallncss, to tho ccusuttou oi
growth and Impotoncc. Tho cry has
boon hoard in oVory age, "Would God
It woro easier to bo good!" "And
would" God it wero easier to redoora
tho earth!" But that is a mistaken
Dry When tho ton spies returned
from Cnnnnn murmuring bocauso ol
tho obstacles to tholr conquest, their
murmuring was an evidence ot weak
ness of character; but tho cry of Ca
leb and Joshua was, "Up, let us con
aucr theso giants, and tako their
walled cities' That was tho token of
the greatness of tho two.
Jesus Christ did not coma primarily
to change tho circumstances thai
should mako llfo easy, but to glvo a
now Ineentivo und lofty inspiration
that would enablo men to meet life's
circumstances as they arc. Ho novel
promised his frlonds that tho path of
duty should bo froo from danger. In
tho spirit of tho Spartan mother who
charged her uoldler son, "Como home
with your shield or on It," Christ says
to his dlBclplcs, "Tako tho Hold and
save humanity, cost what It may." II
Is nlways truo that tho cholco of the
broad path of personal easo and com
Tort, instead of tho narrow path ol
duty, leads to tho loss of self-respect.
tho world s esteem, und truo .success
Sir Henry Stanley describes braverj
as a requlslto for thoso who push intc
tho Afrlcun forest, nnd says: "Tht
bigger tho work tho groatcr tho Joy ol
doing 'It. Tlio wholo-heartcd striving
and wrestling with difficulty to luj
hold with a firm grip and level hoad
and tho enhn resolution of tho mon
ster, and tugging nnd tolling und
westllng nt It today, tomorrow, and
tho noxt, until it is dono is tho sol
dler's creed ot forward, over forward;
It Is u mnn's faith that for this task
ho was barn." When McKay wrote
from Ugnnda In Africa to tho homo
church, ho said, "For our work nt
this station wo want tho best men
In England; not n man who can bo
easily spared, but tho, man who can
not bo spared." Christianity from
tho beginning lias grown upon tasks
that wero so groat as to roqulro tho
consecration of nil Its powor. "O,
pray not far onsy lives, pray to bo
stronger men; do not pray for power
equal to your tasks; then tho doing
of your work shall bo mlraclo, but
you shall bo a mlraclo; overy day
you shall wonder nt yourself, at tha
richness of tho llfo which has como
to you by tho graco of God."
Final Aim.
Tho main reason why mon aro sc
aulckly swept off tholr foot by pusHion,
why KambllnK and lUBt and drink aro
po HtroiiK, la bocauso God has not boon
chosen as tho final aim ot llfo to fur
nish a standing chock upon tho tlgoi
and the apo in tho monagorlo of the
soul. Itov, J. P. D. Lowyd, Presbyte
rian. Scattlo.
Cook Plcaso; ma'am, I want to
glvo a wcok'fi nottco,
Mlstrc3s--Why, Jano, this la indeed
a surprise Aro you not satisfied with
tho treatment you receive hero?
Cook Oh: yog, ma am.
Mistress Then I suppose you havo
something better in view?
Cook rOhl no, ma'ami I'fli only go
ing to get married.
Upon Distracted Households
When Cutlcura Enters.
Sloop for skin tortured babies and
rout for tired, trottod mothers is found
In u hot bath with Cutlcura Soap and
a gcutlo anointing with Cutlcura Oint
ment. This trcntmont, in tho major
ity of cases, affords immedtato relief
in tho most distressing forms of Itch
ing, burning, scaly, and crusted hu
mors, Gczcran, rnslic3. inflammations,
lrrltattona, nnd chaflngn, of Infancy
and childhood, permits rest nnd sleep
to both parent and child, and points
to n speedy cure, whon other remedies
fail. Worn-out and worrlod parents
will find this pure, owoot nnd econom
ical treatment realizes tholr highest
oxpoctatlons, and mny bo applied to
tho youngest infanta as woll as chil
dren of nil ages. Tho Cutlcura Rem
edies nro sold by druggists every
where Send to Potter Drug & Chom.
Corp., solo proprietors, Boston, MasB.,
tor tholr frco 32-page Cutlcura Book on
tho caro nnd trcntmont of skin nnd
tcalp of Infants, children nnd adults.
The Difference.
you und a trained nurso except tho
uniform," snld her ntck husband.
A tirl Mia anlnrv ' aim ml ft ml
thoughtfully. Hnrpor'B Bazar.
Now He Knows.
"On what' grounds does your fathor
objoct-to mo7" ho asked.
"On any grounds within a mile of
our house," sho ausworcd.
Pcttlt's Eye Salvo Restores,
No matter how badly the eyes may bo
dlsenncd or injured. All druftuUts or How
ard Bros., Buffalo. N. Y.
Wo often hear tho expression, "as
poor as a church mouse" But even a
church H1OU30 doesn't havo to llvo om
tho collections.
Lewis' Slnclo Hinder, the famous
itraiglit So ciuar annual salo 0,500,000.
Anything lott to bo dono at your
lelsuro seldom cots dono, S. Martin.
3 z-m & '$4 shoes insja
BoraSH0C8,$2.OO,$2.b0&3.O0. BtoT in the Would,
W. L. DoufffBB S3.00, $3. BO ana f't.aOahemm
nro poeHlvabr tho moat maca nnd mast Jpeje
far sftoaa for tha rce In Atnavlea, mAu Hi'a
thm most Boaiiamlaal mhoea fer you to buy
I)o j-iiu roalUo that my alioea liaro been the atundard for ever
80 yoiira, tlint I mako ami aell inuro B.'I.OO, 83,00 and S1.00
ahont than any other manufacturer In the U.S., and that POf
I.AK roil DOM.AIt.I atMllANTKlSaiYBIIOKS to hold their
aliapo, lo, k and lit better,and wear longer I linn nnjr other 3.CO,
3.00 or 81.00 ahnea you rnn bur? Uuitllly count. It haa
aiudo my aliooaTIIK T.r.ADKItH Oil Tit I! WOKI.U,
i ou mil do pieaaeu mien you buy my ahnea lierauae or tha
fit nnd apnearanco, and when It cornea time far youtopur
cuaaeauolhor jlr, yon will lo more than ploaaed becaute
the laat onea wore ao wnll. nnd tr&vn vnu an lmieli nnmfnrt.
CAUTION I SS;'!e B,TAKE no substitute
That Cold Room
which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time
Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours,
without smoke or smell.
An Indicator always shows tho amount of oil In the font.
Fllicr-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle,
and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost.
An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents th
wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to
remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant.
The burner body or gallery cannot becomo wedged, and can be unscrewed
In an instant for rewlcklng. Finished in Japan or nickel, strong, durable, veil
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle.
fa iht tuarttt unci cf Iht
By Lydia E. PinkSiam's
Vegetable Compound
Black Duck, Minn. "About a yr
ago I wto to you that I was sick and
oouiu not no aay ot,
my housework. Mr
sickneM was calle
Retroflexion. When
1 would sit down X
folt as if I could no
fat up. I took
vogo table Coro-i
pound and uiu jtus
as you told me ami
now I am perfectly
cured, and havo a
blcr habr boy."
Mrs. Axh a Andekso.v, Box 19, illaok
Duck, Minn.
Consider This Advlee
No woman should Bttbmlt to a surgl. v
cnl operation, which may mean death,
until sho has given Lydia E. Plnkham'Sf,
YcROtablo Compound, mado exclusive
ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be tb
most valuable tonlo and Invito ratoroC
tho fomalo organism. Women resid
ing in almost ovary city and town la
tho United States boar willing testi
mony to the wondorf ul ylrtuo of Lydia
15. Plnkham'o Vogotable- Compound.
It cures foniale Ills, and creates radii
out, buoyant female health. If yon
aro 111, for your own sako as well M
tboso yon lovo, glvo it a trial.
Mrs. rinklinni, at Lynn, Mam
invites all sick women to write)
licrforrulvico. Her advice-is frea
and always helpful.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
1 Nino tiiau in Urn when lk tint U right lk
tomMh and bowel tn nM.
gtntly but firmly cess
pal lazy nrar u
do lU duty.
1 Curti Con
Headache, nad Distress after Ealing.
SmU rill, SnuB Do. &nU Price
Genuine ettxu Signature
Tho par excellence of all razors
Inon.D.l). LwlutrMlHIflM
eat remanent. Uesa nnlM
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1910.
hhh ...... n a n r.
Mam1 I. .aSak W .VaaaaV
on the side of the house whera
winter blasts strike hardest always
has a lower temperature than tho
rest of the house. There are tir&
when it is necessary to raise the?
temperature quickly or to keep tho
temperature up for a long period.
That can't be done by the regular'
method of heating without great
trouble and overheating the rest of
the house. The only reliable
method of heating such a room
alone by other means Is to use a
Absolutely smokeless end aJkrltu
Oil Company
(iBcorporatad) ,