The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 28, 1910, Image 8

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6- -Ju tt . "
Probably (Most Important Adjunct
to Windmill Plant.
In Many Instances It Can Be M,de
Source of Profit In Winter Montha .
for Producing Ice Size and
Shape Are Essential.
Probably tho most Important ad
junct to a windmill plant Ih tho reser
voir. Indeed, a means of stdrlnir
water which In dotlvcrcd nUn small
rnto or flow should bo resorted to In
ovory Instnnco whoro tho flow Is less
than 000 Rations por mlhuto. The
reason for recommending u reservoir
ror Hows up to this amount is thnt,
with urn all streams used direct from
(he pumps, Uie loss In conveyance In
ditches Is cxccunlvo nnd the loss In
the application of tho water to tho
land Is large, nltico u small stream
will saturate n spot and u large
amount of water will sink Into tho
soil In this onn place Instead of
sprrndlng over n largo area and moist
ening the surface. Furthor, much
moro labor Is required to Irrigate with
a small stream Hutu with a largo one.
If climatic conditions were faVorablo
'"'". U'".
ho nn advantage In hnv.lng a reservoir
which would hold all the wator
.tumped from tho lime Irrigation stops
in on" season until it begins In tho
noxt. for It Is during 'tho winter
months that tho grcnleut -winds, occur.
Operation during tho I winter months
would require only a largo reservoir
and (ho draining of pipes during calm,
cold days or, hotter still, a frost-proof
housing for the pump nnd piping. In
many Instances a rcsorvolr can bo
:modo a source of profit during the
winter months by producing Ice,
The . d sha po or a reservoir
aro Important. A circular reservoir
.contains about 13 per centrums 'shoro
lino than n squnro reservoir of equal
area, and tho Btirfnco or tho water Is
less exposed to winds whon tho reser
voir Is partially filled. An oblong
rectangular rcsorvolr with one ot Its
Hliort sides toward the prevailing wind
may have n smaller shore lino ox
posed to wind, but It hns n grentcr
shore lino, varying from IS per -cent.
MP. depending .upon tho ratio of sides
ti, ntwlR nml In vlnw ,,f ft,,. fnnt W
ttin ooAnnn, f ,..!. i.....t. .
banks IS approximately 20 per cent,
or the loss in tho bottom or equivalent
area it Is dcslrnblo to rcduco to a
minimum the length ot embankment.
Vta be said eoncVnZg' sh o
lino applies to tho wave citing or
l,i. i. n.....i - ..i i.. n
sizes aro moro slmplo to construct., .
In, orchard roctkWdlnr reservoirs'
.r,,- .ntr,J,n i . ..iT.i-
r-i. uw v V J li V-4J V 1 I Ull n SIB Ml
.........I ... iivivv. I.V HIV IMUllb Wl .IIIUEfi
which nro usually In squares or rec
tangles; .but this docs not offset tho
many nuvaniagos or tho round ones.
The reservoir should bo of sulllelont
size to hold tho water pumped bo-
tween irrigations, If thorlod bo-
twofn Irrigations Is ten days, and tho
in....!, in.iiiwn vv biuiuun l'vr milium
on an average, tho quantity pumped
wouiu t4,uuu gallons, or 110,000 cubic
iwi. mo reservoir nt uiioyenno iosi
about 10.5 per cent, of Un capacity In
ten days, but this is not roprcsontn-
tlvo ot earth reservoirs, which mny
loso 00 per cent. In ton tlttys. Atsum-
lug tho loss to be 2C per cent., tho away, food to'cldckcns or mako cat
cupacity required would bo 8C.C25 sup ot tho cutis'. Pack In clonn pack
cubic feet, Just a llttlo less than two nges, ayoII filled and not topped off.
..i4-viik uu Houiiuu uuuuiii iuivu i
for tho wfltor pumped during n fow
days IT Irrigation 1b postponed fpr any
oucKwneai por Poultry.
Duckwbent IB both Btlmulntlng and
Uiwing, which renuors it nn oxcollont
r V. . lr ul,L " umnK
Of n fattening nature, should bo fed
t Za ' , , ,
,i.,n.J ? n 1,rol,c,n (cBK,,!ro;
during matorinl) than docs corn, but
tiu iviuiniu in UIKl'HUUIC mailer IB
...wt u uucKwaeai naving about
por cent and corn 81 per cent.
nroffi P?r C,nt,0f'
jirotoin and 04.8 por cent of curbohv-
..,.,. ..l i . ... "
1 ?" rn?a. f.Bh hnvK n nutrUlvo.
-nrotXX, lT , r
-prott,'Ju and 75 por cont or carbony.
ilmtro nn.l tnt ,.,wl ui.'
"o i , , ;. ' 9 """"""
intlo or 1,12.
i tun iiiuvi-n UlUb UUUKWIlCai IS II
.ull.1.ttv t.nttn .
Vr l ..vrV:.r.. , . . " U,,"V
B luum viuuy uaiuncou. utll it
...mef k. i i. .
"v ivu in iuikui iiuauiiiies to
jsam that ofTect.
n - AJie b the Wceder.
tUtx niHvntinii Af Mh(nnt. wi.nh i.
erly used. It should bo run crosswise
IhtV ffttt nfrnM onM. ..H l.fnf l
long ns tho bUo of tho plants will
nnrm t Tt u.ln tn tlw.
fnon n,l..l,.BtVfl nnv nf tl.a wn,.,l tn
the rows whoro thoy cannot be reach
ed with, the cultivator, thus making
hand hoeing loss necessary. Some
KlUnilD V"UWUU VW HUUl1 U n Vlv'l
. T '
lbngthwlso ot tho towh
urtor tho
plants -are too largo to permit run
ning It crosswlso by romovlng somo
or th'i teeth front directly over tho
t Dairv Management.
Don't bo arrald to uso ilUlnfactanta
about tho cow stable. To bo suro milk
soon absorbs tho odor ot these things,
but, milk baa no buslnosa HtandlngLof, ration to feed laying nens in win
around tho stable a minute uttor tutor.
cow Is (Intuited.
Tho man who does not got more
thnn two dollura returns from ovory
dollar's worth ot food his cows con
jnimo. has not yet loarnod the first lea
hob of good dairy management.
Much of Futuro Work of Irrigation
Will Bo Dono by pumping Elec
tricity Most Suitable.'
In many sections of the western
states a demand baa recently sprang
up for power on tho farms, which Is
80 '"go and tho nature of which Is no
attractive from a loud standpoint that
It promises to Justify for Its eallsfnc
Hon a very largo expenditure on tho
part of service companies, I refer to
the use of electric powor for Irriga
tion purposes, writes Herman Russell
In Field nnd Farm. All ovor tbo west
wnter Is bolng pumped electrically
from wells, rivers, lakes and ditches
for Irrigation use, Largo government
and private compnny undertakings nro
now supplying water In this way for
thousands of acres. Individual farm
ers, whorover electric power can be
obtained, nrc Installing pumping out
fits and irrigating their own land,
thereby saving tho Cost of wnltif
rights and maintenance charges., while
obtaining water at n very reasonable
coat when they wnnt It nnd where
thoy wnnt it a condition not always
reached with gravity systems.
It is clear to any one who has Htud'
lod tho irrigation development in tho
west Hint much of the future Irriga
tion work will bo done by the aid of
suitable power tor .
.1..., ..1 i i ... Ih
Suitable gravity systems have been
quickly seized nnd doveloped to their
practical limits, nnd tbo combination
of natural conditions that go to Insure
tho successful gravity system, such aa
a sufllclont supply of water at suitable
elevation and within easy reaching
distance of good farming lands, Is at
best very limited. Most of these have
boon or are nlready being developed.
Tho electric development for In-1
gallon pumping Is proceeding In two
ways: Either u largo pumping plant
,H ?n(1 0,1
wnter for u given nereago Is pumped
tit this -point to a higher level nnd
then distributed by gruvlty-tho pow
er used being electric, with either
steam or hydraulic generation; or,
electric power Ib furnished from n con-
trnl plant to tho individual farmcra,
who supply their own wnter, tnkon
from stromas, wells, gravity ditches
or lakes, as the case may be. In cither
c"" 0,cc'r'l Pwor iIooh tho work, tho
7ercnc WB simply, o.lo of nppllca-
uw w HUO
tloiiw of vnrlous kinds,
Dairy Breeds All Have a Place.
Tho battle or the dairy broedB still
?f Jut
"'J ty rf?BJ ?"d. "PH1!
iiu" ru iiuuuiiuiiK Juuro biuiu. ii ih
, T, V.i T V Ti
Bnlod-thot thort la n place for nil
tho broedB of dairy cowb nnd that tho
plnco Is not qulto thq snmo for each.
rhus, tho Ayrshire does particularly
well In climntOB a little stent. Tho
Holstolns do well whorc much milk
Is wanted. So on of tho others. Each
will host lilt a niche that Is n llttlo
" , "" tt " " '
d,ITcrent frrtm hl,t "y tho oth
Gathering Tomatoes.
v Ck tbo tomatoes heforn Hoft. linn
die carefully, Sco that thoy aro not
bruised. Jtomovo stoma which will
Injure pthor tomatoes py puncturing,
Mako two or threat crudes.'''. Throw
uunusi iiacKiug pays
Eggs slrtmld bo regulnrly collected
at lonnr. twlrn ilnlli-
A llslif nin
wlll keopitho ducks quiet at night. .
Grain Should bo fed lim nt
Rt, uh? t romnlns-In tho crop tho
longest. jT-
'"Wf whd said '.'that tho best
l'ouUryniit)n niost farms aro tho
womon,":lUioV what he was talking
Kcon tho hens in thn best nnHRriiA
,nn,iuinn ntn.. t,..UA '
cnrofuHy0' clean feed, spray
.. . '
I "'"U" iliiu liuu, Ul U iOU Will UU
a apt as anybody to got eggs.
U 18 now Un, 10 u thinking ot
.,nn.,.. n.. . ,.r
"" .ii.uj lur
v ,,., .
I 1..l .l , , , ...... ..
"Ull U Illicit
I it ...i u .
Ju nuuiu ouuiior ruuni
outsldo than In their houses, there Is
something wrong. Search your pens
nnd U ltco prove to bo tho cause tho
house should be fumigated mid
sprayed with a liquid llco killer.
" iuwury uuust'H uro reason
f ... .
ftby t,K,lt lt wou d u 8?',1 "
" lte und llcp:, The tighter the house
,n l"u """" ,U,UK "
tt;ct f tllO fUmCH Of tllO SUlplllir.
For a drinking vessel uso a tin can.
,,lko,.ft holo ono-quftrtw of an Inch
the top, In tho side, llll with wa-
tor, put a saucer on it and quickly
ll till a m i
I hiVfirr ltntli vnfnr will untiil In itm
' , , ' ' V , .
saucer and will feed down bh fust as
thn chicks drink It.
Ducks that aro kept rcr breeding
purposes should not bo fed on a fat
toning ration, so ns to weaken them
by too much rorclng. Tho brooders
biiouki uo Kept Bupanuo irom inoso
that aro fed for murkot.
Clean, dry quarters with plenty ot
fresh nlr Is as Important na tho kind
Dq not Buffer your ducks to shift for
thomsolvoa, picking up what food
thoy can sloal from tho cown and
- awlno, and thou qxpect them to bo fit
- a a flddto aa breodorB whon February
I comes
OTHINO Is prettier In ribbon ar
rangements than n bow and ends
in slmnla or In claborato dcslans.
Hut ono may not nlwnys arrlv6 itt the
desired effect' by tho ubo of bows.
A shape may be modified or changed
In appearance by building It In one
direction or another with ribbon ar
ranged in loops. Flower forms may
bo copied or simulated, nnd nothing
Is moro fnshlonnblo than small, com
pact roses and foliage in ado or rib
bon. Thcso examples afo given hero or
ribbon In unusual nrrnngomcnts. In
the first ti cap-like shapo covered with
big velvet popples is lengthened at
tho bnck with wired loops or hcavy
satlit ribbon. These bows redeem the
shapo, lifting It from tho common
place into one of thoso which tho
French hnvo described as '.'the Hooting
profile " shnpes. They are hill or
This pretty costumo, designed espo;
dally for boating or sailing', la ot whlta
linen trimmed with bands of blue nnd
whlto striped lluen. Tbo skirt Is made
with a group of plaits at each side,
abovo which It Is ornamented with
buttons, and is encircled about kneo
high, with xm Inserted . band ot tho
striped linen,
Tho blouse has a bib-like plastron
ot tho material ornnmontcd with but
tons. Tho sailor collar and cuffs nro
embroidered with anchors and trim
mod with the bauds of striped linen.
Tho odd cravat and tho glrdlu are or
black liberty.
Stenciling Hints.
When Btonclllug a design for
wallpaper frieze, draw tho dlaporcd
pattern on heavy paper so aB to al
low tho skeleton design to hold firm
ly together after tho sprayB havo
boon out out from stencil plates. Cut
out each piece of tho drawing with
a sharp kntfo, nnd lay It on a rough
plcco ot tho cardboard so Hint the
edge ot tno knlfo In not turned.
Prepare each plcco to roslst tho
action ot tho color by sizing or by
shollno dissolved In methylated
Mix tho color with ono-thlrd pic
ture copal varnish and two-thirds
turpontlno, using only a small por
tion at n tlmo, ns It Is very volatl'o.
Thon dab tho color all ovor tho fitfr
faco ot tho design with a stencil
brush. You will then bo. ready to ap
ply It to tho wulla.
style. Tho loops in this instance aro
mode overloops of boned wlro sewed
'jo tho shape at tho back. .
A pretty drooping brimmed round
hat, having tho brim edgo finished
with a shirring of velvet shows plait
lngs of. ribbon and volvpt bows poised
together about tho round crown. This
forms a sort of rosette, In which the
plaited ribbon sets, and tho result
makes ono thing or n flower. In fact,
each velvet and ribbon docorntlon Is
much like n hugo pansy In shape.
Tho pretty hat, which Is ot king's
bluo felt, needs no other decoration.
A lint for a miss faced with change
able taffeta gathered in tbo under
brim, is bound with n putt of velvet
A collar .of ribbon about the crown l
ilnlshed with a very full plaiting or
shirring ot ribbon at the loft front
Such a hat Is ideal for miss of 10
or more years, and Is quite within Uto
rango or amatour millinery to mako,
Precious and S?ml-Preclous Stone
Very Much In Evidence on All
With low-cut necks narrow velvet
collars set with three or five cradu-
ated ornaments of pnsto sot In old sil
vered metal aro smart and becoming
with both afternoon and ovontng
Earrings do much to break tho Una
of a long nock with a collnrless gown.
Lovoly now ones nro shown In Paris-
Ian diamonds, colored stones and ba
roque pearls.
A good looking sot or earrlncs ha
a bowknot and dnngler or diamonds
wan baroquo drop; another sot thai
serows on hns threo baroquo pearls
ono auovo the other, connected bi
Jeweled chains with amethyst drops
A Bhlold-shnped corsage ornnmenl
of Parisian diamonds and French cm
oralds, with a shoulder catch to cflr
respond, gives n brilliant finish to i
low-necked evening gown.
Tho womnn of. bony neck shoulc
purchase ono of the high dog col
lars of rows of seed pearls crjssod bv
narrow side bars and a squnro con
trol bar ot Parisian diamonds
For traveling or sports tho watch
bracelet is growing in favor. Ono ol
the now ones bos a llexlblo woven
strap and bucklo of gold wlro set
with a red enamel watch studded in
On a gray suede wrist strap Is a
small watch of . gold rims studdd
with alternato rubles and pearls or
sapphires und pearls. Cheaper for
hard wear aro tan or gray suedo
bracelet with a small open-faced gold
or sliver watch.
A fasclnntlng ornament of Fronch
Jewelry that can bo used for tho hair
or corsage Is a pair of Mercury wings
Bet to form a hollow that can cnclrclo
tho hair knot.
Black Waist.
Tho black chiffon blouso ovor while
or over a silk in Persian colors ' la
oven moro popular now. than at the
end ot last season, when It was hailed
as h Jiovolty. Tho volted offect
moro pleasing and satisfactory In n
wnlst than a skirt, atneo It gives a
color offect which cannot bo obtained
by pipings or bands, Thoro is
beautiful mossnllno, wovon In the
designs and colorings ot tho famous
India shawls, Which Is usod exten
slvely In combination with black for
waists. TIiq plain black silk waist
aro worn a great deal. Tho smarter
of them hnvo n narrow round yoko ol
whlto lnco, which gives them n dreBsy
appearanco, relieving tho Bomborncsi
of tho black.
A New Tie.
A fetching now tio that gives a
toucli ot color to a dark or whlto cos
tumo ts made from blna satin or vel
vet formed Into Inch wldo folds. Theso
aro onded with bunches of tiny flow
ers nnd leaves, while a. similar bunch
holds tho leaves together In (rant.
Large Cities Show
WASHINGTON. Tho conauu re
turns on Uio largo cities of tho
country nro now complote. Tho fig-
urea show that most of them havo had
a healthy growth during tho ten years
slnco tho last count was made, but
eomo of them havo fallen ont of tho
places thoy occupied Uien and their
places havo been taken by other cities.
Of Uio many that havo tried, In the'
past ten years, to climb Into tho
100,000 class, only five hnvo succeeded.
Among tho ten largest cities there
hns been only ono Importnnt chango
of position. Daltlmoro has lost sixth
placo to Clovcland. Dattlmore's popu
lation, ns officially stated, is 658,485,
whllo Cleveland haB EGO.CGU. Tho gain
In Daltlmoro ovor 1000 was 9.7 per
A comparison of 29 cities in tho
100,000 class shows that tho aggre
gate population Is 13,596,81!), as
against 10,376,012 In 1000 nnd 7,004,1-10
In 1890.
Tho fact Is noted that tho high rate
of increnso Is not confined to any one
Uncle Sam's Health
rHE activities of tho public health
and marlno hospital service, to
which is Intrusted most of tho Kcncral
ivork of guarding tho country against
contagion from abroad and preventing
Uu Bpread at homo, form tho topic ot
i paper by Surgeon General Wyman
"n thopublIc health roport.
tho aocument was prepared ror tno
American Public Health association
which recently met at Milwaukee.
rhis organization Is composed of rep
resentatives from Canada, Moxlco and
Cuba, as well as from tho United
States, and tho paper was regarded as
it especial Interest to them.
Beginning with "tho utmost clrcum
,'eronco of tho Influonco of tho organ
ization," Doctor Wyman tells of the
srotcctlvo mensurcs at foreign ports,
ilo shows that medical officers of tho
bureau are located In most of the sea
coast cities of Asin and South and
Central America, and at some ot thoso
of Europe. Tho sorvlco also Is liber
ally represented In Hawaii, Porto
Rico and tho Philippines.
Political" Pot Is
REPORTS coming Into "Washington
from nil ovor tho country toll how the
soethlng political pot is furiously boil
ing. In Now York, Indiana, Nebraska
and Missouri the politicians nro es
pecially busy.
Tho Now York stato Republican
convontlon was n triumph for Colonel
Roosovolt. Ho wna tho temporary
chairman, defeating Vice-President
Sherman. That was tho first rout of
tho regulars. Ho won a spectacular
fight for tho adoption of tho platform
of tho progressives; ho put through
his slato and tho closo of tho conven
tion found tho Roosevelt forces in
cftmpleto control of tho situation.
Henry L. Stlmson of Now York city,
Roosevelt's man, was nominated for
In his speech distinguishing be
tween a leader and n boss, ho said a
boss drives, whllo a leader leads."
Ho then proceeded to "lead tho con
vontlon to do everything that he
wanted It to do.
Tho platform as adopted contnlnod
a plank Indorsing tho administration
or President Tatt and that ot uovcr
Our Wood Fuel
niREWOOD valued at $250,000,000 is
r usod every year by tho peoplo of
tho United States, according to tho
latost OBtlmato ot tho forestry serv
ice Our forefathers used consider
ably moro wood, but coqj to n groat
extent has supplanted It as a fuel.
Llttlo attention has been paid to
tho amount of wood used for fuel pur
poses. In 1880 tho census estimated
that at that tlmo there woro nonrly
146,000,000 cords, valued at approxi
mately $322,000,000. or $2.21 a cord,
used for fuel annually.
a Healthy Growth
geographical section. Of soven cltle9
whoso rnto exceeded 40 por cont., two.
Newark, N. J., and Bridgeport, Conn.,
nro eastern; one, Atlnntn, 1b southern,
and four, Detroit, Denver, KanBttB City
and Columbus, nro westorn. Of tho
two cities with tho lowest rate, ono Is
eastern and tho other Ib western.
Tho rates of Increase for Atlanta,
Detroit, Denver nnd Kansas City nro
phenomonatty high, but most extraor
dinary Ib tho high percentage for Now
York, which exceeds tho avorago of
28 cities by 11.1 per cent, nnd is It
solt exceeded only by tho rates of
seven cities.
Fifty-four cities of between 25,000
and 100,000 show an aggrcgato popu
lation of 2,723,498, ns against 1,901,76G
In 1900, a gain of 43.2 por cent., which
tho census bureau pronouncoa "pho
nomonnlly high." Thlrty-ono ot thcso
cities ehow a higher rate of Increase
for tho past decade than for tho previ
ous ono. No decroaso 1b noted In any
one of the clHcs.
Of tho larger cities the gain of St
Louis during tho docado was grcator
proportionately than that of Boston,
its nearest competitor whllo Knnsns
City Is In twentieth placo on tho face
of the returns. Kansas City has
Jumpod ahead of Providence, It, I., and
Indianapolis, Ind., Providence falling
behind Indianapolis, which It led in
Zone Far Spread
In addition' to keeping themselves
and tho homo offlco Informed regard
ing the prevalence or cholorn, yellow
fever, smallpox, typhus and plague,
theso offlclals nro required to Inspect
American-bound vessels and to Issue
bills of health, without which tho ves
sels might not enter American ports.
During tho last fiscal year they In
spected 1C.7GC vessels and examined
1,433,134 paBBcngers. On board ship
tho regulations of theso officials fol
low tho Immigrant, requiring propor
cloanlincsa nnd ventilation, nnd whon
tho vessel arrives in the United States
It Is met by another set of hoalth
sorvlco oftlcors on duty olthcr to on
forco qunrantino rules or to assist
the immigration officials In their work.
In tho lntter capacity tho public
health men last year examined 1,280,
000 Immigrants, ccrtirylng 30.000 ol
them ns defective either mentally or
Tho paper also abounds In facts
relative to tho work of tho bureau in
preventing tho Bpread ot Infectious
diseases from ono stato to another un
der tho qunrantino law, making espe
cial referenco to tho work fn connec
tion with recont yollow-fovor epidem
ics and tho plnguo infection on tho
Pacific coaBt of a fow years ago.
Tho maintenance of tho sorvlco
costs tho United States $2,000,000 an
nually. Boiling Furiously
nor Hughes and commending the wis
dom ot tho president In choosing
Hughes for tho supremo court bench.
The keynote ot tho Indiana cam
paign was sounded by Senator Bovo
ridgo in n speech nt Indianapolis., Ilo
was mer,cuc8s to uio interests, wnicn
lio says havo been controlling legisla
tion for years. Ho defied tho cor
porate Interests to polluto tho votors
of Indiana. He favored tho rovlslon
ot tho tnrirt by a genuine tariff com
mission. Ho gavo Roosovolt credit for '
Inaugurating the conservation move
ment. Mayor J. C. Dahlraan of Omaha,
candidate for governor ot Nebraska,
responding to rumors nbout his early
caroor, gave out a statement that he
shot his brother-in-law In Texas for
deserting his sister, fled tho state and
assumed tho name in Nebraska of Jim
Murray. The man ho shot did not die.
The only law bo knew, ho says, was
the law of tho pistol and1 the quick
hand. "I gob to bo pretty tough, I
admit It," ho says. "Tho country was
full of mavorlck cattlo and no oue
wfts a better hand with tho rope,
chasing down thcso strays and put
ting tho branding Iron on thorn."
Missouri Democrats opened their
campaign nt Joplln, with Bryan, Folk,
Francis, Reed and Stono as leaders
and orators. Addrossea wero delivered
afternoon and evening and tho crowds
wero greater than tho capacity of the
meeting places r
Bill Is $250,000,000
The population then was n llttlo
ovor 50,000,000. Since then the popu
lation has Increased to over 80,000,000.
but tho uso ot wood for fuel has dc
creased not only in per capita cot;
Gumption, but also in total quantity.
A llttlo more than 20,000,000,000 cubic
feet of wood in all forma is used In
tho United States each year, and of
! this 7,000,000,000 cubic foot, or about
j 86,000,000 cords, Is firewood
Of tho total estimated consumption
oi nrowooq u,uuu,uuu corus, or 81. 1
por cent., wbb used in towns and cities
with n population of from 1,000 to
30,000", 1,615,000 cords, or 1.9 per
cent., In cUIcb of over 30,000 popula
tion, and tho remainder, or 2 per
cent., in' mineral operations. In thcsn
four classcB of consumption tho nvor
ago valuo por cord ranged from $2.6 1
for tho firewood used on tho farms to
$GjSS for Hint usod In hn cities. .