) Eld J. VanDerhoof SKYS We don't sell ALL the good Clothes in town, but all the Clothes WE DO SELL arc good. See the point? Our prices are LOWER than the other fellows, and the QUALITY HIGHER. Our stock is LARGER and our ASSORTMENT GREATER and we appreciate your patronage. The Star Clothing House, 1 NORTH PLATTE, NEB. DR. 0. fl. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisf. Ofllce over the McDonald State Bank. a a A grand spectacle "The Green Tog." S. G. Brognn, of Pax ton, viatlud friends in town today. Rov. Sullivan of Elm Greek, is (pend ing today in town aa the guest of Father McDaid. You'll want to bco "Tho Green Tag." ' Lots of fun tonight at tho Hallow e'en "hard time" Dance. Tho Grand March will begin promptly at 0 p. m. For Rent Seven room homo on East Fifth streot. Electric lights and bath. Inquire at 510 E. Fifth jtreet. Coming soon "Tho Green Tag." . The GOO Club will meet Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Harry Dixon. Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Ray G. Langford will be the hostesses. Card playing will begin at eight o'clock. A beautiful lino of sparkling Cut Glass. Exclusive ago nt for tho cele brated Llbby factory. Clinton, Jow eler and Optician. Mrs. Shaffer, of Seattle, arrived from tho oast Wednesday night and spoilt several days in town with Mrs. Catherine Shaffer and othor relatives in town. Mrs. Shaffer is enrouto homo from an extended visit at oastorn cities, bo All the choice books for boys found at Rlnker's will 40 SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of Klrit National Hank Will Baker, of Holbrook, Nob., has been in town for several days, coming here to attend tho funoral of tho late Mrs, J. E. Baker. Mr. Baker came to North Platto in 1881 and remained here several years, working as a carpenter for Dave Thomson. Engraved calling cards, wedding an nounccments and invitations. ft Dixon, ThoJewelor. The high school will hold a masquer ado Hallow E'en party at tho Masonic hall tomorrow ovening. Tho entertain . ment committeo hnvo arranged elnbor ate festivities and with dancing and an ' enjoyable lunch, .tho affair will undoubt , edly prove a jolly one. We have two nice proportbs for rent Ono $14.00 and one $15.00. Temple Real Estate & Int. Agency, C. F. Temple, Mgr. Firo Tuosday afternoon destroyed the barn on tha promised of C, R. Osgood on West Fourth street. Articles of value stored in tho barn woro also .burned. The origin of tho ftro is un known, but it is presumed it stnrted from spontaneous combustion. Tho de partment was called out and saved ad joining buildings. The opora Benson is now nt hand. Wo have a largo variety of fine opera glasses pearl, silver and ehamoled. Dixotf, Tho Jdwolor Supt. Tout received n letter Tuesday from Mr. Boland, athletic director of tho Sterling, Colorado, High School. Mr. Boland accompanied tho tenm to our city last Friday and this is what ho said; "I want'to sny to you that wo enjoyed our trip to your place very much. All our boys Bay tho gamo was tho cleanest ono they have played In and that everthingwas on the square" Makes North Platto people feel pretty good to know that tho boys of the high school stand for clean and fair athletics. On ovory tongue, "Tho Green Tag.' Mr. nnu Mrs. j. T. Stuart have re turned from n brief visit in Denver Miss Grace Chadwell, of Sidney, spent Wcduosday in town visitlug friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. B. Tarkington re turned Wednesday ovening from week's stay in Omaha. it iMoea ntr Monev To hnv hnlld or improve your property bco Bratt'& Goodmun. Mrs. W, F. Crook will leave today for Denver where sho expects to spend a short time with friends, Harry Guthorless and Olaf Samelson have entered the service of tho railroad company as freight brakemen. The best thing "Tho Green Tae." Mrs. and Mrs. John Corbott, of Hast ings woro visitors in town yesterday whllo enrouto homo from Oshkosh. Wedding gifts are easy to oolcct in our storo for our stock is so largo nnd varied that ono can easily mnko a cholco. Dixon. The Jowoler. K. M. Sturdovant loft Tuesday night for a visit with relatives nt Cincinnati and othor points in Ohio. Ho expects to bo absent a month or bIx weeka. Clarcnco Garman loft yesterday morning for Ohio in responso to a mes sage announcing tho doath of nnephow. Death followed an oporatkm for np pondlcltls. A big lino of Lndlos' and Men's Um brellas, dotachablo handles. Clinton, Jeweler nnd Optiqian. Mr. and Mrs. Audroy Wolford, who wero mnrriod In Cozad lust week, urb visiting relatives in townwhilo onroute to Fresno, Cal., whoro thoy will .make their homo. A "monkey-faced" owl of unusual sizo is displayed In ono of tho windows of the J, B. McDonald Btore, It was cap tured in Plnnt precinct nfter havine one of its wings brokon. Wonted Young woman between tho ago of twonty-ono nnd thirty to enter training school for nursos; address sup erintendent, Physicians and surgeon uospitnl, North PIate, Ncbr. s Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy and Rov. McDaid went to Gothenburg yes terday, to attend the dedication services of tho now Catholic church, which has jiiBt been completed nt that place. An endless variety of gift books, and books for children will bo found nt Rinker's. Tho gato rocoipts for tho North Plntte-Storhng foot ball gamo Inst Fri day wero $00.75. Tho expenses of tho team wero $123.10. This Is tho moat expensive gamo tho boys havo had for some time. Atiothor largo shipmont of diamonds just received nnd our low prlcos nnd flno quality hnvo won for us many patrons in tho past. Lot us show you now beautiful a diamrnd you may be mo possessor oi ni a medium pneo. Dixon, Tho Jowelor, Tho Swastika club woro entertulned in n vory enloyublo manner Wednes day afternoon by Mrs. Jessie Edwards. several hours woro vory ploasantl spent in necaie worn anu tins was lowed by light refreshments. Epigrams from ''The Other Woman." Following nre n few epigrams from 'The Other Womnn," tho piny which Blanche Walsh and company presents nt the Keith on Wednesday evening of next week: "Men do not always show their love to their wives." "I ask nothing of the man I love. Not ever) himself. It is hib happiness want not mine." "A wife has to be more than good to hold her husband." "Why let n little thing llko a wife stand In the way?" "Because a woman loves a married man, it does not ioiiow sue is a uau woman." "Just because wo havo been divorced twioo, you nced'nt think everybody else has got the habit." "Lots of women who talk about love, ore really looking for n meal ticket." Conscience may bo n good thing to keep ono out of trouble 1 prefer common sense It's safer "To bo a successful wife, takes in telligence, thought, work. It's the most difficult profession In tho world." Wanted to Buy, A few tons of loose alfalfa hay. Union Stock Yards Co., by John Brntt Christian Church. Mrs. W. T. Banks entertained the Ladies' Aid Society yesterday after noon. The prayer meeting service wns wel attended last evening and there wns ono confession, a noblo young man start ing in tho christian life. Elder G. F. Swnnder, Cor. Sec. of the Oregon Christian Missionary So cioty, who was tho first minister of tho Christian church of this place, will visit friends hero today. There will bo a special scrvico and reception this evening in his honor and to hear a re port ot the National convention re cently held at Topeka, Kansas. Sunday services: Bible School at 10 a. m., Sermon, "Christian Growth" 11 a. m., Y. P. S. C. E. nt 6:45 p. m. nnd evening sermon, "Law Enforce ment In North Platto" ot 7:30. Friends and strangers nro invited to worship with us. The Pastor. Republican Rally at the Lloyd Opera House Wednesday Evening. Keith Theatre, Wednesday, Nov. 2d. BLANCHE WALSH "The Other Woman" Prices $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c Seats $2 IN HER GREATEST SUCCESS By Frederick Arnold Kummer. Seats on sale at box office Monday History of North Platte. A. R. Adamson, who is well known as n writer, has just completed writ ing n history of North Platto which he will soon havo published. Mr. Adamson has taken much time in collecting the necessary data and tho volume, which will consist of about 175 pages, cannot but provo highly interesting to tho people of tho city. Tho work is not is sued for the purpose of gaining financial recompense; its compilation was under taken more as a method of employing timo that might otherwise- hang heavily upon Mr. Adamson. Practically all ho desires Is sell a sufficient number of copies to pay tho cost of publication. Mr. Adams is ready to receive orders for the book, payment to be made upon delivery of the volume. Some knowledge of the contents of tho book can be gained from announcement elsewhcro published, giving tho subject headings of tho first four chapters. For Sale. 4J horse power gasoline engine. Union Stock Yards Co. For Sale A Snap. Two largo lots-adjoining city, build ing and COX'10 feet fenced for chicken rnislng. Only $425.00. Bkatt & Goodman. Weather forecast: Fair and warmer tonight and Saturday. Tho maximum temperaturo yesterday was 42, a year ago Gl; minitnun this morning 12, a yenr ogo(28. Special Sale ot Enameled Ware at Tramp's Grocery next Saturday at prices lower than ever known in North Platte. Nice corner lot In Taylor's Addition for sale at less than cost price. Tipple Real Estate & Us. Azcacy, C. F. Temple, Mgr. ntly fol- Blankets and Robes. Wo havo again on hand a complete stock of G-A Blankets nnd Robes, tho best made. We also havo a line line of harness and saddles of nllkinds, PltEMUU FOKSTKDT, Locust Street. Work on what is know as the Denver Northwestern brnnch of tho Union Pa iflc has been completed and November 1st will bo tho official opening day of tho new line. Tho lino extends from Sand Creek, n station just outside of LaSalle, a distance of forty-four miles. As the main line of tho Union Pacific in Colorado runs from Denver to La Salle this virtually makes two lines running there somo distance apart. Louis Burke returned last night from a visit in Omaha and leaves tonight for his home in Portland, Oregon. We hnve somo very nico small prop erties for sale ranging in price from $1,4000.00 to $1,800.00 on easy terms. Lot us show them to you. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency, C. F. Temple, Mgr. W. W. SADLER, M. D Physician, Surgeon and Optician. U. P. District Surgeon. HERSIIEY, - NEBRASKA. MEN OF NORTH PLATTE What interest have you in or what encouragement are vou giving to LAW ENFORCEMENT IN NORTH PLATTE? Hear Rev. Johnson on this subject next Sun day evening at the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. LISTEN! Do you know that eighty per cent of the school children in the United States are wearing High Top Ox Blood Shoes? It's a fact, and furthermore we bought a large quantity and are saving you a dollar on each pair". Sizes 8 to 11 $2.00 Sizes 11 to 2 $2.50 Come in and see them and you will buy them. Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. Blanche Walsh, who appears in ' The Other Woman" at the Keith Theatre Wednesday evening, Nov. 2d, The LaVosnue Woman's Man-Tailored Suits The newest fall models, made of new mannish worsteds, basket weaves and two-toned effects, home spun s and serges in the new est shades from $15.00 to $38.00. Women's, Misses' and children's coats-every one a stylish tail ored garment in nothing but new 1910 models and materials. Broad cloth, Kerseys, Mannish and Homespun, all new shades. Wo men's for $6.50 to $30.00, small women's $5.00 to $20.00, misses for $2.50 to $15.00, childrens for $2.00 to $8.50. (The few gar ments we have carried over go at any old price. ) WHAT COUNTS IS- New goods and new styles at prices that will be equal to and better than any big city special sale. We have no old garments to dispose of The Hub's prices are such at all times that they are lower than any bargain house west of Chicago. Yonrs for Honest Goods and" Low Prices. The Hub Clothing Dept. C. K. MARTINI, Manager. THE Fir st National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $135,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. P. SEEBERGER,.Vice-Presldent, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presluenl, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.