ANOTHER T ERLIN. Count Zeppelin ndmlts that ho Is almost discouraged by tho mishap that has Just overtaken Zop L9 polln VI., tho latest model of his aerial Invention. Whllo being warped Into Its Ehed nt Dndon-Badcn, tho dlrlglbio took llro after an explosion of a bcnzlno tank, and was entirely destroyed. Count Zc pelln has had a constant series of mishaps. Tho Zeppelin I., aftor making an onduranco (light that astonished tho world, was torn from Its moorings by tho wind and thrashed to pieces amidst n thunderstorm. Tho Zoppolln II. was destroyod by n galo on April 25 last. Zeppelin III mado bad landing and was seriously damaged at Morgent helm. Tho Deutschland camo to grlof In Toutoberg forest on Juno 28 last. BERLIN BEAUTY PLANS Valuable "Plowing Strips," Mile Long, Arc to Disappear. "City Beautiful Plan" Being Taken Up In German Capital Emperor It Deeply Interested In New Project. Hcrlln. The "garden clly," or "city beautiful plan," which is causing such a wonderful transformation In tho sub urbs of London and other English cit ies, Is being taken up in Germany, and llerlin Is to bo extended in all direc tions on n scale of beauty and in a way that will glvo American travolors new Ideas on tho subject of municipal adornment. Tho emperor Is deeply interested in tho project, It Is an nounced. Dorlin has grown up in a peculiar way. Tho whole metropolis has been built up solidly to its limits to a height of flvo nnd six otorlcB, and then It stops suddenly, and open farming coun try begins immediately beyond. This opon land Is divided, In old time Ger man Btylo, into what aro known as "plowing strips." Those aro often only 50 or CO foot wido by frequently a milo in length. Tho holder of theso strips, In. many cases tho original peas ant owners, or their descendants, aro usually very stubborn, and will not consent to their holdings being cut Into streets and reapportioned. This has seriously hindered tho growth of IJorlin beyond Its original boundaries. Sdmo of tho strips aro valued at n Jillllon marks. This has been tho greatest problem In the way and has required unusual skill in laying out unburns. Tho main radiating and circumfcren- FURS IN ENGLAND CHEAPER Lord Strathcona Reports Great In crease In Export From Canada Reduces Prices. l.ondon. There Is some prospect of a fnll noxt year In the present high prlco of furs. Presiding the other day at tho an nual meeting of tho Hudson's Bay company, Lord Strathcona said the ro ports from Canada Indicated that there woro evidences of continued In crease in tho number of fur bearing anlmalB, which Justified tho anticipa tion that there would b") a further in creaso In tho present year In the fur collection which would bo uvallablo for 1911. Any material Increase In furs would have tho effect of reducing tho enor mously high prices which had pre vailed lu tho fur mnrket. Small Boy Is Millionaire. New York. John Arthur Hinckley, four yenrs old, stepped into tho ranks of tho millionaires through tho will of his father, John A. Hlnckloy, Now York capitalist, who died at Heliport. L. I. Tho child received two-thirds of tho estnto, tho remainder going to his mother. Tho son Is to rccolvo $3,000 n year until ho rcncheB tho ago of 15, thon $10,000 a year till ho Is 21, and 120,000 till ho is 28. At 28 tho executors nro to pay him JDO.OOO outright. Besides, ho Is to.receivo J25.000 a year until ho is 35, when ho obtains half of tho prin cipal. At 10 ho receives the remain ing half. . Weight of Earth. New York. Mother Earth weighs goven trillion tons. Itolnhart A. Wot zol, instructor in physics at tho Col lego of tho City of Now York, has fin ished a soricB of experiments by which ho has computed the weight of this mundano sphoro. According to Instruc tor Wotzol tho rcsult-ds moro noarly nccurato than has hitherto boen ob tained. Tho apparatus used In tho ex periments was so dellcato that they woro carried on entirely after mid night to avoid oven the Jarring of foot fallB In the farthest corridor. ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP ' . liul traffic streets aro to bo carried out Eclcntiflcally, whllo Intermediate residential streets are to bo mado most agrceablo places to live in. Thero will bo intermittent uso of trees, or short rows of trees, or small trees, shaped open spaces nt a street' corner, all of which break tho lino of a street nnd givo evory street its own Individ uality. This typo of planning per mits tho streets to rlso and fall with tho natural grades in tho suburbs. No street is to continuo in an absolutely straight line, as In America, nor do cross streets intersect opposlto to each other. Tho streets nro to be of different widths, nnd oven tho samo street will vary as to width. Soma houses will set back, others will pro ject. This will glvo n most pictur esque nnd oltl-tlmo air to tho neigh borhood. Moro than $40,000 has been spont in plans, nnd tho best architects and landscapo gardeners In Germnny have contributed their ideas. Tho New York playground plan is to be tried. A "suburb beautiful" is being laid out nenr Dresden, another near Nurom burg, and still another on tho out skirts of Munich. Tho Swiss nro try ing tho plan Just on tho borders of Berne. A "garden city" la growing up close to Dourgos, in Franco. The samo general principles nro being fol lowed in all these, tho idea being to create within easy distonco of the largo city an Independent community on copartnership linos, with all the features of n complete town. Facto ries nro encouraged, but they nro per mitted to locate only on tho sldo whero tho prevailing winds will carry their smoko away from the town. Buesscldorf and Antwerp are con sidering tho scheme. TALES OF THE Some of the Reptiles Certainly Roost ed Above Ground, According to Pennsylvanlans. Willlamsnort, Pa. Slnco Stato Economic Zoologist Surface, by doubt ing tho stntomo'nt of a Columbia county man, started tho query, "Can a rattlosnako climb a tree?" tho snake annals of central and northern Pennsylvania, tho recognized rattler country, havo beon appealed to to settle tho question, by tho citation of actual Charles II. El linger of this city, a prominent sportB man nnd flshermnn, rocnllB an Inci dent whero ho found a rattlesnake on a tree; but tho trco being in such closo proximity to some projecting rocks, ho concluded at tho time that tho serpent had first been on top of tho rocks before taking its unusual position on tho trco. W. T. Miller nnd son, Verus, nnd J. Q. Slmcox, nil of Jersey Shore, wont on a Ashing trip up Pine creek to Tomb's Bun. Uniting nenr tho stream's edge at a trco to which thoy intended to tie their horse, they wero suddenly given warning by two boys who stood in tho road that thoy should "look out, becauso thero was a snake up in that tree." Tho troo was n beech, smooth of bark and hard, and of pretty good dimensions. Tho men thought tho boys had seen a blacksnako among tho branches of tho beech; but n glance into tho treo'B branches, at a point nbout twenty feet from the ground, disclosed the mottled form of u rattlesnake not a Inrgo ono, but ns yellow and as silky as If ho had Just slipped his coat that very morning. Mr. Miller, who Is nn old hunter, could hardly believe his senses until ho had climbed Into an adjoining trco nnd with n polo pushed tho snako down upon tho ground, whero It was dis patched by his son nnd Mr. Slmcox. It was a rnttler and no mlstnko, for onco on tho ground It mndo Itself heard with very spiteful rattling. Occupanta of a cabin on Pino creek found a monster rattlesnake on a sill of a second story window, to which a bough of an adjoining tree oxtended. In Nlppenoss township a rattle- WRECKED TIPLESS HOTEL IS A SUCCESS Experiment In London Has Worked Wei! Guests Must Abide by Rules or Quit Hostelry. London. Tho oxperlment of n non tip hotel in tho Strand In London has proved n success. Slnco tho establish ment was opened a year ago thero has not boon n vncant bedroom, a record which could not bo equaled by any other London hotel. Every day tho management has had to refuso visit ors. Altogether nearly n quarter of a million guests havo stayed at tho hotol during tho 344 days it has boen open. Tho success of tho hotol, tho direc tors bollovo is mainly duo to tho non tip rule. Guests nro forbidden to offer to any sorvant of tho hotol a grat uity, nnd nny sorvant found accepting ono is instantly dismissed. People know exactly what It is going to cost them beforo they set foot In tho hotel, and when they pay their bill thero Is no need for thom to put their hands In to their pockots to tip anybody. Although tho rulo against tipping It rigidly enforced by tho management, thero hnvo been visitors who havo In sisted upon offering gratuities. In op dor to protect tho servants from temp tation tho management has had to ro quest theso visitors either to abldo bj the regulations or to seek accommoda tion elsewhere. Tho management has had no dlfllcul ty in securing plenty of waiters and chambermaids dospito the fact that thoy rocelvo no tips. Finds Lost Money. Newcastle, Pa. Retracing his route In an automobile, W. S. Moltry of Bonvor Falls found his pockotbook con taining $50 in tho road at Conncaut Lako, CO miles from whero ho had missed It. Ho was unawaro of his loss until ho atemptcd to pay for lunch con at a hotel. TREED RATTLER snako wns found on tho nlll under tho eavoa of a chicken Iioubo, and at Slato Bun, In tho upper end of this county, n very largo rnttler was found in n box used ns a hen's nost, flvo foot nbovo tho floor of a hencoop. RIGHT TO SLEEP IS SACRED Pittsburg Magistrate Fines Milkman Who Clatters About In Early Morning Hours. Pittsburg, Pa. Tho wee small hours of tho morning belong to tho onos who wnnt to sleep, according to a decision by Judges J. D. Shnfer and B. S. Frazer, handed down tho other day In a caso emnnatlng from Craf ton. A milk wagon driver, Leo Harmon. alleged by residents of tho borough to hnvo driven through tho streets with unnecessary nolso.- His steed, according to complainants, put down his foot with such force that all with in n radius of several blocks wero aroused. Ho was arrested nnd lined $10 nnd costs. An appeal was taken and, although a petition signed by 50 womon wbb presented to tho offect that Harmon is a model milkmnn, tho Judgos up held the magistrate. Fishing Joke Boomerang, Berwick, Pa. Fred Bough, n prac tical Joking fisherman, laughed first the other day nt tho success of a Joko ho plnyod upon Clydo Croft, a brother angler. Clydo Croft lauRhedJast. and ho thinks ho laughed best. Tho two men were fishing. When Croft wasn't looking, Bough attached his companion's hook to n piece of Iron under tho surface "Look, you've got a bito!" ho called. "Geo, It mmst bo a whalo," panted Croft, aftor tug ging for somo llmo. Then ho becamo suspicious. Ho wndod into tho crook nnd pulled out n wash boiler. Bough laughed Immoderntoly. "That's a good ono on you," ho howled. Croft throw tho boiler on tho bank In dfsgust A 12-pound rock bass flopped on tho grass out of its Iron prison, NOT CUT OUT FOR SOLDIER Widow Henly Indulges In Some Plain Speaking to Her Devoted but Timid Lover. The courting of tho Widow Hcaly by Toronco Corcoran wns nvtcdlous affair to overy ono in Magrny plnco, most of nil to tho widow herself, who tried various expedients to assist her timid admirer. "I'm thinking I might go for a sojer," Toronco nnnounccd ono night, when his fnhcy had been stirred by n nowspnper account of a mllltnry nngennt, "I'm' not bo old but 1 could do It. I was wanBt In n school regi ment." "You go for n sojerl" cried the Widow Hcaly In mingled scorn nnd nlnrm. "A man that calls on n lono Vvldow for two years nnd moro, wld' out pluck enough to Bpako his mind, hasn't tho makings of a dhrummerboy in him." BABY'S SKIN TORTURE "When our baby was seven woolen old ho broko out with what wo thought was hoat, but which gradually grow worse Wo callod In a doctor. Ho said It was eczema and from that tlmo wo doctored six months with thrco of tho best doctors iti Atchison but he only got worse. His face, head and hands woro a solid Bore. Thoro wns no end to tho Buffering for him. Wo had to tio his littlo huuds to keep him from scratching. Ho Hover know what it was to sleep well from tho tlmo ho took tho dlsenso until he was cured. Ho kept us nwako nil hours of tho night nnd his health wasn't what you would call good... Wo tried everything but tho right thing. "Finnlly I got a sot of tho Cuticura Remedies nnd I am plonsed to say wo did not uso nil of them until ho wo3 cured. Wo havo waited a year nnd a halt to sco It It would return but It novcr has nnd to-day his skin la clear and fair as It possibly could bo. I hope Cuticura may savo somo one elso's littlo ones suffering and also their pocket-books. John Leason, 1403 Atchloon St, Atchison, Kan., Oct. 10, 1909." No Help Needed. A littlo miss of flvo yenrB who had been allowed to stay up for an even ing party, wns told about 8:30 to go to bed. Very, very 'slowly sho movod toward tho stair. An nunt, seeing her roluctanco, asked: "Helen, can I do anything to help you ?" "No," replied Helen, "I will get there altogether too soon as It Is." Pleasant Place to Prosper. TO THI3 UDITOn: We want to lienr from pcopln who would npprecluto so curlnc u fruit, dairy or poultry farm In llio Kuhn Irrigated tmct In Sacramento Valley, California, at luilf tho tiue value Uest water right In stute. Low malnto itanco cost. Work coming millions now actually being done. Itoads, drainage and v'utor light Included In prlco. Ten inonth'H growing season. Ton tons nlfulfii per acre. Splendid dairy conditions. COO hens tarn I100 a month or better. Oranges lemons, grntxi fruit, ngn, English walnuts und n thousand other fruits, nuts, vege tables nnd flowers grow here. Gardens winter and summer. Charming placo to live. Very healthful. Who wants such a homo? Land selling fast. Work for ev erybody. Write us for enthusiasm. 11. L. llolllatcr & Co., 200 La Hullo St., Chi cago, or 34. Fourth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. New Version. "Now, Harry," Bald tho Sundny school teacher to tho briglitost boy In tho clnss, "cun you tell mo how Elijah died?" "He didn't dlo nt all," rcpliohV tho youngster. "Ho wns translated trm tho original Hcbrow." If You Are a Trifle Sensltlvo About tlio slro of your shoes, many people, wear sinuller shoes by using Allen's Toot-Kaso, Hie Antiseptic) Powder to shake Into tho slioes. It cure Tired, Swollen, A-hlng Feet and Klreis rest mat comfort. Just the thing for breaking In new shoes. Hold everywhere, ISfl. Sample miiI Vniiti Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le. Hoy. N. V v Latest Mine Horror. Tho Doctor Of course, If tho oper ators Intho anthracite and bituminous fields form u c.alltlon v Tho Professor Thon thero will bo nothing for tho consumers to do but conlesco. (Slow curtnln.) The Only Way. "How can I win you for my very own?" "You follows might get up h rnf fie." nnswered tho summer girl. "I'm engaged to seven of you." The World on Wheels. "Woll, I mortgaged my homo yes terday." "What make of auto aro you going to got?" Houston Post. Win by Being Prepared. Thoso who nro prepared for the woist aro tho onos who generally got tho best of It. Beautiful Post Cards Free. Bend So stamp for five samples of our yery best Gold und Bilk Finish Birthday, Mower nnd Motto Post Cards: beautiful rolora and loveliest desljmt. Art Post Card Co,, 731 Jackson St., Topckxt, Kan. Onions a Healthy Food. On.ons nro moro nourishing than any nthor vegetable. Mrs. Wtnsiovr's Soothing fly nip, Korrlilldrrn titrtlilnif, MiftnIlitiguliii, ri-ilucrstn. fljmwllun.lliiulu,curelna colic, iboabolUa. People nro happier for a lot of things they don't know. Lewis' Single Binder straight Co dear, ou pay 10c for cigars not so good. A man of fow words usually says them an if they woro more. PUTNAM ENGAGEMENT NOW OUT. Kthol Weren't you surprlnttt when you henrd nbout my horso running nwny with mo? Urncst Not vory. I'd do tho samo thing myself if I got tho chanco. Flirting With Fashion. That Innnto tomloncy on tho part of tho fair consumer to illrt with fash ion, playing fast nnd looso with vari ous commodities. Is rcsponslblo for tho uucertnlntloB that have prevailed during tho month. Thero whb such n lack of confidence ns to tho ultimate nccoptanco of tho vnrlous lines pro pared by distributers nnd consumers that buying was somowhat minimized. Prosperity or adversity hnB nothing to do with tho millinery business. Fash Ion nlone mnkos or breaks. Millinery Trndo Bovluw. Btatb or Onto Cirr or To lido. 1 I.uca cnv.NTr. f Frank 1 Ciiknkt makes onth tht h li urn lor Cartner nt the nrm ol V, J. ciixx'tr A doing miaou l.i the Olr t Toledo, County and mala pforruld. nml nld nrm will pixy the tim of ONI". ItllNtmnn DOM.AHS tor rsrh and every t&M ot CATAtsii tint cannot be cured by tho ueo ot Hall's catarrh cent. rnANic j. cunNBY. Sworn to before m and subscribed In my prestoce. tuis km uay vi ievcwurr, a. u., uso. j SEAL a. w. ai.nAso;;. NoTAnr r-vouc. Hall's Catarrh Curs tj tas Internally and arts directly upon the blood and rmirous (urfares of the lyitem. Send for tretlmonlala. tree. ... . V. J. OIIUNEV A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druxtlits. rite. Take nail's family rills tor cocitlpallon. Illiterate Immigrants, Ellis Island records show that of 02,727 Immigrants who nrrlved hero In July 12.805, or nbout 25 per cent., nro Illiterates. Illiteracy Is no bar to nn immigrant bo long us ho appears phys ically ablo to caro for himself. Only 1,127 parsons who sought to enter tho country woro barred at this port last month. Now York Press. ' ' Important to Mothors Examine carefully overy bottlo of CASTOBIA, a safe and suro remedy for Infants nnd children, and sco that It BcarB tho Signature In Uso For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Sumo With Political Pastry. Teacher Now, Wllllo, which would you rnthor have, two-sixths of a plo or one-third? Wllllo Ono tlilrd, iiiIsb. Teacher (sarcastically) You would, cli! And why so? Wllllo 'Cause If you cut It into sixths I'd loso morq of tho Juico, TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Bed, Weak, Weary, Wntory Eyes nnd Granulated Eyelids. Murino Doesn't Smnrt Soothes Eyo Pain. Druggists Sell Murino Eyo Bomedy, Ltrmld, 25o, COc, 91.00. Murino Eyo Snlvo in Aseptic Tubes, 2 lie, $1.00. Eyo Books and Eye Advlco Ftoo by Mall. Murino Eyo Bomedy Co., Chicago. Every -fimc. "What do you do whon a woman nsks you what you think hor ago Is?" "Toll hor what I think it Isn't." Houston Post. Tho moro mystory thero Is nbout -.a woman tho moro attrnctlvo and Bcary sho looks to a man. Woman s Power Over Woman's moat glorious endowment is ....... a. io awRKcn una noia mo pure nnu nonest love oi u worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, no one in the wide world can know tho heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak neic and darenfiement of her special womanly or danism soon loses the power to sway the heart of a man. Her general health suffers and she losea Iter itood looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Plerco, of BuiTnlo, N.Y., with the assistance of Ins staff of able physicians, haa prescribed for and cured many thousands or women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive speciCo for ho weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purities, retal iates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No Honest dealor will dvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WEIX. Dr. Pltrv'M Pltauot Pelltta rtxutat and strengthen Stomach, Liver mad Bowelt. aii in IMinuieu TVTJ colli matter liu Uia ioug-iitv an lonui . tins ixwio SPOHM MEDICAL CO., MIA Jl miuM FADELESS DYES BOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION CuredbyLydiaEPInkfiam's Vegetable Compound Gftlena, Kano. "A year ago last March I foil, ami a fow days after thero wns soreness In my right sido. Iu a short tiuw n bunch camo and it bothered mo bo much at night I could not siooj). it Kopc prowlntr larger "Mid by fall it was 13 largo as a lion's egg. I could not go to bed without a hot water bottlo applied to that Rldo. 1 had ono of tho beBt doc tors in Kansas and lio told my husband that I would havo to bo operated on ns it was somotlilnor llko a tumor caused by a rtipturf . I wroto to you for advlco and yon told mo not to got discouraged but to tako Lydla H, rltikham'a Vogotablo Compound. 1 did tako it and Boon tho lump in my cldo broko and pnaood away." Mrs. H. H, Hum, 713 Minorr.1 Ave, Galena, . Kana. Lydla E. rinkhnm's Vcgctablo Com pound, jnado from root3 and horbs, has proved to bo tho most cucccssful remedy for curing tho worst forms of fomalo ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, porlodlo'painR, backache, bearing-down fooling, ilatulonoy, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trlflo to try it, nnd tho result has been worth millions to many oufforliig women. If you want special rulvico write for it tnMrH.Plitkhuin,Tjynn,lVIasSt It Is free nud uhvayH helpful. a tmm b7Wky4sWfa? HAiS85aBD SHOES MEN'S $3.00, 12.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $S.0O HOYS' $3.00, 3.50 &. $3.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS 7!iey aro abnolatoly the moot popuUrand beotahoos for tho price in Amotlca. The V sla ths leaders o verv- whars because they hold their shans. flf hHt.r look better and wear loo ter lata other makes. , hoy are positively tho I most economical shoes for you to bay. W. L. Doutlns name and the retail price are stamped uu ino milium yniuo cunrnnieea. A CMtf TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I If VAHff AalA mppiy you wms xor wan oruer Catalor. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brocktoa. Msm. PIMPLES "I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do tne nny good, but I have found the right thing at loot. My face was full of pimples nnd blnck-hends. After taking Cascareta they all left. I nm continuing the use of them and recom mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to hove n chance to recommend CaEcarcta." I'Vcd C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J. rioasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. O'j (Sood. Never BIckenAVealtonor Gripe. 0o,2ic.50o. Never solilln bulk. Thoirenu lne tablet stamped C C C, Guaranteed to v curu or your money back. 022 This Artlstlo Hair-Dress ran tin arrntmn l lijr tlx) nlil of our SMncli. "Iiiirl-ntcui. wstrr human tmlr sitttch, Wu On mil nrcU to semi on upiiniTal.for.tho reliability nmt oictiitloiul quality of Uumfurt HluipKooils connutiu oxcellril. Its. uilltl.pifUliluilriainpto.unilinon. rrwlilborofuniliid If nolmguar antod, or null S swltchns to your t rlfnH In 10 clays anil obtain yours n. o. TiiKios.oursiini', II, Htlfr, fnf., Dtpl. 110, DJMI, UUif Hn tuples of Vara 1'owJcr and Old llnso llouso Kith circular and sdrlca upon receipt ot stamp. Wntnon tt.Cotnrnnn.Wut Ington.UU llooltiirw). Illitlk lltm ulta. oat refciuuooa. ilest rtsi W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 41-1910. Man tho power .. . ski.iyrA COLT DISTEMPER t. ino sick ara Mired, and all othors la r.'-Wf'.'" XfVI fom bavlna tba dis. my nryunis l.iyuiu uusTEuricii OUKK. OIo oq ,of In feed. Act on th blood and sinals iri-nn n? or dlilemner. iruaraniiea lo cure oua caaa. too an rl a bottla i 6 and .1 Ileal nnMdr arar known fn .,ir.. i. fr. i iuuoiDO(aru(rHifwanunanicMuelon,orantaitiruia rwli I pann'acTunirs. lilt auowa bow to ponltlc tbroaU Our Irvm I toosUtirledTrrtlilnir. Local aseaU wanted. Lanrut aolliai . bono ramodr foe tciKO-twalrsyaara. "vu' ni aain,u,dniurittut, aoihen !nd., U, 8. A. AXLE GREASE Keepo the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. (Incorporated)