'i It ...,() P"f!fl TWENTY-SIXTH YEAE. N0I1TH PLATTE,' NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 14, 1910. NO 70 There will be no lot offered that is not a bargain. One Lot of Men's Wool Underwear 79c Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts Made to sell for $1.00 19c One Lot Ladies' $2.50 Gingham Dresses $1.98 Ladies' 40 Gauge Black Hose Extra Quality 11c Ladies' White Ribbed Vests and Pants Regular price 75c Suit Each 29c Men's 25c Fine Socks 19c One Lot $1.25 Petticoats 98c One Lot Heavy Wool Dress Goods Worth $1.00 tb $1.50 Just the thing for Winter Wear 79c One Lot Ladies Jackets Caracurl and Pony Skin Plush worth up $35 $7.48 Satisfaction Guaran teed. Goods cheer fully exchanged or money refunded. OCTOBER 15ttt "yTE find ourselves at the beginning of the Fall and Winter business with quite a tew broken lots of goods from this and last season. In order to keep our stock in good shape and free from carryovers and odds and ends and to turn these odd lots into cash, we will hold A SPECIAL SALE on a large part of our stock of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Etc. LADIES' CLOAKS. Lot No. i $5.00 values $3.78 Lot No. 2. $8.50 and frl tfQ $12 values p4.yO Lot No. 3 -$15 to $25 values $7.98 These- are coats carried fijom last year and refailecT "at the abave values. Good serviceable goods styles that you need h6t be ashamed of. Children's Cloaks. Lot No. 1 $3.50 and frtj AO $4.50 values $0 Lot No. : values . , .a..7. $3.98 Lot No. 3 $8 to $12 values $5.98 LADIES' SKIRTS. Lot 1 3.79 skirts worth up to 5.00,1 skirts worth up to S-oo (598 Lot 3-- 7 iQ skirts worth, up to 12 . A MEN'S SHIRTS. One lot 50c values 43c One lot 75c values... One lot $1.00 values. . 59c As above lots are sold we will make up others from our stock to take their place. Remember to come early while the assortment is good. Sale Begins at 7:15 A. M. Oct. 15th. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Our Store Closes at 6:30 P. M. Except Saturdays. j TO SHOES. One special lot Men's frj fQ 5.00 patent loathers. 5.. Dtl.70 One special lot Men's fi Q 3.50 values tPi0 One special lot Men's ('J JQ 3.00 values u)ZnrO One special lot Men's (j j Qo 2. 50 values fl , 0 All Ladies' Black and Tan Oxfords and Dancing Pumps all new stock included One-fourth Off The regular price. One special lot Ladies 4.00 and 5.00 shoes including- winter tans patent leather, button fr) blucher and cloth top OtU One special lot Ladies' Q 3.50 values tbLJOs One special lot Ladies' 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50 values $1.98 One lot Child's shoes sizes 8i to 1 1. 1. 10 to 1.25 value .' 98c One lot Misses shoes sizes 1 1 14 to 2 values up to 1.50 $1.19 One special lot 13oy.-5 tan shoes sizes 9 to 2 tf 4 i Q 1.75 and 2.00 values. pl4rO OCT. 30th. INGRAIN 'RUGS. One lot Ingrain samples ij4 yds long, worth from 50c to 1. 00 a yard, the sample for. .., OC One lot Ingrain samples 1 yard long worth from 50c to 1. 00 per yard the sample for DRESS GOODS. One lot heavy cloths 1.00 HQn 1.50 quality. .. lQ Qne lot 50c quality 39c One lot 25c worsted goods Muslin Underwear. Childs Draws i4 inches ruffles taped seams and edges sizes 1, 1 and 3 years yj Child's Draws embroidery ruffles sizes 1, 2 and 3 f 4 years 1 1 C v-niici s urawers 2 rows tucks, hemstitched edge sizes 2 to 12 years Child's draws 2 rows tucks and ij inch ruffles size 2 to 12 years Misses Skirts 3 in. flounce two pin tucks, hemstitch ed edge, double stitched seams; button holes in froht and back of bands sizes 8 to 14 years Ladies Drawers trimmed lie 11c 19c with 5 inch hemstitched i ffc ruffle I7C We never advertise a bargain price with out giving more than value. Heavy Wool Socks 19c One Lot Mens Shirts $1.00 Value 59c One Lot Ladies' $1.50 Tailored Shirt Waists $1.19 You Can Afford that New Cloak Now Ladies Cloaks Special lot worth up to $12.00 $4.98 One lot Men's 50c Underwear 39c All Remnants One fourth off during this sale. Ladies' 25c Gauze Vests 19c One Lot Children's Wool Underwear Regular price 55c to 80c 47c One Lot Shetland Floss 7c. Mens 15c Socks lie. We want the Money and you want the Goods.