The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 04, 1910, Image 1

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    wth Ulaftc
NO 78
Keith Theatre, Thursday Evening, Oct. 6th.
with VICTOR MORLEY, BESSIE CLIFFORD, 80 People and Augmented Orchestra.
Coming on special train of five cars. Direct from Omaha. The largest and best musical
comedy in America. The standard by which all musical comedies are compared.
PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00.
A ,
: M
lothUs are either a Force or a Farce.
according to the way they are made. It's up to you xuhcthcr you will
wear garments which wil) give you a distinctive appearance or those
ivhich will make you look ordinary, "MILLER-MADE" CLOTHES
are to-day what they always have been. Clothes of Force. They have a crisp,
cowpelling style which the most critical man cannot hut appreciate. They are so
skillfully tailored that the most critical student of clothes cannot but be con
vinced of their goodness. They assure poise which cannot but generate a spirit
of pride in the man who wears them.
They are not confined to a certain price or prices, nor are they, styled to
interest only one class of men. "MILER-MADE" CLOTHES are for every
man who values value, and will pay no more and no less than value demands.
Drehert Clothing Co.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Miss Lucilo Swovers, of Iowa, who
had been the guest of her sister Mrs.
Ralph McKornhnn for sovoral days left
Saturday for a visit to western points.
The Catholic Young ladies club will
bo entertained at tho home of Miss
Mary Guilliaurae tomorrow night,
Mrs. Con. Walker is spondlng
week in Denver.
P. A. White wont to Omulm Saturday
night for a few days visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Starkey returned
Saturday from a visit with relatives in
Miss Martha Kosbau returned Sat
urday from n brief visit with friends
in Horsey.
Tho total loss in the Ogalalla fire on
Wednesday night of last week is placed
at sixty thousand dollars, About one
half the loss is covered by insurance.
. . J
Tho Knights of Cblumbus wilt enter
tain their ladies nt n reception and
card-party on the evening of October
A game of foot ball between tho high
school mid shop teams Friday nfter-
0uoturp$ulted-jii.neore of sixteen to
nothing in favor of the school boys.
The Lady Hustlers dunco announced
for Friday evening of this week has
beon postponed on account of tho at
traction at. The Keith. The date will
. be given later.
Tho Platte. Valley Cattle Co. last
week sold to Andy Clnpp, living south
of Brady, 100 head of steors which Mr.
Clapp will corn feed. The animals
averaged 1024 pounds each.
W, R. McKeen cttmo uu from Omaha
'Friday night and in company with Mil-
lard Hosier lft Saturday for the
.Novlns ranch on tho North River
branch whore they will spend n weok
Leave your order by Phono 651 for
those flno- pears at $2.00 per bushel.
Delivered right from car this week.
Gus Chamberlain, will go to Hot
Springs. Utah, this week wlioro ho will
spend some time, trying" their curative
powers for relief itom rheumatism.
Lfrom which ho has been suffering somo
Six men representing tho church of
the Latter Dnv Snlntn hnM m..iiniro
on the streots Saturday ancLSundny.
This church seems to be conducting an
aggressivo campaign for converts,
evangelists having visited this city
several times during tho past year.
Miss Lucy Brown, who has been quite
sick for tho past two weeks was taken
to the Presbyterian hospital nt Omuhn
last night for treatment. Word is sent
hero that Miss Brown will have to bo
away for about two weeks. While in
Omahn, Miss Brown's room will bo
tnught by Miss Myrtlo Murphy.Brndy
Buy your wall paper now. 20 percent
discount at Duke & Deats.
"Threo Twins" will bo tho olToring
at tho Keith Thursday evening, Oct.
6th. "Threo Twins" contains more
musical hits than uny other musical
comedy. "The Yama Yama Man" ha3
been tho most talked of musical novelty
in many years and Mr. Auhton Stevens
of New York Journal Bald it was tho
most titillating piece of Btago business
ever produced.
Ed. Blxler, formerly of this city, and
wifo had a rather thrilling oxporionco
one day lust week while making a trip
from New York City to Providence,
R. I , in their fifty-foot launch. They
encountered n rough sen which carried
tho boat many miles out of its course,
nnd had It not been for the arrival
nnotlier vessel they would have gono
down. The luunch had been in grasp of
tho storm for nine houra, and to make
matters worso tho engine of tho boat
broke down.
Chautauqua Finances.
Thoannal meeting of tho Chautauqua
Association was called for last Thursday
ovonmg but tho uttondanco of otock
holders was so small that transaction of
business was not justified.
In n lottor to tho stockholders Sec
retary Tout statcB that tho expenses of
iVll) Chautauqua were $3,076 nnd tho
receipts ,&8lJ, leavinir n defic t of $487.
this necessitated aw assessment of
twenty per cent on each $25 Bharo Btock.
This assessment will, in most instances
at least, bo cheerfully paid, tho stock-
noiuers uoiiuvlnir that thov enn mako
no other donation that is so beneflcinl
to tho town and tho people.
Langford Will Slump State.
Tho Lincoln Journal of Saturdav
contained this item, which will bo of
interest to North Platto people:
Tho republican state committee
managers announce the Bccurinir of
R. H. Langford for campaign purposes.
Mr. Langford Illustrates his sneechos
with steroopticon pictures. Ho waB
employed in Indiana by tho national
committee two yeara ago and is highly
regarded as a campaign speaker. He
is a nativo of Nobraska and has lived
hero most of his life. Mr. Lantrford will
give his services to tho commltteo dur
ing tho next month. Ho is a lifo lonir
Reception to Teachers.
At the Presbyterian Church narlnra
Friday ovoning tho ladies of tho church
tendered a reception to tho teachers of
tho city schools and tho members of tho
ooaru or education. Tho hours woro
from 8 to 11 and tho evening proved a
very pleasant one for those nrosent.
.Tho time was spent in socinl convorsa.
tion and an enjoyable featuro of the
oyenlng was an organ recital by Mrs.
E. A. Cary. Llcht refreshment woro
served by tho young ladles of tho con
gregation. The parlors woro vorv
prettily decorated in autumn leaves and
rail tlowers.
Real Estate. Transfers.
Lorenzo D. Geortre has sold to Hnnrv
ueouKo lor a consideration of $1,200
lots 1 and 2 of section 5, township 14.
north of range 31 west of tho Cth P. M.
Wilson T. Graham and wifo to Wm.
B, Howard, the south half of north.
east quarter of tho north half of tho
southeast quarter of section 32, town
ship 15, range 30, for $800.
Ellen Dick him nnlrt fn A ..tin... iv r
Namnra, all of tho oast half of the
Bouthwest quarter and lots 3 and 4 of
Bectlon 30, township 10. north of ranrra
27, west of tho 6th P. Mi Tho consider-
ation was $1600.
Joseph Bakewoll nnd wifo to Hons II.
Andorson, tho north half of section 7,
township 12, north of ranee 29 wont nf
6th P. M Tho consideration was $li;000.
The Tribune is informed that North
Platte will have an exclusive music
Btoro In tho near future ono of th
rooms in thn Cinnnm linllltnn i. ..!....
- . wwa.w wuiiuiiik IIUVJI1K
been rented for that
Elizabeth Bo'rtnor will probably bo In
J. C. Den nttonded the Ak-Sr-Bi
colcbratlon In Omaha last week.
Mrs. C. M. Nowton and son Donald
spent Saturday with relatives In Lex-Ington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott leave to
day for Florida, where they will Bpond
mo winter.
Miss Theo Schwniger returned Sun
day from n brief visit with friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Sehmalzrled leave to
morrow night for n vlalt with relatives
in Texas.
Julius Pizor loft Sunday night on a
business trip to Chicago and other
eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Bnllnr wnn
among tho North Platto visitor at the
Ak-Sas-ken in Omaha.
Jack Sullivan mturnoil tn rwako
. - - v viuwim
Saturday after spending several Jaya
with friond n town. '
Miss Mnta Rumbauorh. of Ocmlallo
spent Saturday in town na tho eneat of
Miss Amy Langford.
Miss Helen Mnv Allnn
town last week and has resumed In
structions In elocution.
Miss Edith Rouschn tnrnl n
Mitchell yestordav after n hrlnf win.
her mothor Mrs. Leonard Cornet
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Finish mnn Inff
Saturday night for Chicago whoro they
will spend severnl weeks with relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Donnlrlnon
turned Friday ovcnlnc? frrm n
weeks visit with relatives at Farnam.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. IL Stone Inft snf
urday night for a two weeks visit with
relatives and friends at Chicago and
Mr. and Mro. P. A. Huntor. of Pres.
ton, Iowa, havo been jruesta at the
Fremont Wntts homo west of town for
sovornl days past.
Miss Julia Dunn, of Chicacro. who
had been tho guest of her sister Mrs.
Jns. Hnrt for tho past bIx woeks, has
returned to her homo.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Archlo AdamRon. who
were called hero by tho doath of Mrs.
Chas. Adamson, returned to Cheyenne
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis.
panied by Mrs. Nancy Dnvls. of Port.
land, left Snturday night to attend the
AK-aar-uen festivities in Omaha.
Rev. C. F. Chanrpnn loft Knnrlnv
ovening for Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend
tno convention of '.ho Episcopal church.
He will be nbuont nbout threo weoks.
John Flynn, who had boon tho truest
of his sister, Mrs. Anna Barker, and
other relatives in town, returned to his
homo at Sioux City Saturday night.
W. H. McDonald returned
from a visit to Excelsior SprlngB, Chi
cago and other nolnts oust.
homo ho attended the bankers conven
tion nt Omaha.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Garlow and daugh
ter expect to leave in acounlo of weeks
for Cody, Wyo.. whoro Fred will hunt
big game whilo Mrs. Garlow visits
R. L. Bnkor will co to Omaha nnvfc
weok to nttond the wedding of his sister
to Harry Kelly, which occurs on tho
ovening of October 11th. "Dick" will
bo best man at tho ceremony.
James Flynn loft Saturduv nlfrht to
uttend tho state fair at Springfield. Ho
win niso visit relatives at other points
in Illinous and Missouri, oxnnntlnrr tn
be nbsent about fifteen days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ditto vlqitmi
friends in town Saturday enrouto to
uenvor. Mr. Ditto has recently com
pleted a course in a mcdlcnl rMioo! nt
Davenport, Iowa, and expects to locate
in Colorado.
"Tho Threo Twins." which will ho
presented at tho Keith Thursday
ovening of this weok is a musical com-
edy with a plot and many novel features,
mo conglomerate nonsense, tho riot of
color, and the spirited movements
mako such an agreeable attack on one's
senses thut it matters not under what
name tho revelry goos. The music ti
tillates and tantalizes and tho witty
lines and adopt elowninc excites onn tn
Iaughtor. Mr. Gnites has no lnvlahw
costumed tho beautiful show girls that
tnoy aro ploaslnc to tho eve. In thn
second act thoro aro eight of the hand
somest Parisian diroctoiro
by boiiutlful and shapely girls. Tho
olcctrlcnl effects are marvelous, thn
fnceograf being a distinct noveltv. thn
electrical norial swing being nn Amazon
amicturq or steel, Illuminated with over
2,000 lights, revolving nt a rapid rate
with six girls in tho baskets singing
"ino cuddle bong," said to bo one of
tho mdstboautlful finales ever staedd.