CLOCKS. Have you a Clock in your home that keeps good time? By that we mean can it be depended upon to give the correct time on all occasions. There are hundreds of times you want to know the absolute correct time. Don't wait until that time comes, but have a clock that is dependable one that is right day after day and month after month. We sell that kind of a clock and can give you just what you want and at the price you want to pay. Alarm Clocks $1.00 up. DIXON, The Jeweler. U. P. Watch Inspector. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern University. L Office over McDonald Stnto Bank r 4MdM DR. H. C. BROCK, jj DENTIST. ( Over First National. Phone 148 jj X M. L. McCullough, of Elsie, has been visiting friends in town for several days. Another great sale at Dixon's at which many people will got great bar gains in China; next week only. ' The Lexington Clipper says a large number of residents of that city will come to North Platto Sunday to attend the Methodist Conference. Weather forecast: Unsettled weather with probable showers tonight and to morrow. Maximum temporature yes terday 78, a year ago 64; minimum this morning 48, a year ngo 37. Miss Mario Leonard left this morn ing for Ogalalla where she will visit wih friends for a few days. From their she will go to Denver to spend a month or more with relatives. Every piece of imported hand painted china in the store for sale next week at 50 cents on the dollar. Dixon, The Jeweler. Among the out of town visitors this week in attendance at the races nre: Mesdames Dave White', John Show, Roy Montgomery, Jim White and Dorsey Leypold, all of Hernhoy. Misses Edna and Alice Sullivan re turned last evening from a month's visit with relatives at New York City, and Montpelier. Enroute homo they apent several days at Washington, D. C, Richmond, and Chicago. . Have you seen Big Ben at Dixon's? He is the finest alarm clock in North Platte Big dial, big alarm, big value. Peter Mylander and Mrs. Sarah Brooks hied themselves to Lexington the early part of the week and were united in marriage by the county judge. Mr. Mylander is a pioneer resident of North Platto and his wife is well known in town, They have our best wishes. FOR EXCHANGE. A good $2,000 clear residence in Greely, Colorado, that will rent for $17 per month, for a good hose and lot in North Platte, of equal value. What have you? BRATT & GOODMAN. DR. F. W.MILLER, ' Dentist. Over Dixon's. Phone 358. Mrs. M. Jacobs loft yesterday after noon for a visit with relatives in Denver. Rev., and Mrs. Harmon left Wednes day night for Beatrice to attend the Lutheran synod. W. J. Rowland left this morning for a few days visit with friends in Grand Island. Misses Ethel and Cleda Morris came up from Gothenburg last evening to remain until Sunday as tho guests of Miss Amy Langford. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgner, who were married in Cheyenne ten days ago, arrived in town Wednesday and are now at home to their friends in this city. Roger's Silver is the best known the world over. Knives and forks from $2.50 per set up. Dixon, The Jeweler. Rev. Frank H. Essert, of Canon, City, Colorado, who is hero attending the M E. conference will preach at the Presbyterian church on Sunday morn ing at 10:30. Rev. C. E. Newland, of Holdrede, will preach in the evening at 8 o'clock. There will be good music. A cordial invitation is extended to all Ray Surber has purchased a lot in the Taylor addition and will erect a res idence thcreom Claude Sclby left today for Chicago, expecting to make several stops en-route. Harry Christ came down from his homestead near Pnxton yesterday to spend several days with his sister, Mrs. Navnrenux, who is hero on a visit from Lexington. Mrs. Harry Walrath entertained a number of ladies at cards last evening in favof of Mrs. Hcssic, of Wilcox, Nebr., who is visiting friends in town. The evening, which proved a most de lightful ono, closed with the serving of enjoyable refreshments. Events of the Race Track Through tho efforts of somo enthus iastic horse men n series of horse races were nrranged for this week at tho now track west of the city. Tho first events were held Wednesday afternoon, and were witnessed by h fair sized croud of spectators. Tho first race was a half miio dash in which "Red Jacket" owned by McCIain took first money in fifty-two Beconds; an Oshkosh horse coming in second nnd the Groves horse third. In tho quarter mile dash an Oshkosh horso won first place In twenty-five seconds. There were three entries in tho mile pace, the Harper horse, a horso owned byDavo White and "Victor Belle" owned by John Byenly of this citv. "Victor Belle" won two straight heats in 2:60 and ,2:53. The track was heavy. In the potato race, Will Eshelman won out against fonr competitors. A match pony race, one-fourth mile, was won by a horse from Big Springs. Yesterday the attendance at the races was very largo nnd the events wore good. In the three-eighth milo dash an Oshkosh horso came in first nnd the Groves mare second. The Jacobs horse won second and third heats in the half mile novelty race, the Harper horse taking tho first heat. McKain's "Red Jacket" won tho half milo dash and Garlow's horso was first in tho pony race. In tho motorcycle race, five miles. Frank Baldwin won first money in 6i minutes; Vromnn second. FOR SALE Special. We have the best bargain ever offered, being the ex clusive sale of the Mrs. Ann- strong business. This is a I reat money maker and if ooking for a nice, clean, good paying business, let us show you this or call on Mrs Armstrong for particulars. It must be sold quick. BRATT & GOODMAN. Many Conversions. The Finnell-Lewis revival meeting at the opera house has attracted large audiences during tho week and ha ve, since their beginning, exerted great in- fluenco in the community. Up to last night there had been seventy conversions thus making tho meetings among the most successful ever held in North Platte. Many kind remarks are heard relative to the earnestness of Revivalist Finnell, whose sermons sink deep in the hearts of the hearers. The sing ing by Mr. Lewis and his organized choir has added much to the effect iveness of the meetings. Parties With Money. Wo have a few exceptional good loans, which will net you eight per cent. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency, C F. Temple, Mgr. 1 & 2 McDonald Block. For Sale. 100 head yearling steers. W. H. TuitPie. Copyright 1909. by C. E. Zimmerman Co. -No. 12 Shoes for Balls and Parties. rr" T will find the most dainty creations in Shoes ivU at our store; the kind that are distinctly in tended for theatres and parties suitable for any func tion at which you wish to wear nice things. Come in and try a pair on, and sec how well they go with the balance of your wardrobe. SMALL, BIO SHOE MAN 521 Dewey Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, who have been making t heir home just west of this city for a number of years, will eave Bhortly for Denver whore they will locate permanently. Tho nbsenco of frost has resulted in corn ripening in good Bhape, and the crop in Lincoln county will bo better than was expected. Corn that on Aug ust 1st promised little will now yield a I fair crop. Tho Temptor Won. When the Into Boron Nordcnskjold wna nt Ceylon on the way homo from his journey along the northern const of Siberia he received telegram from the Ilusslun government asking him whether ho would accept from the czar n certain decoration ns an appre ciation of his svnices to Itussln. For many days tho famous explorer wav ered, as ho was a member of Bjor- sterno BJornson's Antl-decorntlon club, whoso members were solemnly pledged never to accept any decoration from anybody. Nordcnskjold. however, could not resist the temptation, so he replied to tho telegram In the atnrmntlve. It Is not hard to Imagine IiIh disappoint ment when, upon renchlng home," n friend of his, n high olllclnl, told him tho following: "Tho Kusslnn govern ment was well awnro of your antago nistic views in regard to decoraUons nnd had, therefore, placed In readiness 300,000 rubles to bo paid you In tho ovent of your refusing to accept tho luslgnln, but before paying that sum they wanted to try your llrmness. Itus- sla Is certnlnly grnteful to you for your failure to Hvo up to your pledge." Our Bargains in Gity Property, arc Go ing Fast, However, Here are a Few That We Have Left. Ten room house on W. 4th St., well built, also has good pantry, closets and room for bath. Three full lots, all in lawn with shade trees. See us quick about this or you will miss this bargain. $3,500.00 will buy it now. Easy terms, Good business building, now rented and bringing fifteen per cent net on price asKeu. Let us tell you about this. New Groom house, with bath, electric lights and hot and cold wuter in house. Absolutely modorn except heat. Base ment under whole house, nil cemented 7 blocks east of Dewey St. $2,500.00, Newly papered and painted house. ( rooms in good repair. Nice lawn and trees, on north side. Close in nnd cor tainly n snap at $2000.00. Five room house, nice lawn and treos with twd full lots CG ft. lots. Close to North Side school house. $1,8000.00 Five room house in one of tho nicest locations on North side. Nice lawn and nice large trees. A beautiful littlo home $1,4000.00. The above are only a few of desirable dwellings we have listed at reasonable prices. Call and talk to us if interested in buying a homo or investing. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency, C. F. Temple Mgr., 1 & 2 McDonald Blocks. I We havo the now attachments for tho Edison talking machines. Play two nnd four minute records. Ten four minute records free. Rinckek's Book Store. f Try our Cider, it isn't made of rotten apples or adulterated water; but sound apple juice. Come and see it made. 40 cents per rrallon. Brine your iutr. LoMdrtci Sott. Dixon Says "After I fit you to a pair of glasses my inter est in vour welfare is not ended. I take a personal in 1 terest in you I want to be sure my work is obtaining the expected results." "The best way is to drop in and see me some time, we will have a friendly talk it will do us both good. " "I am busy of course, but never too busy to have a little chat glad to see you at any time." DIXON, The Jeweler. Death Was a Live One. Whllo on tho way to the race track In Now Orleans one day several winters ago nn undertaker named Mr. Dooley passed a funeral procession on its way I to tho cemetery. Dooley had a friend with him, another Irishman, who ex claimed, i'Suro, death always wins.' There happened to bo n horso entered that day named Death, and ho won with ridiculous ease, Dooley winning a good bet 011 him. Dooley told all his friends of tho Incident, and they all went out to the course tho next tlmo Death was entered. Ho won every time he started for thirteen races. It was near getaway day, when every ono was packing up ready to tako tho last train for New York. The horso was sold that afternoon at uu auction sale, and tho buyer was Mr. Dooley. He hitched him a mouth later to a hearse, and tho horso became fright ened and ran awny and was not stop ped until the graveyard wus reached. After tho burial Dooley had tho horso fihot and burled near tho cemetery. You're a dead one now, Death," said Dooley, "but a Hvo one In thoso thir teen races." Bnltlmoro American. The Fashion of the Houte. A servant girl happened to bo en gaged nt a farmhouse where tho mis tress was known to havo a hasty tem per. On I he llrsL Kalurduy night tho girl was at the fannhoiiso she was told by tho mistress to clean tho boots ready for Sunday. Tho mistress on coining Into the kitchen later on saw that tho girl had cleaned her own boots llrst. So ho took them up and threw thoin Into a tub of water thnt was Btaudlng bjnnd bounced out of (ho kitchen. Tho girl mild nothing, but when sho had cleaned tho other boots nuo throw theni also Into tho water. "Whatever possessed you to do that, girl?" asked the mistress on coming again In tho kitchen. Tho girl simply replied: "Well, ma'am, pleaso nm'am, I thought It wns tho fashloii of tho house, ma'niu!" London Tlt-BltH. Retribution. Voung Father (In the futuro)-Grcat snakes! Can't you do something to quiet that baby? Its eternal squalling drives mo frantic. Young Mother (culmly to servant) Mario, bring In my husband's mother'H phonograph and put In tho cylinder "At Ten Mouths." I want him to hear how his volco sounded wheu ho wns young. Squaring Himself. Mrs, Ilenpccke-Wlmt do you mean, air, by tolling Mih. Torkcr's husbaud you never ask my ndrlro nbout any thing? Henpecko-Well, Maria, I don't. You don't wait to bo asked. Men who pride them selves on their ability to select and wear good Clothes Correct Clothes many now have the -pleasure of seeing the choicest Models and the ncwests fabrics for Fall wear if they will call "Just for a Look". ,We see that every Suit is perfectly fitted to the figure. Copyrt1it 1910 , Tht Houi of Kujpnnimr Chic.,o Styles for the coming Seasons aro within the bounds of grace and of good form. Coats in two or three button Models. Medium lengths, liberal and graceful lopels, broad shoul ders, the back tracing the figure. The Vests of medium height, the Trousers of conservative widths, with a hang of dignity. Suits at $15, ,$18, $20 to $25. J. B. MoDONAL.IK The Home of Good Clothes. Meivtor Comfort VivderweaLf MENTOR Comfort Underwear Is known for its high excel lence and good wearing quali ties. Tho demand for it grows larger and larger evcy year. We have just received a fresh, new stock, suitable for women and children of all ages. You can have it in Union Suits or separate garments, as you prefer and wo guarantee that you will be highly pleased and satisfied. The good points of MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR are many. When you come to the store, we'll tell you about them. THE LEADER For useful free booklet telling about Mentor Comfort Underwear, write to Mentor Knitting Mills, Cleveland, Ohio. Harness Oiling Plant Ladies' Tailored Suits A large assortment in all sizes just received at THE LEADER. Prices from $15 up. Come in and see them. We have completed an up-to-date Harness Oiling Plant, and while we have gone to considerable expense, yet it is up to you Mr, -Harness Owner whether we can get the quantity of harness to make the business profit able at the prices quoted below. This month we will wash and oil two days each week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Oilhig capacity 10 sets per day. Single Harness 75 cents. Light Driving Harness $1.00. t Medium Heavy Harness $1.25. Heavy Harness $1.50. x A. F. FIIK, 505 Dewey Street.