The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1910, Image 4

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An cndlesa vnrioty of gift books, and
books for children will be found at
Mrs, Eflfio Savita loft Wednesday fo
a two week's visit with relatives In
Nate Trego, of Mayflower, was in
town yesterday visiting friends and,
transacting business.
For Sale Cheap -One small heating
stove and four counter cases. See
G. S. Huffman.
One thpusand persons were present
at the old settlers' reunion held at
Dig Springs on Saturday of lust week.
The com festival held at Lewellen
this week wan largely attended, the
program rendered being an attractive
Mm. O. A. Farmer, of Sutherland,
has been spending the past few days In
town us a guest at the home of J. W.
A beautiful line of sparkling Cut
Glass. Exclusivo agont for tho cele
brated Libby factory. Clinton, Jew
eler and Optician.
Geo. M. Graham, now making his fall
campaign on tho road selling shoes,
came In from Omaha yesterday after
noon and will remain for a couple of
A special passed through yesterday
'bearing a large number of Chinese
Btudents. They have been tour
ing tho west and nro now enroute
to eastern uniycrslties.
Messrs. Nelson, Eymann, Forsythe,
Ityun, Allen, Cooney, Ilnnna and
several other OgallalaiteB were in town
Tuesday attending inlatory services
at Masonic hall.
All tho choice books for boys will bo
found at Rlnkcr's
Tho high school foot ball team this
season d reported to bo tho strongest
over. With tho cxeception of Milledgo
Dullard, who graduated this year, the
team of last year remains intnet, and
in addition so many other
promising players who report for,
practice that It is always Imposlble to
get them all in tho field. Games for the
coming season have not been fully
arranged. There will be six games, pos
sible seven, three of which will be play
ed on the local grounds,
Mrs. Mario Ames returned yesterday
from a brief trip to Greely.
Mrs. JohnTighe, daughter Mary and
son Leo went to Omaha Wednesday
night for a brlof visit.
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Inquiro of Mrs. V. Lucas,
22o East Third street.
Miss Mollic Penlston returned to this
city yesterday af tor making an extended
visit with relatives at Rawlins, Wyo.
Dr. and Mrs. Rcdfield left the eurly
part of tho week on an automobile trip
to Omaha ond Lincoln. At Grand Island
they wore joined by two friends.
rrv. c 1 m 1 tn1, n
wall paper now on hand will bo sold at
a discount or zu per cent.
Duke Dbats.
Mrs. Mary Scharmann, of Victor,
Colo., nrrived yesterday for a visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
JelTers and other relatives.
Chris Link, a real estate man of
Reaver City, has been in town this
week looking over several land deals In
this vicinity which he has under consid
erations. Silk and linen shirtwaists for fall 1910
in all shades and sizes up to 4G, just ar
rived nt The Loader.
Miss Myrtle Martin camo down from
Sutherland tho early part of the week
and has accepted a position in Mrs.
Huffman's millinery department at
Tho Leader.
Local officials are on the, look out for
thrco boys who made their getaway
from tho Kearney reform school Wed
nesday night. The boys havo been traced
ns far as Lexington.
For Sale-Thoroughbred Shire Stallion
Colt coming 3 year old may bo seen at
my residence in North Platte.
Mrs. W. E. Price, of Oregon, a former
resident of this city, arrived yesterday
for an extended viait with friends. Mr.
Prico for many years" conducted a black
smith shop in this city, going from hero
to Cheyenne and later removing to
In the 1910 Issuo of "Who 9 Who
in thollnitcd States' the names of 153
Nebraskans are mentioned as pors.ons
of note. Nona of the 153 livo in North
Platte. This we insist is an injustice
to our city; we havo several residents
who should bo included among the"who'a
who" of Nebraska.
Graduate Dcnllsf. S
Ofllco over tho McDonald ' J
State Bank.
Miss Anna Scharman, who had been
spending tho past year with relatives at
Denver and at Victor, Colo., roturned
home yesterday.
Dickey Bros, shipped sixty gallonB of
ice cream Wednesday to Lewellen,
where a corn festival was held this
Burlington civil engineers nro at
work at Kenrney and the Daily Hub h
of the opinion that their work there
is in connection with tho building of
line up tho Platte valley.
Will Coker, who Is occupying the big
John Keith ranch south of Sutherland,
reports to tho Free Lance that the
yield of hay there this season will
amount to only nbout one-fourth of a
ton per acre.
James Beveridge, ono of the ener
getic Bouth sldo farmers, was united in
marriage at North Platte, Wednesday,
to Miss Maymo Griffith. The brldo
came from Nantlcoke, Pa., and met
her prospective husband at the county
seat where the knot was tied by tho
Methodist minister. Tho Free Lance
hastens to congratulate. Sutherland
Free Lance.
Wo havo very pretty pieces in Hnnd
Painted China. Also the celebrated
Karnnk Brass Goods. Clinton, Jeweler
and Optician.
Peter Larson was killed by light
ning and Georgo Jorgenson burned to
death In hay act afire by tho same
stroke Wednesday night twenty miles
southwest of Kimball. Mr. Nelson wns
on the stack when it was struck and
was killed instantly. The hay caught
fire and frightened the team which
wedged tho wagon between tho burn
and stack. Jorgenson was stunned and
burned to death along with the horses.
Tho wagon and barn was also con
sumed. Larson's daughters dragged
his ' body away, but were unable to
roach that of Jorgenson and it was
cremated. Larson leaves a widow and
five children. Jorgenson wns a bache
lor. Both were homesteaders.
Hlie gg Range BTS
Our Opinion on the
Range Question.
We know we have your qonfidence and we have made ourselves worthy
of it by handling the very best merchandise in our line. : : :
We are familiar with the good qualities of every stove and range on the
marked In our opinion
is the best of them all and the range in
service will back us up in every good
thing we can say of it. If there was a
better range made we would advise you
to buy it. Will you not come and see it?
We are sure we can convince you inside
of five minutes that what we say about
the South Bend Malleable Is true.
See our Demonstration at
at the store
Sept. 26th to Oct. 1st.
Fall Showin
La Vogue
Suits and
The Standard of Style. ,
Fashion authorities have
passed favorably upon La
Vogue coats and suits.
Now they are awaiting
your critical comment and
Slow though we are to en
thuse, we grow a bit warm
when we speak of this col
lection. But come and see and judge
for yourself. Every on'e in-
teres ted in matters of dress is
welcome. If you bring a
friend with you, so much the
La Vogue Garments are
distinctive for style and fit in
any gathering of well dressed
La Vogue coats and suits
are shown for women and
Prices are as tempting as
the goods attractive.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Uauk
At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wienbarg, eight miles southwest of
town, on Wednesday evening occurred
the marriage of their daughter Mririe
to Mr. Roy Surber, of this city. The
ceremony was performed at six o'clock
by Rev. Harman, of tho Luttiern church,
in tho presence of about twenty-five
guests, those present being only rela
tives and the most intimate friends.
The bride was attired in a gown of
white silk nnd wns attended by hor sis
ter Miss Ida Wienbnrg who wore blue
silk. Tho groom was attended by
George Wienbarg, brother of the bride.
Following the ceremony a sumptous
wedding supper wns served.
Both young peoplo are well known
in this city. For a number of years
past tho bride ha3 been employed as
teacher in the rural schools and was ono
of Lincoln's county most successful
teachers. Mr. Surber for some time
past has been working ns contractor,
nnd during his residence in this city has
won many friends.
The young couple will make their
home in the south purt of town, where
tho groom has built and lurnished a
Engineer Fred Thompson was taken
nick between Ognlalla and Julesburg
while on his regular run Wednosdny
night and came horqe on No. 18 yestor
day noon. His condition howevor is
considerably improved.
M. C. Coyne, business manager of
Fredrick Thompson's "Spendthrift"
spent yesterday in town mak
ing arrangements for "N tho pre
sentation of that high- clnss' drama on
tho evening of Octofesr 3rd
The rain which began falling in North
Platto this morning covers a territory
between here and Cheyenne and as far
south as Denver. It isnn equinoxtia)
n. nM.l t . t , .1 1
lowing thu cuestttitm p tliu moisture.
Insurance All Kind.
Before insuring against fire, tornivJo,
accident, sickness or taking out lifo in
surance, see us. Wo write tiie most
liberal policies at tho lowest possible
I Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
C. F. Temple, Mgr., 1 & 2 McDonald
Contractor Hultrnnn has ten cross
walks yet to lay ond when these are
in every street intersection having
connecting sidewalks will havo cement
crosswalks, and in several instances
crosswalks have been put in where
thero are not connecting sidewalks.
Certainly North Platto can congratu
late itself on the condition of Its streets
as to sidownlka and crosswalks.
Tho third week of tho city school
term closes today with an enrollment of
over 1,000 pupils. Last Friday tho en
rollment wns 991, and during this week
the additions have swelled tho number
to beyond tho 1,000 mark. The
work is reported by Supt. Tout to bo
progressing in a very satisfactory man
and Saturday.
Moving pictures:
"The Impalment."
"A Tempestuous Adven
"Milk Industry in the Alps"
Raymond & Raymond, com
edy sketch, singing and
Saved by Her Voice.
When traveling to Paris with somo
other ladles on ono occasion Mme.
Grisl bad a' thrilling adventure. At a
small wayside station a man entered
tho carriage, nnd It soon becamo evi
dent from his threatening gestures
and eccentric behavior that ho was a
dangerous lunatic. Though her com
panions were panic stricken, Mine.
Qrlsl retained complete presence of
mind nnd with the utmost composure
began to slug. At once the maniac
wns quiet. Ills whole attention was
riveted on that magnificent voice, and
ho remained the most appreciative of
listeners until the train reached tho
next station, where lio was secured. It
transpired subsequently that ho was
a miinlnc with homicidal tendencies
who hud escaped from nn nsylum.
10 and 15 Cents.
It does not require the
change in the atmosphere for
you to know that autumn is
approaching, for you will see
through the store from day
to day many new faces, figur
atively speaking, in, the mer
chandise line. New garments
are coming, great numbers of
new dress fabrics in both
cloth and silk, and, by the
way, has it ever occured to
you that most of the good
things are brought here for
you first before other stores
have them.
Wilcox Department Store.
"Peddler's Acre."
Lambeth "old" church has numer
ous historic monuments, mid In one of
tho windows Is the full length figure
of a peddler with his pack. stafT and
dog. This Is supposed to represent
the unknown person who presented
"Peddler's acre" to thu parish upon
condition that his portrait mid that or
his beloved canine companion should
bo preserved In the church and that
his dog should bo burled In conse
crated ground. London Saturday H
view. .
A Jolt. .
A middle nged matron addressed n
mlddlo aged woman who sat ni'.xt to
her in the street cur, whom hlie
thought sho recognized ns an nc
qualutnnco of hor girlhood. 'Tardon
mo;" Rho said, "hut wasn't your
mulden iiaino Illunk?"
"It Is." was tho Icy reply. New
York Sun.
Surely Not.
Mariner (relating some of his actlro
Borvlco ndvonturcsl-An' mo an' ray
mates was lost In the virgin forest
virgin, so to speak, because tho hand
of man had never before set foot there.
Good Luck.
Mr. Jugglns-A black cat came to
our back fenco last night. Mrs. Jug-glns-DId
It brlhg you good luck? air.
Jugglns-ThiifH what it did. I hit it
tho very first time I tired.
Her Pet Name.
Judge-What Is your name? Young
Wlfe-Cnroltoo Augusta Emmn. Judge
And how are you gonornlly cnlledV
Young Wife (Imshfully)-My "sweet
Digestion and Assimilation.
It is not the quantity of food taken
but tho umount digested nnd nssimilated
that gives strength nnd vitality to the
system. Chamberlain's Stomnch nnd
LivorTnblotB invigornto the stomach
and liver nnd ennbfo them to perform
tholr functions naturnlly. For alu by
all ifciridrB, '