The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1910, Image 8

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    i A
Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira I. Bare, Editor and Pabliihcr.
One Year by Mall In advance $1.25
Ono Year by Carrie in advance. . .... .$1.60
Entered at North Matte. Nebraska, "Post
oflico as Second Class Matter.
Tho population of Chicago Ib 2,185,283,
nn Incrcnflo of 480,708, or 28.7 per cent,
as compared with 1,698,672 in 1900. The
increase, however, was not bo Krcnt pro
portionately an it was in tho decode of
1690-1900. Then It was 54.4 porcent.
Governor Shnllcnbargor has conceded
tho nomination of Dahlman on the
democratic tlckot, and Inst Frlduy filed
his declination of tho populist nom
ination for governor. Ho also offered
his services to the democratic fltnto
committee. In a statement Governor
Shallonbcrgor fluid that while ho might
possibly win out in a legal battle bo
causa of irregularities shown in the
recount in Douglass county, ho did not
enro for n victory won In that manner.
Following similar announcements by
n numbor of democratic papers of the
state, Dick Motcalfc, associate editor
of Hrynn's Commoner, announces that
ho will not support Dahlman for gov
ernor, and has tendered his services to
C. II. Aldrich, tho republican candidate.
In his lottcr Mr. Motcnlfosuys tho dem
ocratic nomlnco was named by repub
licans and that if ho is to follow a re
publican leadership ho prefers to pick
hlH man, Metcalfe inslstn that tho only
issuo is tho liquor question in this cam
paign and tho election of Dahlman
moans turning tho stato government
over to tho persons who control tho
liquor traffic,
In tho cunt they tell a woutonor who
goes thera on business or a visit, that
business is not just what it should bo
not asgood as two or throo years ago;
and yet tho westerner cannot but bo
impressed with tho volume of busi
ness in tho oast. Ono falls to scu an
idlo steel plant or manufactory; truffle
on tho railroads seems to bo enormous;
in tho towns and cities tho stores uro
crowded with customon, and appar
ently all mon who want work arc
employed. To tho wostcnor tho cast.
scemH to bo highly prosperous, notwith
standing tho customer is Inclined to
"growl" over business conditions.
An Attractive Contract.
Mr. Bryan, agriculturist for tho
American Boot Sugar Co. has received
tho boot contract for growing sugar
beets for 1911 and is now ready to sign
with thoso farmers wishing to grow
sugar boots. Ho states that with the
prlca of soed at ton cents por pound and
fifty cents por ton for siloing, with a
cluuso of furnishing soed to thoso whoso
boots aro killed by frost, makes this
contract u very attractive ono.
Mr. Bryan states that being early
with tho contracts reminds him a great
deal of tho motliod practised in Utah,
whoro tho sugar companies place tholr
contructn early In ordor to glvo tho fnr
mor plenty of tlmo to lay out his dif
ferent lands.
Coudcmn Primary Law.
Writing from Lincoln, a Btnff corres
pondent of tho Boo Buys: Nonrly
ovoryono around the stato Iioubo hi
talking about tho stato wldo primary
law undor which tho prosunt candidates
, for olllccs woro nominated, and so far
thero In not n ntnto ottfiNjfwho has ono
I word to commendation lofrAhe present
monouro. 'jf .
I Attorney General Thompwn referred
Ito It yesterday ho n "monstrosity",
whllo Govornor Shnllonboru'or hns ro
jfpoatodly condemned It, saying on ono
occasion that ho should luivo recom
mended that It bo repealed by tho Into
democratic legislature which was re
sponsible for It In its present form.
Othor Htnto olHcerB, including those
who were nominated under It, huve ox-
pressed themselves as have tho two
ofilcorn mentioned. Some Insist that
tliu law should bo repealed In its en
tlrety, while others believe that tho re
turn to tho old convention system
should bo by degrees and very gradual,
Secretary of Stato Junkln Is of the
opinion this legislature should amend
tho law bo that It does not npply to
candidates for stato olllcos, but that
delegates to a nominating convention
may ho selected at n primary and that
other than candidates for stato offices
may be nominated an at present. It Ib
his opinion that tho legislature will
not consent to repeal tho law In its
entirety, but thut it will tako the first
stops which nro to finally result In
doing away witli it.
Stato officers realize that it will ho n
hard matter to repeal tho law" for tho
reason that thoeo who hnvo been nom
inated undor Us provisions and elected
to tho legislature havo no very great
protest to mako at Its operation. But
on tho other hand thero will bo manv
members of tho legislature who spent
sleepless nights worrying over n nom
(nation duo tho wiping out of party
lines in the late election, who other
wise would have had llttlo causo to
worry, TttesAi Will inalat oh u cmiifsV.
Preacher Sees a Light.
Some time ago Rev. W. W. Carlton
of Mason City, Iowa, preached a series
of sermons bitterly arraigning the local
authorities for permitting crime to go
unchecked. This is not a new thing for
preachers to do and he doubtless mod
eled his discourse on those which many
others have preached cjsewhore. The
mayor denied that conditions were as
represented and there is nothing new
about such a denial, either.
The novelty came when tho mayor
ottered to appoint Rev. Mr. Carlton
chiof of police and give him authority
to "clean up tho town" if ho found it
needed it. Mr. Carlton was also in
onrnest and sincere, jfor ho undertook
tho job temporarily. Ho has now re
signed, and not becauso he is one who
puts his hand to tho plow and then
turns bnck, for ho preuched another
sermon Sunday telling his congregation
that conditions had been misrepresented
to him and that Mason City was not tho
sink-hole of iniquity which ho had
painted it. He did not pretend to say
thero is no crime orvico, but thatall tho
law could do to prevent it was being
Mason City is only ono of many that
hnvo sufTorcd from tho blnckwashlng
of scandal mongers and sensation
seekers whoso ignorance or misrepre
sentation of facts Is concealed by a loud
noise, but, unfortunately, thero arc not
many llko Mr. Carlton who aro willing
to put their declarations to the tcBtand
still fewer who, when they find them
selves wrong, would manfully admit it.
It looks batter boforo tho public to
offer "lack of co-oporation" by therog
ulnrly constituted nuthortiies.
No ono pretends that conditions in
American cities aro idoal, but it Is sel
dom that they warrant tho wholesale
denunciation which breaks out when
sorno ono thlnkb ho wants to attract
attention to himself. Omaha Bee.
Interest at the Baptist Church,
Last Sunday marked tho beginning of
special interest at tho Baptist church
though tho special services do not start
until Thursday of this week. All of
IaBt Sundny'a services woro well at
tended and a strong and deep feeling
provulled. In response to tho invit
ation at tho closo of tho night two
grown porsons a mother nnd u daughter,
camo forwnrd. Thoso will probably bo
Immersed at ono of tho opening ucsslons
of tho special meetings.
A llttlo hero about tho meetings now
closing nt Golden will speak something
of tho work of tho evangelist who is to
come. Throo grown persons had united
with tho church nnd were bnptiscd a
week ago last Sunday. Nineteen othors
mado tho start that same day and these
woro followed by throo or four moro
tho next night or two. Tho modcBty
of tho evangelist keeps him from
writing much of IiIh own work. Among
thoso converted at Golden was thepoBt
mustor, Boveral respectable men of
tho city and soven students In tho
School of Mines nt Golden. Becauso
of tho interest tho Chaplain wns re
tained two dnys, but ho expects to be
gin hero Thursday night of this week.,
Tho origin of some of tho rumors
concerning trouble In tho nutomobllo
InduBtricH seemu to Ho In tho figures
recently mado nubile concornlnir tho
output of tho prcBont year. It ia now
estimated that tho factories havo pro
duced 185,000 cars worth $242,000,000,
agnlnat 82,000 enrs Inyenr 1009. If that
h u correct statement of tho work of
tho fnctorlos nobody ought to bo sur
prised ovor n llttlo dolay In gottlng rid
of tho output. Stato Journal.
Hundreds of North Platte Readers
Find Daily Toil a Burden.
Tho huotlo nnd worry of busincBs mon,
Tho hunt work and atooplng of work
men, Tho womnn's household enroa,
Aro too groat a strain on tho kidneys.
Backache, headache, sldcncho,
Kidney troubles, urinary follow,
A North l'lntto citizen tells you how
to cure them all.
Hans Johnson, 8H Walnut St. North
Platte, Nebr,, sayB; "For a numbor of
years I was troubled with kidney com
plaint, due to heavy work In tho
blacksmith shop. I havo frequently
tnkenDonn'B Kidney PIUb, procured
from McDoncll & Graves' Drug Store,
and their use is nil that is necessary to
rid mo of backache, lameness and othor
disorders arising from thokidnoys.
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills nn r
remedy of merit that all kidney euf
ferors Bhould try."
For Bale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fostor-Mllbum Co. Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Remember the name Doan's and
uiko no others.
Serial Fo.0isi, ,
lprtuioutot tlin Interior.
V P. Laud OtUcu kt North Platto. N'nh.
, . . houtvinbor UthlOlO, ,
Notice Is fce-roto given that . Daniel J,
firyclM'. of North Platto. Kubraaku. who. on
lob. 11, 1005. mado homestead entry No.aotiOi),
Mortal No. Oltwt. tor wont, half. west halt
northeast quarter, west half southeast
quarter, (tectum IS, township Id, north, Range
JO. west f tho sixth Principal Meridian
lias i)Ud notlco Of Intontlon to
mako Una) ilvo year iroot to
establish claim to tho land above, described,
boforo tho Register and Receiver at North
Platte, Neb., on tho 14th day of Nov. 1910,
Claimant names as witnesses: Carl 8.
McUrow. Jacob Weber, of North I'latto,
Nob . Edward Wright. Thomas liolcher. of
Myrtld, NMu,
J K. KVANfcf. KoKUtVir.
Office Suil (j and 7 Kcilh Theatre Building
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
of Women.
We have the best bargain
ever offered, being the ex
clusive sale of the Mrs. Arm-
strong business. This :o a
great money maker and if
ooking for a nice, clean,
good paying business, let us
show you this or call on Mrs.
Armstrong for particulars. It
must be sold quick.
BRATT& Goodman.
Skirts and Waists.
New Skirts and Waists are
ready to help you piece out
the season. And most women
feel about this time of the
year as though they wanted
something new and a great
many of them often settle
down to the most practical
sort of a purchase. A new
Skirt and new Silk Waists.
Such garments can be found
be used all and any season of
the year, and we have all of
the fall styles now ready.
Wilcox Department Store.
YOU'LL soon bo nt tho canning
nnd pickling with nil its hard
work. It would bo a pity to
havo tho fruits of your efforts
spoil during tho winter. See
that lain and bottlcB aro well
In tho best thing to seal them
with. Can bo UBed over nnd
ovor nnd is tasteless and harm
less. Pure High Grade Spices,
Jar Rubbers,
Sealing Wax, Etc.
Family Druggists.
your hands for
You are not "Held Up" when you
buy it as you get your moneys
worth in every dish.
Our up-to-date manner in the
tnakini and our facilities for tnk
injj core of it assures you o f Ice
Cream thnt cannot be excelled.
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full lino of furniture, all kinds of
stoves nnu stovo repairs, wagons, har
ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport
ing goods, clocks, watches, musical
goods, sowing machines either cash
or navmcnts. Evervthtni? vou ubo
Similea, Similibus, Curantus
A like remedy will cure a like
A law immutable, thnt cannot
change, nnd as true today as
when it first came to light.
true and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature's own trentment where
remedies are paramount.
For out of town patients and
all thoso interested: Rooms fur
nished when desirea for confine
ment, medical and the necessary
surgical cases. Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Practicioncr
A Modern Institution for'
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night.
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locust t.
Telephone No. 642.
rzrr:' east . FHumisTKiiitiT
flUKlti FLAT Tfi,i WEB. j ,
Medical Staff:
Dr. D. T. Quigley. Dr. G. B Dent
Dr. V. Lucas.
A general hospital for all acute and
chronic cases medical, surgical
ana oustretne. Open to the medi
cal profession. For further infor
motion address.
Excelsior Springs
Wo aro solo agents for the medicinal
wntors from this famous resort. Per
sons suffering with stomach, liver
nnd kidney troubles should give these
waters a trial.
Sulpho Salino Water Pints 15c, Qts.
25c, half gal. 50c.
Silonm nnd Regent Wnter Pints 15c,
Quarts 25c.
Soterian Ginger Alo Pints 15c or 2
for 25c. (Manufactured from Soterinn
Lithin Wnter.)
Special discount in ense lots.
Stone Drug Co.
A Man That Keeps Good Horses
don't won't to spoil tholr appearance
or risk his own lifo by harnessing them
with an inferior mado or shabby har
ness. It pays to buy n good harness
when you do buy, for it ulwnys looks
well as well as wenrlng well. For
stylo, durability and make call on
mmm ft
Wills J Redfleld. JID J R McKlrahan. M D
Drs. Redfield & McKirahan
Phiicians and Surgeous.
All Calls Promptly Answered.
Office at P. and S. Hospital.
f 0
r i a 0 a .
v. uutiura Mmcs a umcs. i
r H
Physicians and Surgeons, )
Office over Stone Drug Co.
Phones lg?.B
Try Our Flour.
Up-to-date $1.50 per sack or ?2.90
per hundred, 13. & M. $1.45 per sack
$2.85 per hundred; Buffalo and Jer
sey Cream $1.35 per sack or $2.75 per
hundred. See us for prices on 500, 1,000
or more pounds. Every sack guaran
Call 551.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, PiclureVraming
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Phone 268
flour, feed, Grain or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store at tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invito a share of
tho patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
wo have is tho Forest King cigar,
brings more trade to this store than
littlo. It will not surprise you either
if you try the Forest King cigar. It is
a smoke you cannot fail to enjoy if you
aro a lover of fine tobacco. It is a
dear that, once tried, vou naturally
think of ovory time you aro inclined for
a goou smoKo.
John F. Wilcoxson will take notice
that on tho 22nd day of July, 1910, P.
H. Sullivnn, a justice of the Peace, m
nnd for Lincoln County, Nebraska, is
Biied an Order of Attachment for tho
sum of $19.50, in an action pending be
fore him, whoroin William Dowson is
plnintifT and John F. Wilcoxson defen
dant, that property consistingof money
in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Rail
road Company, a corporation, has been
attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the 30th
dny of Sept. 1910.
William Dowson, Plaintiff.
North Platte, Neb. Aug. 18th, 1910.
In tho County Court of Lincoln county. No
braska. Sept. 12th, lf'10.
In the mutter of the estate of Anders
P Carlson, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of said derouscd will meet the Administratrix
of said estate, boforo tho County Judge of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on the IUUIi day of
October. IW10, and on tho 10th day of April,
lUIl, at 10 o'clock a- m. each day. for tho pur
pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment ami allowance. Six mouths
aro allowed for creditors to present tholr
claims and ono year for the Admlulstrllrlx to
sottlo said estate, from the K'th day of
Sept,. 1M0. This notlco to 1h published
eight successive Issues In the North Platto
Tribune, a legal nowspaper published In said
county prior to tho 10th day of October
sI3-S O. E. F.LDElt. County Judge,
lly Kathorlne V. Clark. Clerk of tho County
Department of tho Interior,
ITclted States Laud Olllce.
North Platto. Neb., Septembor 7th, 1910.
A Milltclont contest affidavit having been
died In this officii by Earl II Uartholomew,
contestant, against Homestead Entry, No.
21782, mado April 10th. iDUu, foT all of ewalon
3Ji township IB N,i raugosaw. Hth P. M by
Agues Mcllrtiry. contestee. tn which It is
alTcgt-O that Agnes MCHenryhasneNTreital)
llshed residence on said tract that she has
failed to lmprovo orcultlvato said tract in
any manner, that she has attended said tract
for more than six months last past. Said
parties aro hmi'iy notllled to apiiear, re
spond and oder evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a m on Nov. 7th,
ll'IO, before tho register and receiver at tho
ITulted States Land Olllce In North Platte,
Tho ald contestant having. In a proper
affidavit, tiled Scptemlcr7tji. bet forth facts
which show that after duo diligence per
sonal service of this notice cannot bo made,
it is herebv ordered and directed that such
turtttt) bo given by Uuo and proper publlatlon.
J E. Eva.S, Id-vlstVr
yfc w -i 4 4
lihvcinnn nnd snrnonn.
Office over McDonald Bank.
I Office 130
J Residence 115
t.lrrln flnntt. OliarloM A 1'nrrr and Ilia un
known liclrs of David W. I'orry. deceased
will take notlcn that on tiio a)tn clay or July.
1810. Henry Waltutnatli, plalntlfT herein, (Hod
Ills petition In tlie District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, attalnst said defendant,
the object and prayer or which are to miict
the. tltleof tlie plaintiff In and totlio follow
Ine descrliwd trnrt of land, to-wlt: Ilrglnnlnc
(in the SiHiihwctt, comer of Ixjtl, In Illock
KK.of tlicoritrinai plat or the city or riortn
I'latte, Nebraska, runnlnir thenco In n
nortlierlr direction on tlio west llt.o of nald
lot. 4 feet and 4 Indies, tlicncn oastorly
parallel with Hie south line of said lot. a)
fool morn or less to the. center lino runnlnir
north nnd south, thence southerly parallel
with the west line of said lot 40 feet and 4 In
ches to the south line of said lot, thenco
westerly on tho south line of said lot to tho
place of bcKlnnlnir. and to exclude each and
allot tho said defendants from any Interest,
rleht. title or claim In and to said property
and tn enjoin said defendants from asserting
any claim In said premises as against thn
plalntlir herein and to unjoin said defendants
i rum intericrrimr with piainiui's possession
You are required to answer said petition
on or Iwforo tho id day of October. 1010.
Uy Wnrox &IIA1.MOAN, lllsAttorneys.
Department of tho Interior.
United States Land Ofllco
North I'latte. Nebraska.
September 7, 11)10.
A HUlllclcnt contest affidavit havlnir 1kcii
died In this ofllco by II. O- Ilartholomow
contestant, against homestead Entry
ino. zvuo, mado Aug. l-', w for all of
Sec IH. Township 1. N. Ilantro32 v tlth
P. Meridian, by David Montelth contosteo. In
which It Is alleged that David Montelth
has never established residence, t hereon:
that ho has failed to lmprovo or cultlvato
said tract In any manner! that hu has aban
doned said tract for moro than six months
last past. Said parties aro hereby notified
to appear, respond and offer ovldenco touch
ing said allegation at 1U nVWlr n m
on Nov. 7th, 110, boforo tho Heglster and
ucceivor at too uniteu states Land olllco
In North I'latte, Nebraska.
Tho said contestant having, In a proper afll-
-w - v ,., hv. labia
show that after duo aillgonco porsonal sor-
vico oi mis nouco cannot ix tnauo. it is
hereby ordered and directed that such no
tice bo given by duo and proper publication.
J. E Evans,
Serial No. 02103.
Department Of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb.
. . Aug. 11. 1010.
Noticp Is horoby given that Mary Facka.
: North Platte. Neb., who. on July 2. 1001,
ado homestead I'lilrv Nn. !!(l?.0l. urll Mn
tttlOU, for all of section 12. township 12, N.
ranpo ., y oi mo mn rrincipal Alorldlan, has
Hied notlco of Intention to mako final ilvo
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforo tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 13th
day of Oct. 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: Adam E.
Donaldson. John Fowler and Carl ttroedor.
of North Platto. Nob. and Spencer Edmlston.
of Horshey, Neb.
al7-0 j. E. Evans. Register.
Serial No. 0U11.
Department of tho Intorlor
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb.
Aug. Ilth, 11)10.
Notlco Is horoby given that Adam E. Don
aldson, of North Platte, Nebraska, who on
Sept. 10th, 1M)4. trado Homestead entry
No, 20511. Serial No. ttKll. for west half, and
southeast Quarter, section 32, township 13,
north, range 31, west of tho 0th Principal
Meridian, has llled notice of intention to
mako final Ilvo year proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, boforo
tho Register and Receiver at North Platte,
Nebraska, on thclsthday of Octob r, 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank .1.
Iacka, Hugh Songor, Carl Ilroekerand John
Fowler, allot North Platte. Nebraska.
JtJ-U J. E. Evans. Register.
Nora Raich. Plalntlir. vs. Carrie 1. Michael
and O P. Michael, her husband. O. W. Ver
ley and Addle V'erloy, his wife, Sherman O.,
Wllborger and Emmn O. Wllborgcr his wlfo
Ilendersun Ilolllngsworth and
IlolllngsWorth his wife, first name unknown,
.1. F. Llttlo and I.lvonla L. Llttlo his wlfo. J.
W. Miller. Defendants,
CarrloL. .Michael, C P. Michael..!. F. Llt
tlo and Livonia L. Little, non-resident de
fendants will tako notlco that on July 1st
1010 tho plalntlir Nora Raich llled a petition
In tho District Cour'. of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against tho abovo named defen
dants, the object and prayer of which was to
foreclose a mortgage on tho S. E ouarter
and tho south half of tho north half of sec
tion .11. township 11 range 31 In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska, given by Carrlo L. Michael and
C, P. Michael her husband to defendant O,
w. Vorloy to secure tho payment of a note
for nlno hundred sixty dollars with Interest
thereon, which note and mortgage was duly
assigned to tho plalntlir herein for a valu
able consideration. Default having been
made lu the payment of said note and In
torest thereon, and noHctlon having been had
for tho recovery thereof, tho plalntlir asks,
for Judgment against said defendants anil
each of them for tho sum of one thousand
one hundred thirty-eight and 8.V100 dollars
and Interest from July 1st Wiu together with
all costs and accruing costs in this case, and
for foreclosure of said mortgage and sale of
said property for the payment of such clalin
and costs. Noua Hai.cii, Plalntlir.
Uy F. ill. WiMnniU.v.v. IHT AWfrirViT. '
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court, Sept 12th. MO.
In tho matter of tho estate of Edward
Everett, deceased.
On reading and tiling tho petition of G rover
C. Jones, praying that tho Instrument
llled on tho 12th day of Sept., 1U10, and pur
portlmr to bean authenticated copy of the
last will and testament of the said deceased
as proved, probated, and allowed In the pro
bate court of Sulfolk county, Massachusetts
may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed
and recorded as tho last will and testament
of tho said Edward Everett, deceased, in
tins court.
Ordered. That October 3rd. 1010, at 10
o'clock a. m Is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
held in and for said county, ana show causo
why tho prarer of tho petitioner should not
1h) granted. This ordor to bo printed for
six successive Issues lu tho North I'latto
Semi Weekly Tribune, prior to October 3rd.
1010. '
sis-ft C E. Er.tiRii. County Judge.
Ily Kathorlne F. Clark. Clerk of the County
Serial N".'020
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto, Nob.
August ZOth. 1010
Notice Is hereby given that Arthur D, Allen
of North Platte. Neb., who on September,
12th, 1Wi. made Homestead Entry No. 2H7.
Serial No. 0--M.M, for tho swU. nVJ nw), n!
no't, soi nol. oW seU. sw'i kbU section f.
township lj. north, range w, west ot thu Otli
principal meridian, has filed notlco of
intention to mako final Ilvo year proof
to ostuhllsh claim to the laud aUivo
described, beforo tho register and receiver
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho lhih
day of Octobor. tUIO.
Claimant names as witnesses; Chris John
son. Martin Hood, Dentils Dreen aud Fred
Rromors, all of North Platto. Nob.
a33-tf J. F. Kvanu. UneMur
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. ftJSM.
Departmeutof the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob.
, . , , August aDth. 1110.
Notlco Is hereby given that Albert Doohke.
of North Platte, Neb., who on Feb. mil
UHlu. mado Homestead Entry No- 2010. Surlai
No. hgtol. for allot Nvtlons, township 15. N
iUnge 31. W. of the slxtn principal meridian
has tl I oil notlco ot intention to mako dual
Claimant names as witnesses; James
Ilerhan. David Marr-mlier, Wiutam Orovcs
'' " "ih'kt, unnain fJrove
HuehUaunt, all of N.-rth I'latte. Not,
a"8 J. K. Evans. Register,
i'V,' iu wBiMMii ciaim to tho
land abovo descrllxd, tx-foro the lleglsler
and Receiver at North I'latto, Nebratka
on tho 17th day of Octobor. lio. 11Lurakk&'
,1. t .ll j..I4 j