The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1910, Image 6

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Light Keeper Who
DETROIT. Tho big lighthouse nt
Windmill Point Is sending out Its
warning to lnko mariners ovory night,
an It hna for ninny ycnrH past,, but no
tnoro does Cnpt. Edward Chambers
nttend tho big lamp thnt for two
yoara has been his enro, Ho died
recently. With tho passing of Cap
tain Chambers,, or "Captain Ed," as
ho was known nmong tho lnkofarlng
pcoplo, one of tho most plclurosquo
figures of tho great lakos Is taken.
Ills was n strenuous llfo, given al
most entirely to tho caring for light
houses. Ho was bora on Mncklnac Island In
1852. When ho went to work It was
for tho government, as mall carrier
from Mncklnac City on tho mainland
to tho Islnnd. In summer this Ib a
nlmplo task. I)ut In tho winter It Is
different. Tho storms thnt sweep tho
lakes In tho cold months find a clear
passago In tho Straits of Mackinac,
and sometimes traveling over tho Ice
Is Impossible, It takes a strong and
resolute man to faco theso storms
Making Ice Water
rt-o cwvr.
EL PASO, Tox. Manufacturing n
drink of ico wntor with nothing
coolor tbnn tho sun's rayB and dry
tropical air would probably seem un
dor tho provlnco of tho magician to
tho easterner. It is novorthclcBs a
fact that from thoso ovor-avallnblo
agencies tho grontor pnrt of tho popu
lation of Toxas, Arizona nnd Now
Moxlco manufacture their own Ico wa
ter. This not only servos for drink
ing purposes, but also provides an
oulclont medium for tho ordlnnry ro
qulromonts of rofrlgorntlon for in
tho cruder sections of tho gront south
wost tho nrtlflclnl production of Ico
Is still a trlllo too costly to bo fens
tblo. Tho secret lies wholly In the con
struction of tho llttlo rod receptnelo
in which tho wntor Ib placed. This Is
a fllmplo Mexican creation, nnd In
thnta languago Is called an olla, tho
two l's being silent according to tho
Spunlsh pronunciation of tho word.
New York Children
NEW YORK. Thoro are places
wljoro children havo to bo taught
how to play. You might think that
tho youngstorB wouldn't need In
Ktruction of this kind. You would
bo' mistaken. Hero In Now York men
and women spend tho better part of
tholr lives teaching thousands of
children how to play, not only with
their musciea, but also with thoir
minds, writes a correspondent. A
great many thousand dollars nro spent
annually by tho city Just for that pur
pose, nnd experience has proved that
tho tlmo and money aro well spent.
Tho tall tenomontB of tho East sldo,
as full of peoplo as a warren Is of
rabbits, swarm with ongor children.
Their fathers and mothors wore Im
migrants. Most of them hnd no boy
hood or girlhood, as most peoplo think
of it. They worked for a living be
fore they camo to this couutry; they
Merchants Offer Inducements to Wed
M3HAM, Mass. Tho morchnnts
of thlB nmbltloUB Capo Cod town,
desiring to Increase Its fnmo nnd popu
lation, prosent and prospective, off or
extraordinary Inducements to sweet
hearts to mnrry bore. The morchnnts
could offer no moro, nave to mnrry tho
lndlos themselves, and tho law ngalnBt
"!blgamy Is vory strict.
Of courso certain conditions aro at
tached to thnBo gonerous proposi
tions;' tho chtof Is thnt tho married
cbuplo must rcsldo here, Warehum Is
altruistic, but it doou not proposu to
help to add to tho population of any
other town.
These are somo of tho marriage In
ducoments offered by Woroham:
A freo wedding, including marriage
license and clergyman's sorvlcos.
Dubs soloUt to Blng "I'm Qlod I'm
tfvT-A' Mi l j
Married" at tho ceremony.
Died for Uncle Sam
and carry tho mall to tho bolca
gunrcd Islanders. Such a man wun
"Captain Ed." No day was too cold
or wind too strong to keep him nt
Slnco entering tho HghthouBo scrv
Ico "Captain Ed" had somo of tho
most arduous assignments Undo
Sniu's uion gel. For 12 yenrs ho was
In chnrgo of tho llghthouso on Stan
uard rock, In Lnko Superior. This Is
tho farthest from Innd of any light
tho government possesses, nnd be
cause of tho storms In tho spring and
fall furnishes about tho hardest work.
It stands on tho top of a submerged
mountain, which Is only six feet bo
low tho surface Mnny boats had
been wrecked on tho rock before tho
government established tho light.
There are eight months of each of
theso 12 years Captain Chambers nnd
three assistants lived In tho llght
houso, practically cut off from tho
rcBt of tho world oxcept for tho occa
sional visits of tho supply boat. At
one tlmo, because of storms, this boat
did not reach tho llghthouso for three
Captain Chambers was In chnrgo
of tho following lighthouses during
his servlco: Waugoschanco, thrco
years; Iroquois, In Lake Superior,
nlno yenrs, and Spectacle Itocf, In up.
per Lako Huron, six years.
From the Sunshine
In northern Moxlco olla making Is a
very profltablo Industry to tho In
habitants, who carry them over Into
Arizona on tho backs of burros.
Tho olla Is mado from a crudo clay
Ish mortar. In drying tho composi
tion bocomcs very porous, and It li
this essential characteristic which con
tains tho secret of tho cooling process
It Is filled with wntor and hung up,
preforably In some place which Is ex
posed to tho wind If thoro bo nny.
The nfblsturo scops through tho pop
ous composition. Tho procoss Is very
slow, and tho moisture which exudes
evaporates Into tho recoptlvo, dry at
mosphere In such equablo proportion
thnt scarcely moro than a drop n mln
tito trlcklos away from tho bottom of
tho olla.
It Is this continuous and fairly rapid
evaporation which produces tho cold.
Immodlatoly tho sides of tho olla be
come chilled, and the water within
grows gradually cooler. In less tbun
an hour from tho tlmo tho phenomena
Is begun tho wator Is cold enough for
drinking purposos, no matter how
warm it might havo boon when pour
ed Into tlo receptnelo. Two or three
hours later It Is cold onough to fill the
ordlnnry requirements of refrigeration
for bottled milk, buttor and other
culinary necessities.
Are Taught to Play
wore hard at work In shops or facto
ries aftor they camo hero. They had
no traditions of play to hand down
to their children. To them play was
a foolishness.
Their children, unable to broatho In
tho tenements, take to tho streets,
which aro dirty or infested with per
sons nnd things that are not good for
llttlo peoplo to soo and hear. Chll
dron who havo no ploy places but
tho streots aro apt to absorb un
henlthful ideas as voll ns microbes.
Pickpockets nnd lonfers nro develop
ed thnt wuy. Besides, thoro Is llttlo
of piny thnt children enn do In thu
streots. Thnt ogro In cap nnd bluq
cont, tho pollcomnn, Ib nlways snoop
ing about.
Thoso nro studies that folks with
big mtndB mndo for themselves is
pnst yonrs. Llttlo by llttlo they go!
tho city government Interested nnd
porsundod a vory prnctlcnl minded
school board thnt It wns worth whlla
to provldo play places for tho chil
dren who had nono, so the board of
cducntlon has now In this city 240
plnygroundH for children, dny nnd
night playgrounds, whore tho llttlo
peoplo' aro carefully Instructed how to
Church deacon to nasa tlm lint fn
a collection for tho wedded pair's ben
efit. UrasH band to nlay tho wild il In i'
march ami other approprlato music.
Bridal dinner.
Bridal presents. moRtlv iiRifni nri.
cloa for furnishing a homo, particular
ly tho nursoiy. i
Motor launch for tho honnv rti nnn
Steady employment for tho brldo.
Employment for tho brldo nvurv nn.
tutun at Bcroontng cranberries If hIio
uesiroa it.
Four physicians to glvo froo sorv
ices at intervalB.
Lawyers to clvo local urtvi nn nn
subject except dlvorco.
Froo shavos for tho brldocroom hi.
clothes prossod without chargo not
by his wife, but by a tailor.
To further its purposo and to make
tho path to hannlnosM nvnn amii,...
Waroham Iibb established a wedding
uu.uuu. i, iey win consider appllca
tlons of thoso yearning to bo married
irom every point of experience, tho
. . : Yrvrqj gy oouvrsAr or atupr '
Cawa?l AT CHCY?it1
Do Not Always Come From M
lionaire Class, Says Expert.
Expenditure of $6,000 Year Doesn't
Always Produce Result Desired
by Men Who Seek to Set
the Fashions.
Now York. Discussing the latest
fashions for men at tho Wearing Ap
parel, Style and Fabric show opened
at tho Madison Square garden, A
Reginald Von Keller, a fashion ox
port, said New York'B two best dressed
men wero Worthlngton Whltehouso
and Huntington Bull. The latter man
Is master of hounds of the Meadow-
brook Hunt club.
"Plenty of men who spond $5,000 to
$6,000 a year to dross aro not from a
critic's viewpoint what you would
torm well dressed men," said Keller,
who arranged tho "head to foot" ex
hibit. "John Jacob Astor Is a well
dressed man, but Mr. Whltehouso is
really tho leader of fashion. He car
rloa his clothes well nnd tho keenest
crltlo could find no fault with tho gar
ments ho wears, boauttfully adapted
for ovory occasion."
Tho vory newest thing In fashions
this yonr, Von Kollor says, Is tho
monogram waistcoat, of "which ho
showed a snmplo one of white satin.
A lavender monogram about two
Inches deep wns embroidered on the
lower left hnnd sldo.
"Thoro Is nlways something now In
mon's clothing," said tho export, "for
man s fashions changa Just as often
as women's and nro much moro ox-
pensive. Walatcoata with buttons of
precious stones run up to $500. Tho
now shndo In mon's business suits Ib
a chocolate brown."
Von Kollor snld American men no
longer go to Europo to buy clothes,
but that many Europenn mon of
wealth nnd fashion who visit horo tnko
homo Fifth nvcnuo tnllorod suits.
Miss M. C. Reed, In chnrgo of n
Brondwny houso'8 exhibit, said Amer
ican womon, to nvold tho difficulties of
custom-hnuse Inspection horo, bought
their gowna In Now York boforo sail
ing for Europo. Sho snld most of tho
Importation of gowns now was dono
by firms rnthor thnn by Individuals.
Miss Heed's exhibit consisted of tho
now holmct shaped lint of blnck vel
vet with lnrgo blue plumos nnd hand
some colored chiffon gowns for eve
ning wear, constructed on tho empire
stylo, which sho said would prevail
largely this year.
"Is It truo thnt mon nro growing
smnller as nn offset to womnn'B In
creasing bIzo, as dressmakers Bay?"
wbb asked of Von Kollor.
"No," ho said. Indignantly. "Womon
may bo growing larger, but men aro
not growing smaller. If you doubt it,
try to fit the nvorago twentieth cen
tury man irto somo fourteenth cen
tury armor In tho various museums.
vou will find it impossible."
Anxiety was expressed by exhibit
ors about tho garment workem' mrlk.v
Posslmistlo ones said that if tho strike
was not Bottled soon Mrs. Knlckor
bockor would havo to look to Philadel
phia, St Louis and Chicago for her
new fall suits.
Wet Summer Is Cause of Great Devas
tation In French Vineyards
Prices Raised.
Paris. Theso aro critical days for
tho French vintage. Tho wet summer
has caused devastation in the vino
yards amounting- to a national disas
ter. In tho Paris wineshops and' In
certain restnurantB prices aro being
raised. All, however, is not yet lost,
and a few days of bright weather
would modify tho situation favorably.
M. Georges Proust, a formor presi
dent of tho Paris wholesale .wine mer
chants' syndicate, makes tho following
"Lnmontnblo nows cornea from Bur
gundy. There wll not bo u barrel of
wlno in tho Yonno; notably, thero will
be no such thing ns 1910 Chablls.
In Touralne the white vines alone will
yield a small hnrvest.
"In tho south tho vintage will bo
Captain Imitates Mother by Attempt
ing to Feed Floating Youngster
Milk from Oil Can.
San Francisco. A little baby whale,
only sixteen feot long and of a palo
pink complexion, was tho causo of
much solicitude nnd sorrow on tho
part of tho captain of tho pilot-boat
Lady Mino.
At first Captain Pentland, on spying
tho queer object tlontlng on tho wa
ters off Meiggs wharf, thought It was
a boat turned turtle. On Hearing tho
object, however, ho discovered It to
bo u forlorn orphan whalotto and his
soft heart was moved to compassion.
Ho resolved to mother It, but how?
That waB a now experience in his
salty llfo, and li6 was stumped. Sud
denly ho bethought him of a quantity
of milk in his messroom. Tho enptalu
rushed below as one Inspired. There
wus tho milk, but whero was tho wUalo
bottlo? In vnln ho searched for an
appropriate vessel. Then hla eyes lit
on an oil can.
This ho seized, filled with milk and
hurried abaft Ho was doomed to
grievous disappointment. Tho waif of
tho ocean had disappeared. Tho cap
tain clapped loud and long, imitating
tho mother whale's endoarlng spout,
which ho had learned ob a child on
tho great arctic clrclo, but all In vain.
CHEYENNE, WYO. Tho Frontlor
Days' celebration, at which Col
onol Roosevelt was tho center of
attraction continued for several
days, nnd was tho most elaborate
and successful affair of the kind ever
held hero. Among tho thousands of
spectators were mnny tourists from
distnnt parts of tho country who
were attracted by the fame of
tho celebration. Frontier days is
a thoroughly American festival, tho
chief participants being cowboys and
cowgirls, Indians and others ropre
Bcntntlve of tho pioneer llfo of
tho west. Thoy all onter Into tho
spirit of tho occasion with tho ut
most enthusiasm, nnd tho races, rop
ing contests, riding of bucking bron
chos, wnr dances and other features
nro alwnys exciting and full of inter
est Among tho Indians hero wero
mnny well known chiefs, acompan
led by their squaws and children.
Colonel Roosevelt's visit had been
looked forward to with glco by thoso
peoplo of tho frontier, for thoy con
sider him ono of themselves, and many
of them arc personally acquainted with
him, while all of them admlro htm.
fairly good in the Pyronees Orlentales,
mediocre in tho Herault nnd the Qnrd,
nnd insigniflennt In tho Audo. Tho
mnrltlmo climate of Bordeaux has not
protected tho district Vino diseases
havo rnged thero, nnd only hnlf an
average vlntago Is oxpected."
Yield From Puget Sound and Fraser
River Will Total Two Hundred
Thousand Cases.
Seattle, Wash. Tho Bockoyo salm
on pack on Puget sound this year to
dato aggregato approximately 190,'
000 caBes. Packers say the pack Ib
practically complete, although they
point out that when all tho figures
aro In tho season's count will vory
likely touch 200,000 cases. This is
tho largest sockeyo salmon pack on
a "lean" year since 180J.
Reports received from Vancouver
tho other day wore to the effect that
tho pack of sockeyes on the Fraser
river has boon practically tho same
as on Puget sound, nnd thnt packers
thoro expect to havo 200,000 cases of
fish when everything Is counted.
Packers say that tho entire sea
son's pack of sockoyo salmon has al
roady been sold, subject to approval
of opening prices. Tho largest pack
of sockeyes on a "lean" year since
1902, when 339,556 cases wore packed
on tho sound, was In 1906, when the
pack aggregated 182,241 cases.
Tho whalotto had gono to tho donths
With tenrs In his eyes, sobs In his
throat nnd tho milk In tho can. Captal
Pentland was obliged to pilot tho Lady
Mine on her way.
Archbishop of Canterbury Preaches
on "Short Cut" Solutions of
Every Day Problems.
London. Tho archbishop of Cantor.
bury, prenchlng In Lambeth church,
said that though tho world Is hotter
than it was, tho present day fauItB
wero groat. Impatience and hurry
woro what ho thought we sufforod
from ovory day In evory department
of llfo. Peoplo woro striving for what,
In common talk, woro called "short
cuts" townrd solutions they wnnted
to reach. Anxious problems woro bo
Ing faced in a spirit which was surely
a now spirit nnd n danccrous one a
spirit of Impatlenco.
It wns wholesome, ho declnrod, to
bo hotly Intolerant of wrong, but In
toleranco or Impatience of wrong
would not UBunlly solvo great por
ploxltles. By Itself patience had the
foremost placo In any sustained of
fort to inoud theso things. Today's
temptation was opced rather thus
Need Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Brookflold, Mo. "Two years age 1
was unablo to do any kind of work asid
only weighed 118 pounds. My trouble
uaiea duck to iuu
tima that womon
may expect nature
to bring on them
tho Change, ov Llfo.
I got a bottlo of
Lydia E.PlLkham's
Vogotalle Com
pound od it mado
mo teal much better,
and 1 havo contin
ued its uso. I am
very grateful to you
for tho (rood health
I am now enjoying." -Mrs. Gakah
LousiONdKT, 414 S. Livingston Street,
Urookflold, Mo
Tho Chancro uf Llfo Is the most crlti
cal period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this timo invites
discaso and pain.
"Women overywhoro should remem
ber that there is no other remedy
known to medlcino that will bo suc
cessfully carry women through this
trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetablo Compound, xaado from na
tive roots and herbs.
For 80 years It has been curing wo
men from tho worst forms of femalo
ills inflammation, ulceration, dis
placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, poriodio pains, backache, and
nervous prostration.
If Ton wonlci likn fmnclnl advlco
pJbout your enso write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her ndvico is free,
and always helpful ,
A Shipping Error.
The young Duchess of Westminster,
wife of tho richest peer In England,
recently gavo birth to her third child,
a daughter. Thus thero is no holr to
the lmmoDBO Grosvenor fortune, Earl
Qrosvenor, tho duchess' second child
having died at ifengo of four.
Apropos of alfitlils, a rather cruet
story Is being told In Nowport about
Lady Ursula, Grosvenor, the eight-year-old
daughter of tho young
A friend, tho story goes, called at
Eaton Hall, and as she sat in th
drawing-room, little. Lady Ursula en
tered. "Oh, good afternoon," she Bald
gravely. "Mamma can't see any ono
today. She's upstairs with the new
baby. They sent her. you know, a girt
when sho'd ordered a boy, and sho'a
so upset that sho's Quito ill."
Talking to the Child.
"Mrs. X talks to little Made -
Just as Mr. X talks to- their dor."
said a llttlo girl of a neighboring fam
ily. And it was Indeed truo. Mrs.
X Is a very well-meaning womaa
and would bo greatly surprised If h
should hear the foregoing statement.
She has simply unconsciously acquired
a harsh tono of volco In dealing with
her children. This 1b altogether ut
necessary and is not, as many moth
ers seem to think, a mark of good dis
cipline. The mother whose manver Is
quiet but firm la generally a much
moro successful disciplinarian than
the harsh-voiced mother wlo issues
her commands in a dictatorial manner.
Kindness never spoils children. U la
flabby Indecision, sometimes mistakes
for kindness, which sp-II them.
When the Flth Exploded.
Somebody discovered that fish are
fond of gasoline, and this led to tht
Idea of soaking worms In gasoline In
order to make them moro alluring
when used for bait.
Mark the result.
Two of those gasollne-tempied fish
exploded in tho frying-pan, and brok
tho kitchen window, and blew tht
cook's faco full of mashed potato, and
hurled the teakettle Into the flour
barrel, and painted the kitchen celllna
with stowed tomatoes.
Call It a lying world and let it go at
This Is a
Good Breakfast!
Instead of preparing a
hot mealt have some fruit;
with cream;
A soft boiled egg;
Slice of crisp toast;
A cup of Postum,
Such a breakfast is pretty
sure to win you.
"The Memory Lingers"
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.
Battle Creek, Mich.
iu cuy lauiora consider.